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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"

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Right now CaptainSwan have a huge lead (77%), hopefully it stays that way! I'm surprised the Sleepy Hollow pairing didn't win the last round. I've never heard of this Vampire Diaries pairing before.

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^Same here.  Ok, so I've been happily voting for like the last 10 minutes with CS at 70-some% to 22% whatever the VD couple is.  I just voted again and it's completely shifted to them up 61% to our 38%.  WUT?!  Do they just not update poll tallies very frequently?  That's a helluva shift.

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Right now CaptainSwan have a huge lead (77%), hopefully it stays that way! I'm surprised the Sleepy Hollow pairing didn't win the last round. I've never heard of this Vampire Diaries pairing before.

I think it's because it only recently became canon - most polls and press focuses on canon pairings, so someone outside the fandom wouldn't know all the fanon ships.

I'm not surprised by the numbers jumping wildly at the beginning. I know CS fans wanted to "catch" the poll early to gain the lead.

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The percentage swings are very strange. I looked at the code that is running the poll, and all I could find was "Results may be delayed up to 120 seconds." I also think it's funny that if you look at the source code, you can see the percentages down to the hundred thousands. Right now CS is at 52.72289%. Eek.

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The percentage swings are very strange. I looked at the code that is running the poll, and all I could find was "Results may be delayed up to 120 seconds."

I'm guessing it's because you looked at the HTML and not the actual "source code" for the poll? The actual code that tallies votes should be more extensive if not obfuscated (because it's essentially hidden by being server side).


ETA: Here's the poll script - poll.js  if you really want to look at it. But it's not as revealing as you might wish. All it shows is that the javascript makes an AJAX request to a server side script that's keeping track of the votes. The JS just queries the server for the info and that's parsed into the HTML.


(also, the inline poll script is here (eol.inlinepoll.js) - but all that one really does is setup the moving percentages and buttons and event listeners. Quick, someone hack the server! jk :-D)

Edited by FabulousTater
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I'm guessing it's because you looked at the HTML and not the actual "source code" for the poll? 


No, I looked at the JS too, and that's where I saw the "Results may be delayed up to 120 seconds.". I was looking for something that could tell me if the votes are delayed or the tally updated at certain intervals, but that's all I could find.

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No, I looked at the JS too, and that's where I saw the "Results may be delayed up to 120 seconds.". I was looking for something that could tell me if the votes are delayed or the tally updated at certain intervals, but that's all I could find.

Ya, in that case you're not likely to find that in the JS. That information would be on the server side. My guess is that to prevent the server from getting hammered with too many requests for the vote status, that there's probably a some what static document server side that has the vote results. That document is polled by the Javascript and that's what is displayed on the page to the page visitors. The server side document is probably what actually does the single request to the db or whatever is counting the vote and itself is only updated at some set interval, say every 1 minute or so, and/or depending on how bogged down the db is (assuming they are using a db).

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Pezgirl7, you've got me parsing through the JS like a total nerd!


Anyway, I just scoured through some more JS, and noticed that when you load the web page (for the poll) it also preloads the current vote results (it just doesn't show them to you until after you vote). So for everyone using Curio's method of voting (opening multiple tabs all at once with the tab duplicator), when you vote in one tab, the voting result will be the same when you vote in the next tab because it has duplicated the preloaded voting results from the original page. The sudden jump in vote count that some of you are seeing is probably happening when you load a fresh batch tabs, probably minutes later, which will then have the updated count (that vote count itself is then, I would imagine, is updated at a set interval for server resource saving reasons)


For those of you who want to know - you can see the vote results without voting by looking at the HTML page source and then search for the script tag that contains the following (it's case sensitive):


var poll = $('#poll-14964').inlinepoll({


(or, you know, use your web browser's find function to find it for you :-D).

Scroll down a wee bit past that and you'll see the current poll results.


ETA: You can also search for the word "choicePercentage" (it's also case sensitive) and that should take you directly to the correct line in the HTML. Current count stands as:


Stefan and Caroline:

choicePercentage: 45.341347


Hook and Emma

choicePercentage: 54.658653



...I'm now going to walkaway from this because I'm annoyed at myself for getting sucked into it.

