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Skin Wars - General Discussion

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Dutch is a real asshole! I wonder if his personality will somehow get him eliminated despite what his art might otherwise do.


I wish we could see the art better. I felt like it all went by really fast, and I wonder if they are deliberately cutting the film that way for puritanical reasons. I also wonder if the models will always be female. And if they'll ever get names, or if they're meant to be invisible like canvas. I guess the latter.


I don't know how anyone comes up with and executes an idea in the amount of time they gave. I wonder if they're just re-doing previous works.


I admit I'm a sucker for this kind of art. I really think it's amazing, even though I know it's not really anything special (you could paint a sculpture or a canvas and get similar effects, but I enjoy the gimmick). Even the relatively simple-looking losing Alabama football jeans and jerseys were impressively realistic, in that I thought it was really true that the jeans looked like actual pants, not just paint. I guess I'm easy.


I can't imagine being the models, though. I guess they can't have a very long time to paint like is done with canvas, because the models can't keep the paint on overnight or for multiple days without sleeping, washing or smudging.


I couldn't believe Mystique wearing that safety mask while spraying directly into a model's face. In general I'm a fan of protecting the breathing, but wearing a mask while spraying into the unprotected face of another person strikes me as rude in a particularly shitty imperial way.

Edited by possibilities
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I'm disappointed so far. I'll watch next week to see if it improves, but this reminds me of that crap Syfy show about skin painters & I stopped watching that after a couple of episodes. I had high hopes when they were running through the contestant intros, & the one with the long red hair had all sorts of body painting into landscapes that looked great. Unfortunately, we saw nothing like that tonight. 


Mythica should have been the one to go, her work was total crap. Too bad Alan left the midriff bare, so they were able to eliminate him for not doing a full body. I guess he just didn't bring enough drama.


I’m pretty sure I’m going to be sick of boobs after just a couple of episodes. There sure is a variety there.


Did Rebecca Romijn think that since the show was about body painting, she should have 10 gallons of paint on her face?

It is too bad that the NotDenverbutAlabama guy got dinged for not really representing his home area.
In fact, the Auburn/Alabama football rivalry is incredibly intense throughout the state, and is certainly a defining cultural feature.
I thought it was clever to split the model into front and back - marriages and families can be spit in this rivalry.

  • Love 1

I fell asleep watching this last night. It's not on demand, so I have to find it live on the AT&T U-Verse app (I use my friend's login; don't judge), and that's just exhausting. Speaking of exhausting: everyone on this show. "Gear" looks and acts like a Jason Sudeikis character from Saturday Night Live. One (actually, more like three-quarters) and done.


but this reminds me of that crap Syfy show about skin painters


That was "Naked Vegas" and boy did that suck.  Way too much "manufactured" drama.  What makes this show worse is it's not even in high def.


But I can say at least "Naked Vegas" was naked.


I wish they would say something clever, like, "Please wash your model's ass, and go"


WTF?  The losers have to shower in front of the judges?

Edited by nottopbravo

Usually the overuse of chyrons annoys me, but for the first episode PLEASE feel free to keep putting the contestants' names on the screen (otherwise I start making up nicknames for them like Orange Guy Fieri).


Dutch is the cocky guy who looks like Guy Fieri. He's one of those obnoxious people who thinks that the way he does things is the only right way. When he started talking about how he's a bodypainting purist, I just rolled my eyes. But his use of color in the first challenge was really beautiful.


Nicole looks so much like Holly from The Girls Next Door aka one of Hugh Hefner's delusional ex-"girlfriends." The fact that she loves glitter is not convincing me that they're two different people. What the hell was with her purple spandex unitard?! I liked the front of her Florida paint but I hated the cartoon looking girl face on the model's back.


Mythica seems too unfocused and easily distracted. Her hippie talk ("my energy shifted and I've been trying to get back to my center") is going to drive me crazy. Her horse painting was not great.


Natalie seems so intimidated by Dutch, Gear, and Felle. I hope she is able to pull it together and concentrate on her own work instead of feeling inferior to those three.


