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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"

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How delusional can SQ fans be. The ship is gone, it's over. Move on. Emma said the "I will find you, I will always find you" line. Why the hell is Adam responsible for making these people still believe, that's their fault nobody else's. Because they're morons.

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I think they are realizing "Oh shit if Emma actually succeeds in giving Hook her heart (You know the one no one can take out. The purest of hearts to ever live.) to the man they all claim is vile and a rapist because he likes sexual innuendos and not to the actual woman who kept a man as her love slave for 28 yrs without his consent." It means they finally lose and Regina's stuck with Robin. To bad for them.

Edited by mjgchick
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Honestly everybody who has watched at least one TV show prior to Once,should had knew that, at some stage, Emma and Hook relationship will be the central focus of the show.

And Swowing had a big focus in season 1, all Emma relationship had an arc with more focus on it. The real neglect Emma relationship is the parent/Emma one and certainly not SQ who had a big focus on in 4b

And if I do consider Emma, Regina and Swon lead of the show. There is enough "canon" evidence and interview to convince me that Emma is the real protagonist of the show. So, it is normal that her real love story ( the one one screen) is written has epic. It is a farytale show!!

Anyway, if OQ doesn't get the same king of focus is simply because they are not just not that popular!! I am sure they wanted to do something similar for Regina too.

At this point I do hope people who cannot accept the reality Principe really stop watching and let others enjoy this little fantasy soapy show! But I must admit I laughed at the repeat twitter account. The dud most believe that Oncer is a special kind of crazy!!

SQ fans accuse him to be a CS bully in disguise ! A thruth complot theory

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Oh shit if Emma actually succeeds in giving Hook her heart (You know the one no one can take out. The purest of hearts to ever live.) to the man they all claim is vile and a rapist because he likes sexual innuendos


If anyone understands what it means to have choice taken away, it's Hook, so if the last 3 episodes didn't explain that properly, and that he wouldn't take a woman's choice away, then nothing will. This character was sold into servitude when he was a child. 

The argument that Emma is dragging anyone to the Underworld doesn't hold much water with me when you watch the scene of them leaving. At the loft she said she was going. She did not ask for them to go. She didn't do anything to coerce or force anyone to help but Rumple - and dude had it coming.

No, it doesn't. Everyone seemed to be pretty much on board back in the loft. Robin asked how one gets to the UW, Regina said Emma's plan could work.


But I think peeps are sort of too far gone down the rabbit hole to see some things for what they are.


I think my bitch about all of this is how Emma is being called weak. Why? If I had the option to go to the Underworld, and bring back someone I love, I would do it in a heart beat. 


Guess I'm weak too.

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I think my bitch about all of this is how Emma is being called weak. Why? If I had the option to go to the Underworld, and bring back someone I love, I would do it in a heart beat. 


That's the part that annoys me the most. I hate the Hollywood trope of a "Strong Female Character" meaning someone who is emotionless and punches people all the time. 

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That's the part that annoys me the most. I hate the Hollywood trope of a "Strong Female Character" meaning someone who is emotionless and punches people all the time.

It's ironic that the supposedly feminist idea of a "strong female character" is one with none of the traditionally feminine characteristics -- no romance, no emotions, no interest in love or family.

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It's ironic that the supposedly feminist idea of a "strong female character" is one with none of the traditionally feminine characteristics -- no romance, no emotions, no interest in love or family.


"Strong Female Character" has somehow morphed into "character who is basically the traditional, emotionless male action hero, but just happens to be a woman."

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No but remember guys, Emma could be as romantic as she wants to be but just with Regina. That makes her strong. 


The logic of these idiots and then they demand Adam pay for dragging them along with the belief SQ was gonna happen, bitch no.


You're the morons that tried to say Emma didn't mean it when she said ILY in the season finale.

You're the morons who kept calling Hook irrelevant, useless, and a lampshade. Well guess what A and E did something this season that you could never say that again.


