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S29: Baylor Wilson

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Relationship to Significant Castaway: Missy Payne’s daughter


Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: I believe that I am secure and confident enough in myself to not let others attitudes, comments or situations affect me.


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Youngest contestant this season.  Hope she does well.

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Remember how RC was edited to be a good girl (except for that gawdawful laugh) and later when she got to Ponderosa, all of a sudden she's a raging bitch? I found out from Abi that she was that way at camp all along, we just didn't see it. I am wondering if our dear sweet Baylor is the same way? Because I am hearing that no one likes her. Will be interesting to see how long she fares and if she does make it to the Ponderosa jury, we see more of what she's like. She's sort of flaky, to me.

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Baylor's voice and song-writing are not bad.  I particularly like her song Turn Around.  But I doubt she's good enough to make it far in the country music business, especially not these days when it's almost impossible for new female soloists to get any radio play.


Also, judging by some of her music videos, it looks like she probably put on some weight before going on Survivor.  I've always thought that would be a good idea.

Edited by viajero
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Baylor's voice and song-writing are not bad.  I particularly like her song Turn Around.  But I doubt she's good enough to make it far in the country music business, especially not these days when it's almost impossible for new female soloists to get any radio play.

Easier now than in most years past (with the exception of the Faith and Shania stampedes).  There's an entire country girl/cowgirl demographic the market's already started moving to cater to.  Miranda Lambert's really upped the stakes at the tables lately.  :)


Also, judging by some of her music videos, it looks like she probably put on some weight before going on Survivor.  I've always thought that would be a good idea.

Echo echo.  Someone earlier posted Malcolm's 5 Tips on preparing for Survivor, and his Tip#1 was "Lose Weight".  I think that is an excellent suggestion for the months leading up to a contestant's departure for an episode.  In that last week or two immediately prior to departure, however, I'd be stuffing as much carbs, fats and oils as my body could take - just to throw on an extra layer of nutritional 'bank' to draw from over the next month or so.

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Easier now than in most years past (with the exception of the Faith and Shania stampedes).  There's an entire country girl/cowgirl demographic the market's already started moving to cater to.  Miranda Lambert's really upped the stakes at the tables lately.  :)



I still think it's extremely difficult for any all-female act not named Miranda or Carrie to get much radio play.  Just look at Billboards current Country Radioplay Top-30 chart.   It breaks down into 26 male soloists or all-male groups, 1 mixed group (Little Big Town), 1 all female group (Maddie & Tae), and 2 female soloists (one of which is Carrie Underwood).  Unfortunately, this male to female ratio has pretty much remained constant all year.  The only "new" female Country artists to have any kind of even middling chart success over the past couple of years are Kacey Musgraves, Maddie & Tae, and Cassadee Pope (the last two with only one hit each so far).  These are not encouraging facts for aspiring female country artists like Baylor.

Edited by viajero
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I hated Baylor so much in the first few eps, but she's weirdly now one of only like 4 people this season that I can remotely stand.


I still don't like her, but I have some sympathy for her now that we've seen more of her mom. Particularly in this last episode, Missy was being so weirdly happy about how Baylor was taking a backseat to Missy's leadership and doing what Missy told her to do. She said something like, "I know she respects me, but now she's obeying me and this is how I redeem myself for the mistakes I made while she was growing up." I don't think Missy will ever understand that being a parent is not about the parent; it's about the child. If she needs to dominate her kid in order to feel redeemed, then, I don't know, she's just gross.


I couldn't help but contrast that with the last BvW, Laura and Ciera especially, but also Tina and Katie. Of the two, Tina was the player and Katie seemed more along for the ride, but the vibe was definitely that they wanted to have an adventure together and have a good time for however long they could stay in the game. Tina did win the RI challenge that put Katie out of the game, but she got Katie's okay first, and it appeared that if Katie had asked her to, Tina would have let her win. And Laura and Ciera was one of the really nice storylines of that season. Even though Ciera had to essentially cut Laura's throat in the game, Laura was just so damned proud of her for doing it. She was like, well, it hurts in the context of the game, but this is what you want for your kids, for them to grow up, be independent, and make rational decisions that will benefit them.  If Missy were either to give up her spot in the game for Baylor or if Baylor were to vote Missy out, I think Baylor would have to hear about it for the rest of her life.