Alan, the guy from Denver who decided to paint a football jersey, also needs to stop worrying about what other people are doing and concentrate on what he is doing. So what if Mythica is from Denver too? Why would he assume that they were going to end up painting the same thing? Was he originally planning to paint a unicorn? Notice that Shannon and the other girl from Florida weren't worried about painting the same things.  His concept drawing of the jersey and jeans was hilariously bad so I find it amazing that he paints so well but draws like a fourth grader. If this show is going to be like other competitive reality shows, he shouldn't have admitted to the judges that his concept was simple and that he wanted to do something he was familiar with. Judges on shows like this want you to say that you're challenging yourself! He did a good job with the shading and folds on the jeans though. If he had left the jeans a flat blue, they would have looked fake.


In contrast, Sean's drawing of Champ, the sea monster from Lake Champlain, was really nice. I thought it was sweet that he said he would have to get used to painting someone who isn't his wife. The front of his model looked amateurish though. Does that guy have a huge collection of shirts and vests?


Gear's constant noises could get really annoying. It's funny that Dutch looks like Guy Fieri but Gear sounds like Guy Fieri and dresses like him. I thought it was hilarious that Dutch said Gear is his main competition and then followed that up by saying that Gear is Dutch's mini me. You know, because Dutch is only threatened by someone who is just like him. I liked Gear's Vegas girl (but I hated her hair). The blue sky and clouds on her legs were beautiful.


Angela's New Orleans paint was too cartoonish for my taste. I also thought she made her model's face look unattractive. It wasn't just the green either.


Felle's Motown art was great. It was a nice way to represent Motown, the blue colors were lovely, and the model still looked pretty.


I didn't like that Ru was so enamored of Shannon's story about what she painted in the first challenge. Art should be able to stand on its own. If you need the artist to tell you a story to make you understand it or like it more, then it's not as good as it should be. I liked her flamingo and alligator Florida paint. I know Ru said that butt as cleavage was a gimmicky but it was cheeky (no pun intended) which is why I liked it.


Natalie's Texas paint was not great for me.


Ru's suit, HOLY CRAP. Were those flamingos? Sunsets? I love that he is not going to be the soft judge. When he challenged Mythica and told her not to cry, I was like DAMN, he usually saves that for halfway through Drag Race!


Between Dutch, Gear, and Mythica, I was rolling my eyes at the beginning of the episode. I was afraid all the contestants would have similarly lame self bestowed Burning Man/artiste type monikers.

  • Love 1

I fell asleep watching this last night. It's not on demand, so I have to find it live on the AT&T U-Verse app (I use my friend's login; don't judge), and that's just exhausting. Speaking of exhausting: everyone on this show. "Gear" looks and acts like a Jason Sudeikis character from Saturday Night Live. One (actually, more like three-quarters) and done.


I set this up for automatic recording on Comcast and the "scheduled recordings" listing shows that it is repeated many times on GSN.  Good news for those who missed it, but annoying for me - I set it up to record only the new episodes, but for some reason, Comcast thinks it is new every time they re-show the same episode (does that with the Chase too - must be a GSN thing), now I have to go through and delete all the extra recordings. 

I can't imagine being the models, though. I guess they can't have a very long time to paint like is done with canvas, because the models can't keep the paint on overnight or for multiple days without sleeping, washing or smudging.


I wonder if the models can use the restroom (this, among other things, would keep me from being a model)


I couldn't believe Mystique wearing that safety mask while spraying directly into a model's face. In general I'm a fan of protecting the breathing, but wearing a mask while spraying into the unprotected face of another person strikes me as rude in a particularly shitty imperial way.


I probably went easy on her because she looks like a cancer patient, but I thought maybe she has a medical reason (allergies or breathing issues) that make the spray more of a problem for her.  However, having a medical reason for the baldness or the respirator would most likely be something the show would use for "drama" so she is probably just a brainless twit.

I set this up for automatic recording on Comcast and the "scheduled recordings" listing shows that it is repeated many times on GSN.  Good news for those who missed it, but annoying for me - I set it up to record only the new episodes, but for some reason, Comcast thinks it is new every time they re-show the same episode (does that with the Chase too - must be a GSN thing), now I have to go through and delete all the extra recordings. 



