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Hi, Trimthatfat..... Angie from the series has a FB page (Angela Hassan)....


In the deleted scenes from the TLC show, the first (when she's wearing her hijab and giving the Instant Potatoes cooking lesson) she's waxing poetic about the joys of marriage and how happy she is that Danielle is taking the plunge....Fast forward to her next deleted scene, and she's minus her hijab and lecturing Danielle about what a crappy idea marriage to an Arab guy like her Egyptian husband is.... Fast forward again to the FB page and she's back wearing a hijab and announcing her engagement to a Pakistani guy whose picture she posts....he looks a LOT younger than she is....


Are you getting dizzy following this? I am, haha!

  • Love 1

Great-great grandmother I could buy, but no... just no. My great-great grandfather was with Gen. Robert E. Lee when he surrendured at Appomattox. That is a fact I can verify, LOL.

I was telling some friends about this show when we met for breakfast this morning. One of the women can set her DVR with her phone and she said "OMG, there's a bunch of episodes on tomorrow!" which must mean they are running a marathon. Last chance to get your fix before the reunion!

  • Love 1

My great-great grandfather was there too. He was part of the Georgia 15th regiment.

The past few months I've been working on my genealogy, and I've learned that I'm related to Robert E. Lee. Not a direct descendant, I just know we're both descended from the original Lee immigrant from England. He's some kind of cousin, very much removed.

Thought both of these were interesting on Mo's non fan face book page under the comment section 12/6 https://www.facebook.com/majbeli?fref=ts&ref=br_tf.   Under the comments 12/6.

Does any one know who Jeremiah is ? And what   is Paula Thompson talking about?

Jeremiah Justin Mullins "Mohamed Jbali what would be so much better if they private msg you make you sound like ur up to no good and for you ladies hitting on him where's ur moral values his a married man if it means anything and another thing you should all get a life everyone acts like he is God because he was on a tv show in a year or 2 everyone will forget about all these ppl from this show their all just fresh on all ur minds

Yesterday at 4:40am · 

December 24

Paula Thompson I think she is protecting herself and her family. I don't blame her as there is threat/vulnerabilty right now. It's expected her sister has her back.

December 24 at 10:17pm · Edited · 1

Mohamed Jbali i dont think this is the right place to talk to each other , u can do it in privet message it will be better !!

December 24 at 10:30pm · 36


Odd.  The posts are out of order . . . ??

Oh yeah, and he has a kid, too.!



Aw, you bet me to it.  Yea, Dani's a grandma.

>>From what I've heard, his family paid. Which makes sense since she obviously didn't have the money to pay for it herself.<<  I agree, Belraven and when I tried to find that posting, I found this followup:


"The sources ( who have allowed me to use their names - Nabil Rafik and Abdellah Hassen) are very reputable. They actually came to us asking if we watched this American television program and explained their connection to Mo ( his cousin Saad) and it's big news in the towns of Safx and Hammamet ( outside of Tunis) ... I can tell you that this is super common this fake marriage stuff and typical the brides are ALL DANIELLES aka pitiful, fat, uneducated, and just morally and ethically not good ppl. Everyone should watch how mo becomes concerned about obtaining responsibilty for Danielle's debt, he freaks out. Oh and in regards to Danielle's "credit worthiness" prior to marriage. This is not something they have in Tunisia. People pay cash for things, and there is no such thing as a fico or someone having "bad credit" unless they've literally stolen multiple times. I'm telling you guys, North Africans in particular think that even the poorest of Americans are rolling around in 20 dollar bills. Average salary in Tunis for a teacher for example for a YEAR is roughly 6400 dollars. Don't take my word for it of course, look it up - THANKS and trust me I wouldn't share info if I thought it was a bunch of bs" 


She sounds credible to me and it does make the Mo/Dani story a helluva lot more interesting and complex!


I'm on record not believing this.  It's not plausible.

Not quite, some local chubby blonde with a Muslim husband took them shopping for presents, maybe she paid for it.  She certainly boasted about her deed on Mo's Movie Character FB page.


