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S03.E03: Black Hole Sun

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Exposition, blue rocks, exposition, blue rocks, exposition. This episode was terrible.  At least Kyle continues to be awesome.

I actually kinda wish that Michael would die for awhile (at least long enough to make him less of a jerk). And that we could move on from Max and his various ailments.

Liz learned Max's heart was failing OFF SCREEN?  MAX AND LIZ ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TWU WUV!
(note, I do not think the pair are good together but apparently it's canon).

Seriously show runner or writers room or whoever is in charge, Trim you cast and DO BETTER.


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Max gets mad that Iz/Michael visited Jones on their own, Max then goes to see him alone. Usual, hypocrite, Max. I am so sick of his life being in danger.

Love love love Kyle. He is so good at calling out other peoples shit. Bless Isobel for telling him to take care of himself. Are those 2 going to hook up?

Damn, Alex looked good in a leather jacket and beanie. Nice to see him and Gregory together. 

Also thank you Alex, for voicing what I have said to myself that no way would he cover up Michael's death if he died. Why didn't anyone else think of that? like really. 

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 8
15 hours ago, backhometome said:

Love love love Kyle. He is so good at calling out other peoples shit. Bless Isobel for telling him to take care of himself. Are those 2 going to hook up?

So much this.  I already loved Kyle.  But it turns out dragging Liz for her shitty choices and refusal to accept how egregiously she trampled on other people's rights and feelings is an actual turn on for me.  Who knew?  Kudos to Rosa for echoing the own your shit theme of tonight.

And yes to Iz telling Kyle he should take care of himself.  100% here for Kizzy.

Runner up for Calling People On Their Shit was Alex for telling Michael his self loathing is its own form of ego and personal exceptionalism.  Would have had more impact if it hadn't been said 100 times by nearly everyone Michael knows including Alex.  But it was nice that Alex left without looking wounded or sad.  I'm not saying he's done with Michael. But he's done enabling his shit. 

Still enjoying Maria and Libbity Bibbity as well as Alex championing it.  I wish I believed they'd get more than 10 seconds of screen time per show.

15 hours ago, backhometome said:

Max gets mad that Iz/Michael visited Jones on their own, Max then goes to see him alone.

 Right? 32 minutes of the show spent with Max saying Jones is dangerous and a threat. And then in the last 4 minutes, a barely functional Max skips out there alone... almost certainly without telling anyone. Dumbass. I'm sort of looking forward to (what I assume will be) Jones playing Max.  Nathan has done an excellent job differentiating Jones and Max.  I'm optimistic about this layering personas possibility.  I will be impressed if he does it.  I won't hope for Tatiana Maslany level character inception. But, still, hopeful. 

15 hours ago, Katesgr811 said:

Mr Jones is hotter than Max. I said what I said.

Witness. 🙌

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 7

Liz got some home truths this ep and I 👍. It's about time Kyle and Rosa get her to see what she did was wrong. Sure like she said she was tryin to save the world but not the way she went about it using Max's DNA without his knowledge. If she had succeeded and got famous with her medical treatments she would have put Max,Michael and Isobel in serious danger, even Rosa. I'm not absolving Max because burning down her lab was extreme too even if he was in the right in a way. I was just tired of her victim act and her not accepting responsibility in her actions. Like Rosa said: Max is responsible for his actions just like Liz is responsible for hers. So for that I applaud Kyle and Rosa. I wanted to slap Max though, Liz is for once the mature one apologies for her actions basically tells him she still loves him & is sorry. An what does he do? Tell her the truth about his health or Jones??? Nope! He does what he does best: he lies an runs! UGH. I hope like Kyle and Rosa did with Liz someone tells Max some home truths.

I'm liking that Maria is getting a sl but it seems like it will resolve into a sl with a man soon enough. Though I admit I kinda like her and Greg.  As to if the actor will stay? since he's also on the Bold and the Beautiful in a big story I dunno. Don't know if he can do both tbh. Though I think S3 is already filmed so he'll be in this season at least. I also love Greg's relationship with Alex. He's what Alex needs right now, he's giving him all the confidence, security and love Alex needs to heal from the pain their psycho dad caused him. 

Speaking of Alex: that scene with him and Michael was 😍. Alex confirmed my theory that the dead person isn't Michael with this:

"It's not you."

"How do you know?"

"Because if it were you, I wouldn't cover it up. I would burn the whole world down."