Same thing for me, & boy is it annoying. Why don't any of them say repeat? I'm not even sure when the show is new again, so I don't really know which recordings to stop.

Who was the idiot who said he liked body paint because he gets to paint naked women? Gross.

Dutch is an ass, so watching him get angry about not winning was very amusing.

"Don't you dare cry."

I don't want to see contestants crying all the time, but telling someone not to cry is being rude. Shut up judge.

Alan's body paint looked great. I understand him going home, but only if the judges are consistent.

WTF? The losers have to shower in front of the judges?

I read the thread before seeing the show, so I actually thought this comment was some sort of joke, especially since I didn't see any other comments about it.

Haven't seen the episode now, yes, that is just very strange.

I agree - this was so fun to watch! Most of the painters did a really good job. I thought Mythica's actual painting was the worst of the bunch and looked the least camouflaged (although I did like that she had those flowers sticking out of her model's head), but Angela spelling the name of the product incorrectly on ALL of the green bottles was a pretty major mistake. As the guest judge said, that would render the artwork unusable for a client. Even without the misspelling, I thought her paint job was only a bit above Mythica's. Shawn bitching about the time constraints was annoying. As the judges on Project Runway tell the designers who whine about that, everyone else had the same amount of time so STFU.


Dutch and Felle both did amazing work. Their models blended into the backgrounds seamlessly. They both did the smart thing and chose something easy (not posing the model, deliberately choosing an area with brown tones) as did Gear (but I give Gear a little more credit for being more creative with posing his model). I agreed with RuPaul about Natalie's having a bit of unnatural curve/bend on the model's back, but I was so impressed with how much detail she did. Her model was almost as seamless as Dutch's and Felle's but with a much more challenging pose.


Dutch needs to be off my tv. Between his Heat Miser hair, his Guy Fieri sunglasses on the forehead, and everything that comes out of his mouth, I am so tired of him - and it's only the second episode! There's no denying his skill but he is such an ass. He obviously looks down on everyone else there and can't handle anyone beating him. He is really a sore loser. At least lhe admitted that Natalie had some skills when he saw her wine bottle model.

Felle seems to have an affinity for monochromatic work. He did blue last week. I wonder if he realizes the judges don't appreciate it, and whether that will cause him problems going forward. I think his work is great, but they keep showing the judges having issues with it.


Even with his excuses about the time limits, Shaun admitted he self-sabotages, and thus comes off as less of a whiny dick than Dutch.


I like Angela, so despite her enormous goof, I was glad she didn't go home.

My first time watching this show, and I was a little disappointed in the results. The folks on "Face Off" did much better in their camouflage challenges way back when, and their skills are more in prosthetics.


Gear is my favorite, and I went looking for him on YouTube, and he has a bunch of fantastic grafitti art and how-to airbrushing videos out there. He looks like an anime character to me.


Dutch apparently thought Guy Fieri is too low-key. What is it with portly middle-aged gentlemen that makes them think that teased, bleached hair, a goatee and sunglasses somewhere on your head but not over your eyes is the epitome of cool? Such a poseur, though he does seem to have some talent.

Took me a while to get around to watching this episode.  I thought they all did a pretty good job, considering the time constraints.


I am glad they didn't get too upset with Felle for not doing below the knees.  He has a point - they weren't in the camara's view so it made sense that they wouldn't be part of the photo.  Plus, how is he supposed to know how to paint them from the camera's perspective, if they aren't shown on the camera screen - Perhaps he was supposed to make the model climb the shelves?   Although if he would have painted her while she was on the floor, tryng to feel better, he may have only had to paint her head - the rest of her wouldn't be on camera.  I am glad that he didn't whine at judging about losing time when the model was sick - I suspect the judges were aware of it and that was part of the reason they so easily forgave the lower legs.  


He seemed very concerned for his model, more than being upset about losing the time.  One (or more) of the other painters expressed concern for Felle's model too.  And that one painter (the one that won - it'stoo early in the series for me to remember names) traded places with another one, taking the tougher location.


