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Since it's Charisma Carpenter's birthday today I think now is as good a time to start a thread about one of my personal favorite characters, "the Queen Bee of Sunnydale High" Cordelia Chase. Charisma  turns 44 today and she posted this on Twitter:

charisma carpenter


Whatever age you are.... There is always an exception to how you feel. Photo cred: Jake Bailey


NSFW Image at https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtRjJoyCIAEZ7PC.png



Cordelia was always my favorite beyond the physical , but god that physical!

Edited by Lisin
added NSFW tag to image

At first I posted the actual picture, but then realized it was probably not suitable for this forum so I just posted the link!


Anyway she looks spectacular especially since even back in 1997 when the show premiered I already knew she along with the rest of the cast members playing teenagers were all far past high school. 


I always believed that if anybody had played Cordelia she would have remained an unsympathetic bitch(even SMG who had auditioned for it). Charisma was just so likable in spite of being nasty to Willow that I think they brought her in as part of the "Scooby Gang".

SMG had played Kendall Hart and on General Hospital and was very bitchy in Cruel Intentions so I can imagine her as a very evil Cordelia. 


The one line that sums up Cordelia in the "Killed By Death":


True, I forgot about her in Cruel Intentions, maybe its the hair :P For some reason I just can't picture her as high school bitchy, when I think of her in Cruel Intentions its more manipulative than anything.


I didn't much like Cordelia in Buffy but liked her a lot more in Angel, when she wasn't a stuck rich girl.

I liked Cordy a lot more on Angel too, but I liked her early "Queen C" self as well.  I always liked how brutally honest she could be.


My favorite Cordy moment has to be when she breaks up with Xander in the hospital.  "Stay. Away. From. Me."  I never knew a voice could be so empty and yet so filled with pain and venom at the same time.  Poor poor Cordy.  But Xander totally deserved it.

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My favorite Cordy moment was when she comes into the library during Helpless because she needs a book for report due the next day. Buffy has just learned about the Cruciamentum and what Giles did and says, "I don't know you." After Cordelia tries to be helpful by re-introducing Buffy to her watcher, Buffy asks if she could drive her home. Immediately she says yes, then adds that if the world doesn't end, she's going to need a note. That scene encompasses who Cordelia has become. Wonderfully played by Charisma Carpenter. 

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Cordelia was always one of my favorite characters.  I liked bitchy queen C and I liked Scooby Cordy.  The only time I was really mad at her was when she dumped Xander on Valentine's Day because of her friends, but even with that, it was a very realistic high school moment (when friends can dictate everything if you actually care about being popular). 


ETA: Charisma is my age and I am suddenly very depressed after looking at that pic.  LOL

Edited by ladyrott

I liked Cordy a lot more on Angel too, but I liked her early "Queen C" self as well.  I always liked how brutally honest she could be.


My favorite Cordy moment has to be when she breaks up with Xander in the hospital.  "Stay. Away. From. Me."  I never knew a voice could be so empty and yet so filled with pain and venom at the same time.  Poor poor Cordy.  But Xander totally deserved it.

Yeah that was the first scene where she ever revealed her vulnerability.  She would continue to grow on Angel, where I really enjoy the character the most.

I liked Cordelia announcing her science project as "Tomato - fruit or vegetable?" and when everyone looks askance at her, blithely adds "I wanted something I could do in a weekend." (Ah, those innocent days before Google was ubiquitous)

Then, a line or two later she says "Willow?" (I believe to start another conversation), and Willow, who's knee deep in research, snaps back, "It's a fruit."

Love that exchange. And yes Charisma is stunning.

Edited by pootlus
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I always liked the Willow/Cordy interactions.  Even though Cordelia was a total bitca in the early days, I will always remember Willow telling her to hit "deliver" in computer class  (after Cordy and Harmony had finished their project and Cordy was snarking on Buffy).  I know Willow was hurt when she saw Xander kissing Cordelia, but she got over it enough to be more than civil.  Plus, I give bonus points for that nervous little laugh Xander gave when he realized Cordy and Willow were hanging out.

I'm re-watching the early seasons and I like Cordelia a lot.


I do think they went a bit too far pushing the 'Cordelia is secretly a genius' angle ("I do well on standardized tests", getting into Columbia, etc.). Aside from the fact that that was part of Buffy's thing and so repeating it felt redundant, Cordelia was more interesting and more vulnerable when it seemed like she was more of a Xander-like regular person behind the chic outfits. Likewise she went too far into sainthood later on on Angel.

I really enjoy Cordelia on BTVS - dislike the direction taken on AtS but that's for another place.  The one thing I did find offputting though was just how much older she looked than the rest of the cast.  Particularly in scenes with Jenny Calendar or Wesley, it was just painfully obvious that she was 10 years older than Buffy and Willow.  I don't mind suspending a bit of disbelief but I just couldn't take her seriously as a teenager.

On 12/29/2014 at 7:42 AM, saki said:

Particularly in scenes with Jenny Calendar or Wesley, it was just painfully obvious that she was 10 years older than Buffy and Willow.

