drivethroo December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 17 hours ago, geauxaway said: Oh Jamal can defend himself all he wants, but he’s not a medical doctor. He’s not qualified nor was he asked to diagnose Chris Samuels. To accuse someone of having CTE because they had an outburst? We can leave CTE out of it. We also shouldn’t be using medical diagnoses (if there is one, which there isn’t because CTE is only discovered after death) against people to shade them. Shade for one, shade for all. Chris & Monique don't get to threaten (or actually perform) violence on people and spread their personal business and think people are supposed to just sit back and be quiet. The Samuels' use their words against Jamal (who has never interacted with them or said anything about them) but Jamal is supposed to sit back and be quiet as they accuse him of salacious things and try to get violent with the mother of some of his kids? Shade for one, shade for all. We don't know if Chris Samuels has CTE but what we DO know is he supports Monique's violence against her coworker he expressed a desire for himself to physically harm Monique's coworkers he allegedly tries to physically harm/intimidate Monique's coworkers he allegedly had a violent outburst against a woman at Safeway (allegedly this woman is Charrisse) Everyone talks about how Jamal is in women's business (he's in his woman's business) but Chris is actually the one in women's business and the Samuels need to attend about their business, which is what Jamal's shade was ultimately about. 16 hours ago, RealReality said: But various medical opinions have been thrown about. Like the idea that monqiue has a medical condition that causes her to black out. Right. Karen's not a medical doctor either but she's bandying about the theory Monique has a medical condition that causes her to black out and beat up coworkers. Seems like both of the Samuels need to check on their medical conditions and check out of this show. 16 hours ago, qtpye said: These are all rumors and I have no idea if any of this is true: Jamal is angry at Gizelle and not speaking to her when he released the binder video and that is why he was originally not at the reunion. He blames her for all the negative attention he has been getting. Jamal has 4 other children besides his daughters with Gizelle but only claims two of them at the moment. Jamal had an affair with Phaedra (she was technically still married to Apollo) on the season where she was supposedly sleeping with a stripper named Chocolate on RHOA Jamal is sleeping with a lady pastor at his church. She looks a bit like Gizelle. New Birth is wanting to part with Jamal but they will have to pay him a large settlement because of his contract. They have been losing congregation members since all this has been coming out. So New Birth had a KNOWN child molestor as a pastor, who was molesting young boys and people stayed with New Birth but Jamal sleeping with adult women and having OOW kids is a bridge too far? 13 hours ago, Stats Queen said: They should be ashamed they hired him in the first place, but the one he replaced had even more awful qualities. I live in metro Atlanta and I won’t ever forget Jamal wanting to charge his church members a lot of money for COVID testing. His multiple relationships (apparently without a condom) with numerous women is just the top of the barrel of this nasty, horrible, supposedly Christian man parading himself as a good human being. Exactly. New Birth has no problem with slime in the pulpit because Jamal is replacing f*cking Eddie Long. The only thing they'd be worried about is the loss of tithes and offerings. But, I'm not going to let the women Jamal is sleeping with off the hook (including Gizelle), because they know how Jamal gets down and they choose to spread their legs condomless anyway. If Jamal is wrong for having non-marital sex, the women are also wrong too (especially if they are also pastors). The lady pastor that Jamal is accused of sleeping with is not the same lady pastor who sent the text messages. The New Birth lady pastor is being accused by the Text Message Pastor of sleeping her way into the job (because she's allegedly mad Jamal slept with her but didn't give her the job the other lady got). Monique and Chris are silly. If Monique couldn't win a war of words with Candiace (without resorting to violence), they're not going to win a war of words with Jamal who is paid to use words (and who, despite his sins, is more prominent than they are). Monique should not be surprised if she gets a C & D telling her to keep Jamal's name out of her mouth and to delete his tab from her Trapper Keeper. Again, this is the SECOND time Monique has dragged up one of Gizelle's suitors' pasts onto the show to get Gizelle. If Monique thinks Gizelle is going to slither into the night, she's got another thing coming. Gizelle is going to get her...on or OFF the show. 1 1 8 Link to comment
