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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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Even "courtship" falls flat when one party does not pay attention to or listen to the other, failing to care about, take in, and react to the other person. So we could make this whole thing gender-neutral. Sean's not paying attention to Davina, so she's escalating until he does, which doesn't make her look good.


Freud famously asked "what do women want?" and someone many decades later said the answer was "respect." I'm not going to pretend we're in some kind of happy, happy world without gender-role expectations that may or may not be true or fair. I'll agree that many men want something like a chase.


But I believe this is less about when a couple has sex or expresses their emotions than it is about paying attention. That's where Ryan R and Jaclyn are succeeding, despite their initial awkwardness. They're both studying each other and trying to figure out who they're dealing with, like they're putting together a Venn diagram to see what their overlap is and what the differences are. 


Sean's not doing that, Davina has resorted to increasingly desperate attempts to just make him pay attention to who she really is, Ryan D is an overgrown child, and Jessica is confused.

  • Love 15

There's a new preview up for the next episode on the FYI facebook page.  Facebook is blocked at work so I can't link it but it shows happy Jessica/Ryan,  funny clip of Jaclyn & Ryan looking at a place that "screams Jaclyn" ie with leopard print and pink walls and a very, very tense Sean on a hunt with Davina for a place in Manhattan.   So I guess Sean is this season's Debbie downer.  Pity as he needs to at least TRY to be open minded.

Edited by CindyBee
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There's a new preview up for the next episode on the FYI facebook page.  Facebook is blocked at work so I can't link it but it shows happy Jessica/Ryan,  funny clip of Jaclyn & Ryan looking at a place that "screams Jaclyn" ie with leopard print and pink walls and a very, very tense Sean on a hunt with Davina for a place in Manhattan.   So I guess Sean is this season's Debbie downer.  Pity as he needs to at least TRY to be open minded.


This preview?




That studio looked ridiculously small. 3100 for a sardine can? no thanks

I blame the experts.  Why did they ever put Sean and Davina together?  Oh they both work in the medical industry and they were bullied.  Let's stick these two attractive people together.  Yes, they had an initial physical attraction.  They were making out on the dance floor at their wedding.  But it was lust at first sight.  Once they went on the honeymoon and had to talk they didn't have anything in common.  It seemed like they both wanted to change the other to suit them.  I see two selfish people that want the other to change for them.  It is not going to work.

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I can't wait to see what the experts say post season about Davina & Sean's match as it indeed is a very poor one.  You'd think they'd know better to put a self admitted small town guy in the middle of NYC.  Or did they expect Davina to give up her life in NYC for life in New Jersey!?!   


And did they even look at their life styles?   It was obvious to alot of us when we saw the matchmaking episode that Davina had a high end lifestyle while Sean's was much more laid-back and those usually don't work.  No wonder their first 'choice' for her was that stockbroker that does live in NYC but Dr. Logan nixed that over his BDSM, which was the right call but then they should have either pulled Davina out for Sean or found two other people. 


As for social media clues, I don't think Jaclyn is even bothering to hide that she found love as I found her latest tweet/instagram/facebook post of "hey look at my hot guy/my cat's new daddy"  to be pretty revealing.  Either that or she's trolling us all!  At least now the comments on social media are quite nice towards her now, unlike a few weeks ago when people were calling her all kinds of names.  

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I do think davina is trying to make sure everyone is on her side when the break up comes but at this point both seem so unlikable that I doubt tweeting out negative stuff on Sean is going to help her image.


That sounds spot on.  She will only be making herself look more selfish by tweeting out negative stuff about Sean.

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One thing I noticed that mimics to what is happening on social media is that the last two episodes have ended with happy moments with Jaclyn & Ryan--Holiday episode had then snuggling in bed and then this past one with the door closing on their bedroom.    


I don't know how far in advance the editing was done but A&E/FYI have to know that alot of people tune in to see the experiment work so no surprise that they are ending with "hey look, these two are falling in love" instead of the trainwrecks that are Jessica/Ryan and Davina/Sean.  

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Obviously we all know this is a TV show and is scripted, directed and edited to which ever way they want us to think, feel, etc.


