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6 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Monte would be stupid to put up anyone but Turner.  He can beat anyone else at F2, and he can certainly spin the Michael ouster as only happening because he won POV and encouraging Turner to take the unmissable shot they had.

He might not be able to beat Taylor. It's possible that he can, for sure, but I actually think he's going to struggle more than he even thinks. Taylor's story is damn good and she'll do a good job explaining herself. From the primary target throughout pre-jury to F2? 

Yes, Monte could win against her, but it won't be as easy as he thinks it'll be. Jasmine said in her jury confessional that Taylor's in an excellent position. Michael is rooting for Taylor. Alyssa would vote for Taylor in a F2. Brittany would also vote Taylor in a F2 over Monte. I even think Indy would vote Taylor over Monte. And I think Joseph could vote Taylor over Monte as well.

Monte struggles to win against Taylor/Turner. It's not a guaranteed "he won't beat either", because he could, but I actually see a scenario where Taylor wins over Monte, ESPECIALLY if she convinces him to put up Turner this week over her. 

I think Monte beats Turner fairly easily tbh. He has Michael, Brittany, Taylor, Joseph, and Jasmine and that's all he needs. But all those votes have at least even odds of going to Taylor in a Monte/Taylor F2.

I am losing it over this convo. Brittany is fucking cracked. She's being so nasty and I think she really believes these lies she's telling.

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Brittany is totally gaslighting Taylor, but Taylor shouldn't have made it so obvious she was done with Brittany the last couple of days. 

I have no idea what Monte is going to do, but he has seem nervous about the Turner/Alyssa relationship. Just because of that I can see him putting up Turner, but Monte likes to bro down which is why I can see him putting Taylor up. 

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

He might not be able to beat Taylor. It's possible that he can, for sure, but I actually think he's going to struggle more than he even thinks. Taylor's story is damn good and she'll do a good job explaining herself. From the primary target throughout pre-jury to F2? 

Yes, Monte could win against her, but it won't be as easy as he thinks it'll be. Jasmine said in her jury confessional that Taylor's in an excellent position. Michael is rooting for Taylor. Alyssa would vote for Taylor in a F2. Brittany would also vote Taylor in a F2 over Monte. I even think Indy would vote Taylor over Monte. And I think Joseph could vote Taylor over Monte as well.

Monte struggles to win against Taylor/Turner. It's not a guaranteed "he won't beat either", because he could, but I actually see a scenario where Taylor wins over Monte, ESPECIALLY if she convinces him to put up Turner this week over her. 

I think it would probably come down to who wins F3 HOH in a Monte/Taylor scenario.  But, in the misogynistic BB world, there's no way Jasmine or Indy vote for Taylor over Monte, and I suspect Joseph would fall the same way.  Add in Turner, Terrance, and Kyle and there's the win for Monte.  

But, in the short term, looking at this week, if I was choosing between Turner and Taylor, knowing that Turner has several comp wins versus Taylor's one, I'm booting Turner so that is one less person I have to compete against for veto next week.

I don't think there's any chance Monte fucks over Turner for Taylor this week. There's "in a perfect world, I'd like to have Taylor over Turner if I don't have to get any blood on my hands" and then there's, you know, actively fucking over Turner and getting blood all over my hands. I don't see it happening at all. 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think Monte beats Turner fairly easily tbh. He has Michael, Brittany, Taylor, Joseph, and Jasmine and that's all he needs. But all those votes have at least even odds of going to Taylor in a Monte/Taylor F2.

I actually think it's possible Turner wins against Monte because Turner has a lot more under his belt than Monte in terms of moves. If Turner can explain how he got out big threats on his HOH, and if nobody brings up the fact that other people technically orchestrated those moves, I think he wins. On Turner's three HOHs, three BIG targets have left (Ameerah, Kyle, Michael). Yes, Monte used the veto to ensure Michael was backdoored, Michael got Kyle put up, and the LOs got Ameerah backdoored, but he still technically made the move to put all of them up.

I think Turner could be able to explain himself in a way that gets him more votes than Monte. It's not a guarantee, of course, but Turner isn't seen as a threat (not really, people have wanted him out more out of convenience than him being a threat) so I don't think Monte easily beats Turner either, not with his moves. Again, unless Monte directly questions Turner's moves and makes points as to how they weren't his sole moves, Turner will have that under his belt.

