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S09.E15: Andrew Kennison

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Cooper is loose, wasting government money. He kidnaps Andrew from campus with aid from the US Marshals, holds him in Witness Protection for weeks, then he says: "I haven't wasted enough money", sends Ressler and Dembe to Boston to investigate Andrew, just for them to go all that way to find out Cooper was responsible for all this bullshit! Cooper is a jerk!

I think Lew was still yelling "Harold" during the commercial break!

Aram was close to crying. I am glad he found the strength to hold back his tears!

After all this time, Aram believed Van Dyke acted alone killing Liz and no one was behind this? Then he shows more of his ignorance by telling Panabaker: there is no Task Force without Copper! Red is your boss fool!

You know it's "serious time" when Cooper never took a sip of Brandy during his confessions to Red and Panabaker.

Red tells Cooper: he runs the "Reddington Task Force" and this so called proud Assistant Director of the FBI didn't feel insulted in anyway??!!

Red has sources that "runs deep" in the FBI/Marshals and found Andrew without Cooper's help. So why does Red need Cooper and the misfits at all??

Red has some terrible timing. That take out food looked delicious and it went to waste. Let the people eat and then attack them when their bellys are stuffed.

At least, Andrew got free meals from the government and a ride in Red's private jet for his troubles! I'm sure his professors would believe these reasons for him missing exams.

Obstruction, tampering, corruption, kidnapping/unlawful imprisonment! Panabaker! What more do you need hear to fire Cooper? Finally! She made a decision! I wanted to see him get cuffed and fingerprinted!

Why did Panabaker need to order Ressler to arrest Cooper? Find any agent from FBI HQ to handle this. I am sure anyone who wasn't invited for cake last week would have gladly arrested Cooper.

Out of the 33,000 plus NYPD officers, the one guy they call in Brooklyn immediately recognizes ex-cop Reginald's voice! Amazing!

Ressler yells "FBI" to Cole and Park for some reason had to follow with "Federal Agents" as if Cole and the viewers are too dumb to understand any of this! I guess Laura Sohn begged for more dialogue and this was the best the writers could come up with.

Liz's death was an embarrassment? To who? It was pure Joy to most people!

The guards that let Lawyer Lacroix in and with no agent to watch him on the elevator down should be fired! Man could have been an assassin and walked in shooting! Just tell him when he arrives: this is not a FBI black site, this is a real Post Office! You got the wrong place! Go away!

Lawyer Lacroix knew every detail of the season's plot as if he was in the writer's room helping them with the scripts for each episode!!!!! The dope probably didn't know the writers decided to kill him when he left the room for a smoke break! He didn't believe them when he was told: "If we tell you, we have to kill you"!

So now the two keys to all this nonsense are dead. But don't worry! Aram will probably find the assassin's motorcycle abandoned, find out the bike was rented and this will lead to mysterious one behind all this!

The real winner of this episode was the Congresswoman! Now she doesn't have to pay Cole for his fee and the extortion!

Edited by mxc90
  • LOL 7
2 hours ago, edhopper said:

How inept are the Task Force?

That depends, do you want that in chronological order? Alphabetical? Organized by team member? We could be here for a while.

At least the task force maintains a delicate balance between being terrible at committing crimes but being equally terrible at investigating them.

Having said that, this was a decently entertaining episode. Red telling Cooper off was a highlight. Panabaker telling Cooper off was a highlight. Aram glaring at Cooper was a highlight.

Ressler "caught" not one but two suspects this episode! One was running away from certain death and the other voluntarily surrendered but this is an auspicious day for Donald!

When Cooper started going on about hitting his lowest point I couldn't help but think Ressler probably still has some hillbilly heroin in his desk if you really want to go for broke.

I still think Red's lawyer is involved. "I have another meeting!" No you don't. No one on a TV show like this ever has other meetings. You are up to some shit, sir... and I hope you succeed. I haven't forgotten what Red did to you even if I can't remember your name!


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I legit don't get Cooper's play here. It's true Plot Induced Stupidity. The only way he reacted the way he did was because that was necessary for the plot to go down the way it went. As soon as Red said the name Andrew Kennison, of COURSE Cooper had to come clean. It's beyond ridiculous that he didn't. It just doesn't make any sense.

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Finally, Natalie Luca (who???) has some company at #184.  Which begs the question; why is Kennison even a Blacklister?  All he did was develop a potentially useful medical device and then sold it to a cop.  So?  With that reasoning, the Blacklist should run up to the 300s.  Reggie Cole should be the Blacklister instead.  And Aram should pocket that little item and go make his own fortune somewhere.

