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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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I think Bill and Jen probably had good intentions when they first started filming the show, back before they had kids, but I agree that it cannot be good for any kids to be exploited on reality TV. It really makes me wonder how a children's doctor would think this is okay, and that she would even want to be in any way affiliated with a network well known for its exploitation of children. 

 You summed it up perfectly.

  • Love 3

They've talked about how little Jen is able to eat and the need to watch their weight due to dwarfism, but I don't recall any specific nutritional comments. 


When they cook at home, it seems to be reasonably healthy.  Due to the nature of reality shows, they are shown eating out quite a bit. 

I agree that make nutritious meals at home.  Will and Zoey seem to really like things are that are good for them.

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Today. 8:30 am


As someone pointed out earlier, the pool will be useful to all of the family for years to come, unlike a swingset, sandbox, or jungle gym.  The kids are getting water safety lessons ( we saw Will, so I will assume Zoey will too) and the pool is fenced. I have always lived in Southern California and having a pool that takes up the entire yard is not rare. There are some who believe the Arnold-Kleins should not be on TV and that is a fair point.  However I my opinion I have not seen anything that makes them unfit parents. I am beginning to realize for some, just being on TV trumps all the good they have done for these kids, at least that's how it comes across to me.


I have objections to the kids being on tv and I will supply my reasons. Will and Zoey are not allowed to say no to any filming. Will and Zoey are not represented by a non parental advocate. They aren't directly paid. They have no say in what is and isn't filmed. I'm tired of TLC exploiting kids and not compensating them directly.


That said, I don't think having a pool and a small yard makes Jen and Bill abusive parents. I'm tired of fighting this battle so let me sum up. My parents taught me to swim, while they were drunk, by throwing me off the dock into the lake. My neighbor, who was also drunk, pulled me out of the water. I'd like to point out that all the adults present were able bodied, and also we had a *giant* yard with a great big cornfield and deer and *bear* and I was periodically told to "go play" in the barn and the indian burial mound and the gully. So when I see the periodic handwringing over two rich kids with a nanny being abused because they have *a small yard and a pool* and that their parents are monsters, MONSTERS for not setting up a playground for them because the family doesn't revolve around the whims of the children.... I will admit, my heart doesn't bleed for poor abused Will and Zoey who live in the lap of luxury despite their rough starts and who have parents who do clearly want to provide them with a pleasant lifestyle.


I think the show could go away and Will and Zoey would still see specialists for their medical needs, they would still likely attend better schools in their city and are unlikely to be beaten or abandoned. My concerns on filming are, I will admit, more long term, because I think it's damaging to the personality of a kid to be on constant display. I'm tired of the bitching about how Jen can't bodily rescue a child from the pool because there's no law against a quadriplegic with a kid having a pool despite not being bodily able to rescue said kid.

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I am also kind of mystified by the notion that Bill and Jen are questionable parents because of the house/yard set up. They have a very large, gorgeous home with lots of room and places for the kids to run and play. They appear to have enough toys to fill a toy store. I imagine there are millions of kids who would love to live in a home like that.


A pool is a concern for any family with young children, but Bill and Jen seem smart enough to understand that they need to take serious precautions so the kids can't ever wander out into the back yard alone. I am hoping they have keyed or childproof locks on their backdoor and/or an alarm. They certainly can afford all those things. And if both kids learn to swim well, it is possible that in less than 5 years the kids will be able to safely be in the backyard unsupervised. When I was a kid we had an above ground pool, and I was a like a fish, and would often swim alone, often after dark, by 2nd grade or so.


The only real "issues" I have with the show is the educational claim when we don't really see very much anymore about what Bill and Jen need to do to make things work as little people/parents...and that it is supposed to be reality when so much is set up and scripted. I am not sure what to believe about them. The main thing is the trading in their children's privacy so they can be filmed and exploited on a pathetic network.  I don't really feel sorry for any adults who put themselves on TLC as far as judgment/snark because they set themselves up for it by exploiting their personal lives on a notoriously pitiful network. I do feel sorry for the children, though, because their parents should put their protection and privacy first and foremost. If they choose to exploit their kids, for reasons of "education", money, fame, or whatever, there are sacrifices and a price to pay.


