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OLTL Outside Llanview: The Cast In Other Roles

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I'm finally watching Parks and Rec on Netflix, and I just saw the episode with Tuc Watkins. It would have aired right around the time OLTL left ABC. He plays a guy who was a local basketball hero in high school, but I can't help it--almost all I saw was a sedated David Vickers. It felt so odd after being so used to him playing someone so over the top and goofy. Yeah, I know, he wasn't supposed to be that way on Hulu, but I never saw much of that version of OLTL, so it just felt weird to me. 

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

What's the peanut butter thing? To be honest I don't remember anything about Hulu OLTL.

Matthew had a fantasy/daydream of Dani "sexily" licking peanut butter off her fingers.

You know, I mostly liked the young crowd of Jeffrey/Destiny/Matthew/Dani, but they were on SO MUCH. I resented that there seemed so little Natalie screentime in comparison. Those things probably had nothing to do with one another, but with what felt like multiple episodes of little else but Matthew and Dani lusting for each other, the difference felt glaring. In retrospect, it was probably more a pacing problem than anything else.

Edited by Melgaypet
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Yeah, that quad was on a tad too much, especially Matthew and Dani.  But overall I thought they were great - I liked the friendships, I liked the various pairings, and they were messy and horny and acted like real twenty-somethings, unlike Starr sitting around her mom's club drinking milk.

That's not why Natalie's screen time was squelched, though, it's because they had they throw out the story they had for her at the last minute when ABC wouldn't let Michael Easton guest.

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13 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, that quad was on a tad too much, especially Matthew and Dani.  But overall I thought they were great - I liked the friendships, I liked the various pairings, and they were messy and horny and acted like real twenty-somethings, unlike Starr sitting around her mom's club drinking milk.

That's not why Natalie's screen time was squelched, though, it's because they had they throw out the story they had for her at the last minute when ABC wouldn't let Michael Easton guest.

*backs away slowly*

Man, I just turned 30 in February, and I did everything WRONG. LOL I'm not a mom, though. But I do love milk more than an adult should. But I am very shy/not a big partier type, hence the reason why I'm not sure if I was a "real" enough twenty something. Oh well.  🙂 

I've said this before, but Kelley Missal looks JUST like Allison Williams. If Marnie on Girls hadn't been an only child, she would have been PERFECT as her younger sister. 

Edited by UYI
9 hours ago, UYI said:

*backs away slowly*

Man, I just turned 30 in February, and I did everything WRONG. LOL I'm not a mom, though. But I do love milk more than an adult should. But I am very shy/not a big partier type, hence the reason why I'm not sure if I was a "real" enough twenty something. Oh well.  🙂 

I mean, obviously, Dani et al. are twenty-somethings on a soap so their messy, horny antics are a little more oversized lol.  But when you compare them, this quad made Starr's Quad of Boredom on ABC look so sanitized and Disney Channel.

Edited by TeeVee329
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On ‎4‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 8:31 AM, Sake614 said:

Erika Slezak is guest-starring on the May 3 episode of Blue Bloods.

I watched this.  I don't watch the series, dumped it long ago, but my husband still PVRs it and he recognized her.  She was amazing, of course, but it was unclear to me if she will be a recurring character as a love interest for Len Cariou's character. Otherwise, the storyline just kind of stood out like a sore thumb, with no purpose.  But it was great to see her.


The indie movie Scott Evans (Oliver Fish) was filming last summer with Kate "Addison Montgomery" Walsh, "Sell By", is having its premiere at a film festival next week.  It's described as a romantic comedy about a couple (played by Scott and Augustus Prew, who I recognized from the "Prison Break" revival a few years ago) who reexamine their relationship after five years.


Edited by TeeVee329
3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:


Me: I am so glad you asked what Kassie DePaiva's up to on "Days of our Lives".  They ridiculously made Eve the freakin' police commissioner, and she's slapping the shit out of someone because KDP has soap in her blood ya'll.

The guy she slapped is serial killer Ben, now a hero on the show (yeah, it's complicated), who murdered her daughter.

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I actually thought Ron did a better job with the initial beats of Ben's redemption than he ever did with Franco, but now it's the usual "Poor Ben, why won't people just shut up about his past!" and "Poor Ben, he's been framed for a crime he didn't commit!" stuff.  Ben lost me for good when he violently kidnapped Queen Gabi and handed her over to a dude who wanted to do her harm because it was his job.

Edited by TeeVee329
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There’s something glorious about that promo. I just love KDP.

I haven’t watched in a while but I did watch Eve's first confrontation with Ben after he got out of prison and it was disgusting. The writing was so skewed in Ben’s favor (it started with Eve mistaking Ben for a random homeless man and abusing the “stranger” because remember Eve is bad and Ben is put-upon). I don’t mind the show redeeming Ben or coupling him up with Ciara. But he strangled Paige on the floor of a dormitory  shower. Eve should be allowed to slap him every damn day for the rest of their lives. 

