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Monte & Taylor up in the HOH talking - I think he has some pretty clear insight into Brittany - she would absolutely take him out if she could and she prefers to take Turner to F2 of the 3 left in the house.

Ooooo, Turner just came up to the HOH and is telling them about how he confronted Brittany for her Alyssa vote and she just is refusing to talk to him or even say something as basic as "Hey, I'm playing the game" as a defense.  And now he's actually crying?  I think out of frustration, anger, and exhaustion from Brittany's shitty game play/incessant talking.

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That was weird. Turner came in, cried about Brittany, left, and Taylor/Monte immediately went back to calmly talking about votes. It’s like a thing I dreamed happened, but they seem to feel it didn’t, so did I make the whole thing up I my head?

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5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

That was weird. Turner came in, cried about Brittany, left, and Taylor/Monte immediately went back to calmly talking about votes. It’s like a thing I dreamed happened, but they seem to feel it didn’t, so did I make the whole thing up I my head?

No, he cried.  But, it was just so random.  And over so fast.  Maybe that's why they're so nonchalantly resuming their noms/votes talk.

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3 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Absolutely excellent read from Monte.  Brittany does want him out (although he could be good if her promise to Taylor to evict Turner instead is real).  

The thing is, nobody trusts anything Brittany says right now. If it weren’t so close to the end, she would be ejected out of pure frustration.

Taylor tells Monte that she doesn’t want to reward Brittany’s game play, but her best shot in F2 is against Brittany. She thinks her worst shot is against Turner. That’s why she’s hoping to get Turner out this week. 

(re. Turner crying, I think he was so embarrassed by his unexpected breakdown that he just had to get out of there fast. As for Taylor and Monte… eh. They’ve seen worse.)

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That bathroom conversation between Turner and Brittany was wow! And she was ruthless while he was crying about her using his friendship with Alyssa to give her a sympathy vote so she could take down her F2 Taylor and then blame it on him and she just walked off. And then she cries and wonders why no one likes her. 

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1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

And then she cries and wonders why no one likes her. 

She may be the least self aware person I’ve ever seen on this show. Well, maybe except for Paul.

Ugh to Monte and Taylor praising each other’s bedroom abilities in euphemisms. I guess it’s safe to say they take more than 10 seconds. They are both looking forward to spending their last week in the honeymoon suite.

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Yup they’re making out again. Let the other 2 fight it out. 

If all the things, I was not expecting the crying from Turner. He’s back to sobbing in his 1/1 in HoH.

As of today, where do y’all think this season is rated? I think it’s pretty high. 

Edited by dizzyd
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1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

Yup they’re making out again. Let the other 2 fight it out. 

As of today, where do y’all think this season is rated? I think it’s pretty high. 

I think this season has been the best in many a year.  These HGs just keep on giving and giving to us live feeders, when in almost any other season, the feeds would have been deader than dead with a completely predictable plod to the finale by F7.  Even with Alyssa going out tonight, it's been nutso with Brittany trying to flip the vote the last 2 days and now Turner crying tonight.  It's F4 and we honestly have no idea, aside from Taylor, who will make it to F3.

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Turner’s back for more crying. Who knew Alyssa would be his breaking point.

Taylor is telling him in the nicest terms why she doesn’t want to go to the end with him. He’s made great moves, but not just for game reasons. He always wants to do the right thing, and that has been apparent. 

Turner agrees that he, Taylor and Monte have the best moral code. (Unsaid: they are also founding members of the We Hate Brittany Club.) So it’s right and just that they are going to F3 together.  And again, he starts crying about Alyssa. He’s sure she will never forgive him.

Turner’s going to be crushed if she or Monte cut him. Also: Taylor has fantastic jury management.

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Turner is hysterical crying. I hope he is in the final 3 but if he isn't it is because he did not evict Taylor. I feel bad for him, he paved the way for Taylor's HOH and protected her against the early bullying. 

It is hard to see him so upset. 

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Taylor has not forgiven Brittany for withholding information about Kyle and then lying about her intentions for doing so. (Mostly the second part.) She also knows Brittany has been lying and going behind her back about other things, such as trying to get her out this week.

