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Chit-Chat: What's On Your Mind Today?

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

We all have been drawn into off-topic discussions, me included. There's little that's off-topic when it comes to Chit Chat, so the only ask is that you please remember that this is the Chit Chat topic and that there's a subforum for all things health and wellness here.

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9 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Did anyone ever hear about not feeling well when there is a full Moon?  My Sister believes in astrology and said it’s true.  Something about the tide when it draws into the Ocean.

My stepdaughter, a psychologist, once said that she & her associates always knew when there was a full moon because of the behavior of their patients. No idea if it affected all of the patients.

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On 5/18/2024 at 4:14 AM, Yeah No said:

my cable box going kaput and having to have a tech. come over twice to install a new one.  The first replacement was clearly an inferior model, which we didn't notice right away so we had tech. #2 come over the next day.  Now we have the same box model we had before but I'm still experiencing some annoying "features" like the picture not seeming quite right on some channels (it feels too zoomed in on some) but it's much better now than it was.

Ugh. I hate when that happens. For me it was while trying to watch old episodes of really old shows on YouTube. 
But maybe try poking around in your Settings. 

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19 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I **loved** that movie!  Meryl Streep can disappear into any role she plays (e.g, Julia Child, and Nora Ephron in Heartburn). Stanley Tucci plays Paul. In his wonderful memoir, he writes about the "Julia" cast going out for dinner at a small restaurant in the French countryside. I was amazed to read that he had the exact same experience with an order of andouille that I had in Nice 🙀

I loved that movie too and have seen it a few times.  I'm not the biggest fan of Meryl Streep but she often does a great job and did so here too.  It amazed me that even though Meryl did not resemble Julia she somehow made you overlook that.  That's one reason the actress playing Julia on the HBO series felt "off" to me.  I felt that she played the role like a caricature of the real Julia, while Meryl really made you believe her as Julia.

But getting back to the HBO series, I did love Isabella Rosellini (Ingrid Bergman's daughter) as Simca.

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11 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

Denny's might not be the fanciest restaurant.  But for over 20 years I've eaten there I've always found the food solid and service friendly.  

I feel that way about the Outback.  It's "back in the day" for me in the best way and makes me think of the old days and good times.  Same for "Red Lobster".  We have Denny's near me but I haven't been to one in decades.  The food is just too fattening and unhealthy for me in general.  My body used to be able to handle stuff like that but not for a long time.  I would be lying if I said I didn't crave that and IHOP once in a while.  I haven't had pancakes in forever. 🥞  (And yes, that's a "pancakes" emoji, lol). 😉

11 hours ago, Dimity said:

Have you ever asked her if that means every single person doesn't feel well when there is a full moon?

There are some things for which there is a lot of anecdotal evidence but no real hard evidence, and that's one of them.  I've read that there is some evidence that it might affect some people in certain ways but not everyone.  I've read that it might disrupt some people's sleep cycles, which is known to affect human behavior.  They already know some species' mating cycles conform to the full moon so I see no reason why there might not be at least some influence on human behavior, just who it affects and how has not been established scientifically.

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25 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Ugh. I hate when that happens. For me it was while trying to watch old episodes of really old shows on YouTube. 
But maybe try poking around in your Settings. 

It's happening on some retro channels like FETV.  Instead of the black bars on either side like I used to see, I'm seeing a zoomed in picture that's so big it obscures the channel logo.  The cable settings are no help at all.  Then when I go into my TV settings and ask it to show me the 4:3 format I see the bars again but then the picture looks shrunken.  I've landed on one other format that seems to be a "medium happy" solution but it still bothers me because I have to set it to that every time I'm on those channels and then set it back for all others.  I know there's some way to change it but I forget what it is.  I feel like I've been down this road before but so far it's eluding me.  I don't want to call the cable company because like almost every other company these days they've made getting any real help next to impossible.  You're always put through the 9 circles of hell and never get through to anyone that knows how to solve your problem.  And that's even true if you choose the "chat" function too!  I'll just keep fiddling around with it, I'll eventually figure it out.

