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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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If Aaron was capable of dough, a lot of the food messes wouldn't have happened at all. I think I learned to make dough around age six. My grandmother took my fidgety nature and gave me things to do. It's really not complicated at all. That's before you're old enough to be trusted to use the stove stuff in some families.

  • Love 3

Taylor told her this is the 3rd time she has ruined Honey's milk--Bri tried to blame Dedeker, saying she was going to use it to make butter. Taylor told Bri, "no, you know that milk is for the calf and you've just ruined another batch."

So Bri is actively back to attempting to harm the animals. Which, by the way, are starved. You've got protruding hip bones and ribs. It's just SICK.
  • Love 10

Yeah, you gotta love that production was so worried that the viewing public (all 20 of us and rapidly waning) would get the wrong impression that the food might be tampered with and issued a quick and immediate tweet regarding same. Yet, when confronted continuously about the animal abuse as stated by professionals and a castmate herself, it falls on deaf ears. Where are their f****in priorities? Why one and not the other? They are both serious. Hippykid and his minion can die in a fire. I will NEVER watch another show that he is involved with. 

  • Love 7

From the All of Utopia site: Kristen and Aaron discuss the pizza Aaron wanted to order. He is allowed to order frozen meals but not prepared meals. Rob went to talk to production when he heard about Aaron’s intentions on buying pizza and production stopped Aaron’s pizza delivery.

It seems Production has put some limits on what food they can and can't order. If they can't order any prepared meals (which would be way too expensive to do regularly anyway, especially for that many people), that means they are forcing them to cook, which is a good thing except that Aaron can't cook. So glad Production squashed his frozen pizza order. At least they did one thing right (and the fact that was against Aaron makes it even better), but I won't hold my breath for them to do anything else they should be doing. 

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 6

But on the food front, why the hell don't most of the Topes notice they are eating substandard fare?  They've been there 35+ days eating his swill and no one has said "Ummm, bro?  You suck at cooking".


Even if everything was vegetarian and organic high quality goods to start with, by the time Shady Chef got done with it it would be unappealing in every possible way.



I have to wonder if the vote has been pushed back to give everyone time to get thoroughly sick of Katie, when they've heard all her stories for the 86th time.

Boobs McGoo might actually be a violation of the Geneva Convention, but since the Topes are there voluntarily they aren't a protected class.  Torture away I say!  And be thankful that the live feeds audio is so screwed up so we don't have to hear her c o n s t a n t chatter about h e r s e l f.

  • Love 7

It seems Production has put some limits on what food they can and can't order. If they can't order any prepared meals (which would be way too expensive to do regularly anyway, especially for that many people), that means they are forcing them to cook, which is a good thing except that Aaron can't cook. So glad Production squashed his frozen pizza order.

But did they actually stop a frozen pizza order, or was he trying to order hot delivered pizza, and that's what is being referred to by "prepared meals"?

  • Love 2

But did they actually stop a frozen pizza order, or was he trying to order hot delivered pizza, and that's what is being referred to by "prepared meals"?

If I remember correctly, I think Aaron wanted Costco pizzas, which aren't necessarily frozen but in the deli/refrigerator case and just need to be heated up in the oven for a bit to get the crust fully cooked and the cheese melted.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 2

If I remember correctly, I think Aaron wanted Costco pizzas, which aren't necessarily frozen but in the deli/refrigerator case and just need to be heated up in the oven for a bit to get the crust fully cooked and the cheese melted.

No chef worth anything would want those. Pizza dough isn't hard and is way better than anything you can get at Costco. I can make pizza  from scratch, and don't consider this a badge of honor. It's dough with some oil. If you're good the oil is tasty.

  • Love 4

If I remember correctly, I think Aaron wanted Costco pizzas, which aren't necessarily frozen but in the deli/refrigerator case and just need to be heated up in the oven for a bit to get the crust fully cooked and the cheese melted.

If that's the case, the "rules" the producers make up are just so random. Why is a "prepared meal" OK if it's frozen, but not if it's refrigerated? Isn't it the same basic thing? Put the refrigerated one in the freezer, and suddenly it's OK? I could sort of understand if they were distinguishing between ready-to-eat meals such as hot pizza and groceries.