Edited by Panopticon

I will say, though, I'm enjoying Eve much more as a flat-out villain.  They tried making her more of a heroine when she was with Brady last year and it just didn't work.  She still did awful things - like try to take her sister's kid away from her - but we were supposed to feel bad for her.  Not.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I never, ever thought I'd see KDP playing a police commissioner lol.

The story turn is ludicrous and the audience is rightfully furious about it, but I'm glad she's having fun.

Also, I said this in the other thread and didn't know it was here, but AFAIC since Nora did not mention a last name nor gender for her paralegal it was not Dani. The Dani I loved on OLTL 2.0 who practically carried the entire show was not ready to be an upright citizen, and was not about the law!

Edited by jsbt

Also, I said this in the other thread and didn't know it was here, but AFAIC since Nora did not mention a last name nor gender for her paralegal it was not Dani. The Dani I loved on OLTL 2.0 who practically carried the entire show was not ready to be an upright citizen, and was not about the law!

Nearly 6 years have passed since we saw Hurricane Dani.  I can definitely see her spending a few years spiraling and then getting her act together and realizing that she wanted to work with the law.  Although, I'd imagine that she'd be a more natural fit as a PI.

23 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I will say, though, I'm enjoying Eve much more as a flat-out villain.  They tried making her more of a heroine when she was with Brady last year and it just didn't work.  She still did awful things - like try to take her sister's kid away from her - but we were supposed to feel bad for her.  Not.

LOL, this may be one of the reasons I don't watch Days anymore, because I DID watch the Brady/Eve story and I never saw Eve trying to take her sister's kid away. What I saw was:

  • Eve desperately trying to get in touch with Theresa when she became involved with Brady (obviously not Theresa's fault she couldn't answer).
  • Eve stepping back when Theresa  returned and demanded it so Theresa/Tate/Brady could be a family.
  • Eve changing her mind about stepping back when she realized that Theresa had thrown Chloe to the wolves, sabotaged John and Paul's rescue mission in a way that could have gotten them killed, and blackmailed Brady all within 48 hours of returning.
  • Eve never, at any point, trying to get Tate to call her mommy or disparaging Theresa to Tate.
  • Theresa repeatedly refusing Brady's attempts at joint custody but promising Brady limited visitation "eventually" and explicitly telling Brady that this was punishment for rejecting her in favor of Eve.
  • And yes, at the end, Eve telling Victor to fix it not knowing (though she should have) that Victor would "fix it" by having drugs planted so that Brady would win the custody fight neither he nor Eve ever wanted.
  • Oh yeah, and when Theresa left town she was suddenly fine with leaving Tate with Brady and Eve. Brady told Theresa to take Tate and then proceeded to rail about Eve being the reason he lost his son.

I liked anti-heroine Eve. My problem with that story was that at the end she was supposed to be the villain and I’d seen virtually no villainy.

Edited by Panopticon
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Eve basically laughed off the fact Teresa had been forced into sex slavery, that painted her as pretty villainous in my book.  And she did side with Brady against her sister and went to Victor to facilitate that.

I think part of the problem was that Eve and Brady were a horrible, smug couple that was impossible to root for.


Edited by TeeVee329
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In advance of his indie movie "Sell By" premiering last night at the Inside Out film festival in Toronto, Scott Evans (Oliver Fish) was out doing some local Canadian press.  Here's him on a morning show with co-star Augustus Prew talking about LGBTQ characters in film:

And here's him telling a cute story on himself on what appears to be a Canadian talk show in the style of "The View":

Edited by TeeVee329
1 hour ago, Melgaypet said:

I didn't read the linked article so to avoid spoilers, but I'm guessing just from that pic that Saum plays a villain. That's cool, I liked Bad Keri. She still looks ridiculously gorgeous.

Oops about potential spoilers.  I edited my post a little.

I never liked Antonio but loved RJ, so I always had mixed feelings about Keri.  It was a weird time period in OLTL.  Still, it looks like the Golden Age compared to what we get now on other shows. 


In my unofficial role as a publicist for Scott Evans' (Oliver Fish) indie movie "Sell By", here's the first full clip from the film on Deadline, featuring Scott and Kate Walsh of "Grey's Anatomy":


IMO they have nice friend-istry.  Also, I daydreamed for a minute that Kate Walsh was a recast Natalie talking to Fish who maybe learned how to paint from Cristian.  Oh I still miss my Llanview friends.

Edited by TeeVee329
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2 hours ago, drtslim said:

Mark Lawson just appeared on GH as Lulu's latest date for her story latest story as an InstaInvestigative Reporter.  It's looking like he may make another appearance.

I saw that. I was like, “Wait! Is that.......?” He looked good. In fact, I thought he’d make a good Drew replacement if Billy Miller had left. Maybe, they had him on the back burner and Billy Miller stayed and gave him a new role. Just a thought.