Yea, talk about a set up.

...it's simply not plausible that his family paid her to marry him. 


It is absolutely plausible, it is very common place.  Danielle can't tell anyone that they are paying her, because marriage fraud is a crime.  Almost never prosecuted, but a crime nonetheless.


From this source:




Perhaps the most easily detectable type of marriage fraud is when a fee — typically between $5,000 and $10,000 — is paid to the American to marry a foreign national who wishes to live in the United States or already does, but needs to regulate his or her legal status. An officer with experience in an Andean country in South America told me that the going rate for a bogus marriage there is $5,000, while officers with experience in the Pacific Rim report that many intending immigrants will pay up to $20,000 to marry an American. There are undoubtedly some “fixers” able to find plausible American spouses for foreigners willing to pay cash, but it often is difficult for the fixers to make believable matches between foreigners willing to pay and Americans desperate enough for cash that they’ll sell their hand in marriage.




USCIS had approved the petition despite the fact that the petitioner had only been in Hungary for 72 hours, had no previous U.S. passport (and had thus never been out of the country before), and that the Nigerian had never been to the United States. The Nigerian claimed that they met in a chance encounter on the street and freely acknowledged that she had entered Hungary illegally and claimed asylum, supposedly based on a fear of circumcision in Nigeria (despite the fact that she was easily 20 years past the normal circumcision age). We later confirmed with the Hungarian authorities that her asylum claim had been rejected shortly before she claimed to have met her American fiancé. Curious to know how the American petitioner would explain making his first overseas trip to Hungary for just a weekend, I called the number listed on the petition. Our conversation went something like this:

“I went to Budapest because I heard it was a chill place,” he said, in response to my question.

“Where did you hear that?” I asked.

“Umm,” he said stalling for time, “from my landlord.”

“Is he Hungarian?”

“No, he’s Nigerian,” he said, inadvertently revealing the probable connection between himself and the supposed fiancé.

“I can see in the computer that this was your first passport,” I said. “Have you ever taken any vacations before?”

“I’ve been down to the Jersey Shore, Orlando.”

“So one day you just decided to jet off to Hungary for a long weekend by yourself? How soon did you fall in love with your fiancé after arriving?”

“Pretty much the first day,” he said.

“So what was the rush to get back to the Bronx, if you had just fallen in love?” I asked.

“Had to get back to work!” he exclaimed.

I informed him of the penalties for filing a fraudulent marriage or fiancé petition — the Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments Act of 1986 provides a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine for any “individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws,” but, like most con-artists, he tried to stick to his absurd story. Most fraud perpetrators know that marriage fraud is extremely difficult to prove and few are ever punished.



FBI and Department of Homeland Security officers arrested an Egyptian man who allegedly ran a marriage fraud business from a hot dog cart in downtown Washington, D.C., that provided American brides for Middle Eastern men seeking green cards. According to the criminal complaint, Aabid Shoeib, an illegal immigrant, is believed to have arranged at least 100 phony marriages. A U.S. citizen and a legal resident originally from Egypt were also arrested



One of the most unusual letters I ever received was from a woman in Michigan named Angela. Angela had fallen in love with Tony, a 30-something Macedonian who had come to America with a tourist visa and did not want to return home. The couple married and, after a year or so, Angela became suspicious because Tony seemed uninterested in her and spent hours each day talking on the phone in Macedonian, which she could not understand.

Angela began to record Tony’s phone conversations, but by the time she found a Macedonian interpreter, who revealed that Tony used her for the visa, never loved her, and had a “real” fiancé back in Macedonia, it was too late. Tony already had his green card and was about to divorce Angela and file a petition for his Macedonian sweetheart, Sonja. Angela’s mission in life became to stop Sonja from getting the visa. Unfortunately it is very hard, if not impossible, to revoke someone’s green card or citizenship, nor is it possible to deny the petition that they file for their new spouses, given that the new relationship is usually


Angela sent us a heart-wrenching letter asking us to “deny Sonja’s visa.” Angela forwarded us a sample of one of Tony and Sonja’s conversations along with a transcript, which contained the following smoking gun:

Sonja: “Do you promise that when you come back, you won’t bring her [Angela]?”

