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Yeah, I don't buy that the professionals didn't know Sean was a train wreck when anyone can see that from watching him for 5 minutes on TV and learning his history, which they knew about.  It's obviously "who you know" in getting on a reality show and I think Sean had connections.  People  have said he knew last season's Doug (I didn't see last season) so that's one "in" that we know of.  The people he had to schmooze were not the experts, but the producers and I doubt they care how dysfunctional he is if for some reason they want him to be on TV.  Dr. C doth protest too much in his posts defending Sean.  They are obviously motivated by someone who wants to "justify" the decision to put him on the show, which I'm sure he knows the public is now blaming him for even if it wasn't his choice.  His reputation will be tarnished if the public thinks he was blindsided by a so-called "master manipulator" so he has to save some face by making it sound like he believes in Sean.  He may not have been conned by Sean, but now the public thinks he was.

ETA: Jaimie seems like a different case as she's been pretty open about throwing her mom under the bus based on what I saw during the spin-off.

IMO when momma throws you and your siblings under the bus most of your life, sometimes you have to throw momma back under the bus and make her stay there. Jamie and siblings had a rough upbringing. But yes, she has been open about it and IRL I am too.

  • Love 4

The Bachelor has been plugging along for 30 seasons with 95% breakup rate so I'm not sure how many viewers care about the romance. I just like to see what happens, good or bad.


Cilona saying that all the experts were very charmed by Sean shows how un-expert they are. There were many comments here from the jump about not trusting him and how something was off about him.

  • Love 3

The instagram pics of Davina out with other guys made me think she wasn't married plus no ring. No tweets to each other etc. Lately Ryan has instagramed Jessica so possibly they still are together and keeping a low profile.


I realize it goes outside the bounds of this experiment, but if I were a partner in one of the "borderline" couples, I'd suggest that we move back to our original homes at the 6-week mark while dating to see if there might be a reason to eventually share a home.


It's easier to make the geographical compromise with someone you love rather than with a complete stranger, and I think that's where this season has gone off the rails for the couples. Isn't it interesting that all three had the same issue? There are other issues, to be sure, but this is where I think the "experts" and/or producers might have deliberately decided to mess with the couples.

  • Love 4

I realize it goes outside the bounds of this experiment, but if I were a partner in one of the "borderline" couples, I'd suggest that we move back to our original homes at the 6-week mark while dating to see if there might be a reason to eventually share a home.


It's easier to make the geographical compromise with someone you love rather than with a complete stranger, and I think that's where this season has gone off the rails for the couples. Isn't it interesting that all three had the same issue? There are other issues, to be sure, but this is where I think the "experts" and/or producers might have deliberately decided to mess with the couples.



The apts they live in now are temporary. I think that very well may happen and each spend the night with each other and go back and forth until they decide they really do want to live together and where.  Someone, if not both, may have to change jobs for it to work but that love has to be there first.  

The instagram pics of Davina out with other guys made me think she wasn't married plus no ring. No tweets to each other etc. Lately Ryan has instagramed Jessica so possibly they still are together and keeping a low profile.



I think this may be true, too.  The interview they had with Hoda and Kathy showed Jessica say "it is worth fighting for" in regard to a relationship with RyanD and I took that to mean that their fighting may have worked.   

I'm not sure how knowing Doug's family would have worked in Sean's favor to get him cast on the show. You'd think the show would have really played it up if it had - "Sean saw firsthand how successful we were in matching up his friend Doug, he had to be a part of it too!"


I'm not denying it might have played a part, just wondering how it might have worked?

I'm not sure how knowing Doug's family would have worked in Sean's favor to get him cast on the show. You'd think the show would have really played it up if it had - "Sean saw firsthand how successful we were in matching up his friend Doug, he had to be a part of it too!"


I think they said something along those lines in the casting special or the first episode. What I don't get is that if Sean is as dysfunctional and horrible as those people claiming to know him say he is, then why didn't Doug give them a heads up? Surely he should know, since he's close friends with Sean's brother. Unless they didn't tell him Sean was being cast until afterwards. I can't imagine they'd pass up on the opportunity to hear his opinion though.


I also think Jessica and Ryan D might still be together, but only because they're both famewhores and hoping they'll get their own First Year sequel.

I can't imagine that someone  who is friends with Sean's brother would want to talk down about Sean to the show whether or not he knew much about Sean's dysfunction, and I'm betting he didn't know all that much anyway.  If it got back to my friend that I was putting down his brother he might get mad at me.  These types of situations can be sensitive.  He might not see it as his place to do that. 


I'm not sure how knowing Doug's family would have worked in Sean's favor to get him cast on the show. You'd think the show would have really played it up if it had - "Sean saw firsthand how successful we were in matching up his friend Doug, he had to be a part of it too!"


I'm not denying it might have played a part, just wondering how it might have worked?


Doug and his family may be related to the producer.


Regarding the living arrangements - I think it makes some sense to try to put the cart back behind the horse and that these couples should go through a dating phase where they don't live together and only after a period of time would they make the decision to either cement their commitment by moving in together or calling it quits.  There are good common sense reasons relationships follow certain stages and this show may be making that point.