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12 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Did anyone ever hear about not feeling well when there is a full Moon?  My Sister believes in astrology and said it’s true.  Something about the tide when it draws into the Ocean.

As I’m sure all y’all are aware, astrology and gravitational effects of the phases of the moon are not necessarily related. 
But that doesn’t nullify coincidence.

Anyhoo —
Based upon my many years of supervising the college library after hours from the reference desk, I do think it is certainly easier to “dance by the light of the moon” than without it.

Nowadays, the light of the full moon just contributes to my life-long insomnia — especially doom scrolling for blackout curtains or sleep masks.
Actually, a black, long sleeved t-shirt draped across my eyes works well.

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47 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Anyhoo —
Based upon my many years of supervising the college library after hours from the reference desk, I do think it is certainly easier to “dance by the light of the moon” than without it.

Btw, changing subject ..my daughter, whose kids were and are in college, just landed a job in the school Library.  She loves it as it’s so interesting.  She worked on Wall Street before she had kids, so this is a treat for her.






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9 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Btw, changing subject ..my daughter, whose kids were and are in college, just landed a job in the school Library.  She loves it as it’s so interesting.  She worked on Wall Street before she had kids, so this is a treat for her.

Many of us in graduate school to get MLS or MLIS degrees were changing careers. I imagine your daughter’s experiences in business and parenting will greatly enhance her value to those she works with.

Back to the full moon chat:
My favorite Barney Miller episode with my favorite guest star (Kenneth Tigar) is 3.6 “Werewolf.” The entire episode is good, but the werewolf part (including full moon references) begins at 8:52 minutes in:


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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Many of us in graduate school to get MLS or MLIS degrees were changing careers. I imagine your daughter’s experiences in business and parenting will greatly enhance her value to those she works with.

Back to the full moon chat:
My favorite Barney Miller episode with my favorite guest star (Kenneth Tigar) is 3.6 “Werewolf.” The entire episode is good, but the werewolf part (including full moon references) begins at 8:52 minutes in:


Working in retail for many years, we noticed the full moon always brought in our craziest customers.

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:24 PM, kristen111 said:

I had my yearly physical this morning.  Stress test, blood work up, etc.  Everything normal.  The most important thing in the world, a good report.  All the small annoyances are bullshit.  Thank you God.

I know it seems like I’m a wuss and my checkup was no big deal, but actually it was a big deal.  Ten years ago, I had a slight pain in my upper back near my shoulder that seemed like a pulled muscle.  After going to Emegency, it was a heart attack, probably a few weeks prior.  Next morning, I had five stents put in my chest.  So, what I thought was a simple little thing, turned to be life threatening.  I just had to clarify that.  Beware of little things .. it could be something.  Better safe than sorry.  Just sayin.

18 hours ago, PRgal said:

I've just started watching The Idea of You on Prime and it's making me feel old :( 

You are still young.  I just started watching it, and I’m liking it so far.  The guy is real cute.  



Edited by kristen111
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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Working in retail for many years, we noticed the full moon always brought in our craziest customers.

I worked retail too. We'd sometimes ask each other jokingly if it was the full moon because of how the customers were behaving. We'd check the calendar and a lot of times it was

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33 minutes ago, ABay said:

Does anyone have statistics? It just sounds like urban legend and/or confirmation bias to me.

Statistics would need to factor in weather. A full moon’s light can be obscured by clouds.

I’ve read and heard of warm weather contributing to crime and mischief in cities that have a lot of cold weather. 

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37 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

I know it seems like I’m a wuss and my checkup was no big deal, but actually it was a big deal.  Ten years ago, I had a slight pain in my upper back near my shoulder that seemed like a pulled muscle.  After going to Emegency, it was a heart attack, probably a few weeks prior.  Next morning, I had five stents put in my chest.  So, what I thought was a simple little thing, turned to be life threatening.  I just had to clarify that.  Beware of little things .. it could be something.  Better safe than sorry.  Just sayin.

You are still young.  I just started watching it, and I’m liking it so far.  The guy is real cute.  



"Young" is relative.  I'm three years older than Anne Hathaway.