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I think Jasmine goes for Taylor against Monte. She has been talking up Taylor in all her post-eviction interviews. And she has said multiple times, both in the house and in jury, that she never had any relationship with Monte. Joseph was closer to Taylor and he really likes her but I could maybe see Monte being a man being enough lol. It'd be close.

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

I don't think there's any chance Monte fucks over Turner for Taylor this week. There's "in a perfect world, I'd like to have Taylor over Turner if I don't have to get any blood on my hands" and then there's, you know, actively fucking over Turner and getting blood all over my hands. I don't see it happening at all. 

There will be blood on his hands no matter what.  Either he screws Taylor or he screws Turner.  And getting out Turner is getting out the last remaining comp threat.  It's a notch on his resume that he needs for F2.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think Jasmine goes for Taylor against Monte. She has been talking up Taylor in all her post-eviction interviews. And she has said multiple times, both in the house and in jury, that she never had any relationship with Monte. Joseph was closer to Taylor and he really likes her but I could maybe see Monte being a man being enough lol. It'd be close.

Yeah, it's VERY surprising how Jasmine has turned around on Taylor. Especially looking back at how Jasmine was one of Taylor's most prominent haters (I remember the many times Jasmine would not ever acknowledge Taylor in conversations, even going so far as having her back turned toward Taylor), it's so weird to see Jasmine speak so highly of Taylor now.

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

There will be blood on his hands no matter what.  Either he screws Taylor or he screws Turner.  And getting out Turner is getting out the last remaining comp threat.  It's a notch on his resume that he needs for F2.

Sure, but he's been clearly more loyal to Turner than Taylor all game long. So it's a much less likely case of him turning on him now. The only way he'd want Turner out now is if someone else could do it for him. 

I personally think it’s a toss up, Monte is losing to all 4 of them now that Brit is building a solo resume. Turner already has a better one so far plus the jury and both Taylor and Alyssa have the better social game and jury votes. Unless Monte spends the next 2 weeks showing something better and pull out a Maryanne to jury, he’s not winning. I love that it’s not a washout with these 5 and we have no clue, so thanks Michael. 

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Just now, dizzyd said:

I personally think it’s a toss up, Monte is losing to all 4 of them now that Brit is building a solo resume. Turner already has a better one so far plus the jury and both Taylor and Alyssa have the better social game and jury votes. Unless Monte spends the next 2 weeks showing something better and pull out a Maryanne to jury, he’s not winning. I love that it’s not a washout with these 5 and we have no clue, so thanks Michael. 

Personally, I'm rooting for the all-women's F3 that Alyssa proposed last week, which Brittany & Taylor both were keeping in their pocket as a back up option to Michael.  I need Monte to take the shot at Turner this week and then for him to go next week.

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11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think it's likely Monte puts up Taylor because, y'know, yay misogyny or whatever, but I actually DO think putting up Turner is smarter. 

I generally agree it would be a better idea to get rid of Turner here. Not a no doubt about it better idea, since Turner would definitely bring Monte to F2, but likely a better idea (as who knows if Monte gets to F2 with Turner here?).

3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I generally agree it would be a better idea to get rid of Turner here. Not a no doubt about it better idea, since Turner would definitely bring Monte to F2, but likely a better idea (as who knows if Monte gets to F2 with Turner here?).

Britt & Taylor really need to emphasize to Monte the closeness of Turner & Alyssa.  

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Britt & Taylor really need to emphasize to Monte the closeness of Turner & Alyssa.  

But Brittany needs to do it with 100% less smug and 70% less crazy eyes and I'm not sure that's possible. Besides, they're women - Monte knows better than to fall for their feminist bullshit. He's a man. Bro down or die.

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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

But Brittany needs to do it with 100% less smug and 70% less crazy eyes and I'm not sure that's possible. Besides, they're women - Monte knows better than to fall for their feminist bullshit. He's a man. Bro down or die.

Okay, maybe Taylor needs to do the talking and tell Britt to just go chill out, lol.

2 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Based on your posts, you’re hilarious and would definitely keep us entertained. But then again, that’s us on this board and Grody tends to favor lower intellect contestants so you’re probably right 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thanks! My fear, though, is that I’d go in trying to be Britney…but end up playing like Brittany.

