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S04.E10: One Hand Does Not Clap

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There was no “hi how are you” because you brought two hardheaded diametrically opposed people to dinner with each other, Nicole. And you told them each the most triggering things about the other beforehand to ensure they both came in uncomfortable and rearing to go. 

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52 minutes ago, Drogo said:

There was no “hi how are you” because you brought two hardheaded diametrically opposed people to dinner with each other, Nicole. And you told them each the most triggering things about the other beforehand to ensure they both came in uncomfortable and rearing to go. 

And then Nicole acts all wide-eyed and innocent-"I had no idea..."  I think she is very aware of what she is doing-she always seems to initiate the topics that will lead to arguments.  She knows his beliefs and, in fact, she seemingly accepted those beliefs when she not only married him but converted to the Islam that his family practices.  She is 40 (or close enough)-way too old to keep playing the innocent ingenue role that she assigned herself.

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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

she always seems to initiate the topics that will lead to arguments.

So she hasn’t brought them up for FOUR MONTHS (!!!) to ensure they will live peacefully, but orchestrates this meeting between her super conservative husband and her modern, outspoken new female (production set up) friend. 
Then she’s surprised when it doesn’t go well but she’s proud of Moody for not stomping off in a hissy fit. (That’s progress?) She probably didn’t catch the sarcasm when he sneeringly said “Your new friend is so nice…”

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

She is 40 (or close enough)-way too old to keep playing the innocent ingenue role that she assigned herself.

I would love to know how she spent the last 20 years as she appears totally clueless about people and life in general.

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20 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

 I hope that Johan summarily kicks her out and finds himself a more amiable partner. One with a sense of humor, possibly, and a few dollars in the bank. 

And happy to live in the US, where Johan wants to be.

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

And happy to live in the US, where Johan wants to be.

Perhaps he get a job at one of those resorts where all the American ladies fall for the bartender or room service waiter.

For someone self employed (Yohan and his Fly Meat Shop), he spends very little time in said shop, no wonder he does not have money.

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Isabel's dad is a dream. Also, to base his acceptance of Gabe as a facet of his faith was just so wonderful to see.

So, it appears that Kris couldn't locate a good dealer in time, so POP! Off to Alabama and whatever hole she can dig up the good stuff. But seriously, Kris couldn't find her meds IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF COLOMBIA? Seriously? 

I'm not sure what Debbie is in love with, and I don't know what Ousama is in love with, but they seem happy with whatever it is and it's sweet.

Jen's apartment looked like it was missing trim on the countertops. But Rishi seemed to have learned from his first disastrous 'welcome' with Jen. Rishi sucking in his gut on the table 😂

Danielle was right in not letting Yohan drive, but that's about all the correctness she'll probably exhibit this season. Can she get any more unlikeable? I'm sure we're going to find out!!!

I'm glad that they brought Noura in to show that Egypt isn't solely comprised of women clad in burkinis or resigned to a life of service where your only outlet is sitting on the sofa all day like Macccchhmoooood's mother. The woman who was giving them the apartment tour wasn't covered, and she was also wearing jeans so poor Macccchhmooood was - GASP!!! - possibly exposed to the outline her BISCUIT. I hope he was able to grab some smelling salts and recover from that. Like another person commented, I have ZERO sympathy for Nicole because she chose this. I'm sure the only reason she's back in Egypt is because she has a paycheck. Otherwise, she's sitting around looking like a deer caught in headlights and pretending for the cameras to be shocked at her own husband's beliefs. They've been married for 3 years, but her being there for 4 months is the longest she's ever been in Egypt? I'm taking that to mean that out of the three years, she's only been living with her husband for <8 months? Anyway, props to Noura for standing up to Maccchhhmoooood's immature personality and ridiculous double-standard belief system because Nicole is getting absolutely nowhere (and she won't, ever, until that paycheck from TLC runs out!).

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Great comments, everyone! I am also most baffled by Nicole and really want to know what her story is because CLEARLY She has some story!

And yes, She usually looks like a deer caught in headlights..........I just don't get how she could be so clueless.

anyone know what her job was is? I mean if she's close to 40 she had to have worked at some point?

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14 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

Great comments, everyone! I am also most baffled by Nicole and really want to know what her story is because CLEARLY She has some story!

And yes, She usually looks like a deer caught in headlights..........I just don't get how she could be so clueless.

anyone know what her job was is? I mean if she's close to 40 she had to have worked at some point?

When we were first introduced to her she was doing food delivery (probably Uber Eats or DoorDash). I think she was also reselling vintage clothing online that she'd find at places such as thrift stores.

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On 4/10/2023 at 3:18 AM, Quof said:

I ask myself why a couple is together.   For example, what in the fresh hell does Kris bring to the table?  She's not smart, kind, funny, sweet.  We know she has no money, and she sure isn't a looker.  What is Jeymi getting out of this relationship?

Kris brings confusion and phoniness to the table. She's hiding her true self by running away and we know by next week's previews that she ends up ghosting Jeymi. She's a mess on every level who probably has never had a smart and well thought out idea in her life. She probably didn't get much money out of her house, and once that's gone, then what? She hasn't a clue as to how to manage a food truck. Here in the US it involves a lot of prework, licenses, etc. Jeymi, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? 