But I really don't get the point if frozen meals are OK. They should have drawn the line at anything that isn't ingredients. No Sour Patch Kids or other sweets, no pizzas, no TV dinners - just sugar, flour, fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, etc.

Of course they didn't think it through though, so we are left with bizarre and arbitrary restrictions that are made up as they go along.

  • Love 3

Quote: so we are left with bizarre and arbitrary restrictions that are made up as they go along.

Wrong pronoun- "we" should be "they" for the Tope Dopes. I get a cheap thrill when Production throws little roadblocks up - especially for the meanies.

It is true that we the audience get stuck with the random asshattery of make-it-up-as-you-go, but we're clearly sticking around for whatever the reason. I'm blaming Zahdiii for starting the addictive recapping and commentary of a dumb show which other kind? twisted? souls started to expand on. So here I am 35+ days into this...

  • Love 5
No chef worth anything would want those. Pizza dough isn't hard and is way better than anything you can get at Costco. I can make pizza  from scratch, and don't consider this a badge of honor. It's dough with some oil. If you're good the oil is tasty.


While I totally agree that a "chef" in the position of being a chef on TV shouldn't be relying on Costco pizzas, I have to say that Costco makes some damn good pizzas. We've bought them on house renovation days and they're fantastic!

  • Love 2

Wrong pronoun- "we" should be "they" for the Tope Dopes. I get a cheap thrill when Production throws little roadblocks up - especially for the meanies.

Yeah, I just wish they would have put the kibosh on him buying pre-prepared food altogether. "You can buy these ready-made frozen pizzas, but not these other ready-made pizzas" is just such a weird ruling.

Oh well, look at the bright side that's come out of this debacle - only three days until MasterChef Junior starts! Thank you, terrible Utopia production team, for helping us get our MasterChef fix weeks earlier!

Edited by In Pog Form
  • Love 2

Yeah, I just wish they would have put the kibosh on him buying pre-prepared food altogether. "You can buy these ready-made frozen pizzas, but not these other ready-made pizzas" is just such a weird ruling.


Ideally, living on a budget should make these sorts of rules unnecessary. It should be literally impossible for them to afford prepared foods and candy regularly without starving a few days later for it.  As is often the case with a complex system, a failure in one part (the whole way the Utopians are or aren't paid and do or don't live within limited means) causes breakdowns elsewhere.

  • Love 6

I continue to be confused by production.  I read on Jokers the other day, that someone (Taylor?) was instructed to go fishing, and catch one of each type of fish (I guess there are three different types).  How completely scripted is that?  I don't watch the TV show, but if someone notices that in an episode, please post here and let us know.

It's surprising to me that people are going hungry, yet they're too lazy to fish.  I'm a vegetarian, so I wouldn't want the fish.  But I might expect a meat eater to eat a fish and then I get a little more rice/beans, etc.  It's bizarre to me that people are so passive about not getting to eat.  You see it on Survivor, but it's a short amount of time, and there's a million dollars at stake.


I would use my extra money for bread, peanut butter, peanuts, and raisins.  It doesn't need to be refrigerated, so I would have a good chance of keeping Bri from stealing it, or Aaron sabotaging it.

  • Love 5

Yeah, I don't understand why they don't have people fishing every single day!  I'm sure they stocked the lake, thinking that the Utopians would want that source of food. 

If everyone gets up early,  they can divide up the tasks - caring for animals, cleaning barn, milking cows, and FISHING.  They can even alternate  tasks by day, so someone doesn't get stuck with the same job all the time if they want variety. 

  I thought there were fruit trees on the property too.  they should be picking the ripe fruit.  And I hate to keep harping on the topic, but they bought an OVEN.  They are using the burners, but they could be baking bread, muffins, pies, fruit cobblers, etc. 

These people spend all their time cuddling, screwing, talking, backstabbing.  There's a ton of work that they can do to improve their lives. 


Kristen's ideas about "capitalism"  are going to destroy the whole project, because it's all about selling to the outside world, and getting to keep part of the profits.   They will concentrate on those efforts, and completely neglect the work that needs to be done that doesn't bring in money.  Why would you be motivated to fish, cook, construct, for everyone else, if you can do "art"  that will benefit yourself?