Actually, CC isn't even four years older than Alyson. (July 23, 1970 v. March 24, 1974)  Clearly, Aly's cheating and using magic.  Or maybe it's just the whole "dressing like a nine-year-old" thing.  (I love ya, Will, but…)

I do always chuckle at the idea of Jenny being one of Cordelia's teachers, when Robia (b. July 6, 1970) is a whopping 17 days older than Charisma.

8 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

Just everything that comes out of her mouth is so hilarious, she probably has the best lines on the show.

In several episodes, her lines are the best parts. In Killed By Death, there's of course the classic Queen C line: 


Cordelia: So this isn't about you being afraid of hospitals 'cause your friend died and you wanna conjure up a monster that you can fight so you can save everybody and not feel so helpless?

Giles: Cordelia, have you actually ever heard of tact?

Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass.

But, I also love this exchange w/ Giles: 


Cut to the library. Giles and Cordelia are going through a stack of books on the table. He has Ryan's drawing for comparison. She turns a page and finds a picture of a demon. He takes a sip of his tea.

Cordelia: Eww, what does this do?

Giles: (puts his mug down) What?

Cordelia: What does this do? (pushes the book toward him)

Giles: Uh, it, uh, extracts vital organs to replenish its own mutating cells.

Cordelia: Wow! (leans over to look at his book) What does this one do? (points to a drawing)

Giles: (looks up at her) Um, i-it elongates its mouth to, uh, engulf its victim's head with its incisors.

Cordelia: Ouch. Wait, what does this one do? (points to another)

Giles: (frustrated) It asks endless questions of those with whom it's supposed to be working so that nothing is getting done.

Cordelia: Boy, there's a demon for everything.

It's all in the delivery.

Go Fish:  


Cordelia: (very upset) It's me, Cordelia? I know you can't answer me, but... God, this is all my fault. You joined the swim team to impress me. You were so courageous. And you looked really hot in those Speedo's. (chuckles) And I want you to know that I still care about you, no matter what you look like. And... and we can still date. Or, or not. I mean... I understand if you wanna see other fish. (crouches by the edge) I'll do everything I can to make your quality of life better. Whether that means little bath toys or whatever.

and Gingerbread: 


Cordelia: Things are way out of control, Giles. First the thing at school, and then my mom confiscates all of my black clothes and scented candles. (Giles sits up) I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness and found you all unconscious... again. How many times have you been knocked out, anyway? (Giles finds his glasses) I swear, one of these times, you're gonna wake up in a coma.

On occasion, I've been able to use some Buffy dialog in real life. I haven't had the chance to use "wake up in a coma" yet, but one of these days ...

  • Love 3

Always a favorite, from The Dark Age:


CORDELIA (to Det. Winslow):  Oh, great. Can you help me with a ticket? It's totally bogus, it was a one-way street. I was going one way --

GILES: Cordelia!

CORDELIA What? Why does everybody always yell my name? I'm not deaf. And I can take a hint.

(pause, then…defeated)

CORDELIA: What's the hint?

GILES: To come back later.

CORDELIA: Yeah, when you've visited decaf-land.

Aw, poor Cordy!  She just needs very specific hints, that's all. :)

Edited by Halting Hex

Loandbehold: Have a look at the opening scene of Tom Stoppard's ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD:

Rosencrantz: Did you ever think of yourself as actually dead, lying in a box with a lid on it?

Guildenstern: No.

Rosencrantz: Nor do I, really. It's silly to be depressed by it. I mean, one thinks of it like being alive in a box. One keeps forgetting to take into account the fact that one is dead, which should make all the difference, shouldn't it? I mean, you'd never *know* you were in a box, would you? It would be just like you were asleep in a box. Not that I'd like to sleep in a box, mind you. Not without any air. You'd wake up dead for a start, and then where would you be? In a box. That's the bit I don't like, frankly. That's why I don't think of it. Because you'd be helpless, wouldn't you? Stuffed in a box like that. I mean, you'd be in there forever, even taking into account the fact that you're dead. It isn't a pleasant thought. Especially if you're dead, really. Ask yourself, if I asked you straight off, "I'm going to stuff you in this box. Now, would you rather be alive or dead?" naturally, you'd prefer to be alive. Life in a box is better than no life at all, I expect. You'd have a chance, at least. You could lie there thinking, "Well, at least I'm not dead. In a minute somebody is going to bang on the lid, and tell me to come out."

[bangs on lid]

Rosencrantz: "Hey you! What's your name? Come out of there!"

Guildenstern: [long pause] I think I'm going to kill you.


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On ‎25‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 6:40 PM, nosleepforme said:

I'm more amused that I never really questioned why Robia would play a teacher to the Scoobies, when they mostly were around the same age, aside from Sarah who was always the youngest. For some reason, I was so engaged in the show that it never even entered my mind that Robia might be closer to the Scoobies in age than to Giles.

