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19 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I don’t know what I needed to know about less, Statler’s limitless diarrhea or the fact that it was caused by parasites.  Is she importing American parasites into the UK?

Gino and Jasmine reminded me of one of my favorite palindromes:  A man, a plan, a canal - Panama!

Tell me I was hallucinating and not really seeing Stat shitting on the toilet.  If I really did see that, Sharp wth is wrong with you??

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7 hours ago, goldensglitter said:

Tell me I was hallucinating and not really seeing Stat shitting on the toilet.  If I really did see that, Sharp wth is wrong with you??

Remember those wax lips you would get at the candy store as a kid? That's what Jasmine's lips reminds me of.

I can't believe that Riley is using his race as an excuse to be an ass.  NOW he's upset about her insulting him. Umm, were you not the couple who would flip the bird to the each other?  Her insulting him has nothing to do with his race. It has everything to do that these two just feed off being assholes to each other.

Private parts was the topic of interest last season. Sitting on the shitter is this season.  And kudos to the crew for having to film these with an open door and smell that god awful smell.  Statler spraying her ass with air freshener has to be a new one. Didn't she shower before going out?


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9 hours ago, greekmom said:

Remember those wax lips you would get at the candy store as a kid? That's what Jasmine's lips reminds me of.

I can't believe that Riley is using his race as an excuse to be an ass.  NOW he's upset about her insulting him. Umm, were you not the couple who would flip the bird to the each other?  Her insulting him has nothing to do with his race. It has everything to do that these two just feed off being assholes to each other.

Private parts was the topic of interest last season. Sitting on the shitter is this season.  And kudos to the crew for having to film these with an open door and smell that god awful smell.  Statler spraying her ass with air freshener has to be a new one. Didn't she shower before going out?


GeekMom you are awesome. Why we gotta see her spraying her ass? That shit was foul. Why we gotta see her taking a shit? That’s obviously that was diarrhea. Damn that shit smelled bad. I smelled that through the T.V. 


Nancy Kerrigan Voice. Why we gotta see her taking a shit???? Why????? Why???? Why we gotta see her blowing ass?????? 

  • LOL 6

Word of the day is AMBUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

damn Riley let me give the phone to you talk to my sister. She barely knows English. Let’s ask her why didn’t you delete the app? Way to fuck up the date. 


answer her. Riley is hilarious. He just starts talking shit to her to violet. 

Tyree the woman is a cam girl. The dude you are talking to. Catfished her and you and used her pictures and page. She has no idea who you are. Go to Brazil and get a new girl. 


Jasmine. This bitch is lying.


Nicola hates the bar and now it’s John Travoltta and he can’t stop dancing. Haha lol. 

Cleo she’s hot. Chris you tell her you wanted to buy random chicks drinks on the way to see her. How is she supposed to act? You fucked up more there then talking to the broads at the bar. 

Chris fucked up. He should’ve stayed at the first bar. If the girl you are with likes where you are chilling at why fuck up the vibe and change it up. 

only strike against Cleo be more friendly to those broads in the bar. They were being super cool and nice. You could’ve hung and had a drink. 

Chris sounded like a creep. Trying to buy random blondes drinks on the plane. It just sounded creepy. 

Dempsey is hot. She got ass. 

grear episode great episode. I was laughing my ass off. 😆😂😅

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6 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

damn Riley let me give the phone to you talk to my sister. She barely knows English. Let’s ask her why didn’t you delete the app? Way to fuck up the date. 

Tyree the woman is a cam girl. The dude you are talking to. Catfished her and you and used her pictures and page. She has no idea who you are. Go to Brazil and get a new girl. 


Jasmine. This bitch is lying.


Chris sounded like a creep. Trying to buy random blondes drinks on the plane. It just sounded creepy. 

That wasn't his sister, it was his spiritual advisor friend.  But it was messed up the way they both laid into her.  Violet's not the warmest person on this show, but that was cold.  I don't see this relationship working out.

Tyree is several crayons short of a full box, but I'm hopeful that he's finally putting together that the scammer and the escort are not the same person.  I'm hoping the show paid her for her time, otherwise, she may have a lawsuit pending.

Jasmine and Gino still feel pretty fake, but it's clear that she only sees her value as an object of sexual desire, and he doesn't.  I think that Australian guy is sick of her, and not knocking boots, but not for lack of trying on her part.

