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S03.E01: Hands

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6 minutes ago, Katesgr811 said:

Not bad! Could have dealt without 5 minutes of commercials for 1 minute of show. Kyle made the episode.

Actually, the ridiculously frequent commercials worked for me and my terrible 8pm CW reception. By rescanning the channels every commercial, I only missed the part about where Alex’s bf was going and why.

It was an okay episode, but then my expectations were low. 

  • Love 2

Kyle was the MVP of the episode.  Not enough Michael/Isobel and too much Liz be holier-than-thou. 

Did Rosa kill Wyatt or just erase his memory?  Do we think Wyatt will always be the racist bad guy or do you think it’s possible for the character to grow/learn?

But seriously, there are too many characters/folks on contract on this crowded canvas.  I wish they would clean hour and focus on the pod squad, Maria, Alex and Kyle.  The other characters seem superfluous and frankly, I don’t care about them.

  • Love 8

Sooo... 1/3 of an episode and Liz has already violated ethics for her personal moral compass.  I'm sitting here trying to decide if I would be as bothered if this was not a pattern with her.  I mean, it is objectively gross that a company would use a scientific breakthrough for a cosmetic application while holding it out of reach of medical applications for a decade.* But Liz cannot possibly not know who she works for or what they do.  I mean, cosmetics companies and medical research companies are not the same.  And once again, she does something reckless and that is a violation of someone else's rights (even if the someone in this case was an amoral corporation). Fucking Hell, Liz.

As noted above, Kyle was the best thing about this episode.  And he and Isobel continue to have scorching chemistry.  Whether or not they are paired, Kyle is due for something good to happen to him. 

So is Maria.  WTF show?  I appreciate her getting some attention from Hot!Manes (Gregory? I want to call him Libbity Bibity).  But more emotionally traumatizing visions, incremental brain tissue death, and being physically attacked was a lot for one episode.  Give the girl a fucking break... starting with Michael never bringing his wooby, wet-eyed sympering self into her bar. 

Speaking of, I am 100% over Michael's love life.  He's the worst as a boyfriend and I would like Maria and Alex as far from him as the city limits of Roswell permits.  He can keep hanging with Max and Isobel because with them he is actually kinda appealing and I love the three of them together. 

Alex was also annoyingly in his permanent heartbreak face.  But at least he didn't even look at Michael's worthless ass. I'm not even sure, though, what was happening with the boyfriend or what Alex is considering doing. I'm sure I'm just not remembering what Deep Sky is. 

Other than her moment with Kyle, Isobel was under used in this episode and seemed to be just reacting to Max and, to a lesser extent, Michael and Jones. 

*Though, I'm not sure this is a thing that would happen since it seems like allowing use of the discovery for non-profit medical research while leasing the information for profit would be lucrative and excellent PR. I won't pretend I know, though. 

On 7/26/2021 at 6:14 PM, KittenPokerCheater said:

Did Rosa kill Wyatt or just erase his memory?  Do we think Wyatt will always be the racist bad guy or do you think it’s possible for the character to grow/learn?


Pretty sure she wiped his memory.  The show made a point of having Liz remark that memory wiping was the prior use for the drug.  As for growth, I absolutely do not care what happens to Wyatt and he does not need or deserve screen time that could go to Maria, Kyle, or Isobel who are def who this show would take it from. 


Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 11

Good season premiere. Felt like it set up the rest of the season pretty good. BTW I missed this show, so glad that it's back.

