TexasGal November 17, 2022 Share November 17, 2022 Quote St. David welcomes aboard a few familiar faces including chef Rachel, and Fraser has been crowned chief stew; Captain Lee reveals a medical condition that could affect the whole season. Airdate: 11.21.2022 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/
tabloidlover November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 (edited) My cold heart is completely warmed seeing Fraser and Rachel…. This is a season I wish could be streamed as a full season! Captain Lee does not look well 😔 As someone that has recovered from several spinal surgeries, my heart goes out to him. I cannot say I would have attempted to do a season as he is. Edited November 22, 2022 by tabloidlover Spelling 6 3 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761308
MyMaui November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 Good grief Camille is going to be a pain. Doesn't like to be told what to do. You could see on her face she wasn't happy at who was the second stew and constantly giving Alissa a hard time. You should have been a guest if you want to be on the deck in sunglasses drinking a coke. Oh yeah and twerking too. I think Camille is will be more of a problem being in the interior. I'd say let her go to the deck and let them deal with her. Glad to see Rachel is back. She seems off her game this episode. Maybe it's the size of the boat. Wouldn't matter anyway the guests would have been too trashed to really enjoy it anyway. Why do you request a 5 course meal and then get impatient. 3 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761317
aqusdealer November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 (edited) 2 hours ago, MyMaui said: Oh yeah and twerking too Just when I think we're done with Courtney (BDM), we get more! Is that supposed to be sexy? Reminds me of a cat in heat. Edited November 22, 2022 by aqusdealer 3 7 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761451
MyMaui November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 7 minutes ago, aqusdealer said: Just when I think we we're done with Courtney (BDM), we get more! Is that supposed to be sexy? Reminds me of a cat in heat. It does me too. They need to just stop with it. 2 2 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761461
Tanukisan November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 Captain Lee is back! I do like Captain Lee – he always seems more interested in what’s going on with the boat than with the cameras. Unlike some other Captains who shall remain Queeg-less. But oh, no. That weasel Fraser is back. And the chief stew?! Oh, my giddy aunt. I remember him from a previous season – he was a backstabbing, sniping, disingenuous a-hole. He couldn’t wait to blame others for his faults. I pity those who will have to work for him. But then… maybe he’ll change his stripes… or spots… or whatever he has. Not holding breath, though. And as dismal as the last crew member is we have a ray of light and sunshine – Rachel is back! She was a bit unstable in her first appearances in the franchise, but held it together and ended up being extremely reliable and a great chef. Fantastic. So glad to see her again – and her sauciness (not just in the galley). Ross – Bos’n. Your hair and makeup tell me you’re not necessarily the best choice for this job. Alissa – nice that you admit you’re a gold-digger who is there for her own advantage primarily. Good that we all know your priorities – which is you. Hayle – and I quote from herself – “The three things I like most about myself – ass, tits, hair.” Chavette, much? Katie – deckhand – seems uncharacteristically stable compared to the others. Ben – deckhand – don’t blink or you’ll miss his intro. Which likely means he’s competent and not nuts. Tony – deckhand – que? Camille – She’s been assigned to both the deck and the interior? Disaster. The poor thing is doomed – I predict both sides – especially Fraser – will throw her under the bus. Ross – “I’m attracted to a few girls on the boat.” Um, yeah… OK…. Going to be an interesting season…. 1 1 1 3 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761509
xhoipolloix November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 Fraser tries hard and admits when he's in over his head. This shows self awareness. He takes the job seriously and doesn't act like he's god's gift to yachting or on vacation. We'll see how he as as a boss but he seems harder on himself than he is on others. That yacht is HUGE. Rachel needs a kitchen stew to run up and down the stairs and bring her ingredients. Couldn't the stew who does laundry also help Rachel during meal prep. Speaking of self awareness, the guests had none! They knew they were going to get wasted and have a rave on the first night. They should not have requested a complicated 5-course meal. Sometimes a simple meal works best. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761532