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21 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Ok, but I guess that’s all they can get at this point.  I did like her in Devil Wears Prada.  Then, she fizzled out like the rest.  Now they go for the plastic surgery and ruin themselves altogether.

Well, Reese Witherspoon and Kate Hudson both could be appropriate.  But neither seem convincing as a curator/gallery owner.  

I love the costumes.  I'm too short to pull her look off, though (same reason why the actresses mentioned above can't).

Edited by PRgal
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12 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

My stepdaughter, a psychologist, once said that she & her associates always knew when there was a full moon because of the behavior of their patients. No idea if it affected all of the patients.

I don't believe in astrology or any of that nonsense, but I can see how things like more light during the night could affect sensitive people. Usually, most myths have some sort of backstory so I wouldn't be very surprised if werewolves were connected to people going more crazy than usual during full moon.

Apparently, this has been studied to some extent:

Lunar effect

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ER sent me home with no treatment. Basically they said if I have a stomach ache , viomit etc come back. I live alone who exactly is gonna call 911 for me when I am in that state???

Basically they refused to treat me. And I have insurance! 

So I’m going home still feeling off…

Will be googling a new hospital… lucky it’s NYC so I have other choices.

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8 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

ER sent me home with no treatment. Basically they said if I have a stomach ache , viomit etc come back. I live alone who exactly is gonna call 911 for me when I am in that state???

Basically they refused to treat me. And I have insurance! 

So I’m going home still feeling off…

Will be googling a new hospital… lucky it’s NYC so I have other choices.

Can you try a walk-in tomorrow, or do you need someone now?

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Feeling off is rarely an emergency.  Chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, cuts, broken bones, falls, inability to retain fluid leading to dehydration, etc. are what ERs treat.  Trust me if you get a stomach ache or even lengthy spells of vomiting leading to dehydration, you can still call 911.  I've done it.  

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5 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I will either go to urgent care or a different er tomorrow. I’m feeling off but not like call an ambulance.

I think you should go to an urgent care.  ERs don't like it when people walk in just feeling "off" because it takes them away from emergencies, which is what ERs are supposed to be for.  The only times I've been to an ER were in the following cases:

  • When my mother accidentally closed my thumb in the car door when I was 14 and I was in horrible pain and thought it was broken (it wasn't but I did lose the nail, ugh).
  • When I had a urinary tract infection in my 20s so painful I was doubled over on the floor in pain.
  • When I broke both bones in my forearm clear through and had to be taken there in an ambulance.
  • When I had a gallbladder attack so bad I was doubled over on the floor in pain.
  • And last year when I had a bad episode of vertigo where the room was spinning wildly and I could barely call 911 for the ambulance and crawl to the door to let the EMTs in.

Note that in all of those cases except for the thumb and the arm I didn't know what was wrong with me - I thought I could be dying.  If I went to the ER every time I felt "off" I'd be going there every month, lol.

Also, if you have a primary care doctor sometimes they will find room in their schedule to see you right away if they can.  If they are part of a practice they might have a PA see you or another doctor.

Edited by Yeah No
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8 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m going to the ER. I feel off. Since I live alone if I have an episode no one is gonna find me for days or longer. 

My best friend lives in NYC alone and has feared the same thing.  Her closest friend is in Queens (she's in the Bronx near Spuyten Dyvil).  She is 66 with medical conditions and has only recently started to feel that way.  She has become friendly with a single female neighbor on her floor.  They've become a little support system for each other.  I feel much better knowing that because I live 110 miles away and can't be there to help her on a moment's notice.

Note that she also attends a therapy group every week.  No one should feel completely alone and if you do it's time to seek out some support from somewhere.  Feeling alone can make all our ailments feel worse because of the added stress of worrying about what they might be.  

Edited by Yeah No
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11 hours ago, PRgal said:

"Young" is relative.  I'm three years older than Anne Hathaway.

I was already married for 2 years when Anne Hathaway was born.  So yeah, "young" is relative, LOL.

7 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

I like her but the movie is just ridiculous. 