Kittens and Bunnies! Looks like noms are happening.

Edited by 30 Helens
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It was hard to see Turner crying. The whole night he seemed to be at a breaking point, he looked shocked, angry, sad, frustrated. He doesn't have a good poker face at all. There's still time for him to salvage things and to win veto, all isn't lost, but it's like the weight of the vote and the HOH comp and Brittany's incessant talking was too much. I'm not rooting for him to win but my heart really went out to him tonight.

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

Taylor has not forgiven Brittany for withholding information about Kyle and then lying about it. (Mostly the second part.) She also knows Brittany has been lying and going behind her back about other things, such as trying to get her out last week.

Kittens and Bunnies! Looks like noms are happening.

I think Taylor can separate game from personal opinions. She may not like Brittany’s game or even her overbearing personality or even the knowledge of Brittany’s plays against her but she can see that it’s best to sit beside her in F2 so she’ll probably put any feelings aside, eyes on the prize. Anyway she’s doing her part now with the noms, after that it’s up to veto and someone else’s vote. 

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Feeds back - Taylor, Monte & Turner in the kitchen.  Just saw Brittany pass through, but all of the cams are on the kitchen so I have no idea where she went.

ETA - oh, she just walked back in and sat down.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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5 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Any word on nominations?

Not yet.  Taylor went back to the hallway bedroom and was thinking silently for a few minutes before Brittany joined her.  Brittany is still lying to her face about her eviction vote and throwing Turner under the bus.  And now, Taylor has headed up to the HOH with one of her bags so that she can get changed.

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Brittany should just fess up.

"I knew Turner was voting Alyssa, so I voted for Taylor to force Monte to get the blood on his hands and maybe get Alyssa's vote if I  make F2"

That seems to have been her "plan" just not a good one.

But nobody will believe her now.

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Taylor is back in those scary heels. I don’t know how she does it. Even my my heel wearing days, I kept it under 3”. And never stilettos, because I’m not a masochist. But I may be a nihilistic goblin. (Thanks @Alice Mudgarden. I have a new term.)

Shoes traded for slippers again. I guess the heels are just for special events. Taylor oohs and ahhs over her HoH goodies, while meanwhile downstairs Monte and Brittany are joking and laughing in the kitchen. Turner is alone in his bedroom, reading a letter from home and looking sad.

No word on noms, but I can’t imagine Taylor changed he mind at the last minute. She told both Turner and Brittany they were going up, and I assume they are.

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9 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

So she hasn't even done them yet?!

I'm pretty sure they were done when the kittens were on for about an hour.  Brittany made a remark when she came in to talk to Taylor referencing something Turner said to Taylor - the way Brittany asked about it, I got the impression Taylor referenced it in her nomination speech.  

Brittany & Monte talking in the kitchen and Brittany is positive there was an America's Vote for something this season - maybe the split house or Festie Besties.  Girl's gonna be shocked to learn we had no vote for anything - all this was on production, lol.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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1 minute ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Technically, we did have a vote for one thing: the Backstage twist.  It just negated with Paloma's withdrawal.

Did we ever hear what the result of America's Vote was on that?  If not, then I don't know how we can even count it at all.

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Ah, the good old days, when America liked Brittany and wanted to award her something. At least that will give her something to feel good about, when she gets home and someone tells her the true meaning of her flea comic.

Taylor says she just realized she will never see the jury house. (That’s actually true for 3/4 of them.) They are all likewise stunned to realize they only have 12 days left. Isn’t it actually 9?

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Backyard is open, and they are all trying to figure out what that means. Is veto off site? Is it not tomorrow? They are so confused.

Not only will Taylor not see the jury house, she was never a Have Not. Neither was Brittany. They both determine that Indy won’t vote for either of them, because they didn’t suffer like her.

Meanwhile, Monte and Turner are playing pool. Monte is trying to cheer up Turner, who is still upset about Alyssa and the things Brittany is saying about him. Who knew Turner was so sensitive?

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Taylor tells Monte that Brittany denies anything happening with Turner. They believe him; he was too raw and his story was too specific.

