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S07.E12: Isn't She Lovely

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

It drives me crazy how he always slouches on the couch, first with the meeting with his mother, and now with Faradeet, like he's a petulant teenager. 

I think he considers that ROYAL.  The rest must be at attention; while he's there to receive attention.  Stupid.

3 hours ago, Breedom said:

His brain tricked him into thinking she was his mother.

THAT is the entire bottom line for all of these guys involved with the older women.  They might love their mothers, but MORE than that love...their mothers took/take care of everything for them:  finances, cleaning, cooking, complete support and loyalty.  What better "life partner" than a woman who can be expected to be all that and more?

Edited by Back Atcha
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On 11/12/2022 at 7:13 AM, Baltimore Betty said:
On 11/12/2022 at 6:47 AM, Spectator said:

I can’t sit through another episode of Angela screaming at Mikel (then playing the role of victim to the camera). I’ve hit my limit and I don’t think I’m alone. 

But sadly Mykuhl has not reached his limit.

Should we tell TPTB  (the powers that be) that we SKIP those segments?  That we fast-forward those segments?  We can get all we need to know without stomach-churning from forums like this.

On 11/12/2022 at 8:34 PM, Frozendiva said:

Their house still doesn’t seem to have many personal touches but maybe that is their thing.

There's been speculation that it wasn't Bilal's house...but a model home or rental obtained by TLC.  AirBnB has also been suggested.  The "personal touches" are lots of affirmation signs available at one's local Big Lots!

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On 11/12/2022 at 9:01 PM, Breedom said:

We are all just witnessing pure bullying and no one in the audience is enjoying it. I would not be surprised to find out one day Michael is in therapy suffering from PTSD. 

Eventually many of us will be joining Michael in a class-action suit against the production company AND Angela the Hag.

On 11/13/2022 at 8:35 PM, renatae said:

Makes me wonder if wife #1 used to cut him off after each child.

She's WIFE #2.  Shaeeda is #3.  WHY that didn't tell her, her family, and her friends is something cooked up for television.

On 11/13/2022 at 11:03 PM, renatae said:

Bilal, again. As much as I hate him, Shaeeda's friend is pushy and out of order.

She's shown SO LITTLE, there's probably a lot of good (spicy) conversation we missed.

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16 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

Over all this time, I've come to have more empathy for Andrei than those viperous sisters and her violent, drinking brother.  That's coming from someone who didn't like Andrei and thinks he still is somewhat of a jerk.  

100% agreement.  He does seem like a good, supportive, hardworking (I guess) husband--and a DOTING daddy!  In the preview it looked like one of the vipersisters actually struck him.  Again, television's double standard.  Even if she didn't land a slap...we'd be hearing SIRENS if Andrei had tried to hit HER.

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On 11/14/2022 at 12:30 PM, bichonblitz said:

. Oh, and Jenny, a woman (or man) in your 60's you should know never to get on a ladder, or a chair when you are alone and nobody to spot you. I know many people that have fallen this way and gotten hurt much worse than she did. 

I wonder if Summit refused to do it so she had to do it herself.  He then complained that he had to take care of her.  For a woman in her 60s, she hasn't learned much about life.

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On 11/14/2022 at 3:39 PM, Frozendiva said:

I have a good sturdy lawn chair that I use to change a bulb if I can reach it. It is solid. Anyone of any age can fall at any time. It just takes one second.

Right.  That's why I bristle at admonitions based solely on age.

If you know you have balance issues, however old you are, then by all means stay off ladders.  And actually, stay off them even if you have a spotter.  But if you don't have balance issues, then there's no reason to stay off ladders, whatever your age. 

And if you do fall off a ladder, figure out why.  Just lost your balance while standing there?  Then stay off ladders.  But if you were trying to pivot from a high rung on one side of the ladder to a high rung on the other side of the ladder and leaned too far over and kicked the ladder out from under you, then it's possible there's nothing wrong with your balance at all, and you were doing something nobody of any age or balance ability should be doing.  You can still go up ladders as long as you don't do something stupid.

Just know that if you do fall off the ladder, your injuries might be worse if you're older than if you're younger, just like with everything else.  That said, Jenny apparently still has some bounciness to her, since she didn't break any bones.

I'm normally a fan of low expectations because they're more easily exceeded, but there's an insidiousness to telling aging people they can't do things because they're a certain age.  Not everyone ages at the same rate.