Pennypacker asks the attorney, "How did you even get into an FBI black site?"  Oh, maybe it's all the ancillary staff working there on a daily basis.  Or maybe it's the armed guards with FBI vests outside the building...

4 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Just tell him when he arrives: this is not a FBI black site, this is a real Post Office!

And after he stands in line for 45 minutes, only to find out that they're closed and he has to come back tomorrow.

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8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Ressler yells "FBI" to Cole and Park for some reason had to follow with "Federal Agents" as if Cole and the viewers are too dumb to understand any of this! I guess Alina Park begged for more dialogue and this was the best the writers could come up with.


I’m pretty sure the writers wrote the dopey dialog without her ‘begging’.  They kinda have a history on this show.

4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I legit don't get Cooper's play here. It's true Plot Induced Stupidity. The only way he reacted the way he did was because that was necessary for the plot to go down the way it went. As soon as Red said the name Andrew Kennison, of COURSE Cooper had to come clean. It's beyond ridiculous that he didn't. It just doesn't make any sense.

Plot Induced of course.  That also explains why the all wise all knowing Red has to explain to Cooper the dolt why he should have figured out that he was targeted not by virtue of being a high up law enforcement person, but because he was associated with Red.  GMAFB

It also makes no sense, and is inconsistent storytelling, when you portray Red as such a genius, who can find all glass topped safe houses, assemble tac teams, jet around the world, etc, yet cannot even pull a kidnapper van up to the post office and grab the lawyer and Cole as soon as they exit.  I guess Weecha didn’t want to scratch the Benz paint because she could have easily steered in the motorcycle’s path.  Why were they ducking in the first place?  Red can’t afford bulletproof glass?  

Nobody here mentioned panabaker and her hypocrisy.  I guess like Ressler covering up murder, and Lizzie being a murderer, it’s old news already.  Oh, and Red’s terminal illness.  

Entertaining ? Meh.  Predictable?  Most assuredly.

Edited by CaptainE
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It goes without saying that Marvin knows more about what's going on.  I was hoping he wasn't involved but as soon as I saw Fisher Steven's name in the credits for this epi, I knew he has to behind it.  The phone call with Red and him saying he had another thing to take care of just sealed it for me (I don't buy that this show is that clever to pull someone else out of their hat as the person behind this).

Cooper not immediately confessing was silly but he hasn't made the best choices in all of this up to this point so this wasn't necessarily a surprise.

The lawyer walking into a black site was ridiculous but considering everyone else who's walked into that place, it wasn't shocking.

I was hoping they'd wrap this nonsense storyline up but no, it's going to drag on.  Please, make it stop!

20 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Well, that ended pretty much as I thought it would. So long, smarmy PI and his smarmy lawyer! There really wasn't any good way for Red to grab them before the hit man arrived.

Whoever is pulling the strings must have better connections and more money than Red.

I totally called their deaths too. I also think Marvin is in on it.

This show tends to be ridiculous, but I've enjoyed not having Megan Boone still on it.


Edited by Surrealist
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What I like about Marvin being behind it all is the fact that I think he's doing it because he (rightly) felt that Liz would ruin the organization that he has spent so much time working with Red to build. So he had a sort of "noble" reason for his actions PLUS it matches what we all know, which is that Liz would have absolutely ruined the organization had she been in charge of it. 

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I can't believe that no one has figured out that the mole is none other than "Cynthia Panabaker"!

In the previous episode when she asked Red to help with locating her granddaughter, they had a conversation about sometimes you have to go to the dark side in order to do good.  The camera locked in on Panabaker for a second or two.  Now, I'm sure Red was referring to himself and the show wants us to believe that Panabaker was thinking about her granddaughter.  I think she was thinking about how she had Liz killed.  For whatever her reason was for having Liz killed, I hope we find out the why's.  

I’m still a little lost. Wasn’t the maniac from last season (forgot his name already!) responsible for having Liz killed? I thought that was his whole reason d’etre; to have Liz killed and make Red watch? I know he ended up  getting blown up in that bunker but I figured Van Dyke had standing orders from him. I must’ve missed the part where they decided it wasn’t him and there is another boogeyman out there who is responsible. Oh, this show. I can’t remember anything from season to season but I keep watching anyway. 

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