albarino December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 1 hour ago, drivethroo said: Shade for one, shade for all. Chris & Monique don't get to threaten (or actually perform) violence on people and spread their personal business and think people are supposed to just sit back and be quiet. Politely disagree. Jamal is a Pastor; a man of great faith. I would think he would be above it all. Seems like he is a cad. Please throw him under the bus! I would think a man of great faith would "turn the other cheek" but I'm not a woman of great faith so I may have gotten my Bible quote wrong. 2 Link to comment
drivethroo December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, albarino said: Politely disagree. Jamal is a Pastor; a man of great faith. I would think he would be above it all. Seems like he is a cad. Please throw him under the bus! I would think a man of great faith would "turn the other cheek" but I'm not a woman of great faith so I may have gotten my Bible quote wrong. Well, let's talk about this. Matthew says to "turn the other cheek." So after being insulted by Monique for no reason, Jamal being a good Christian should just turn the other cheek. So let's talk about this. Monique and Chris are supposed to be such good Christians, so why didn't Monique turn the other cheek the numerous times Candiace came for her this season? No? That was Candiace who turned the other cheek and walked away every time Monique came for her this season? And why didn't Monique turn the other cheek when Candiace said "Good night, I'm sleep, I'm bored, you wanna drag me?" Why didn't she turn the other cheek? And when Gizelle started and spread a rumor about Monique sleeping with the trainer and getting pregnant by him*, why didn't Monique turn the other cheek? Why didn't Monique just pray about it and for their salvation? Why didn't Chris turn the other cheek instead of trying to turn up on Robyn & Gizelle on IG Live (cheered on by good Christian Monique)? Why doesn't Chris turn the other cheek at the reunion when he tries to run up on Robyn & Gizelle? Why didn't Chris turn the other cheek at the lady from Safeway? See, this "turn the other cheek" line is BS being used to justify why people we don't like (Jamal, Gizelle, Candiace) shouldn't be able to defend themselves. We like Monique so she should be able to defend herself from a salacious rumor but we think Jamal is scum and Candiace has a reckless mouth so they should just STFU and accept it. No. A burly man is physically threatening his ex-wife on social media and then trying to run up on her and Burly Man's wife has repeatedly attacked his ex-wife's romantic relationships by bringing up allegations that have nothing to do with her OR the ex-wife but Jamal is supposed to sit quiet and turn the other cheek? No. People have the right to defend themselves, whether they are of the cloth or not. Monique can no longer cry when somebody brings up Chris' behavior or past because she's signaled it's ok to do that. And all of this is because Monique is butthurt Gizelle didn't like her and didn't accept her into Green Eyed Bandits Sorority, Incorporated. Sad. *Funny how Monique can turn the other cheek on Gigi, who is the one who actually started and spread the rumor. Let me just add, if the New Birth Lady pastor is not in a relationship with Jamal and did not get her job by having sex with him, Jamal has an obligation not to stay quiet and turn the other cheek. Her reputation shouldn't be sullied because Monique is providing a platform for Jamal's scorned ex-girlfriend. Quote The fact that Candaice is still taking money from her mother should be embarrassing. She is a grown ass woman with education and talents. She should be independent of her money at this time of her life. She just doesn't want to lower her life style. When I first got married My husband and I lived within our means on our two incomes. I did not expect my parents to fund me even though they had more money than I did. I was taught to be independent. My husband and I pooled our earnings to live on and to save. I took a year off when my first child was born and lived on just my husband's salary. My parent's loaned us money to buy rugs when we moved into a house. We payed it back. Living off a parent's money is not the same as a husband supporting his family. So basically you dislike Candiace because you and your husband struggled early in your marriage and you don't like the fact Candiace doesn't has to struggle. That's the basic bottom line core of why people dislike Candiace. I see too many white millennials with nicely paying jobs getting cars, huge downpayments, weddings etc paid for by Mommy and Daddy to get mad at what Candiace is getting from her mother. Edited December 19, 2020 by drivethroo 1 8 Link to comment