It's a nice group of people, except for Dutch.  I am fine with him leaving anytime. His work seems really good, if I try my best to be objective about.  Being objective is hard though, there is so much about him that is unlikeable that it influences my feelings about his work.  Your 250 lb best friend is curvy or voluptuous, or, at worst, a little on the chubby side, but the 140 lb woman your husband had an affair with is a fat b*tch. So when they show Dutch's work, my first though is "Darn! He's safe again" - I can't bring myself to consider that he might possibly win.

Is anyone watching this show?!? I dig the concept but wish I could see the detail of the artists' pieces a la Face Off. 

I am not a fan of Mythica nor Dutch... but they both did ok this episode. I agree that the girl who go voted off (Forgive me I still cant remember certain peoples names) should have, I didnt see her keeping up and I think she knew she was treading water. But hell... she's still better than me any day so kudos to her! Natalie was my fav and I now want that outfit asap... though I don't know where on earth Id wear it.


Im still peeved Alabama dude got voted off in the first epi. I liked his concept and thought he met the challenge even with his kindergarten like drawings... his jeans looked so real that my boyfriend came in and asked what they were judging on the model. As someone who spent a significant amount of time in Alabama I think he represented the state well! Oh and um.... WAR DAMN EAGLE!... ahem... I think he would have excelled on this weeks challenge plus some. 


Last week Mythica shouldve gone home. Not the sweet whiney man. Hers looked horrible... as did her previous unicorn painting. I couldve painted both... smh that is NOT a good thing!

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Dutch is such an arrogant jerk I just want to stab him in the eye. I had to laugh when Angela said she was proud for spelling the words correctly when the words were "boogie" & "disco", yeah, those words are tough! 


Does anybody else think there's something strange about Natalie's hair? Is it a wig? Extensions? It just doesn't look quite right.

  • Love 1

I didn't see the end so didn't know who went home, I went to the GSN skin wars website and they have Angela listed as eliminated, so I was surprised when I read here that she didn't go home. I went back to the site and scrolled down more and saw that Sean is also listed as eliminated------ I guess I'll have to watch the ending when I get home tonight :O(


I had to laugh when Angela said she was proud for spelling the words correctly when the words were "boogie" & "disco", yeah, those words are tough!

The last letter in "disco" looked like an afterthought. She clearly didn't plan the spacing properly, even if she was going for the "mod" style of mixed letter sizing of the 70's.

When I first saw the pilot, I thought Gear was going to be the insufferable jerk in the bunch.  I was wrong,,,he seems like a really sweet guy, after you get past his persona.  No, the title of jerk ass goes to Dutch.  I know he is very talented, but I hate the way that he thinks it is a foregone conclusion that he is going to win this show.  He is technically very proficient, but I have yet to see him do something that is truly creative or out of the ordinary.

  • Love 2

I normally hate partner/group challenges, but I liked the yin/yang challenge, mostly because there was no fighting and the finished paint jobs all looked interesting. Even though I liked Natalie and Angela's concept, I felt like the overall look was the last professional of the four. I don't know if it was all the bright colors or how large many of the elements were, but it came off as too similar to carnival face painting. I did love the reveal with the hands which was a creative surprise.


I was not surprised that the teams ended up being 1 famous/experienced person and 1 newbie. I wonder if that had anything to do with the lack of fighting because the newbies were too in awe to push back. Dutch was such an arrogant ass when he said that of course Mythica deferred to him and that he liked it. This guy can't even pretend not to be a dick. We have already seen him be a sore loser in the first two episodes but apparently he is still a dick even when he gets his way.


Gear, on the other hand, has been very gracious whether winning or losing and he has been very supportive of the other contestants (unlike Dutch who is always talking shit about everyone else).


Felle is somewhere in between Dutch and Gear. He's not quite as bad as Dutch, only because his bitching is slightly less frequent, but he can still be difficult. I felt bad that Shannon was so excited to work with him and he was so dismissive of her.


Natalie and Angela seemed to have the most collaborative partnership. Even though Natalie is more experienced and just won the last challenge, she didn't have any of Dutch or Felle's attitude while working with Angela.


I kind of liked the head to head twist of the second challenge. Here they thought they would still be teamed up only to learn that they were competing against their partners.