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I still think it's extremely difficult for any all-female act not named Miranda or Carrie to get much radio play.  Just look at Billboards current Country Radioplay Top-30 chart.   It breaks down into 26 male soloists or all-male groups, 1 mixed group (Little Big Town), 1 all female group (Maddie & Tae), and 2 female soloists (one of which is Carrie Underwood).  Unfortunately, this male to female ratio has pretty much remained constant all year.  The only "new" female Country artists to have any kind of even middling chart success over the past couple of years are Kacey Musgraves, Maddie & Tae, and Cassadee Pope (the last two with only one hit each so far).  These are not encouraging facts for aspiring female country artists like Baylor.


Oh, I wasn't disagreeing; just talking in terms of relativity.  It's never easy, because so much more than talent goes into the equation; look/marketability for one (SO much more now than it used to be), good timing (make that phenomenal timing), and just plain bare-assed good luck - being heard by just the right person or people at just the right time.  And that's all just to get a contract, before radio play is even an issue.  And yes, it's about 10x harder for 51% of the population to get 10+% representation on the radio play charts.  It's not fair by any means, but it is the nature of the beast.


Baylor is cute and has a nice voice, true - but I know somebody who could lay her out both vocally and visually, and she's a waitress at a Cracker Barrel out here.  And probably still will be ten years from now, if she doesn't give up/get married/go back home.  It's just that hard.  Hell, it took Garth Brooks two or three trips to Nashville before he was able to crack the industry shell, and he already had major backing before he made the first trip.


Baylor has sort of a chipmunk/cheerleader cuteness thing going on, but I don't see it translating to anything substantial in the music industry.  I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

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I still don't like her, but I have some sympathy for her now that we've seen more of her mom. Particularly in this last episode, Missy was being so weirdly happy about how Baylor was taking a backseat to Missy's leadership and doing what Missy told her to do. She said something like, "I know she respects me, but now she's obeying me and this is how I redeem myself for the mistakes I made while she was growing up." I don't think Missy will ever understand that being a parent is not about the parent; it's about the child. If she needs to dominate her kid in order to feel redeemed, then, I don't know, she's just gross.


I couldn't help but contrast that with the last BvW, Laura and Ciera especially, but also Tina and Katie. Of the two, Tina was the player and Katie seemed more along for the ride, but the vibe was definitely that they wanted to have an adventure together and have a good time for however long they could stay in the game. Tina did win the RI challenge that put Katie out of the game, but she got Katie's okay first, and it appeared that if Katie had asked her to, Tina would have let her win. And Laura and Ciera was one of the really nice storylines of that season. Even though Ciera had to essentially cut Laura's throat in the game, Laura was just so damned proud of her for doing it. She was like, well, it hurts in the context of the game, but this is what you want for your kids, for them to grow up, be independent, and make rational decisions that will benefit them.  If Missy were either to give up her spot in the game for Baylor or if Baylor were to vote Missy out, I think Baylor would have to hear about it for the rest of her life.

I see your point, but I think its sort of different since both Katie and Ciera were both adults who were on their own. In Ciera's case she was a parent of two and married. I believe Katie lives in NYC while Tina lives in Tennessee. Baylor's only 20 years old and is still in college. Who knows if she has ever been apart from Missy for an extended period of time she could be used to relying on her mom for decisions.

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I see your point, but I think its sort of different since both Katie and Ciera were both adults who were on their own. In Ciera's case she was a parent of two and married. I believe Katie lives in NYC while Tina lives in Tennessee. Baylor's only 20 years old and is still in college. Who knows if she has ever been apart from Missy for an extended period of time she could be used to relying on her mom for decisions.


Well Baylor is going to school in Nashville and her mother lives in Dallas so I would like to think she is making decisions on her own. As far as Missy's reaction should her daughter vote her out I think she might respect it. She seems to want Baylor to "toughen up" and not play with emotions, etc.  

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Well Baylor is going to school in Nashville and her mother lives in Dallas so I would like to think she is making decisions on her own. As far as Missy's reaction should her daughter vote her out I think she might respect it. She seems to want Baylor to "toughen up" and not play with emotions, etc.

That makes sense. I went to school far away from my parents and it wasn't until I was fully on my own I was making full adult decisions since when I was school I was somewhat financially independent. But everyone is different. I agree I think Missy should respect it if Baylor votes her out.

Edited by choclatechip45
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So I felt badly for Baylor after I watched her Ponderosa video. From what we saw and heard on the show, she was a little bratty, but not hateful or mean.