retired watcher December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 20 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said: I don't think anyone is discrediting Monique for being a wife .I am just saying that there is literally no difference between Candace getting money from her mother the woman who birthed and raised her who has been in her life her whole life and Monique who married Chris and had his children ... to dog one and not the other about things to me is stupid .. because either one could deiced to stop paying for things at any moment and they would have to go out and earn money on their own at that point if they wanted something Yes there is a difference. Chris is supporting his family. He a Monique agreed on her staying home and raising kids. When you marry you share everything including income. The fact that Candaice is still taking money from her mother should be embarrassing. She is a grown ass woman with education and talents. She should be independent of her money at this time of her life. She just doesn't want to lower her life style. When I first got married My husband and I lived within our means on our two incomes. I did not expect my parents to fund me even though they had more money than I did. I was taught to be independent. My husband and I pooled our earnings to live on and to save. I took a year off when my first child was born and lived on just my husband's salary. My parent's loaned us money to buy rugs when we moved into a house. We payed it back. Living off a parent's money is not the same as a husband supporting his family. 6 Link to comment
retired watcher December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 19 hours ago, qtpye said: I grew up in Atlanta and there is a lot of tea coming out of Atlanta about Jamal. New Birth is wanting to part with Jamal but they will have to pay him a large settlement because of his contract. They have been losing congregation members since all this has been coming out. I would think there would be a morals clause in his contract. Of course if Jamal got himself a slick lawyer he could have kept that out. 3 Link to comment
RealReality December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 4 hours ago, GonnahearmeRoar said: Jamal sounds like he has a sex addiction - never satisfied and a skirt chaser. Gizelle knows his history and that leads me to believe she is in it for his money. I think its possible he has a sex addiction and giz really doesn't know. She may have thought he had the capacity to keep the D in his pants for the duration of filming. But if he is an addict maybe he really can't. To me, it seems like this "relationship" was for the show but Jamal agreed to be discreet while filming was going on so that their story was believable and giz wasn't humiliated on TV. He either can't or wouldn't do it. My biggest issue is thst he clearly didn't tell her anything so she was blindsided and unprepared. If he had even one scintilla of respect or concern for giz he would have at least told her that these women were out there in the ethos trying to shop around their story. 2 Link to comment
Neurochick December 19, 2020 Share December 19, 2020 Here is my totally UO for this reunion. I think Andy should have taken the "receipt book" away from Monique and thrown it in the trash where it belongs. Why? Because in life things are progressive. This year Monique comes at the women with a receipt book, next reunion someone will come with an iPad showing a live video or something. The next thing you know, they're attacking each other and it becomes the Bad Girls Club. You can't open the door to that type of behavior. That is why Andy stopped allowing props when Porsha attacked Kenya on RHOA. 1 7 Link to comment
albarino December 20, 2020 Share December 20, 2020 (edited) 10 hours ago, drivethroo said: So let's talk about this. Monique and Chris are supposed to be such good Christians, so why didn't Monique turn the other cheek the numerous times Candiace came for her this season? No? That was Candiace who turned the other cheek and walked away every time Monique came for her this season? Are Chris and Monique paid to lead congregations in faithful worship? No. My point is Jamal is a church leader who is paid to lead his flock to enjoy a more fruitful relationship with God and Jesus and he should be above this; he gets paid to be above this. This is my vision of a church leader. 10 hours ago, drivethroo said: So basically you dislike Candiace because you and your husband struggled early in your marriage and you don't like the fact Candiace doesn't has to struggle. That's the basic bottom line core of why people dislike Candiace. I see too many white millennials with nicely paying jobs getting cars, huge downpayments, weddings etc paid for by Mommy and Daddy to get mad at what Candiace is getting from her mother. No, I just don't like Candiace. It really is that simple. I don't know why she settled for a guy with children from two different women while allowing her mother pay for (and dictate) her life. That is the real head scratcher for me. Edited December 20, 2020 by albarino edit 4 Link to comment