If after this episode you still want to believe in SQ than that's all on you. If after Emma says the iconic Snowing quote about Hook and you want to twist THAT by all means please do but realize you're gonna come off as the biggest delusional idiots in the world.


Adam should not be held responsible for these people being idiots, period. He's also made it very clear multiple times across the years that SQ was never ever ever gonna happen.

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If anyone understands what it means to have choice taken away, it's Hook, so if the last 3 episodes didn't explain that properly, and that he wouldn't take a woman's choice away, then nothing will. This character was sold into servitude when he was a child.

You wonder why he kept telling David that whatever happens to him and Emma it's as much as her choice as his and why he let's her dictate their relationship but nope he's a rapist for making silly little jokes not the two sisters who actually did rape two men.


As for them thinking Emma is weak, I guess killing someone she loved didn't do it for them? What more do they want? Hook is dead...for now just enjoy it, write fanfics or read fanfics where Hook is actually a rapist and Emma's Regina's doormat. I've had plenty of ships not happen because I went for the unconventional ones that didn't give me the right to bitch to the writers and make the actors feel uncomfortable. That interview Colin had where he talked about how much Hook is hated or the one Sean had where he said he almost quit twitter is sad and embarrassing to hear.


I don't know who is worse, Once fans or wrestling fans.



"Strong Female Character" has somehow morphed into "character who is basically the traditional, emotionless male action hero, but just happens to be a woman."

Why would anyone want to be like Oliver Queen. Screw that.

Edited by mjgchick
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"Strong Female Character" has somehow morphed into "character who is basically the traditional, emotionless male action hero, but just happens to be a woman."


Except that it is rare to find a male superhero without a love interest.  From Superman to Spiderman to Captain America, they all have their love interest (who they must frequently rescue or give up for the greater good).  On the old Hulk television series, he got a new love interest almost every week. John McClean from Die Hard loves his wife and Liam Nielsen's character from Taken is clearly still in love with his. Han Solo loves Leia (which is fortunate because she appears to be the only female left in the universe after Aunt Baru dies). There is no precedent among male characters that being strong or a super hero or bad-ass is any impedemint to loving somebody


For some reason, some fans of strong females feel that they are less strong if they have love in their lives, but it is not unique to fans of this show.

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For some reason, some fans of strong females feel that they are less strong if they have love in their lives, but it is not unique to fans of this show.



There's this perception of what women should be, and how they should behave themselves. If in the work place, you're a bit forceful, speak your mind, and take no nonsense, you're a bitch, and people plain hate you.


If you cry because of something, then you're highly volatile, and too emotional.


If you get angry, you're being aggressive for no reason.


We can't win.


Emma is needy, clingy, weak, because she cries over the loss of someone she loves, and wants him back. Go on with your clingy, weak ass, Emma, and do it.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I also think these people are mostly bitter because Emma didn't cry this much when her deadbeat ex boyfriend died (she did.) or because Emma will never be the doormat they so love to write her in their fics. That's their strong woman to them. The one who looks lovingly at their queen and never questions her when she does anything wrong. It never has anything to do with being a strong female character (She is, she beat the Darkness for crying out loud.) it always comes down to their shipping preference for Regina not for Emma.

Edited by mjgchick
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That does always bug me, the idea that a female character is weak for having emotions, or falling in love. For Emma, her whole character growth is being strong enough to open up again to other people, and to feel and to fall in love. 


To imply that all that character development has made her weak somehow really upsets me. 

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I don't think having a love interest makes a character weak by any means, but I would find it refreshing if more female characters ended up happily single. I would also like to see more shows focus on the family relationships and friendships, rather than romantic relationships. That being said, I absolutely detest the Swan Queen friendship. And I adore Captain Swan and probably would quit the show if it weren't for them. Go figure.