aqusdealer November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, xhoipolloix said: They should not have requested a complicated 5-course meal. Sometimes a simple meal works best. It's only a matter of time before Bravo hilights yet another vomit situation. Maybe too early for the first episode...althought the birthday boy spitting back the shot into the tall glass was close, and BTW very classy. Methinks the secret window that looks from the Master up into the jacuzzi is perfect for the scenario. I must say that this odd little design addition really kind of creeped me out. Edited November 22, 2022 by aqusdealer 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761554
RoseAllDay November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 Damn if Lee isn’t looking old. And I’m not going to lie, the surgery he had scares me, even moreso after seeing the promo where he can’t walk. Nerve surgery is serious business and can take a LONG time to get over, and the outcome can be iffy. Frasier…why, dude, were you up late by yourself getting things in order? What was the interior doing all day? Likewise, why wasn’t at least one other of your stews on dinner service? Granted, it wouldn’t have made much difference given that shitshow, but man, learn to delegate or else it’s going to be a long season, especially on that behemoth of a boat. Watching Rachel run around wore me out. Speaking of… She seemed to be really off her game, kitchen mishap aside. Her courses really didn’t thrill me, either. Dinner pacing was truly horrible. Good thing Cap’n Sandy wasn’t around. The guests have the attention span of kindergarteners and they’re already annoying. Sloppy drunks all, especially the primary. All the more reason, Frasier, to have all hands on deck with this bunch. Tony was sweet, and that was a nice conversation he had with Lee. Ross appears to be this season’s playboy. Camille’s going to be a handful. 1 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761560
snarts November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 Damn, Captain Lee looked old & frail. Bravo did him no favors by airing the old seasons leading up to this premiere. The difference was jarring to see. Good to see both Fraser and Rachel again. Yikes, boat is mammoth. Feels like they should have added an additional person to both interior and the deck, sharing one will not work. Rachel should also have a sous chef. Not sure why Fraser felt that he immediately needed to appoint a second stew. Why not wait and see how they perform? Better yet, don't put that person in charge of the rest of the team. The promotion did seem to go to Alyssa's head and she seemed to love finding work for Camille to do at 2am. After re-watching the earlier seasons, Camille's response barely tripped my insubordination radar but it was definitely pissing Alyssa off. 2nd stew bossiness is only going to drive Camille away from the interior. Not sure why Fraser can't manage a team of three himself. Bosun was putting out weird vibes, talking about group sex and banging his subordinates. Bravo casting just gets worse and worse. As evidenced by the charter guests. 6 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761744
RoseAllDay November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 20 minutes ago, snarts said: Damn, Captain Lee looked old & frail. Bravo did him no favors by airing the old seasons leading up to this premiere. The difference was jarring to see. Good to see both Fraser and Rachel again. Yikes, boat is mammoth. Feels like they should have added an additional person to both interior and the deck, sharing one will not work. Rachel should also have a sous chef. Not sure why Fraser felt that he immediately needed to appoint a second stew. Why not wait and see how they perform? Better yet, don't put that person in charge of the rest of the team. The promotion did seem to go to Alyssa's head and she seemed to love finding work for Camille to do at 2am. After re-watching the earlier seasons, Camille's response barely tripped my insubordination radar but it was definitely pissing Alyssa off. 2nd stew bossiness is only going to drive Camille away from the interior. Not sure why Fraser can't manage a team of three himself. Bosun was putting out weird vibes, talking about group sex and banging his subordinates. Bravo casting just gets worse and worse. As evidenced by the charter guests. IKR? I felt like crying in his first scene, and when he stumbled in the preview. I don’t see how he can continue as captain. I’ve known people who have had similar surgeries, and you’re never really fully mobile for a long time afterward, if ever. All you want, really, is pain management. In addition to the cane, Lee just seems tired. He’s been through a lot over the past few years, and I wonder if he’s really been able to process it. I wonder how Marianne is doing…from what he said, she was struggling. Why some of the old deck crew couldn’t come back (like Eddie) is beyond me…I thought I read where Eddie said he wasn’t asked back. I’m not impressed with Frasier’s chief stew skills, from what I’ve seen. He even admitted the job was maybe more than he can handle. Other chief stews have appointed seconds, and came to regret it. Really, what would any Below Deck season or franchise be anymore without the sexual harassment? Ross kissing Katie(?) — FIREABLE offense. Don’t care who it is…she is a subordinate. Cripes, Bravo, just stop with this shit already. We’re not voyeurs. 3 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761761
