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The Singles Project - General Discussion

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I've been single for a while, and I really hope it's not because I'm as annoying as some of these people! Think I'll watch if only to remind myself of what NOT to do. Tabsum, it's perfectly fine for your date to say he dates older women. Your 34-year old behind is 10 years younger than he is. You're not old, you're just older than him. Get over it.

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Absolutely, hula-la! I thought the same thing. And she is a rather older-looking 34, probably because of the hairstyle and makeup. I just had a couple of dates with a 42-year-old, 10 years younger than myself. I brought up the age difference on the first date, just to clear the air. He said, "I don't mind if you don't mind." And that was that. No need to be sensitive about age. Plus, that guy seemed so immature, striking da poses!

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Chile, please.  If that girl's 34, my ass is Beyonce.    In the opening THs where they all have to describe their dating challenges and she's going on about how she concentrated on her career to wait to find love, ya'll I just knew she was going to say dating is harder now that I'm over 40.   She looks easily 10 years older.  Easily.  Considering what she does for a living that's a shame because I'll be damned if I go to a dermatologist who looks like she ain't never seen a bottle of sunscreen in her life.  and p.s. Tam? Quit complaining about dating model types if you went on a date knowing he was a model type.  For fuck's sake you sat there and counted the dude's abs.  You know who her dream guy is though?  Of course you do, we all do, everybody except for her.  It's the friend at the end whose shoulder she was crying on.  Because it's always that guy.  Meh, I've got no pity for any woman over 24 who hasn't let go of the idea that he's gotta look like a gq cover.  Honestly you'd think the fact that she lost her (was it mom?) helped her prioritize what's important.


I really want to like Ericka, because there are points where I applauded with her (the pussification of men) hells. yes.  But, the thing is, she's super annoying and I'm not sure exactly why.  A hundred THOUSAND women who look like that, show up in New York City every week and they're 10 years younger and also educated and childless and never married so the my shit don't stink method I cannot appreciate.   I agree with her, men absolutely need to step it up, but she also needs to step it down like, a lot.


The 28 year old, eyebrow dude?  If he had ever shut the fuck up during his date, I would've thought they were the most adorbs things ever but I never even got to find out anything about his date.  Yo, where can we reach these people, he needs to know to talk less.


The guy with his brother as a wingman was my absolute least favorite individual.   You chose a woman that you KNEW was not the brightest bulb in the box the moment she opened her mouth, but what the hell, she's tall, very attractive and a model.   But, she didn't know enough to bring something when invited for dinner, asked what you thought was a jealously question, because you know, how could she have figured out that you got another woman's phone number when it happened in the same room, 3 feet away from her and did not think you were the very special snowflake that you think you are but, no my favorite moment was you being entitled enough to think kissing her is your decision then indicate having made this decision by telling her you'll be happy to escort her to a cab.   100% farm raised gluten free dick.


Date each other and call it a day

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There's a well-know Beverly Hills eyebrow artist, Anastasia, who does the big  celebrities like Julia Roberts & Oprah... and many more.big names.


I just read that  a basic  eyebrow wax at her salon is $45.

If you ask specifically for Anastasia the price is $80 1st time,, $65 for repeat.

Edited by sheetmoss
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I have a love/hate relationship with this show. 


Did anyone watch the last episode? Is the Francesco guy gay or bi (didn't he mention something about his boyfriend breaking up, or did I mishear him)? Like, why was he hitting on the doctor woman and then suddenly asking the other woman on a date? It was so weird. I didn't understand what happened there.


The blonde female is annoying. As is the eyebrow guy. I also seemed to miss what happened with the hissy fit. Yeah, it was pretty weird of the guy to confront him, but I know I wouldn't be happy if someone breaks up with me on TV, and then is texting me for hook-ups. Own it or don't. (But I'm non confrontational, so I would probably just end it.) It is funny, the eyebrow guy said he was wondering why his date wasn't really asking about him. I got the same impression from eyebrow guy, and that he also loved talking about himself and so there wasn't much to ask. But the blonde female was also not interactive at all. She didn't seem to want to talk to the guy. I get that when there is no spark there is not spark. But at least the blind date for the doctor girl, it seemed like she did try to find some common ground with the person. and tried to have a conversation with him. 

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Yeah, I'm not a fan. She doesn't seem interested in genuinely getting to know people. I didn't feel like she tried to talk to her date and get to know him. She hardly asked questions. I guess she is of the very old school, total guy must pursue the girl, but contributing to conversation is not the same as pursuing. 