Hell, Melissa Joan Hart was 20 when she played Sabrina The Teenage Witch (and according to her Maxim interview high on ecstasy most of the time which must have made everything much more realistic for her)

On ‎25‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 6:39 PM, Loandbehold said:

In several episodes, her lines are the best parts. In Killed By Death, there's of course the classic Queen C line: 

But, I also love this exchange w/ Giles: 

It's all in the delivery.

Go Fish:  

and Gingerbread: 

On occasion, I've been able to use some Buffy dialog in real life. I haven't had the chance to use "wake up in a coma" yet, but one of these days ...

Ironically as Buffy Wikia pointed out that's exactly;


what CC does in You're Welcome!

Cordelia Chase is one of the most mysterious characters of the whole Buffyverse. And the biggest mystery about her is why so many people like her so much? Yes, there are few moments when she comes out as a decent person, but most of the time she's just a shallow, selfish, arrogant high school airhead who likes putting other people down - especially her (ex-)boyfriend. I'm talking mostly about Buffy-era Cordy here: she becomes annoyingly perfect in Angel  (especially season 3; it's like someone played a trick with Oz and turned him into a woman with Charisma Carpenter's forms). For some unknown reason people chose to turn a blind eye whenever Cordelia says or does something the fandom will surely bash other characters for.

  • After Eyghon!Philip knocks Jenny Calendar out in The Dark Age she reacts with "This is what happens when you have school on Saturday" remark, as if Jenny deserved what happened to her just because Queen C. had to have a class on Saturday. If Xander said something like that people would tear him a new one constantly, calling him insensitive and sexist douche, but since those words come out of Saint Cordy's mouth it's not a big deal...;
  • Cordelia nicknames Faith "Slut-O-Rama" upon seeing her dancing at The Bronze in Faith, Hope & Trick. Xander-haters like to point out all the mean things he said about other characters but at least those were the ones (Angel, Cordelia, Spike) he knew quite well. Cordy thinks it's OK to insult people she knows nothing about;
  • In Doppelgangland Queen C. admits what I knew all along - that it was never about her "loving" Xander in any way, shape or form ("And, OK, it isn't even like I was that attracted to Xander. It was more just that we kept being put in these life-or-death situations and that's always all sexy and stuff. I mean, I more or less knew he was a loser"). I always hated how Cordelia sticks her tongue in her ass whenever Harmony & the ex-Cordettes insult her (The Wish), but never misses an opportunity to pick on Xander throughout the remainder of the third season. How do we call people who pick on others knowing quite well they'll get away with it? Right, cowards.

    Anyway, I can write a lot about why I dislike Cordelia or hate Xordelia, but I won't. At least for now. Suffice it to say, I felt very little pity for Queen C. after the Chase family came under the radar of the IRS at the end of season 3. And her plight throughout Angel (especially in the final seasons) didn't bring out much emotion in me either...

    Still better character than Anya...

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On 2/1/2020 at 8:57 AM, lembergwatcher said:

After Eyghon!Philip knocks Jenny Calendar out in The Dark Age she reacts with "This is what happens when you have school on Saturday" remark, as if Jenny deserved what happened to her just because Queen C. had to have a class on Saturday. If Xander said something like that people would tear him a new one constantly, calling him insensitive and sexist douche, but since those words come out of Saint Cordy's mouth it's not a big deal...;

I don't think CC was being so Jenny-specific.  She's referring to the general chaos, not Jenny's specific injury, and she doesn't assign blame with a "that's what you get" or anything; it seems to be more of a statement about the consequences of violating the Natural Order. Which, yes, you can trace back to Jenny, but I didn't get the idea that Cordelia was looking for a scapegoat, rather than just despairing, generally.  JMO.


Cordelia nicknames Faith "Slut-O-Rama" upon seeing her dancing at The Bronze in Faith, Hope & Trick. Xander-haters like to point out all the mean things he said about other characters but at least those were the ones (Angel, Cordelia, Spike) he knew quite well. Cordy thinks it's OK to insult people she knows nothing about;

You did see how Faith was dressed, right?  Chimes-in-the-boob-window top, leather pants, etc.?  Cordy may have jumped to conclusions, but she hardly seems to have been wrong about them.

(What she might be missing, though, is that Faith could have dressed like that on purpose, so as to attract Disco Dave [and any others of his kind] without endangering any civilians.  Faith's subsequent outfits would argue against this explanation, but perhaps she simply fell into a sartorial habit.)


In Doppelgangland Queen C. admits what I knew all along - that it was never about her "loving" Xander in any way, shape or form ("And, OK, it isn't even like I was that attracted to Xander. It was more just that we kept being put in these life-or-death situations and that's always all sexy and stuff. I mean, I more or less knew he was a loser")

Except that this contradicts what Cordy says in Homecoming and could easily be her doing CYA to save face.  (Especially as she's talking to [she thinks] the woman who alienated Xander's affections in the first place.)  She doesn't really have much motive to lie to Buffy in that cabin, but she's got plenty of reasons to try to diminish her pain in front of "Willow' here, IMO.

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