sugarbaker design November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 9 hours ago, RoseAllDay said: The guests have the attention span of kindergarteners and they’re already annoying. Sloppy drunks all, especially the primary. I'm so used to the entitled assholes that are usually featured on this show, but this gang of dipshits really take the cake. Dropping glasses, knocking over vases, running around like drunken assholes...do they think this is fun? My favorite moment: while Rachel is explaining the cauliflower dish, drunken asshole #1 Peng keeps on slurring 'mushrooms' to which Rachel sneers "..in a morrel broth." Gosh, I love Rachel. 1 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761851
iMonrey November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 I'm glad they added another crew member given the size of the boat, but you can tell the deck stew is going to be trouble. Day 1 and she's already bitching at the 2nd stew for bossing her around. The sense if entitlement here is obvious, she says she's used to being the center of attention. Quote Speaking of self awareness, the guests had none! They knew they were going to get wasted and have a rave on the first night. They should not have requested a complicated 5-course meal. Sometimes a simple meal works best. I doubt the guests really request any of these absurd things like rave parties or tasting menus. It's all producer driven. And once again, I feel like these 'charter guests' were recruited for the show. They do not strike me as the kind of people that would have enough money to charter a yacht. (The primary is a "highly sought-after tax preparer"?) I believe ever since Covid, Bravo has had to recruit locals to play 'charter guests.' It kind of shows. Quote But oh, no. That weasel Fraser is back. And the chief stew?! Oh, my giddy aunt. I remember him from a previous season – he was a backstabbing, sniping, disingenuous a-hole. I remember his face but I don't remember anything he did, or whether or not I liked him. Can you give me some specifics? Quote Oh yeah and twerking too Ugh, what is it with these kids and the twerking? {Now get offa my lawn you rotten kids!} Quote Rachel needs a kitchen stew to run up and down the stairs and bring her ingredients. Hopefully as they get going they'll figure out they need a dedicated crew member in the galley during meals for just that purpose. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7761940
Dirtybubble November 22, 2022 Share November 22, 2022 4 hours ago, iMonrey said: Quote But oh, no. That weasel Fraser is back. And the chief stew?! Oh, my giddy aunt. I remember him from a previous season – he was a backstabbing, sniping, disingenuous a-hole. I remember his face but I don't remember anything he did, or whether or not I liked him. Can you give me some specifics? I remember him being a little gossipy shit myself. He and the Chief Stew Heather would gossip about 2nd stew Jessica behind her back. Poor girl--I remember specifically her walking into a room with Fraser and Heather talking about her and they immediately changed the subject when they saw her. Point being he would always say something behind someone's back but never to their face. I never watched the reunion because I hated the majority of the cast so I don't know if he ever apologized for his behavior. So glad lazy Rayna isn't there anymore or the walking STD Jake. But now that I think about it I remember Jake and Fraser had a little romance going on, I wonder whatever happened to that. 1 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7762305
Silly Angel November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 Their prodigious sloppy drinking aside, those guests showed how feeble and limited they were when they decided that, without plates of food to shovel in their maws, they were "bored." I guess a meal isn't about enjoying each others' company and, like, talking about stuff with your friends. At the leisurely five-course tasting meal you requested, no less. They seemed really sad and shallow to me. I know Rachel didn't exactly whip out the dishes at a brisk pace, but "bored"? Nice reflection on your fellow diners, there, Utah. 2 2 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7762664
