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Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills - General Discussion

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36 minutes ago, gunderda said:

So Bianca told Dorothy that Morgan called her a Twinkie?  Can someone clue me in as to what that means? 

Twinkie is a racial slur.  Yellow (Asian) on the outside, but white on the inside.  Similar to calling a black person "Oreo".

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2 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Twinkie is a racial slur.  Yellow (Asian) on the outside, but white on the inside.  Similar to calling a black person "Oreo".

ahhh thank you!  I figured it had to be racial somehow but couldn't quite figure it out. 

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I think they're bleeping the word "ch*nk" before twinkie, which makes the racial slur so much worse. Dorothy is a more forgiving woman than I am to even consider having anything to do with Morgan after finding this out. Which doesn't at all mean that Bianca should have a place in her life, or on this show either. Jettison them both.

Morgan's defense of humor doesn't work. If she knew better than to say those things to Dorothy, then she knew better than to say them. And who doesn't know those are slurs by now?

That this is all happening at the time of Morgan's shower and with Bianca's involvement is for the show, but if she really said that about Dorothy I think Dorothy needs to move on. I'd want to know who she said this to or in front of, what their reaction was, and why they didn't say anything to Dorothy earlier. I wonder if they're setting it up for Dorothy to follow EJ to NY for his spin off? I usually like their scenes together.

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Morgan's defense of humor doesn't work. If she knew better than to say those things to Dorothy, then she knew better than to say them. And who doesn't know those are slurs by now?

That this is all happening at the time of Morgan's shower and with Bianca's involvement is for the show, but if she really said that about Dorothy I think Dorothy needs to move on. I'd want to know who she said this to or in front of, what their reaction was, and why they didn't say anything to Dorothy earlier. I wonder if they're setting it up for Dorothy to follow EJ to NY for his spin off? I usually like their scenes together.

Morgan knew exactly what she was saying. I've never been a fan of people who say nasty shit, but then follow it up with "oh, it's my sense of humor." Whatever, bitch. It's one thing for the group dynamic to be that they make fun of each other, but as EJ said, where does the line get drawn? You'd think it'd be drawn at racial slurs. If I were EJ, I'd be extra cautious and keep my good eye on Morgan. Because as a minority himself, who knows what kind of shit she said about him, too. Morgan is a habitual line stepper.

I don't know if Dorothy and Morgan will ever be as close as they once were. I couldn't be friends with her again. Once you start with the slurs, it's over. Especially coming from someone who's supposed to be a friend. I don't know if Morgan is racist, but she's too comfortable saying racially suspect things. She doesn't stop and think about what she's saying because she considers herself an equal opportunity offender. This season has done her no favors.

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I think they are bleeping "fucking."  Sounds like an "ing" at the end. I actually didn't know what a "twinkie" was and had to google it. (I thought it was making fun of Dorothy's weight gain or something.) I can actually see how - if it is the kind of thing that Dorothy would joke about - Morgan might mistakenly think it was ok and not that bad. But this is one of those things what you err waaaaaay on the side of caution on. Not good, Morgan. Not good.

Still hate Bianca though. 

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Hell, even Brendan told Morgan that she gets out of line with her comments. Her own husband. I like Brendan, but I'm not sure what this says about him that he married her.

Edited by Surrealist
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I kept thinking Morgan was saying "chinkie twinkie". 

Anyway, Morgan didn't show one bit of remorse about what she said. Sure she said she was sorry a couple of time but it wasn't genuine. Dorothy had tears in her eyes and Morgan was stone cold. What a total bitch. Then she barges in on Dorothy and Bianca at dinner and starts screaming at Bianca.  Now, I don't like shit stirrer extraordinaire Bianca but Morgan is the one that said it, she hurt her good friend, so if I was her I think I would lay low for a while instead of blaming Bianca for opening her big pie hole. Good Luck with your wife,  Brendan. 

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I think it was chinky too. I'd like to know when she said this. Not that there's ANY excuse, but if it was years ago, she was much younger... Still, not excusing it!!!!!!!!

bianca can drop dead.

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Poor fugly Brendan.  Morgan is a right bitch.  Good luck with this never can be wrong motormouth.    Dorothy should dump her and the shit stirrer and get new friends.  

If they were truly rich,  they wouldn't be staying In a mid price hotel on Collins.    South beach is so played out its elastic is shot.   It hasn't attracted jet setters/moderately wealthy people since the early 2000s.   Just a bunch of wannabes.  


EJ is getting a show?   Ugh, he is so vapid and boring.   They all are.   As am I,. For watching this useless shit.  

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I really like Dorothy's conversation with her mom. Even though she comes across ditzy, she can be self-aware as well. I like that she acknowledged Morgan's personality but didn't excuse that as a reason to brush off something that she clearly found offensive. Yes, friends can make jokes in poor taste but it's hard to pass something off as being an off the cuff joke when you were mindful enough not to say it to the person's face or ever tell them that you said it. That said, Morgan said that it was said years ago, and while that doesn't excuse her but if it's something that happened years ago and hasn't been repeated, it's easier to move past it, particularly taking into account the motor mouth of the person that's saying the mean things. 