  • Max dying AGAIN while it is repetitive I don't want to watch him die again. Liz doesn't need to go thru that once again. But, per Maria's vision of someone's funeral it isn't Max who dies.
  • Maria's Vision hmm I have a theory on who dies by what Alex says and his attitude at the funeral-----  but more on that later. Gotta say I like these little mysteries they keep you guessing all season.
  • Everyone can tell that Guerin is in love with Alex- except Alex LOL. Michael really needs to tell Alex that he still loves him because Manes is not a mind reader. I like them a lot so I really hope this is their season. 
  • Alex is as in love with Michael too. Seemed like he almost joined Deep Sky in order to protect Michael when he thought Aliens could be involved or in danger. I just love those two that is all. 
  • So I guess that's the end of Forrest and Alex huh? damn wanted more pining from Michael.... oh well. 
  • Liz being badass and starting to save the world like she wanted to, but something is missing from her life. Can't believe that Max and Liz haven't seen each other for a year. Stubborn dummies sigh. 
  • Intrigued by Greg and Maria, good chemistry and interesting arc perhaps. But, she really needs more this year than to be a prop to everyone else and a boyfriend story line. She's had more than enough of that. Though her last scene makes me think/hope she has something bigger this season. We'll see. 
  • Kyle and Isobel? I like
  • I was worried for Rosa there for a moment but she handled herself perfectly against Wyatt. Love her. 
  • The Vision/Funeral at the end: While I think that we're meant it's either Michael or Kyle who died, because they're nowhere to be seen in the vision, I'm gonna go with Mr. Jones. Why do I think that? Because there's no way Alex would be that functional if it was Michael who died. He's in love with him, and over the years we've seen Alex lose it when Michael is in the littlest of danger. It's def not him who's in the coffin. Even with Kyle, Alex wouldn't be that calm either he's his bestie apparently I would think Alex would be more upset LOL. If Max needs a heart to survive, Mr. Jones' might be the perfect one to save him hence he's dead if Max is alive. Alex mentions covering up another murder like Noah's and is angry when he says it: makes my theory stronger in my head.
  • Will Deep Sky be the villain this season or Mr. Jones? About to find out.

All in All I enjoyed the premiere: it moved fast, last thing I noticed it was over xD. Can't wait to see what this season brings.

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, tvwatchergordis said:

The Vision/Funeral at the end: While I think that we're meant it's either Michael or Kyle who died, because they're nowhere to be seen in the vision, I'm gonna go with Mr. Jones. Why do I think that? Because there's no way Alex would be that functional if it was Michael who died. He's in love with him, and over the years we've seen Alex lose it when Michael is in the littlest of danger. It's def not him who's in the coffin. Even with Kyle, Alex wouldn't be that calm either he's his bestie apparently I would think Alex would be more upset LOL. If Max needs a heart to survive, Mr. Jones' might be the perfect one to save him hence he's dead if Max is alive. Alex mentions covering up another murder like Noah's and is angry when he says it: makes my theory stronger in my head.

I assume Jones will be the heart donor (or body donor in a full swap?  IDK) based on the clone line.  Rejection of a foreign heart and there is a genetic duplicate in the area?  Seems an inevitability. Who knows?  They might surprise me. 

That said, unless Jones becomes known around town as a double for Max (how many random unknown doubles are the town folk supposed to accept?  "Rosalinda" is already running around town), I don't see them having a formal funeral for him. If his his identity isn't exposed or even if there is a way to hide his death, I would assume he is destined for ye old hole in the desert. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • LOL 1
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7 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

I assume Jones will be the heart donor (or body donor in a full swap?  IDK) based on the clone line.  Rejection of a foreign heart and there is a genetic duplicate in the area?  Seems an inevitability. Who knows?  They might surprise me. 

That said, unless Jones becomes known around town as a double for Max (how many random unknown doubles are the town folk supposed to accept?  "Rosalinda" is already running around town), I don't see them having a formal funeral for him. If his his identity isn't exposed or even if there is a way to hide his death, I would assume he is destined for ye old hole in the desert. 

Yep I think Jones will die and be the donor somehow. True didn't think of the whole multiple doppelganger thing LOL. , But, they could just say he's Max's long lost brother or something *shrug.  Could also be someone we haven't met yet unless Michael or Kyle faked their death I can't think of someone else they would really have a funeral for.  I just don't think it's gonna be Michael because of Alex's reaction but I guess we will see who dies soon. 

5 hours ago, tvwatchergordis said:

Everyone can tell that Guerin is in love with Alex- except Alex LOL. Michael really needs to tell Alex that he still loves him because Manes is not a mind reader. I like them a lot so I really hope this is their season. 

If we make a poll thread for voting who Michael will end up with, after just this episode, I’d vote for Michael+Maria. It would be like The Bachelor: Roswell Season 3: Michael. Heh. But I think Previously TV board software doesn’t have an option to change your vote, so we’d need how many poll threads? IDK. How many episodes are there this Season? 😝 


4 hours ago, RachelKM said:

I assume Jones will be the heart donor (or body donor in a full swap?  IDK) based on the clone line.  Rejection of a foreign heart and there is a genetic duplicate in the area?  Seems an inevitability. Who knows?  They might surprise me. 

That said, unless Jones becomes known around town as a double for Max (how many random unknown doubles are the town folk supposed to accept?  "Rosalinda" is already running around town), I don't see them having a formal funeral for him. If his his identity isn't exposed or even if there is a way to hide his death, I would assume he is destined for ye old hole in the desert. 