 - It seemed to me as if the "show" gave them a certain budget to work with for "setting up their new lives".  So I think the month or so they are living together before the 6 weeks is up is totally fake.  They probably got a budget (pay) and that is what they are "using" to fund this new apartment.  Obviously if they dont if know if they are staying together, they couldn't lease an apartment for six months or a year.  Nor did anyone move out of their other residences, except with clothing and some personal belongings. 

-You can't decide where to live permanently in a day or two.  Everyone had to pick up and move, with exception of Davina (total brat).

I don't understand what Ryan is saying...something about libido and he is unleashing the beast.  is he talking about his libido or Jaclyn's?


Ryan said that Jaclyn's libido is off the charts and that he has released a beast.  


Earlier she did say that she is an "all or nothing" kind of person so I guess now that she has developed feelings for Ryan, she is all in, including making up for lost time with her sex life.    Can't wait to hear Dr. Logan's take on all this.

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I am looking through Davina's favorites on her twitter (lots of Sean bashing tweets) and here's one of them...



@davinakullar MAFS-sorry this didn't work out for you (t's obvious u don't stay together), he's a nut job. Sorry u had to go thru that -Hugs


Even if it didn't work out and he is a nut, Davina is being really tacky about this.

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I would think she's in violation of whatever confidentiality contract they sign.


That was my thought too. I just went to her twitter and EVERY single thing she favorited or retweeted was negative against Sean. Nothing was said on her end to defend him. To his part he was BARELY on twitter at all during the episode and retweeted nothing.

I can't remember what sight I was on but I read that they split up.  I read that she wanted to stay married and he wanted a divorce. So this could be her being VERY BITTER.

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I would think she's in violation of whatever confidentiality contract they sign.



I'm very perplexed how Davina is getting away with being so anti-Sean on social media.  I think its one thing for Jaclyn & Ryan to tweet/post cute stuff as that's why alot of folks are tuning in each week, to see a happy couple and their presence on social media is driving that.  But for Davina to be retweeting every negative thing about Sean is so wrong and for me in clear violation of her contract.   I guess either (1) she doesn't care or (2) A&E doesn't care.  

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Ok, I just laughed out loud in my office over the latest preview clip for next week up on FYI's facebook page where Jaclyn is getting all hot and bothered over Ryan using his super duper steamer.   Glad he is getting to use it and its helping with his marriage!


Same clilp shows Sean packing up and leaving the temporary apartment in Manhattan and Davina saying "this marriage isn't a fairytale".  Sigh.  Why the experts thought she'd be a match for anyone is beyond me.   Talk about a big ole miss.

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Ryan said that Jaclyn's libido is off the charts and that he has released a beast.  


Earlier she did say that she is an "all or nothing" kind of person so I guess now that she has developed feelings for Ryan, she is all in, including making up for lost time with her sex life.    Can't wait to hear Dr. Logan's take on all this.

I heard Ryan R say this about himself, not Jaclyn.  I heard him say "My libido is off the charts...I am unleashing the beast."


Love these two!!!  Their sweetness almost makes up for the other two couples.

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It looks like in that A&E clip that Jessica finally starts pushing back and Ryan D gets vaguely (very vaguely) threatening, saying "if you want to push a line, I'll push another one" while walking away.  She doesn't pipe up and say much, but every time she does say something, he gets pissy and storms out.  I really hope she decided to leave him.

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I heard Ryan R say this about himself, not Jaclyn.  I heard him say "My libido is off the charts...I am unleashing the beast."




I don't hear Ryan say "my libido" as In the clip up on the FYI facebook page which is different but uses the same sound bit, I'm hearing him say "her libido is off the charts". 



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I don't hear Ryan say "my libido" as In the clip up on the FYI facebook page which is different but uses the same sound bit, I'm hearing him say "her libido is off the charts". 



Thanks for the clip! You ARE right, CindyBee!  I'm so sorry. He does say HER libido. How funny!  I don't really doubt that his libido follows hers willingly though!

Thanks for the clip! You ARE right, CindyBee!  I'm so sorry. He does say HER libido. How funny!  I don't really doubt that his libido follows hers willingly though!


