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S01.E06: Bring Me A Ring

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Dear Chad,

Stay home. Please.

You have a nice little life there in TN, with your dogs and your lawnmower.

There are very few women on the planet who would be happy to marry a man who can barely string three words together in a sentence and considers "cutting grass" a hobby.

If you're hoping to find a woman whose hobby is watching someone else cut grass, I can promise you she doesn't exist. Especially not in the form of a hot Latin American woman.

Unfortunately, Chad, because you have so little to offer women, if you're setting your sights on a woman from Latin America and manage to find one willing to marry you, there's a 99% chance she's only doing it to get a green card.

Don't do it, Chad.

Just don't. 

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Chad….where do they find these people?   He is destined to be crushed immediately by any woman who isnt just in it for the green card, and once the paperwork is final by anyone who is.   

Harold may just get lucky.  She seems as nerdy as him.  And who sets up that kind of first date.  Either they really are soul mates or the matchmaker set the date up with the promise to her of an eventual green card. 

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Harold’s date is so pretty and cool.  If Harold isn’t the one for her I hope she finds her match soon.  She’s a catch.

Surprised Stanika isn’t willing to go on another date.  Is she doing this to be on TV or meet someone?

Kind of love how Juan goes thru Susan’s checklist every time.  Forces her to look at how long her list is and think about what she needs to change on that list.

Why isn’t Chad going on farmersonly.com instead of this contrived process?

Ugh, the AZ guy is back next week.  So boring I can’t even be bothered to remember his name.

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Chad seems like a decent, nice guy, but I agree this is completely the wrong path for him. It was difficult to watch how uncomfortable he was as soon as he arrived. 

I have a different take on Juan. I don't see him as challenging Susan about being too demanding. I see him as saying, "I sent you on a date with a guy who meets some of your preferences. Why are you not in love? WHY ARE YOU NOT IN LOVE?"

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2 hours ago, Tango64 said:

Chad seems like a decent, nice guy, but I agree this is completely the wrong path for him. It was difficult to watch how uncomfortable he was as soon as he arrived. 

I have a different take on Juan. I don't see him as challenging Susan about being too demanding. I see him as saying, "I sent you on a date with a guy who meets some of your preferences. Why are you not in love? WHY ARE YOU NOT IN LOVE?"

Yes, Juan is a terrible matchmaker. 

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Maybe it is because I am from the South but I don’t think Chad is inarticulate at all. He just has a slow, southern drawl. 

I find Harold and Michaela probably the most endearing couple on ANY of these shows. I would rather watch these genuine people find love (hopefully!) than the “influencers,” reality wannabes (Miona, Yara, Julia, Rayzan) any day. I am sure now TLC will eff it up! 

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12 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Chad….where do they find these people?   He is destined to be crushed immediately by any woman who isnt just in it for the green card, and once the paperwork is final by anyone who is.   

Harold may just get lucky.  She seems as nerdy as him.  And who sets up that kind of first date.  Either they really are soul mates or the matchmaker set the date up with the promise to her of an eventual green card. 

Seriously ~ a romantic sewer ride?!?  

  • LOL 3
7 hours ago, Tango64 said:

Chad seems like a decent, nice guy, but I agree this is completely the wrong path for him. It was difficult to watch how uncomfortable he was as soon as he arrived. 

I have a different take on Juan. I don't see him as challenging Susan about being too demanding. I see him as saying, "I sent you on a date with a guy who meets some of your preferences. Why are you not in love? WHY ARE YOU NOT IN LOVE?"

Absolutely…. he thinks she should settle for ‘anyone’, he s horrible and I’m glad she sort of stands up to him, unbelievable he is a matchmaker.  He has a helium voice 🎈

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13 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Chad….where do they find these people?   He is destined to be crushed immediately by any woman who isnt just in it for the green card, and once the paperwork is final by anyone who is.   

Harold may just get lucky.  She seems as nerdy as him.  And who sets up that kind of first date.  Either they really are soul mates or the matchmaker set the date up with the promise to her of an eventual green card. 

I don’t get grifter vibes from her, she seems nerdy and sweet. I have hope that they are a good match. She is a looker to boot!

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I loved watching Harold on his date, since they both seem genuinely happy together.  Susan is absolutely a lost cause because no man will ever be good enough for her (unless he is 6'4, handsome, successful and an industry leader.   She probably spent her 20s and 30s rejecting normal men as not being good enough for her, and now the guys she wants to land are going to marry younger and less critical women.)   Natalie is a sweet girl who might be able to find a husband. But I'm really concerned that it will be too overwhelming for her to try to learn how to date in another country, especially since her matchmaker seems to suck.  Could we send her to Harold's matchmaker?  She found Harold a really good match - maybe she could patiently help Natalie find a kind and supportive man.

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OK, now I am in the boat of "Juan sucks as a matchmaker." I get that he doesn't want Chad to have time to overthink and get nervous about the date, but to have her pick him up at the airport? WTF? Even if I get some sleep on a long flight, I am not in the mindset to meet someone new and put forward my best self. I am usually exhausted, jet lagged, hungry and thirsty. Plus, this was his first time on a PLANE at all, much less leaving the US for Colombia. IN what way is this a good plan? THe girl seems very nice so far and attractive. 

Plus, his attitude with Susan pissed me off. At the time, in his talking heads, her date was all positive. Then in his feedback he said she had an attitude and was closed off. WTH? Because she didn't want to sit and bitch about all her exes and what went wrong? On a first date? That I think is normal. I actually had a few dates that did nothing but recount horror stories of online dating and it was a big red flag in my mind. My past is your business if we decide to take things further and commit to each other in a relationship, not on a first date. I agree she is a bit picky on some things, but she wasn't wrong and if there isn't chemistry, there just is not. She was right----nothing wrong with the guy, he is doing what guys his age do. So pick a guy more her age Juan. Also, she was right in that his career was NOT stable and successful---he is a wannabe actor. Come on Juan. The guy was just butt hurt that she didn't want to hook up with him and wasn't enthralled by his display of capoiera. lol 


I am nervous for Harold. He is so smitten and excited, I keep waiting for him to just push too far. And the invite back to the room could be it. 

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I mean, there is a reason these men hired Juan as well. They are not without their own issues. Guessing all the single Colombian women are not lining up to marry the wanna be actor who breaks out into street dancing and likes to film himself doing so.....at least Harold's date sort of hinted at why she is single---she is more of a nerd/geek and men in Czech republic aren't known to be big into those things. 

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Mary Payne on the Pink Shade podcast just dropped an interview with Susan that was pretty interesting and gave me some more insight about why she's so picky. She's still not my favorite but I get her a little bit more now. 

And for Harold that seemed like the perfect date -- there were lots of things for them to talk about and yet they could still interact. He is an inventor, after all!

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On 6/18/2023 at 10:34 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

considers "cutting grass" a hobby.

Drives a truck all day then drives a ride-on mower.  

On 6/19/2023 at 5:45 PM, endure said:

Seriously ~ a romantic sewer ride?!?  

120-year-old poo.

On 6/19/2023 at 11:22 PM, Meowwww said:

Susan is a mental case.  So unreasonable.  Picky, according to her.  Not attractive at all. She will be alone forever, sneering upon us normal people. 
And I think farmersonly.com is defunct.  

The combative tone and harsh accent is the icing on the turd cake.

Farmersonly is still around.  I checked it out when that stupid Farmer Wants a Wife show was recently on Fox.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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