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Southern Hospitality - General Discussion

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There must be a lot of wealthy people In Charleston, South Carolina. I have never eaten at a restaurant or visited a club were patrons have to pay at least $1000.00 to reserve a table. Did I hear those prices correctly? I wonder why Andy Cohen and Bravo wanted to broadcast another show just like Vanderpump Rules? The females of VPR are better looking than the females of Southern Hospitality. Katie Maloney and Brittany Cartwright were gorgeous before they gained so much weight due to their alcohol consumption. Charli Burnett(VPR) is kinda cute.

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2 minutes ago, Thumper said:

FYI, there is now a separate forum for “ Southern Hospitality.”  Thanks to mod @Door County Cherry!  

It’s buried down in Other Candid Reality Shows where few venture though.

The 90 Day spin-offs are grouped with 90 Day and that seems to be where people would look for them.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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I kind of enjoyed watching the first episode of this, because everyone is just trying so hard to make us believe that this club in Charleston is as glamorous and exciting as a place in NYC or LA. It's Charleston. Come on. And these people are probably attractive in real life, but their looks don't really cut it for TV. Will looks like he's about twelve. Maddi's got those Dumbo ears. I just... don't see a VPR, or even Southern Charm, level of fame for them. But I do think watching them desperately try for it might be fun. 

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I watched last night's episode so I could see Leva's office made of plywood.  It did not disappoint. I do like that she hung the club banner to try to dress it up. 

This feels like such a vanity project for her, not sure why Bravo thought we wanted to see more Leva. Unlike LVP who already had some cache from RHOBH, Leva does not have a huge fanbase from her brief stint on Southern Charm. Reading some of the backstory, appears she's been jonesing to be on TV for awhile which is part of the reason she had a falling out with Cameran.

All that said, if the cast is interesting, I'll still watch. Unforch, they all seem to be trying a bit too hard. I like Maddi & Mia, and am entirely amused by Lilly Grace or Grace Lilly or whatever. I find the tiny man bartender with opinions on everyone is obnoxious and am already bored with Mikel. 

What I'm really want to know is how much do these VIP hosts actually make? It sounds like blond due and Mia went to college and she's working in finance but does this on the side. Bradley is a personal trainer and does this side. For the rest of them, is this their full time gig?

Finally, the club did not look all that busy, inside or out. Who is paying thousands of dollars for a table?

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5 hours ago, snarts said:

Finally, the club did not look all that busy, inside or out. Who is paying thousands of dollars for a table?

Looks like middle-aged women (which I am) on girls trips 😄

So far I am entertained but I don't know if it is just because this is an all-new cast of characters.  I am also bored by Mikel and hate watching Grace Lilly. She's everything I dislike about GenZ rolled into one insufferable package. The bartender boy with the duck lips looks like a meme.

I wonder if there is a dress code - I have not Googled it. I noticed some girls in super short denim cutoffs and Converse in the line and later walking away. A bar/club in my town tried to enforce a dress code and it didn't go over well but I wish they would have stuck with it. 

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Okay, I asked for this thread…but episode 2 left me with nothing to say. I had high hopes with episode 1 that this show was going to be stupid but in a good way. It was hilarious the way they spent an entire hour boosting themselves up for being better looking and better at their jobs than anyone else. But now that they toned down the self-promotion, there wasn’t really much happening—yet.

I think it will just take time to get to know these people. But why are there so many of them? It seems like they went the route of giving everyone at Republic the option of at least being a “friend of”—and whomever brings it has a chance of securing a coveted cast member spot, which is why all of these people are trying to act like they’re The Most—but while not really having anything to add.

I guess this is why most Bravo shows just revolve around one new party/event per episode, at which the cast members fight about what happened at the last event. Right now they’re just fighting about things that happened before filming, but we don’t know any of these people, so we’re not invested in anyone’s side.