Then I read this interview (http://www.examiner.com/article/survivor-baylor-interview-i-think-they-all-underestimated-me) and this part caught my attention:




Tom Santilli: So what was it? Did they not like your personality?

Baylor: Honestly, I don't understand to this day why they didn't like me. The only thing I can think of is that I'm this young, cute, flirty, twenty-year-old girl that they probably just didn't want around and didn't want to have to deal with. But I think that they all underestimated me and I'm proud that I lasted longer than all of them, except for Keith, the only guy who outlasted me.


It's hard to feel sympathetic towards someone who has no self-awareness. I really doubt the reason they disliked her is because she was "young, cute and flirty". Even if you think you're being flirty, you should at least acknowledge how it could come off the wrong way and be seen by others as annoying or bratty. 

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It's hard to feel sympathetic towards someone who has no self-awareness. I really doubt the reason they disliked her is because she was "young, cute and flirty". Even if you think you're being flirty, you should at least acknowledge how it could come off the wrong way and be seen by others as annoying or bratty.

Same here. Purely personal perception/supposition on my part, but I kinda get the vibe of Baylor dismissing ANY kind of personal conflict with a kneejerk "Oh, they're just jealous of me" response.

Besides her mother and Natalie, did Baylor form strong positive personal ties with ANYBODY in the game?

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Same here. Purely personal perception/supposition on my part, but I kinda get the vibe of Baylor dismissing ANY kind of personal conflict with a kneejerk "Oh, they're just jealous of me" response.

Besides her mother and Natalie, did Baylor form strong positive personal ties with ANYBODY in the game?

That's totally the impression I get too and I'm sure whenever she says that, Missy is right next to her, feeding her ego and saying "Of course they are! Now let's go eat more rice" or whatever else Baylor wants. I don't think she formed a strong bond with anyone. Missy said that Natalie adored Baylor and maybe this is something Natalie will mention in her exit interviews, but I always got the feeling Natalie tolerated Baylor and needed her for strategic purposes. Baylor was so wrapped up in her mom and sometimes Natalie that I wonder if she even made the effort to talk to anyone else during the game.


If she had conflicts with one person, fine, maybe that was just a fluke or due to weird interpersonal dynamics or issues on the other person's end. When pretty much the whole cast has said throughout the season that you're spoiled and difficult to live with? Maybe you want to start thinking about that. This could be a learning experience for her if she would let it. Again, I say this as someone who thought she was kind of getting a bad rap, but I'm not thinking that anymore. There is no self-awareness or consideration there, just self-congratulatory talk.

Edited by wudpixie
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Holmes: I’m not sure it’s right to refer to you and your mother as villains, but there was definitely a negative sentiment around you two. Is that something that palpable while you were out there or is just now coming to light now that you’re watching the show?

Wilson: Oh no, I felt like I was hated from the get go. But I don’t know why my mom would seem villain-like at all. We’re very positive people. But, we don’t take BS very well. So, it was hard for me to be that target that people wanted out all the time. I have a great group of friends. I’m the life of the party, leader of the group. I had to shut my mouth out there and take the punches.

Oh Baylor...




Holmes: One of the early feuds was between you and your mother and Kelley and Dale. I believe Dale and your mother had a tiff over food distribution.

Wilson: Honestly, the only thing I can say about that is Kelley and Dale are the opposite personality of me and my mom. They’re very…hermit…kind of people. They like to keep to themselves. I never connected with them on anything. The life that they live is very different from my mom. That’s what’s so interesting about “Survivor,” is you take people from all walks of life. People that you don’t understand. Like I truly do not understand how Dale lives in such a small town and never leaves. We just didn’t get along.


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Between these post-game interviews where she refuses to own up to her behaviour and keeps talking about how awesome she is and the pre-game interviews where Missy talks about how Baylor is amazing and is going to win every challenge she really does come off as a spoiled brat. Which is disappointing because I want to like her.


Their relationship is so weird and unhealthy. So if I have this right it's basically that Missy sacrifices Baylor's well-being/doesn't listen to Baylor whenever Baylor's needs conflict with a man in Missy's life, so to compensate for that she gives Baylor whatever she wants and tells her how awesome she is at everything all the time? Baylor is aware of this whole dynamic and the fact that Missy is trying to make up for her poor decisions, yet never questions the validity of what Missy says and does and is still incredibly co-dependent with her?