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And the thing harped on so much about Emma daring to risk her family's lives to get Hook back...this ignores that said family chose to go with Emma, she isn't dragging them anywhere, and that most of said family are grown-ass adults who risk their lives on a routine basis and can take care of themselves. Even Henry is now a teenager and the new Author, he shouldn't have to be coddled and protected anymore, it's time for him to start being the active hero he always dreamed of being. If he could brave Isaac's AU world, he can brave the Underworld too.

Edited by Mathius
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Adam deleted his Twitter account. Fuck SQ shippers, that's all. They harassed and consistently sent hate to a grown man and he had enough. It was inevitable.

Edited by Hookian
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I noticed a tweet from Jane (the only one from the show I follow, since I've worked with her on a couple of projects and she counts as a "professional connection") alluding to admiring the passion of fans but saying that they needed to be civil. So, that's what that's about.


How bad did they have to get for a guy who loves feeding the trolls to quit?

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Wow. I was all ready to joke about the boiled piss and vinegar spewing out of the SQ fandom, but it's gone way past me wanting to point and laugh now.

Edited by october
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Best OUAT news ever!! I bet fandom drama will be reduced by like 80%.

And let's be fair. It's easy to pile on the rabid SQers, but every section of the fandom has crazies. Adam has harvested what he was feeding. It was never a good idea to feed the trolls. So, I applaud him for getting out of this toxic environment.

Adam's Script Teases were more funny than revealing anyway. I bet all promotion comes from the official Once abc account from now on. And we never know. He might be back on Twitter in time to promote 5B.

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Wow! I'm extremely shocked by this.


Maybe he'll take a break, and come back after the hiatus is done. He gave the trolls too much leeway. Plus it's so easy to sit behind a computer and bully people. 


No more title spoilers? I might cry.

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Adam's mentions were INSANE the past two days, and he truthfully fed it by responding to them. That made them send even more hate. I believe Adam has 30 days to reactivate his twitter if he chooses to. I suspect he will be back after the holidays. But he should stay off. I don't think he is cut out for the Twitter insanity. He made things worse at times.


Good job, SQ! You harassed yet another Once cast/crew member off Twitter! First Meghan, then Ginny, now Adam. 

Edited by Souris
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While not AT ALL excusing the SQ shippers, I do agree that Adam bears some of the blame here.  He should have taken a much stronger, firmer stance against them and their behavior a long time ago (like around the time William Shatner went up against them....when Captain Kirk is fighting these people, they've clearly gone too far and it should be addressed.)


Also, Ginny I understand since she played Snow who was hated for "being so mean to Regina" back in the day, but why the heck did SQ shippers bully Meghan Ory?  Did she speak out against them like Michael Coleman and Yvette Nicole Brown?

Edited by Mathius
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Wow, I'm impressed. I mean, I highly suspect this is only temporary and we'll see him back on again soon, but I really hope this actually sticks. He'll probably give some 140 character speech about "now the only reason I reactivated is because I love the fans of this show, but I will not tolerate people who spew hate going forward." Cue Adam responding to people who spew hate again.

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Yes. Those fans were horrible. I do agree, though, that Adam needs to rethink his approach to the social media trolls. Last night I was following along as he engaged in a several-hour-long back and forth tweet-storm with some of the worst SQ haters on the internet, and I wanted to tell him to just step away from the computer for his own sanity. Sounds like he woke up this morning and decided he should do just that. If he ever returns, he should take a page from Jane Espenson's operating manual. She responds politely to polite tweets and simply does not engage AT ALL with the haters from any fandom. As a result they've largely stopped trying to bait her, and her experience on twitter is far healthier for her than Adam's was for him, I imagine.

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I'm not happy about this development at all. I will miss the scripteases and I admit I like the Friday art contest.


Yeah--shame about the Friday fanart contests. But JE or some other writer may take up doing script teases.


Last night I was following along as he engaged in a several-hour-long back and forth tweet-storm with some of the worst SQ haters on the internet, and I wanted to tell him to just step away from the computer for his own sanity. 


