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Food Fighters - General Discussion

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There is definitely a frantic feeling to this show that takes a bit of getting used to. 


But I absolutely love seeing the creativity of the professionals come out, using the general framework of a recipe from the home cooks.   Honestly, I pay very little attention to the home cooks, because they are just repeating safe recipes they know and have mastered.  The pros are working totally on the fly and have to innovate.  That's the challenge I like to see. 


I LOVELOVELOVE Chef Michele.  I SO wanted her to be the winner of Food Network Star.  Justin sucked, she rocked.  But Food Network knows they screwed up.


Chef Tiffany!  We're skeeeeerrrd!  *LOL*  Her Top Chef season 7 had some of the best chefs and challenges. 


I adore Eric Greenspan, but he looks bigger than usual.  I hate seeing him like that.  But I hate MORE his pronunciation of "maRscapone".  *heavy sigh*  Now he has to be dead to me.....

Edited by leighdear
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Can they please dear god stop the smack talk that sounds so freakin scripted? STOP IT.

I also hate, "(name here) on a plate" and "Party in your mouth." Jus sayin.

When a pro beats a home cook, it's well, he'/she's a pro, so... yeah. But when a home cook beats a pro, ouch. "Well, I'm glad he/she won the money."

This thread is more fun than the show for me. *giggle snort*  :)

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Eric Greenspan was on a Chopped Champions thing recently and he didn't look healthy. He seemed to be huffing and puffing a lot on this show as well. 


I love Michelle and Tiffany, it was fun seeing them again. But I didn't care for the looks of both of their dishes. The microwave cakes the lady made, OMG, I was shouting at her "Get them IN THERE NOW!" when time was winding down. She barely made it, after bragging that it only takes a minute to make them.

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I finally watched the first two shows and then went back and read what I'd said last September.  The only comment I'd change is about the show being renewed - which surprised me.  Otherwise, I still think the show is phony and contrived and I still wonder how they entice real chefs to compete.  They must pay really well to get Michelle to come from the east coast. 


Eric Greenspan is going to drop dead before he's 45 if he doesn't do something about his weight.  His unshaved neck and double chins are gross and I like the man.  I didn't care for Tiffany on any of the Top Chef shows she was in and I didn't like her much better on this one.  The one who surprised me was Danielle Saunders.  I didn't like her much when she was on Chopped but I liked her better than dancing girl Lauren so I was glad she won.  On Chopped she came across as rather quiet.  Either she covered up an abrasive side or she's let whatever success she's had go to her head but I found her intro bit and attitude very close to obnoxious on Food Fighters.

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Troy Glass was a contestant on MasterChef Junior a couple of years ago, although he didn't win.


He's a regular on the Teens React channel (he started out on Kids React, but then moved to Teens React when he became a teenager)


Here he is in a Kids React episode -


Here he is in a Teens React episode -



Here's a tiny clip from MasterChef -


Edited by Rick Kitchen
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Just watched tonight's Food Fighters and I have to say I really liked Troy a lot!  So many of these kids who get on various other shows are cocky little jerks, and he wasn't at all.  He seemed to me like he had the right balance of confidence and talent. I also don't know a whole ton about Rocco and tonight's probably the longest I've ever watched him. I loved him!  Actually I loved how supportive all the chefs were when they were competing, win or lose they seemed happy for the kid. I'll admit it, I'm a sap, I even choked up a little bit when Troy got the scholarship. I think he'll do well - hope so.  I wanted to try a lot of the food he made.

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I really like this show.  I think the smack talk has calmed down a lot, and the chefs have almost always come back with a nice comment after their defeat.  They also seem to be having fun with the home cooks.  I like that it gives me a chance to see a cooking show that moves quickly, with a variety of dishes, and isn't overly serious.  


The Troy episode was great... I thought the scholarship was awesome as well.  Good for him!