I didn't really love "Devil Wears Prada" when I first saw it in the theater but when I caught it late one night on TV a couple of years ago I liked it better.  I suppose it's supposed to be ridiculous.  I guess something changed in me and I was able to go there with it that time.

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3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I was already married for 2 years when Anne Hathaway was born.  So yeah, "young" is relative, LOL.

I didn't really love "Devil Wears Prada" when I first saw it in the theater but when I caught it late one night on TV a couple of years ago I liked it better.  I suppose it's supposed to be ridiculous.  I guess something changed in me and I was able to go there with it that time.

When I mean “old,” it also has to do with it dawning on me that I could be a mother to a teenager because my reality is that I’m a mom to a 5 1/2 year old.  And people around me, even those my age, have elementary school aged kids.  Yes, I know my parents were around my age when I was in high school, but that was the 1990s!  

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2 hours ago, PRgal said:

When I mean “old,” it also has to do with it dawning on me that I could be a mother to a teenager because my reality is that I’m a mom to a 5 1/2 year old.  And people around me, even those my age, have elementary school aged kids.  Yes, I know my parents were around my age when I was in high school, but that was the 1990s!  

Oh yeah well thinking like that will only help you feel "old".  Most women these days have children at older ages than they used to so you're far from alone in that.  I'm old enough to be your mom, LOL.  Scary thought, right?  LOL 😉

Back in the 90s when women my age were still having kids it was not uncommon to become a mom in one's mid 30s, especially among women that worked.  

My parents were "old" to have me.  My mom was already 29 when they got married (he was 26) and I didn't come along until she was 34.  Today that would be a normal age but back in the late 50s that was considered ancient.  If things had worked out differently for them I could have been born 10 years earlier.  That would make me 75 right now!  

It also blew my mind realizing that this year my mom would have been 100 years old.  I can't possibly have a mother that was born 100 years ago!  😉

I sound like my father, who in his 90s would often joke around that he couldn't possibly be old enough to have a daughter in her 60s, LOL.

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2 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

My parents were "old" to have me.  My mom was already 29 when they got married (he was 26) and I didn't come along until she was 34. 

My husband's parents both served during WWII.  They didn't end up having him until they were well into their 40s.  It was weird when our families first got together as his parents were pretty much the right age to be parents to my parents (who married and started their family while in their early 20s).  Anyway all that to say there have always been older parents out there!   In "my day" they used to call these babies 'change of life babies'.  I don't know if that's still a commonly used term.

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My mother had me when she was 30, so many of their friends' kids are now in their late 40s rather than their MID-40s (unless they were the last kid in the family).  My mom and dad married at 23 and 24 respectively, but waited a few years, until they had a nest egg and to have any kids.  I was their one and done (Mom had a tough pregnancy).  A friend of my mom's had another child with her second husband and that child is a few years younger than me.  I think she's just turning 40?

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1 hour ago, PRgal said:

My mother had me when she was 30, so many of their friends' kids are now in their late 40s rather than their MID-40s (unless they were the last kid in the family).  My mom and dad married at 23 and 24 respectively, but waited a few years, until they had a nest egg and to have any kids.  I was their one and done (Mom had a tough pregnancy).  A friend of my mom's had another child with her second husband and that child is a few years younger than me.  I think she's just turning 40?

That's what we did. I was 23 and my DH was 24. We waited six years before we had our son. We wanted to buy a house first.

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On 5/19/2024 at 10:06 AM, Yeah No said:

feel that way about the Outback.  It's "back in the day" for me in the best way and makes me think of the old days and good times.  Same for "Red Lobster".  We have Denny's near me but I haven't been to one in decades.  The food is just too fattening and unhealthy for me in general.  My body used to be able to handle stuff like that but not for a long time.  I would be lying if I said I didn't crave that and IHOP once in a while.  I haven't had pancakes in forever. 🥞  (And yes, that's a "pancakes" emoji, lol). 

Yesterday, they announced Red Lobster is closing all their restaurants.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

We all have been drawn into off-topic discussions, me included. There's little that's off-topic when it comes to Chit Chat, so the only ask is that you please remember that this is the Chit Chat topic and that there's a subforum for all things health and wellness here.

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