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S03.E04: One Day, One Team

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I enjoyed this episode. It was a fabulous idea that Yanick (sp?) had-- it was able to be "cohesive" in a fresh way. I guessed that they wouldn't send anyone home long before it was over.

The guest judge, Wisdom, was pretty useless in my opinion. He fell back on the equivalent of Heidi or Nicole's "I would wear that," but instead "I would 'like' that."

I wasn't particularly fond of the winning look. I would have picked Rafael's or Curtis' design as the best.

Siena was this week's Curtis. Her look was not good, but they weren't going to send her home. We knew that. 

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they started with 10. They started this episode with 7. Why did Heidi say "we're halfway through"?

I guess she's counting to the finale, but that would mean 4 in the finale? Still doesn't make sense.

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7 hours ago, dleighg said:

they started with 10. They started this episode with 7. Why did Heidi say "we're halfway through"?

I guess she's counting to the finale, but that would mean 4 in the finale? Still doesn't make sense.

Double elimination coming up?

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24 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Double elimination coming up?

yeah but we'll still have 5 AFTER next week, and she was saying that at the BEGINNING of this week, when we'd only lost three people out of 10. Just a weird way to count.

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This may have been my favorite episode in terms of the designs. I've haven't been awed by the creativity of this group, they are a little inconsistent, but everyone nailed it this week. Yannick and Markantoine are too full of themselves, but it was an great example of leadership to come up with a theme.  Yannick deserved to win just for that, but his outfit was great too. I love Sienna, but the top of her dress was drab, but it also fit the character who she was designing for.

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I think Sienna is the weakest link and I can't stand her.  I pegged her as the one-way monkey 2 shows back because ALL of her stuff is floaty, girly and ornamental, without any deviation.  When they showed her 3 white dresses together, they all moved the exact same way.  She's Ven, with his origami rose bodice.  And I hated her whole "tee hee, my machine is bad, so I'll take yours, tee hee...."  Literally preventing Yannick from working. 

Nice comeback from Curtis, I think Jeremy was relieved his boy-crush was safe.  The 2 fabric pants legs was very cool.  I like he described it as a  "Harlequin" feature, because that's exactly right.  And good for Georgia, showing some range.  That pleating on the black Priest top was really impressive. 

Rafael annoyed me with the stripes, he kept saying "it's a target", but it was just stripes.  I saw no genius or innovation there at all.  I've seen 50-something women on cruise ships wear those outfits.  

I'm still at Camp Curtis & don't plan on leaving.  

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3 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

She's Ven, with his origami rose bodice.

I totally agree, and the Ven reference is fitting. I loved him at the start, but ... over and over and over with the flower petals. While I liked Siena's first episode dresses, before that, when they showed her "portfolio," I thought "too much like prom/wedding dresses." Very pretty, but like you said, "one way monkey."

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I really didn't like Yannick's dress at all.  I liked the widow's friend's dress better.   I forgot who did that one.  Curtis did a good job and since Im over 50 I liked Rafael's.  I might have looked into buying it if he won.  Oh well.

I didn't like the BS Sienna pulled with the sewing machines.  It was already established what they were going to do and they all had to have their machines ready for the next day.

I think Yannick was a genius to suggest the theme.  It was so cohesive.

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I just saw the winning look and the capsule items on Amazon, and I don't like what they did to the winning outfit. The changes just don't work. I did like one picture where the model paired the outfit with a pair of booties. 

What does work is the jumpsuits. I want them in both colors.

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8 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

And I hated her whole "tee hee, my machine is bad, so I'll take yours, tee hee...."  Literally preventing Yannick from working. 

7 hours ago, NYGirl said:

I didn't like the BS Sienna pulled with the sewing machines.  It was already established what they were going to do and they all had to have their machines ready for the next day.

Yeah, Sienna really annoyed me with the sewing machine crap. She just totally ignored Yannick when he was bitching at her (which she deserved) too, & then she tried to pull off the "I think I became the widow" crap at judging.

I knew they weren't going to eliminate anybody pretty early in the judging, but I'm glad they made Sienna last just so she would sweat it.