Glad I could help clear things up.  I too think that Ryan's "Her libido is off the charts" is pretty funny.   And how fun for him!  


His move from the friend zone to the bedroom was pretty daunting and he handled it quite well.

Edited by CindyBee
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I'm copying the comment and link from another board


Jaclyn Methuen: Knowing Davina personally she is anything but a diva. Her deal-breaker when she signed up for the show was not leaving Manhattan just like mine was not being able to leave NJ. Sean said he was willing to relocate until he actually had to relocate! And as for her being needy- she was emotional one time because she was touched during her honeymoon. I seem to remember Sean crying multiple times about being bullied, even though he is in his mid-thirties. I also recall him freaking out and accusing the hotel staff of stealing her wedding ring when it was simply misplaced. It seems that all of us will have our turn to be the villain, and it's not fair since we were all completely open and honest with this experiment.


Source:MAFS Facebook


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I'm copying the comment and link from another board


Jaclyn Methuen: Knowing Davina personally she is anything but a diva. Her deal-breaker when she signed up for the show was not leaving Manhattan just like mine was not being able to leave NJ. Sean said he was willing to relocate until he actually had to relocate! And as for her being needy- she was emotional one time because she was touched during her honeymoon. I seem to remember Sean crying multiple times about being bullied, even though he is in his mid-thirties. I also recall him freaking out and accusing the hotel staff of stealing her wedding ring when it was simply misplaced. It seems that all of us will have our turn to be the villain, and it's not fair since we were all completely open and honest with this experiment.


Source:MAFS Facebook


 Hmm yet Jac did leave NJ as a compromise as Ryan couldn't move his career either. Funny how that works in a marriage.

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 Hmm yet Jac did leave NJ as a compromise as Ryan couldn't move his career either. Funny how that works in a marriage.


Yeah and frankly Jaclyn needs to stay out of the Davina/Sean mess as its only going to get worse.   But she seemed to be really hurt by all the negative stuff posted about her after the first couple of episodes so no surprise that she'd jump to Davina's defense.  To me though its just not worth it.

can't remember what sight I was on but I read that they split up.  I read that she wanted to stay married and he wanted a divorce. So this could be her being VERY BITTER.

I've read a number of these types of comments (not just you SaucyMommy) about Sean/Davina but there is never a link or even a name for the website.  As I've seen it from different places and posters so maybe it exists.  But if you could link it that would be great.  Thanks.

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I've read a number of these types of comments (not just you SaucyMommy) about Sean/Davina but there is never a link or even a name for the website.  As I've seen it from different places and posters so maybe it exists.  But if you could link it that would be great.  Thanks.

This thread has all the dirt on Sean and Davina (and it's mostly Sean's dirt).


The thread is currently on page 59 (!), but it really starts to get good from page 25 on. Page 25 is where JerseyNurse starts to post. She works in the ER with Sean and gives terrific first-hand observations and quotes from him at work.  Also be on the lookout starting on page 48 from Notablogperson who is a personal and close friend of Davina's (and has also met Sean through Davina) who gives the scoop from Davina's stories about what has not been shown on the show. Two different environments (work and personal friend) and extremely believable perspectives that completely agree with each other regarding Sean. You might have to register to be able to view the site; it is TOTALLY worth the time to do so. Enjoy! 

This thread has all the dirt on Sean and Davina (and it's mostly Sean's dirt).


The thread is currently on page 59 (!), but it really starts to get good from page 25 on. Page 25 is where JerseyNurse starts to post. She works in the ER with Sean and gives terrific first-hand observations and quotes from him at work.  Also be on the lookout starting on page 48 from Notablogperson who is a personal and close friend of Davina's (and has also met Sean through Davina) who gives the scoop from Davina's stories about what has not been shown on the show. Two different environments (work and personal friend) and extremely believable perspectives that completely agree with each other regarding Sean. You might have to register to be able to view the site; it is TOTALLY worth the time to do so. Enjoy!

This stuff makes me feel so sad, but I can't explain exactly why.