Chris just sounds like a life of the party guy, which is really tiring.  Cleo is more of a homegirl.  Again, I don't see them working out at all.  They're very different people, trans and autism issues aside.

  • Like 6

Gino finally got a spine! Jasmine is lying her ass off about Dane and I think Gino knows it.....I actually felt a little bit sorry for him. I think the only reason he is still sticking it out is for the TLC paycheck and the sunk cost fallacy. He is thinking about his age and the amount of time and cash he has already invested in this relationship and the fact that Jasmine is "hot" and he is wondering if he can forget this and move forward. He probably could if she wasn't always on his ass for more money, more sex, etc. 

Tyree is too dumb to live. I get that he doesn't want to face the fact that he was catfished. But dude, that is what happened. A random guy with a wifi connection and a smart phone in barbados, or maybe not, stole this chick's pics and used them to catfish you. It sadly happens daily and to a lot of people. Cry it out for a bit and move forward. His size aside, I am sure he could find someone, but as another person mentioned, he wants a supermodel. 

I luckily missed the Statler bathroom adventures. Happy that Dempsey is real and showed up. That was super awkward and makes me question Statler's claims to have been such a skank in the past. I just don't see how she has any game or even the confidence with a woman to suggest all the raunchy sex she claims to have had in the past. Based on the previews, I too would not be super comfy with staying at Chez Dempsey. It sort of reminded me of when Felon Geoffrey showed up and Vania's apartment was unfinished with dangling electrical wires that she just hadn't had time to fix. Dempsey hasn't had time to get plumbing hooked up? Guessing Statler decides maybe just a visit works fine, not setting up house for permanent. 

Christian, that story from the plane was super creepy. I can't imagine if I were alone on a transatlantic flight, or any flight really, and a random drunk passenger tried to sit down and chat me up while the rest of the plane is sleeping. I would have reported his ass too. Cleo seemed super awkward and uncomfortable just sitting and having a drink with him in that place and if she is being honest with how it made her feel, I feel sad for her. Because it wasn't like he took her to a nightclub and they were smooshed together on a dance floor. They had seats and their own space. Also chatting up random people on what is essentially your first date is just weird. My ex husband was like that too though, he just LOVED trying to talk to random people when we were out or on vacation. Yeah, these two aren't going to screw ever and good for Cleo to say that this may not be the kind of relationship she wants. 

Riley and Violet: dick move to put her on the phone with this "sister" and ambush her. Again, I think that he overestimates how much Violet understands in English and that she made need a min or two to gather her thoughts. I thought they both looked great for the rooftop date and I will say, Riley has been dropping cash on this trip in terms of where his staying and the places he takes her. Nice touch wearing his walmart pearls. 

Previews: David is rightly shocked by how Sheila and her family live. Either this will send him running for the hills or make him want to be her savior and get her TF out of there and back to the US ASAP. I think it is a great idea to hire the translator; sad to see that he is a little flirtatious with her and that sheila has a breakdown. 


Edited by Stuckathome
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1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

.  I think that Australian guy is sick of her, and not knocking boots, but not for lack of trying on her part.

We’re not attracted to each other at all but the sex is great.   Okay.

1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

he wants a supermodel. 

Which Carmela definitely is not lol.

1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

she just hadn't had time to fix

People find time for things that are important to them, like the comfort of their guests.

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

he overestimates how much Violet understands in English

I am surprised he understands her.  It’s not the accent as much as all the mispronunciations.

1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

I think it is a great idea to hire the translator; sad to see that he is a little flirtatious with her and that sheila has a breakdown. 

I didn’t see that in the preview.

13 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

So now "Carmella"'s boyfriend or husband is trying to break them up..... I CANNOT 😅 😂🤣💀☠️👻

To paraphrase Upton Sinclair: It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his entire self-image depends upon his not understanding it. Tyray does not understand that he was catfished because he does not wish to understand it.


2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Gino finally got a spine! Jasmine is lying her ass off about Dane and I think Gino knows it.....I actually felt a little bit sorry for him. I think the only reason he is still sticking it out is for the TLC paycheck and the sunk cost fallacy.

I luckily missed the Statler bathroom adventures. Happy that Dempsey is real and showed up. That was super awkward and makes me question Statler's claims to have been such a skank in the past. I just don't see how she has any game or even the confidence with a woman to suggest all the raunchy sex she claims to have had in the past.

Riley and Violet: dick move to put her on the phone with this "sister" and ambush her. Again, I think that he overestimates how much Violet understands in English...