albarino December 20, 2020 Share December 20, 2020 8 hours ago, Neurochick said: I think Andy should have taken the "receipt book" away from Monique and thrown it in the trash where it belongs. Why? Because in life things are progressive. This year Monique comes at the women with a receipt book, next reunion someone will come with an iPad showing a live video or something. I politely disagree. From the previews, we've seen where Bravo is now showing a Michael ass-grab from Season One (might be later; didn't quite catch it) and Ashley is asked to address it. As Heather from OC said, Bravo can't show your behavior if you don't do it. Personally, if I were a housewife, I would never drink during filming. First, I would never be asked to be a housewife because I'm too boring, second, I'm not rich or fabulous enough, and third, I'm not pretty enough. Oh wait, I also don't have enough degrees. It is quite possible I misunderstood your post. It is Saturday night and I'm watching Iron Chef America. 3 1 Link to comment
RealReality December 20, 2020 Share December 20, 2020 I had quoted a post and everything but cannot find it. It has to do with what the perceived difference between Candace and Monique is, because a man caring for his family is acceptable but a parent caring for their grown child is not. I can't find the post so I'm trying to summarize in the most objective terms. I think there are quite a few people who support their grown children and are okay with it. I'd find it odd if anyone in the Saudi Royal Family was living in a one bedroom apartment because they only are qualified for a job at the local KFC. Warren Buffet handed each of his kids (and grandkids) a million dollars each (no more than that, because he wants them to learn to "fend for themselves") but they could live off a million dollars for a lifetime. How many times have we heard someone win the lottery and talk about how excited they are to share it with their kids or buy something for their kids or make sure their kids don't have to work? I've heard it more than once. Is Paris Hilton turning down her inheritance because she doesn't want her grandpa's money taking care of her? Have Willow and that other kid Jada and Will have ever had a normal adult job where they lived independently on their income? I also think that our culture is very independent and encourages moving away from your parents and having your own individual household by a particular age. I'm find with this because it my situation, but in a lot of other cultures I don't think it works that way at all and people live at home until they marry and sometimes after they marry. Candace and Monique are in the same boat, but Candace's is better. If that money is Chris's and its his separate property he can limit Monique's access to it and he can make the decisions regarding his money. I'm sure he hasn't done but, but he can. Dorothy can do the same thing to Candace. But, if Dorothy takes away Candace's trust fund, Candace HAS an education and talents to fall back on. Monique does not have those things. She has her kids and she will have child support, but thats about it. My parents, specifically my dad, is old school and traditional. But all of us, including my sister and I, have a college degree and a post graduate degree. My parents never wanted us to HAVE to depend on a man. Like if you get married and the guy is the breadwinner, fine. But not to be in a position where, if he decides to take off, you have no education and no skill set. I think it makes everyone feel more comfortable because I would be stressed out if I knew I had champagne tastes and not even the skillset for a Budweiser budget. 10 hours ago, Neurochick said: Here is my totally UO for this reunion. I think Andy should have taken the "receipt book" away from Monique and thrown it in the trash where it belongs. Why? Because in life things are progressive. This year Monique comes at the women with a receipt book, next reunion someone will come with an iPad showing a live video or something. The next thing you know, they're attacking each other and it becomes the Bad Girls Club. You can't open the door to that type of behavior. That is why Andy stopped allowing props when Porsha attacked Kenya on RHOA. I noticed that Andy wouldn't even touch that book. He certainly wasn't going to stop Monique from her tea spilling, but she kinda gestured it towards him and he wasn't having it. I don't think Andy wants to be in the middle of that or the pandoras box its going to open. If that Safeway video is real, that is just a really bad look for Chris S. 3 Link to comment