It's like when you have a teenager at home, and the neighbors will pay for him/her to cut their lawn, or babysit their kids.   Suddenly, the kid doesn't want to do any chores at HOME, because they aren't getting paid for everything they do.

  • Love 11

It's even worse than that analogy, because the producers have set it up so that subsistence and self-sufficiency projects are costs that are charged to the community, while events involving outsiders are almost cost-free.  They are charged for animal feed, vet visits, equipment for garden and animal care, but I haven't heard anything about charges for bringing in dozens of outsiders who are peculiarly eager to pay for admission and buy their "art."   I can't help but believe that production is recruiting most of the visitors and giving them an allowance to spend at the events.  That, or the TV show has produced at least some fans . . . No, it's probably production.

  • Love 8

Rob's girlfriend, Jess, arrived.  Although she claims to not watch the feeds much after the first couple of weeks, she sprinkled enough references to people and events to make many people suspect that she watches more than she'd like to admit.  Rob had told the group (and Production, I'm sure) that he wanted to propose to Jess during this visit and everyone tried to look surprised and delighted.  Then the group just naturally came up with the idea of having the wedding in Utopia and came up with a whole list of things they'd do to make it all happen.  I'm sure that only the most cynical among us would suspect the heavy hand of Production behind this sudden enthusiasm for Rob's love life and marital status.  ;)


Anyway, Jess arrived, hugs and kisses were exchanged, introductions were made, and she tried to act like getting proposed to was the farthest thing from her mind.  The end result is that soon, I think within the week, Rob and Jess will get married at Utopia in what sounds like a Seattle Seahawk's themed wedding, and Jess asked Aaron to make the wedding cake (maggot filling free of charge).  I need to get my own footage of this scene so I can see if I can find the hidden snipers, because that's the only thing that would induce me to ask Aaron to cook anything.


In other news, someone from the Jokers site sent Aaron an email asking for information on the boot camp.  It made it through the production screening, but whoever was screening the emails didn't read the email fully (probably because they're being inundated with emails that are actually complaints about the show and the Utopians in general). 

Anyway, there was a message hidden in the center of the email, just the words 'highlight this email' stuck in the middle of a sentence.  Aaron noticed the message and highlighted the email, causing a secret message written in white font to show up.


The hidden message warned Aaron that he and Kristen are bullies and no one likes them.  The message also said that it was general knowledge that they were thieves, they were seen online deleting Nikki's emails, and everyone knows that they are making a conscious effort to bully Nikki into quitting.


Aaron read the email, showed it to Kristen, and didn't seem unfazed by it at all.  He laughed and said he admired how someone snuck a secret message past the Fox screeners.  Kristen exclaimed that she couldn't believe that anyone would think they were doing anything wrong, then said that she didn't care what anyone thought of her anyway.  Then she said that even bad publicity is a good thing, and she's going to use it to her advantage.  She said that Spencer and Heidi got a lot of attention and were able to make a good living by being the bad guys, so she and Aaron could just be the next Heidi and Spencer.  Aaron said that wasn't part of his plan, and since people are now seeing them as partners, he thought they should keep some distance between them until things calmed down.


Aaron told Taylor about the email, and was going to show it to him, but found that it had been deleted.  He laughed and said he'd forgotten that Production listens to everything and has remote access to the computer.  Anyway, when Taylor found out what the email said, he said that it would probably be a good idea to drop Project Rattle the Cage.  Aaron replied, "Not necessarily" but refused to elaborate further.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 12

Utopia is the last place on earth I would get married. Especially as these asshats would be my wedding party and wedding guests. I wonder if they'll be able to bring in a couple of friends to be best man and maid of honor or if they'll be stuck picking Utopians to do it. I would rather get married at the most tacky, obnoxious, Chapel of Elvis (with a horrible Elvis impersonator conducting the service) in Vegas complete with my groom wearing one of those hideous light blue tuxedos with a  white ruffled shirt and white patent loafers than get married in that putrid, fly infested, disgusting pig sty called Utopia and eating food cooked by the most disgusting non-chef that would probably give me and hubby diarrhea on our wedding night. Wonder what Production is offering them (especially Jess) for them to agree to this.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 11


I need to get my own footage of this scene so I can see if I can find the hidden snipers, because that's the only thing that would induce me to ask Aaron to cook anything.