This is the part I don't get. Why did he solicit the opinions of trolls? What did he gain from engaging mainly with fans who are bullies? Did he think he could argue them out of their opinions or diffuse the hate? Or was he naive enough to assume any buzz, even vitriolic buzz, is good buzz? 


Apparently the last thing he tweeted was that he was taking a break for the holidays, and was going to avoid twitter to avoid Star Wars spoilers. So, I have a feeling he'll be back.

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This is the part I don't get. Why did he solicit the opinions of trolls? What did he gain from engaging mainly with fans who are bullies? Did he think he could argue them out of their opinions or diffuse the hate? Or was he naive enough to assume any buzz, even vitriolic buzz, is good buzz? 

Don't know.  I do know, from scrolling down whenever something spoilery or odd was linked, is that it was not just the SQers.


It might have started there, but in the last several months it seemed to be the point that OUAT related tweets elicited fury from more than just the usual subjects--a couple of enraged Snowing fans, for example, showed up multiple times on the tweets we'd link.  


It looked like several times it devolved into spats between different groups, with him tagged in the battle.  And that's not including the multiple fan factions that were personally attacking him and his coworkers.


He should have taken a stand earlier--and, I think you're right.  He'll show up again when he thinks things have calmed down.

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Oh God.

While I think it IS partly his fault, I sympathize a bit. I was randomly tweeted a few months ago by one of those "vaccines are murder" people and couldn't help but respond, even though I knew it was useless! Self control is hard for naturally argumentative people!

Edited by Serena
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By credit placement, Ginny, Jennifer and Robert are the leads

ABC on the backs of GG, JM and RC

Well this might be where A&E diverged from Disney/ABC. After all contracts are under ABC not A&E. I do agree ABC considers those 3 the stars of the show. Just go back to any of the casting announcements made for the pilot. Every single press release had JM bagging the "lead" role as Anna, you know back when the "lead" character was still named Anna. So obviously ABC considered "Anna" the lead role. It was also only those 3 that a big fanfare was made for their casting. And ABC releases those announcements to the press so it's not like the media was pulling it out from their asses.

That's also probably why you get the ill-conceived stuff like the Oscars promo highlighting JM, RC and Disney property when the thing was basically flat-out false advertisement. Or why JM consistently gets the most screentime even if a whole lot of it is spent picking her nose or propping.

Maybe it was an easier sell to network execs that the show was about Snow White and her kid saving fairy tale people living in the real world as opposed to a show about a murdering raping Evil Queen getting her happy ending?

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Maybe it was an easier sell to network execs that the show was about Snow White and her kid saving fairy tale people living in the real world as opposed to a show about a murdering raping Evil Queen getting her happy ending?


Exactly. Classic bait and switch. By the end of S2, their true intentions were revealed, and incidentally, lost a majority of their viewership base. 



While I think it IS partly his fault, I sympathize a bit.


I do as well. A bit. heh. I just wish he would engage with the "normal" fans more. lol

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For those on social media sites that tag fan discussions with #anti-(charactername) or just the character name, but do enjoy a balanced viewpoint that unfortunately gets tagged "anti" just in case negativity...there's a new tag trending that suffixes "switzer-" to the character's name. So, in Arrow it's #switzerlaurel, and maybe here some balanced criticisms or moderate adulations can be tagged other polarizing characters' names: switzerregina, switzerrumple, switzerhook.


In other news, I've unfortunately been drawn to Oncer blogospheres where there's is a whole lot of hate for the writers, and often in the same breath, declarations of love for characters that will survive the bad writing. I raise an eyebrow at that, because if someone cares that much then the writers have struck a chord and done something right, and doesn't the characterization rely on the writing? Much as we can complain, (and I definitely understand the dismay at what happened to badass Bandit Snow because of writing, not because of what her character would "really" be like) what happens in-show actually is the canon...

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