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S29: Artem Chigvintsev

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Artem's not exactly a newbie.  He was a full-time pro on the British parent show, Strictly Come Dancing, for two or three years before joining our show's troupe last Spring.  In fact, he won in his first season on Strictly with his celebrity partner (whom he ended up dating, although I don't know whether they're still together now).


So yeah, he's definitely got the experience, the know-how, and the goods.

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Artem did four series of Strictly, winning the first with Kara Tointon, reaching the semi-finals in year two, mid-table year three (with an older celeb) and was runner up last year with Natalie Gumede.


This is a fan-video compilation from last year:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RE1wgQOcgw


and one from his first year (training footage):  


He and Kara were still together earlier this year but it looks like they've gone their separate ways now, though I couldn't say for sure.


His reputation was for being strict in the training room, expecting his celeb to work hard and being creative with choreography.  He got into trouble with Len frequently for not putting in enough traditional content in the ballroom dances.  

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Well, possibly, unless they see him as treading on their turf....;-).  


To be honest, the ballroom requirements on the two shows differ quite a lot and Artem's ballroom inclinations are closer to the American style (out of hold, side by side etc) than the Standard style (tenuously) favored by SCD.  

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Well it's a right old mish-mash then, because Standard/International doesn't have all the side-by-side and breaking hold we see on the show.  Not to mention the "faffin' abaht" that Len hates so much ;-)

Edited by ceebee
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I think the standard for DWTS is International (i.e. not American). I believe Len has mentioned it before.

With the exception of Foxtrot, Waltz, and Viennese Waltz, you are correct.  Those three dances are done American Smooth style rather than International on DWTS, but Tango (as opposed to Argentine Tango) is ALWAYS International on both shows, and while Quickstep can be (and has, in fact, been) done "American Smooth" style on SCD, it's really an International Standard dance (there is actually no such thing as "American Smooth Quickstep"), so that's the way it's done on DWTS.


Also, International Standard Foxtrot is done on SCD, but it's usually called either "Foxtrot" or "Slowfox" in Europe to distinguish it from "American Smooth" (which, on SCD, is a more generic term that encompasses Tango, Foxtrot, Waltz, Viennese Waltz, and yes, even "Quickstep.")


Clear as mud, no?

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Clear as mud, no?

Lol!  Yes, that sounds right (though I didn't realise DwtS Tango was meant to be 'International'.  Interesting).  What SCD calls American Smooth really muddies the waters - not following either code, but a path all its own :-)

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With the exception of Foxtrot, Waltz, and Viennese Waltz, you are correct.  Those three dances are done American Smooth style rather than International on DWTS



But then why is Len always bitching about broken hold? I thought you were allowed to break hold in American Smooth, but not in International?

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But then why is Len always bitching about broken hold? I thought you were allowed to break hold in American Smooth, but not in International?

Because Len sometimes tends to forget that those three dances ARE American Smooth style on DWTS.


Actually, he really only fulminates about breaking hold in Tango or Quickstep.  What he bitches about in the other dances isn't so much breaking hold as it is lack of content, which includes work in hold (I think he once said on SCD that American Smooth should have at least 60% content in hold).

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And believe me, they're all PISSED that we "stole" him from them!

Like anyone in his position, I'm sure he sees a ceiling on his money and fame being on that show.  Being on DWTS is the gateway to him setting himself up for the rest of his life, so good for him.


If the UK show was concerned, they might consider hiring some of the former DWTS pros who have worked their way out of the franchise.

Edited by Kromm
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And I in turn would love to have some of their pros over here, especially Ian Waite, Karen Hardy, and James Jordan. James would be a hoot as a judge -- I've been watching him on Celebrity Big Brother (UK), and he does NOT hold back or take prisoners.  I think he'd make a few pros' heads explode!

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I love Artem's vibe. No one seems bothered that Carrie Ann would have trouble being objective to a former medium term lover though? Is it because we are forced to accept Julianne's objectivity for her brother?