Tony: “Don’t be stupid, how can I bring her?”

Sonja: “When are you coming?”

Tony: “Angela suspects something. She told me I must have a girlfriend back in Macedonia, but don’t worry, one more year until I get my permanent green card and after that she can pull my [expletive]! Until then, we have to wait, baby, what can we do?”

Sonja: “One whole year we have to wait?”

Tony: “Yes, but what can we do? I’m coming to see you, I love to see you, to feel you, to make love to you. I need you!”

Sonja: “ I need you too!”

Tony: “ So you need to wait and be calm! Bye for now. I love you!”

I didn't get the impression that she stayed in a hotel, but, at his place. 


Dani herself said that she stayed in a hotel and watched TV all day because she was afraid to get lost if she ventured out on her own.


Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 5

Sorry missed out yesterday guys. Had a small late xmas party with friends. We all drank my dads moonshine and sang Eric clapton's wonderful tonight. My microphone was a piece of crab Rangoon.

I'm still having trouble accepting the "grandmother" thing in a sense that dani doesn't act at all like a grandmother. Also, does mo even realize he became a step grandfather? Is that even a thing?

I'm a decsendant of a werewolf. Not even joking. I did lots of research at the portuguese town halls and libraries and there is in fact a "labeled" werewolf that was my great great grandfather. Weird as hell. Obviously not a storybook werewolf but I'm sure you get how sometimes certain characteristics can get you a certain label. At least I don't glitter in the sun.

  • Love 2

I completely believe that Mos extended family put together money for him to get here. We can see how Dani lives in poverty without a job. There is no way she came up with the money to fly herself to Tunisia and Mo to here (unless she is involved in some criminal activity.) She probably gets child support but I doubt she gets governments assistance, maybe food stamps?

Without his family helping, there is no way he could have gotten here. don't underestimate the value of having a family member living and working legally in a western country. If Mo becomes a naturalized citizen he can sponsor his parents and his siblings. It will take a long time, but they have a long time to wait.

Don't forget that Tunisia is still dealing with major upheaval after the revolution. It remains an incredibly poor country.

Aw, you bet me to it. Yea, Dani's a grandma.

I'm on record not believing this. It's not plausible.

Yea, talk about a set up.

I completely believe that Mos extended family put together money for him to get here. We can see how Dani lives in poverty without a job. There is no way she came up with the money to fly herself to Tunisia and Mo to here (unless she is involved in some criminal activity.) She probably gets child support but I doubt she gets governments assistance, maybe food stamps?

Without his family helping, there is no way he could have gotten here. Don't underestimate the value of having a family member living and working legally in a western country. If Mo becomes a naturalized citizen he can sponsor his parents and his siblings. It will take a long time, but they have a long time to wait. It seems Tunisians are good at long term planning.

Don't forget that Tunisia is still dealing with major upheaval after the revolution. It remains an incredibly poor country.

Edit: I see roundtrip airfare to Tunis from Cleveland at $3200 leaving next week. Leaving in March is about $1100.

Edited by rose711
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On her FB page Angela Hassan is talking about 'loosing' her grandma who, apparently, is the world's oldest woman because "She was born in the south during slavery". According to my calculations, this makes her at least 151 years old ...

She must mean segregation, no?

These people are so pathetic. I honestly had no idea people like them existed. And by them I mean all the families on the show. It is definitely an America social group you don't see on tv.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 1

Sorry missed out yesterday guys. Had a small late xmas party with friends. We all drank my dads moonshine and sang Eric clapton's wonderful tonight. My microphone was a piece of crab Rangoon.

I'm still having trouble accepting the "grandmother" thing in a sense that dani doesn't act at all like a grandmother. Also, does mo even realize he became a step grandfather? Is that even a thing?