Another example of Brittany lying when she could just tell the truth and try to explain. She’s lucky she had Michael around for so long to protect her from herself. 

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Monte monologuing: He respects Taylor’s desire to take Brittany to F3, but that’s not what is best for his game. He thinks Brittany is witty [sic] enough to do well in any mental comps that may come up. He wants her to leave and Turner to stay.

So if Monte wins veto, Brittany will go. If Taylor wins veto, Turner will go. If Turner wins veto, Brittany will almost certainly go. (I can’t imagine him keeping her, under any circumstances.) If Brittany wins veto… I don’t know who she would cut, Monte or Turner. But I think that’s the only potential way Monte doesn’t make it to the final.

Edited by 30 Helens
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2 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Yes.  Julie announced to the houseguests that Brittany won that vote, which would've sent Alyssa and Paloma into whatever competition there would've been.

Did she announce it to the houseguests or just to the audience? I can’t remember but I thought the houseguests didn’t know. I think Brittany would have bragged about it incessantly if she knew America voted for her.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

So if Monte wins veto, Brittany will go. If Taylor wins veto, Turner will go. If Turner wins veto, Brittany will almost certainly go. (I can’t imagine him keeping her, under any circumstances.) If Brittany wins veto… I don’t know who she would cut, Monte or Turner. But I think that’s the only potential way Monte doesn’t make it to the final.

If Taylor wins veto, how will Turner go? She’d have to put Monte or Brittany in the voting position. Monte won’t cut Turner and I’m not sure Brittany would, either.

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21 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Did she announce it to the houseguests or just to the audience? I can’t remember but I thought the houseguests didn’t know. I think Brittany would have bragged about it incessantly if she knew America voted for her.

Julie only told the audience. Brittany has no idea America voted to save her. 

26 minutes ago, Michichick said:

If Taylor wins veto, how will Turner go? She’d have to put Monte or Brittany in the voting position. Monte won’t cut Turner and I’m not sure Brittany would, either.

21 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

She promised Taylor that, as a thank you, she would vote out Turner instead if Taylor wins the Veto and saves her.  

I didn’t hear this, but I guess that is Taylor’s best hope of getting her desired outcome. Because while I’m sure she expects Monte to vote as she wishes (if she wins veto, keeps noms the same, and he gets to vote), I’m not so sure he will. Interesting point.

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3 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Brittany should just fess up.

"I knew Turner was voting Alyssa, so I voted for Taylor to force Monte to get the blood on his hands and maybe get Alyssa's vote if I  make F2"

That seems to have been her "plan" just not a good one.

But nobody will believe her now.

I think it's because by asking Turner to give Alyssa a pity vote, she was trying to evict Taylor, not trying to get blood on Monte's hands (good God I hate how much they use that term). 

2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

OK, now posting about Monte and Taylor’s adventures in the HoH suite has resulted in me getting ads for Adam & Eve sex toys. This show.

Is that ads here on the primetimer page? I never see ads. Maybe I should disable adblocker (which I didn't realize did that good a job) and click on the occasional ad to support the site. 

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22 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Is that ads here on the primetimer page? I never see ads. Maybe I should disable adblocker (which I didn't realize did that good a job) and click on the occasional ad to support the site. 

Yep. Right here on the page. Now the sex toys ad has been replaced by an ad for weight loss. Which, fair enough… even though I’m usually working while listening to feeds, I’m definitely not exercising, so. At least the clown shoe ads seem to have disappeared.

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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ugh to Monte and Taylor praising each other’s bedroom abilities in euphemisms. I guess it’s safe to say they take more than 10 seconds. They are both looking forward to spending their last week in the honeymoon suite.

We really REALLY need a "vomit" emoji.

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

While everyone else is in the kitchen enjoying a meal, Turner is outside, swinging in the hammock alone, sighing and staring at the sky. He’s like a broken man. Brittany is going to be Jasmine’s hero.

I do not find this funny at all so I can't understand why some viewers on the internet are amused by his meltdown. His serious emotion is heartbreaking to me. 