Sean doesn't seem to want to stick it out for six weeks, even. As similar as Vaughn was to Sean in his selfishness, at least V wanted sex with Monet.



You know, I can't criticise him for this. He's not into her. I'm sure he's aware that if the marriage isn't consummated it can be annulled (i.e. cancelled as if it never existed), rather than needing to get a divorce. IMO, if he was to shag her, that'd be the ultimate dishonesty, as he's already checked out. Not having sex with her might be the only honourable thing he does in this unhappy situation.


Whilst not in any way trying to defend Sean (I think he's self-centred and narcissistic), I do think what Dr C said about his reaction to stress rings true. (This was in the Davina/Sean thread.) To paraphrase, he said that Sean reacted badly to the stress of the experiment, which took everyone (including Sean) by surprise. Nobody knows how they'll react to a new situation. I think his anxiety levels have been growing week by week, not helped, of course, by Princess Davina and her unreasonable demands.

  • Love 6

TPTB are going all in with Jaclyn/Ryan as they have released another happy clip to People.com ahead of tonight's episode:




What a turn around for them as week one Jaclyn was mostly hated and now she's part of "the fan favorite" couple.

I don't think any of these marriages will be annulled, even if not consummated. 


This is the applicable statue for the State of New York Domestic Relations law:

© Incapable of entering into married state from physical cause DRL 7(3)

The inability to have sexual relations will be a grounds for an annulment if the condition is incurable, excluding speculative or potentially dangerous cures. Mere sterility will not suffice either.

I think the incurable inability is something NO man is going to fess up to.  Plus, there has to be an "innocent party" in the proceeding.  The laws of New York are very specific about what constitutes an annullable marriage.  And none of what these folks can bitch about applies! 


They DID get married in New York, didn't they?  *LOL*

  • Love 1

I don't think any of these marriages will be annulled, even if not consummated.

This is the applicable statue for the State of New York Domestic Relations law:

I think the incurable inability is something NO man is going to fess up to. Plus, there has to be an "innocent party" in the proceeding. The laws of New York are very specific about what constitutes an annullable marriage. And none of what these folks can bitch about applies!

They DID get married in New York, didn't they? *LOL*

Yes, and how often have the experts emphasized the "divorce" angle during both seasons? Ad nauseam. The idea of possible annulments (in NYS) has never been discussed because annulment isn't an option in the state other than rare circumstances.

If Sean is suddenly truly not into Davina it must be something other than lack of physical attraction, unless his dramatic displays on his wedding day were all lies for the camera.

I don't think Davina is being unreasonable from what we've seen up to the Moving Day episode. I'm feeling her disappointment in Sean's freezeout.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 4

Yeah I think the more detached and removed Sean is... the more Davina ratchets up which of course pushes Sean away even more. I think Davina is gorgeous and Sean is probably used to women trying hard to impress him but Davina is so not like that.

Also Davina, due to her beauty, may also be used to men fawning over her and Sean is obviously not like that. They are both kinda dramatic... and I don't think two drama queens in a relationship is going to work. Sean and his anxiety thing about moving, etc. is kinda exhausting to me. He expects all this understanding but does not seem to extend that to Davina.

  • Love 3

I think Davina is truly hurt and disappointed. Not just because the marriage didn't work out (because she knew that was the chance she was taking) but because she glommed on early to Sean's lack of seriousness. The guy wasn't sincere at all, starting with all that passionate tonguing on the wedding day.

Davina seems intelligent and sensitive, and I think if and when she realized that Sean was being disingenuous, it probably made her equal parts sad and mad.

Now that time has gone by and her memory is getting jogged and authenticated by actually watching the show, she's acting out on social media, which MANY people do today.

Social media backbiting and fighting are the 21st century's version of boiling that bunny in a big soup pot! I am constantly amazed at the depths seemingly intelligent, accomplished, mature people will plummet in order to get even.

  • Love 4

New preview clip up no the A&E website with all three couples shown to be having problems:




I still think Jaclyn & Ryan worked out their differences and are together as they right now are very sweet to each other on social media but I guess that could be that they parted as friends.  Guess we'll see in a few weeks!

Of course they will all butt heads, even Ryan and Jaclyn.  They seemed to have worked that out since they are still together and look very happy on instagram.  


Yeah I just saw the picture that they put out of themselves today on Instagram where they are hanging out on Mama Ryan's sofa and I doubt they'd post it if they weren't together.   

  • Love 2

I saw Jacklyn as honest.  Jaime wasn't attracted to Doug at first either.  It happens.   I have not read her twitter feed. 


I think the problem Ryan is having with her now is there is no room for him to approach her, she basically goes after him and not allowing him to make subtle, sexy advances toward her.  I think they will work that out.  

Edited by wings707
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I actually think that the initial editing of Jaclyn was a deliberate, cautionary tale: "Don't get too hung up on the superficial and miss out on a great person".   It's a pretty good message to put out there, especially for the younger women watching this show.  


I also think the show did the same thing with Davina & Sean, in reverse: "Don't get too hung up on the initial chemistry and miss the substantial issues".  