Speaking of: I can’t believe she inherited some of Michael’s veto mojo. Maybe he was the one holding her in check and now she’ll comp-beast her way to the end as she spirals into batshit craziness. 

I mean, probably not, but this season keeps surprising. 

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Oh, apparently, Monte didn't even COMPETE in the veto this morning. It sounds like he missed the window to get to the comp, so he couldn't even play.

What the hell, BB? What kind of veto comp do they have at F5 which: a) takes place in the middle of the night, and b) has a time limit on getting to the comp before you DQ?

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

The fact that it started at 5 am is weird enough, then it only lasted 1 hour, and now we find out Monte didn’t even compete. Like so strange lol.

What kind of comp even was it, I wonder? Probably a newer comp because we've never had a comp start randomly in the middle of the night, take an hour, and require everyone to be in the backyard before a certain time.

So first Monte left the room to take a shit and that's when Terrance told Kyle that Michael and Brittany were trying to start an all-white alliance and now Monte didn't make the Veto comp because he had to pee. That boy needs to find more convenient times to use the can.


Edited by Callaphera
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I just...it's still so dumb that production decided that THIS was the comp to put a countdown on.

The one IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, where you KNOW people might need more than I presume five minutes to get ready and get outside.

Especially since Monte needed to put in his contacts.

Like, if you wanna do a countdown thing, do it earlier in the season. I know, the whole "it's down to the wire so you better fight for your spot and get to the comp on time", but it's just so, so dumb. 

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I personally don’t have much faith in Brittany evicting Alyssa over Taylor. Brittany has weirder issues with Taylor than even Monte plus she’s been desperate to be liked by Alyssa all season.

Someone on Twitter is saying they did a comp in BB7 where if you didn’t make it to the backyard in time you were out but I don’t remember it.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I dunno, I kinda like it. They should do it randomly throughout the season to keep people on their toes.

Well, it's Big Brother and I'm all about the grassy knoll so "randomly", I guess.

I'm fine if they randomly did do it throughout the season, but I don't love them doing it at F5. I know it keeps them on their toes and all, and I guess it's good to see them enforcing something. And I guess it only happened to the HOH and not someone at risk to go home, but still.

But I think I'm of the mind that HOHs and vetos are something that people shouldn't be screwed out of, especially in the late game. 

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I think the producers will push hard for a Taylor win.  If Monte is thinking about getting Taylor out, they'll try to talk him out of it.  Taylor's got a huge following and she has the potential for being successful in some aspect of show business, i.e. maybe a member of some daytime talk show, game show, etc.  She's got the Lays thing--maybe that will lead to commercials.  If any of this happens, what better publicity for BB than to be able to say, "She started on Big Brother."  

And that's my conspiracy theory for the day.

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Honestly, if they do adopt this idea going forward, I'd love to see it done for a taped eviction. Like Julie appears at 3 pm and gives them 2 minutes to get on the living room couches or they won't be able to cast a vote for that eviction. Can you imagine Jasmine limping in with five seconds to go with one caterpillar eyebrow on? Clearly Monte would have been in the bathroom if they had done that.

Edited by Callaphera
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Michael's exit felt very performative to me - he was trying to make a Moment, like Cody walking across the table and being out the door before anyone could react except Cody's exit felt like a genuine "get me away from these people" thing and Michael's was more "how can I make sure people will talk about me after this season". 

I see it the opposite way. Cody had all week to prepare an exit, and as noted, he actually rehearsed that. Michael was evicted in a fast DE, he had all of five minutes to prepare an exit. Nobody knew it was even going to be a double eviction night let alone that they might be walking out the door. Even if Michael was trying to create a "moment" it was a spontaneous one.


Double standard.  Terrance got a lot of grief for pulling a Daniel exit.

Not from me. I always think the hugging is dumb. These people just voted your ass out of the game, why are you hugging them? It's so phony. It's phony for the person walking out the door and it's phony for the people hugging them after voting them out. You can simply say goodbye and walk out the door and still be a good sport. You don't need to hug.

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Monte is in a bad position as to any F2 jury vote, save Brittany who has zero shot.  To me, his smartest jury move is to evict Turner and be able to claim he took down the best competitors when it counted most.  Never mind it is by far the best game move to even get to the F2.

Good on BB to enforcing a rule.  Maybe it will help keep the hamsters from flouting house rules going forward.  Ironic that Monte blew the comp while he was ball-involved. 

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