I'm a decsendant of a werewolf. Not even joking. I did lots of research at the portuguese town halls and libraries and there is in fact a "labeled" werewolf that was my great great grandfather. Weird as hell. Obviously not a storybook werewolf but I'm sure you get how sometimes certain characteristics can get you a certain label. At least I don't glitter in the sun.

Cool....your dad makes moonshine?? So did my family - I'm one of the "real" McCoys (NOT like on that reality show! LOL).

I am so excited for tonight! Almost more than I was yesterday for the UK-UL game yesterday!! It's bern a great weekend!!

  • Love 1

I completely believe that Mos extended family put together money for him to get here. We can see how Dani lives in poverty without a job. There is no way she came up with the money to fly herself to Tunisia and Mo to here (unless she is involved in some criminal activity.) She probably gets child support but I doubt she gets governments assistance, maybe food stamps?

Without his family helping, there is no way he could have gotten here. Don't underestimate the value of having a family member living and working legally in a western country. If Mo becomes a naturalized citizen he can sponsor his parents and his siblings. It will take a long time, but they have a long time to wait. It seems Tunisians are good at long term planning.

Don't forget that Tunisia is still dealing with major upheaval after the revolution. It remains an incredibly poor country.

Edit: I see roundtrip airfare to Tunis from Cleveland at $3200 leaving next week. Leaving in March is about $1100.


according to an article in The Norwalk Reflector http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5103466, that was based on an interview with Danni she wasa homehouse aide and caregiver and spent two weeks with Jbali in his country. Having hired home house aides for my mother when she was ill the pay scale was barely above minimum wage. Two weeks at a hotel when I looked on line was averaging about a couple of hundred a night. So based on the flight fair plus hotel there was several thousand for the trip...... 

You know with those three kids, she's maxing out the EIC, so I'll bet you are right....a big chunk probably came from that.

What is her ETIC return? I am not familiar with that.

I know she needs to show income through her income tax returns for the adjustment of status . I honestly don't know what she has to show for the fiance visa. I dont do that kind of work. But I think she has to show some ability to support him so he won't be a public charge.

Does the EIC tax return show her income to be below the poverty level?

Edited by rose711

EIC stands for Earned Income Credit. When you file your taxes, if you have children, you sometimes may qualify for a tax credit that allows you to get back more money than was taken out in taxes over the year.

It's a sliding scale based on your income....as your income goes up, the amount of the credit goes down. I can't remember what the top level is.

It is absolutely plausible, it is very common place.  Danielle can't tell anyone that they are paying her, because marriage fraud is a crime.  Almost never prosecuted, but a crime nonetheless.


From this source:








Dani herself said that she stayed in a hotel and watched TV all day because she was afraid to get lost if she ventured out on her own.



Sorry, paying her to marry him is not plausible the way it was told.  I'm not saying that it never happens, but, this scenario is implausible because there's no explanation re how the money got to her.  I haven't heard anything convincing about it.  I need more details than it just happened.  ICE watches for this kind of stuff, and it is pretty obvious if done via bank transfer.  She's never met his family and, frankly, she's not worth $6,000 for a nikah.  That's just me. 

  • Love 3

EIC stands for Earned Income Credit. When you file your taxes, if you have children, you sometimes may qualify for a tax credit that allows you to get back more money than was taken out in taxes over the year.

It's a sliding scale based on your income....as your income goes up, the amount of the credit goes down. I can't remember what the top level is.

EIC stands for Earned Income Credit. When you file your taxes, if you have children, you sometimes may qualify for a tax credit that allows you to get back more money than was taken out in taxes over the year.

It's a sliding scale based on your income....as your income goes up, the amount of the credit goes down. I can't remember what the top level is.

Thanks. The poverty guidelines for 2013 for a family of 5 is 27,570. That means she needs income of 34462.50 to adjust status. I don't think she had to prove income for the 90 visa but that doesn't seem correct.

The top level for EIC is $51,000.

So it looks like she could get EIC if even above the poverty levels. I don't think she is above the poverty level though.