I know that people who sign up for public life need to understand that they will need to grow thick skin.......that there will be lots of good but even more bad.

In the case of MAFS, for some reason, I'm feeling more empathy for vulnerable people than, say, Survivor types or Real Housewives exhibitionists.

I'm thinking the MAFS showrunners should be more proactive and protective, maybe? Where are the guidelines, the failsafes for the participants? I know I'm foolish; I know my soft heart is my greatest weakness (and strength). But this stuff is upsetting to me. Can't help it.

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I don't feel that bad for Sean.  Any time anyone gets themselves on TV they should know that they open themselves up to insults and criticism from the audience and even moles who snitch on them.  An old NY saying is "You wanna play, you gotta pay".  Well, they're paying.  If they are not aware of this then the show should have warned them about it beforehand.   Any skeletons in the closet are bound to come out.  This should actually be common knowledge by now.  If people don't want them to come out they can always elect not to appear on such a show.


BTW, I tend to believe Jersey Nurse, which does get Davina off the hook somewhat.  Her reaction on camera that made her look like a spoiled diva may have something to do with her anger at finding out all this stuff about him.  It still doesn't explain how she acted so accepting and empathic about the miscarriage, but my gut told me that was an act.  I think perhaps Davina is looking more demanding on camera because she is incensed at being matched with this bozo and is sticking even more o her guns about her self-professed deal breakers.  I really don't doubt that she made it very clear to the experts that she wanted someone who very specifically wanted to live in Manhattan because she had an apartment there and could not just move anywhere.  And then when she got a load of Sean she knew she had been screwed.  I still don't get why they matched her with him unless he lied up the wazoo about wanting to move to Manhattan just to get on the show.  Which is entirely possible.

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I usually read stuff on the net with one eye as who knows who is sitting at a keyboard with an agenda.   So I'm trying to keep an open mind about all the gossip out there about Sean but ever since the 2nd episode when he went after the hotel staff and A&E/FYI didn't want to show it I've had a bad feeling about the guy. 


But that doesn't excuse Davina's behavior post show with her spending her Tuesday nights sitting at her computer and hitting favorite over and over again on Twitter when a negative post about Sean comes up.   Have some maturity and take the high road.  She has a great chance to gain some "fame" and she's ruining it by being so petty.   So I have a feeling that as I watch the reminder of the episodes, fast forward is going to be my friend as I really don't care for either of these two and really don't care to watch their story anymore.

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I don't feel that bad for Sean.  Any time anyone gets themselves on TV they should know that they open themselves up to insults and criticism from the audience and even moles who snitch on them.  An old NY saying is "You wanna play, you gotta pay".  Well, they're paying.  If they are not aware of this then the show should have warned them about it beforehand.   Any skeletons in the closet are bound to come out.  This should actually be common knowledge by now.  If people don't want them to come out they can always elect not to appear on such a show.


BTW, I tend to believe Jersey Nurse, which does get Davina off the hook somewhat.  Her reaction on camera that made her look like a spoiled diva may have something to do with her anger at finding out all this stuff about him.  It still doesn't explain how she acted so accepting and empathic about the miscarriage, but my gut told me that was an act.  I think perhaps Davina is looking more demanding on camera because she is incensed at being matched with this bozo and is sticking even more o her guns about her self-professed deal breakers.  I really don't doubt that she made it very clear to the experts that she wanted someone who very specifically wanted to live in Manhattan because she had an apartment there and could not just move anywhere.  And then when she got a load of Sean she knew she had been screwed.  I still don't get why they matched her with him unless he lied up the wazoo about wanting to move to Manhattan just to get on the show.  Which is entirely possible.

Well put, Snarklepuss! Sean stated to JerseyNurse's face that he was in this for the fame. He wanted to use MAFS as a stepping stone to get on The Great Race or Survivor. The fame he seeks does not only go one way. Davina's friend has stated Sean NEVER  moved to NYC, and he only shows up at their apartment for filming. It sounds like he has totally checked out of this marriage and is only biding his time until the decision show airs and he can officially get out of this. I was no Davina fan, but if I was stuck with someone like Sean, I would be pretty miffed on camera too.

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