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Next to Joey being busted for trying to keep his first date as an off-camera side piece, Kerry got my vote for Second Best Moment of the episode. 


She didn't want to go out with sailboat guy in the first place and made a big production out of the sacrifice she was making by submitting to the public vote.  The guy put tons of thought and effort into the date and I LOVED that he showed up for a second date purely to ask, "Why are you here?  You don't know one single thing about me because you couldn't be bothered to ask me anything about myself."


Then she's so delusional she decides to text him that she'll be dating other people.  Sweetheart, he had a hearty laugh when he read that one.

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Joey may be a bigger schmuck than all the others put together--which is saying a lot.


First Joey gets positively giddy about his first date, or rather, his first date's sculpted abs, big package, tiny swimsuit, defined musculature, etc.  I was embarrassed for Joey, tossing his head back like a new spring foal at the wealth of goodies before him.


Then he kicks the guy to the curb because . . . there's an insufficient intellectual connection?


THEN it turns out Joey asked the guy to be his off-camera side piece?! 


Sacré bleu!!!



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ACK, I can't believe there aren't more people watching this show, going crazy on this board!  T#e Singles Project was MADE for pure unadulterated love-to-hate-it snark feeding frenzy.


Six people paddling around in the shallow end of the dating pool, totally obsessed with outward appearance--their own and others'--to the exclusion of everything else?  Getting shot down on a weekly basis due to that very superficiality?  Sign me up!


Even the man who's really nothing very special to look at--just ask him:  Are you a "10"?  Damn right I'm a 10!  I'm a dentist, I sport a natty little avant garde bow tie, I am catnip for supermodels.


I have one tiny little sliver of goodwill left for the man who doesn't drink, because his painting date was such a creative choice. 

But I'm not betting the farm.

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Kerry is heinous. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Honey, you keep dating those shoes because at the end of the day, they are stuck with you (poor shoes). It's also a good thing she wants to marry her parents because if I was a guy, there would be no way I would put up her attitude. She'll always be alone, unless Daddy pays some poor old slub to marry her.  

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 Do you think the show is real? Has anyone recognized anyone on the show?



Considering how anxious people are to be "reality stars," I don't think it would be difficult to line up six people who agreed to date strangers chosen by consensus, on camera.  So I believe that Joey, Kerry, Tabsum, et. al actually exist in all their superficial glory--which is enough to keep me cackling and flipping the bird in the direction of my television set.  But you're right--there's no telling how much of the show consists of artificial vote tallies, scripted story lines and so forth.




I used to love Top Chef and Project Runway and now the production company manipulation is so blatant, neither show bears much resemblance to the "top quality talent competition" it once was.  Silly as it is, I still like Survivor because the producers don't seem to have found a way to control the voting.

Edited by candall
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Is her voice for real? I just can't imagine that anyone would talk that way, and I lived in California for 14 years. There, some women affect a monotone voice, which sounds like they're bored. But Kerry's is beyond a monotone. I get a headache just recalling the sound of that annoying voice. Also annoying? Her facial expressions.

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Is Ericka the one who describes herself as a successful businesswoman? I think there was another word in there, too. I'm just not sure exactly what that means. I'm successful in my career, but I wouldn't call myself a businesswoman, exactly. I dunno, it just seems like a weird way to describe yourself. But I guess all of these schmoes are narcissistic, or they wouldn't be on the show. 

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I can't believe I felt romantic suspense watching a reality show, but I was captivated watching Lee ask Ericka out. I felt crushed for him when she said no.

Kerry was more tolerable in this episode thanks to her date with Tripp.

Warner and his blood, semen-soaked sheets, drug laden art is on some other shit. I would have been out of there after that, like "Um...I have to go to church. Fix it, Jesus!"

Edited by tvallthetime
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I'd imagine the show has a lot to do with her "businesswoman" title. Reality shows like soundbites and easy archetypes. The lonely, hardworking businesswoman of a certain age is one such archetype.

Edited by tvallthetime
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And how much training does that require? I can't imagine that it requires years of training. Or months. Just…odd!


I can't imagine it's any more than a half-day seminar . . . bring your own lunch.


Love that superficial Joey is afraid "Big Package" may be too shallow.

Edited by goodogcarl
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Warner and his blood, semen-soaked sheets, drug laden art is on some other shit. I would have been out of there after that, like "Um...I have to go to church. Fix it, Jesus!"


JEEZ LOUISE!  I must have missed an episode.  Is Warner one of the "contestants" or one of the "dates?"