At any rate,I believe his family gave the money to them. She is so terrible with money and bills that I can't imagine her saving any money at all.

Edited by rose711

according to an article in The Norwalk Reflector http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5103466, that was based on an interview with Danni she wasa homehouse aide and caregiver and spent two weeks with Jbali in his country. Having hired home house aides for my mother when she was ill the pay scale was barely above minimum wage. Two weeks at a hotel when I looked on line was averaging about a couple of hundred a night. So based on the flight fair plus hotel there was several thousand for the trip......

According to that article she flew to Doha, not Tunis as I thought. Those flights seem much cheaper maybe about $1000 with a few weeks notice.

According to that article she flew to Doha, not Tunis as I thought. Those flights seem much cheaper maybe about $1000 with a few weeks notice.


According to the article, she went to Doha in July.  That's the high season, so the ticket was probably around $1000 - 1200.  I've gone there for $800.  She stayed with him, so, that cost $0.  She could do that.  She wasn't paying her other bills anyway lol.

  • Love 1

According to the article, she went to Doha in July. That's the high season, so the ticket was probably around $1000 - 1200. I've gone there for $800. She stayed with him, so, that cost $0. She could do that. Shewasn't paying her other bills anyway lol.

Didn't she stay in a hotel?

I don't know if it will end up mattering how much she makes. I am sure some co sponsor will join in to help them. I have no doubt that Mo will get everything he wants out of this.

Edited by rose711

Didn't she stay in a hotel?

I don't know if it will end up mattering how much she makes. I am sure some co sponsor will join in to help them. I have no doubt that Mo will get everything he wants out of this.


The article never mentions a hotel.  It's very common for the woman to stay with the man she come to see.  It also never mentions meeting his family.

So is it plausible that she actually did go visit him? 

Well yeah I guess I can believe that. The part that's hard to believe is she claimed on social media that they had done the deed (or as saucy mommy would say DO THE SEX) when she had visited him there. Which, this I still believe to be an "accidental leak" on purpose concocted by her so people believe they actually had sex. (Also, if this was the case.. Mohamed wouldn't be so weird around her like he hasn't touched her right?

  • Love 1

LovetoSnark, it also occurred to me that being a caregiver/aide is one of those jobs where it's hard to get fired. I don't know how Danielle managed it! I think it's far more likely that she hadn't been working at it for very long... maybe to satisfy the initial income requirements for a K1-visa?


In Canada (and I think the UK), there's no more fiancé visa.  Either someone comes in as a visitor (and it's difficult to get a tourist visa if you're from a "poor" country) or they get married (or cohabit) and then get sponsored....


I can't help thinking that there's something fishy about the finances... otherwise Mo is a really terrible gigolo. I'd expect him to be sucking up like crazy to his sponsor (just got an icky image in my head from that verb, ewww sorry!) instead of reprimanding Dani for losing her job and keeping her debt situation hidden from him. I'd also expect her to say "Hey, the reason I'm broke is because I spent my savings on visiting you and paying for your ticket over here." But she doesn't.... oh I love a mystery!

Sorry, cooks delight, I didn't see your post until after I hit the button!

This is purely a guess, but the way Dani said "They didn't think I was doing enough of a good job" when she showed Mohamed the letter, sounded to me like she was in the 90-day probationary period. No way to know for sure. I've had to fire people at that point who just couldn't get it and didn't have it going on enough to ever get it.

Canadawoman, it's ok to wonder about someone's financial situation. I'd prefer we leave numbers out of it, because quoting information like that without any basis for knowing what her true situation is, is what's bothersome. :)

Have become addicted to this show....having been through a K1 fiancé visa with Moroccan man, I know a little about this process. Danielle would have to make 125% above the poverty level to sponsor him, which doesn't seem plausible. She had to have had a cosponsor. It's a well-known fact that many Arabic men sit around in internet cafes trolling for women. K1 requires that you must visit the person at least one time before you file. You have to be discreet in those countries if you are not married. Motels won't rent rooms to unmarried couples. I have seen lots of couples like them, but few of the marriages have worked out. Mo is doing the predictable: find a group to play soccer with, make a few friends from your home country, then proceed to live like you want. Go to work, hang out  with your buds, do what you want. What I can't understand is obviously Danielle has mental issues. Mohamed must have done a helluva job at his interview....lol Love reading your opinions...PS--Bet a million bucks she has maxed out her credit cards in this mess.

