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S08.E10: The Letter "L"

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L stands for ludicrous,


but it's the letter "W"

that gets booted from the dragalphabet this week as production shenanigans take out the heart of the season. Meanwhile, Kandy ironically (or is that predictably?) fails to win a bodysuit minichallenge weirdly disconnected from the product it is supposedly celebrating. Couldn't they get anyone from Gaultier to attend? Really?.

Meanwhile, the queens participate in a makeover challenge, a prospect that seems to underwhelm both guests and contestants, and Jimbo explains the Tao of Clown.  Despite last week's shady previews, all of the guests are pretty game for the event in the end, and all of the queens do well.

During the lipsynch, Priyanka skips and dances around her competitor, ultimately finding success despite a messy split. On to All Winners 2, Priyanka!

Next week: it's an hour-long Salutatorian Celebration for


Jessica Wild

as the Fame Games take center stage. Right? RIGHT?

Edited by davidcalgary29
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Loved Kandy basically saying she did the same thing to Alexis that Alexis did to LaLa.

Kandy got a big boost from her lesbian sister this week. I'd say Kookie earned this win.

It was so great to see Priyanka. And yes, bitch she did slay that lipsync, thank you very much.

I was shocked that Kandy didn't get rid of Jimbo. Yes Jessica is competition too, but clearly Jimbo is the biggest threat. Kandy does not strike me as a "I want to beat the best" kind of girl, so I do wonder what she was thinking. Maybe she really does honour her (openly acknowledged) alliances after all.

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43 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Loved Kandy basically saying she did the same thing to Alexis that Alexis did to LaLa.

Kandy got a big boost from her lesbian sister this week. I'd say Kookie earned this win.

It was so great to see Priyanka. And yes, bitch she did slay that lipsync, thank you very much.

I was shocked that Kandy didn't get rid of Jimbo. Yes Jessica is competition too, but clearly Jimbo is the biggest threat. Kandy does not strike me as a "I want to beat the best" kind of girl, so I do wonder what she was thinking. Maybe she really does honour her (openly acknowledged) alliances after all.

I think it was the best move for her. We all know that social media picks the winner these days, and Kandy would lose (badly) in a head-to-head battle with Jessica, who is universally adored. Lots of people aren't fans of Jimbo's drag, though, or don't want to see a foreign All Stars winner, so she's got an outside shot at a win against Jimbo. Who she could also beat in a lipsynch. Saving Jimbo will also endear her to many viewers who might have expected a more cutthroat and/or scatterbrained approach, a la Alexis.

Everyone upset at today's elimination should also note that this move is


Jessica's best shot at giving her some serious cash, as there's no way she won't win The Fame Games with her massive audience support

The actual runner-up of this season will, on the other hand, walk away with nothing (unless they got some cash on the side just for competing).

EDIT: I guess I don't have to conceal the episode outcome in a spoiler tag anymore...but now I can't remove it. Oops!

Edited by davidcalgary29
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By the end of the episode, I was shaking my head from side-to-side saying "Don't do it, Kandy...!! Don't do it...."

At first I was surprised she chose to keep frontrunner Jimbo, but then I realized its smart because A) she honors her alliance which avoids getting her in trouble with fans and B) If there's a lipsynch showdown, she can easily beat Jimbo.

....but voila! There's a talent show finale instead! So Jimbo now stands a good chance of looking good at the crucial moment and getting crowned winner.

It's an interesting reversal, and one that suggests the production knew the only way to justify a Jimbo win would be to do an open-ended talent show.

I hope he wins, but it hasn't been my favorite season. I'm happy for Jessica and Jaymes, who both got some great exposure, but all the drama conjured up by Alexis and Kandy was a turnoff. Heidi should have stayed and won a bit. And really, Jimbo should have learned a few decent lipsynch tricks by now. This is his third season!

Priyanka was a bit messy in the lipsynch. Such a weird winner for Canada DR S1.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I wish I could say I didn't see this B.S. coming; and of course it would be in the super-arbitrary family resemblance challenges which I am so sick of seeing.  Jessica should have won this, she gave the best family resemblance from the neck up, Kandy didn't, aside from the cheap matching dresses, there was no family resemblance. Other queens have been put in the bottom and eliminated solely because of different colored wigs; this challenge is basically a wild card for the producers.

And Jessica absolutely deserved to go all the way; she's been a revelation from the first episode; I'm so glad we finally got to revisit her, and I hope both she and Tatiana will resurface in a future AS/Vs the World Season. Having the bottom queens pull lipsticks just shows how much of a joke having to eliminate anyone at this stage is.  There should have been a top 3.  Jessica will surely win the fame games now though?

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4 hours ago, davidcalgary29 said:

The actual runner-up of this season will, on the other hand, walk away with nothing (unless they got some cash on the side just for competing).

Jessica has won 35 K, from her first place and then the rolled on money in the lip sync against Raja.

