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Extreme Sisters - General Discussion

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The Aussie twins have the poor Mom slaving over the sewing machine. I hope these two are exaggerating for television. If not they need medical/psychological treatment stat. I am not being mean I myself suffer from anxiety and depression. These two are deeply disturbing!

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Interesting that with Lucy and Anna, one of them has a small mole on her face but the other does not. You'd think she'd draw one on or something, after the dentist fiasco. 🤔


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Also, Baylee and Brooke's mom has a hairstyle that competes with Mike's mom "Treesh" from 90 day fiance. You'd know it if you've seen it. Mullet / mullet with visor. 😣

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When the Aussie twins were at the coffee shop, I couldn't help but notice that their hairstyles were nowhere near identical! One had a thin strand of hair hanging on the side and the other's was at least twice as wide. 

And yes, they seem to have a ton of dresses, but they're all fugly. They appear to be made from a couple of variations of the same pattern and despite their claims to "love fashion" the dresses are certainly not "haute couture" 

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16 hours ago, magemaud said:

When the Aussie twins were at the coffee shop, I couldn't help but notice that their hairstyles were nowhere near identical! One had a thin strand of hair hanging on the side and the other's was at least twice as wide. 

And yes, they seem to have a ton of dresses, but they're all fugly. They appear to be made from a couple of variations of the same pattern and despite their claims to "love fashion" the dresses are certainly not "haute couture" 

I noticed that too, I bet their mom makes all their cloths. No way would they be driving around in a 20 year old beat up car if they had cash like they come across as having.

I find myself dosing off with this show, it really is so stupid

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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The twin sisters married to twin brothers broke my heart when they were talking about what to do if one was to die, and how they eat and exercise in sync to try and have the same lifespan. I know it’s an unhealthy codependency but I felt for them in that scene. But the silver lining is that they did show that the others would go on living if one died. With Lucy and Anna, I’m 99.99% sure that the other would choose to not keep living if one died.

Those spoiled psycho brats, Anna and Lucy. Telling their mother that the dress is one inch higher on her dress or one inch longer on mine. Bitch! Make your own! God, they are so mentally ill.

Jessica was definitely hoping that John would freak out so she could get her sister back. It seems like Christina sees this but is still hoping she is wrong about her sister actively trying to destroy another relationship.

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I just read a true life, unscripted, post about dating a twin. Someone said she id and on the first night when she went to sleep over for the first time, the other twin put a palette down on the floor next to the bed. She asked why and her boyfriend said he and his brother still slept together holding hands. 

Maybe the series' twins are just odd to those of us who aren't?

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On 6/7/2021 at 11:07 PM, Texasmom1970 said:

The Aussie twins have the poor Mom slaving over the sewing machine. I hope these two are exaggerating for television. If not they need medical/psychological treatment stat. I am not being mean I myself suffer from anxiety and depression. These two are deeply disturbing!

Their clothes are ugly and OMG i wanted to post this for weeks (and kept forgetting) their shoes are old lady shoes.  They are sooooo ugly!  Im kind of hoping shared boyfriend is getting tired of their shenanigan's.


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On 6/1/2021 at 9:47 AM, greekmom said:


Last thoughts. Strange that TLC only featured female twins (the male twins married don't talk much).  It's like TLC is trying to say "Women be cray cray”


Well, technically the show is called “Extreme Sisters”. I guess if they casted men, it could be called “Extreme Siblings” 

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On 6/7/2021 at 10:07 PM, Texasmom1970 said:

The Aussie twins have the poor Mom slaving over the sewing machine. I hope these two are exaggerating for television. If not they need medical/psychological treatment stat. I am not being mean I myself suffer from anxiety and depression. These two are deeply disturbing!

I couldn't concentrate due to the Mom's eyeliner? Those huge black dots under her eyes?

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Just saw a preview. Looks like Ben does pop the question to those Aussies. Of course they claim they have googled where they can legally all marry (which is most likely no where). 

They make me want to barf.

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When they were driving to the restaurant or wherever with Mom, why wasn't the non-driving twin mimicking driving like her sister, a la vacuuming? The fact that they weren't doing that makes me think the whole vacuuming thing was faked to suck people in.
It would be interesting (just for fun) to see if they'd say the same thing at the same time if they were put in separate rooms. 