Natalie was the clear winner in the 70s battle. I agree with the judge who pointed out that the lines in her rainbow and suspenders weren't perfect but overall she did a great job, and for me her paint job looked much better than Angela's disco dancer. I get wanting to redeem yourself but I thought that painting the word DISCO on the model's back was really unnnecessary.


I thought Gear and Nicole's were pretty even.They both had some great elements and some issues. Gear's flapper looked like she was really wearing a flapper costume, and since this was a clothing challenge I thought that was a big pro. The necklace was done really well and the lace on the gloves looked great. I agree that the lace on the stockings was muddy though. Nicole's really benefited from using a brighter color. The jewels that she used worked well and she didn't overdo it with the bling. But the costume itself wasn't great and as the judges pointed out, she left a lot of unpainted skin. I thought the judges were much harsher than necessary on Gear's because both of them looked good to my (very unprofessional) eye.


Similarly, I thought Felle and Shannon were close but for negative reasons. Shannon's zombie was too much zombie and not enough 50s. Felle's was 50s but so boring. I didn't think his jeans were done that well (I didn't see much shading or wrinkles to make them look like real jeans - they just looked like blue legs). The varsity jacket looked weird in the front and her back was just painted a flat red. No highlights, no wrinkles/folds, and no design element (a jersey number, a last name, nothing - not even a collar).


I thought Mythica's 80s model looked great. The pink zebra print leggings, the denim jacket, and the styling with the glasses were all totally awesome (say it like a valley girl!). One of Dutch's criticisms of her leggings was that there weren't any folds but I think they already had so much going on between the color and the zebra stripes that adding wrinkles in the fabric would have been too much. I agreed with the judges that he went overboard with the wrinkles. Instead of making his outfit look more realistic, it ended up looking cartoonish. The brown belt looked really flat and fake, and I hated the overexaggerated butt cheek shadows/highlights he did on the back of the skirt. I did like the runs in her tights though.


I'm glad that Gear survived being in the bottom two. I thought his was much better than Angela's. I hate his bandanas so I was glad he wasn't wearing one this week, but I was cracking up at his look this week. Between the hair and the outfit, he looked like an anime character.


I noticed that Dutch almost always stands with his feet spread really wide apart with his arms akimbo and his hands on his waist, like he thinks he's a superhero and/or is trying to take up as much room as possible to look really big. I bet he's the kind of dick who insists on using both armrests at the movie theater.

  • Love 1

I am not a fan of Mythica but was very happy when she was picked for top looks over Dutch.  Dutch is the biggest hindrance to my enjoyment of this show.


I thought Gear's model had hairy legs.  That was a horrible paint job, but the lace on the arms was great. Did he hand paint all the arm lace or did he use a stencil? 


I wish they would show us more of the actual process. 

Funnily enough, this week, I liked most models... except for the winning one. I don't know, it didn't felt particularly well executed or realistic, paint-wise, but I'm guessing it's the same problem Face-Off sometimes has : the finished product looks better IRL than on tv. Still, I would've given the win to Mythica.


Aside from that, I'm glad Gear stayed (can't say I like his look, but his work is usually solid) but I wished Shannon had went, instead of Angela. Also, I can't wait for Dutch's elimination. It has to happen, I don't think I could stand seeing this annoying prick win.

Edited by Kaoteek

I liked Angela, but her insecurity did her in. She painted those words to redeem herself for the "sqeeze" fiasco, but even if she spelled them correctly, they were the weakest part of her work. From her interviews, it sounds like she's been belittled a lot and that she is very isolated as an artist, and she still feels like she has to prove something. It's sad, because she seems like a very nice person and she does have talent. Hopefully, since she's only 22, she'll gain confidence as she gains experience.


Mythica often annoys me, but I loved her winning over Dutch. I thought she was much less annoying this week even besides that; she was irritated by Dutch dismissing her, and she was able to balance humility with ambition. Good for her. Not looking forward to her meltdown per the promos, though. I hope she's the next to go, just because I want the show to focus more on the painting and less on the emotional drama. Dutch should go next, for the same reason.