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28 minutes ago, Breedom said:

Kris brings confusion and phoniness to the table. She's hiding her true self by running away and we know by next week's previews that she ends up ghosting Jeymi. She's a mess on every level who probably has never had a smart and well thought out idea in her life. She probably didn't get much money out of her house, and once that's gone, then what? She hasn't a clue as to how to manage a food truck. Here in the US it involves a lot of prework, licenses, etc. Jeymi, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? 

There is a speculation or a rumor of Kris maybe scamming someone out of money, I cannot find the post to prove my sentence but Jeymi should be glad to be rid of Kris, she is bad news.  Jeymi might be bummed about having to move out of the apartment because Kris won't be helping with the rent.


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21 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

But seriously, Kris couldn't find her meds IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF COLOMBIA? Seriously? 

Also seriously, she (supposedly) MOVED to a foreign country without making sure her meds would be available? Wouldn't she at least take a 90 day supply with her? Did she think there was a fully equipped CVS on every corner? 

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2 hours ago, Breedom said:

She probably didn't get much money out of her house, and once that's gone, then what?

My theory is that she had a bout of narcolepsy while smoking a cigarette, the house caught fire and she didn't have IN-surance (as it's pronounced in the South.) She was counting on selling the "rare motorcycle" to fund her life in Colombia. 

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

There is a speculation or a rumor of Kris maybe scamming someone out of money, I cannot find the post to prove my sentence but Jeymi should be glad to be rid of Kris, she is bad news. 

I wouldn't put it past her. Again, with Kris, she is operating on a minute-by-minute existence. She's blowing her money from the house away by going back and forth to the US from Colombia instead of planning beforehand how to get her meds. She has no plan. I also didn't see any real sorrow when she left her kids behind, as well. Jeymi, move out of the apartment, get a divorce and run. Run as fast as you can and count your blessings that you only had a short time with this basketcase. 

I like Nicole's new friend. It's difficult to adjust to a new country on your own no matter what obstacles there are. Having someone to talk to and give her support will help - Mahood's mother just sitting on the couch like a lump of coals is certainly of no help.

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I think we can all agree that the pic Rishi sent Jen’s friend was from a wwwwwhile ago. Hmmm…

Give this post a 👏🏾 if you think Nicole and Mockmood have an insane amount of screen time each week. Maybe it just feels that way because they’re exhausting but I swear they take up so much of the runtime. The episodes are like 70% Nicole/Mockmood & Danielle/Yohan and 30% everyone else.

Mockmood. Is he a moron, like an actual stupid person with a low IQ, or deeply, insanely, religious? Him saying "then why do women have the boobs" was fucking crazy. Does he not know that women have breasts so they can breastfeed? Nouran saying he wasn't 'deep' was very satisfying. He sure isn’t! This conversation was like a gender politics speed run.

Did Nicole actually say "I'm proud of Mahmoud" after he sounded so immature and controlling when he was arguing with Nouran? I feel like they have the same conversation every week. They need to break up.

Give this post a 🔥 if you want Nicole to ditch Mockmood for Nouran. Some of us having been fighting for our lives all season about Egyptian “culture”.

Father Isabel is easily one of the best dads we’ve ever seen on this show. Isabel and her family must be protected at all costs.

Kris is giving me opiate addict vibes. One of my former neighbors was a closet heroin user and claimed to have narcolepsy to explain his frequent dosing off. I see Kris is showing many of the same signs. The end of today's episode where Jeymi was crying that Kris went MIA again had piqued my suspicion.

I wanna know the past life of that zombie restaurant bus that Kris and Jeymi toured.

Danielle is the worst. It seems like she loves to make Yohan uncomfortable and angry. She is constantly putting him down for things that aren’t big deals, and yet will smile at him like he’s being dumb and tell him he’s “loco” for being uncomfortable with her hanging out with her ex?! Idk what she’s thinking but idk many Americans that would be ok with that.

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On 4/9/2023 at 11:01 PM, MrBuhBye said:


Not only is Rishi not ripped, he was looking pretty doughy for a personal trainer.  So the pics that he’s sending out are outdated and borderline catfish.

I agree he has a tummy now. As I watch while eating cookies. 
Jen was so curious to see the bedroom. If I were her I would’ve been looking for toilet paper.

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On 4/8/2023 at 11:31 AM, magemaud said:

At least. She met him on a vacation, went home to California then returned to Egypt and married him. She couldn’t handle life as a Muslim wife so she only lasted a few months before fleeing back to LA. This is her second rodeo and nobody can figure out why THIS time she thinks things are going to be different while absolutely nothing has changed on Mahmoud’s part and they still have huge cultural differences 

She's dippy. She needs to just leave. And anyone else get a gay vibe from Mahmoud?

maybe he is trying to drive her up the wall till she leaves; I don't think he can stand her.

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1 hour ago, xls said:

And anyone else get a gay vibe from Mahmoud?

My gaydar is pinging, too, but we've suspected that about several of the foreign males on the 90 Day franchise who appear to be looking for American brides or should I say "beards." 

edited: that gives me an idea for yet another 90 Day spin-off: "90 Day Fiance: Brides or Beards" 

Edited by magemaud
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If Machmoud is gay, there's no way he'd be able to come out, in his culture.

Which I do find very sad, if that's the case.

But it would explain why he chose Nicole, who looks like one of the 15 year old boys he'd have had crushes on in school.


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