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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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This thread will be your spot to discuss the Kleins in ways that don't quite fit into the episode threads.  We've taken a couple of passes at finding a way to foster this discussion and you've been patient, thank you.  The Idealized/Glamorized threads were causing some unique concerns and felt a little restrictive in nature.  I've closed those threads to new posts. We are returning to a single thread for all viewpoints.


Share your thoughts, hopes, dreams and enjoy a bit of polite discourse.  The flip side is that polite and inclusive posting is mandatory and not subject to debate.  I'll be taking stronger measures to keep this thread a place for everyone and a place that people want to be.  Please feel free to PM me or use the report button if you are unsure of anything.  


Thank you very much for your support and patience.

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It's definitely slowed down and I've been bummed by that.  You can chat about anything here: think Jen's a snazzy dresser?  Go for it.  Think they are overly entitled and starting to enjoy the fame too much?  Share.  I want this forum to be active and fun for everyone.  I'm open to ideas.

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wrestlesflamingos, on 13 Aug 2014 - 10:16 AM, said:

It's definitely slowed down and I've been bummed by that.  You can chat about anything here: think Jen's a snazzy dresser?  Go for it.  Think they are overly entitled and starting to enjoy the fame too much?  Share.  I want this forum to be active and fun for everyone.  I'm open to ideas.

I actually do think Jen dresses very well. I wonder if most of her clothes are children's clothes or if she has a lot of things custom made. Or are there clothing lines for little people?

Edited by starfire
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I think she tailors the hell out of kids clothes to get them to fit right, for the most part. Certain things like formal dresses or suits would be total custom made, but luckily for Jen, and sadly for the little girls of America, kids clothes look so mature these days she can probably find a lot of clothes fairly easily. Sure, she probably has to pay just as much as the clothes cost in the first place to get them tailored to the right proportions though. I'd imagine anything big enough in the boobs is giant in the waist for her when buying children's sizes since little kids are pretty much straight columns. 

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I think she tailors the hell out of kids clothes to get them to fit right, for the most part. Certain things like formal dresses or suits would be total custom made, but luckily for Jen, and sadly for the little girls of America, kids clothes look so mature these days she can probably find a lot of clothes fairly easily.

@Fostersmom I think little girls tend to wear "sexy" clothes way too early, but I rarely see a kindergartener in slacks and blazers. The sizes might be right but the styles would be way off. 

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@Fostersmom I think little girls tend to wear "sexy" clothes way too early, but I rarely see a kindergartener in slacks and blazers. The sizes might be right but the styles would be way off. 


I don't know. I just saw a pic of a friend's 5 year old shopping for her upcoming kindergarten year at Target. She was modeling blue skinny jeans, tucked into knee high leather boots, with a white tank top and a leather jacket. She looked adorable, but as the caption read, 5 going on 15. If that's what you can put together at Target, I'd imagine Jen could do a lot with stuff from high end children's shops or even the better department stores. I only have nephews so maybe girls clothing is different, but I saw plenty of dress pants and blazers when they were younger. We weren't buying them any, but there was no shortage of them. 

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I think it would be difficult for Jen to wear children's clothing, though, even if it were perfectly sized to her. In spite of her small stature, she is curved and shaped like any woman. Children's clothing is cut straight, with no give for a bust or hips. I can see her getting away with t-shirts, but anything with shape or structure (like work clothes or dresses) would not be found in the kid's department. I agree she often looks smart, and fashionable. There have been times, however, that I have found her look somewhat childish ( I'm thinking of some of the flowery dresses here) and I wonder if those times she did buy a child's dress, resulting in that 'little girl' look.


For what it's worth, I did not enjoy the split threads idea, and don't believe anyone really benefited by literally having to 'choose a side'. I do feel for the moderators, as this forum has been a unique challenge. I am hopeful everyone can express opinions here without malice. I enjoy intelligent argument, and this couple certainly inspires great conversation on all sides. I am looking forward to a complex, respectful discussion of the Kleins and their issues, be it fame, parenting, or Jen's love of Tiffany blue! I like and respect them, but no one is perfect, and I am happy to snark on Jen and Bill, too.


