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S02.E22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two 2007.05.17

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The hunters discover the Yellow-Eyed Demon's plan; the war begins.






I'm really no more invested in this episode than I am with it's predecessor. I think it's the same problem I have with most of their finales though...they're way over-packed with plot and overwrought with angst that in the end I'm left feeling underwhelmed. I do think that Jensen is really masterful in the beginning with his speech over Sam's corpse; his deal making with the crossroads demon; his hugging Sam and trying to keep his dirty little secret to himself; even that scene with Bobby in the junkyard. I just think it could have been served better if it was a two-parter itself--too much stuff going on to fully service it all, IMO.


I still can't really understand Jake's motivation or how he goes from "I'm not doing what you say because you're evil and I'm not" to not only giving in to the physic crap, but enjoying the evil evilness that he's creating in like two seconds. But, whatever, I never understand that sort of thinking anyway, so I'll just move on.


The idea of the train-track devil's trap is really a marvelous one; the gun-that-can-kill-everything-except-when-it-doesn't being the key to the devil's gate though...not so much. I realize they were trying to figure out a way to tie up why Yellow Eyes wanted that gun so bad back in S1, just it didn't really work so well for me. And, I also never really understood how they got to the cemetery before Jake, but didn't look around and find the devil's gate? Stinks of more laziness to me. However, I know that they had massive problems while shooting this episode and Kripke wrote an almost un-producible script that they had to mostly rewrite on the fly, so I'll give them a bit of leeway here.


Anyway, I usually only watch the first half and then start doing something else and it plays in the background throughout the second half. Maybe I'm more like those kids I like to raise my fist at than I would like to think--I'm too easily distracted by shiny things.

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Heh. I'm just the opposite here. I will largely ignore the first part and focus on part 2 LOL.  I just love Jensen's work in this episode. Watching Dean cover up his deal and then slowly see the cover up fall apart and that he knows it's going to fall apart is one of my favorite things in the series.

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Yeah, I thought part 1 was pretty boring but I really loved part 2.  I think it's one of Jensen Ackles' best performances across the entire series.  His desperation when Sam is dead, his happiness when Sam's alive again--the scene with Bobby.  And I think it all comes to a head in that last scene when Dean says that it's his job to protect Sam and Sam says, "What do you think my job is?"  And the look in Dean's eyes--you can literally see in both the scenes with Bobby and Sam in this episode that it never occurred to Dean that he's worth something just as himself.  Not as Sam's protector, or John's son, or as a good hunter--but just as Dean Winchester.  Like, I don't even think he realized that Bobby and Sam loved him just for himself until this episode.  It kills me.

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Yeah, I thought part 1 was pretty boring but I really loved part 2. I think it's one of Jensen Ackles' best performances across the entire series. His desperation when Sam is dead, his happiness when Sam's alive again--the scene with Bobby. And I think it all comes to a head in that last scene when Dean says that it's his job to protect Sam and Sam says, "What do you think my job is?" And the look in Dean's eyes--you can literally see in both the scenes with Bobby and Sam in this episode that it never occurred to Dean that he's worth something just as himself. Not as Sam's protector, or John's son, or as a good hunter--but just as Dean Winchester. Like, I don't even think he realized that Bobby and Sam loved him just for himself until this episode. It kills me.

I love Jensens performance here so much beginning to end. As to Dean realizing someone could love him just for him I think he heard the words in the moment but I don't think it really stuck with him :(

Edited by catrox14
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You'd think I never saw this episode (or the rest of the series before), lol.

From Carry on Wayward Son through Deans speech to dead Sam, I was all teary eyed! Cmon now, pull yourself together... You know where this is going, ;)

Anyway... Love, love love Dean talking to Bobby with Sam laying dead in the next room. Dean keeps side eying the corpse, glancing in there like it's not really happening. Jensen just rocks the whole first 10 minutes of the ep. He looks trashed, emotionally, the rough broken voice, his line delivery is so perfect. Just rips me up. He's done, and I fully believe it. Sam's dead and Dean is DONE.

I do wonder, how many days were supposed to have gone by? Bobby was acting like it had been a few, and for Sam to even, for a moment, believe he had been healed of his wound, it would have had to be awhile, right?

Also love that Dean wasn't eating, not hungry when Bobby was trying to get him to eat. As soon as Sam is alive (and Awww, the hug!), Dean is suddenly *starving*.