Wonder what Production is offering them (especially Jess) for them to agree to this.

I'm thinking Kroll and company are holding her family hostage.

  • Love 6

In other news, someone from the Jokers site sent Aaron an email asking for information on the boot camp.  It made it through the production screening, but whoever was screening the emails didn't read the email fully (probably because they're being inundated with emails that are actually complaints about the show and the Utopians in general). 

Anyway, there was a message hidden in the center of the email, just the words 'highlight this email' stuck in the middle of a sentence.  Aaron noticed the message and highlighted the email, causing a secret message written in white font to show up.


The hidden message warned Aaron that he and Kristen are bullies and no one likes them.  The message also said that it was general knowledge that they were thieves, they were seen online deleting Nikki's emails, and everyone knows that they are making a conscious effort to bully Nikki into quitting.


Aaron read the email, showed it to Kristen, and didn't seem unfazed by it at all.  He laughed and said he admired how someone snuck a secret message past the Fox screeners.  Kristen exclaimed that she couldn't believe that anyone would think they were doing anything wrong, then said that she didn't care what anyone thought of her anyway.  Then she said that even bad publicity is a good thing, and she's going to use it to her advantage.  She said that Spencer and Heidi got a lot of attention and were able to make a good living by being the bad guys, so she and Aaron could just be the next Heidi and Spencer.  Aaron said that wasn't part of his plan, and since people are now seeing them as partners, he thought they should keep some distance between them until things calmed down.


Aaron told Taylor about the email, and was going to show it to him, but found that it had been deleted.  He laughed and said he'd forgotten that Production listens to everything and has remote access to the computer.  Anyway, when Taylor found out what the email said, he said that it would probably be a good idea to drop Project Rattle the Cage.  Aaron replied, "Not necessarily" but refused to elaborate further.

I love that someone was able to hide a message in an e-mail to sneak it past Production - especially as it called out Aaron and Kristen out on their incredibly stupid, selfish, delusional, devious, thieving intentions as well as their bullying behavior. These kinds of e-mails need to get sent to these idiots more often. However, now Production is wise to the trick so people might not be able to get them through anymore. On the other hand, Production has demonstrated that they are not particularly "wise" in any regard so I really hope people can still find ways to send these types of messages.    


This should really be a wake up call for Aaron and Kristen to change their behavior as they now should at least have a pretty good idea that all the viewers hate them. Ignoring this message would be stupid unless they want to continue to damage their reputations and embarrass their families. However, we know that they both are, in fact, stupid (actually even beyond stupid) and Kristen can't even seem to comprehend that they did anything wrong so their behavior is unlikely to change. I never thought Taylor would be one of the smarter ones, but he seems to understand at least some of the implications of the e-mail.


It's complete bullshit that Kristen says she doesn't care what anyone else thinks about her. She most certainly does or she wouldn't work so hard to try to hide her misdeeds with Aaron. Somehow she thinks she can use this to her advantage and it may still help her overall famewhore tendencies. Could she be any more delusional? Any attention she gets from this will be the kind of attention she does not want, despite her thinking even bad publicity is good publicity - and let's not forget that she was bawling her eyes out when someone in Utopia was criticizing her just a couple of days ago. The criticism is only going to get worse once she gets out.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 7
Message should have also included that their actions are a large part of why people don't want to watch. They wont be getting any attention when they end up getting the show cancelled.

This was the only thing I could think of that might actually produce a reaction (except for the info that the ratings are in the toilet).  The idea that Aaron might realize that 'his' actions were reprehensible and his 'guilt' known strikes me as ludicrous.  The only action it might provoke is Aaron having a discussion with production about the direction his character is being taken and how it's being perceived.  

  • Love 6

Message should have also included that their actions are a large part of why people don't want to watch. They wont be getting any attention when they end up getting the show cancelled.

This. I would still be watching if Bri was gone. I would pay to watch the censored live feeds if I knew Aaron was the next to get booted. And Kristen. Then maybe Mike and Rob. It would be nice to still have Red there so I could know the animals are at least being cared for.