Nice to see everyone again. :)

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Nice to see everyone again. :)


Yes! It really, truly is nice to see everyone.  My hope is that more people come back and share their thoughts.  I never wanted to kill the discussion.  One poster told me it was like "a bucket of ice water" when the threads closed.  That was never my intention but I absolutely agree that closing the other threads had that effect.  I'm going to take a light touch as your Mod with the hopes of growing discussion.  Just be polite, that's all I ask.

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I've found the higher end children's clothing stores generally will have much less "mature" clothing than Target will.  They usually aim more toward the "timeless" end of apparel.  They also are more likely to go Beatrix Potter than skinny jeans and leather jackets especially with studs won't be there.  Jen probably shops in mid-range children's shops for current clothing that is stylish.  At Target one can get clothes that aren't skinny jeans with leather boots also, but the clothes are trendier. 

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It might be a good business for Jen and Bill after the show is done.  They could start a line of little people clothing.  She has a great eye for fashion and Bill has the business background.

I  think if anyone is going to jump on a possible opportunity like that (if the demand is that great) it would be Chloe who has the skills, experience and business sense in one great package.  


Yes at some point the show will come to an end...I do wonder what will make Bill and Jen decide it is time?  

Edited by jodo

I'm starting to think the other format was better....there were daily posts. Now it's like crickets in here, with only a few posts in over a week.

No, I agree with you. I had further thoughts I wanted to add to the 'deglamourized' thread and strangely feel uncomfortable adding them here.


Anyways, on topic, Jen has a great sense of style. I have my clothing tailored regularly, but I can't imagine how expensive it is for Jen. For example, I can deal with pants that are a smidge too long because I can always throw on a pair of stilettos, but that isn't realistic for Jen. Kudos to her and Chloe for cultivating an adult wardrobe that is very flattering.

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Auntl, I don't believe Jen is much interested in dressing up Bill.  She seems far too preoccupied with dressing up Zoey at present.  In fact, she was buying clothing for Zoey long before there was a Zoey, while poor Bill -- and now Will -- go around with their shirt tails hanging out...  As for her own appearance, she has never spared any expense, from what I can see.  Don't get me started on those poor dogs...

Edited by cassaundroll
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One poster told me it was like "a bucket of ice water" when the threads closed.


I think the topic threads became too divisive, and it felt akin to being told we couldn't get along well enough to play together anymore. Anyway, I am intent on enjoying this new, fresh thread! I think once we all test the water a little, the discussion will start to flow. 


Glad to see so many familiar faces starting to wander back in. I miss the show, and wish it would come back on already. 


I wonder if Zoey will be leaps and bounds ahead of Will in vocabulary when the show begins anew?

Edited by JustAlison
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The usual reasons families continue to do reality TV shows: money and fame!  Since the former isn't such a big incentive for this already financially secure family, I'd go with the latter.  Have read a couple of books on the industry -- TLC shows in particular -- this summer, and they were quite eye-opening!  It's never because it's good for the children because, well...  It's never good for the children.  I would think especially so in this case?  But "the show must go on," as one reality show mom put it.  I don't see it ending anytime soon; after all, "19 Kids and Counting" used to be "14 Kids and Counting"!

Edited by cassaundroll
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trimthatfat, on 14 Aug 2014 - 1:44 PM, said:

No, I agree with you. I had further thoughts I wanted to add to the 'deglamourized' thread and strangely feel uncomfortable adding them here.



Go ahead and add them!  It will get boring for some of us if it's all rainbows and unicorns in here, and people who disagree can skip over them or post their opinion on whatever it is. Personally I have good things to say about them, as well as more negative/snarky things to say! 

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The usual reasons families continue to do reality TV shows: money and fame!  Since the former isn't such a big incentive for this already financially secure family, I'd go with the latter.  Have read a couple of books on the industry -- TLC shows in particular -- this summer, and they were quite eye-opening!  It's never because it's good for the children because, well...  It's never good for the children.  I would think especially so in this case?  But "the show must go on," as one reality show mom put it.  I don't see it ending anytime soon; after all, "19 Kids and Counting" used to be "14 Kids and Counting"!

I would be interested in learning more about shows like this on TLC and other reality shows. Could you tell us the names of the books if you think they would give insight into The Little Couple, please? 