Gino and Jasmine have zero chemistry and no longer trust each other (Jasmine never trusted Gino, but now Gino doesn't trust Jasmine either). There's no future here unless, as you said, they're strictly staying together for future TLC $$$.

Statler reminds me of Fart Jar Stephanie in another way: Like most people (man or woman) who claim to be alpha sluts, they both have no game and are total prudes in person.

As for Riley and Violet: When the wife and I ate at an unofficial El Torito in Tijuana. Mexico years ago, the server was a very nice lady whose English was exceptional as long as you talked about restaurant stuff: food and drinks and whatnot. The minute we asked her a question not related to food (such as places around Tijuana to visit), she gamely tried to follow along but obviously had no idea what we were saying. She'd only learned a little bit of English, but compensated by learning that little bit very well. Violet could be the same way: Fluent in only a narrow range of English topics and grammar. Anything outside that and she falters.

Christian was being a total dick, but Cleo relies on her "I have autism!" shtick way too often. I speak from personal experience here, as me, both my parents and my daughter all have it to some degree: It's a legitimate neurological condition, but to use it as a "Get Out of Jail Free" card is gross and inappropriate. My late mother was the same way: Socially awkward her entire life, she was told she had mild autism in her 60s and immediately used that as an excuse for everything going forward. I'd politely tell her that a Marie Callender's at noon on a Saturday is not a good place or time to launch into discussion of the fertilizing properties of steer manure vs. chicken manure, and she'd look at me with a hurt expression and say "But it was the Asperger's!" No mom, it wasn't. I have it too, and could easily tell by the dirty looks from the tables around us that a bunch of total strangers didn't want to hear about this topic while enjoying their pepper steak.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Except for David and Sheila, the couples all look like dumpster fires of varying temperatures.

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8 minutes ago, Kath94 said:

I want to know why Statler was so freaked out about the bathroom being so close to the bedroom.  It's a hotel.  The other option is to have a shared toilet down the hall!

An American hotel would have a closet, maybe a sink, tv, desk, etc between the toilet and the bed.  It was *right there*.  I can understand how that may not feel romantic.

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5 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

An American hotel would have a closet, maybe a sink, tv, desk, etc between the toilet and the bed.  It was *right there*.  I can understand how that may not feel romantic.

Most are modern & not buildings that were built over 100 years ago & then converted into a hotel. I'm sure 5 minutes on the internet would have been a help to her but maybe she was busy having all that sex she mentions & didn't have time to do that. 

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5 minutes ago, Quof said:

I've stayed in a lot of American hotels where that was not the case.  

I have never been in a hotel where you could see the toilet from the head of the bed in over 40 years or so of personal and business travel.  I'm sure they exist, but even the cheapest of hotels I've stayed at had some separation between the bed and the bathroom.

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

I have never been in a hotel where you could see the toilet from the head of the bed in over 40 years or so of personal and business travel.  I'm sure they exist, but even the cheapest of hotels I've stayed at had some separation between the bed and the bathroom.

Well, there was a door to the bathroom. Which Statler politely semi-shut for us while she was having uncontrolled diarrhea in front of the camera crew.

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Christian is CLEARLY an alcoholic. Being cut off while on a flight isn't "a funny story," it's a red fucking flag. I also got the distinct impression that the girls he sat with and started chatting up on the plane are who told the flight attendant to cut Christian off. I bet they were just trying to be polite and he took that as a green light to keep bothering them. Just like the group of people at the bar that he engaged by saying, "Are you guys celebrating something?" like he was their waiter trying to upsell some top shelf booze to the table. On the flip side, I get the impression Cleo uses her autism as an excuse to try to get out of situations she's unhappy in, like at that bar. It was obvious she was pissed that Christian was paying more attention to the table behind them than he was to her, so she decided her autism was flaring up and she needed them to leave. Christian seems aware that his alcohol consumption is alarming to people; he tried to diffuse it by saying he was just going to "go to town" on his drink, so as to prevent Cleo from being horrified, but all that did was draw attention to the fact that he was going to start chugging his cocktail.

How is it possible that Meisha & Nicola have been talking for 7 years, but never brought up 99% of what they're arguing about now? It seems inconceivable that she never once mentioned that she drinks or smokes her supposed one annual cigarette. And his prudish dud side must've surfaced before - how are these new issues?