While Dorothy has every right to be mad at Morgan and decide whether she wants to move forward with that friendship or not, she's allowing her hurt feelings over the matter to distract from her issue with Bianca. Bianca is playing her like a fiddle. Bianca expertly shifted away from taking any responsibility for her behaviour at Dorothy's birthday by quickly denying her attitude and then shifting the conversation to something that Morgan seemingly said years ago. Dorothy no longer was interested in addressing her issue with Bianca but instead their friendship became better simply by uniting against Morgan's nasty words. Dorothy will once again be hurt when she sees what Bianca said about her. 

I'm not sure if it was just because of the edit but Dorothy presented Bianca's incoming visit as though it was Bianca's decision to come but Dorothy definitely set the tone of an invite when she was face timing with Bianca. That said, there's absolutely nothing I like about Bianca. Nothing. Bianca's reaction to Dorothy's decision says it all. She wants to put a rift between Dorothy and Morgan and she's going to ride the wave of this one comment in hopes to accomplish that goal. She went there to 'support' Dorothy yet she made it about herself. 

Edited by RHJunkie
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On the show it implied that it was a racial slur. I watched it yesterday so I could be mistaken. Like the posters mentioned above, I think it was chinkie twinkie. Urban dictionary has twinkie defined as "An asian person who is either adopted or living in a white community. Hence, yellow on the outside and white on the inside." I can definitely see Morgan saying both about Dorothy and thinking its acceptable. It's never okay to use racial slurs and it's gross that Morgan would try to blame it on her sense of humor. If that's your humor, I don't want to be around you. She's old enough to know better. It also says something that she never said it to her face, because she knows it's wrong. That kind of person is toxic and if they're comfortable saying that stuff once, they'll do it again. Her apology did not sound sincere, and it's seems like she's more sorry that she got caught. I personally, would never be able to be friends with someone if they insulted me using a racial slur. It's one thing to pick on each other and joke around, but racial slurs are definitely where the line is drawn. EJ should ask himself how he'd feel if Morgan casually used the N-word to describe him.

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All of the people on this show are all kinds of awful actually. Except for Dorothy maybe. But the rest of them? Yeah, hard pass if I knew them IRL. Also the title of this show is stupid. These people aren't kids at all, but I guess rich adults wasn't as fun. 

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18 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

If they were truly rich,  they wouldn't be staying In a mid price hotel on Collins.    South beach is so played out its elastic is shot.   It hasn't attracted jet setters/moderately wealthy people since the early 2000s.   Just a bunch of wannabes.  


EJ is getting a show?   Ugh, he is so vapid and boring.   They all are.   As am I,. For watching this useless shit.  

Where were they staying in Miami? 

I am definitely not watching EJ's show.  I have seen terrible "articles" (fluff pieces) written about it and I have seen a few trailers.  They are pushing this show hard.  And it looks AWFUL.  Why is his sister going to be on it?  She's gross.  I'm sorry, but she is icky to me. 

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They showed the name "Dream" so either they went there for clubbing/eating, or stayed there. Yes it is on Collins (not water-front, but also not as noisy).I lived in So Beach in my 20s, early to mid 90s; it was *just* becoming a destination & also Andrew happened. Some of the best places to eat were on Lincoln Rd & you could still see some REAL weirdos, but I weep to see Lincoln Rd now. Gross. Is SoBe really played out? Seems to still get lots of love. But I haven't been there in a lonnnnng time. Bc I am old :)

Edited by DrSparkles
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I honestly did not now how horrible the word twinkie was until I looked it up after the show.  I had not heard this terribly racist remark since the 80s and it was in reference to gay men.  Wow! Just wow.  Once I saw how distraught everyone was at the uncovering of the comment I new it had to be really bad.

I think Dorothy is right.  Where do you go from there?

I really dislike anyone who speaks like that about any group of people and I personally would break the friendship off right then and there.  I don't get angry and yell I just say that is not something like I will not put up with and that it does change my feelings of the person who speaks/thinks like that.  It is like the whole friendship is a lie.

Edited by jumper sage
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7 hours ago, DrSparkles said:

They showed the name "Dream" so either they went there for clubbing/eating, or stayed there. Yes it is on Collins (not water-front, but also not as noisy).I lived in So Beach in my 20s, early to mid 90s; it was *just* becoming a destination & also Andrew happened. Some of the best places to eat were on Lincoln Rd & you could still see some REAL weirdos, but I weep to see Lincoln Rd now. Gross. Is SoBe really played out? Seems to still get lots of love. But I haven't been there in a lonnnnng time. Bc I am old :)

Yeah, sobe is played pretty much out.  By the time I had moved there in 1996,. It was pretty much over.   Just another tourist destination with bad parking. 