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I liked the first 2 seasons, but this one is irking me with the groveling the designers have to go through.  The judges are like 'I'm so disappointed in you as a person' not 'I didn't care for the design' and the designers have to genuflect like they injured a cat or something and promise to do better.  Just really demeaning, I'm tired of it.

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14 minutes ago, jabRI said:

Just really demeaning, I'm tired of it.

I agree. There was some of that in the first season. I believe it was during a pairing competition - the older Italian designer Sabato Russo, whose simple elegant designs I loved. I seem to recall him refusing to beg and exiting with dignity.

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Overall good designs from everyone other than Marc-Antoine and Sienna. M-A just threw everything but the kitchen sink and the outfit screams overdesigned. Sienna should have been given an automatic cut for having a peplum in the outfit.

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23 hours ago, dleighg said:

It was absolute genius.

It sure was.  I enjoyed how everyone was excited and got into making something for their characters. 

I don't like what Sienna did with the machine either; she could have asked.  Still, it is a competition so I understand her "screw you" attitude.  Not nice but I also think Yannik is more talented than she is so in the long run, it won't matter.  

I couldn't stop laughing at what Heidi was wearing at judging.  Let's rip apart a suit and slap some leather over it!  Yeesh.

Really fun show; everyone did a good job.  Sienna's was my least favorite - kind of an old vampire vibe - but it wasn't awful.   I think Curtis and MA did the best; similar yet different.  They would probably be a good 2 person team if the show does that.  

I liked Rafael's except for the shoulder treatment, which I know the judges loved and would have been bored without.  I hate those floppy details.   I liked the stripes and that it was pants. 

I thought Jeannette's was cool, too and Georgia did a great job also.  I might have given one of them the win over Yannik, though he deserved extra points for the great idea.

Good episode; I'm enjoying the season so far.  No egregious decisions from the judges so far!

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On 8/26/2022 at 5:29 PM, Pallida said:

However, I enjoyed her essentially saying she’s not going to design for Heidi. 

The whole conversation starting with Heidi saying she likes to see more skin and ending with Sienna saying she's not making clothes for the cheap woman on the street, was A+.    However, no way Sienna is going to win now!

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Great episode. Yannik had a brilliant idea, and to the credit of the other designers, they all recognized that immediately and got on board and pushed it even further. Usually the producers are hoping for a lot of design conflict during a team challenge, so not having that, I think they tried to make sewing machine-gate a bigger deal than it was. It was uncool, but it wasn't like Yannik had no machine he could use. Glad no one went home, and we didn't have to see anyone grovel. 

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5 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I think they tried to make sewing machine-gate a bigger deal than it was. It was uncool, but it wasn't like Yannik had no machine he could use. Glad no one went home, and we didn't have to see anyone grovel. 

The problem was the machines are different heights & the machine Yannick was using was high for someone tall & the ones that were leftover weren't, so he couldn't really get his legs under the table to sew. Plus, they all agreed beforehand that if your machine broke you fixed it, you didn't take another machine but she just jumped machines as soon as hers broke.

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This was probably one of my favorite challenges ever. So clever! I loved how excited everyone was, and how that sparked their creativity. Yannick deserved the win, not just for his look, but for the idea, and for "making it work". I like Sienna's esthetic but she is becoming a bit predictable. I dig Yannick. He's off the wall and "conceptual", his stuff is out there and unique. Sure, he's not for everybody. That doesn't bother me. I'd rather see Yannick's blanket coat than Jeremy Scott's urban clown gear. 

Heidi, bless her, plays to her image. You want to see short, tight, shiny, garish, downright weird? Heidi's got you. She cracks me up. Tim is very much on point this season with his critiques, which is much appreciated. I just wish they'd jettison Jeremy and Nicole. Nicole's assessments are always "I'd totally wear that". Kelly Osbourne would be better-she has a good eye and to me she's more thoughtful. ANYONE would be better than Jeremy. I would love to see the fashion bloggers Tom and Lorenzo as judges! They cut their blogging teeth on the original recipe Project Runway and their critiques are both witty and thoughtful. 

Final three? Curtis, Yannick, and Jeannette. But I am terrible at predictions. 

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Although I am enjoying the show and the fashions, I don't find it entertaining to give the designers 7 hours.  Too many 1 day challenges-I want to see the contestants have a bit more time (of course, they are able to start designing the night before the challenge so that helps a little bit).  What is wrong with having more 2 day challenges?