What was the point of including Waldorf's travel diarrhea in the narrative? And then she just casually mentions that the doctor told her she has a parasite?? That seems like there's a story behind it. And that story is very likely more interesting than watching Dempsey and Waldorf giggle goofily at each other.  Actually, now that I think of it, I'd probably prefer to see the story of how Muppetname and her parasite got together. 

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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2 hours ago, anoninrva said:

I have never been in a hotel where you could see the toilet from the head of the bed in over 40 years or so of personal and business travel.  I'm sure they exist, but even the cheapest of hotels I've stayed at had some separation between the bed and the bathroom.

I’ve been in at least two:  one in NYC and one in Paris. Teeny, tiny rooms but in great locations.

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12 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

uses her autism as an excuse to try to get out of situations she's unhappy in

Don’t cats knock things over in the middle of the night?  I would think that would be startling to her if she is as sensitive to stimuli as she claims.

14 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

And that story is very likely more interesting than watching Dempsey and Waldorf giggle goofily at each other. 

“You’re awkward.”  “No, you’re awkward.”

  • LOL 3
26 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

What was the point of including Waldorf's travel diarrhea in the narrative? And then she just casually mentions that the doctor told her she has a parasite?? That seems like there's a story behind it.

It's the same reason they're still introducing couples halfway through the season. Most of these matches were busts that didn't last past the first in-person meeting, but TLC still has 15 (give or take) episodes to fill.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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There is no way the relationship between Chloe and Chris is going to work out. Chris is 30 but hasn't progressed any since high school. Party-boy, grow up and act your age. He was an embarrassment, hitting up the table next to them in the bar like he did. He's a one-note dud who doesn't "come alive" until he is drinking and partying. When he's alone with Chloe, he just sits there with his cold dead heart.

Chloe, you are WAYYY too good for this guy. I feel bad for you for getting your hopes up and then finding out who Chris really is, and that is a drunken party-boy.

Nicola also reads dead inside. He's another one that doesn't seem to make any effort in the relationship, acting like they are a very old married couple that has zero spark between them. Meisha is realizing who Nicola REALLY is and before long it'll be bye-bye Nikki.

Edited by Breedom
Changed "an" to "a"
  • Like 11
On 7/15/2023 at 6:50 AM, greekmom said:

Statler spraying her ass with air freshener has to be a new one. Didn't she shower before going out?


It was actually perfume.  I recognized the bottle because it's one of my favorites, Good Girl by Carolina Herrera.  It might be hard to imagine, but I think it smells like a combination of Shalimar and White Shoulders.

Although I don't know whether to compliment Statler on her good taste in fragrance, as she might only like it because of the stupid bottle that's shaped like a stiletto heel.  (I like it despite that, not because of it).

I'm wondering whether Statler and Dempsey got the idea for their stage names from the middle of a prize fight card:

"Here comes Dempsey with the right hook and down goes Statler!"

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6 hours ago, Breedom said:

There is no way the relationship between Chloe and Chris is going to work out. Chris is 30 but hasn't progressed any since high school. Party-boy, grow up and act your age. He was an embarrassment, hitting up the table next to them in the bar like he did. He's a one-note dud who doesn't "come alive" until he is drinking and partying. When he's alone with Chloe, he just sits there with his cold heart.

Chloe, you are WAYYY too good for this guy. I feel bad for you for getting your hopes up and then finding out who Chris really is, and that is an drunken party-boy.

Nicola also reads dead inside. He's another one that doesn't seem to make any effort in the relationship, acting like they are a very old married couple that has zero spark between them. Meisha is realizing who Nicola REALLY is and before long it'll be bye-bye Nikki.

Breedom once again brining the fire. Chris seems to me to have something weird going on about Cleo like when he talked about making out with a guy in College. That has nothing to do with him being with a trans woman. 

Cleo is too good for him. Smart well read nice apartment. Why is he so cruel to the cats???? Like any sine of affection he doesn’t want to do. Like any way they might look like a couple doing couple shit. He just gets around it right away. And refuses to do it. 

I like when Chloe said you weren’t fucking the first night. 

why leave that nice setting dinner on the water overlooking that view. For a smelly bar????? Chris what an idiot. 


  • Like 4
20 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Gino finally got a spine! Jasmine is lying her ass off about Dane and I think Gino knows it.....I actually felt a little bit sorry for him. I think the only reason he is still sticking it out is for the TLC paycheck and the sunk cost fallacy. He is thinking about his age and the amount of time and cash he has already invested in this relationship and the fact that Jasmine is "hot" and he is wondering if he can forget this and move forward. He probably could if she wasn't always on his ass for more money, more sex, etc. 

