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S16.E17: Live Eviction #5; HoH Comp #6

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I thought Amber was right on with her comments about Caleb.  She told the truth, that she wasn't interested in him and wasn't going to pretend interest for any amount of money.  I didn't see anything "mean girl" about it.  The controlling, egomaniac put her in an uncomfortable position on more than one occasion and interfered with her enjoyment of the opportunity she had been given.



Given that this was her first opportunity to really express her thoughts without fear of any reprecussions I give her credit for not unloading on the Butt Hurt Cowboy even more...


Best part of the episode was when Caleb was standing just inside the tinted sliding glass door and staring (creepily of course) at Amber and Derrick opens the door and jumps when he sees Caleb standing there and was all, "Dude, you scared the shit outta me!" 

Edited by Izzyboy
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Meanwhile...Donny is running the game?! This lack of perception on Amber's part and some of the "mean girl" comments she made about Caleb during the Chenterview made me not like her as much as I did before. It just seemed a little cruel.

Oh my.......must be a completely different show........the Caleb I saw was showing signs of a highly abusive person.   She made him do it (smack, smack).... I protected her even though I put her on the block myself (punch, punch)....I need to put her in peril and then save her (lights house on fire).  She is sooooo mean for not falling in love with a crazy person.  How mean of her.


Amber should get the restraining order at the ready.  Caleb is nuts.

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I hate to say it, but if Donny thinks the house is full of people that are so smart they'd suspect something if he went through with the challenge, then it doesn't speak well of Donny's own intellect. Who exactly does he think is smart enough to see through it? Nicole? Victoria? Caleb? You know, the brain trust that is Big Brother? The smartest people in the house would already be in on it.


Once the voice-over announcer actually referred to Caleb as "Beast Mode Cowboy," I realized, this isn't entirely Caleb's doing. No doubt, the show in encouraging him to call himself that. They might even have come up with the name themselves and convinced him America loves it.


Caleb is certainly the master of mixed metaphors. He "stuck his neck on the line" for Amber. Um, Caleb? You stick your neck out, you put your life on the line. By the same token, you aren't the sharpest crayon in the box, or the brightest bulb in the box, not the brightest crayon.


I'm also convinced that the show is telling Zach to act like Dr. Will from Season 2. He even looks a little bit like him. How can he sit there and tell everyone in the room he hates him only minutes after footage of him sleeping in Frankie's bed and telling him how much he loves him? I wish Julie had cut to footage.


How did they think this HoH thing was going to work if there were five people left and four of them got the wrong answer? How would they have chosen the 2nd HoH? And weren't they watching the clock? Why didn't they cut to a tie-breaker? I hate waiting until the next show. I know they have to do this for endurance comps, but a stupid Q&A? Really?

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I liked when Derrick walked in from the outside and Caleb was "stalking at the window."  Derrick said 'you scared the shit out of me."  But, like, he didn't even flinch.  Made me laugh.  I'm drawn to Derrick for some strange reason.  I think there's another side of him I dont know bc I dont watch the feeds.  Or, I'm just naive and I'm just not seeing what others see in him regarding him being a dick.

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est part of the episode was when Caleb was standing just inside the tinted sliding glass door and staring (creepily of course) at Amber and Derrick opens the door and jumps when he sees Caleb standing there and was all, "Dude, you scared the shit outta me!"

You beat me to it, izzyboy. Sorry. Didn't read the whole thread before posting.

Given that this was her first opportunity to really express her thoughts without fear of any reprecussions I give her credit for not unloading on the Butt Hurt Cowboy even more...



Best. Nickname. Ever. 



I cannot stand that "Beast Mode" crap. My kids are super into Transformers, specifically Beast Wars and now every time I hear one of them yell, "Beast Mode!" I cringe. Thanks, Caleb, for ruining my kids for me. 



I hate to say it, but if Donny thinks the house is full of people that are so smart they'd suspect something if he went through with the challenge, then it doesn't speak well of Donny's own intellect. Who exactly does he think is smart enough to see through it? Nicole? Victoria? Caleb? You know, the brain trust that is Big Brother? The smartest people in the house would already be in on it.


I just think Donny flat out didn't want to do it, and kind of said that to be nice. One smart person figuring it out might be enough to make everyone aware of it. 

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How did they think this HoH thing was going to work if there were five people left and four of them got the wrong answer? How would they have chosen the 2nd HoH? And weren't they watching the clock? Why didn't they cut to a tie-breaker? I hate waiting until the next show. I know they have to do this for endurance comps, but a stupid Q&A? Really?


I wondered the same thing.  Julie was utterly clueless, she didn't even read the questions quicker.

You know, RedheadZombie, that's a really good idea you have. If Julie stopped announcing the vote counts, and just went with "so-and-so, the votes have been tallied, and you are out of this house" then that would allow secret opposing factions in the house to vote their hearts and with impunity. That would also allow those on the block to actually accomplish something with their campaigning. This "vote with the house" fad is bullshit. And boring as hell. HEAR ME, CBS GOONS? I'M BORED WITH YOUR SUMMER FILLER SHOW, I MIGHT JUST UPGRADE MY CABLE AND START WATCHING ALL THOSE HBO SHOWS EVERYONE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT. Your sponsors will lose my demographic.

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ITA Val. As I've mentioned the most powerful/active player this year is "The House" and as it turns out watching The House play BB is about as dull as you can get. Individual players are ridiculed and voted out (Oh, hi Joey! You were right! And say hi to Amber for us!), unanimously of course. Must. Vote. With. House! Baaaaahhhhhhhh.


I almost literally fell asleep at one point during the LIVE show that ended in an embarrasing debacle (that was at least interesting though!) making me wonder if the people putting the show on themselves even give a shit anymore.

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