  • Love 4

I actually think that the initial editing of Jaclyn was a deliberate, cautionary tale: "Don't get too hung up on the superficial and miss out on a great person".   It's a pretty good message to put out there, especially for the younger women watching this show.  


I also think the show did the same thing with Davina & Sean, in reverse: "Don't get too hung up on the initial chemistry and miss the substantial issues".  


It would be nice if they'd send messages like this, but in this case it's too subtle. I know a couple of mothers who have watched The Bachelor with their teen-aged daughters in order to discuss dating, how to scope out nonsense, etc. This show could offer a similar opportunity for "family education," except the "experts" keep making excuses for themselves instead of pointing out what happened.


I would give the "experts" a break - and quit using quotation marks to imply sarcasm - if they would be straightforward. But they're not.

  • Love 8

I actually think that the initial editing of Jaclyn was a deliberate, cautionary tale: "Don't get too hung up on the superficial and miss out on a great person".   It's a pretty good message to put out there, especially for the younger women watching this show.  




If what we are seeing from Jaclyn is a real change in her feelings--I know some think she's faking it but I don't--I think she can look back on her honeymoon as Ryan never, ever pushed her.  So 3 weeks later she's doing a talking head bit where she says that "Ryan's so attractive";  when I heard her say that, I wanted to say to her "he looks the same as he did at your wedding but you were too caught up in the Notebook to notice".  

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 4

Not really a spoiler but from previews did it look as though Jessica told Ryan D to Eff himself? It was under her breath but I caught it. Go look at preview. If at 3 weeks they are this hostile and using these terms of "affection" towards each other than they need to call it a day and chalk it up to lesson learned. This won't change and will only get worse if they are so comfortable as to talk like this to each other at this point unless that is how they relate to people they are close to in real life.

  • Love 2



This preview? Yes she says "Go fuck yourself" loud enough for him to hear it. Guess she dropped the passive-agressive act in the end huh?


This argument was probably filmed before NYE so I guess they made up. They are probably one of those couples that fight like crazy and have great make up sex. 

  • Love 1

Though I do not use the expression, "go fuck yourself"  I might make an exception in RyanD's case.  

I think RyanD is getting a bad rap.  It is obvious that this show is overly edited this season and I don't think they are showing everything.  They are cutting bits and pieces together to try to weave a story that I don't think is accurate.  Yes, Ryan has yelled and stormed off but to me it is like walking in the grocery store and seeing the mom who loses it with her kids.  All you are seeing is mom losing it, you aren't seeing the hour she spent trying to reason with them, then the next 30 minutes threatening them, or the 15 minutes she spent trying to get them off the floor when they were throwing a tantrum because they couldn't have a cookie.  All you see is mom finally losing it.....and everyone would feel bad for the kid.  When in reality, anyone who is a parent has been there.


It is the same with these two.  Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows it takes two to tango.  We have no idea if Ryan is just flying off the handle at every little thing or if Jessica just spent the last hour trying to annoy him in an effort to get some attention from him.  Or how many times he asks her a question directly (which we all know by now he is pretty direct) only to have her mealy mouth a passive aggressive answer.


From what I have seen, he was kinda a jerk on the honeymoon (dumping her in the water) but probably realized she doesn't "play" the same way he does.  But I see him making an effort to make things work.  I just don't think he is comfortable with camera's around.

  • Love 6

Butterbean1, you totally nailed it, IMO.  The editing with Ryan and Jessica is so choppy and nothing adds up, which sets off my BS alarm.  It's regrettable that because of that editing his image is so bad that he's being shredded on social media.  I have maintained from day one that he is just a run of the mill douchey guy, not some kind of abusive villain.  It just goes to show you how the editing monkeys can manufacture an image to sell the public.

  • Love 3

*And* it's very possible Ryan D is even worse than what we're seeing since days worth of footage is edited down to less than 20 minutes. There may be a lot more but they don't have time to fit it all in. And that may be why Jessica is acting the way she's acting. 


My point is, editing works both ways, and they may not even have time to show all of what he does in the time allotted for their storyline. 


I'm not saying Jessica is perfect. I *am* saying we'll never know how bad he really was, or wasn't. But what I've seen, even the parts we have seen, throw up some red flags for me. I'd be happy to be wrong.

Edited by I-Kare
  • Love 9

Ryan put up a pic of him and Jaclyn on twitter with the title "When was this?  maybe last night or maybe six months ago"




So either they are together or he likes stirring things up!


My guess its sometimes after the decision but before the show started airing.

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 1

Exclusive online clip where Jaclyn & Ryan talk about their first fight and her going off on a business trip:




FWIW, Ryan admitted on twitter that he acted like a "baby" and that there's one more week of his whining so at least four months later, he's aware that he wasn't acting like a married guy at that point in their relationship.   Guess we'll have to wait and see what causes him to recommit to Jaclyn.  

  • Love 3

I cannot muster outrage for what is going down.  We have editing and  production who are aiming to cover their ass and create entertainment. This is a weak effort.  I cannot believe that there is any intelligence behind this endeavor. 


I have a degree in psychology and am seeing things with the "experts" that stun me.  Stun me. 

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