I believe both Jen and Bill love both their children very much, and will give them the best of everything (aside from privacy). I think they have different personalities, and Bill might be more laid back and affectionate, but I think they both love them with all their hearts. Plus, they haven't had the kids all that long and are probably still in an adjustment phase, where they are learning, making some mistakes, and developing their parenting styles. Aside from the exploitation thing, which I don't think is any small thing, I believe they are probably both awesome and wonderful parents to those children. My hope is that their contract expires soon and they have enough sense not to renew it, no matter how much money they are offered and how many fans they have. The well-being of their kids should be the first priority.

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I don't believe anyone here is suggesting that they are "abusive" for putting in a pool or not fencing off a part of the yard, but to my mind it speaks to a shortsightedness -- considering, in contrast, all the expense, deliberation, and angst that went into, for instance, the selection of the color of the sprinkles on the floor of the garage or the pattern of the wallpaper in Jen's professionally designed Hollywood movie actress dressing room lacking only a big star on the door -- that has its roots in self-centeredness.  This "on with the show," despite Will's obvious difficulties, only confirms that.  And, again, I don't believe anyone here is even suggesting that they'd be better off still in orphanages rather than adopted (although I'm coming close).  I do believe they'd be better off with parents who don't sell their lives to an exploitative network.

Edited by cassaundroll
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I never said they should have a swing set, for the record...  ;)  That would be just as impractical as a pool...  Can any one of these people actually swim in a pool?  A splash pad would've been more useful, as well as more fun for the kids than sitting in that dark "media room" all the time.


Or even a pool with that gradual slope into which you wade, where kids can play in the shallow end, with little fountains shooting up (not current in my pool terminology, as I don't own one)?


For all the planning they did, all the time in which they had to do it, all the money they spent on the final product, and all the mindfulness that they WERE going to have a family - come heck or high water (so to speak) - they didn't seem to take their future children's enjoyment much into consideration.  Dimes to donuts that the pool was Jen's idea -- although she cannot swim -- for sunbathing or simply to carry on her beach house theme.  Remember: she must have a theme!

Edited by cassaundroll

But to be fair, I can and do make an arguement that having a pool isn't shortsighted at all. Five years from now, ten years from now, the kids will still be enjoying the pool, the *family* will be enjoying the pool, and an elaborate swing set/play area would just be sitting in the yard.

I live far enough north that backyard pools are the exception. But my experience has been in some southern neighborhoods virtually everyone has a pool. It's as common there as an out building big enough for a mower with a snow blade is where I live. So, I'm thinking some of this is simply regional. 

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For all the planning they did, all the time in which they had to do it, all the money they spent on the final product, and all the mindfulness that they WERE going to have a family - come heck or high water (so to speak) - they didn't seem to take their future children's enjoyment much into consideration.


I don't see why it was a guaranteed selfish move to have a pool for a potential family, that pools are inherently exclusionary. Under my thinking, the children will enjoy the pool as children and as teenagers and as adults.When the pool was being built, they didn't have children but apparently adults who are considering having children must make every household decision *for the potential child* no matter that the potential child may not happen or else be deemed selfish.


I mean really, if the pool is heated, they can use it year round, and once the kids are old enough to have friends over, the kids will love having a pool.



Can any one of these people actually swim in a pool?  A splash pad would've been more useful, as well as more fun for the kids than sitting in that dark "media room" all the time.

Pretty sure we've seen Will getting *swimming* lessons. Jen may not be able to swim laps but she is capable of playing in a pool as most pool play involves people standing upright, not actually swimming the crawl stroke. I'd venture to say Bill probably knows how to swim but most pool fun is playing and splishsplashing  and rarely requires five years of swim class. Plenty of people own pools but know nothing about swimming or swim rescue - are they all irresponsible selfish parents?