I think his context is greater than just a possible loss of the win and the prize money. He feels betrayed and knows his loss will be real in terms of a friendship he wanted and valued. 

Production should have seen him sobbing and called him into the DR to talk to a therapist. They should not have allowed him to marinate in that pain. 

Edited by LoveLeigh
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Good morning! Feeds are quiet this morning. Not surprising after the lively night. (I woke up at 4:00 am and read about the overnight happenings.) Did Taylor continue wearing her long red dress throughout the night and for nominations?

Camera 1 shows us three empty beds in a row in the boys' bedroom. No night music, either. Not that long ago they were occupied by Terrance, Kyle and Monte. Turner should still be in his but we can only see a little corner of it at the bottom of the screen. Camera 2 shows us Turner sleeping in his bed against the wall. His knees are drawn up. 

Camera 3 shows us a closeup of Brittany in her bed. She seems to be sleeping peacefully in her duvet cocoon. Camera 4 shows a full-length view of the room - three empty beds, then Brittany. Brittany finds the duvet cocoon too restrictive in her sleep, thrashes around and now her cocoon looks tighter than ever. And I can see the stack of pillows is off of Jasmine's bed. Kyle's more recent bed is still unmade.

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11 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Basically, I would say welcome to final three Turner, and while for most of the season I would hard core root for Brittany for veto, after her act lately? Meh. 

Ugh, right. Brittany is so horrible. But I don't know, I'm still rooting for her to win veto. The men's fate in her hands is just too hilarious. Plus, I still want a Brittany/Taylor F2 because Taylor will win and that's what I ultimately want.

10 hours ago, dizzyd said:

She does realize Brittany just tried to evict her right?

Who cares though? She can beat Brittany if F2 so she should take her.

10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, even though eviction's on Thursday, I don't believe Julie said it was a live eviction, and we're at F4, where the eviction usually happens around Monday/Tuesday. So speeding up noms/veto/ceremony make sense.

Julie did say it will be live Thursday.

8 hours ago, dizzyd said:

As of today, where do y’all think this season is rated? I think it’s pretty high. 

Top 5 easily. If Taylor wins, it might be #2 for me.

8 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

Turner is hysterical crying. I hope he is in the final 3 but if he isn't it is because he did not evict Taylor. I feel bad for him, he paved the way for Taylor's HOH and protected her against the early bullying. 

Turner didn't 'save' Taylor out of the kindness of his heart though. He did it because he was told to lol. None of the moves he has ever made were his own idea. He wanted Taylor out over Kyle even after he found out Kyle is racist for fuck's sake!

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By the way my ads here are for Kelley School of Business, Smart Sweets caramels and Lily Collins for Living Proof (hair ad). My phone has an ad for the Timberwolves, three for the Primetimer Guide and the bottom ad for Hamilton Jewelers. I miss the ads in Norwegian.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I wonder if veto will be today? Since it's airing on the Sunday show, they might want a little extra time to edit.

I thought of that but I'd think we'd be seeing kittens. Of course it could be a wake up call because veto will be played this morning. 

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Lights on! Some people up! Camera 4 shows Brittany still wrapped in her cocoon.

Monte is up and walking around downstairs. I wonder if he will make breakfast in bed for Taylor. (Probably not.) He walks outside for a gulp of fresh air, leaves the door open as he goes back inside, then grabs a robe and goes back outside again. Now he is changing clothes behind the outdoor spiral staircase. That is actually a good spot for a little bit of privacy from the cameras. You can see him moving around but not much of any detail. He's doing some warmups now.

All cameras on Brittany's room. I guess they thought Monte doing his warmups outside was too boring and put all cameras on where all the action is.

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Now we see Monte making coffee. 

In the meantime someone in a hoodie is in the storage room. I think it's Turner - yes, it is. Just changing his batteries. Taylor's down in the kitchen now in her pink HOH robe, but just clomped back upstairs.

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Taylor says the POV comp should be who can sleep the longest. Monte says he wouldn't win that one. Then Taylor says who can stay in bed the longest. Turner tells Taylor that one's hers. The three of them are eating at the kitchen island.

Brittany is in the bathroom, alone, getting ready.

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