Edited by FabulousTater
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Hmm...well I've been voting using one tab at a time on my tablet. During the match with Klaine, I saw the vote at CS 73.3% and after I voted it fell to around 69%. That was maybe in the space of a few seconds. Maybe it was that 2 minute delay and my vote just timed to when the update occurred.

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Found this on tumblr. With the multi-tab method, the captcha word in the first tab can be use to fill the answer for all the duplicated tabs (even if the word is different in the duplicate tabs). So, a simple Ctrl+C--Ctrl+V should work. Makes the voting go faster. I checked the html source doce (thanks Fab!), but the numbers hold steady for a bit. So, I couldn't tell if those votes count.

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I tried that trick Rumsy and it definitely speeds it up. Thanks for the tip! I can now do 100 votes in less than 5 minutes.*


*Yes, I actually timed myself because I'm competitive like that.**

**And yes, you're right. I have no social life apparently.

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Yeah SQ's definitely voting against. Saw someone say they're way ahead in the poll they're trying to win so are now focusing on this poll. Also found the tumblr voting instructions and are planning to use them and send them to the fans of the other couple.

Edited by Stuffy
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I doubt the Steroline fandom is unaware of the voting instructions, they were everywhere!

It's kind of sad that SQ is focusing on this instead of winning their own polls. Even if they manage it, what did they prove? That Captain Swan is the second most beloved couple of 2015? Yeah, that's really a bummer.

We have a good, not great, lead right now, but Steroline managed to win against Ichabbie after they had the lead for a long time too, so *Moody voice* constant vigilance!

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Even if they manage it, what did they prove? That Captain Swan is the second most beloved couple of 2015? Yeah, that's really a bummer.


That's what I don't get about voting against anybody at this stage of the game. It's just petty. (Which, this whole exercise, in the grand scheme of things, is ridiculous, don't get me wrong ... but rallying people to vote against a TV couple that's managed to make it to the top two in an internet poll? Really?)

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Found this on tumblr. With the multi-tab method, the captcha word in the first tab can be use to fill the answer for all the duplicated tabs (even if the word is different in the duplicate tabs). So, a simple Ctrl+C--Ctrl+V should work. Makes the voting go faster. I checked the html source doce (thanks Fab!), but the numbers hold steady for a bit. So, I couldn't tell if those votes count.

Thanks so much for that tip! That speeds things up quite nicely.


I'm a last minute voter (and eBay bidder) by nature, but I'll try and do a few hundred over the next few days whenever I need a break from work...like now. :)

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Every time I vote I get a wildly different score.  This am CS was up at 54%, and now they're down at 46%.  I'm just not stressing it.  As someone else pointed out, even if CS loses, so they're only the second most loved couple.  That's ... terrible?

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Can't believe an online poll causes such drama. It's just a poll.

Also my last post was quoted on another site in a negative way. So weird and maybe a little creepy. Ha ha. I'm obviously a horrible person for saying something about people voting against CS.

I find Rumbelle creepy and think Belle deserves better. I'm not going to find polls to vote against them. I'll never get that behavior.

Edited by Stuffy
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Just lurking through tumblr; it looks like things are starting to get a bit nastier. "Bots" and "cheating" are starting to get tossed around. :( it could be true, it could not be. There's still almost two whole days of voting left though. What are we at right now? 46ish percent?

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I'm not really into fandoms, but I wouldn't be shocked it bots accusations were true. I remember something like that last year during some other favorite couples poll (which Delena won, IIRC).

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Down to 42%.  If it's really Steroline shippers voting, good for them - it's great they have such a motivated fan base. The comments section on E is surprisingly pleasant and full of mutual respect, so hats off to them. If it's anti CS shippers voting, well, sad that they would let hate run their lives, I guess.

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I only heard ET say they're taking questions for Colin - but usually when they sent an actor to do the round for a centric all the major publications get an interview.

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It's Leanne at ET that's doing the Colin interview -- unless there are multiple ones.


It's definitely not just Steroline shippers voting. I've seen SQ shippers urging others to vote against CS. And there's clearly something hinky going on with the poll. I don't know what all, but it's not just manual fan voting.