  • Love 2

There's a shallow end to the pool as well. We saw it in the episode where Will gets swim lessons. The instructor was crouched down and the water only hit him to mid-chest. I would imagine once he stood it would be maybe thigh high which is plenty deep enough for a child or a little person but not over their head deep. 


I live in north Texas and just bought a house. Even in my low price range there were houses with pools. They are practically a staple here. 

  • Love 2

Not to beat this topic to death, but I believe there is a ledge under the water.  Children could fall off this ledge into the deeper water quite easily.  Job One for the swim instructor seemed to be teaching Will how to "climb" out of the pool (not sure how successfully), whereas a slope would allow him to walk out, if conscious and able to get his feet under him. Heaven forefend that he should ever have to do either.  And Zoey, as everyone agrees, is tiny.


I'm also a viewer of "House Hunters" and find that many buyers will reject a house with a pool outright because of the perceived risk it presents to even their older, average-sized children -- to the point of being overprotective.  Hence, I SMH a little at their deliberately putting one in.


"Have friends over"?  Do these kids have friends?  I hope we see some next season (more than the "extras" we saw at Will's 4th birthday party), if we must see this family on TV next season!

Edited by cassaundroll

Have friends over"?  Do these kids have friends?  I hope we see some next season (more than the "extras" we saw at Will's 4th birthday party), if we must see this family on TV next season!


I know this will sound crazy, but eventually these kids will go to school and be older than two and four. They will eventually have friends to invite over, they will be tweens and teenagers and , they won't *forever* be toddlers and since you're harping on how poorly planned the pool is, I think it's fair to point out that a pool is a better long term option in a state where the heat in summer can be sweltering and a pool can be used year round. I don't see how its poor planning to plan for a lifetime as opposed to the next two or three years.

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I could use a swim right now. I grew up in the city and learned how to swim in the ocean. I can see how it seems weird if you aren't used to water or hot summers but I think the Klein's pool is genius.  Most of the house is modified for little people which might make entertaining complicated.  With a pool, you can have bbq and entertainment without worrying about the house.  I'd imagine since Jen's and Bill's bodies betray them pretty often that swimming is a relief to their joints and a great way to get low impact exercise.  It's also a way that Jen and Bill can physically interact with the kids without the weight issue.  Jen can hold Will in the water due to buoyancy.  I think the pool makes more sense that other play choices because it's low impact and doesn't require a lot of running or lifting.  

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I think the pool as one poster said was a very shortsighted decision.   Jen in her own words says she sinks, even though she has had swimming lessons so playing in the pool or even being in it by herself could be fatal if there is not a competent swimmer there too.

    Bill also pointed out with pride how smart Will was because he quickly figured out how to unlock the child proof locks.

  Ask a county coroner if they think a pool is a good idea with small children around.     I would also love to know the opinion of pediatricians too.

    I really doubt a doctor would endorse a pool knowing neither parent can swim.   At least to me it makes zero sense.

                 Pools are also many times a deal breaker in the sale of a home. Most people do not want them.

I live in Arizona and many people have a backyard swimming pool.  I'm sure no one would suggest that they are negligent, since the door to the backyard is locked or the yard is fenced (it is required by law).  So, the only reason I can see why there are objections to the Kleins having a pool in the exact same situation is because they are little people. 


Because they are little people, their kids shouldn't have a pool.  No matter that the pool is not regular depth, but (from what I've been able to tell) adjusted for their heights like everything else in their house.  So even a pool that has the same ratio of pool depth to body height shouldn't be allowed, because they are little people.


Because they are little people, it is unsafe to have a pool if only one of two parents can't swim.  No matter that people here in Arizona often get a pool with their home purchase, whether they wanted one or not, and whether or not they can swim, simply because so many houses have backyard pools.  By the reasoning I'm seeing here, a normal-sized couple should be discouraged if not legally prohibited from buying a home, if there is a pool in the backyard, children in the household, and one of two parents cannot swim.