Edited by JeanJean
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I didn’t understand the name she gave her new baby instead of Messer. My ears are old; did anyone catch it. The placenta stuff, gag.

Hopefully this is the last I see of the Aussie twins. It scares me to think of them having a baby! Maybe they won’t be successful.


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8 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:


I didn’t understand the name she gave her new baby instead of Messer.


My closed captioning said “Kross”. Maybe it’s short for Kris-Kross?

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Brooke and Baylee have the emotional IQ of 15 year olds. Messer is such a terrible name. And Cross?! Kross?! These are terrible. Also, that placenta obsession is so fucking weird and gross.

Patrica and Patrix seem quite normal-ish. I like Patrica’s husband. He’s such a nice guy.

Either Ben has the patience of a saint or he’s as nutty as Anna and Lucy.

Seriously, Christina and Jessica are in desperate need of therapy, but they’ve wrapped their entire identities up in this bullshit psychic thing. Maybe all your past relationship predictions came true because you made them come true? Maybe you were left for another woman because you forced it to happen to fit your “visions”?

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Yo, terrible psychics, maybe they don't leave FOR another woman, but BECAUSE of another woman. Your sister. Duh.

Y'all, I know we're not supposed to speak ill of the children, but baby Jett is, uhh..not cute. And the new one is adorable. Good luck raising them as twins.



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22 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Either Ben has the patience of a saint or he’s as nutty as Anna and Lucy.

A combination of he's just as cray cray as them and he loves the fact he's sleeping with both of them at the same time.  

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On 6/14/2021 at 10:11 AM, JeanJean said:

When they were driving to the restaurant or wherever with Mom, why wasn't the non-driving twin mimicking driving like her sister, a la vacuuming? The fact that they weren't doing that makes me think the whole vacuuming thing was faked to suck people in.
It would be interesting (just for fun) to see if they'd say the same thing at the same time if they were put in separate rooms. 

Good catch. I used to sit behind the driver's seat when my dad was driving, mimicking him using a frisbee as my steering wheel, but I was 5.  I think they are fakers

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On 6/14/2021 at 10:11 AM, JeanJean said:

When they were driving to the restaurant or wherever with Mom, why wasn't the non-driving twin mimicking driving like her sister, a la vacuuming? The fact that they weren't doing that makes me think the whole vacuuming thing was faked to suck people in.
It would be interesting (just for fun) to see if they'd say the same thing at the same time if they were put in separate rooms. 

I wondered that too. With a fake steering wheel like Maggie Simpson. 

Or if one is driving do they have to switch after 10 minutes so the other one can drive for 10 minutes? 

All of these relationships are wacky. They all need therapy or an intervention. 

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S1 E8 is airing now here in Australia…


…I’m Aussie and these twit twins Anna and Lucy are a bloody embarrassment.


What a cough romantic cough proposal……in a park beside a road.


Classy.  And for the love of God I hope they can’t procreate.

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Anna & Lucy and their vocal fry, fugly clothes and half a brain between them are back. They would both marry their boyfriend if it wasn't for something so pesky called THE LAW.  You know i blame the mother. She should have squashed this shit when they were younger. Does anyone get the feeling that it's Anna that wants this whole "everything the same" and Lucy not so much? I got that feeling during the TH when Lucy teared up at not experiencing motherhood. 
Jordan & Randi. I do like their silver hair. And it's refreshing that they were brought up as tomboys.     The outdoor pee break was cringe but it's TLC. Is anyone surprised?!?!??!  If the girls wanted to live together why didn't they built a semi-duplex with a communal living room/dining room/kitchen? What the heck were they holding near to their chests in the bath?
Vee & Ashley. I feel for the sister that had to have the hysterectomy but girlfriend hasn't that shipped sailed? I mean in the photo her boys look like teenagers. Why would you want to have a baby now? And it's only a 50/50 chance that it would turn out to be a girl. 

