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Maybe a WEEK with these women is about 4 days too long!  I'm getting tired of their vacation.  However, if I ever get to the Turks & Caicos, I want to stay at that awesome villa!   And the water is just gorgeous!

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I feel like Ramona was channeling Sonja this episode, with her drunken behavior.  I've usually been a Ramona apologist, but there is no way any of her behavior this episode can be apologized for or even tolerated.  She was horrible to everyone, and she should be completely ashamed for the way she acted.  I'm embarrassed for her, even though she is not embarrassed for herself.  

It's so weird that everything she did and said is exactly what I expect from Sonja, even down to trying to get out of paying the bill for the glam team.  

She was drunk, rude, crude, insensitive and nasty, especially to Luann, who displayed a great deal of patience and class (dare I say it??).  After seeing this episode, I can understand how the producers of RHONY may be considering not renewing her or only bringing her back as a "friend of".  

Oh, and Kenya - you are no icon!!  You will never be an icon - icons are people who EVERYONE knows and respects - You're a fucking D-list reality star, and a legend in your own mind.  You're also a nasty, shady bitch who knew that playing a game like that was going to stir up shit, and you were living for that.  The only one who gets away with those kind of games is Andy Cohen on WWHL.  (He's actually had guests play that game several times - so Kenya didn't come up with something original.)

Kenya needs someone on this show to take her down a peg or two.  I guess she's "hurting" from dealing with the divorce of a faux marriage, but that is no excuse.  She almost got physical with Ramona, and that is unacceptable, along with all the age-shaming she did later in the night.

I don't know how these women can't go to a beautiful, stunning villa, in one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean, be waited on hand and foot AND GET PAID FOR THIS, and not try to relax, get along and enjoy every moment.  

And, yes, Cynthia needs to lighten up a little bit - she is waaaay too serious!!  

Edited by njbchlover
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13 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Ramona made a complete fool of herself on this episode.  She was utterly obnoxious.

Now I understand why the entire cast behaved so coldly towards Ramona when they all appeared on WWHL last fall to promote the new Ultimate show. They didn't quite articulate it but they were clearly disgusted with her. Her demeanor on that show was uncharacteristic tail-between-her-legs, subdued. So not Ramona full-of-herself cocky.

This episode: I will cut Ramona a bit of slack because day-drinking in the hot sun is not easy to do and a bad recipe for someone already prone to insensitive behavior, no mouth filter, and poor people skills. I also do think the entiire cast was tired after the boat outing day, and just day Five of the trip. They all looked spent that evening at the dinner table.   

But just when I thought Ramona couldn't get any worse, couldn't top her past behavior, she did. Thought nothing could top her horrifying rude behavior of last season's New York black Shabbat dinner. 

Thru the years, the tv viewing public has seen enough of her awful behavior: her quirks, her weirdness, her rudeness, her defensiveness, her selfishness, her condescension, her malapropisms, her lack of empathy, her entitlement, and her narcissism for over 10 years. We are used to it. And we've cross analyzed her every which way. 

But yet, there is critical a piece missing in the Ramona analysis. I suspect she also has a learning disability. She has trouble processing new information. And lots of trouble processing fair criticism and she is barely capable of self reflection. And the narcissism is her protective bubble. Shields her from criticisms. I guess it does go back to her childhood. She is damaged and disordered.  And for anyone that knows about narcissistic personality disorder, it cannot be repaired (via therapy). Because you're a narcissist, you don't think there's anything wrong with you !

Lastly, she is still trying to fix her post-divorce ego wound. She feels her youth and physical attractiveness fading. She is 65, a good looking 65 at that. Now she is the OG of all Housewives, in all the franchises. This Ultimate series further reveals her desperation to keep up with the youth and beauty, and wit and charm of the others. All in the public eye of TV. She is desperate to attract men and plainly does not know how to do do it. She is awkward, almost nerdy in her attempts. She thinks she can flirt, but it doesn't come easy to her. That's why she is jealous of LuAnn, who has so gracefully aged, weathered public shame, public failed marriages, romantic failures, and is still viable, sexy, beautiful, and charming, and has good people skills.  

Cringeworthy moments from her in this episode: "I look great in this yellow dress!",  as she exited the group dinner where everyone was pissed at her, she stood all by herself knowing the camera was on her, admiring herself in the mirror.

"I have an 800 credit score!" to counter Cynthia's accusation of her not paying her share for the glam person.

The transparent affirmations she desperately needed to do to not feel the criticism. She is without shame. 


Edited by Bossa Nova
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11 hours ago, goofygirl said:

I completely FORGOT that Kenya referred to herself as an "icon"!!  HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?  Oh yeah, that's right....  Kenya, honey; YOU ARE NO ICON!  YOU ARE A MORON!!!

I was laughing so hard when she said she was an icon! Who is she kidding? I didn't even know who she was before Real Housewives. Most Americans still don't know who she is.