I'm really hoping this isn't the case.  Perhaps we are just a group of people from all parts of the country, and those from northern states/countries honestly don't understand that pools are as safe as the precautions people take.  My Facebook feed is filled with photos of kids in pools, all around the world, and I have literally never heard anyone suggest "Get those kids out of the pool!  I can't believe you have a pool in your backyard!  It's a death trap!!!"  I also see kids jumping on trampolines and playing with sparklers or fireworks, and IMO those are much more dangerous than swimming in a fenced pool with parental supervision!


The truth is, we don't know what precautions they have in place.  There may be alarms on the door, keyed locks, keypad locks, maybe even one of those new bluetooth locks.  They may have a cover for the pool or any number of other precautions.  They may choose not to have the kids in the pool if Bill or another adult aren't there, since Jen can't swim.    The mere presence of a pool doesn't prove selfishness, negligence or anything else.

Edited by SunDevil28
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Bill knows how to swim. Will is learning to swim and Jen knows how to swim but said she doesn't float (she has no fat on her so that makes some sense).

The kids are never alone and the parents are well informed. As loving parents that worked harder than most to get their kids, along with the fact that they made many efforts to safeguard their home and, surely in Jennifer career she has been exposed to the consequences of leaving a child unattended in/near any water, I doubt they are cavalier about the responsibility of having a pool. On the upside, it's therapeutic, fun and a great way to exercise. Much better than playing in the grass when it's 103 outside.

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Bill knows how to swim. Will is learning to swim and Jen knows how to swim but said she doesn't float (she has no fat on her so that makes some sense).



In the episode of Will getting his first swimming lesson Jen said she could not even tread water and could not float, this means she cannot swim.  Jen said she "sinks like a rock" even though her parents gave her "lots and lots of lessons."   Bill said because he had a bigger chest he could float "a little bit better" but did not say he could swim and that this was because of their type of dwarfism and their individual lung capacity.   Bill said Will would likely have "average sized person air capacity" making him a better candidate.  

I am not sure this has anything to do with having additional fat on your body.  

IMO if Jen wanted in the backyard it's a death trap.  Jen has a nice closet she is spoiled.  Her closet is nothing compared to the Real Housewives of anything. IMO the issue of having the kids on TV is a fair point on which thoughtful people can disagree, but some of this stuff IMO is an excuse to rag on Jen because she is not everybody's cup of tea. 

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Everyone is different.    Each person is capable or incapable both mentally and physically.  It doesn't matter if you are a little person or an average sized person.

 I have not seen here that anyone said that The Kleins should not have a pool because they are little people. 

             Personally, I would be worried especially about Will, because I have noticed he is a very talented mimic both verbally and physically and I bet he can un-do anything.    Hopefully they have some sort of security system, unlike the one in the common area that he or Zoey do not know about.

cassaundroll, on 20 Aug 2014 - 1:13 PM, said:

"Have friends over"?  Do these kids have friends?  I hope we see some next season (more than the "extras" we saw at Will's 4th birthday party), if we must see this family on TV next season!



I could be wrong, but I think it was said that the kids at his party were friends from the kid's gym that Will and Jen take classes at. I think it will be great that they will going to PREschool soon so they will meet a lot of other kids and make more friends.

I have not seen here that anyone said that The Kleins should not have a pool because they are little people.


It has been expressly stated that they should not have a pool because Jen is not physically capable of lifting Will. That's because of her dwarfism. She and Bill may not be able to swim and that is due to their dwarfism and that is also cited as a reason why they should not have a pool.


Like Sundevil.  I live in Arizona  where its just understood that your backyard will be mostly a pool. Every single drowning death we've had in the last two years has been with children unattended getting into the pool. I can't recall one case where one or more parents were there at the pool but physically incapable of rescuing the child.

  • Love 1

It has been expressly stated that they should not have a pool because Jen is not physically capable of lifting Will. That's because of her dwarfism. She and Bill may not be able to swim and that is due to their dwarfism and that is also cited as a reason why they should not have a pool.