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Ugh the annoying Lucy and Anna, they continue to talk over each other or repeat each other, they are neurotic for sure. The Texas sisters, Randi's boyfriend looks to  be about 2 seconds from moving to another country. I agree, I feel for Ashley about wanting a girl, but dang your sister already squeaked out 10 kids of  her own, can't you just steal one of hers? (I kid) 

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10 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I agree, I feel for Ashley about wanting a girl, but dang your sister already squeaked out 10 kids of  her own, can't you just steal one of hers? 

Have you been talking to Usman? 

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Sigh. The Australian nutcases. How they “finish each other’s sentences”. When really, they’re just trying to figure out what the other is saying and tries to say the same thing. It drives me insane.

The mother should have done something about these 2 while they were growing up.

They are severely mentally ill and should not be having kids until they address the issues that hinder and ordinary life because despite how much they say they prefer it that way they look distressed and downright neurotic most of the time.

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Did anyone else keep thinking "a doll is not a baby" during the Australian twins' segment? Will they be okay being in separate rooms or cars for the kids? Are they going to force the kids to do everything together so they can continue their lifestyle?

For starters, real newborns move around.

As for the psychic sisters - don't bond with a niece or nephew when you hate their dad and plan to blow things up. You can spend time with them without liking an in-law but you can't be disruptive in their family with young children. 

And as for Mr. Macho who "doesn't want another man's DNA inside his woman," what if you need a kidney transplant someday and the only possible donor is a woman? You're being juvenile and ridiculous.

Edited by JeanJean
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I actually couldn't take it when Lucy and Anna got the dolls (thanks mom!) and turned it off.

First of all, I swear that last week mom said that she already has other grandkids - which means that L/A have siblings and have held a baby. Did I misheard on the siblings and grandkids?

Second, these two nitwits should not procreate. They have serious mental issues. Again, I blame mom. And she isn't helping much with encouraging them to procreate. 

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The thing that startled me most was when the Australian twins told Ben to do the same things to each doll. Not because they meant anything sexual but because they - same as any parent - have no right to have children and then force them to have the same maladaptive behaviors. It will mess those kids up. I kind of proactively want to call Children's Services. Is there a Dolls' Services?

To give them a more realistic idea of what it will be like, the mom should give them two puppies. 

Edited by JeanJean
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Mom is just as delusional and disturbed as her twins if she thinks this is a good idea, and encourages them to procreate.  Ben must either be into twins big time, as big a nut as they are, or both.  Honestly, it reminded me of that high school experiment of carrying around a doll that actually cried all day and all night.  That might have put them off babies, all right.  Notice Mom never suggested babysitting (unless that's not a thing in Australia).

Randi of the silver-haired twins is going to wheedle and cajole her boyfriend into a marriage I don't think he really wants.  That's a recipe for big-time resentment and divorce.  Those two just want the living arrangement, no regard for him. $15,000!! Wow!!

The psychic twins-it doesn't take a psychic to see that the one twin's marriage is doomed unless they pry sister out from the middle of it, and that ain't happening.  The husband is right-he should come first, but they are always going to be #1 to each other.  I'm sorry, I wouldn't want my sister all up in my child-bearing either, or even my bathtub.

I have mixed feelings about the sisters, one of whom wants to be a surrogate for the other.  I think her husband is equating this with being with another man, as his wife pointed out.  He is getting all macho and jealous.  On the other hand, his wife sprang this on him (and the kids), decision made, no discussion, done.  I think that's really his biggest issue, and it would be mine as well.  That's a life-changing choice.  And I thought the other sister wanted a girl?  How do you guarantee that, and not another boy, I'm afraid to ask.


19 hours ago, greekmom said:

I actually couldn't take it when Lucy and Anna got the dolls (thanks mom!) and turned it off.

First of all, I swear that last week mom said that she already has other grandkids - which means that L/A have siblings and have held a baby. Did I misheard on the siblings and grandkids?

Second, these two nitwits should not procreate. They have serious mental issues. Again, I blame mom. And she isn't helping much with encouraging them to procreate. 

I think they do have a sister who has kids, she was on the last season.   And I agree 1000%.

Edited by AR Traveler
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5 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

 Ben must either be into twins big time, as big a nut as they are, or both. 