Shannon messed up with her non-50s looking design, but I liked that she totally took responsibility for it, and didn't blame anyone. She knew she'd blown it, and made no excuses.

Edited by possibilities

I am so glad Mythica is gone, she was just bugging the hell out of me. Also, she thought she was a better artist than she was. I really liked Felle's superhero, & I'm glad it won. I also liked Dutch's, but I still don't like Dutch.


When is this network going to start sending correct descriptions of each episode to the cable company so that my DVR doesn't record every damn episode? I can't tell which is the new episode, & which is a repeat because they all say the same thing & none of them are labeled new or repeat. It's really annoying.

  • Love 2

I am so glad Mythica is gone, she was just bugging the hell out of me. Also, she thought she was a better artist than she was. I really liked Felle's superhero, & I'm glad it won. I also liked Dutch's, but I still don't like Dutch.


When is this network going to start sending correct descriptions of each episode to the cable company so that my DVR doesn't record every damn episode? I can't tell which is the new episode, & which is a repeat because they all say the same thing & none of them are labeled new or repeat. It's really annoying.


Me, too, on everything. The DVR is not happy with this show. But at least Mythica is gone. And I was happy that Dutch did not win. 

I don't care for Dutch, but I thought his was the best.  I liked him a little better when he was talking about his wife.  I liked Felle's but it lacked color - I agree with the judges on his monochronism. It seemed like he won because his concept was more satisfying from an emotional standpoint than Dutch's, even though Dutch's was better (IMO).  I'm glad Mythica is gone, too.  I got the sense she is an emotional vampire, playing the "I'm worse off than you so you have to feel sorry for me and cut me some slack" card.  You could tell the other artists were tired of it, too. But her timetable is a smart idea in a competition like this.

  • Love 1

There's no doubt that Dutch is talented, it shows in everything he does, but as long as his ego reigns supreme I am happy to see him lose the competitions.


Shannon is oozing talent,  but the girl needs to pull her ideas together, because to this viewer her ideas are messy not her actual work, she just needs to take a deep breath and focus on one idea and stick with it.   The only thing I'm left remembering from the last challenge were the models flower contacts.


Mythica's work came across sloppy to me and the last episode when the judges said they liked her work, I was WTF? it appeared messy and lazy and I believe she let her nerves get to her even before Shannon made her decision. 


But truly when she went in for the pity vote , that's when I'd had enough of her.  The show is about talent, and maybe you need to hone the skills you have and come back and try again (looking at Top Chef; AGT) if Skin Wars gets another season (which I'm hoping it does)


Now  onto our host,  Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca quit trying to be Padma Lakshmi(Top Chef) you are trying way to be hard to be taken seriously. lol.

Edited by Mckinnonsgirl

When is this network going to start sending correct descriptions of each episode to the cable company so that my DVR doesn't record every damn episode? I can't tell which is the new episode, & which is a repeat because they all say the same thing & none of them are labeled new or repeat. It's really annoying.


I also record The Chase - also GSN - and my DVR records every episode.  It is set up to record only new episodes of both shows, but, even though only one of the episodes is labeled "new" the DVR records all of them.  I think it is because GSN doesn't give an episode number or a real description.  It is more annoying than Mythica and Dutch put together.  Well, maybe not that annoying, but close.   

  • Love 2

I'm sure Mythica is a really nice person IRL, but on screen, her meditation-hippie-chakra-spiritual-awakening-new-age persona grated the hell out of me. And not only that, but her work wasn't up to par. So farewell Mythica, I won't miss you.


On the other hand, the more the show goes on, the more I like Natalie (not the greatest talent on the show, but she's enthusiastic & likeable) & Gear (the embodiment of "don't judge a book by its douchy cover").

Edited by Kaoteek
  • Love 1

I hate when they try to create drama by forcing teams and then trying to get them to turn on each other. I signed on to see body painting, not melodrama.


That said, I was glad Natalie didn't go home, and I was surprised that Shannon was so honest about how her work had failed. It's more enjoyable for me to watch adults, acting like adults, and to see friendships in action, than to see adults acting like children, and forming animosities.

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