Yep thought so. Alex was way to calm in Maria's vision for it to be Guerin. But I can rest better now LOL.

Jones seems to be about to take over Max's place which kinda makes me think even more that it's him in the coffin. And again by Alex's behavior the person who is dead is a villain. As to how the pod squad handles the fall out is left to be seen. They'll probably say its Max's twin or something which they'll have to now, people will notice "Max" is different. 

The whole Michael thing I'm confused something tells me he's the real savior and Jones is manipulating everyone,, he just gives the whole: playing you vibe. Esp, with him locking Max up and taking over. Jones is def an untrustworthy narrator. He'll probably be the Dictator or related to him somehow. 

Another episode without a promo, sigh. WHY? This season is starting out very well and it needs more acknowledgement from the network. 


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As usual, Kyle is the MVP of the episode.  Loved him calling Liz out on her shit and Rosa for seconding it.  I’m kind of over Max and Liz, either together or apart.  I see Jones pretending to be Max and being better at it.  How long will it take Isobell and Michael to realize he is really Jones?  
I think that thing that Alex is studying for Deep Sky is a homing device for their planet.  Something to help the “Dictator” find them.  

  • Love 5

Kyle, Kyle. Kyle, my love. FINALLY, someone called Liz out on her crap. Finally, someone pointed out to her that she has no right to take Max's DNA without his consent (and I swear, she appeared to be asking Kyle to STEAL Max's DNA at one point, or get it under false pretenses, which W.T.F.). And I think this is the first episode Carina didn't have much to do with, which gives me hope. I'm going to laugh if she jumps right back into it with her lab puppy after trying to get back with her boyfriend, though.

Max, FTLOG. It's his own fault he's in that cage right now. Okay, they've all gone in there alone, but he can barely stand! Although it's going to be pretty weaksauce if Isobel doesn't quickly figure out that's not Max after all her supposed newfound empathic abilities. 

I continue to think Maria and Greg are cute. 

Wendall from Bones! ...playing an evil racist! All I can say is, if this is supposed to make Wyatt look better, hard pass, I can hate more than one racist at a time.

Edit: I said this in another thread, but it's actually not a spoiler because I'm not basing it off anything else I know - WHY didn't anyone consider the funeral victim is Sanders himself? That was such a dumb scene, lol. Michael: "Hmm, this is Sanders' favorite song - I GOT IT THE MURDER VICTIM IS ME." Wut. Although if it is, I'm blanking on why Max looks so upset. Unless that's Jones and he's seriously overestimated Max's attachment to Sanders, but if he just assumes Max responds to every situation at Emotional Defcon 1, that's...not an unfair assumption.

Is Max SO convinced Jones wants to harm Liz based on something he's feeling from him? Max seems utterly sure that Jones is a serious threat to Liz. Now, if Jones HAS decided Liz is a serious threat based on him gleaning from Max that she runs experiments on alien DNA without permission and wants to take them global...welp. You know what Rosa just told you about personal responsibility, Liz.

I'm pretty sure Jones trying to convince Max he can never be happy here and they must...go off together in some blaze of glory is a manipulation. Of course Max has felt isolated on this planet, but he is powerfully connected especially to Liz and Isobel, as well as Michael. And honestly, he seemed like a relatively happy kid before Rosa died. Max expressed to Liz feeling isolated after finding out he wasn't biologically related to Isobel (which I think was in the previouslies of this episode) - I think Jones picked up on that and is using it to manipulate Max. They are clearly connected to each other - they're clones. But I don't think it's as deep as Jones is claiming.

Edited by Cristofle
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, jqdeco said:

 I see Jones pretending to be Max and being better at it.  How long will it take Isobell and Michael to realize he is really Jones?  

It can't really be THAT long. If nobody goes back to check on "Jones" at all next episode, then that'll be a dumb plot device to get Jones to trick the main characters by being Max. I can't see Jones getting away with pretending to be Max for long, especially when Isobel is learning how to use her empath powers. She should most definitely figure out that Jones is Max within minutes of interacting with him. And with Jones not even bothering to switch Max's outfit for his, I don't think Jones will actually pretend to be Max. He has other plans, clearly, that doesn't involve 70% of his time pretending to be Max. 

I do actually really like Jones, even though I 100% realize that he's up to something. But it's complicated, since he may have nefarious plans with the three, BUT he's also helping them. Yes, most likely to his benefit, but also for theirs.