20 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

From the condition of her arms, Jenny's body is a lot older than 62.  She doesn't have any tone.  I thought of the elderly Chinese doing Tai Chi in the park near our dorm; is there something similar that Jenny could do?

The way these shows are edited, for all we know Jenny is out training for half marathons every day. 

As for her arms, once you hit a certain age and your skin loosens up, it's really hard to show any "tone."  She looks pretty much like an average woman in her 60s to me.  Not as good as the >70-year-olds in my pilates class, but a hell of a lot better than Angela.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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On 11/14/2022 at 9:51 AM, Breedom said:

I can't say I blame them. Her family has chosen to consistently attack Libby and Andrei because of their own personal issues. Personally, I got tired of always taking the high road and excusing everyone for things that are their own faults. This time Libby did what she wanted to do. Serves the ugly stepsisters right.

Oh, I wasn't on board with Libby's dad in dumping guilt on LIbby for the family being at odds with one another. Dad goes after the easy child to give in rather than her sisters and brother, who are the problem and would never take responsibility for their own actions. Next week we see more extreme hate from the ugly stepsisters with their literal finger pointing and posturing. Libby and Andrei should cut them out of their lives, period and dad will have to deal with it. Her family is absolutely toxic.

What happened with Angelica (or whatever her name was) - the woman who Angie called from Michael's phone? I missed that part, but whatever happened she seemed to calm down.

Angelica hung up on her.

4 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

100% agreement.  He does seem like a good, supportive, hardworking (I guess) husband--and a DOTING daddy!  In the preview it looked like one of the vipersisters actually struck him.  Again, television's double standard.  Even if she didn't land a slap...we'd be hearing SIRENS if Andrei had tried to hit HER.

I agree.  Never cared for Andrei but hevis a doting dad.  His dad is a sweetie too

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5 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

100% agreement.  He does seem like a good, supportive, hardworking (I guess) husband--and a DOTING daddy!  In the preview it looked like one of the vipersisters actually struck him.  Again, television's double standard.  Even if she didn't land a slap...we'd be hearing SIRENS if Andrei had tried to hit HER.

I've always liked Andrei. He clearly loves his family, which I also like. I think he's kind of funny, actually. The screaming, uncontrollable and pathetic sisters are a whole other ballgame. Do they have actual lives? To put that much hateful energy into someone else - their brother-in-law no less - tells me they are sad and pathetic human beings who have absolutely nothing else in their lives. Same for the brother and his wife. What a way to choose to live a life, girls. Grow up.

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2 hours ago, Breedom said:

I've always liked Andrei. He clearly loves his family, which I also like. I think he's kind of funny, actually. The screaming, uncontrollable and pathetic sisters are a whole other ballgame. Do they have actual lives? To put that much hateful energy into someone else - their brother-in-law no less - tells me they are sad and pathetic human beings who have absolutely nothing else in their lives. Same for the brother and his wife. What a way to choose to live a life, girls. Grow up.

I think parts of this family took TLC's storyline and ran with it.  Charlie is the main problem.  SURELY he's the same jerk at home as he is everywhere else he drinks.  "Because he's your brother" is no excuse.  I hope there were no "family shenanigans" involved with the Green Card situation.  I actually hope there IS no Green Card situation...and it's just some silly TV production company leading us on.  (my bolding)

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Oh boy....I hate that the BFF made me actually feel sorry for Bilal and take his side on anything. I know this is all probably fakety fake for the cameras, but damn, she came on strong with her interrogation before they even had drinks on the table. I don't blame him for being defensive----Shaeeda is a grown ass woman, almost 40 years old, previously engaged to be married twice. She is not a young innocent that needs an older aunty type figure looking out for her. I get friends being protective, but IMHO she crossed the line. They are already married. Personal shit like having a baby are just that---personal between the couple. 

Yara is really getting ridiculous.....how is she suddenly Saint Yara, the savior of all Ukrainians? She can do far more for the war effort and her "people" from the US, not globe trotting with a toddler all over Europe. Did her friend flee the war with just the clothes on her back and Yara brought a suitcase full? Somehow, I highly doubt it. I am sure it will be a Yara clone sitting in a nice apartment that a Sugar Daddy is funding (think David of Lana and David, etc) while they drink lattes and wring their hands about the devastation. Jovi's friend was poking the bear mentioning the other women, but he is right---they both had a past and I dont' see him asking to go to strip clubs on this trip. So drop it, after you chug that half a bottle serving of wine as you cackle about his drinking issues. Again, now I feel sorry for Jovi. Actually, no the only people I feel sorry for are the baby and Miss GWen who I am sure will miss that baby when Yara ditches her iwth her mom in Prague and starts partying it up again while she sues for divorce and alimony. 