For some reason I think judging a sibling would be less difficult. Judging a man with whom i shared a bed with for so long would just be so awkward. Carrie Ann is such a fawny ditz anyway...if she mentions Artem's dance making her hot or giddy or her dolphin screams then it just seems too based in reality. Maybe I'm the only person who is getting the Icks.

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It was a  few years ago.  I saw a picture of them together in an article about a 100th Episode Party for DWTS in 2008. He joined Strictly Come Dancing in 2010.  I don't know how long he was with CIA, but from what I have read about his relationships with women, well, it's a good thing I just enjoy him for his dancing. 

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It was a  few years ago.  I saw a picture of them together in an article about a 100th Episode Party for DWTS in 2008. He joined Strictly Come Dancing in 2010.  I don't know how long he was with CIA, but from what I have read about his relationships with women, well, it's a good thing I just enjoy him for his dancing. 

The only negative things I've read came from an article in a scandal sheet from his ex-wife when he joined SCD.  Until then they were working in the cast of Burn the Floor together and were friendly - on facebook anyway  ;-). She flung some mud around and said later (on fb) 'sorry babe, it was just business!'.  He and CAI were together for a couple of years. She wanted to settle down and have kids and he didn't, but she only ever said nice things about him.  The relationship with Kara lasted three years and there doesn't seem to be any negativity there either.  As reputations go, his seems a bit tame...

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Always good to see other Artem supporters. His personal relationships are his.  I've stopped reading about them and they are not why I maintain an interest in him.


I am finding the difference between how he was received/perceived in the UK, on Strictly, vs how people are responding to him here interesting. On Strictly it seemed his straight talking, no nonsense Russian persona was hyped as a fun, quirky-but-positive thing (I need help describing the humorous VTs shown of his teaching style... I think it was terminator-like). Here we're getting debate about whether his statement correcting Lea regarding who needs to get a handle on the dance was humour or rudeness. I fall on the "it's his style of humour" side. 

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It's funny seeing him in this different environment.  I think DwtS is a more excitable, OTT show in general.  Len and Bruno have their Strictly personas and then exaggerated versions of themselves for DwtS (especially Bruno!!).  I'm still adjusting to 'excitable' Artem....I quite like him grumpy!


This is the item on Strictly: It Takes Two when they first characterized him as The Terminator (towards the end of the clip). 



ETA - I thought the 'No, you need to get this' comment was funny, too, but some folk love to find reasons to be offended....  

Edited by ceebee
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ETA - I thought the 'No, you need to get this' comment was funny, too, but some folk love to find reasons to be offended....  



I did too - I think he has a dry acerbic wit and that Lea got it (she didn't look offended and if she were I think she's mature enough to set Artem straight).

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Artem is such a gem and I'm so glad that hes on the show. I just love his style(teaching and choreo). He has done a wonderful job with Lea and I really love watching him dance. He's got great technique but he also puts such emotion into his dancing. It's also nice to see a young male pro that isn't about himself and isn't overly dramatic about things. I really hope that the show asks him back next season and gives him a good partner.

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It's funny seeing him in this different environment.  I think DwtS is a more excitable, OTT show in general.  Len and Bruno have their Strictly personas and then exaggerated versions of themselves for DwtS (especially Bruno!!).  I'm still adjusting to 'excitable' Artem....I quite like him grumpy!


This is the item on Strictly: It Takes Two when they first characterized him as The Terminator (towards the end of the clip). 



ETA - I thought the 'No, you need to get this' comment was funny, too, but some folk love to find reasons to be offended....  

Man, I'm obsessed with Kara and Artem, they were so fantastic. Thanks for posting!  

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Artem is such a gem and I'm so glad that hes on the show. I just love his style(teaching and choreo). He has done a wonderful job with Lea and I really love watching him dance. He's got great technique but he also puts such emotion into his dancing. It's also nice to see a young male pro that isn't about himself and isn't overly dramatic about things. I really hope that the show asks him back next season and gives him a good partner.

Is Artem that young?  I remember him from the first season of SYTYCD which was about 10 years ago.