Though, I have to say I guess I am backing the white gay guy in his fight against Grace Lily (whose name would flow a lot better as Lily Grace). That was pretty funny the way he accused her of being an attention whore, and she tried to deny it but then just totally agreed because why wouldn’t you like your own photos? The best part of the episode was when he’s like you come into the room and expect everyone’s attention, and she’s all, no I don’t—and then cut to the clip of her arriving at the go-cart place, hollering from across the room that the party can now start, and then her jumping on top of the table twerking! And in case you missed that—she was twerking on top of a bumper car!! 

im also somewhat curious why Madison is so enthralled with an average-looking pedicab driver (peddler??) who did her dirty. The love triangle with Joe could be promising.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Okay, I asked for this thread…but episode 2 left me with nothing to say. I had high hopes with episode 1 that this show was going to be stupid but in a good way. It was hilarious the way they spent an entire hour boosting themselves up for being better looking and better at their jobs than anyone else. But now that they toned down the self-promotion, there wasn’t really much happening—yet.

I think it will just take time to get to know these people. But why are there so many of them? It seems like they went the route of giving everyone at Republic the option of at least being a “friend of”—and whomever brings it has a chance of securing a coveted cast member spot, which is why all of these people are trying to act like they’re The Most—but while not really having anything to add.

I guess this is why most Bravo shows just revolve around one new party/event per episode, at which the cast members fight about what happened at the last event. Right now they’re just fighting about things that happened before filming, but we don’t know any of these people, so we’re not invested in anyone’s side.

Though, I have to say I guess I am backing the white gay guy in his fight against Grace Lily (whose name would flow a lot better as Lily Grace). That was pretty funny the way he accused her of being an attention whore, and she tried to deny it but then just totally agreed because why wouldn’t you like your own photos? The best part of the episode was when he’s like you come into the room and expect everyone’s attention, and she’s all, no I don’t—and then cut to the clip of her arriving at the go-cart place, hollering from across the room that the party can now start, and then her jumping on top of the table twerking! And in case you missed that—she was twerking on top of a bumper car!! 

im also somewhat curious why Madison is so enthralled with an average-looking pedicab driver (peddler??) who did her dirty. The love triangle with Joe could be promising.

I thought this is on Thursday nights.

Edit I guess my DVR recorded a repeat last week.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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24 is not a “milestone birthday.” 21? Absolutely! 25? Sure, why not. But what milestone is 24?

Mia sometimes makes out with Joe and Dad approves—but he’s secretly in love with Maddi. This has potential! Joe pulled out his back trying to impress girls at the gym, lol.

No one likes Mikel, but as far as I can tell his greatest personality flaw is that he likes Grace Lilly.

there’s another cast member called Lucia? Okay, we’ve never seen her before until they showed us with her family. A montage of TJ cleaning his apartment and Joe making breakfast. Oh, no! Don’t go downhill this quickly. These people need to start mixing things up and telling each other how they feel instead of just telling the camera. I do not need to hear from this bland blonde couple how you know how we bragged last week about having sex 5 times a night—it’s because he’s too drunk to cum. Keep that to yourself!

Mia was prom queen out of a class of 22 kids…so there were like 10 other girls you beat out? Congrats.

”Fancy napkins! Napkins with my face on them.”

Why did all of these people who hate Grace Lilly come to her birthday party? Oh, yeah, just like how GL is working on the sacred day of her birth, this gang is showing up to lock their place as a cast member.

Now Will is forcing us to hear about his “big dick.” Well, you know what else Emmy said about it, it doesn’t work. 

Mikel literally spilled the tea—right into TJ’s face. (Okay, I think it was actually champagne, but that’s not as funny.)

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22 hours ago, JenE4 said:

24 is not a “milestone birthday.” 21? Absolutely! 25? Sure, why not. But what milestone is 24?

She’s not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.  

22 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Mia sometimes makes out with Joe and Dad approves

I can’t believe we didn’t get a scene where Mia told “JoeBradleyalloneword” that her father thinks he is the best looking man that he has ever seen.  

22 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Now Will is forcing us to hear about his “big dick.”

Well his face is a 5 so I was wondering what the allure is.

Did Mikel actually call TJ old lol?  What is he gasp 26?