Edited by wudpixie
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Wilson: Honestly, the only thing I can say about that is Kelley and Dale are the opposite personality of me and my mom. They’re very…hermit…kind of people. They like to keep to themselves. I never connected with them on anything. The life that they live is very different from my mom. That’s what’s so interesting about “Survivor,” is you take people from all walks of life. People that you don’t understand. Like I truly do not understand how Dale lives in such a small town and never leaves. We just didn’t get along.


Wow. Judging from this, she really did get a favorable edit. What a snob!

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Yeah, the whole "my mom and I are popular and outgoing and Dale and Kelley were quiet and introverted" is pretty bad. I can understand saying that you have nothing in common with someone or don't find them that interesting, but the way she worded it was pretty narrow-minded and judgmental. I've only read a few of her exit interviews, but I wish someone had asked her explicitly about being a brat. Not so much "did you know people didn't like you" or "how hard was it that people didn't like you" or even "why do you think people didn't like you", but just directly asking "were you acting bratty out there?" Although I guess we would have gotten the same "I'm just young and cute and flirty" answer. Which doesn't even make sense. She's talking about why a bunch of guys didn't like her (the ones on Coyopa). So it's not even a case of "oh all the girls were jealous of me". Doesn't she realize that if she's actually so cute and flirty, the guys would like her more, not less?

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I might have an issue with this if she was talking about anyone else but Dale. But considering that got the past couple months this 50 something old man has been taking pot shots at her on twitter including replying negatively to people who had the nerve to say they liked her music and I say go Baylor. Dale is pretty much a jerk.

Edited by LanceM
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I might have an issue with this if she was talking about anyone else but Dale. But considering that got the past couple months this 50 something old man has been taking pot shots at her on twitter including replying negatively to people who had the nerve to say they liked her music and I say go Baylor. Dale is pretty much a jerk.


Really though. And I mean damn Dale is a 50 year old man taking to twitter to whine about a 20 year old woman. That's a whole other level of dickish and quite frankly somewhat creepy to me.


I don't know, those two quotes didn't really come off as OTT awful to me. I still hate almost everyone else who made the merge more then her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just saw an interview (can't recall where) with Baylor (and, Jaclyn) both said they were recruited for the show via Facebook. How does casting find such random people on Facebook and see if they want to be on Survivor? I guess the operative word is random, right? I guess in their favor was they were young pretty girls. Too bad they aren't looking for the old guy like me on Facebook. Maybe, I'm too old for Facebook? Nah! LOL!!!!!!

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Baylor and Missy crying during every episode did not endear them to me, but it did make for good viewing.

I loved to hate them, and I certainly consider them villainous goats.

Missy more of an incompetent, yet highly irritating goat, while Baylor is a crying doofus bratty goat.

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I just saw an interview (can't recall where) with Baylor (and, Jaclyn) both said they were recruited for the show via Facebook. How does casting find such random people on Facebook and see if they want to be on Survivor? I guess the operative word is random, right? I guess in their favor was they were young pretty girls. Too bad they aren't looking for the old guy like me on Facebook. Maybe, I'm too old for Facebook? Nah! LOL!!!!!!


I saw the interview with Baylor and she mentioned that she had auditioned for The Voice a while back and thinks that may be how casting got a hold of her name.

Edited by LanceM
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I just saw an interview (can't recall where) with Baylor (and, Jaclyn) both said they were recruited for the show via Facebook. How does casting find such random people on Facebook and see if they want to be on Survivor? I guess the operative word is random, right? I guess in their favor was they were young pretty girls. Too bad they aren't looking for the old guy like me on Facebook. Maybe, I'm too old for Facebook? Nah! LOL!!!!!!

One look at my FB page would probably send them running for the hills, screaming all the way.

That, or simply confuse the shiitake out of them.

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Jaclyn had tried out for the Amazing Race with another pageant person but the other person either couldn't or wouldn't participate. It sounds like they were both recruited because of interest in other Reality TV shows. 


Yes, Baylor is clueless, I am not surprised, she is 20. I suspect that in five years or so she will be in a different place and see things differently. I don't expect 20 year olds to be all that self aware. It would be nice if they were, but many are not.