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Lovely was on Food Network Star. She won Star Salvation, then came back and was eliminated during the first episode she was in.

They introduced her on this show like she was all that. Is she? Sounds like not so much and now that you mention it that IS where I remember her from. Thanks.


IF she was on the other show during the Lenny year, then I can see how they (TPTB on whatever show) are going for the non winners to have as guests on things.. Or maybe I watch so many cooking shows I get confused. :)

I just became aware of this show this season, and I almost stopped watching after Episode 1 because of the "smack talk" and because I couldn't stand the first home cook/contestant.  I'm glad I stuck with it, because I really liked the contestant on the second episode, and I loved Troy.   I started tearing up when he received that gift from Rocco, and I was totally in tears when he won the scholarship.  The pro chefs were all so nice to him.  All in all it was a good episode so I'm glad I gave this show a chance.  It's a nice break from Master Chef which is really getting on my nerves this season.  Besides, it's nice to see former contestants from Top Chef turn up from time to time.

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Troy Glass was a contestant on MasterChef Junior a couple of years ago, although he didn't win.


He's a regular on the Teens React channel (he started out on Kids React, but then moved to Teens React when he became a teenager)


Here's a tiny clip from MasterChef -



Ah! Now I remember Troy's MCJr appearance. Thanks for posting the links. He seems like a humble kid. I wasn't aware of how many activities he's involved in, but I admire his drive.


I got a little emotional (but no tears) when Rocco gave Troy the gift and CIA offered him a full scholarship. I believe Troy deserved it because he really held his own in the competition. I enjoyed this episode.

Edited by Surrealist
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Once she took the lap upstairs it might have been time for Lorena's Mommy to call a time-out until she cooled off at bit.  Pretty surprised she won, but my guess is the "everyday Americans" (how do I become one of those?) in the Dinner Party might not have been all that familiar with Shepherd's Pie.  Lorena made a taco bowl with cheesy mashed potatoes on top and smacked them in the face with familiar yummy flavors.

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Lorena made a taco bowl with cheesy mashed potatoes on top and smacked them in the face with familiar yummy flavors.



Exactly.  I wish the chefs were required to make whatever dish the home cook specifies, not "plays" on things.  A pancake is not a biscuit. 


I missed the first minute with the 14 y/o so I didn't hear where she cooks.  How can a girl that age be a "professional chef"?  There are child labor laws.

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Exactly.  I wish the chefs were required to make whatever dish the home cook specifies, not "plays" on things.  A pancake is not a biscuit. 


I missed the first minute with the 14 y/o so I didn't hear where she cooks.  How can a girl that age be a "professional chef"?  There are child labor laws.


Same here!  I don't mind a little bit of a play on things, but it drives me crazy when it's not even the original dish.


I still can't figure out how the 14 y/o is a professional chef OR how a professional chef has very little idea how to make a chicken enchilada. She said she's been a chef since she was 3, "including 9 course tasting menus," but I rewatched it and couldn't really find out much else. Google showed she's done a pop up restaurant, but I'm not sure how that makes her a pro chef. Her name if anyone cares to Google it further is Kai Kani.


By the way, while trying to find the info about Kai I found that they post recipes from the home chefs here: http://www.nbc.com/food-fighters/blog/food-fighters-blog-s2/ryan-mckays-recipes. I am still totally not interested in trying those lemon curd sriracha wings, but some of his other recipes looked intriguing.

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Katsuji!! I love watching him cook. I've eaten at his MexiKosher restaurant and it's great. And he's so nice in person, great guy.

But the woman saying they have astronomical medical bills for their adopted baby, and then with the next win she wants to adopt two more. And yes, I'd be scared if I saw Brian Malarky walk through those doors.

"This is so me on a plate".... she had all the dreaded cliches. But at least it's pretty clear this show isn't rigged for someone with a sob story.

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I love Katsuji!  He was one of my favorites on Top Chef Boston.  I would love to meet him in person and eat at his restaurant!