1 hour ago, Bossa Nova said:

Lastly, she is still trying to fix her post-divorce ego wound. She feels her youth and physical attractiveness fading. She is 65, a good looking 65 at that. Now she is the OG of all Housewives, in all the franchises. This Ultimate series further reveals her desperation to keep up with the youth and beauty, and wit and charm of the others. All in the public eye of TV. She is desperate to attract men and plainly does not know how to do do it. She is awkward, almost nerdy in her attempts. She thinks she can flirt, but it doesn't come easy to her. That's why she is jealous of LuAnn, who has so gracefully aged, weathered public shame, public failed marriages, romantic failures, and is still viable, sexy, beautiful, and charming, and has good people skills.   


I think Ramona still hasn't gotten over the divorce. She's starting to realize that she's 65 and alone and can't seem to keep a long term relationship. That being said, she is still a horrible human being.

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While I still cannot get over Ramona's horrible, horrendous behavior, both on the boat with the other housewives and then, later in the evening with the house staff and hair/makeup team, I will say that I think that Ramona was extremely, extremely intoxicated and continued to get more intoxicated as the day went on and she kept drinking.

I am not defending nor excusing her behavior, but it was hard to watch.  She was slurring her words, wobbly on her feet and making less sense than she usually does.  To me, the key factor in knowing that she was super-drunk was her over-use of the f-word, especially when talking about Luann and Tom.  If I'm remembering correctly, sober (and even tipsy) Ramona rarely uses the f-word, even when she's at her most cringeworthy with her comments, especially when referring to sex.  To be honest, I was kind of shocked to hear how liberally she saying it.

As I said in an earlier post, she just reminded me so much of Sonja and how she acts when she's been over-served, I almost thought Ramona and Sonja had switched places without anyone knowing it.

Having said that, seeing how vile Ramona was is something that is extremely disappointing and eye-opening for those of us who may have thought she could be entertaining at times.

I still think that Kenya is baiting Ramona and she is intentionally trying to make Ramona look bad - not that that is so hard to do, but Ramona isn't "street smart" enough to see how she is playing right into Kenya's machinations.

Edited by njbchlover
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No, Ramona, the red spaghetti top and blue jean shorts were not yacht chic. More like rowboat chic. That being said, I loved the one piece Luann was wearing with the tie in the front. She looks great.

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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

While I still cannot get over Ramona's horrible, horrendous behavior, both on the boat with the other housewives and then, later in the evening with the house staff and hair/makeup team, I will say that I think that Ramona was extremely, extremely intoxicated and continued to get more intoxicated as the day went on and she kept drinking.

I am not defending nor excusing her behavior, but it was hard to watch.  She was slurring her words, wobbly on her feet and making less sense than she usually does.  To me, the key factor in knowing that she was super-drunk was her over-use of the f-word, especially when talking about Luann and Tom.  If I'm remembering correctly, sober (and even tipsy) Ramona rarely uses the f-word, even when she's at her most cringeworthy with her comments, especially when referring to sex.  To be honest, I was kind of shocked to hear how liberally she saying it.

As I said in an earlier post, she just reminded me so much of Sonja and how she acts when she's been over-served, I almost thought Ramona and Sonja had switched places without anyone knowing it.

Having said that, seeing how vile Ramona was is something that is extremely disappointing and eye-opening for those of us who may have thought she could be entertaining at times.

I still think that Kenya is baiting Ramona and she is intentionally trying to make Ramona look bad - not that that is so hard to do, but Ramona isn't "street smart" enough to see how she is playing right into Kenya's machinations.

Excellent observationos, nj. You are right about the overuse of the f-word. Not quite like her.

She was extra drunk and Kenya was indeed baiting her. Kenya is rather evil too. 

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Man, Ramona.  You can tell Lu is just so used to it and knows she's never going to get a REAL apology so she doesn't even try.  It was initially amusing to see everyone else try to get Ramona, the apologizer, to actually mean it.  

I feel bad for the house staff and production, having to listen to Ramona continue to drunken rant and give herself affirmations after the HWs were tired of hearing her.  She needed a bunch of water and sleep, not more red wine.  Actually, that pasta would probably have done her some good to soak up the booze.

7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Has anyone tried recipes from Teresa’s cookbook? I thought her sauce looked watery.

I was also not impressed with how Teresa's sauce looked.

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I still wonder how, Ramona's daughter, Avery (now an adult with a career who works in the financial market) feels about her mom on TV, after all this time.

Does she cringe ? Or coach/advise Ramona? Or approve or just give up cuz she is used to it?

I can't help but think that because Ramona is now the OG of all the OG Wives, the Bravo senior cast member, also in chronological age, ....that if she conducted herself differently, in a more dignified manner, showing grace and wisdom and class that she could be respected, ....and even revered.