I understand what she is trying to say about Dale. Dale pretty much interviewed in the show that this game was hard for him because he works on a farm pretty much by himself and was an introvert. Kelly interviewed that she was worried about Dale for that exact same reason. So is it any worse for Baylor to say she cannot understand how someone would never want to leave their small town then Dale saying that he never wants to leave his small town? Essentially, Dale's comments are implicitly saying that there is no reason to leave and see anything else. He is willing to give up other experiences to stay in this one place. He can make that choice but it really is kind of close minded. I have known people who come from small towns who say they never want to leave and give a ton of reasons why small town life is so great (I grew up in a small town where people could trace their family lineage back 8 generations type deal). For the most part, those were the same people who where pretty scared of the world around them and had no interest in being exposed to new ideas, foods, or people. They were also the same folks who were shunning those of us who moved into the area because we were outsiders.


So it is wrong that she is dismissive of someone else's life choices but I get it and Dale should get it based on his own interviews.

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An even smaller world than a small town is the rarified, superficial world of cheerleading. That's the world Missy and Baylor live in, in their own words, "24/7." That's where people fully expect to be loved and admired because they are popular, positive, flirty and cute. That's where they cry, and are hugged by friends, over each little boo-boo and boys respond helpfully to every eyelash flutter sent their way.

No offence to people who were in cheerleading as a sport and kept in in perspective, but making it your life can lead to a value system that puts a flat stomach and perky attitude above all else.

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An even smaller world than a small town is the rarified, superficial world of cheerleading. That's the world Missy and Baylor live in, in their own words, "24/7." That's where people fully expect to be loved and admired because they are popular, positive, flirty and cute. That's where they cry, and are hugged by friends, over each little boo-boo and boys respond helpfully to every eyelash flutter sent their way.No offence to people who were in cheerleading as a sport and kept in in perspective, but making it your life can lead to a value system that puts a flat stomach and perky attitude above all else.

That's an amusing characterization, and I don't doubt that it rings true. However, neither Missy or Baylor fit the image I have of the popular, flirty, and cute cheerleader.

As long as we are being superficial, let me up the ante and say that neither is the shiniest rhinestone in the parade. I simply can not see myself being "bedazzled" by Baylor and Missy, ever, under any circumstance.

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I don't know, I think that anyone who is involved in a program at a travel, varsity, club level is going to find themselves surrounded by folks with similar interests and that there is going to be an expectation that their greatness in said activity is admired. You see it in the star athletes in pretty much every high school who get away with things other kids don't and were actual attendance and school work is less important because they are awesome athletes. They are celebrated for their athletic prowess. Heck, I can say I saw it in the bands and choirs I was in in High School. Our schoolmates might not have respected folks but there was a bit of a clique, aren't we special, and glorification for the kids who were getting in Berkeley School of Music and the like.


Most sports put a real value on being in excellent shape and having strong skills. Competitive arts programs put an emphasis on attitude and conveying the proper attitude during competition. During Marching Band competitions we were not to smile and march through anything in our way, including judges. During choir we were to emphasis the feeling of the song using facial expressions. So knocking cheerleading for emphasizing a flat stomach and perky attitude is like knocking football for wanting guys with big muscles who are fast or drama for wanting kids who are hams. It is a part of the package.


Any time you are involved in one activity you are going to find that cliquish, aren't we special attitude. You can call competitive cheer superficial but a lot of those young women, especially he ones doing the stunts and gymnastics, are pretty impressive athletes. Yes, there is more of an emphasis on glitter and appearances but the girls I was trying out for basketball with were using water breaks to reapply make up so I am guessing that the desire to look great is something commonly found in teenage girls.


I would love for Baylor to be more self aware but I don't see her all that different then many of the kids I taught in College. They are pretty much stuck in their own little worlds, worried about things that are important to them, and a good number of them have parents just like Missy. I see Missy's babying Baylor, giving her more rice, getting her the prime sleeping spot, and defending her against Reed's Brat comment as being pretty similar to the phone calls I got from parents wanting to discuss why their child had flunked my class or why the meetings between student, parents, Department Chair, and myself to discuss the grade on an assignment. Yes, these happened and happened pretty frequently. There have always been parents who are over protective and smoother their kids. Missy is one of them. That leads Baylor to be even more self involved then other kids but it is not uncommon.


So yeah, I'll shrug my shoulders and not be surprised by her responses and world views. She has time to grow and sooner or later will find herself in a situation her Mom can't fix for her. How she responds then will say a lot about who she will be as an adult. She could respond swimmingly or she could end up failing miserably or some where in between. But 20 is young. I was young when I was 20, 23 years ago before technology allowed me to be instant contact with my parents, and it seems like it is even younger today because it is harder for kids to gain distance from their parents.


