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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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While none of us viewers knows what really happened, I think that Dr C's defense of Sean and criticism of Davina should count for something. It's quite clear he thinks she was the problem. Now I don't know how great a shrink he is, but he was present for a lot of this and I'm sure he knows things we don't. If you don't believe me about the Hayride of Doom, watch it with the sound off and see, if you had been sitting next to her, you would have known what was going on.


I disagree, mainly because I think we're getting way too deep with the psychoanalysis here. 


I'm asking everyone to pull back a bit. I've participated in this thread as a regular poster and I am applying that to myself as well.


This thread is becoming too heated, which is not acceptable.


The topic is Social Media and Spoiler-y Media, not Sean vs Davina Round 8,463.



Ryan's facebook rant is down and Jaclyn posted

Hi everyone! I'm reading your posts and will respond as soon as I can. Just know that your love and support truly means a lot to me and isn't going unnoticed. Sending the love right back!!!


and retweeted

at least u ladies found friendship within each other that will last a lifetime


What does everyone think? Sounds more and more like the rumors aren't rumors...

  • Love 5

I agree with with almost everything you said, seasick.  I think the show should let all notions of science and respectability go out the door and embrace itself for what it is...a third rate reality show.


They could do this with the spin off.  All the couples from this season will reunite, because if is really about the money and fame, not love.  All three sets of couples will be assigned to live in a haunted mansion which they can only escape by following carefully crafted clues given to them via skype by all the experts.  Basement Ryan's hiding skills will be put into good use.  Later there will be a grand finale where we will find out the monster everyone was running from was actually a coked out Ryan D, who will be eventually caught by following a trail of glow in the dark stars set up by Sean.


Yes, I know I am going to hell.

If you are going to hell, I will be going with you! Laughing all the way!!!

You must have missed the Hayride of Doom. She started crying for no apparent reason (note: inappropriate crying is a sign of neurological damage, like Alzheimer's) and then was furious with Sean because he didn't read her mind and console her. She made it clear she expects her husband to know what she's thinking. This was followed by Sean telling her to just say it, out loud. She responded to that with a stream of bleeped out expletives about how "I need to be #%^*!? Courted!" Like he's such an idiot he should know that.

I don't know any man who would take well to being cussed out because he can't read a woman's mind. And only a princess would expect him to

Supposedly what was edited out was Sean's multiple breakdowns before the hayride that had her feeling overwhelmed and wondering if he could ever be there for her.

  • Love 4

'Married at First Sight' drama: Ryan De Nino shames Jessica Castro on Instagram

This is an article by Examiner. Sorry. Couldn't get the link

This is blowing up!


This is the link to Ryan D on Instagram accusing Jess of faking his profile

  • Love 2

Jessica filled a restrianing order


Unfortunately this isn't something I'd wish on anyone. To hear and read about the forum on Thursday to come home and find this on Friday. To see the IG on Sat and see the location was enough. They say first 48 for a reason. This is another fact here's the order of protection- which had me in awe and when I read it was disgusted. Bash me all you want, say whatever it is about me just remember this board don't break for nada. Why I posted this will be thoroughly explained when the times right. #CheckMate


Itsfitted= Ryan's best friend. 


its_fitted 13 minutes ago
yea I would. I'm just saying if a girl will fuck a stranger on tv the first day they met I can't IMAGINE how she is off camera. I've been in one 7 year relationship and my current 4 year relationship. I guess some peoples moral codes are just different. Maybe I'm just an old school kind of guy all that " it's 2015" poop is just an excuse hoes say laugh out loud sit down


its_fitted 6 minutes ago
THEY JUST MET! Husband or not laugh out loud this isn't some religious pre arranged wedding this is a television "experiment" or whatever the fuck laugh out loud married or not I'm not fucking someone I just met on NATIONAL TV. Have some respect for yourself

Edited by moonxyz

Itsfitted= Ryan's best friend. 


its_fitted 13 minutes ago

yea I would. I'm just saying if a girl will fuck a stranger on tv the first day they met I can't IMAGINE how she is off camera. I've been in one 7 year relationship and my current 4 year relationship. I guess some peoples moral codes are just different. Maybe I'm just an old school kind of guy all that " it's 2015" poop is just an excuse hoes say laugh out loud sit down


its_fitted 6 minutes ago

THEY JUST MET! Husband or not laugh out loud this isn't some religious pre arranged wedding this is a television "experiment" or whatever the fuck laugh out loud married or not I'm not fucking someone I just met on NATIONAL TV. Have some respect for yourself

DAMN. This is just getting nastier and nastier.....  Jessica, you in trouble girl...