If the producers and participants can't be bothered to at least be human, I can't be bothered to be a viewer anymore. (And my teevee viewing habit consists of Bravo, MTV, and WeTv. So it's not like the bar is set very high in the first place.)

  • Love 6

Mike and Rob go out at five am with the bottle and calf isn't interested at all and they cannot figure out why. Mike wastes huge amounts of time going back again and again to the calf trying to see if she'll eat but she doesn't even get up. Mike thinks she's just sleepy. Heh. I don't know how Mike will react when he finds out what happened last night and that no one bothered to warn him. I'd be pissed. Mike might just laugh it off since it was Chirs who dropped the ball. As he does.

 I have to say I have given these guys zero tolerance regarding the animal treatment, but at least he tried and tried to do the right thing here and had (in my opinion), a somewhat logical reason for why Moo Baby wouldn't eat.
  • Love 5

Bri says "I don't even know your name", Katie responds, "How do you refer to me?"


"She-who-must-not-be-named"      (Harry Potter reference)


I wonder if they'll be able to bring in a couple of friends to be best man and maid of honor or if they'll be stuck picking Utopians to do it.


my money is on....... (drum roll please)...............they charge $20 for visitors to watch the wedding.




Jess says that Rob has changed while he's been in Utopia, for the better.  Yikes.


he might be a real saint after six months of being away from his new bride.


 Rob jokingly referred to it as, 'That used to be a Corvette.' 


that's a good line.



hen Aaron talks to Taylor yesterday about Evil Nikki and her need for food. He lectured Taylor about the vital importance of 'portion control' and how he cannot let people eat what they want and in the portions they want. He is upset about all these people making their own meals because it means they are controlling their portions themselves and eating more food than Aaron has decided they need.




aaron is exerting control through food, and wants to keep the others weak by limiting their food intake.    call me mr. obvious.


aaron needs more food to maintain his weight?   so do the others.


Nikki knows if she is losing weight, and she was not overweight when she got there.    she surely notices the weight loss in the others.    she knows the solution is to eat more food.



if there is enough money to buy food, the "portions" should be adequate for them to maintain their weight.



think many Utes would be surprised that aaron is getting extra food from the community supply?  (while they are losing weight)





the Utes need to shake up the work assignments.    have a new "cooking team" of three people.    different people for the barn work and the garden work.  

Edited by clod
  • Love 5
She said that Spencer and Heidi got a lot of attention and were able to make a good living by being the bad guys, so she and Aaron could just be the next Heidi and Spencer. 


Well, I don't mean to state the obvious, but the manner in which they are advertising/billing this show (as 15 people brought together to build a better community) and the way the participants are treating it (or the way production is steering them) is night and day.


Its fucking ludicrious.

  • Love 7

Meanwhile, his shipment of protein powders arrived from Amazon yesterday.

Seriously? Protein powders... from Amazon? WTF? What's next, sex toys from eBay?

How is he not allowed to buy certain kinds of pizza, but protein powders are OK? And he's supposed to be a cook - protein comes from food, especially fish, you moron!

  • Love 9
CKC figured out if they keep the really annoying one she will be a 'shield' for elimination votes against them. In other words, she'd get voted out before any of them would.



Grrr.  Why is it that, no matter how stupid reality famewhores are in other ways, they always seem to figure out this bit of strategy?  



In Aaron news:  He doesn't favor fishing because fishing and cooking fish is 'too labor intensive'. Which is probably why they don't fish the extremely well stocked pond for food.



Too labor-intensive?  It's a pond, Aaron.  Think more Mayberry, less Deadliest Catch.  You're not taking a trawler to sea to haul in eight-hundred pound tunas during a storm.  Just toss a line in a well-stocked pond and relax.  It may seem more labor-intensive than microwaving a frozen pizza, but if's a free and relatively easy source of food for some of the topes.  Many real chefs would prefer to prepare fresh fish rather than store-bought processed items, anyway.  It's something like a point of pride. 


If Production was determined to cast so many lazy and unethical types to sell their show,  they should have saved the money they spent on a fish-stocked pond and an animal barn and just built a convenience store.


He lectured Taylor about the vital importance of 'portion control' and how he cannot let people eat what they want and in the portions they want.