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That's such a smart strategy from SQers. I'm sure when Adam and Eddy see that Captain Swan is only the SECOND most beloved television couple of the year, they're gonna immediately decide to kill Hook off ;)

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That's such a smart strategy from SQers. I'm sure when Adam and Eddy see that Captain Swan is only the SECOND most beloved television couple of the year, they're gonna immediately decide to kill Hook off ;)

Does this explain what happened with Snowing? Maybe they're being punished for not winning polls. :D

And of course if they (the BA's, at least) win the zimbio poll, they'll probably just rub it in everyone's faces that they at least won a biggish? poll, therefore they are the greatest, most all powerful fandom to ever fandom.

Our fandom is so splintered. It's so sad.I kinda wish everyone involved with Once (cast, crew, etc.) would just take a break from twitter/etc. and threaten to not return until people started to behave better.

I say the CSers should throw a giant celebration whether they win or get 2nd.

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I say the CSers should throw a giant celebration whether they win or get 2nd.



I'm bringing the boxed wine!


And I'm not too worried about Swan Queen getting anywhere close to the end of that Zimbio poll. There are too many actual canon couples that will get close first. Although that seems to be one of the motivations for the other side of this poll. It sounds like for as much crap as we get and give with Adam and Eddy, it's nothing compared to what the TVD exec producer dishes out to her fans by jerking them around. We have nothing to prove, which is why I think some people have given up. After all, Captain Swan is canon.

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I've checked out the Zimbio poll. They're down to 8 now. Is Zimbio really popular with slash/femslash shippers? At least a couple of those pairings (Root and Shaw, Clake and Lexa) are not what I'd call popular. Clarke and Lexe are not even the most popular couple in their show (which I don't watch, BTW, so I'm not biased). 

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As someone who avidly watches PoI, I would say Root and Shaw do have a lot of shippers in the fandom. 


People on tumblr are saying that the votes won't work if we are copy/pasting the captcha word. I don't know. We seem to be holding steady at 41.2%. 

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Adam has reached the "whatevs" stage.


I don't watch POI, so I may totally be wrong about this, but I've always assumed that show's fandom was... small? Like there are some ships from shows I don't watch where I hear all about the ships (like Destiel, those Teen Wolf dudes, etc) but I've never noticed a POI fandom presence. The only time I have was actually when Taraji was killed off.

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The new order for E! voting is to type each new captcha with all the tabs, instead of copying & pasting the first into other tabs. Seems like it's helped some after people started doing that.


The Zimbio poll is kind of odd, IMO. Some really popular ships didn't make it out of the first round. I don't think it's nearly as widely followed a site as some others, like E!. But if a fandom is together in voting on it (like SQ), they can advance.

Edited by Souris
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Adam has reached the "whatevs" stage.

I wish he would follow that up by not responding to yet another flurry of posts about alleged bias towards certain ships.  I just really dislike all the shipping and how much attention is drawn to it.  It has gotten worse with every season of this show.  I wish all those stupid polls would disapparate.  I care way more about the individual characters than about any of the romantic relationships.

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If he were writing the show to cater to Swan Queen, either Emma and Regina would be in a textual romantic relationship or there would, at least, be a significant lesbian couple (i.e. Mulan's last-minute expression of interest in Aurora that she never got to make because Aurora announced a pregnancy instead does NOT count as meaningful queer representation). The most he does is write the occasional queerbaiting episode.

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I wish he would just say, "yes, I do prefer the canon couples, because I write them, that's why."


If he were writing the show to cater to Swan Queen, either Emma and Regina would be in a textual romantic relationship or there would, at least, be a significant lesbian couple (i.e. Mulan's last-minute expression of interest in Aurora that she never got to make because Aurora announced a pregnancy instead does NOT count as meaningful queer representation). The most he does is write the occasional queerbaiting episode.

But isn't that worse? He's reacting to bad behaviour, and ONLY bad behaviour, by giving those people a chance to livetweet "omg so gay!!1!". If he were reacting to genuine criticism instead of whiny children throwing a temper tantrum, there'd be a damn queer couple already.

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And all the teasing and baiting means lots of wasted screen time. Instead of developing actual relationships on the show, they're devoting time to teasing a relationship that is not going to actually happen and being coy with subtext, seemingly just because this excites a particularly vocal (and toxic) portion of the fanbase. They risk alienating other viewers while catering to this one group that isn't going to be happy with just the teasing, so nobody ends up happy.

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