I really wanted to like this woman.  But she was a little over the top with her stressing that her baby girl was adopted - even besides the money issue.  Saying things like "Even though she didn't come from me, I love her so much, she is my world" with tears in her voice.  "Even though...??"  I know several adoptive parents and they would never make that distinction.  And I understand that adoption is expensive, and it's unfortunate that they had huge medical bills on top of that, but she should have just left it at that.  Instead she made the mistake of saying that if she won the grand prize, she would want to adopt two more children.  And then when she didn't win the top prize, I guess she couldn't very well say "Well, forget those other two kids then!"  Add to that the "me on a plate" thing which is my least favorite food cliche ever.   I couldn't help but feel bad that she didn't win the top prize, but she definitely got on my nerves. 

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Once she took the lap upstairs it might have been time for Lorena's Mommy to call a time-out until she cooled off at bit.


Once she took the lap upstairs, she should have been disqualified, regardless of whether she saw anything or not.  It was disruptive and rude, and neither chef should be allowed in the other's kitchen during cook time.

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I totally agree with Alexa.  I was thinking the exact same thing.  Time management was definitely his biggest problem, and the dishes he chose to make were far from easy. It probably was due to lack of practice, since I believe he said he had just finished his final exams.  I really felt bad for him.  He seemed like a super-nice guy.  I'm glad at least that he won the challenge at the end to double his money.


Oh, and I love Fabio.  That is all.

I finally got caught up on the last two episodes.  I didn't care much for the woman with the adopted daughter partly because she seemed a bit smug but mostly because I always get annoyed when I hear some woman go on and on about how her kids are her whole world while her husband stands by unacknowledged.  My favorite part of that show was seeing Katsuji again.


I liked the lawyer and was glad he did well.  And BONUS - Fabio!


For some reason, I like this show a lot better than I did during its first season but I can't figure out why.  Nothing seems to have changed - or I've forgotten something about last season.  I still wish they'd skip the scripted banter during the cooking parts.

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For some reason, I like this show a lot better than I did during its first season but I can't figure out why.  Nothing seems to have changed - or I've forgotten something about last season.  I still wish they'd skip the scripted banter during the cooking parts.


One small (but I think significant) thing they changed:


In the first season, they would always have the home cook's dish first, and the pro's dish second.  By the third course, the diner's would probably guess whose dish was whose.  This time, the home cook goes first half the time and the pro goes first the other half.

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I wonder how on earth this girl was picked for the show? Her story about her mom having survived cancer? It seems everything she cooked was bland. And I don't remember any home cook not winning any of the money rounds. And since the final round was to double her money -- which she didn't have -- I guess the $10,000 prize was something they had to come up with on the fly.

I'm not sure why she didn't roast her peppers whole, instead of cutting them up first and putting them in a frying pan. And you cannot tell me Duff didn't come in there all stupid on purpose so that the kid would win something. Yet... she went home with no money winnings. First time ever on this show.

She gets a trip to science camp and a donation to her mom's cancer fund-raiser for $20,000. That was nice of Walmart.

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The show has its problems, and there's a lot to dislike, but at least we know the results are not rigged. 


I was thinking the exact same thing. Poor Adam Richman, he looked crushed that the girl wasn't winning anything. But they managed to have a consolation prize, and a check, pretty quickly. They must have things in reserve in case they have a situation like this.

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Well, this last episode restored my faith in the honesty of this show.  To have someone compete and not win a single round.  Wow.  I'm sure she was a good home cook who thought she could beat some of the best chefs (and some of the votes were close).  Good thing they gave her a consolation prize, and I agree they have one for all the contestants in case one of them strikes out.


I thought the competing chefs were kind of lightweight, but it was a good thing they didn't have tougher chefs. 