I'm beginning to think that in Aaron's personal Utopia, he runs Biggest Loser, Beverly Hills Edition.  He's all about boot-camp for cash, protein shakes out the wazoo,  and portion control for people who are already thin.  



Anyway, there was a message hidden in the center of the email, just the words 'highlight this email' stuck in the middle of a sentence.  Aaron noticed the message and highlighted the email, causing a secret message written in white font to show up.



It's too bad the message wasn't sent to someone who would care that Aaron and Kristen are stealing from the group, and who would do something to stop them.  Oh, right. There isn't anyone who would care enough to actually make sure they stop.  These topes are so effing stupid.  Even if they suspect wrong-doing, they're not going to try very hard to stop it, because it's too much of a hassle and they don't really care enough.


And Kristen's going to get quite a shock when the show ends and she finds out that not only is she NOT famous, but the few people who know who she is will think she's appalling, vapid and generally unpleasant and want nothing to do with her.   

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 9
IMO, this is partially the result of the cook intentionally underfeeding them, so they lose energy and strength, which makes them weaker physically and mentally.



IDK.  It's easy enough for them to fix their own food if they really want, or to order stuff with their personal money - so they may be mildly hungry but they're not starving to the point that they can be broken or controlled.  I think they just don't care enough to start with.  It's the result of poor casting overall.

  • Love 3

It's too bad the message wasn't sent to someone who would care that Aaron and Kristen are stealing from the group, and who would do something to stop them.  Oh, right. There isn't anyone who would care enough to actually make sure they stop.  These topes are so effing stupid.  Even if they suspect wrong-doing, they're not going to try very hard to stop it, because it's too much of a hassle and they don't really care enough.

It is interesting to me that they only person they ever actually disciplined in Utopia was Josh for his drunken debacle the first night. They got together to see if they wanted to vote him out and then ultimately decided that he was to be put on probation for 90 days with no alcohol.


Josh owned up to his behavior, apologized profusely and accepted the probation terms stipulated by the group without any argument and he has not repeated his behavior. It was one mistake after having too much alcohol - I think most of us have done something stupid, something that we regretted and/or were embarrassed by while drinking. I think Red and Dave's behavior was almost worse than Josh's and there were no repercussions for them whatsoever even though they broke into the safe and stole nearly $500 each from the community start up funds and then proceed to destroy community food while ranting and raving and stomping around. Dave also went after Aaron the same night of the incident with Josh. He jumped on Aaron from behind and tried to put him in a head lock, yet he wasn't held accountable and wasn't put on probation.


These people are idiots but they do know people are stealing funds, stealing food and threatening and bullying people. No one wants to hold anyone accountable for anything. I wonder if part of it is that since so many of them are doing really shady things they worry that if they make an example out of one of them then they will be found out somehow and also end up being "punished" in some way.


When I first heard about this show, I thought that one of the first things they would do would  be to decide on some basic guiding principles/rules that needed to be followed and what the repercussions would be if they didn't. Instead, many of them have clearly mentioned that they don't want any rules in their Utopia - they will do what they think is right for them and that's all that matters. This is not forming a new community.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 9

It is interesting to me that they only person they ever actually disciplined in Utopia was Josh for his drunken debacle the first night. They got together to see if they wanted to vote him out and then ultimately decided that he was to be put on probation for 90 days with no alcohol.


Actually, there have been a few references to Dave and Hex also being put on probation, and both of them drank after that.  It seems that a Utopian 'probation' is more like a 'suggestion'.


One reason that there are so many problems is that Production won't set rules and punishments, except to further their fake storyline for their sinking TV show.  The Utopians aren't going to set their own penal system up because if someone gets slapped with a fine, extra work, or anything they don't like they'll just run to Production and threaten to quit.  Some would be told to quit or not, whatever...  But others would come back from the meeting with a new script to allow them to get away with whatever they did.

  • Love 4

I have to say that after looking at the links in the media thread, I think that almost nothing on this show is real at all which is probably contributing to why the UTs don't act like any of this really matters or that there are or will be "real" consequences.  Too many of them are reality show veterans. I wrote about this before, but they act like "actors".  Someone on Jokers floated out some interesting thoughts about Cal and his role there, that I personally think is spot on (i.e., that he is connected to Kroll and is really only there to promote his book and lifestyle).

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