And he gets pissed that Sam wants to jump back in to the fight right away. I don't blame him- you have a year and the last thing you want is your brother to risk his life again minutes after you throw yours away for him, lol

Is this where all the secret keeping really gets going? I mean I know Dean kept his dad's 'secret' about possibly needing to kill Sam, but it seems like this is the beginning of Sam and Dean choosing to keep big stuff from each other? Sam purposely (and very poorly) lies to Dean about the demon blood. Dean lies about the crossroads and Sam's death. It begins...

Bobby's look when Sam shows up at the door with Dean. Lol, priceless. He looks terrified. And the scene in the junkyard with Bobby and Dean is a great moment. A little heavy handed and anvilicious, but wow does Jensen sell it.

So the whole Devils trap railroad hells gate thingy falls apart under any kind of scrutiny, so I won't bother. And I know there was serious complications with filming of the finale. Still, I love John coming in and saving Dean and Sam, love that we got to see him find peace, whatever that means for him/this show. Love love that Dean got to kill YED

and it's even more satisfying after seeing future eps where Dean tells YED that he's the one who kills him!

The finale scene with Sam and Dean is wonderfully done. Sam finding out about the deal, about Dean only getting one year, and him telling Dean that he's going to save him, no matter what it takes. It's such a nice balance to Dean's declaration of the past year of "if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna save you" and

when it comes down to it, Sam does not save Dean. Dean goes to hell (and it's awful, getting all worked up just thinking about it). And, really, Dean doesn't save Sam. But damn if they don't keep trying and dying over the next 8 seasons, lol

Onto season 3.

Edited by GeekGirlnb
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I was watching this episode last night...oh the days of innocence!


Heh. I'm just the opposite here. I will largely ignore the first part and focus on part 2 LOL.  I just love Jensen's work in this episode. Watching Dean cover up his deal and then slowly see the cover up fall apart and that he knows it's going to fall apart is one of my favorite things in the series.


Reading back through the thread made me realize there was a misunderstanding. I meant I only like the first part of this episode, not that I preferred the previous episode. I'm engaged pretty much up till Ellen shows up and start to lose interest from that point on.

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Just caught this episode on TNT. Forgot how enjoyable it was from start to finish. Really enjoyed seeing JDM/Papa Winchester in the cemetery, the scene with Dean and Sam was wonderful. My only complaint was it seemed like green screen or CGI...had an odd look to it and I have no idea why.

The final scene with Dean saying we have work to do amazed me. I know the boys have been through too much to ever act like thid again but, it was fun to see Cocky Dean and compassionate Sam again.

One interesting bit, when Sam went over kill on Jake the look on Dean's face as well as the whole scene reminded me of

Dean killing the shifter in the Clue episode this season. The over kill and Sam's shocked reaction was a nice call back...although I'm guessing it's unintentional

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Just caught this episode on TNT. Forgot how enjoyable it was from start to finish. Really enjoyed seeing JDM/Papa Winchester in the cemetery, the scene with Dean and Sam was wonderful. My only complaint was it seemed like green screen or CGI...had an odd look to it and I have no idea why.]


That's because it was, for the most part anyway. They had all kinds of production problems when shooting this episode. The original script was basically un-producible on their budget, so they had to make a lot of changes on the fly. Originally, it was scripted for Sam and Jake to have a big fight and Sam would be covered in blood as a result, but that got changed and Sam ends up just shooting Jake. JDM was unavailable when they were shooting the episode, so they shot his scene earlier. They then had to reshoot Jared on green screen and drop him into the scene later, because he was covered in blood in the scene they shot with JDM, but shouldn't be due to the script changes. They also had weather issues and ended up building that graveyard on stage at the last minute due to the original location being basically fogged in. So, there's a lot of movie magic going on in that scene, it's no wonder it feels a bit off.

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What bothers me most about this episode is not shooting Jake on sight.  Sam showed him mercy once before and was stabbed in the back for his trouble, but even if Jake's right that Sam can't pull the trigger, there's no reason I can think of for Dean not to shoot him in the face.  Dean watched Jake stab his brother in the back and then lost his soul to bring him back.  Not to mention Jake babbling on about Sam and giving Dean's secret away.  Both logic and angry revenge should have kept the Devil's Gate closed.