20 hours ago, Gracie123 said:

This show is sooooooo stupid!

Good to see Leva’s glam plywood office again though.

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On 12/13/2022 at 8:35 PM, Gracie123 said:

This show is sooooooo stupid!

Amen. It just reeks of try-hard in so many ways.

I had much higher hopes for it after its peppy premiere, but the past two episodes have been such snooze-inducing duds that I could barely get through them…these people aren’t that cute or funny, nor are they remotely charismatic or interesting whatsoever.

Also, Leva’s way too bland to be in the presumed LVP role on this show. She simply doesn’t have that glamour, magnetic appeal, and sharp wit of Lisa Vanderpump.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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 This show is a scraping the bottom of the barrel is so many ways.  I was hoping to see more of what it takes to run her businesses but mainly it’s Leva playing at #girlboss strutting through the place in high heels and her new face. She is so dull and boring and the others are just working at seeing how ratchet they can be. I’d rather see Craig selling pillows. Sorta. 

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Is there any place Grace Lilly won't twerk? Pro tip - people don't think you're funny or edgy for doing it in every public place.

That whole NASCAR experience thing was amusing. They were acting like they were so VIP but anyone with an RV can make an infield reservation.

Also, GL, you're not dairy free. You just don't drink plain milk. Lots of people don't. 

I also had high hopes for this series but it's extremely boring. These kids are too annoying to entertain me.

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40 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Grace was sexually harassing that driver and that is his workplace.

It was gross. Her behavior is terrible and so wildly inappropriate. She's a PR liability. 

GL is in for a rude awakening when she approaches middle age. When (you think) you're hot in your twenties you believe you're never not going to be hot. She's going to learn the hard way that her looks and personality won't get her very far in life.

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2 hours ago, Peper81 said:

Does anyone know who Regan’s boyfriend Reece is supposed to be?  Bradley made it seem like he is important but I have no idea who he is.

Reece Kimsey 

All I could focus on was Regan's missing eyebrows. You know how they say how important eyebrows are to frame you face? She really should look into some eyebrow pencil. I also can't help but think she was an mid-filming addition to amp up the drama. Like producers saw her on the street and invited her in.

That said, this episode made me laugh. Between the peanut butter rumor, which Emmy quickly copped to and described in her confessional interview, and watching Joe Bradley shave his chest, it was just the mindless entertainment I covet.

Bradley the trainer has a weirdly shaped very small head. Prolly wouldn't be as noticeable if his arms/shoulders weren't so huge.


Edited by snarts
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Grace Lilly has the most annoying junior high mean girl laugh. She’s no where near as hot as she thinks she is. She’s pretty enough but her personality negates her looks immediately. I keep waiting for her to say chicken and broccoli with brown sauce and brown rice, hahahahahaha.

Totally agree that they pulled Regan in off the street because she doesn’t actually work and has no idea what she’s doing.

I feel like Maddie is trying to be the Cool Carole and #1 girl in the group at the same time. 

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On 1/11/2023 at 6:53 AM, snarts said:

All I could focus on was Regan's missing eyebrows. You know how they say how important eyebrows are to frame you face? She really should look into some eyebrow pencil. 

Oh my god, same! I just kept thinking, "She looks like Daemon Targaryen." 

The fight at the end of this episode made me laugh out loud. Between Joe's creaky noise and all the peanut butter stuff, it took on an absurd tone that I found delightful. 

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I just watched four episodes in a row! I had kind of given up after the first few episodes but was bored enough to slog through the DVR backlog today. I have to admit, the show kind of got better—or maybe it was reflective of how desperate I was to watch anything. Based on the minimal number of comments here, I guess others gave up, too, or never really watched. But I was actually disappointed when they said the next episode is the finale

On 1/12/2023 at 11:09 PM, Panda Bear said:

Oh my god, same! I just kept thinking, "She looks like Daemon Targaryen." 

The fight at the end of this episode made me laugh out loud. Between Joe's creaky noise and all the peanut butter stuff, it took on an absurd tone that I found delightful. 