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No, 30/32 is not old.  I just got the impression that you were putting him in his 20s since that seems to be the age range of the other new pros that they bring in.  I was really thinking he was around that age or a couple years older because the ballroom dancers are usually in their 20s when they do SYTYCD. 

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I definitely thought that Carrie Ann (who knows if she did this independently or at producer insistence) started a narrative about Artem's choreography that wasn't entirely accurate.  Of course, as I don't expect her to be very rational about much, including ex-boyfriends, I've been watching her on the subject, so maybe I'm seeing something that wasn't there?

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I adore Artem from his time on Strictly, but feel so frustrated that he's only had older partners on DWTS. I was pretty downcast about the pairing with Patti and it turned out great, but surely it's time for us to see a different side to him on this show? I'm sure any dancer is grateful for the money and opportunities that come from a show like DWTS, but it must be galling to know you're seen as a bottom tier pro-dancer by the producers - Derek, Val and (mostly) Mark will always get the pick of the crop. If you succeed at something (Mark with the very young or very conservative; Tony, Tristan and now Artem with the older ones) then you're typecast in that role and not given the opportunity to succeed in any other.

Of course, if Artem isn't now assigned Paula or Kim, but some stunning, young, popular ringer then I shall have to eat my iPad....

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I just accidentally deleted a long commentary I was writing about Artem, expressing my frustration with tptb and their propensity to partner him with celebs who cannot exhibit his choreographic skill, elegance and grace. Why they waste such a magnificent dancer's skills I cannot understand. Most Americans have not witnessed Artem, the former champion. I've watched all of his SCD dances and continue to be frustrated by this refusal to add great dancing to the show in favor of insignificant fluff, I suppose for the sake of "entertainment" purposes? What entertains me is great dancing and great dancers. Last season, I noticed that Bruno's contribution to Val's and Rumer's swan dance appeared to have many similarities to one of Artem's.

If he is paired with Paula this season, as is rumored, she will be not only another older partner but one who comes with baggage and may not last long. I want to act on my rage impulses and write letters to the decision makers, but knowing the futility of it, I restrain again and choose to come here and vent a bit. Maybe one day he will be seen for who he is. Most of the better dancers struggle with perfectionism, strictness and impatience. It never bothers me because the outcome is almost always better dancers and dances. The celebrities usually end up grateful for what they gain from the experience.

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Bummer that Artem is apparently not on this season. I thought he did great with Patti! So either an injury or I guess his or Val's partner backed out at the last minute and they were scrambling? Val didn't have a partner till late last week so perhaps they were switching around and trying to find a solution there? It seemed Artem was set as a pro until a few days ago, then he went quiet. Whatever it is, I didn't think his season with Lea was ideal but really enjoyed him with Patti and looked forward to seeing more of his work.

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The speculation seems to be that Tamar was originally Artem's partner, and Val's partner backed out last second so they gave her to Val and screwed over Artem.

As I said, speculation. I guess because it would look bad to not have the defending champion pro on the next season.

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The speculation seems to be that Tamar was originally Artem's partner, and Val's partner backed out last second so they gave her to Val and screwed over Artem.

As I said, speculation. I guess because it would look bad to not have the defending champion pro on the next season.

That makes sense. Shows how the producers have no back up plans since instead of getting a female celeb to fill the spot, we lost out on Artem and ended up with Gary Busey.

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No Artem, no me.

more time to watch other stuff I guess.

Edit. Damit they got Louis back... urgh! have to watch now... he won't last long though lol so I guess I can go back to boycotting after he is eliminated lol

Edited by vavera4ka
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Just read this week's recap (Week 2) and noticed this bit:

"Wow, I was just looking up Artem's past partners (Lea Thompson, Patti Labelle, Mischa Barton, Maureen McCormick), and discovered that Artem dated Carrie Ann for two years. Did you guys know this? Why did no one tell me? Now I'm going to be watching their every interaction closely."

I knew that. Even better, he was married when he met her, and the circumstances and his ex-wife's comments/accusations are rather interesting. (I'm not saying you should believe his ex-wife, as exes have been known to be overly bitter in the past.)

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