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Any of the four could have shot Jake.  If Dean had shot Jake, taken the Colt and shot Azazel then the episode would have ended like 20 minutes in. LOL ,

They had to give Sam his kill of Jake after learning he was dead and questioning Dean making a deal.

Had to have Azazel question if Sam was normal to Dean

Had to have John crawl out of Hell to wrestle Azazel and save Dean and give JDM his final farewell and give Dean the chance to kill Azazel, which I always thought was an appropriate kill since it was really Dean and John that were tracking Azazel much longer than Sam who took a 3 year sabbatical to go to college.

But yes, Dean probably would have shot Jake right away. They should have made it that Jake was mind controlling Dean and that Dean couldn't shoot him, since he mind controlled Ellen.

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Yeah, I can entirely fanwank that Jake was keeping them from shooting him.  Just wish they had established that better instead of having everyone slowly walk up to him with guns drawn like a bunch of idiots.

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I don't think he was mind controlling anyone until he specifically picked Ellen to turn the gun on herself. It seemed to be a plot point to trap Jake and I guess get him to be a good guy. Like was Sam supposed talk Jake out of being evil?

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Well that's a season ending that sets up the next well, all those demons escaping.  Of course, yellow eyes is standing right where the hole opens up. and the look on his face when he's shot, lol, ya deserved it.

Of course Dean would cut a deal for Sam.  And obviously they figured out some way to beat it (11 seasons later).  Will be interesting to see how it works.

The burning of the road house seemed out of nowhere though.

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From that opening scene with the shot of Sam's body and Bobby trying to feed Dean chicken and bury the body. "Then let it end!" "You don't think I've paid enough?" "What am I supposed to do?!" That guilt, that anger, that desperation. How does Ackles not have an Emmy? Or at least a nomination (Days of Our Lives doesn't count). Beautiful cinematography as Dean waits for the crossroads demon. I liked her performance, although I thought the one from Crossroads Blues seemed more Dean's type. Did they forget the "try to weasel out of the deal and Sam drops dead" part in season 3? I feel like they forgot that part.

Winchester hug! Winchester hug! I'm powerless against a Winchester hug. Aw, Sam lying about the demon blood and Mom knowing the demon. Classic Winchester lies. Protective Bobby. Beautiful, gruff, caring Bobby who has to put up with these self-sacrificing boys. Oh, how I love thee. Ellen! Saved by a pretzel run. The giant devil's trap is a great setup. "I'm shocked at this unforeseen turn of events."

Stupid Jake mind controlling Ellen. Sure pick on the woman.

God, that shot of Sam after he first shoots Jake is so freaky. He looks a little demonic. It's scary. Badass but scary. Will have to focus on Dean jumping and rolling over a headstone to escape the Devil's Gates opening. That is a beautiful little moment. Ugh, that fear of not bringing back pure Sam. I love/hate when demons call out Dean's self-sacrificing tendencies. I love the way the Colt looks when fired. And John crawled out of hell to help! Say what you will about John Winchester, he's the only Winchester to drag his ass out of hell. The obvious CGI takes away from the moment a little in his goodbye. In retrospect I love the hope this gives to Dean's deal - going to hell doesn't mean staying in hell. "You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

I think this is the most satisfying ending to a season. I think it's the closest we get to a happy ending. Half the cast is set for hell, and it's the happiest ending we get. This was the last time they didn't know if the show was getting renewed, yes?

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jen really bought the whole episode with his performance. i had predicted at a whole season beforehand but looking at dean talking to dead sam my mother grasped me and said "So Dean is the brother who needs his sibling the most!" she loves both brothers but she absolutely adores dean. all i did was smile to myself and mentally pat myself on the back. of course it's him.

but back on jen. he really pushed everything he could in the beside scene, because you could hear his texan accent really clearly! i am usually the one who can only hear it but everyone heard it this time lol. mother was already having a heart attack since the beginning of the performance but what really pierced my heart was dean's snot filled, soft voice breaking "Sammy...God...What am I supposed to do?" dean has been broken all this journey, but it is now that he is officially shattered. half of him was already cracked from his father, and then he had to bear the scaring burden of being resurrected. he already confided in gordon that he was barely holding it together and sam, his emotional guardian angel, was his only saving grace. if dean never brought sam back and chose to stay by his own rule ("What's dead should stay dead") he would easily be gordon 2.0. in fact he would probably be even worse. jensen understood all this and brought it all home.  there really is no-one on this planet who would play this character better than him.