Good points. Maybe there’s some reason Max needs a new identity, so they have (another??) funeral for Max in which they bury Mr. Jones’ heartless (😉) body, and Max becomes known as “Mercutio Jones” or something.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1

Kyle is the best. The isobel/Kyle scene was the best scene. Thank you for giving him some appreciation Iz.

At least Alex got some before Forrest left. 😜

LOL Stef dumped Kyle. They were the worst least year. And Kyle deserves a better storyline.

I think Maria is seeing her own funeral? no one interacts with her in the vision. IDK.

Max dying again is so damn repetitive. I would care if I cared about him in the first place. 

Maria/Greg is something I dont know how to feel about just yet.


  • Love 3

I think this was a mostly solid premiere! 

*I approve of Maria and Greg. He's sweet. She deserves a good man. I liked the teddy bear scene.

*I KNEW it wasn't Max's funeral. That was such an obvious false flag. Max seems visibly very upset at the funeral - did we see Michael? Could it be Liz? Max only cares about so many people enough to cry about them.

*I also approve of Isobel and Kyle. I have to LOL at just how hard they dropped the Steph storyline, given that zero people seemed to care about it. But Isobel and Kyle have chemistry, and they should pursue that.

*Max's singer was cute, but man, he just falls back into old patterns, doesn't he? If he were genuinely trying to move on with his life, that'd be one thing, but he doesn't think he HAS a life and he's still literally crying about his ex, so this appears to be meaningless sex to numb the pain. Then again, his siblings/best friends (who were understandably upset he's sat on his terminal diagnosis for so long) responded to finding out by basically ditching him, lol, so I guess I can understand him wanting some form of comfort.

*As I have said in the spoiler thread, I want Max's health issues to end. This went on for ALL of last season. It's getting beyond old. Give him some magical potion or give him Jones' heart, I don't care. Just end this plot. It's ridiculous that they showed that Max can actually harness lightning and we have spent a literal year without him being able to do much more than kill a flea.

*I mentioned this in the spoiler thread too - it's just a random thought, but is it on purpose that Max does not seem that close to his father? He didn't get a good-bye letter, or even a joint letter with Max's mother - Max only wrote letters to his mother, Michael, Isobel, and Liz. If so, are we ever going to find out why?

*Oof. Liz. I just was not prepared for her to come roaring out of the gate with still MORE unethical behavior. It's like she thinks she singularly gets to set the rules of science. Now, I don't actually CARE about her amoral company the way I do about her violating the rights and safety of the Pod Squad (and potentially Maria and Rosa, for that matter), but given that she spent a chunk of last season egregiously violating scientific ethics, did she HAVE to start this season the same way??

*I suppose it's for the best Forest is already gone, given that Michael and Alex are inevitable. Last season's treatment of Maria left a bad taste in my mouth, but it WAS modestly cute that Michael was fixing his curls in the window.

Finally, my alien lore spec - I think Max may well be a clone, but I think Jones is definitely lying that he is the savior, not Max. IIRC, Jones has been referenced as the stowaway who crashed the ship. If he's the savior, why would he have stowed away on the ship and crashed it? Versus Nora and Louise went to a lot of trouble to protect Max. Whatever figure Jones is on their planet, something clearly went terribly wrong with him, Maybe Max is the attempt to fix it. 

As usual, I watched this episode on the metro on the way to work, so I could've missed something. I'll watch again tonight.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

Finally, my alien lore spec - I think Max may well be a clone, but I think Jones is definitely lying that he is the savior, not Max. IIRC, Jones has been referenced as the stowaway who crashed the ship. If he's the savior, why would he have stowed away on the ship and crashed it? Versus Nora and Louise went to a lot of trouble to protect Max. Whatever figure Jones is on their planet, something clearly went terribly wrong with him, Maybe Max is the attempt to fix it. 

As usual, I watched this episode on the metro on the way to work, so I could've missed something. I'll watch again tonight.

Okay, I'll "see" your spec and raise you this theory*:
They transplant Max's brain into Jones' body.

And I missed stuff too due to technical difficulties, so...


*Anything I know about poker or bidding I learned from fictional TV dialogue.