See, show? When you actually use Kyle, he becomes the best character on this show! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him call people out on their bullshit. He was so underutilized last season that I was afraid they'd just make him the easy kill. But with him getting more to do, I'm thoroughly excited to see what happens with him next.

Glad that Liz got called out by everyone this episode. It was nice to see her acknowledge what she did was totally wrong. Hopefully she gets a better storyline this season.

Isobel being an empath isn't surprising and I look forward to seeing her power growth.

Maria/Greg are definitely cute. I'm digging them thoroughly.

Ah, so Wyatt Long's redemption will come through the form of a possible even bigger racist, who is also the Mayor's son? Hi, Wendall! Oh sorry, you have another name (Jordan?) here. Yeah, no, I'm good with hating both of these men, thank you. Although I forgot for a split second who Wyatt was so I was wondering who the guy standing up to Racist Son was.

I'm glad Alex also called Michael out on his self loathing crap. Even though Alex is super separated from the cast right now, I'm glad he's getting more to do than pining over Michael for yet another season. I just wish another main character would be part of that story (although, with Kyle ALSO getting a calling card, maybe that's coming?).


  • Love 3

I don't mind Jones being Max long enough to mess with a few people (I imagine Liz is a big target, although she DID just go back to CA for the moment, it seems). As long as he doesn't have sex with her. He can have sex with anyone who is not emotionally attached to Max, but I hate plot points where someone sleeps with someone they believe is the one they love and it turns out to be a clone/twin/whatever. I don't think that's a fun plot, it seems more like a pretty serious emotional and sexual violation.  But realistically, unless Jones goes back and makes Max look like himself, this will not take long - Isobel and Michael keep going back for more, lol. And Isobel should know very quickly. 

  • Love 5
On 8/10/2021 at 6:32 AM, Cristofle said:


Edit: I said this in another thread, but it's actually not a spoiler because I'm not basing it off anything else I know - WHY didn't anyone consider the funeral victim is Sanders himself? That was such a dumb scene, lol. Michael: "Hmm, this is Sanders' favorite song - I GOT IT THE MURDER VICTIM IS ME." Wut.

I agree COMPLETELY. I get how Michael is self- involved enough to assume everything is about him (thanks for calling that out, Alex!), but one of the others should’ve mentioned it. Come on now. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, legxleg said:

I agree COMPLETELY. I get how Michael is self- involved enough to assume everything is about him (thanks for calling that out, Alex!), but one of the others should’ve mentioned it. Come on now. 

I'm guessing it goes without saying among Michael's friends that he's a drama queen.

But, mainly, just in case I'm not the only one here who thought: "Which one is Sanders??"
--thanks to Google: https://roswell.fandom.com/wiki/Walt_Sanders
--which indicates Sanders would be 83 in 2021, although my Google-foo doesn't readily retrieve the actor's age -- but I would guess maybe 73 --unless he's an extraterrestrial.



Walt Sanders is a recurring character in The CW 2019 television series Roswell, New Mexico. He owns Sanders' Auto and as a boy worked with Roy Bronson on the Long farm. Walt Sanders is portrayed by Nicholas Ballas as an older man, and by Major Dodge Jr. as a boy.

Sanders wears a patch over his right eye, which was injured when the air force attacked the barn in 1948.

As a child, Walt ran away from home. He tried to get some work at the Atomic Malt Shoppe and was turned away. Roy Bronson offered to let him help at the Long Farm, and he took the boy in.

Following the 1947 UFO Crash, Nora Truman and Louise arrived at Roy Bronson's door looking for help, and the air force closely followed. Walt helped Roy cover up for the hiding the two women. The next morning, after Nora and Louise made the crops grow, Walt told Roy that it was their way of thanking him for his help, and he suggested that the two women be allowed to stay. Some time later, he gives Louise a metal windmill he made.

In October 1948, he noticed that Nora was sad about something. She told him that she missed her "dancing partner", referring to her son Michael Guerin. Walt also encouraged Nora to go to the fair.

Two nights later, Walt hid when the air force arrived. He got out of the barn after it was lit on fire and before it exploded, but his eye was damaged. He was able to get away from the air force killing civilians to keep it covered up.

Walt left Roswell, but he came back to follow a map Nora left him that led to the pods where Michael, Max, and Isobel were hidden. He continued to check on them periodically, until one day they were gone. He followed their story in the papers, and he even went to the group home to see them. But he wasn't able to adopt them since he was not an ideal foster parent.

