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S16.E25: Power Of Veto Competition #8

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Which begs the question... Is Caleb a secret genius?  How did he think of "under the garbage bag"?  So random.

It's possible he remembered seeing something that didn't seem important at the time, like that the bag had been disturbed. Something like that was hinted about when the team was talking about how executing the mission was more difficult than just not being seen swiping people's stuff.


I had to laugh when Victoria insisted she was playing the game because she "made it to" top 8. Um no. You coasted by to top 8. It's not like you fought your way there....

Flying under the radar is a very effective way of playing this type of reality competition as long as you can avoid having other players catch on to what you're doing.



Way to turn the Zingbot episode into Kathy Griffin Product Placement.

The Zingbot had much better material.

Kathy Griffin Zings:
Caleb: You and Amber have something in common. You think she is drop dead gorgeous and she wants you to drop dead.
Christine: There’s a belief that glasses make people look smarter. Thanks for disproving that.
Victoria: I would Zing you, but I’m only supposed to Zing people who are actually playing the game.
Zach:  What do you call someone who is not afraid to cry, wears pink, and cuddles with men? Zach! *Kathy walks over to Zach* “Zing! Motherf**ker!”
Zingbot Zings:
Frankie: That’s a nice tan, but I’m surprised you get any sun at all considering how much time you spend in your sister’s shadow.
Derrick:  This is a house of good looking dudes. There’s not one unattractive man in here. Oh wait, I didn’t see you there, Derrick.
Donny: Your look is very Duck Dynasty. Too bad your social game is more like Suck Dynasty.
Cody: You’re such a nice guy. You haven’t made any enemies this summer, except for maybe Christine’s husband.

Edited by JerseyGirl
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I didn't mind the Kathy Griffin product placement.  Well, I only minded it because I think somewhere in his little pin brain, Frankie thinks it was a personal reward and shout-out to him, personally, from the production staff at BB.  Blech.


But, I think that Kathy Griffin is actually something of a fan of BB, and I have to tell you, I think her insults were really heartfelt on her part.  She may have been just acting, but when she went "Ziiiing!!!!" to Christine, she had a bit of extra hatred in her eyes.  And the "Zing...motherfucker" to Zach after dramatically stalking up to him was almost affectionate.  I kind of had the idea she really wanted to let loose and let 'em all know what she thinks.


I really would have liked to hear what she might have had to say about last year's crew...


Like everyone else, the enthusiastic vilification of Zach once the house realized objects were missing made me very uncomfortable.  Especially when Frankie and Derrick fanned the flames and encouraged the pile-on.  That was truly disgusting.  At least Derrick copped to it being ironic, but justified it by saying it was strategic and good for his game.

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Derrick:  This is a house of good looking dudes. There’s not one unattractive man in here. Oh wait, I didn’t see you there, Derrick.


I know that came off as harsh, but it's actually a recycled zing from three seasons ago. Zingbot asked Joe (BB13) how it felt to be the oldest man there, and then said "Oh wait, I didn't see you there, [Mike] Boogie."


So not so much harsh as...lazy? Also wonder how Zingbot would've zinged Frankie had he not made his grand sisterly reveal.

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Flying under the radar is a very effective way of playing this type of reality competition as long as you can avoid having other players catch on to what you're doing.


This is true. But I wouldn't necessarily put Victoria in that category. I tend find "coasting" to be a deliberate act. Victoria just sucks at everything and didn't seem to be very social in the beginning. But I didn't get the impression she was deliberately flying under the radar to enhance her game.

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But, I think that Kathy Griffin is actually something of a fan of BB, and I have to tell you, I think her insults were really heartfelt on her part.  She may have been just acting, but when she went "Ziiiing!!!!" to Christine, she had a bit of extra hatred in her eyes.  And the "Zing...motherfucker" to Zach after dramatically stalking up to him was almost affectionate.  I kind of had the idea she really wanted to let loose and let 'em all know what she thinks.

I really would have liked to hear what she might have had to say about last year's crew...


Oh, she shared some thoughts about them last summer on The Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roITQbmaj4k


Frankie is so full of it, it's a wonder he doesn't just burst. I don't believe for a second that he was upset or remorseful about nominating Zack. Which is fine! But I can't stand his being so phony in the Diary Room.