I really hope she does win the Fame Games now. That would be 95 K, a good second place prize.

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My pet theory for a while has been that Ru (a Scorpio) will never crown another Scorpio on a season of American drag race but now he has no other option. Hmm.

Missed opportunity for a "Kandy Musk" scent.

Imo it was boring that the queens all mostly had their designated twin outfits and a name ready to go. I get they didn't really give them time to do the challenge in an interesting way, but it is not entertaining to me for Kandy to dictate what drag her daughter is going to do and pretending (badly) like she's not doing exactly that. I know they've been doing that for the last several seasons, but it was extra transparent to me this time. "What name goes with Kandy??? Cookie???? I know, we could spell it with a K!!!!!"

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8 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

There's a talent show finale instead! So Jimbo now stands a good chance of looking good at the crucial moment and getting crowned winner.

I think the talent show is for the Fame Games. Next week's episode is called The Fame Games Variety Extravaganza. And then the week after is the actual finale, so presumably a lip sync battle for Jimbo and Kandy there.

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The only consolation I got from this episode is that Jessica can now walk away with $60,000 as the winner of the Fame Games* (not to mention the other cash prizes she has won this season), and hopefully Jimbo will win the crown.  I think it was so unfair to put the make over challenge at the very end, when so much of that challenge depends on the partner you end up with.  All the partners were wonderful individuals, but there are other considerations, such as whether one has an outfit that fits them or their aesthetic.  The final two should not be determined by a challenge with so many variables that the queens have no control over.

* This is my prediction- obviously not a spoiler.

Edited by SemiCharmedLife
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Ain't that some shit. Giving the win to Kandy to guarantee her in the final two (which is more shit since other seasons have had a final three). I did not care for her family drag look, both outfits looked cheap. 

It was so great to see Priyanka again, I loved her on her DR season.

I'm hoping next episode is Jessica, queen of our hearts, claiming the Fame Games. I know Heidi isn't eligible so we won't see her at all next week? 

I'm still bracing for Ru to crown her favorite if Jimbo stumbles during the final lip sync (I want to be wrong!). I cringe at DR following up recently crowning the fantastic Sasha Colby, the icon, polished, intelligent, funny, talented, with Kandy. Talk about a whomp whomp. 

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2 hours ago, Kaboom 2.0 said:


I'm still bracing for Ru to crown her favorite if Jimbo stumbles during the final lip sync (I want to be wrong!). I cringe at DR following up recently crowning the fantastic Sasha Colby, the icon, polished, intelligent, funny, talented, with Kandy. Talk about a whomp whomp. 

I guess Ru would get just desserts if Kandy were crowned, after sending home more talented and polished queens week after week. That would be a travesty, much like the rest of the season.

I can see Kandy falling to the floor and rolling around to the final lipsync, as per her usual.  Maybe it will be too much of the same ol', same ol' and Jimbo will win.  Though the judges seem to love repitition....when it comes to K.M.

I wish Heidi could be included in the Fame Games.  She really had a glow up this year and is one of the most popular queens.  


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On 7/7/2023 at 8:50 PM, Starchild said:

I was shocked that Kandy didn't get rid of Jimbo. Yes Jessica is competition too, but clearly Jimbo is the biggest threat.

I know this can't be true, but I swear ru told Kandy "if you get rid of my favorite Jimbo, that will be the end of you, my pretty!!!!" And cackled. 

I love Jimbo and think he's the winner forever but Kandy would have totally gotten rid of him! 

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On 7/9/2023 at 2:12 PM, Adeejay said:

This season is so blatantly rigged that I’ve stopped watching. They must really believe that viewers are stupid. However, I will continue to read the comments. 

In fairness, all seasons of this show are blatantly rigged. Poor editing and writing choices this season have, however, amplified and illuminated production shenanigans to a degree that the viewers rarely see. 

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2 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

I know this can't be true, but I swear ru told Kandy "if you get rid of my favorite Jimbo, that will be the end of you, my pretty!!!!" And cackled. 

I love Jimbo and think he's the winner forever but Kandy would have totally gotten rid of him! 

My conspiracy theory is that there was totally producer involvement in Kandy's vote! 

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is what I’ve said every week and will now have to end the season with. I have been hoping for a Jimbo/ Jessica finale for several weeks— that would have been fun and also very well deserved. I really love both of them.

The whole charade of going through the lipstick picks was so pointless that I expected Ru to acknowledge the silliness and put forth a final 3. But alas. Jimbo vs Kandy. Kandy.

It’s up to you now, Ru. Do you want me back next year or not?

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I only clocked in to see my fave Priyanka be the Lip Sync Assassin. Yes, it was a bit messy, but what the hell was Kandy doing? Her facial expressions and lack of movement practically gave Priyanka the win!  I guess she was trying to get out of deciding Jessica's fate, but the remaining girls wasn't going to fall on their swords. Heh.

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