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S04.E08: Part VIII

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This was a great finale to a great season and a great show. I will really miss this show.

There were more great twists in the finale, I never saw it coming that Percy had shot CJ’s brother, and then the Muldoons had to cover it up and their payoffs to the Lam family was why Colin and Sean started getting involved in human trafficking, it all made sense in the end, all of the loose ends were tied up nicely and everything made sense. I liked how it all tied together, there were some intense scenes, and I loved how Ambrose got Sean to admit what happened, great scene.

I liked that Lou turned out to be a good guy that was just in over his head, and how he helped Harry get to the truth. The goodbye scene between Harry and Lou was nice.

I do wonder what will happen to Colin and Sean - will they go to prison for being part of the trafficking ring? They were confessing everything to Lou at the end, and I wonder what their fates will be, will they go to jail or will they flip on others in the trafficking ring or something? Colin was a piece of shit who came off as a sociopath whereas Sean had a conscience.

And I liked how Ambrose seemed to finally get some peace at the end and realize there’s another way to move forward other than hating himself. It seemed like it would be a fresh start for Harry, and I can’t help but wonder what’s next for him now that he’s retired, maybe he can still continue his detective work and find more mysteries to solve, because he’s at his best when he’s doing that. I really wish there would be more seasons of this show, because I love watching Ambrose get to the bottom of these twisted mysteries. But the ending was satisfactory.

The show really delivered a great season and my only disappointment is that this is the last season, I would love more of Harry Ambrose and this show. 

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Well, they went out with a damn good season. I watched the entire first season, regretted it, but kept hoping for a good since they all had promising starts and Harry Ambrose was a good character played by an actor who always brings it. Bailed on every season since 1 but didn't even think about it this time. I loved that the local sheriff hugged him. I wish they had done this season earlier and given us more like, it, but I'll just be glad we got one good one and I can think Harry's a little better off and will go have a little peace maybe.   

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7 hours ago, Melina22 said:

So many red herrings this season. The suspiciously folksy sheriff and Percy's former roommate for example. Who on earth were the weird witchy women, doing whatever in the night? 

Great question - that was a big loophole to not close.  I went into this with the expectation of being disappointed, like I was the other 3 seasons, and it happened.  This season didn't engage me, and it got monotonous following sad sack Harry haunting the fishing town.  He has no authority there but he's assisting the police and questioning citizens... such a TV show contrivance to keep the plot going forward.   I also was annoyed that they brought out CJ's mystery brother in the last episode as the big reveal to tie up a bunch of loose ends.  Whatever.

I had promised myself that I would bail if the show seemed to be spinning its wheels, but I didn't listen and stuck out till the end.  I found it kind of a relief to read that there will be no more seasons.   That will save me at least 8 future hours lost to bad TV.

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1 hour ago, LoveLeigh said:

Human trafficking.... why do so many shows include that in the plot? 

Was it actually trafficking with bad intent or just help people get to Canada illegally? I didn't figure it out. Maybe I missed an episode? 

And who were the people chasing sad sack Harry (😁) and shooting at him in the woods? 

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48 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Was it actually trafficking with bad intent or just help people get to Canada illegally? I didn't figure it out. Maybe I missed an episode? 

And who were the people chasing sad sack Harry (😁) and shooting at him in the woods? 

I think they were trafficking with bad intent but I can’t be sure, I know the feds were investigating the trafficking as part of a major operation. But it looked like they were filming porn and stuff on the boat.

Vern, the guy who killed Brandon and one of the people involved in the trafficking, was one of the 2 guys who shot at Harry, and the other guy, the one that Harry got the jump on and stabbed, don’t know his name but he was another participant in the trafficking ring. 

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I still love Harry but every season started out creepy and possibly supernatural or at least something really strange going on and they all ended with a sort of basic explanation for the mystery. In this case, we would have no reason to think everything would be tied up with the dead brother. The pagan rituals and the trafficking meant nothing in the long run.

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I enjoyed this season more than any of the others, but in some ways I’m glad it’s not coming back. I found Harry just too strange and quirky a character to carry a series. I think it’s more the acting choices than the writing. Pullman’s hunched shoulders, tilted head and half sideways glances drove me nuts, especially this season.

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23 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:

I thought the “witchy” women were from the same group as the woman who ran the marina who introduced the spiritual practices to Percy.

Yes, you're correct.  They were just local women who were practicing their spiritual rituals, and not involved in any of the criming.

21 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I think they were trafficking with bad intent but I can’t be sure, I know the feds were investigating the trafficking as part of a major operation.

Yes, they were trafficking with bad intent.  In one of Percy's meltdowns, she specifically said they thought they had jobs, but they didn't, and she tried to tell herself they were just helping them get to Canada, but she knew that wasn't true.

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I thought this was a decent season, a vast improvement over the god-awful third season (I can't be the only one who was thinking "don't say Jamie don't say Jamie don't say Jamie" when Harry was having that conversation with Percy on the cliff about her guilt and he was relating). So I'm glad they got to do this one to end on a higher note than I thought they were ending on before.

I'm especially happy to have gotten to better know the work of Cindy Cheung, Ronin Wong, and Davin Huynh (the main 3 Lams), who all seemed vaguely familiar but probably as one-offs here and there. They were excellent and I hope to see more of them elsewhere now!

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On 12/3/2021 at 9:52 PM, LoveLeigh said:

This series had great potential but seasons 2, 3, and 4 were victims of horrible writing. Seriously, could the plots have been any worse? 

I actually had to stop watching S3. I swear I could have went without Jamie being mentioned ever again and I don't even know how that season ended. That character and his dead friend were insufferable. I almost stopped watching this season, but decided to continue on. S2 and S3 had intriguing season premieres, then the seasons went down hill. Most times it's best to stop when something is based on a book and the first season completes that story. Who killed the guy who was found in the previous episode?  I thought this season was going to involve a cult because I forgot S2 involved a cult.😂 What happened to Ambrose's daughter and grandson?  I still don't know what happened to Harry's father?  I remember his mother being mentally ill,  but where was his father?  Maybe all of these questions were answered and I missed it, but I'm positive the last three seasons involved dropped plot lines. 

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Well, I was late, but I got it finished.  I even went back and refreshed my memory with some other season’s episodes.  

Simba122504, I’m not sure who killed the guy who was found hung on the anchor.  There’s a post upthread that says Vern did it.  

I’m glad it’s over and it’s good Ambrose finally seemed to find some peace.  I found his tormented soul routine quite frustrating and overly indulgent.  I can see feeling guilt over hurting an innocent person and if you were negligent, but to take out a psycho serial killer, who has terrorized you, your family and the community?  That’s a hero. Plus, Ambrose always seemed to be a brooder and that can get old.  

I loved that house Ambrose and his girlfriend were staying in.  What a view!  Makes me want to visit the area.  

How did they bury a body on that rock island?  

Something about Ambrose reminds me of Kris Kristofferson. Lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Early on we see Harry viewing CCTV footage of the pier which shows Percy kneeling before then fleeing a shadowy figure. Was that figure ever identified? Was it supposed to be Bo Lam's ghost? Those are some pretty impressive CCTV cameras if they can show the spirits of the dead.

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