36 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

Finally, my alien lore spec - I think Max may well be a clone, but I think Jones is definitely lying that he is the savior, not Max. IIRC, Jones has been referenced as the stowaway who crashed the ship. If he's the savior, why would he have stowed away on the ship and crashed it? Versus Nora and Louise went to a lot of trouble to protect Max. Whatever figure Jones is on their planet, something clearly went terribly wrong with him, Maybe Max is the attempt to fix it. 

I can believe that. 

I too like Maria with the "Hot Manes Brother"- he is cute and she deserves happiness. 

Kyle is always the MVP, doing good work, looking hot, do we think he is officially over Liz for real?

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24 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

do we think he is officially over Liz for real?

You never know for sure on a soapy show, but I think they've pretty much ended that subplot. Currently, I'm hoping so he can move onto Isobel, lol. I also just hope for his sake that he's done with that. Liz is never going to be in love with him. Tbh, Liz hasn't treated Max that well in later S2 despite being in love with him, and she just seemed giddy to possibly drag her new co-worker/puppy dog's career down the toilet, lol, so my hopes aren't high she'd ever prioritize Kyle's feelings. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Cristofle said:

You never know for sure on a soapy show, but I think they've pretty much ended that subplot. Currently, I'm hoping so he can move onto Isobel, lol. I also just hope for his sake that he's done with that. Liz is never going to be in love with him. Tbh, Liz hasn't treated Max that well in later S2 despite being in love with him, and she just seemed giddy to possibly drag her new co-worker/puppy dog's career down the toilet, lol, so my hopes aren't high she'd ever prioritize Kyle's feelings. 

Yes, Liz can be very short sighted and selfish. She didnt for one second think how "What's his name from The Originals" (I cannot remember the characters name) would be fired or professionally ruined by her little stunt.

  • Love 2
Just now, Scarlett45 said:

Yes, Liz can be very short sighted and selfish. She didnt for one second think how "What's his name from The Originals" (I cannot remember the characters name) would be fired or professionally ruined by her little stunt.

What really bugged me about that too, is that the writing essentially rewarded her by having him not care/seem more than willing to go along with it. Like he was right for being totally cool at her jeopardizing his career in the name of whatever she thinks is right (and she did not consult him before she leaked the patent, it seemed - she threw months of HIS research out the window too, and by all rights he should have been furious) instead of Max correctly using his last two brain cells last season to burn her unethical research to the ground. This is still Carina, so I'll give the plot a minute, but I am not going to root for Liz as a scientist if they don't correct this behavior. And make it clear she has been wrong. 

I have to laugh at the media saying Liz is doing something entirely new by "putting herself first" in California. Errrrr...Liz has been VERY well known to do just that. LOL. Hence leaving after high school (which was a good choice, but still her prioritizing herself and her dreams) and then her leaving Diego without a word when it wasn't working for her anymore (less good). This is not new territory for Liz. 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Katesgr811 said:

Kyle made the episode.

As he always does lol. Best character bar none imo.

12 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Do we think Wyatt will always be the racist bad guy or do you think it’s possible for the character to grow/learn?

I wouldn't mind seeing them try a redemption arc with him. IMO that actor is one of the best they have.

Is Liberty Biberty going to be recurring this season? I like him. Not sure how I feel about him and Maria yet. Anyone would be better than fucking Michael though.

Give me Kyle/Isobel, you cowards!

I find plots where Max and/or Liz have another love interest so irritatingly pointless because they're obviously endgame. It's such a waste of time.

I swear, I had no idea what was happening for like 90% of this ep lol.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wouldn't mind seeing them try a redemption arc with him. IMO that actor is one of the best they have.

I have to admit, I am extremely against this, mostly because I don't trust these writers. I know last season they randomly had Rosa mention he "used to be a nice guy" - this man has repeatedly attempted to murder people, and I don't mean when possessed. He would have murdered Liz if it wasn't for Max - technically, he DID murder her and Max brought her back to Life. He nearly beat Arturo to death. He routinely spews racist, hateful bile. I don't buy that he was a totally nice guy and his sister's death made him a racist sociopath. They took this character way too far to logically redeem him given the limited amount of talent in the writing room. 

  • Love 7

Eh, I watch soaps, redemption stories are possible, even for the worst people. It would take good writing and you're right they don't have that lol. The actor would be capable of it though and since there are very few actors on this show that are very good, I'd welcome him.

Or they could crib another thing off soaps and just use the actor as another character lol.