Kim and Usman....damn his family is GOOD at this long con. Drag it out, make her feel desperate then bam the blessing. If they are smart they will drop all talk of multiple wives and once Usman gets his citizenship, he can start popping out his Nigerian babies who will then be entitled to US citizenship. It is so clear he has no love for Kim at all beyond appreciating the material things she can provide. The way the other woman's mother described her demands, "no drugs, doesn't do filthy things (or was it want filthy things?)" it must be hard to find a good man in their region. That gorgeous 18 year old should be able to pull better than stinky 30+ no job, wannabe pop star Usman. Damn. 

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21 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

THAT is the entire bottom line for all of these guys involved with the older women.  They might love their mothers, but MORE than that love...their mothers took/take care of everything for them:  finances, cleaning, cooking, complete support and loyalty.  What better "life partner" than a woman who can be expected to be all that and more?

Isn't that what Mohamed from Egypt wanted from Yve, too?  "Mom with benefits."  (barf!)

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The “doctor” pushing Jenny’s underarm flaps and saying “your muscles are very weak” was hilarious and mortifying.

Fareeda needs to fucking RUN around from the dumpster fire that is Usman's life. In their first meeting he tells her he's gonna marry a much older woman who can't bear children??? Girl is smart and knows she's just going to be a baby maker and going to be treated like shit by the first wife. And y'all see Usman sitting all slopped over on the couch like a 7 year old who was just told they can't go to the park today because it's raining while he's talking to her??? Rude AF.

I honestly think Jenny milked this injury for Sumit to call out of work and stay with her.

Bilal, acting like a defensive asshole and saying "trust me, you haven't seen tense," isn't the flex you think it is.

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Again with Angela being a bully.  Michael should have asked her for her phone so he could see who she is talking to.  Rumor has it she has a boyfriend?  Regardless, she needs to go.  She is a horrible person that needs to get off TV until she can act like a human being.  And she is an embarrassment to Americans.

Why did Shaeeda marry Bilal?  They seem so stiff with each other, I can't image any real intimacy between them.  Is this a long con to be on a TV show?

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On 11/16/2022 at 5:31 PM, Hotel Snarker said:

I honestly think Jenny milked this injury for Sumit to call out of work and stay with her.

Well of course she did!

Can you imagine deciding to live somewhere that you can not independantly take of yourself, do simple errands like go to the doctor or buy groceries or even take public transportation, Jenny absolutely panicked when she thought she would be alone 7 days a week.  

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On 11/17/2022 at 3:39 PM, gaPeach said:

Why did Shaeeda marry Bilal?  They seem so stiff with each other, I can't image any real intimacy between them.  Is this a long con to be on a TV show?

You can't really be intimate with someone who is constantly trying to find fault with everything, lectures, treats Shy like a child, refuses to discuss and decide once and for all the child situation, is serious as a doorknob and finds fun in nothing except for ridiculous pranks meant to value himself over everyone else.

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On 11/17/2022 at 8:39 AM, gaPeach said:

Why did Shaeeda marry Bilal?  They seem so stiff with each other, I can't image any real intimacy between them

From the things she said (and he even hinted), when they met online and then in person, he presented himself as a wealthy and successful American businessman:

  •    His shoes
  •    His suits
  •    His watch(es) (really...I didn't notice)
  •    His luggage
  •    His car(s) --I assume he "mentioned" them
  •    His kindness to everyone
  •    Oh...and his good looks--which have already worn away for me

Then he plays that stupid prank on her to "test" her integrity.   His spotless home looks like a prop, an AirBnB, or a model home used only for filming.  That's how he ROMANCED her.   Why she MARRIED him is beyond me.

On 11/17/2022 at 8:39 AM, gaPeach said:

Is this a long con to be on a TV show?

Seems so.

Edited by Back Atcha
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Yes Sumit, you scored a feeble, needy old woman who fully expects the only diapers you'll ever change will be hers. 

Kim is so twitterpated usermans parents are going let her support them, and thier future more desirable daughter-in-law and her mini usmans. So many of us dreamed when we grew up we'd be someone's meal ticket. Beautiful, boundary setting Kim is goals!

Mike's Merican dream is a 5 year nightmare of a loud mouth and loose skin.  

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