Like Sundevil.  I live in Arizona  where its just understood that your backyard will be mostly a pool. Every single drowning death we've had in the last two years has been with children unattended getting into the pool. I can't recall one case where one or more parents were there at the pool but physically incapable of rescuing the child.

In Jen's case she cannot lift Will because of her dwarfism, yes. But, what I pointed out is that anyone else whether little or average may also not be able or able to lift their child for a variety of reasons.  Taking that into consideration, thinking twice about a pool is a valid concern.

         As for Arizona Zoloft, my closest relative lives there so I had been studying real estate for many months.  There are actually more homes without pool than with.  I happened to be looking for one with a pool.

Again, I haven't seen a case of "drowned toddler" where an adult was present at the drowning but physically incapable of rescuing the child.


And yes, I was exaggerating (I've just lived here since 1995)  but I trust you as a realtor will concede that you can't tell people they can't buy a house with a pool unless they pass the swim test? And prove their ability to physically lift all of their children?


Because I assure you, I know people in wheel chairs who have kids who (gasp) can't rescue their children from the pool in their backyard. Should their children be removed from their home since its completely unsafe?

  • Love 4

They could call 911. They could scream loudly to their neighbors and their nanny. Assuming they were filming, they could scream to the camera crew. Since the pool isn't deep, Bill could probably wade in and grab Will. Drowning victioms float, even jen could stand in the pool and turn Will face up.  If they weren't filming and no one was in the house with Jen, she could run out into the street and flag down a car. This is not an isolated home or an isolated family.


Most kids who drown in pools die because no one finds them for some time. The premise here is that Jen sees Will or Zoey drowning and is physically incapable of pulling them from the pool. If the concern is that Jen can't physically lift Will from the pool.... I am open to seeing citings of cases where an adult was present at a child pool drowning where the child died because the adult wasn't physically capable of rescuing the child. I really am.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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We don't know what precautions they take!  Maybe the kids wear life vests.  Maybe they hire a lifeguard to come to their house so they can swim.  Maybe Michael Phelps comes over and swims laps with Will and/or Zoey clinging to his back like baby turtles.  We just don't know!


What if TLC had a show called "The 1000-pound couple" and each of them weighed 500 pounds and they had kids and a pool?  I surely hope that there would be pages and pages of discussion about whether they should have been so selfish/negligent as to get a pool.  Because then at least the discussion would be equally prejudiced against all kinds of physical limitations.  Oh, and by the way, children can drown in a kiddie pool just as easily as an in-ground pool, as well as in a bathtub, toilet, or bucket of water, IF they are not under adult supervision.


By the way, I think everyone agrees that Bill is the swimmer of the two, since Jen can't swim.  Maybe Bill was the one who wanted the pool and he got his way, and Jen doesn't necessarily run everything in the household.

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We don't know how well they swim.  According to them, Bill swims, so that's good, and Jen "can't swim at all", "sinks like a rock".  So I get that being a concern. 


But if you stop and think, I think she was exaggerating a bit.  If she really stepped foot into a pool and immediately sank to the bottom, then I doubt her parents would be up for the many, many swimming lessons she said she had, later in that same confessional.  It's hardly safe to send your child to the bottom of the pool over and over again, so we should assume she is not as buoyant as one needs to be to actually SWIM.  Perhaps she means she can't SWIM aka freestyle, breaststroke, propel herself from one end of a pool to another.  But she may have enough survival swimming skills to get to a kid in distress.  Also, again, perhaps she herself wears an actual Coast-Guard-certified life vest when in the pool.  And the other adult in the family swims, and there are other adults in their circle of friends and family.


My only point in all of this is:  we don't know what they do if and when they go swimming.  Period.

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Oh, and by the way, children can drown in a kiddie pool just as easily as an in-ground pool, as well as in a bathtub, toilet, or bucket of water, IF they are not under adult supervision.