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Ben leaves them down the road when the whole "it's sexy that I am doing twins" wears off. They are are alot of work. I bet they make him do the same thing as they made the girl cutting their hair.  5 snips on Lucy? Ok now do 5 snips on Anna.  (substitute snips with sex stuff).

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23 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

No, don't give the Shining twins puppies


I did notice that one had what looked to be a pimple and the other one didn't, I am surprised she didn't glue on a raisin or something so that they were equally  matched.

I was just thinking puppies are uncontainable, more like other living things such as babies when they get mobile. Maybe they could just borrow them for a day or two.

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Derek needs to RUN! Leave his woman and her twin. Cause they are delusional and this is a glimpse on how the rest of of his life is going to be with the twins.

Jessica’s kinda unhinged about this baby, John IS the dad. Stop it.

Why don't the Aussies adopt a set of twins? Problem solved!

Demetrius is embarrassing himself. He’s just so ignorant about surrogacy. Which would be okay if he just asked questions instead of standing in his ignorance.

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Strangely, I must speak up a little for the triplets. Was the senior gentleman the grandfather? Because he's doing that typical old person (I'm a senior, too) thing of not recognizing the world has changed.  A lot of money is made via the internet now. They probably won't be streaming themselves gaming forever, but they may have another internet business. It's a different world.  A different kind of entrepreneurship. Not everyone's cut out for more traditional professions and, at any rate, jobs are not as secure lifelong as when he was young. If they end up regretting it, they can always live together and split everything 3 ways again. 🙂

Plus, restaurants go under all the time. Any job that isn't a government job or doesn't have tenure is a risk.

Edited by JeanJean
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Lord have mercy, these 2 aussie girls were bad enough before somebody bought them fake babies...now they think they're real twin moms. Y'all need a therapist stat...like maybe even an inpatient 30 day stay. You have some serious issues. One needs a tooth pulled becuz of infection, and the other wants a healthy tooth pulled just to match her???!!!??? What is wrong with you? I seriously hope you both get some help before either of you have an actual biological baby. 

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On 2/1/2023 at 4:55 PM, JeanJean said:

I was just thinking puppies are uncontainable, more like other living things such as babies when they get mobile. Maybe they could just borrow them for a day or two.

Is that the Aussie twins' name...Shining lol??? Like they're the Shining twins? Lol! I guess that shouldn't surprise me. These 2 are a disaster. All of these extreme sisters are a disaster. It's like a train wreck I cannot look away from. How were you not taught to stand on your own 2 feet? Is that a twin issue? Idk, but thinking no puppies for them- any of them- and Lord have mercy, no babies either!!!!


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21 hours ago, Dicksee Mayhem said:

Lord have mercy, these 2 aussie girls were bad enough before somebody bought them fake babies...now they think they're real twin moms. Y'all need a therapist stat...like maybe even an inpatient 30 day stay. You have some serious issues. One needs a tooth pulled becuz of infection, and the other wants a healthy tooth pulled just to match her???!!!??? What is wrong with you? I seriously hope you both get some help before either of you have an actual biological baby. 

Seriously, the mom should be encouraging them to get help to deal with their obsessive attachment. I'm very attached to my sister but we don't have to do the same thing at the same time and our dental work is very different.   What happens when the babies want to behave autonomously of one another?

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17 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Seriously, the mom should be encouraging them to get help to deal with their obsessive attachment. I'm very attached to my sister but we don't have to do the same thing at the same time and our dental work is very different.   What happens when the babies want to behave autonomously of one another?

What would happen if the one goes septic and ended up in the hospital? The other one would literally lose her mind in order to be in the bed next to her.

So let's just say the one dies from a tooth infection, which can happen, will the other one unalive herself because they have to "be the same"? Their codependency is dangerous.

Let’s predict: Do we think the triplets are also doing OnlyFans or are Instagram/Twitter Hoes?

The lips on these triplets are weirding me out.

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Congratulations TLC. Didn't think you could get anyone weirder than the Aussie twins, but the gaming triplets have raised the bar. How much money have they spent on plastic surgery? They are 26 and look tragic.  

Edited by BAForever
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