Dream is on 11th and Collins.   It's pretty loud there.  Rich people stay in luxury condos in mid and north beach. I guess you could get a luxury rental in Southpointe too, but anything from 5th to 11th on Collins has never been considered luxury.    Crime isn't as bad as the 90's,. But staggering around on sobe is still a good way to get mugged.   But I guess the cameras are a diversion to crime.

Did you go to Liquid in the day?   I used to Duff there,  and saw many celebrities, most  of whom were very short  

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@Mu Shu Liquid? No. Cameo Theater for disco interno, Warsaw, annnnnd my brain froze. Club Deuce for everything :)  Got my tats at Lou's. I moved in Jan of 1994 :(  I worked at the "Stars & Stripes café" for a while (yes.) at the Betsy Ross Hotel (now just the Betsy). The owner was a Cuban coke fiend, and we had lots of visits from Mickey Rourke & his gf at the time, the one he always slapped around. I don't remember seeing lots of celebs then, it was more models & model-stalkers.

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In the Season 4 finale, Morgan and Brendan get into a fight as the threat of rain hangs over their wedding day.  Wondering if she's ready for married life, the bride-to-be travels to NYC with EJ just days before the big event.  Meanwhile, Dorothy and Bianca's relationship troubles come to a head at Jonny's birthday.

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People are flawed and say stupid shit all the time.  I look back on some of the things I said in my teens and 20s and are horrified. Without knowing the context of when or how how she said it makes it difficult to determine the intent.  I did appreciate that she owned up to it and seemed bothered by Dorothy's pain at hearing it.  Dorothy has to decide whether she keeps her friendship with Morgan.  For me, the comments she made in the talking head regarding Dorothy's weight were worse, in that they were purposely meant to be hurtful.   

That said, Bianca's motives for revealing that nugget should certainly be called into question.  She called Dorothy jealous and delusional to her face, stormed out of Dorothy's birthday party, yet she's purportedly is the one who has her back?  Thankfully, her mask slipped a lot after the Morgan confrontation and I think Dorothy saw her true colors pretty clearly.

Another one in the won't watch EJ camp.  I find him annoyingly overdramatic in a way that's not entertaining.

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Hello?  Anyone in here?

Ok, I'll start.  Lovely wedding, liked her dress.

But then they lie to me and say it was a 2 hour series ending.  It took me a bit to figure out the second hour was the EJ show.  I like EJ, I do.  I think he is a nice person and is going through things now and will come out the other side.  Not.watching.his.show.

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I thought the wedding was beautiful. I really loved Morgan's dress.

That said - even though I'm sure Morgan is sorry for what she said - it doesn't come across that she fully understands how hurtful her comment was. I really wish the racial component was addressed full on so Morgan could have a better understanding of WHY it was hurtful to Dorothy. 

I see why Dorothy got into that argument with Bianca- she had it coming. She is too fixated on Brendan/Morgan. Her friendship with Dorothy has nothing to do with them.

And I watched EJ in the City...I thought it would be terrible...but dare I say, it might better than Rich Kids. 

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Loved Morgan's wedding dress. Their vows were cute. While Morgan seems like such a handful, Brendan seems like a good match for her. He seems to balance her crazy where he knows when to listen and he knows when to snap back which puts into perspective her attitude.

I do think that Morgan is sorry for what she said about Dorothy. I suspect that this may mean Morgan will be more careful when it comes to Dorothy but I'm not sure she truly gets the bigger picture.She can still have her snarky remarks without taking it to that level.

I loved that Dorothy confronted Bianca but I felt that the therapist was useless (and they could have gotten someone other than the Bad Girls Club coach) because Dorothy already knew that Morgan was wrong for what she said but it was still her decision whether to move forward with a friendship and she knew that Bianca wasn't coming from a good place. Bianca also can't keep her story straight. First she said her brother hasn't spoken to her in a year. Then she said it was time to forgive Brendan because she hasn't spoken to her brother in years. In one case, it sounds like her brother is alienating her, the other suggests that she is alienating him. She also is giving a different timeline. I'm guessing it's more of her brother not talking to her - he didn't seem to care at all about the subject of Bianca when talking to Dorothy.

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Nice wedding, although nothing out of the ordinary. Which I like. It was sort of low key, not over the top crazy and classless. I also loved Morgan's dress. Nice to see she chose not to have one of those strapless dresses with her boobs hanging out which seems to be so popular. Her hair looked great, too. It was weird that she had that nice updo and then later on during the reception and a bunch of drinks later it was hanging down and all stringy. 

I'm not understanding EJ's fashion style. He tries too hard to be so put together and edgy. 

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I was kinda amazed the way Dorothy seems like such a more down to earth - not fake- person without her makeup on. This seems weird to say but I really liked all her scenes without makeup and then when she puts it on its like she talks different and acts different. Really think she is nice without it - seems much more grounded. 

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I loved her dress. Aside from that I'm mad that the show tried to make me watch EJs new show. No, thanks. Also I'm very surprised that our old cast member Roxy never made an appearance this season. I know she had a falling out with this group but still.. Surprised. 

This show is kind of boring. It will sadly be never be Vanderpump rules

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