Sanders let Michael crash on his couch as a kid, and taught him about cars and how to cook. He later gave Michael a job at his auto shop.

After Foster Homestead Ranch is shut down, Michael asks Sanders for his old job back at Sanders' Auto, and Sanders gives it to him.

After Isobel Evans-Bracken shares a vision with Maria DeLuca, she tells Michael about it, giving him the detail that a little boy gave her mother a metal windmill. Michael pulls a metal windmill from the clutter at the shop and she confirms it's the same one from her vision. When Sanders returns, Michael goes to confront him.[1]


  • Useful 3
6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

But, mainly, just in case I'm not the only one here who thought: "Which one is Sanders??"

--thanks to Google: https://roswell.fandom.com/wiki/Walt_Sanders
--which indicates Sanders would be 83 in 2021, although my Google-foo doesn't readily retrieve the actor's age -- but I would guess maybe 73 --unless he's an extraterrestrial.

Thank you.  I did eventually remember who he was generally (or at least I was pretty sure this was who they meant but was too lazy to confirm).  But damned if I could get more than a vague sense that he was grizzled and surly and kinda remembered about the flash back stuff. 

I'm fairly sure he's human since he was already born when the Pod Squad and their ship full of extraterrestrials crashed into the NM desert. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, legxleg said:

I agree COMPLETELY. I get how Michael is self- involved enough to assume everything is about him (thanks for calling that out, Alex!), but one of the others should’ve mentioned it. Come on now. 

I did appreciate Alex having exactly none of Michael's pity party (also, shout-out to Max's eyeroll when Michael whined that he was the tyrant and Max was the savior. Michael has harped on that so many times that at this point Max probably thinks if he dies quickly, at least he'll never hear that again). But no one (except Alex) arguing with his extremely tenuous declaration that the funeral must be his was SO WEIRD. Their evidence to support such a claim is so, so bad. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, RachelKM said:

I'm fairly sure he's human since he was already born when the Pod Squad and their ship full of extraterrestrials crashed into the NM desert. 

Heh, I was just snarking that the actor didn't look anywhere old enough to be as old as Sanders is supposed to be (83) unless the actor is an extraterrestrial, but, now that you mention it, maybe Sanders is part ET from some earlier visit from another star to our solar system.

And maybe I'm incorrect anyway, in figuring the actor is at least 10 years younger than 83.

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Heh, I was just snarking that the actor didn't look anywhere old enough to be as old as Sanders is supposed to be (83) unless the actor is an extraterrestrial, but, now that you mention it, maybe Sanders is part ET from some earlier visit from another star to our solar system.

Hahahaha.... I'm slow today. 

  • LOL 1

Kyle really is the absolute best. See show, this is why you need more Kyle, he automatically increases the quality of every episode by just allowing him to be awesome. I could watch him call out Liz for her selfish self important bullshit all day long, she really needed someone to tell her to get her head out of her ass and get some freaking perspective. She gets such tunnel vision when she is convinced that she's doing "the right thing" that she just barrels into all kinds of trouble, not caring about who she's hurting, even when its people she's supposed to care about. Listen to Kyle, Kyle makes sense. 

I am still crossing my finger for him and Isobel to get together, they compliment each other really well. he can be real with her and she can remind him to take care of himself and not just everyone else. 

The last few episodes have been pretty solid, lets see how it goes from here. I can see ways it gets really good...and ways it gets really stupid. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Kyle really is the absolute best. See show, this is why you need more Kyle, he automatically increases the quality of every episode by just allowing him to be awesome. I could watch him call out Liz for her selfish self important bullshit all day long, she really needed someone to tell her to get her head out of her ass and get some freaking perspective. She gets such tunnel vision when she is convinced that she's doing "the right thing" that she just barrels into all kinds of trouble, not caring about who she's hurting, even when its people she's supposed to care about. Listen to Kyle, Kyle makes sense. 

I would have loved him for that scene no matter what, because he was having absolutely zero of her crap. I especially loved him not even hesitating to tell her it didn't matter how much she thought she was saving lives - what she did was still terribly wrong. I have not at all been sure until that scene that the show understood what Liz did to Max (and to anyone with alien DNA) was awful and he had a right to feel violated. So that the scene existed probably would have been enough, but I loved it even more because it actually worked and Liz realized he was right. I would so very much appreciate being able to enjoy her as a character again. 

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