drivethroo December 20, 2020 Share December 20, 2020 10 hours ago, albarino said: Are Chris and Monique paid to lead congregations in faithful worship? No. My point is Jamal is a church leader who is paid to lead his flock to enjoy a more fruitful relationship with God and Jesus and he should be above this; he gets paid to be above this. This is my vision of a church leader. If Jamal were there at the reunion sitting behind Gizelle and Monique opened her binder and said the same things, was Jamal just supposed to sit quiet and let Monique take shots at him because he's a pastor? If that's the case, then it doesn't matter if Jamal was at the reunion or not. Only women who feel women are only worthy of respect if they have a man (or a child) place such value in having a man by your side at all times. Jamal may be a pastor but he is also a man and he's got a right to defend himself. Monique provided a national platform for the Text Message Pastor to accuse the New Birth Lady Pastor of sleeping with Jamal to get the job. If none of that happened, that's very damaging to the New Birth Lady Pastor's reputation. Jamal responded because he was letting Monique know You will not be harassing me, Gizelle or members of New Birth like you did Candiace and Robyn because you're big mad Gizelle pays you dust Don't think that I can't shut you down I have eyes and ears in Maryland and I know how y'all get down so you need to sit your ass down and mind your business Just because we don't like Jamal doesn't mean Jamal doesn't have the right to defend himself. Monique & Chris don't get to do and say whatever they want and everybody is supposed to turn the other cheek. 11 hours ago, albarino said: No, I just don't like Candiace. It really is that simple. And her mother will continue to give her money, which is nobody else's business or problem, and she probably will never have to struggle. It really is that simple. 9 hours ago, RealReality said: Candace and Monique are in the same boat, but Candace's is better. They're not in the same boat and that's why people are mad. Monique is solely dependent on Chris' finances; Candiace is growing more independent of her mom's finances and she has more education and experience and drive to make it on her own. For all of Monique's protestations, Monique actually is lazy. There hasn't been the tension between Candiace and her mother this season as with other seasons and it's probably because Candiace is taking meaningful steps to becoming more financially independent, which was her mother's main beef with her. 9 hours ago, RealReality said: If that Safeway video is real, that is just a really bad look for Chris S. The rumor is the woman Chris Samuels went off on at the Safeway was Charrisse 7 Link to comment
lamujerdecente December 20, 2020 Share December 20, 2020 On 12/16/2020 at 12:43 AM, GonnahearmeRoar said: I’ve raised these girls to be strong and be smart. And to understand that—and I think every Black mother has said this to their child—in order for you to succeed in this country, unfortunately, you have to be twice as good. You have to be twice as fast, you have to be twice as smart as the white person standing next to you. Or you cannot advance,” said Gizelle. “Hopefully one day that won’t be the case. But right now, my kids know that they have to be better, smarter, stronger in order for them to make it in this country.” I find Gizelle to be racist toward whites and teaching her children to see her narrow views. Don’t use a broad paintbrush and label an entire race. There are many underprivileged whites that have to work just as hard as the blacks to do better. These conversations divide us. Gizelle references race a lot. This is thing. I am always trying to dispel the myth that poverty belongs to brown and black people. The face of poverty is usually a child or a female. The more marglinized you are, the harder poverty hits. But if you aren't black or brown in this country, you can't say "these conversations divide us". Its dismissive towards a real fact that no matter what your income level is, how accomplished you are, you come in contact with the judicial system or law enforcement, none of those things matter and it can cost a black or brown person their life. Compare that to wealthy white folks and how the judicial system is towards them and law enforcement. How many white CEOS have been arrested because of mistaken identity? I will wait. 10 Link to comment
islandgal140 December 21, 2020 Share December 21, 2020 10 hours ago, drivethroo said: If that Safeway video is real, that is just a really bad look for Chris S. That makes 3 vids I am waiting on to be released for this franchise 1 - Monique's basement tapes of Potomac's bussy bandit Michael 2 - Gigi's of Monique dancing inappropriately with her trainer; and 3 - Safeway video of Big Boy accosting Charisse. All Mo Mayweather related. Come through Universe and deliver! 4 Link to comment