I get the feeling that Baylor and Missy are annoying when forced to be with them 24/7 with no chance to leave. We did not see too many examples of this annoying behavior on the show, so it was probably something cumulative and probably some sour grapes from the people who were knocked out by the 20 year old. We saw plenty of sniping comments and pretty clueless/semi bad behavior from the very people complaining about Baylor, Reed, Dale, Alec, Alec's Brother, Wes. Heck, I would argue that Reed, Dale, and Alec all got a worse edit then Baylor or Missy.

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No offence to people who were in cheerleading as a sport and kept in in perspective, but making it your life can lead to a value system that puts a flat stomach and perky attitude above all else.


As stated by ProfCrash, there is more to competitive cheerleading than this.  I don't know if what Missy and Baylor were into was competitive or more 'highschool football' type cheer, but there is a difference.  Competitive cheerleading is very physical.  Frankly, if one girl has a flat stomach, but can't do a back flip, but a chubbier girl can do the back flip, the chubbier girl is more likely to be chosen for the more  competitive team.


I also don't blame Baylor too much for her puzzlement over people who never venture out of their 'small world.'  I also have wondered how people can spend their entire life living a few houses from their parents, always going to the same local beach for a vacation, and eating at the same restaurants.  I don't think she was being mean, just couldn't understand it.

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I don't see either Missy or Baylor as being elite gymnastic athletes in the world of competitive cheerleading.

No way, no how.

I am baffled at those trying to characterize them as such.

A quick google search confirms that Missy is part owner of a Pee Wee Cheerleading gym. In other words, she spends her time teaching little Jon Bennett Ramsey wannabes how to tumble and flip around on a padded floor.

Let's not lose touch with reality.

Edited by ToastnBacon
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Some of us are responding to peoples generic comments about competitive cheer and the overall attitudes developed by anyone who participates in competitive sports in general. I have seen ESPN programs that make it clear that Pee Wee Cheerleading is serious business. Just like travel soccer, football, baseball, softball, lacrosse is for the elementary school set. Lots of folks participate in competitive whatever thinking that their kid is great and simply was not discovered and look what they did in high school on team X. So it matters not to me that Missy works with the elementary school set, those programs can be brutal.

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In her CBS bio Baylor lists winning the World Cheerleading Championship in Orlando in 2009 as one of her most proud accomplishments. So yes, I would say There is a good chane that Baylor was an elite competitive cheerleader. Not sure why this would be hard to believe ad she seems to be pretty athletic.

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An even smaller world than a small town is the rarified, superficial world of cheerleading. That's the world Missy and Baylor live in, in their own words, "24/7." That's where people fully expect to be loved and admired because they are popular, positive, flirty and cute. That's where they cry, and are hugged by friends, over each little boo-boo and boys respond helpfully to every eyelash flutter sent their way.

No offence to people who were in cheerleading as a sport and kept in in perspective, but making it your life can lead to a value system that puts a flat stomach and perky attitude above all else.

My daughter is an all-star cheerleader, and that general characterization isn't true at all.  There are ALL different types of girls who participate- with many different body types and skills.  Additionally, if any of those girls tried to cry over boo-boos or bat their eyelashes, etc, the other girls would HATE them.  The cheerleaders that participate at that level take it VERY seriously and that behavior you described would be considered stupid, immature, etc, and the other athletes would essentially shun that behavior.  So, I'm sorry if that's the experience you had and maybe it would fit more with high school cheerleading but not all-star cheerleading. 

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A quick google search confirms that Missy is part owner of a Pee Wee Cheerleading gym. In other words, she spends her time teaching little Jon Bennett Ramsey wannabes how to tumble and flip around on a padded floor.


Elite competitive cheerleaders gotta start somewhere.


There is a good chane that Baylor was an elite competitive cheerleader. Not sure why this would be hard to believe ad she seems to be pretty athletic.



She seems relatively petite, so she could very well have been a flyer.  Not the strongest, most muscular cheerleader, but flexible and good with balance.  She did win that challenge involving using her feet to make the block castle.

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LOL @ Pee Wee Cheerleading is serious business.

I'm sure it is to some people, but I'm not one of them.

As for Baylor, I couldn't find her on the roster for the 2009 USA Team. That is assuming she was referring to the 2009 ICU World Championships held in Orlando, but it could have been some other level of competition.