Thank you. Technically Jen isn't capable of pulling Will out of an inch of water. Is he better off with the Kleins or in the orphanage? In the orphanage, most of the staff could pull him out of the inch of water that it takes to kill a child?


Don't believe me? They air the warning commercials all the time in AZ

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We don't know what precautions they take!  Maybe the kids wear life vests.  Maybe they hire a lifeguard to come to their house so they can swim.  Maybe Michael Phelps comes over and swims laps with Will and/or Zoey clinging to his back like baby turtles.  We just don't know!


LOL! I'm pretty sure this just won the internet today! Baby turtles, indeed. Awesome!


They shouldn't have a pool because a kid could drown, guess that rules out bathing them too. Jen is physically incapable of being alone with her children because god forbid one runs and she's not able to chase them, Bill's barely able to move these days with his back, this must rule him out as being physically capable too. What's next? Oh, I know, Jen shouldn't be allowed to be alone with Will when he's eating since she probably couldn't perform the heimlich on him if he choked, or on Bill for that matter. Let's add in neither should be allowed to drive their kids since if they got in a car addict, they wouldn't be able to lift the car off the kids. 


While we're listing all the things Bill and Jen, but let's face it, mostly Jen, can't do, let's just expand this to parents in wheel chairs, or with canes. They probably can't run either. Or deaf or blind parents, duh, how would they see or hear everything their kids to do ensure their perpetual safety. And parents missing an arm? They are out too, probably can't swim or lift a child. God help the kids who have parents missing both arms, those kids are doomed. I myself have MS. I could wake up tomorrow with no feeling from the neck down, my entire body numb and only able to feel and have control of my left arm, and sadly I'm right handed. Yes, this actually has happened to me, although to be fair it started with just the right half of my body like someone drew a line down the center of my body and deemed one side out of order, until I took a nap one day and woke up and couldn't feel the left side anymore except the arm. That's when I got my very own IV pole and a 3 day course of IV steroids in my living room. Good thing I don't have kids, I wouldn't have been able to save them if they ran in the street, snuck down to the apartment pool, or fell down since I literally couldn't grasp a pen, let alone pick up an injured child. Damn. How are so many kids NOT dead or maimed from all these unable parents? 

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I promised I wouldn't come back here. So it goes.


As for Jen not swimming, why is the image in my memory of her in a string bikini, climbing out of the ocean or a lake on the exterior ladder of a boat?  IIRC it was a still photo from their honeymoon in some exotic locale, or maybe on a trip to Florida.


If indeed she sinks like a stone, why would she hazard a dip in a bottomless sea of water? Was a body-of-water-bodyguard just off-camera, ready to save her from certain drowning?  I'm asking seriously!

  • Love 1

Oh!  I had a Grampa with only one arm.  I'll ask my mom how in the world did she and her 3 sisters manage to survive and if two armed Gramma did everything.  I bet Gramma was a massive martyr, spoiled princess and Grampa was totally incapable.  Of course, I'm sure there will be some really random excuse and unbelievable amounts of "behind the scenes help" he had while he was running a bus barn, driving buses (with a stick shift even! can you imagine it?), and building the house they grew up in and the house my mom & my aunt lived in while their hubbies were in Viet Nam. 


although, I don't remember anyone else riding on the big tractor with us to help or anyone else digging the giant mud hole that my cousin and I lived in one summer.  But I do remember my gramma having a shit fit over that mud hole.   Martyr dontchaknow!

So here is the link with several pics showcasing an upcoming episode that was filmed while they were in Washington.




Note the camera man in one pic being ready to step in to help Jen should Zoey go astray as Bill was looking after Will.  

To me it looks like the camera person is filming and not being able to help.  Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong picture.  Interesting view of filming for a future episode though.


The photo that comes after the sign is the one I am referring to.  I guess he could be filming behind the rail but it also looks like he might be saying something and yet Jen looks like she is pointing and trying to get Zoey to come with her away from the rail or something which is why I didn't think he had much to film but hey it will be interesting to see if the scene makes the show.  

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