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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Rats, nothing against Michael, but I wanted Taylor to win. Looks like Taylor hurt her leg, but she's doing OK. The comp involved a ball and a pearl. Seemed active. Maybe mini golf?

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No, Jasmine wants her to stay up. They all do, for now. But with how Monte and even Kyle have been acting I guess there's some hope Nicole and Ameerah will decide it's not worth the risk and convince Jasmine they need to take Taylor down.

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And they had to push themselves with their arms.

The guys are hanging in the bathroom, duding each other.

Queen Jasmine is lounging horizontally on her throne, the sofa, I mean. Faithful serf Brittany is waiting on her. 

In the comp they also had to shoot, standing in the water? (I think like shooting a basket)

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

No, Jasmine wants her to stay up. They all do, for now. But with how Monte and even Kyle have been acting I guess there's some hope Nicole and Ameerah will decide it's not worth the risk and convince Jasmine they need to take Taylor down.

Wouldn’t that freak out Pooch who thinks he is a pawn?   Or does he know he the target…is he still the target?

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8 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Looks like Taylor hurt her leg, but she's doing OK.

Undoubtedly this will fuel Jasmine's hatred of Taylor even more.  Can't have Taylor's injury potentially pulling attention away from Jasmine.  

Who knew that reading about Jasmine's ridiculousness would lead me to turn the Live Feeds on for the first time this season.  I hated her on day 1 because of her hideous pink outfit that made her look like she was part Fraggle. Now with the reports of having other people wipe her ass, etc. I have a legit reason to hate her.  

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13 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

For now, yes, he is.  Most of the house has agreed to it.  But Monte and Kyle have apparently been shaky about getting rid of another guy, and just as apparently, Nicole and Ameerah have taken notice of that.  I believe that Brittany, Indy, and Alyssa have, too.  Daniel's also been fiercely paranoid about Taylor since last night.  If the men keep up how they've been acting, then there's a chance that Taylor comes down.

How can they be worried about getting rid of another guy when they haven't gotten rid of any so far.

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27 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Wouldn’t that freak out Pooch who thinks he is a pawn?   Or does he know he the target…is he still the target?

Exactly, which is why ultimately I don’t see them taking Taylor off and with the irrational hate they all have for her, there’s a good chance she gets evicted.

Miss didn’t wash her hands after POOPING asked Joseph if his hands were clean when he brought her food. And she had the audacity to ask Taylor to cook her food.

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5 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

"Another" as in a fellow guy.

And that's why the girls should hold strong.  If these women in the house can't see through this lame attempt to further deplete their numbers, they're dumber than I thought.  And, based on that clip between Nicole & Monte earlier - she's not.  

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Michael, Ameerah, and Nicole have named their alliance Po’s (as in Poloma’s) Pack and this is why I don’t trust these people lol.

Are they pronouncing Po with a long o sound?

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don’t know, I was watching the other feed at the time.

Just wondered because unless people were calling her Po (with a long o sound) as a nickname while she was still in the house, I don't get how they're getting that sound from the pa part of Paloma.

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1 hour ago, Thalia said:

Nichole is explaining, again and again, that Jasmine needs to clean her feet.  A wash cloth alone.  Won't.  Do.  The. Job. 

Did she do something that got her feet dirty or are they dirty in general? And will Nicole clean them for her if Jasmine asks her to? Of course she would 🙄 

Michael's my favorite an now I'm worried that he's establishing himself as a comp beast. 

Edited by Blissfool
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5 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Michael's my favorite an now I'm worried that he's establishing himself as a comp beast. 

I was just thinking that him winning this Veto really probably wasn't a good idea for his overall game. 

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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

But Michael apparently threw the first part of the HoH to Jasmine, though.

I thought Michael won his 1st part of the HoH. 

I want to think that Jasmine had been against Terrance because I remember thinking they were evenly matched.

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1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

So apparently Pooch somehow got wind of him being the actual target and not Taylor and is trying to get her Vetoed.  He wants Monte to go up in her place since he thinks that that would be his best chance at staying.

Of everyone who can vote, that'd be an easy sell to Daniel and Nicole, who've apparently had their eyes on Monte for the last day-and-a-half.  Ameerah, Alyssa, Brittany, and Indy are all wary of him, too.  But they'd still have to get Michael to agree to use the Veto first.

Is he trying to get sent home?  If Monte, who has been trying to save him, gets wind of this, what would compel him to continue the effort?  Why not just stop fighting Nicole, Ameerah, et al, who would prefer to keep Taylor?  And, it would, if Monte flipped to keeping Taylor, get the growing target off his back by engendering some good will with the rest of the HG going into next week.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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5 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Did she do something that got her feet dirty or are they dirty in general? And will Nicole clean them for her if Jasmine asks her to? Of course she would 🙄

Welcome to the Big Brother house, where they change the decor every season but the grody ass dirty floors remain a staple. There is literal years of grossness ground into that floor and it's a game every year to see how long it takes for the HGs to end up with soles as black as my soul. Sometimes I wonder if whoever is controlling the cameras has a foot fetish because they love to zoom in on that shit.