But she is trying too hard to be something else, all for the camera. As a poster upthread said, almost Sonja-like. Trying to be the clown, the charmer, the teenager, the sexpot. 

If she would just stop that. But she probably fears losing the Bravo job if she doesn't act out for the camera. Something she and Sonja obviously have done now for seasons, just to keep the gig. And Ramona is so very bad at it. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Yikes! Ramona has always been batshit but she has slowly been falling apart before our eyes the last few years.  I think the realization that she's getting older and is still single is too much for her to handle despite all the claims by her that she is still so hot. She knows deep down that she's not. She's also scared to death of losing her job. 

You know something is very wrong when Kyle and Teresa are coming off as the most likeable. 

20 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

I still wonder how, Ramona's daughter, Avery (now an adult with a career who works in the financial market) feels about her mom on TV, after all this time.

Time for Avery to do an intervention. Ramona worships her and maybe she will listen. 

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Ramona was particularly disgusting this week in her quest to relevant.

Yes, it does appear that Kenya was gunning for her, but can you blame her? She did go overboard in her lunging at her to grab her arm to remove her alcoholic beverage which she didn’t need any more of. Kenya also set it up for sparks to fly, with the “Who said it” game. In my opinion, Kenya is right about Ramona being insane. Who can blame her for zeroing in on Ramona, who is most always the one ruining the fun vacation vibe.

Ramona went WAY over the line in trying to deflect the negative attention away from herself, by throwing her friend under the bus with her slut shaming attempt. That was the epitome of being a disgusting “friend”. At that point, Luann should have thrown her overboard. With Kenyas help.

Luann reacted as she should and immediately showed her outrage towards Ramona. That was a good thing. Teresa forgot about that it seems, when she gave her commentary to each woman at the start of dinner. I think that Teresas comment to Luann was more of a why don’t you just have nothing to do with this insane bitch instead of still hanging out with her after all the times shes been an awful friend. She was trying to be a friend to Luann and supporting her, but in Luanns mind, it came off as an insult.

Luann has been desensitized to Ramonas nastiness because of all the years exposed to and having to continue to be in a TEEVEE show with the nut. I guess it is Luanns way of keeping the job she loves, instead of throwing her hands up and walking away because one (or more, lol) of the others is despicable. Her hand waving away Ramonas antics and not letting them get to her has become the only way she can deal with being stuck with her on a show she loves to do.

I don’t think for one second that Teresa meant to insult Luann. I think she was trying to show support towards her, but it came off wrong in Luanns mind because Teresa is right. Luann is mad at herself for putting up with the ever increasing crap Ramona serves, just to continue her career as a TEEVEE star.

Selling out, putting up with it, to remain in her spot. 

I do admire Luanns ability to not let the insane person get the best of her, causing her to stew and dwell and give Ramona more real estate in her mind than she deserves. Only a fool, gives their energy to a fool. 

Ramona is certifiable. She certainly does want the cameras poised upon her at all times. When she went to find her phone to check for texts from the glam girl and found it in the kitchen, she made a huge production about finding her purse and turning around and plopping her purse on the counter, center camera shot, to do her all too often shit show for the cameras, yammering on and on. Again, making the glam girl upstairs wait even longer for her to return to pay her for past service. I think so much time had passed by then, the girl had already left.

All she had to do upstairs, was to look at the girls phone she was trying to show her, with all the texts she had sent to Pewmona ... but no, she had to run away to hold the girl up even longer and took her damn sweet time getting back to the girl upstairs, if she ever did. It seems to me she knew the girl had been texting her and she was trying to run and hide from that fact being revealed.

It was a how dare you ask for your money... it is my prerogative as an elite rich bitch, to decide WHEN you shall be bestowed the deserved payment for your services rendered, and if you dare ask, well then I shall punish you by making you wait even longer for it.. you peasant. Queen Ramona has ALWAYS treated tIt he regular working person, unworthy of common decency. 
Cruel, entitled bitches like Ramona, making a stink about producing an invoice first, seemed much like a dine and dash attempt.

She acts like shes always about to snap into full insanity breakdown in need of a straight jacket, but she just carries on with the lame excuse of that being her personality, her way of being, and that everyone just has to accept that... like Luann does in order to continue on as a housewife stuck with her as a cast mate.

I am loving that the other housewives who aren’t subjected to this particular working condition, aren’t putting up with Ramonas “way of being”.

The clinging to Kyle on the boat was ridiculous, just as Kyle allowing it was just as ridiculous, too. Kyles doing it for the air time, I agree. Ramona should have been tossed into the ocean at that point, not cradled. 

So very much more, but I am getting carpal tunnel pain with all the typing needed to describe what I think about Ramona. I despise her.

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I don't even like most of these women but, man, I was literally LOLing at the failed TikTok.  And then Ramona saying she hadn't even known they were doing a TikTok?!  *chef's kiss*

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