I'm also not happy with two of the judges representing the clown school of circus design.

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In re: somebody's look the guest judge said it would make them stop on scrolling on IG or whatever, zoom in, and maybe even give it a like. Uh, that's great but what did you think about it? Are we at the point in our existence where that is supposed to mean something tangible?

Sierra should have been sent home for anti-social behavior. If the team, as a whole, had a deal that each person was assigned their own sewing machine and it was theirs for the whole challenge then Sierra should NEVER have gone on somebody else's machine. By taking Yanick's she was forcing Yanick to take another person's machine etc. etc.  Sierra probably leaves her shopping cart in the spot next to hers at the grocery store as well. She is totally selfish and I'm rooting against her now. 

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4 minutes ago, Mahfouz said:

In re: somebody's look the guest judge said it would make them stop on scrolling on IG or whatever, zoom in, and maybe even give it a like.

I know! What a useless comment!

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6 hours ago, Mahfouz said:

In re: somebody's look the guest judge said it would make them stop on scrolling on IG or whatever, zoom in, and maybe even give it a like. Uh, that's great but what did you think about it? Are we at the point in our existence where that is supposed to mean something tangible?

In a world where social media influencers are becoming millionaires, and getting TV shows, it is very important. The guy who said that is famous because of his social media following. He probably couldn't go deeper with his opinion, because to him it is important that a look gets the engagement of someone clicking a like button.

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13 hours ago, Mahfouz said:

In re: somebody's look the guest judge said it would make them stop on scrolling on IG or whatever, zoom in, and maybe even give it a like. Uh, that's great but what did you think about it? Are we at the point in our existence where that is supposed to mean something tangible?

He was giving the designers the best advice of any of the judges. Nicole wanting to wear your dress to her chicken’s funeral is not getting you a win.

Amazon wants people to stop scrolling and buy. It’s literally the entire point of the show. A person whose highly successful career is based on knowing what people want to see online telling you this is what people want to see? You listen. 

13 hours ago, Mahfouz said:

Sierra should have been sent home for anti-social behavior.

Judges: to be a designer, you need to work well with others, so this is a team challenge
Sienna: eff that. I’ll break the team’s agreement and screw over a teammate. 
Judges: Sienna, your dress was the worst of the bunch. But you caused drama, so no one goes home! 

On 8/28/2022 at 3:20 AM, raven said:

The whole conversation starting with Heidi saying she likes to see more skin and ending with Sienna saying she's not making clothes for the cheap woman on the street, was A+. 

For a designer whose previous dresses have plunging necklines and lots of leg, Sienna came off as a hypocrite with her response to Heidi.

On 8/28/2022 at 2:58 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

ANYONE would be better than Jeremy.


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I agree that Sienna caused workroom drama and extra stress to the other designers by changing sewing machines, but I am willing to give her a little grace because she was shown trying to make it work with the broken machine.  She was also adjusting the tension and cut her finger.  It was at that point, she made the decision to use a different machine.  I think she was frustrated and didn't want to keep fighting with the machine she was assigned.  I also think the pressure of the seven hours to complete a look played into her decision. She didn't have the time to futz around with that machine.  I think if I were her, I would have asked if I could hop around to different machines while they weren't being used.  If the machine isn't working, it's not fair to have to stick with it.  I think she could have handled it better, but I understand her frustration.

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I was so happy to see the team collaboration work out so well.  Most of the time, there are so many conflicts working with partners/teams and at times a person gets sent home for no fault of their own, which drives me mad.  This time, the team embraced Yannik's theme and used it to spark creativity.  They actually had fun during the challenge and it showed!  (Except for the sewing machine mix up.)

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On 8/27/2022 at 8:20 PM, raven said:

The whole conversation starting with Heidi saying she likes to see more skin and ending with Sienna saying she's not making clothes for the cheap woman on the street, was A+.    However, no way Sienna is going to win now!

That's hilarious if that's what she said, but I heard "I'm not designing for the "Chic" woman on the street, I was designing for my character."--as in a grieving widow who would potentially be more covered.  I'll have to go back and watch with closed captioning.  Heidi never seems to get that not everyone shares her "taste" level.

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