albarino December 21, 2020 Share December 21, 2020 11 hours ago, drivethroo said: And her mother will continue to give her money, which is nobody else's business or problem, and she probably will never have to struggle. It really is that simple. Yes, I don't really have a problem with that. We give our daughter money; I'm planning to pay her $140K Vanderbilt debt and just gave her a new car to launch her life now that she is a tax payer. We agree to disagree. And it really is that simple. Link to comment
SailorGirl December 21, 2020 Share December 21, 2020 (edited) 15 hours ago, albarino said: I'm planning to pay her $140K Vanderbilt debt and just gave her a new car to launch her life. . . I'm available for adoption. . . 🤣 Edited December 21, 2020 by SailorGirl 8 Link to comment
albarino December 22, 2020 Share December 22, 2020 9 hours ago, SailorGirl said: I'm available for adoption. . . 🤣 So cute! I received some good investment advice when young and my baby and I have shed tears over our good fortune. It really was only hard work and saving when you are young. I gave her my new car because I hate it. Last night she asked me if I purchased a new car. My response? No, I'm still driving your 11 year old Prius. Works fine! 5 Link to comment
RealHousewife February 19 Share February 19 (edited) On 12/13/2020 at 10:27 PM, nb360 said: I think Gizelle should take a page out of Kenya's book and do online dating. That could be a whole storyline, from getting the right pictures up on the web, to figuring out who to date based on pictures, a series of "first dates," and then selecting the one or two that you date while going about your business and taking care of your girls. I'd love to see a mature woman handling this aspect of starting a relationship. I know online dating is something almost everyone does these days, but I still can't picture a stunningly beautiful woman like Gizelle on anything but maybe Raya. On 12/14/2020 at 8:35 AM, Keywestclubkid said: I think the Issue for me with Monique is that no one was really coming for her ... she LIKE candance came out on 100... she was jumping the gun with the attacks and it looked sad and messy .. I have no prob coming with receipts but the way she is going about it is messy and making her look like the bad guy she is on the defensive when she inst even the topic yet... And Gesizle you have lovely girls ..... But then immediately let me attack their father IN THE NEXT FUCKING BREATH and slander a man that has never even said one bad word towards me or my family so i can one up you was NASTY... she is just showing HOW UGLY she really is on the inside .. Agreed. I'm not a fan of Jamal and think Gizelle could do so much better. But like you said, he is the father of Gizelle's young daughters and did nothing to Monique, nor is he a Housewife. I thought it was wrong to share his personal texts. On 12/14/2020 at 8:57 AM, Sun-Bun said: Ashley can’t attack someone for saying her baby looks like his daddy unless she thinks his daddy is butt-ugly...which she quickly proved; that was not a smooth move and it disappointed me to see her lose her usual cool over that one. Agree. It's bizarre for someone to get offended by being told their baby looks like their partner. Michael's behavior makes him creepy, and I get that he's not a young stud people would picture Ashley with. But he's really not this ugly guy with bad features. Baby Dean may not look like Ashley (yet anyway), but he is adorable. On 12/14/2020 at 1:54 PM, Keywestclubkid said: I respect your opinion you have every right to it... its the same way I feel about Monique 🙂 Hey I have no problem with Monique being a stay at home mom ... 100% but I am just saying dogging Candace for not making Bank and her having NOTHING without this show when her mom took care of her is NO different then Monique staying at home and Chris paying for everything ....If her mama was fine paying for shit then let her pay for the shit ... lol just like if Chris is cool with paying for everything and Monique staying home is fine if that's their agreement ...... its a double standard Both could be cut off at anytime if the people financing their life so chose .... Exactly! That's why I thought it was ridiculous for Ashley to constantly poke Candiace about her mama's house over and over again when a creepy old man bankrolled her life. I also think it's icky when women like Monique look down upon women who "can't keep a man" or who haven't had kids. Way to alienate a lot of Bravo fans. A lot of viewers who watch Housewives are not housewives. Edited February 19 by RealHousewife 3 Link to comment
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