aqusdealer November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 13 hours ago, RoseAllDay said: I felt like crying in his first scene, and when he stumbled in the preview. I don’t see how he can continue as captain. Spoiler I'm almost sure I read somewhere that he leaves mid season and another captain takes his place :( 6 2 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7762840
RoseAllDay November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 16 hours ago, iMonrey said: I'm glad they added another crew member given the size of the boat, but you can tell the deck stew is going to be trouble. Day 1 and she's already bitching at the 2nd stew for bossing her around. The sense if entitlement here is obvious, she says she's used to being the center of attention. I doubt the guests really request any of these absurd things like rave parties or tasting menus. It's all producer driven. And once again, I feel like these 'charter guests' were recruited for the show. They do not strike me as the kind of people that would have enough money to charter a yacht. (The primary is a "highly sought-after tax preparer"?) I believe ever since Covid, Bravo has had to recruit locals to play 'charter guests.' It kind of shows. I remember his face but I don't remember anything he did, or whether or not I liked him. Can you give me some specifics? Ugh, what is it with these kids and the twerking? {Now get offa my lawn you rotten kids!} Hopefully as they get going they'll figure out they need a dedicated crew member in the galley during meals for just that purpose. That is the way it should be anyway, especially when these guests want 10 course dinners (oh, pardon me…tasting menus), and all the dietary restrictions they seem to have anymore. It just makes sense. All the chefs are right when they say that the food plays a huge part in the experience and is what greatly factors into the tip. They’re under a lot of pressure. (See BDM.) A sous chef could prep, freeing up the chef to keep an eye on the dishes themselves and keep things moving. If you think about it, they’re running a small restaurant. Get somebody like Anastasia who had some culinary experience, and not a Danny or Rocky who would only get in the way and put grenadine on oysters. That would go a long way toward better dinner pacing and overall quality. 2 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7763044
RoseAllDay November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 I’m going to cut Rachel loads of slack this season. Someone on Reddit posted the specs of the St. David. She has to go two floors to get to at least the freezer from the kitchen. All the more reason to have an assistant. Somebody who claims to be a naval architect replied that the whole design is ridiculous. I agree — it’s pretty, but it’s just too big. Need more staff in every department to make this go well. (And apologies for consistently getting Fraser’s name wrong.) 2 3 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7763259
SemiCharmedLife November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 This was an interesting start to a new season. I didn't care for Fraser last season, but, at this point, he is shown working hard and self reflecting. Hope this remains true. Rachel, on the other hand, is an amazing chef, but is struggling to get in a rhythm with the size of the ship and the end result is two very late meals. I agree with others that she needs a sous chef or a part time helper. Maybe they can divide Camille's duties three ways- she seems up for the job! 😉 1 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7763339
Welshman in Ca November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 Rachel needs someone to do the running around the decks getting ingredients or she is going to fail miserably & it won't be her fault even though she will feel that it is. I just hope she doesn't start drinking again. As for cap'n Lee, there is no way he can do a full season and I have a feeling that the preview showing everyone upset is because he has to leave. Having had 2 back surgeries & awaiting a third myself that chair not swiveling is only going to make his pain worse as he will twist to speak to people rather than have the chair do the swiveling. As others have said the boat is BIG and needs more people to run successfully. 1 1 1 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7763550
Oosala November 23, 2022 Share November 23, 2022 3 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said: Maybe they can divide Camille's duties three ways- she seems up for the job! 😉 Agree, She seems up for ANY job. nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean? 3 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7763609