  • LOL 1

It would take a lot of work, is my main thing. And they don't seem to be going that route with him. Rosa jabbed him with the memory erasing needle, right? So presumably they're just going to pretend he woke up a totally different person, as if it is now okay he literally murdered the lead female in the pilot. I don't think the kind of deep, deep racism and hatred he showed in S1 would be present in someone who was a great person until his sister got murdered, and the implication bothers me. I normally can swallow redemption for a lot, but it's his specific crimes where the idea is just not working for me. I kind of could have accepted his stupid buddy that Noah killed going down this route, but not Wyatt himself.

I had to check out a quick recap to remind myself what all happened last season, especially who all of these new characters are. This was a pretty good start to the season, even if it feels like a lot of more of the same as last season. Not a whole lot has seemingly changed, even after the time skip, other than Max getting increasingly sick and Maria making eyes at the new Maines brother. I am happy to have the show back though, I am pretty curious about what this season will bring after the first two seasons took so many wild turns. 

Another thing that hasn't changed? Liz is still a self centered self important pain in the ass who thinks that medical ethics are something that happens to other people. I know that her company was doing something that sucked, but its just part of this pattern with her where she always thinks she knows what's right and will just go ahead and do it, never thinking about how it could affect other people or her ethical obligations as a scientist. Even if her company was doing a stupid thing with her research (which they certainly were) what she did was still a huge violation of the law and her morals as a scientist, there had to have been some better options than this, especially as it seems like she just did it super fast without even thinking of the possible consequences. She just does things right away because they sound good to her, and then she doubles down on how morally right she is when anyone calls her out on how messed up what she is doing actually is. Not to mention she could have gotten her research partner arrested or fired or his research into neuroscience taken from him, but of course she never thought of that, she was only thinking about herself and making herself feel like she's the hero. Then he acts like this is totally alright and gets over it in two seconds, when in any actual reality he should be seriously pissed, and of course he actually has a thing for her. Dude, you seem nice, get out of there while you have the chance. Liz does not have a great track record when it comes to treating her love interests well. At least she had a nice scene with Kyle, who is the best as always, and she did look really nice on her date. Her wavy hair works for her a lot. 

I could maybe like Maria and other Maines brother, at least its better than her pining away after Michael, who is never a great boyfriend to either Maria or Alex. I have no real feelings about Alex's new boyfriend at all, he might as well be a cardboard cutout for as much as I remember him, especially because I am sure that Alex will just end up with Michael again. Michael is a million times more interesting with Max and Isobel than when he's in the middle of his love triangle, so I was at least happy with how he was used here for the most part. 

Kyle was the episodes MVP, and I was glad to be reminded of the great chemistry between him and Isobel, I am really rooting for the two of them to get together. They work so well together and he really brings the best out of Isobel. 

I do not buy at all that this guy is the "real" Savior. I like the idea that he was supposed to be the savior, only he was a flawed prototype and Max was the new and improved version. 

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Another thing that hasn't changed? Liz is still a self centered self important pain in the ass who thinks that medical ethics are something that happens to other people. I know that her company was doing something that sucked, but its just part of this pattern with her where she always thinks she knows what's right and will just go ahead and do it, never thinking about how it could affect other people or her ethical obligations as a scientist. Even if her company was doing a stupid thing with her research (which they certainly were) what she did was still a huge violation of the law and her morals as a scientist, there had to have been some better options than this, especially as it seems like she just did it super fast without even thinking of the possible consequences. She just does things right away because they sound good to her, and then she doubles down on how morally right she is when anyone calls her out on how messed up what she is doing actually is. Not to mention she could have gotten her research partner arrested or fired or his research into neuroscience taken from him, but of course she never thought of that, she was only thinking about herself and making herself feel like she's the hero.

4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes, Liz can be very short sighted and selfish. She didnt for one second think how "What's his name from The Originals" (I cannot remember the characters name) would be fired or professionally ruined by her little stunt.

I’m clinging to a throwaway line from Liz’s lab research partner (Heath?) in hopes that Liz will be getting a personality transplant this season:   
   “Who was it that made you so distrustful, Liz?”

Like, maybe she’ll resolve whichever issues from her past make her so careless of others.


  • Love 2

Feels like a Recycle and Repeat, from the same damn things they did last season. Max is dying again, will need a cure/surgery again . Liz is out of town and got a new scientist boyfriend. Maria has visions of someone in trouble and she is stubbornly killing her brain and herself. Alex is out of town on military business and back again home. 