It's like the vacuum cleaner that doesn't clean, the coffee maker that brews all over the counters, the squeak in the back bedroom door, the old orange frying pan until BB19 Josh killed it with his circus antics, and the ants: it's an integral part of Big Brother. They really need to declare that house a bio-hazard and burn it to the ground.

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Not Jasmine "Wipe my ass for me" Davis commenting on someone else's personal hygiene.

I mean, it's The Turner Formerly Known As Matt, who looks like he's allergic to soap and water and yeah, they kinda just confirmed it, but still. YOU HIRED A MINION TO WIPE YOUR BOOTY. NO, MA'AM.

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The queen and her court are discussing strategy. Daniel notes that once the guys’ alliance seizes power, things are going to be very different. They’re laying low now, but that’s not going to last. I wonder why they haven’t discussed getting rid of one of the stronger guys.

Michael wonders if they maybe should use this opportunity to get rid of one of the stronger guys, and OH MY GOD DID I JUST DO THAT. Talk turns to taking down Taylor and putting up Joseph instead. Indy is not on board— she wants Pooch out yesterday. But the rest of them are intrigued. Pooch is an easy target; why waste their shot on him? They decide to sleep on it.

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Daniel has decided that Taylor shouldn't get to "live normal" in the house because she's obsessed with him and stalking him and that her going would be "poetic justice". Number of times I've seen Taylor follow Daniel or mention his name: 0. Number of times I've heard Daniel say Taylor's name: with every fucking breath he takes. I'm sure the two hours of sleep he gets every night sounds like "*snore* *grumble* Fuck Taylor! *snore* *sucks his thumb*" Daniel has also realized that his HoH reign accomplished... nothing. Nada. He's useless. How sad.

In other news, Johnny Mac Sam Derex Michael the Veto King is talking shit about Poochie's comp performance ("We saw what his performance was when his back was against the wall... not good.") floating the idea of replacing Taylor with... Joseph? And backdooring him?

Oh and then there was this exchange about the backdoor Joseph plan:
Ameerah: "And then we would really have Taylor with us."
Daniel: "I would kiss her, I don't care."


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Daniel thinks Pooch is the Enzo of this season. Indy can’t stand Enzo, so that tracks for her. Daniel thinks America must love Pooch.

Indy is frustrated that they’re wavering from targeting Pooch. Daniel doesn’t understand why people always wait to put up the strong guys who can beat them later. (YOU MEAN LIKE YOU DID?) Jasmine thinks Joseph would stay against Pooch, and does she really want to risk that? Maybe. 

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✏️ Pop quiz! ✏️

Jasmine just said "This is so hard!" Is she talking about:

A) Being HoH
B) Butt scooting down the stairs
C) Trying to vibe with an undope homie
D) Wiping her own ass

Remember, class, show your work!

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Indy, Alyssa and Michael discuss alternate scenarios: Let Taylor take out Monte or Joseph next week when she becomes HoH. Or if one of the guys get HoH, they will put up Taylor and Brittany and that would also be a win.

I have no idea why they they think either of these will happen, but Indy is sure of one thing: Pooch has to goooooo.

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Indy, Alyssa and Ameerah come to a conclusion: stick with the Pooch plan. It’s too early to tip their hand to the guys. They will just keep winning until it’s a final 4 with them and Jasmine. Sounds foolproof!

indy leaves the room and Alyssa whispers to Ameerah that Indy said she loves Monty and could see herself sitting next to him in the end. “WHAT?” Ameerah gasps. “She’s gotta go!” Well, that F4 imploded fast.

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I gotta give this season some credit, never before have I seen a season with so many random ass hate boners spring up so quickly in the season. Every other HG seems to have a specific HG that they view as their enemy. This bestie setup is going to be kind of awesome (so long as some unlikely pairs are forced to couple up, musical chairs-style). 

It's like a whole cast of Steve and Becky feuds. 

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Oops, I left this in the drafts last night but fucked off after they all went to bed at a decent time which BOO! I had to actually do chores and shit.

Michael was whispering to the camera/himself in the bathroom after 90% of the house had turned in (except for Ameerah, in the girls room, who was getting trolled by someone controlling the loud camera in the corner zooming in and out and spinning around - her death glare at one point was impressive) and he said that his preferred Final Four would be him, Indy, Brittany, and Taylor which I would be down for so of course it won't happen and the F4 will really be Poochie, The Turner Formerly Known As Matt, Daniel, and Monte because Big Brother hates us.

Edited by Callaphera
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Michael was also whispering to himself a reminder to not play too hard, which— you might want to calm down on the comps front, then.

When Michael was shaving in the mirror, I noticed that he’s actually very good looking without his glasses. This is not to perpetuate the cliche that glasses are the last barrier to hotness, because some people actually look better with glasses, but Michael is definitely wearing the wrong glasses. Someone get him to the nearest designer lenswear boutique, stat.

Feeds were boring as fuck last night. You know things are bad when you’re wishing for another round of poopgate to break the monotony.

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These people are in for such a rude awakening when they get out and I relish that lol. Most of them are going to claim they had to do this for game and they need to be massively called out on it.

And I really wish the actual televised show would give them the edit they deserve.

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