aghst November 27, 2022 Share November 27, 2022 Rachel said "suck my dick" and "eat my cooter" to the captain, then got drunk a lot and acted out during the crew excursions. Is that what passes for personality and the reason she's now in her third season? The floater is set up just to cause drama and potential conflict between the chief stew and the bosun, who looks like he's going to hook up with the female deckhand. Claws are out early between the second stew and the twerking floater. Guests are gay ex Mormons who want to drink all charter? Either Bravo pays him well or Lee has expenses to do a season in his condition. Don't know which it is but Bravo has a tight schedule with all these BD shows now. They want them on the air almost year round so they probably weren't going to wait for Lee to heal up. Maybe they hinted to him that if he doesn't do the season on their schedule, they'd replace him permanently. Or maybe a fake story line about how the old sea horse has so much grit that he's doing a dumb TV show despite the discomfort. How is he going up and down all the stairs that the younger crew are complaining about? 2 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7766962
Lizzing November 27, 2022 Share November 27, 2022 Is this the first season of BD (OG) where we haven't been introduced to the non-screen crew? There has got to be an engineer and a first mate on a ship this size. I guess we'll figure out the number of unnamed folks after the first tip meeting. I hope Lee is currently doing better than when this was filmed. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7767225
iMonrey November 27, 2022 Share November 27, 2022 Quote Either Bravo pays him well or Lee has expenses to do a season in his condition. Don't know which it is but Bravo has a tight schedule with all these BD shows now. They want them on the air almost year round so they probably weren't going to wait for Lee to heal up. From what I understand, Lee doesn't even really "captain" the boat, he just plays the part for TV. So there really isn't much for him to do and it's a pretty easy paycheck. He probably thought he'd be able to manage the six weeks or however long it takes them to shoot a season. 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7767489
rur November 27, 2022 Share November 27, 2022 (edited) 4 hours ago, iMonrey said: From what I understand, Lee doesn't even really "captain" the boat, he just plays the part for TV. That makes sense. I would imagine that for insurance reasons most charter companies would have an age cutoff for boat captains. He's in his 70s, and after a certain age a person just isn't as quick. He's had health issues of one type or another for the last three seasons. I'm sure he sees this gig as easy money, but it's probably time for him to retire. I'd like to see him go out looking hale and healthy rather than weak and old --- not with a whimper but a bang. Edited November 27, 2022 by rur 1 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7767541
pasdetrois December 2, 2022 Share December 2, 2022 Is there any doubt that Lee has been a propped-up figurehead for several seasons? He's not medically fit to captain a large vessel. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7774862
RedHawk March 8, 2023 Share March 8, 2023 On 11/27/2022 at 12:39 PM, iMonrey said: From what I understand, Lee doesn't even really "captain" the boat, he just plays the part for TV. So there really isn't much for him to do and it's a pretty easy paycheck. He probably thought he'd be able to manage the six weeks or however long it takes them to shoot a season. On 12/2/2022 at 8:22 AM, pasdetrois said: Is there any doubt that Lee has been a propped-up figurehead for several seasons? He's not medically fit to captain a large vessel. I'm late to watching this season and got interested mostly because Captain Lee and Rachel are back. And Ros is nice to look at. I don't know what I'll learn as the season goes on, but interesting conjecture that Capt. Lee may not be actually "captaining" the boat this season because he got his start on the show through a fluke. According to his book, the original "captain" that had been cast didn't work for some reason so the producers were trying quickly to cast another one. Captain Lee was there, the real captain who was running the boat, and he told them there could not be two captains, one on camera and one (himself) actually doing the job, it just wouldn't work. So they asked him to be on camera and the rest is history. So I'd be surprised if it came out that he really was just "playing" the role of captain this season. He does look much older, and I'm sorry to read about his back/nerve issues. He has been through a lot losing his son and having a couple of serious physical problems. Maybe it's time to hang up the captain's hat, at least for this show. He could take a break and then do charters on smaller boats and probably have a lot of fun. He would be the big draw "Sail with Captain Lee!" I'd do it, for sure. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/135240-s10e01-love-never-lasts-at-the-beach/#findComment-7903352
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