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3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I saw that. I was like, “Wait! Is that.......?” He looked good. In fact, I thought he’d make a good Drew replacement if Billy Miller had left. Maybe, they had him on the back burner and Billy Miller stayed and gave him a new role. Just a thought.

It is crazy how he has not aged, at all!  Does anyone know if he is here to stay?  I hope so 😍

17 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I saw that. I was like, “Wait! Is that.......?” He looked good. In fact, I thought he’d make a good Drew replacement if Billy Miller had left. Maybe, they had him on the back burner and Billy Miller stayed and gave him a new role. Just a thought.

I've thought for awhile that he would've made a decent Lucky recast as well; but TPTB seem reluctant to recast that role.

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Sigh. Brody. I miss him. Even though I know that if OLTL was still airing it would have been revealed this summer that he molested now-teenage Bree, resulting in her alters Camembert (who is having an affair with Antonio), Gorgonzola (dating Sam Manning even though they’re pretty sure they’re related), and Gouda (who wears glasses and has trained her horse to write articles for the Banner).

  • LOL 3

So I've been binging Black Lightning (which is good, btw) and I've found the character of Anissa a) awesome, and b) vaguely familiar. I couldn't figure out where I knew her from, then a friend of mine mentioned that she was Jade from Twin Peaks and I realized that she is Why is Deanna! Her acting has greatly improved.

Another OLTL alum with a prominent role in the second season is Dr. Vivian Wright, Shaun's girlfriend. It took me a bit to recognize her, her character is extremely different from Vivian.


Speaking of CW superhero shows, it was announced today that Brandon Routh (Seth Anderson), who currently stars on "Legends of Tomorrow", will also be reprising the role of Superman in the upcoming crossover, having, of course, played the character in 2006's "Superman Returns".

It reminded me again how it always goes back to Seth for me and Routh.  It's not like he was great or the character was great, but that first Natalie/Jessica baby swap story was my real first foray into soaps and I loved it because the tropes were new.  "Oh, so he's a nice guy who likes Jessica, but oooh, he's actually in bed with bad girl Natalie who's targeting Jessica, but aw, he actually does have feeling for Jess."  Also, the recast was t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e.

Edited by TeeVee329

More from Scott Evans' (Oliver Fish) unofficial publicist.  Here's a nice article about his indie "Sell By" on HuffPost, which revealed some plot tidbits I didn't know - turns out Kate Walsh is actually playing his sister!


And, per his agent on Twitter, he just got "an offer to star in a cool project for Hulu."  Nothing in Hulu's upcoming slate jumped out at me, though it would be kinda fun if he got cast on "Runaways" or one of the other Marvel live action shows Hulu is developing.  Or maybe he's doing one of those Blumhouse anthology mini-movies, that'd be neat.

Edited by TeeVee329

Are you sick of me posting stuff about Scott Evans (Oliver Fish) yet lol?  Well too bad!

And this is a real good one, and real relevant to this thread's interests.  He did a great interview on the podcast "Homophilia", which, to date myself, is co-hosted by Dave Holmes, who I remember from when he lost that first "Wanna Be a VJ" competition on MTV to Jesse Camp.  Anyway, here's the link:


I thought he'd be talking about his movie, but it's actually just a wide-ranging conversation about his professional and personal life, which was fun to listen to as a fan. 

And he talks a fair bit about "One Life to Live" (it's clear Holmes was an ABC Soaps kid) - filming the NYE sex scene, working with people like Robin Strasser and Erika Slezak, turning down a contract, the whole Patricia Mauceri thing, etc.  And did I squee when he talked about still being friends with Brett and told the story about their Father's Day tradition?  You bet I did!

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13 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Are you sick of me posting stuff about Scott Evans (Oliver Fish) yet lol?  Well too bad!

I actually wanted to apologize to you, because I felt really bad after I posted about how long it's been since Fiona Hutchison was active on social media/in acting. I felt like I killed the mood for awhile in this thread--some of the activity here died down a bit afterwards, and I felt responsible--and I just looked really selfish and whiny.

I need to learn to like the right actors and characters, lol. 🙂 

Edited by UYI

Oh @UYI, you shouldn't feel bad at all, things just naturally ebb and flow around these parts based on what our alums are up to.  And I was worried I was flooding the thread with too much Scott Evans, but there's been a lot because of this movie.  And the podcast interview in the last post was too good not to post; it was very cool, coming up on ten years since the Kish storyline played out, hearing him talk about it.

I do have a tidbit about another alum.  I don't watch the show, but apparently Mark Lawson (Brody Lovett) was on "Animal Kingdom" last week.  Given how we all kinda felt for him after he tweeted after the Geoffrey Owens thing that he hadn't had an acting gig in years, between this and his seemingly recurring gig on "General Hospital", it's nice to see he's broken back through.

Edited by TeeVee329
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