Either way, it is pretty vague as to exactly what competition she is referring to in her CBS bio.

I still say neither of them look like elite athletes to me, their performance in those challenges on Survivor didn't reflect it either.

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I guess I just don't consider "brutal," a good adjective for children's activities.  I steered my son away from football and into tennis because of the risk of serious injury and no way would I let a daughter do the sort of cheerleading that involves pyramids and other dangerous stunts. 


In 1980, 5,000 cheerleading injuries were reported. The most recent statistics show 27,000 injuries annually, an increase of 440 percent. I'm actually sorry it's not still a matter of looking cute and leading cheers in a perky manner.

Edited by JudyObscure
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LOL @ Pee Wee Cheerleading is serious business.

I'm sure it is to some people, but I'm not one of them.

As for Baylor, I couldn't find her on the roster for the 2009 USA Team. That is assuming she was referring to the 2009 ICU World Championships held in Orlando, but it could have been some other level of competition.

Either way, it is pretty vague as to exactly what competition she is referring to in her CBS bio.

I still say neither of them look like elite athletes to me, their performance in those challenges on Survivor didn't reflect it either.


I did a quick internet search myself and the squad that Baylor cheered for is called the "Spirit of Texas" which did win some kind of championship in Orlando in 2009. I also have no idea how one's prowess in Survivor challenges (in which she did fairly well) is in any way an indication of how athletic someone is given that these challenges frequently involve throwing things, solving puzzles, standing for hours on end, etc. Hell, Crystal VCox was an Olympic athelete and she absolutely sucked in challenges.

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Yes, they took her medal away but you have to be a pretty spectacular athlete to get to the point that steroids put you over the top. They don't give you the initial burst from the starting line, the raw speed, or the ability to see a ball and hit it farther. Steroids enhance your ability, so Crystal had to be pretty damn good to get to the point that the steroids might have made a difference. And who knows, she may have been good enough to not need the steroids. If I am remember correctly, most of her relay squad admitted to using steroids and were stripped of their medals. There was a lot of pressure on elite athletes to use steroids to stay at the top, that includes Olympians and Pros in all sorts of sports.


So she was a talented runner who cheated and still sucked at all Survivor challenges. Heck, Rocker and other Pro athletes have shown that they are not great at challenges on Survivor.


Baylor was on a Champion level cheer team that won a big meet and a good number of meets up to that point. The competitive cheer is insanely demanding and challenging. So she has some type of athletic skill. If she was a flyer that means she has amazingly good body control and probably pretty darn good balance and coordination. It might not be the same as strength or speed but it is still a part of an overall athletic skill set.

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Baylor was on a Champion level cheer team that won a big meet and a good number of meets up to that point. The competitive cheer is insanely demanding and challenging. So she has some type of athletic skill. If she was a flyer that means she has amazingly good body control and probably pretty darn good balance and coordination. It might not be the same as strength or speed but it is still a part of an overall athletic skill set.

Missy, is that you?


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FYI- I was just talking to my daughter who is an avid all-star cheer fan and apparently Spirit of Texas is a HUGE, competitive gym in the cheer world. You may not like Missy or Baylor, but the gym is a pretty big deal I guess.

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Missy, is that you?


Nope, Mother of a 2 1/2 year old who actually strongly dislikes cheerleading. I preferred playing football and baseball and basketball to standing on the sidelines cheering on other people. I still think that cheerleading is useless and that girls should be encouraged to be on the court and not rooting others on. I find the toddler cheer outfits fairly offensive, just give the little girl a jersey or a sweatshirt and let her cheer as a fan.


That said, the competitive cheerleading requires a good deal of athletic skill and that there are a large number of different skills needed on any one team. The people who are doing the lifts and toss need to be able to coordinate their activities with others and be pretty strong. The fliers need to have amazing body control to handle the flips and turns. The tumblers have to have pretty strong gymnastics skill. It is pretty darn impressive. And dangerous, lots of concussions and broken bones. There are a ton of articles that say all of this.


So yeah, I find cheerleading to be useless (subjective opinion). If I had a daughter I would not allow her to cheer (Play a sport don't cheer others and well, competitive cheer is too dangerous. My son is not allowed to play tackle football because I find it to dangerous.) Missy makes a living doing Cheer stuff because there is a market for it. And it is a large market in some parts of the world.

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