I skipped the girl, but just caught up with the lawyer before.  Again we see something much like the shepherd's pie from the week before - he made Pad Thai and Tikka Masala with authentic ingredients, and they bring in some airedales who have no idea what they are doing and randomly throw something similar on the plate which appeals to the apparently simplistic tastes of the "everyday Americans", and one ends up winning. (To be fair, the challenging chef's chili and cornbread did look ten times better than the lawyer's).  My prescription for what's wrong and how to fix on this show it is a knowledgeable judging panel that upholds some standards for what the dish is supposed to be.

Edited by Totale
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I thought the girl was quite good for her age but she was used to cooking for her mother who has health problems so all her dishes were on the bland side.  The tasters responded a lot better to big flavors - just like judges on every other cooking show.  I felt kind of sorry for Duff who I think is a nice guy.  He had to be torn between compromising his "ethics" as a chef and letting a little girl win and creating the best dish he could under the circumstances which is what he was supposed to do.  I thought he handled it well. 


The little sister seemed even more excited to see Duff than the contestant.  I hope the family got a chance to meet him backstage afterwards.

I don't think they should have such young cooks who really don't have experience competing against adult professional chefs.  I know the last young chef they had at least was in restaurants.  She had no shot especially when she cooked pork and chicken not all the way done.  I'm glad she got money for the charity and an invitation.  Still, it was kind of rough to see her lose all of the rounds.  Please no more young cooks.

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Keriann, the pretty blonde chef, was a contestant on Top Chef this past season.  As I recall she was eliminated about midway through the competition.  I realize they are all pro chefs on that show but I had no idea she was so world-renowned.  I don't watch a lot of actual cooking shows so the only "pros" I tend to recognize are former Top Chef contestants.


I liked this home cook too. He was organized, down to earth, and seemed to enjoy the back and forth "trash talk" with the pros.  I wish he would have won more money, but he was enjoyable to watch.

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"Connie a.k.a. Lovely™" and her "Glam™" or whatever she calls it, and her constant mugging for the camera and weak-ass trash talk, can GTFO ASAP. Nails down a chalkboard. So insufferably obnoxious. And while I know it's amped up for this particular show, I couldn't stand her on Hell's Kitchen or Food Network Star either.


One thing that struck me in this episode that's been mentioned before, but I thought it was particularly egregious in this particular episode with the crab cakes, is the semi-ho aspect of it. I realize they only had 15 minutes for that particular round, which is kind of ridiculous in and of itself. But the home cook's crab cakes were canned crab, prepared cornbread, salt/pepper and an egg. The professional chef's were canned crab (which she called "fresh crab" but it wasn't, it was canned), Ritz™ crackers, salt/pepper and an egg. That's barely even "cooking." The home cook's remoulade was some Kraft™ mayo and a couple spoonfuls of prepared "jerk base" from a jar. To his credit, I suppose he did grill an ear of corn and mix it with some peppers and veg for his garnish. I believe the pro chef just pulled some microgreens right out of the package and put them on the plate. I mean, I can understand and totally accept that due to time constraints some shortcuts are necessary. I wouldn't mind at all if the contestants had pre-chopped veg ready to go from the start, for example. And I get that you're not gonna be able to bake cornbread from scratch in 15 minutes (but again, that goes back to the ridiculously short time limit in the first place.) But come on, put some elbow grease into it at least! People opening up several packages of prepared Walmart™ groceries and mixing them up in a bowl isn't exactly the height of culinary competition, nor is it interesting television.


It also occurs to me that the "blind" judging isn't really blind when the home cook picks the dish, and the pro chef so often chooses to do a "spin" that barely even qualifies as the assigned dish. It doesn't always happen that way, but I assume the taste testers know the rules of the game, and know that the home cook chooses the dish. So if the dish is "chicken and waffles" and one of your plates is chicken and waffles, and the other plate is quail and a pancake, you clearly know who cooked what. The dish that more closely resembles the name of the dish is the home cook, and if you'd prefer that the home cook win the money, you know what you have to do.

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