Edited by 90dayjunky
  • Love 3

It's 2:51 MT and Mohamed hasn't posted on his fan site since Dec. 25.  In the void, came his chubby blonde bud to pompously announce that Mohamed and Dani are working on their marriage and that his true friends will never question his choices (I wish I knew how to post screen shots coz I took one of her post).  Is she his new spokesperson?


Am I wrong to think that true friends have your back and if you're doing something dumb, they'll be sure to let you know because they care about you?  Do you want "yes men" friends?  It's a good idea to get a new perspective every so often.  Duh!

  • Love 1

I don't know how else to explain a simple policy. There are people out there who have been defamed when their name was associated with something that they didn't do. Just because someone on Facebook says it's true doesn't make it so.

When the day comes that a local newspaper publishes an article with a mugshot, you can post to your heart's delight. But until then, I am asking everyone to leave court records out of the conversation. If someone posted a court document that had someone with the same name as you, in the same town you lived in, yet it wasn't you.... how would you feel? Also, there are always unresolved cases where the outcome hasn't yet been decided. Or where it may be overturned.

Therefore, please leave links to court reports out of here and don't discuss them.

  • Love 1

Okay, I have no idea if I'm posting this in the right forum, but I just have to get this off my chest. I have watched all of the episodes (when they aired, and when they were re-run), have followed all of these threads, have replied on some, but tonight, while I'm waiting for the reunion episode to air, I have to wonder:


1. Why isn't this called a "scripted series" by TLC? There are so many different names . . . you see Cassia on here, but on FB she's called another name   . you see Daya & I can't even remember his name as "Steve" over on FB . . .


Obviously, this is just a scripted series! Am I the only one that thinks this?


We have people popping up on here who say they are related to different people  .. .


Oh, okay, I give up -- I am just as guilty as everyone else watching this, but maybe it's time we started calling out these networks on their "reality" series and call them what they really are -- series, sitcoms, etc.., but for much cheaper!

  • Love 2

Yes, these are different procedures.  The K1 visa to come to the US is the lower threshold.  The adjustment of status (AOS) is where the rubber meets the road.  Not everyone is subject to the same procedure, but you do need to provide a minimal amount of evidence that "proves" that your relationship looks like a marriage, i.e. finances, living arrangements, proof that your American citizen spouse can support you.  If they chose to interview the couple, they'll split them up and ask them questions about their daily life and habit to see if their answers match.


Here is a flow chart that shows the process step by step: http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1flow


I hope that helps :)

  • Love 1

There are plenty of ways to get money to Danielle. A family network with a few people living overseas makes it simple. No one is saying they gave her a lump sum directly deposited into her account. Who knows, maybe they used it to buy the plane tickets for them both and pay the fees for them.

I can think of many ways to do move this money around and ICE isn't going to know, it's just a few thousand, not that much money.

I doubt that Danni with no job, a deadbeat with bills and who knows what else,has the credit rating for a card that has more than a few hundred dollar limit.

Regarding the process for the fiance visa: they still have to prove their relationship, that they met in person once in the past 2 years, that they are free to marry,etc. And he has an in person interview and medical checks. He is asked questions about her in the interview to see how well he knows her, her family, etc. There is scrutiny for the 90 day visa and many are denied. How Mohammed and Dannielle got a visa is not clear to me. Their relationship reeks of fraud.

I have no idea how her finances could possibly be enough to support him. Some embassies allow co sponsors for the fiance visa.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 1

Somehow I think that payment received is the FIRST thing they check with an application.   This is the government after all.