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So I'm watching on Netflix and Carry On isn't a part of the soundtrack, as mentioned above. It's a Boston song, probably Don't Look Back, but don't quote me because the music falls away for me at times of intense focus. Sometimes I'll read a comment about "ooh that background music" and I think "wait. what?" because I couldn't hear any. At all.

As said above the acting, particularly by JA, was great. His depth of loss is so palpable, so engrossing. Makes me tear up when he yells "What am I going to do?" Of course, it's save Sam. And I'm fine with that. For 20+ years, Dean viewed his primary obligation in life as Sam's protector. And his brother died on his watch. Don't love the deal, of course, but I get it for him. 

Do NOT understand Jake's motivation. He's a good guy. Saved people. Had a bad moment in the Haunted Hunger Games with Sam, but when he's out on the other side, holding the Colt, and aware of YED's plan? Then it's every day is ice cream Sunday that seals him as evil? That's such weak sauce. The threat to his mother was way better... but now easy street in exchange for the end of this world? Really took me out of the moment. No reason YED couldn't have lied and said failure to carry out this charge would result in more intestine snacking.  Sure, a Winchester has to kill YED, and we have the Papa W scene to get in, just... one slightly different line keeps the plot rolling better for me.

I remember shrieking "JOHN!" during my first watch, and it was no less rewarding this time to have him crawl out of Hell to help his boys. 

Very glad Dean came clean with Sam about his deal in the end. Understand why Sam couldn't come clean-- he's been fearful all season that Dean might have to kill him if he turns bad, and now he believes he has actual bad in him. Uff. Poor guy. JP sure did sell that maybe-evil moment with the final execution of Jake. Great look there.

Whew. That was a quick re-watch. Onto S3. 

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I just rewatched the last few episodes and sooo many plot holes. I don't get the "only one" thing it just seems like a lot of effort for what? Can't you just corrupt a normal bad human to do that? Why do you need a leader for the army? Is it because the demons won't do what yellow eyes wants but this super human can control them? and why would the demon WANT Sammy to win?   Especially since he has to talk the winner into crossing to where he can't go and opening the door. How did he think he was going to do that with Sam?  He's pretty strong willed. And that's the whole plan? I can't remember was there originally supposed to be a different story for the super children? And YED mentions "other generations" does that ever get picked up again? I don't think so?

Ok with that said I think this bad plot was just a vehicle to get to amazing moments. The giant devils trap is genius and Jensen knocks it out of the park in this episode.  And that scene between him and Bobby...I always watch it more than once...so good.  I also remember the first time gasping when John stepped out and it was still a nice moment knowing it was coming.  


So all in all so many story beats that make no sense but I let it go for a few amazing scenes and my pretty pretty boys. 

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Agree with a lot above. The entire plot never quite came together. Why would Jake comply? Wouldn't he at least try to get his family into the area where the demon indicates he can't go? Why would they all approach Jake at the same time from the front and try to talk it out. I really don't buy the delay from Dean after watching his brother die. Why just one and why the hunger games? Why exactly did opening the gate break the demon trap? Isn't that the point? Wasn't it built for that reason? 

All of that being said, they really sold it. The emotional beats were spot on. I can see how this could have doubled as a series finale in the event of cancellation. The plot was messy but ultimately satisfying enough. 

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On 11/13/2019 at 5:45 PM, The Companion said:

Agree with a lot above. The entire plot never quite came together. Why would Jake comply? Wouldn't he at least try to get his family into the area where the demon indicates he can't go? Why would they all approach Jake at the same time from the front and try to talk it out. I really don't buy the delay from Dean after watching his brother die. Why just one and why the hunger games? Why exactly did opening the gate break the demon trap? Isn't that the point? Wasn't it built for that reason? 

I think after the first kill somehow the demon was able to exert more control.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Jake would never be able to get to his family and get them somewhere before the demon could get to them.  The demon can teleport.  Jake can't.  I agree.  They should have just shot Jake.  Whether he brought him back or not, it's completely out of character for Dean to just let someone kill Sam and walk.  I guess just the sheer number of demons was able to break it, but I'm with you in that it doesn't really make sense.

I'll add an extra question for you, though.  Why did Jake just have Ellen hold a gun to her head.  If he didn't want to kill them, he should have at least all 3 done it.  But, more likely he should have them all shoot themselves.

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