  • Love 1

Why on earth would he post it? What is" The First 48"?


The First 48 is a realty cop show on A&E (very good show) that goes on the premise that if the murderer is not caught in the first two days, the chance of catching them drops drastically.


This is now out of control. Jessica is going to also need restraining orders against his friends.


Why will I not be surprised if FYI pulls the reunion shows??

  • Love 1

What is the root of this?  What exactly did Jessica allegedly do to cause RyanD to become scary enough that she fears him?  Why are he and his friends after her?  I am confused.  

The map shows that they are tracing her cell phone usage which means they are tracking her locations/whereabouts.....



Oh that is scary.  And they are just trying to scare her, I am sure but why do such a menacing thing?   And what did she do to "deserve" this in his eyes. 

The only thing I believe 100% is that the experts did not vet the men correctly.  


Here's what I think happened.  I think the experts were under pressure.  The first season did so well and the producers and network wanted the second season to start by such and such date.  The experts had to act fast, they're under contract.  They probably had more women sign up than men, as what happens on dating sites; so in order to get men corners were cut.  We have to remember that for the producers, the most important thing is getting the show out on time, getting the sponsors to sign on and getting that cash.  


As a result, I think they wound up with men like Sean, who IMO is in this for the fame; Ryan D who IMO has an idealized, out dated view of marriage and Ryan R, who IMO never wanted to get married in the first place.  I think the women were more sincere because they were vetted more than the men, as more women probably signed up for this.  


As for Davina, I think the producers wanted some "diversity" but probably didn't want to chance another black couple this season.  So they lucked out with Davina, because she wanted a white man.

  • Love 2

Oh that is scary.  And they are just trying to scare her, I am sure but why do such a menacing thing?   And what did she do to "deserve" this in his eyes.


From his instagram account. https://instagram.com/thatkidnino/

Go to the 3rd posting


heeyitsaddy Someone made a fake hate account about him so he checked the locations and Jess's locations from her post are the same as the fake account ..


angelique_marie__It seems like they broke up and Jessica filed for divorce but before moving on she made a fake Instagram name Ryanoehl83 and is claiming he's a drug dealer or drug user. That's why he posted the location of the pictures posted and copies of the paperwork he was served. My guess anyways

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 1

From his instagram account. https://instagram.com/thatkidnino/

Go to the 3rd posting


heeyitsaddy Someone made a fake hate account about him so he checked the locations and Jess's locations from her post are the same as the fake account ..


angelique_marie__It seems like they broke up and Jessica filed for divorce but before moving on she made a fake Instagram name Ryanoehl83 and is claiming he's a drug dealer or drug user. That's why he posted the location of the pictures posted and copies of the paperwork he was served. My guess anyways



Ok, now this makes sense.  I didn't see any posts, that link only shows pictures. 


So Jessica is not innocent in this, I guess.  If it is accurate. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Yikes that went from Ryan is being a douche to worrying pretty fast. So if I have the timeline right he got served the day after the insider information came out. The next day he finds the fake instagram account and links it to Jess via location and then loses it and starts posting threats (that how I took 48 hours) and his friends back him up and slut shame Jess. To me he seems to have come unhinged and I am worried about Jess now.

  • Love 4

This is getting so weird. For the life of me I can't figure out why RyanD would post the restraining order on his Instagram. 


And what the heck with his friend slut shaming Jess? She wasn't having sex alone. He was the other participant having sex the first day he met her. Double standards are alive and well.

Edited by I-Kare
  • Love 12

Hi, everyone!


We've been doing some scurrying behind the scenes with the site administrator due to some issues that have arisen in this thread. 


Due to the upheaval in the cast, we have a wealth of actual information to be discussed in great detail. There should be plenty to keep everyone as busy and as engaged as they want to be.


What we don't want - and this is where the official guidance has come in - is digging into people's backgrounds beyond what we've got.


If you want clarity on that, please PM me and Aethera. We'll be happy to explain.


Posts that do not go along with this will be hidden and possibly deleted.


Also, due to our near-term travel schedules, we're trying to bring in a back-up mod. We will provide that person's name soon.

  • Love 1

This is getting so weird. For the life of me I can't figure out why RyanD would post the restraining order on his Instagram.

And what the heck with his friend slut shaming Jess? She wasn't having sex alone. He was the other participant having sex the first day he met her. Double standards are alive and well.

It was filed in family court? Sure, divorced are filed in family court, but restraining orders?

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