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Sure, and I think everyone who thinks vicariously enjoying watching someone else's children grow up on national TV is harmless fun - even for the the children themselves - should read these books.  The ones I've read are:  Jon & Kate Plus Eight:  Reality TV and the Selling of the Gosselins by Polly Kahl and Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV by Jennifer L. Pozner  I have my own theory as to why we DO enjoy such programming, but that's another post for another day! 

Edited by cassaundroll
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Sure, and I think everyone who thinks vicariously enjoying watching someone else's children grow up on national TV is harmless fun - even for the the children themselves - should read these books.  The ones I've read are:  Jon & Kate Plus Eight:  Reality TV and the Selling of the Gosselins by Polly Kahl and Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV by Jennifer L. Pozner  I have my own theory as to why we DO enjoy such programming, but that's another post for another day! 

Thanks, I've read the two Gosselin books and have now ordered the other from the library. Interesting. 

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Glad to see the books referenced - I'm going to request them from my library soon.


You know, when I was very little, I heard about the Dionne quintuplets. Please bear with me, this *is* on-topic.  They were born in 1934 with no fertility treatments, and before long the Canadian government (they were born in Ontario) had them as a tourist attraction, basically.  As their Wikipedia entry puts it,


"After four months with their family, they were made Wards of the King for the next nine years under the Dionne Quintuplets' Guardianship Act, 1935. The government and those around them began to profit by making them a significant tourist attraction in Ontario."


They were in their 20s when I was born, but I was a fangirl from the first time I saw an article about their history, probably in LIFE magazine.  I pored over the photos of them on-display as they played, and my mom clucked disapprovingly and said how sad it was the little girls had been taken from their parents and shown off like zoo animals. 


Fast-forward several decades.  I happen not to have grandchildren, which doesn't distress me nor my children very much.


But I found myself grinning indulgently as I watched Zoey and Will and I distinctly remember thinking, "Whee! This is like having grandkids I can watch and laugh with, and never have to worry about forgetting a birthday. .... This is kind of like the way I liked to read about the Dionne quints....."


Ohhh.  Ew...! Only in the cases of the Duggars, Gosselins, Klein-Arnolds and more, it's the parents, not the feds, putting the young'uns on display. 


Especially when I couldn't deny that Will's language skills had backslid rather than show progress.  I'm to the point where I want to know if the show's going on, and what viewers are saying about it -- but to watch the children who have *no* say in their fame ??? I don't feel good about that any more. 


And thus my inclination is to criticize the parents.  As was said previously, the show's morphed from "how little people make do in an average-sized world" to "how rich little people have things bought and customized to scale.  And impossibly cute babies!"


No, for me.  But please do keep posting so I can observe the phenomenon from afar!!!!

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I Googled "Little People's Clothes" and found several sites that had stylish clothes for adults. I'm pretty sure Jen uses some of these companies rather than rooting around Target's children's dept.

Her body, as someone mentioned above, is not the body of a child. She might be as short as a kindergartener, but her shape is unique. As for Bill, he seems to live in constant pain so I could see him choosing the most comfortable clothes he can find.

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I imagine that Will and Zoey have either started school or will be starting school very soon as Texas begins school in August.  I wonder if it is a private school or a public school.  I tend to think it would be private as Will needs a teacher who is very patient with his behavior and speech problems.  Sometimes in public school, the teachers must move on with the lesson plans.  Although now, there is the "Common Core" in all schools.  I just hope Will is improving and that he is also potty trained as that could pose a problem in school.

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I agree that Bill dresses for comfort. As much as he comes across as "yes Dear" to Jen, I have a feeling she doesn't get that much input on what he wears. That battle was probably fought a long time ago.


Bill -- and now Will -- go around with their shirt tails hanging out...


My theory as to why Bill and now Will look that way and have their shirts hanging out is because they are both overweight!  I think Bill at one time could tuck a shirt in but not anymore!  

Edited by jodo
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Especially when I couldn't deny that Will's language skills had backslid rather than show progress.  I'm to the point where I want to know if the show's going on, and what viewers are saying about it -- but to watch the children who have *no* say in their fame ??? I don't feel good about that any more.