Tyree is too dumb to live. I get that he doesn't want to face the fact that he was catfished. But dude, that is what happened. A random guy with a wifi connection and a smart phone in barbados, or maybe not, stole this chick's pics and used them to catfish you. It sadly happens daily and to a lot of people. Cry it out for a bit and move forward. His size aside, I am sure he could find someone, but as another person mentioned, he wants a supermodel. 

I luckily missed the Statler bathroom adventures. Happy that Dempsey is real and showed up. That was super awkward and makes me question Statler's claims to have been such a skank in the past. I just don't see how she has any game or even the confidence with a woman to suggest all the raunchy sex she claims to have had in the past. Based on the previews, I too would not be super comfy with staying at Chez Dempsey. It sort of reminded me of when Felon Geoffrey showed up and Vania's apartment was unfinished with dangling electrical wires that she just hadn't had time to fix. Dempsey hasn't had time to get plumbing hooked up? Guessing Statler decides maybe just a visit works fine, not setting up house for permanent. 

Christian, that story from the plane was super creepy. I can't imagine if I were alone on a transatlantic flight, or any flight really, and a random drunk passenger tried to sit down and chat me up while the rest of the plane is sleeping. I would have reported his ass too. Cleo seemed super awkward and uncomfortable just sitting and having a drink with him in that place and if she is being honest with how it made her feel, I feel sad for her. Because it wasn't like he took her to a nightclub and they were smooshed together on a dance floor. They had seats and their own space. Also chatting up random people on what is essentially your first date is just weird. My ex husband was like that too though, he just LOVED trying to talk to random people when we were out or on vacation. Yeah, these two aren't going to screw ever and good for Cleo to say that this may not be the kind of relationship she wants. 

Riley and Violet: dick move to put her on the phone with this "sister" and ambush her. Again, I think that he overestimates how much Violet understands in English and that she made need a min or two to gather her thoughts. I thought they both looked great for the rooftop date and I will say, Riley has been dropping cash on this trip in terms of where his staying and the places he takes her. Nice touch wearing his walmart pearls. 

Previews: David is rightly shocked by how Sheila and her family live. Either this will send him running for the hills or make him want to be her savior and get her TF out of there and back to the US ASAP. I think it is a great idea to hire the translator; sad to see that he is a little flirtatious with her and that sheila has a breakdown. 


David judging her about her house not bring clean. The same dude that won’t wash his ass before sex and won’t wash his hands after pissing and eating finger food. 

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4 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

her house not bring clean

We haven't seen the full scene, but I don't know that it is judgment really, more shock. Shock that anyone could live in these conditions. I am surprised at how clean and well put together Sheila looked even in her earlier scenes before he arrived, given that her shower is a bucket with a cup in the hallway. That plus the oppressive heat and humidity, I don't know how anyone ever could feel clean. I don't think he is judging the cleanliness of the home, just sad and shocked at the dilapidated state of it all. No plumbing, no roof, missing walls in sections. I would be shocked too and not able to stay there either. Maybe one night to be polite. 

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10 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

David judging her about her house not bring clean. The same dude that won’t wash his ass before sex and won’t wash his hands after pissing and eating finger food. 

In fairness to David, where was he supposed to wash his hands after peeing in the alley? I don’t think he had a sink available to him. We have no way of knowing whether that was the first thing he did on arrival to the hotel room or not.

Granted we have only seen the preview clip, but I don’t think David was judging her either. I think he was stunned that people live the way she does… and it’s routine for them. I visited a very poor, Central American country one time and I was totally unprepared for the different standards of hygiene. It was not uncommon for us to visit a “nice” restaurant that you had to flush the toilet with a bucket of water. Sometimes people from the US don’t realize how dramatically different life can be elsewhere.

  • Like 9

Chris likes to be in situations that make him comfortable. The bar was just a clown show. 

I would’ve advised Cleo to stay. That was a safe space with those women there. 

Tyre just gives so much comedy. The private investigator I was laughing my ass off. He looked like a wise guy. The look on his face when she started talking. Where’s the cheesy 70’s porn music. 

and his sister was like what the fuck did I walk into? 

Carmela is enjoying the exposure. She has to give TLC permission to use her face and picture. 

im pretty sure she has an only fans. 


16 minutes ago, Breedom said:

Well said!

He gives bitter beer face a new meaning. 

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