I don't know peoples' names yet but that blonde who went sailing:  she could be likeable . . .  I think she's funny.  But good lord in heaven her voice is like a too-tight violin string.  Don't people realize that a good voice coach can modulate an irritating voice?  Whew, she should find one.


And the guy who doesn't drink and owns the haberdashery with his college buddy . . . he seems so together and his eyes are so soulful and he gets set up with Ms. Wino who screeches at him, "I DON'T THINK I HAVE A WHINY VOICE."  Good God.  Loved the creativity of his painting date -- although I'm not sure how creative it is to try and duplicate someone else's paining.


How do you vote on these dates?  Is it twitter or some such app i don't have?


"Tabsum" is one of the worst names I've ever heard (and I kind of collect terrible names).  It sounds like it was thought up by a pharmaceutical company.  She needs to wash her face and tame that awful hair.

Edited by goodogcarl
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I can't believe I felt romantic suspense watching a reality show, but I was captivated watching Lee ask Ericka out. I felt crushed for him when she said no.

Kerry was more tolerable in this episode thanks to her date with Tripp.

Warner and his blood, semen-soaked sheets, drug laden art is on some other shit. I would have been out of there after that, like "Um...I have to go to church. Fix it, Jesus!"

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Yes to all of this! I felt a little bad for Lee and held my breath as he was trying to work his way up to that date proposal. I knew she was going to say no, but apparently Lee didn't hear the finality in her answer that I heard cause he was like "think about it." Homie, that was a resounding no. I have to admit to having a soft spot for Ms. Ericka Pittman. She delights and surprises me. I pegged her as a bit of an inflexible diva at first, but she seems to be cautiously tryjng new things with Francesco and opening herself up to this process. I like Francesco. I find him to be genuinely positive and kind. Mama Pittman aint feelin him, though. I can't remember how that Tabasum and Francesco (flirting or not) situation unfolded in the epi before this one, so I don't know if her indignation is justified or not. Tabasum seems most salty about Ericka getting his attention instead of her, though.

But anyway....I watch this show for Ericka and Brian. I dig them. I'm surprised by how sucked in I've gotten.

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I am liking Erika as well. I also like how she turned down the date with Lee, and she realized it could turn weird very quickly. She is growing on me.


I didn't think Tabsum should have confronted Francesco at the party. Yes, he sort of led her on, but he never asked her out. I didn't agree with his actions, but I think would have made her look like the better person to just move on from that. Erika probably saw it on the show as well, so it is up to her to make the call on how to handle it.


I agree about Kerry and Tripp. And she actually asked him questions! I can see why she has many friends, she looks like she can be fun and laugh at herself. She had good humor about the voice changer machine. I appreciate that about her.

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I am surprised at how Ericka is loosening up with Francesco, but glad she is, because otherwise, she comes across as an Ice Queen. She'd probably really like that title, too. I thought Francesco was first talking to Tabasum, then Ericka walked up to them to join their conversation, then he found Ericka more interesting than  Tabasum (who can blame him because watching paint dry is more interesting than anything I've heard her utter).


Kerry and that guy miming in the restaurant...if I'd been another customer in there, I'd have been majorly annoyed at grownups acting like that. Hell, ill-mannered children would've pissed me off acting like they did. Now get off my lawn!


Joey Eyebrows is just so shallow and transparent I don't waste time with his segments.


I'm surprised someone like Brian would do this show, but I guess if it means free advertising/dates/etc. then I guess that's why he is there.


I'm not quite sure how to put it, but Dr Lee creeps me out. I think it's because he appears to be trying too hard, missing all the clues thrown his way, thinks he's all that with his special bow ties, seeks constant advice from his brother who doesn't give him the best advice and I'm not sure what else annoys me about him. Come to think about it, all the people featured in this experiment can be described like this, to a degree. Their desperation is like a huge cloud hanging over them.

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Lol, okay, I can hear that. I think I have gotten somewhat desensitized from vocal fry and other horrible verbal tics from living in L.A. too long.

I do think she's pretty, but she seems so disinterested in dating. Did they ever say if she had some horrible past relationship or some other trauma?

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I actually kind of love this show, although I am admittedly Bravo's bitch. The way the singles (as well as their families and the people they're dating) get to watch the shows in real time makes it really interesting.

I really love Ericka. She is reserved and hesitant, but at the same time she seems to be extremely open to putting herself out there and trying new things. I really want her to find love and happiness. I like her with Francesco. He seems like a good guy. I don't think he led Habsum on either, at least from what we saw.