Yup. They won't even send out the letter to you, that states your assigned immigration # and confirmation of when they received your package until the check clears. A LOT of people don't pay attention to the correct fees either, and they reject the entire package.


Yes, these are different procedures.  The K1 visa to come to the US is the lower threshold.  The adjustment of status (AOS) is where the rubber meets the road.  Not everyone is subject to the same procedure, but you do need to provide a minimal amount of evidence that "proves" that your relationship looks like a marriage, i.e. finances, living arrangements, proof that your American citizen spouse can support you.  If they chose to interview the couple, they'll split them up and ask them questions about their daily life and habit to see if their answers match.


Here is a flow chart that shows the process step by step: http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1flow


I hope that helps :)


Not true. Just because you have an interview, doesn't mean that you will be separated. Usually people who are separated are people who go in for a second interview, and who have questionable things flagged. (no assets together, limited photos of them, not living together ect..)


At the interview they:

1. Confirm your answers on the application

2. Confirm your spouses answers

3. Offer you a chance to provide additional evidence 


They may also ask you to explain or confirm things, and ask question about your relationship if they're not satisfied with what you have submitted already.


My time from when they called my name, until I walked out of the USCIS office: 9 minutes. 


Everyone still has to go through the same process, some people just get flagged for RFE's (requests for evidence, where they have 30 days to provide additional information, data ect... to help prove their case. If they ignore it, the case is denied and they lose the money they submitted.) 

Edited by JennyO
  • Love 1


1. Why isn't this called a "scripted series" by TLC? There are so many different names . . . you see Cassia on here, but on FB she's called another name   . you see Daya & I can't even remember his name as "Steve" over on FB . . .



I am reasonably sure that Steve is the false Facebook name. They tried like Google + did to force real names on people's pages in order to sell more advertising but had to back off out of fear that people will drop the social network entirely. Also entertainers with fan pages like impersonators didn't want their given names but their professional names used. From other social media like Youtube Twitter it seems as if Daya, "cheat" or "trick" in Tagalog/Filipino and the main languages of the Western Visayas where they say she is from just anglicized Daya from the Arabic Dhiah 

Sorry, paying her to marry him is not plausible the way it was told. I'm not saying that it never happens, but, this scenario is implausible because there's no explanation re how the money got to her. I haven't heard anything convincing about it. I need more details than it just happened. ICE watches for this kind of stuff, and it is pretty obvious if done via bank transfer. She's never met his family and, frankly, she's not worth $6,000 for a nikah. That's just me.

NOT implausible at all. There are a plethora ways to get money to her if this is in fact the truth, which I have heard from immensely reliable sources.

What did everyone think of the reunion? I felt bad for Daya. Mohamed I have to commend as I felt he was as close to sincere as possible. Danielle seems completely delusional it's so sad. Thoughts?

  • Love 2

Yup. They won't even send out the letter to you, that states your assigned immigration # and confirmation of when they received your package until the check clears. A LOT of people don't pay attention to the correct fees either, and they reject the entire package.



Not true. Just because you have an interview, doesn't mean that you will be separated. Usually people who are separated are people who go in for a second interview, and who have questionable things flagged. (no assets together, limited photos of them, not living together ect..)


At the interview they:

1. Confirm your answers on the application

2. Confirm your spouses answers

3. Offer you a chance to provide additional evidence 


They may also ask you to explain or confirm things, and ask question about your relationship if they're not satisfied with what you have submitted already.


My time from when they called my name, until I walked out of the USCIS office: 9 minutes. 


Everyone still has to go through the same process, some people just get flagged for RFE's (requests for evidence, where they have 30 days to provide additional information, data ect... to help prove their case. If they ignore it, the case is denied and they lose the money they submitted.) 


I went through this, too; I'm an immigrant and an immigration attorney.  You don't have to have questionable things or even a second interview to be separated.  Some people don't get interviewed at all.  Some people are called in and after 5 minutes are handed their approval.  Some wait.  There's no one approach to every case.  It's a very individual process.

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