Yes, that was the scene that fully won me over on this show. Also Grace Lily just taking a duck-lip selfie in the midst of the chaos, and Maddie saying she’s above the drama because she’s a manager, and yet she was the most upset about everyone over everything. 

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Hasn’t Leva threatened to fire people multiple times and never followed through?  I thought after the lake social media pics she said she definitely was firing people but they all continued to work there.  Maybe she doesn’t want to be compared to another reality personality known for firing people.

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Leva (well, Bravo) charters a "yacht" to reward the crew for a fantastic Summer. It's looked to be about a 35ft Four Winns or Bayliner, with a kiddie pool acting as a hot tub on the bow. Yacht, my ass. 

They tried to create some drama by having marble mouth Joe Bradley confess his love to Maddi before making out with Mia. Watching Trevor confront Joe Bradley was comical, neither look like much of a scrapper.

We learned on WWHL (Mia, Joe, Maddi, Grace), which I guess substituted for a reunion, that Mia was the Leva employee Shep tried to make out with. The final straw that broke them up. When asked about it, Mia tried to age shame and Andy took offence. Better watch out, sweetie, you definitely don't want to bruise that one's ego.

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This show was kind of terrible, but there are enough personality disorders in the bunch to make it entertaining. I would tune in for a second season. 

Poor Mia. She seemed to really believe that she and Joe were starting to date, but he was just using her to get over Maddie. They actually seemed like they could have made a nice couple. But, then again, both Joe and Mia seem to have this “forever alone” thing going where they could have options to have a relationship, but it seems more appealing to wallow about what you can’t have than to appreciate what’s right in front of you. Maddie admits on the show and on WWHL that she would have likely dated Joe had he asked her out in the 9 months she was not with Trevor. But, see above, Joe’s only interested when he can’t have her. Still, that was all kinds of wrong to profess his feelings to Maddie and then immediately go make out with Mia. Maddie actually seemed conflicted enough that has he waited it out a few more days/weeks, maybe she would have come to the realization on her own that a goofy looking pedicab peddler who cheated on her might not be such a catch after all. Joe even seemingly ingratiated himself to her family at the NASCAR—especially as contrasted to Trevor’s interaction with them—so you know if she told Mom a couple of days later, she probably would have encouraged her to give Joe a chance, too. Instead Joe f’ed it all up by ping-ponging to Mia. None of these people are committed to each other, so I guess it’s not that terrible, but for the fact that they all work together…and Joe was specifically just told that if he wants a promotion, he can’t date his co-workers. Instead he doubles down that it’s the right time to express the feelings he’s bottled up for a year. But let’s end on a good relationship note: TJ and his new boyfriend are adorable together, and the only pair on this show that seem compatible and normal.

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I had a hard time taking the Mia firing seriously with with both smirking throughout. Mia works full time in finance and only one night a week at Republic, so it felt very staged. Leva's eye makeup with the fluorescent green in the inner corners was also quite distracting.

Where have we seen the new blonde General Manager before?  I feel like she's been on another show.

Gee, how coincidental was it that Brad's client just happened to meet Trevor, and then tell Brad about it while being filmed :)

All I could think in seeing Joe Bradley was "RUN" (he's currently involved with Danielle from Summer/Winter House).

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This show is pretty terrible, but I did have a couple of chuckles. When the blonde without the ring, whose man is in a sling was standing there as Maddie got the news, and her little voiceover holding her hand to her ear, “Trevor did what now?” And then when Maddie grabbed a 20-lbs shovel and dragged it to her car like a horror-movie killer.


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So Will's accused of kissing a girl who's brother was his BFF and recently died?  Could that girl be either Taylor or Olivia from Southern Charm?

Between that and Oisin being Brock's friend that grabbed at Charli on Vanderpump Rules and you realize it's Bravo that's so incestuous, not just Charleston.

Mia - if your fiend really wants to live in denial you're not being a good friend by digging up dirt and confronting her about it ON CAMERA.

Grace - Run!  Red flag waving high. He's sounds like a controlling asshole.

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