Edited by NichD
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I enjoyed Frankie's DR interviews for the first couple of episodes, but by now I just want to throw a pie in his face. Last night's were especially cringe-making. 


I don't understand why they didn't all turn on Caleb when he miraculously came up with, "Look under the garbage bag!". I'd have expected a smarter bunch to wonder why that dim bulb knew where the stuff was and deduce that he was the saboteur.


I was quite surprised that Zach didn't jump all over that! That had the best chance of diverting blame away from him. Maybe he did, and we just didn't see it. And while I felt some sympathy for Zach being falsely accused, the accusation only succeeded because he has caused so much drama in the house throughout the season. Hiding belongings just seemed like another manifestation of it. 


Team America had better not have won that one, because it didn't look as if the neighborhood watch went on for more than a few hours before they found the stash. I suspect that BB was prompting the houseguests to think of possible hiding places in the house, and that led to Caleb's guess. There might have been many unsuccessful guesses that we didn't see. I hope so, at least. 


Does anyone have the text or a link to Frankie's POV meeting rap to Zach?? 


That was when I really wanted to throw a pie at Frankie. It's one thing to join in the group accusations of Zach, but to signal him out like that for something that Frankie knows Zach didn't do is tacky and mean. 


Frankie's zing was my favorite. I heard the "That’s a nice tan, but I’m surprised you get any sun at all considering how much time you spend…" and thought it would be followed by, "sitting in front of the computer watching the tally of your YouTube followers." The actual zing was even better. Victoria's was a close second. 


I consider playing under the radar to be an excellent strategy, especially for someone who is not a challenge beast, but has a good social game. But those people keep tabs (or try to) on what's going on in the house—who is suddenly buddy-buddy with whom, and so forth. Victoria only knows that she and Derrick have an agreement, and I don't think she's really interested in anything else that might be going on in the house. When she's been confronted with the idea that there are other alliances out there, she falls apart until Derrick calms her down again. The word "floater" gets thrown around a lot in this game, but to me it applies to Victoria, rather than to a person who chooses to play under the radar. 


Kathy Griffin was on Letterman last night, trying to explain the game and what she was doing on it to him. That was funny, because I think Letterman thought she was exaggerating, but she wasn't. 

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The way Frankie was all over Kathy Griffin was such a desperate attempt. Does he think they will be friends when he gets out? She supports Gay rights but that doesn't mean she has to like you. He's a disgusting person. 


I understand that they game is about manipulation & doing what it takes to stay. I could take lying about who you are voting for, working with or putting up etc. I could not lie about someone stealing things. That didn't sit well with me. Frankie then kept adding things to make it worse. I don't think I could of sat there if I knew he didn't steal the items & let him get accused by the entire house. That was not called for. Frankie is the lowest one in the house. He is all about himself, which they all are but he takes it to another level. The ZingBot was spot on about him. 

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I watched Big Brother last night with my husband who has never seen an episode. It was interesting to see it in his eyes.

He thought the females were nonentities and barely extras. He thought the diary room was very scripted and wondered why everyone screamed everything. Said the outfits were outlandish and obviously costumes they were forced to wear. How stupid they all were shirtless constantly or in skimpy tank tops. Couldn't believe Frankie's sequined furlined vest with no shirt to the veto ceremony omg what the fuck and in August in California? Didn't understand why everyone went apeshit over a missing hat in a scene where everyone was already wearing a hat. Preposterous. Thought all the guys sounded like stupid ass bros and mimicked them. Dust get why the Zingbot talked so slow and broken phrases for such little payoff in the punch line. Said Frankie was very hammy and over the top performing and I told him he should see BBAD. He thought Frankie looked 38. I informed him Frankie is 31 but tells everyone he's 28 and he laughed. He said Derrick looked disfigured due to the shape of his nose, like those people who have it cut off by the mob or in cruel societies as a punishment.

Edited by Petunia13
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To KNOW it wasn't him yet instigate it and continue to paint your "best boy" as a thief is truly reprehensible. Then to use something you know you yourself created as a reason to put up said best boy is just revolting. I see that Frankie won't let something silly like friendship (or more!) get in the way of perpetuating drama and increasing his camera time.


As the saying goes, beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes down to the bone. I think Frankie is the perfect example of that turn of phrase. He's truly an ugly human being.

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