This show seem not to care about the quality  or logic of its writing, I guess as long as they will get the applause for LGBT representation with Michael/Alex, they have done their job well. So they retcon  and pretend the last two seasons didnt happen, a throwaway line of "somethings are not meant to be" is what they reduce the  Michael and Maria's 2 year romance to. They throw Maria to the wolves by having her trash talk  Michael, knowing the fandom will use this to demonize her and validate them further that she was a terrible person all along. Forrest is quickly put on a bus, it wasnt even exclusive. They also put Steph on a bus, they cant bother to follow up on a story they started and pay it off well. Its delete and erase, whenever they feel uncomfortable. 

They dont care about the optics of putting Maria with a Alex's brother after what happened in 2.06 and her past feelings of Alex, so now she seems like a person who sleeps with brothers. And likes to chase people close to Alex, because she "couldnt have him". Michael shows no respect to his past relationship with Maria by quickly wanting to jump back to Alex, also at the same time disrespecting Forrest and Alex who are in a relationship.  Why would he be hopeful for him and Alex, when the last time he saw Alex he was just getting with Forrest. Betting for someone's relationship to fail and continuously saying "its their time", is not a good look for Michael.  Good writing be damned, all that seems to matter is the accolades and praises the show will get for having a main gay relationship.  They dont even care to write the M/M ship well and Im not convinced they even did a chemistry test before casting Blackburn and Vlamis. 

Max and Liz are an insufferable pairing as well in their own way, they got their own toxicity. You just know no matter what terrible things Max does to Liz, or the continuous running away and breaking up, it will never end because of book canon and OG show. They just have to end up together, no matter how much toxic its gets over the years. 

I could be interested in the Deep Sky storyline, but with the way this show pays off storylines, Im skeptical if they will even do it well or lead to something significant.

Edited by CabotCove
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I'm confused as to why Liz is confused that medicine can be used to do other stuff than intended.  I thought the original application for Viagra (help heart disease patients) was fairly common knowledge.  Also releasing it for a cosmetic application will increase the funding that will pay Liz's salary.  You'd think Liz would know that.  On the other hand, what sort of neurological "helps with missing limbs" medicine has cosmetic applications?  I feel like I missed whatever they were trying to go there...except I don't think I did.  It felt like an excuse for Liz to act like a petulant teenager over her precious work...and let her hook up with hot co-worker.

And while I appreciate them aging the characters up to make the story lines easier.  They are acting like petulant teenagers.  I expect this from Michael, what with the shabby upbringing and all.  But what about the rest of them.  Kyle still stands out. Alex too.  Kyle for being the adult in the room...Alex for making the hard choice. 

Honestly, I think I'm just tired of "Max is still dying" and "Liz is a great scientist" story lines.  I miss the good old days when it was just Max the good & reliable police officer pining for Liz while Liz was trying to take care of her family.  I will even accept the Maria-Michael-Alex drama to continue playing.  I just want Max & Liz to stop being so unlikable.

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I know we've been over this a million times on this board, but Rosa's incident with Wyatt just further reminds me that it is INSANE she is still anywhere near Roswell. I know, it's a TV show and they want to keep the character, but this was an easily foreseen and completely unforced situation, because Rosa should probably be on the East Coast. Or a different country. She should go somewhere no one would recognize her. She can Facetime Liz and Arturo multiple times a day, but nothing else is keeping her in Roswell and there are a million reasons she should go far away.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

I know we've been over this a million times on this board, but Rosa's incident with Wyatt just further reminds me that it is INSANE she is still anywhere near Roswell. I know, it's a TV show and they want to keep the character, but this was an easily foreseen and completely unforced situation, because Rosa should probably be on the East Coast. Or a different country. She should go somewhere no one would recognize her. She can Facetime Liz and Arturo multiple times a day, but nothing else is keeping her in Roswell and there are a million reasons she should go far away.

Why is Rosa not with Liz in California?   
Oh. Right. Because of plot.

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19 hours ago, jqdeco said:

I love Nathan Parsons but I’m really tired of sad, dying, self destructive Max. I hope Mr. Jones is more fun. It would be nice to see the actor play some different emotions.  

I forgot to say, if I can get past the ridiculousness of the beard, I like the very distinct way Nathan is playing Jones so far. Max seems to be on the perpetual brink of a complete emotional breakdown, lol. But Jones is very calm, very gathered. His "Are you kidding me with this nonsense" look at Michael when Michael tried to use Max's gun to shoot him was great.


Edited by Cristofle
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