Speaking of Habsum, she is a bit of a mess. She seems quite dim and shallow. The fact that she's a doctor is rather surprising to me. The way her sister called her out was so bluntly delicious and satisfying. I almost felt bad for her, except her sister was 100% on point. And of course she wasn't into the guy her sister set her up with, but at least she wasn't an asshole about it.

Joey, Joey, Joey. He is a hot mess. How much did I love Anthony showing up at the bar and calling him out? That was glorious! I would have had more respect for him if he just said on camera he wanted to have fun with Anthony but not pursue dating him. But the way he kept it on the downlow was pretty disingenuous and not cool. I love how he just ran away cause he knew he was totally guilty.

I'm not really feeling Lee either and I'm glad Ericka turned him down. Kerry doesn't bother me too much; I recognize her sense of humor and I hope something good comes with this new guy. Brian seems to be doing this just for the experience more than anything else. He also seems pretty picky, but that's probably because he'll date just about anyone for the show.

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I love this show! The thing that makes this show, IMO, is the fact that they all get to watch each episode before filming the next one (or some variation on that).


That part makes it so much more interesting. The show allows them to break the 4th wall essentially.


I find everyone on this show interesting in their own way. I keep wondering if Francesco has some horrible problem or habit we're going to find out later down the road... he seems too perfect at this point.

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I actually kind of love this show, although I am admittedly Bravo's bitch. The way the singles (as well as their families and the people they're dating) get to watch the shows in real time makes it really interesting.

I really love Ericka. She is reserved and hesitant, but at the same time she seems to be extremely open to putting herself out there and trying new things. I really want her to find love and happiness. I like her with Francesco. 


I really like Ericka as well, for the reasons you state. To me, she seems like a person who really benefits from this show. I can imagine that part of the reason she hasn't met someone is because she spent so much time and effort on her career, and now that it is at a point where she is more established, she suddenly finds herself older and unsure how to approach the dating scene. I also understand, as if I found myself suddenly single, I'm not sure what the next step would be. She seems less desperate, and more about finding what she wants. I like the the gentle way she let down her first date (for being too young) and the way she let down Lee. She seems lovely and classy, and I hope she finds a happy relationship with someone. 

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I agree with all above. It took a couple episodes to really get hooked on the show. I think Ericka is my favorite but I would LOVE to be friends with Kerry. From the first two episodes I would have never pictured her with Tripp but they seem great together. I don't really think about the show and then I remember to stop here, read everyone's comments and *boom* I'm excited for the upcoming episode.

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Lol, okay, I can hear that. I think I have gotten somewhat desensitized from vocal fry and other horrible verbal tics from living in L.A. too long.


It's almost like L.A.s worst examples with a heavy coat of New Jersey and/or on top. Or something.


I seriously thought that, like a lot of us, she's just in the habit of being a little 'extra' when hanging out with friends - and I kept waiting for her to break character. But I am afraid that is really her *shudder*

Edited by Gumby
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Chile, please.  If that girl's 34, my ass is Beyonce.    In the opening THs where they all have to describe their dating challenges and she's going on about how she concentrated on her career to wait to find love, ya'll I just knew she was going to say dating is harder now that I'm over 40.   She looks easily 10 years older.  Easily. 



Wow, I remembered your comment about this as I was watching her tearfully lay claim to being 41.  You totally called it!  Sorry about your ass and Beyoncé and everything.

Edited by candall
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--I loved those two ladies on the street who almost got mowed down by Dr. Bowtie's departing date:  "Work it, girl!"  "Thank you."


--Tripp is surprisingly scuzzy for this show and I appreciate Kerry didn't just keep on walking when he wasn't a supermodel.  Huge points for rising when she left the table--haven't seen manners like THAT for awhile. 


--The blood/semen guy made me laugh because:  How do you find the intellectual connection with this one, Eyebrow?


--I felt bad for that girl who met Brian at his parents' house and wanted to take a walk, then start a family.  Reality show roadkill.   (That guy's name is Brian?) 



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Dentist Lee was so much better after he took off that dumb bowtie.  It's like he relaxed.


His brother wears bowties too.  They must be imitating their father.


I just can't stand men who affect bowties, and I say affect because they are affected.

I like it when a confident man can sort of macho out a bowtie, but it's rare.  Mostly they just end up looking like Orville Redenbacher. 


Hasn't the dentist asked multiple people to affirm his bowtie look?  That's not a good sign.


I think if I were a guy, I'd make a crisp shirt and a nice tie my "signature look."  One of the men on ANTM wears a jacket and tie and he looks so much sharper and more professional than all the other yo-yo's. 

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