I am feeling this way myself....I am feeling selfish in missing the kids on tv and reading the FB/Twitter comments all ask the same things "when is the show coming back on?; I miss the kids, you are such wonderful parents!; why isn't the show an hour long instead of HBBoo?"   Wow selfish much?  Would you want your kids filmed and displayed this way and some day the kids will read all of this and this is not on us but on the very people who are putting them in this position...yep Bill and Jen.  The network is not to blame.


I suggest we continue our comments on this forum or any forum and to take it a step further and let our concerns be known to the Paul Peterson organization called "A Minor Consideration".  The organization looks after the interests of children who have no voice.  I have already done it.       


Here is the link:     http://www.minorcon.org/index.html#contacts

Edited by jodo
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I am feeling this way myself....I am feeling selfish in missing the kids on tv and reading the FB/Twitter comments all ask the same things "when is the show coming back on?; I miss the kids, you are such wonderful parents!; why isn't the show an hour long instead of HBBoo?" Wow selfish much? Would you want your kids filmed and displayed this way and some day the kids will read all of this and this is not on us but on the very people who are putting them in this position...yep Bill and Jen. The network is not to blame.

I suggest we continue our comments on this forum or any forum and to take it a step further and let our concerns be known to the Paul Peterson organization called "A Minor Consideration". The organization looks after the interests of children who have no voice. I have already done it.

Here is the link: http://www.minorcon.org/index.html#contacts

Isn't that organization made to help protect child actors to keep the money they earn and be treated fairly? Is there some proof you have to make such deleterious comments from your couch?

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KarenReilly, on 16 Aug 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:

I imagine that Will and Zoey have either started school or will be starting school very soon as Texas begins school in August.  I wonder if it is a private school or a public school.  I tend to think it would be private as Will needs a teacher who is very patient with his behavior and speech problems.  Sometimes in public school, the teachers must move on with the lesson plans.  Although now, there is the "Common Core" in all schools.  I just hope Will is improving and that he is also potty trained as that could pose a problem in school.


I have read that Texas has rejected Common Core and that it is a violation of state law for schools in Texas to adopt Common Core curriculum. Texas uses their own standards.


Bill said that Zoey and Will would begin "school" this fall.  It seems there was a leap for some that meant regular school.  That's what I was trying to clarify that they aren't old enough for regular public school when people questioned if the Kleins would go public or private.  I guess I should have been more blatant.  :) 

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I am feeling this way myself....I am feeling selfish in missing the kids on tv and reading the FB/Twitter comments all ask the same things "when is the show coming back on?; I miss the kids, you are such wonderful parents!; why isn't the show an hour long instead of HBBoo?"   Wow selfish much?  Would you want your kids filmed and displayed this way and some day the kids will read all of this and this is not on us but on the very people who are putting them in this position...yep Bill and Jen.  The network is not to blame.


I suggest we continue our comments on this forum or any forum and to take it a step further and let our concerns be known to the Paul Peterson organization called "A Minor Consideration".  The organization looks after the interests of children who have no voice.  I have already done it.       


Here is the link:     http://www.minorcon.org/index.html#contacts

I have also written to A Minor Consideration too.  Your statement says it all. Children who have no voice.  

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How is Bill saying the kids are going to school misleading? The kids are 2 and 4. It's not like he said they would be attending college in the fall. At 2 and 4 of course it's preschool. 

Well it did seem to mislead a few of us.  And there are clarifications still being made about where they might go in Texas.  If he meant preschool then say so. 

I've thought it through. I'll just summarize everything I've been saying in this forum. Bringing cameras when they picked up the children, all the traveling on camera, showing Will's delays, the amount of time they film, the father not working, using the kids to support the family, etc. I know what I'm writing.

  Everything you mentioned is fine. I included my concerns about showing and talking about Wills bathroom problems and putting it out there everywhere including TMZ.

             I also wrote about how in Jen's own words they rejected TLC filming their wedding as it was too personal, but they have shown every little thing about the children. I still shudder about Zoey being so upset and terrified. How the high ratings are solely because of the kids and they have no say or choice, let alone do not have a paycheck.     No laws in Texas to protect them.

 I know that A Minor Consideration is will aware of how TLC does not care about the childrens welfare.   In fact, people tune in to see Will have meltdowns and how he always wants to eat. Big ratings for the show ($) and more problems for an innocent little boy with enough problems already.

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