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Julie And The Phantoms - General Discussion

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JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS, Comedy, Netflix: Grieving teenager Julie renews her passions for music and life while helping the Phantoms -- a trio of ghostly guys -- become the band they were never able to be. Dropped yesterday; see Feature.

I started watching the pilot and was really enjoying it before my iPad died on me... Has anyone else started watching? I plan on continuing later today.

Okay, I am part-way through episode 5 and I'm really enjoying this show. The casting is great and the lead singer of Sunset Curve is a hottie even though he's like half my age, heh. Actually all three band members are wonderful and make me miss the '90s.

The music is catchy and the songs get stuck in my head. And I am loving the choreography in some of the episodes. 

I find myself invested in the characters their journey and I'm sad I only have four and half episodes left. 

Please tell me I am not the only one watching this show?

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I just watched the first episode and really enjoyed it. That song Julie's mum wrote was lovely. It definitely has a Disney Channel vibe but the absence of canned laughter and lame jokes really elevates it from 'kid show' to 'family show'. 

Just one quick question - does the 4th surviving member of Sunset Curve ever make an appearence? Out of all the possible plot points that I'm curious about this is the main one haha. Not sure why.

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I like to think he lived hard.

So Rose stayed friends with Bobby after his bandmates died and bought/moved into their studio? It sounds like their death and brief meeting really affected her. But why not be upset that Bobby changed his name and took credit for Sunset Curves' music? I need more backstory if there's a second season, which I really hope there is. They ended on a pretty big cliffhanger too...

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On 9/11/2020 at 8:19 PM, jewel21 said:

Yes he does actually.

I finished binging and I really enjoyed this show. I might have even gotten a little dust in my eye a couple of times, heh.

I hope it gets a second season. I really want to see more.

Me too - re: dust in the eyes. Lead boy’s song for his mom really got me! 

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6 hours ago, marieYOTZ said:

Me too - re: dust in the eyes. Lead boy’s song for his mom really got me! 

His angst concerning his family really got me. The earlier scene of him crying and watching his parents celebrating his birthday and blowing out the candle got me too. Gah. I love me some good angst, lol. 

I also adored Alex dancing with Dirty Candy, hee. I watched that scene a couple of times because I was so delighted for him, hahaha.

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That was super cute, I am really glad I decided to check this out on a whim! I agree about it having a lot of the aesthetics of a Disney sitcom, but it had enough emotion and sharp enough writing to make it a show with a broader appeal. Its all wacky ghost shenanigans and songs about believing in yourself one moment, and then heartbreaking flashbacks to parents finding out their teenage son died the next. I really wasn't expecting to get so many Feels from this show, but damn it they got me. 

The acting was all really good, and the songs really were quite catchy. They managed to end on a good note and give us some closure for a lot of the seasons plots, but there are still a lot of balls up in their air for a possible season two, which I really hope that we get. Their fourth band member now knows that something is up with his dead band-mates, and that confrontation seems inevitable, and while the guys got away from Cheyenne Jackson for now, he has now possessed Julies school crush, and is still trying to trap the guys in his Lounge Act of the Damned! Speaking of, Cheyenne Jackson is clearly having an absolute blast chewing the scenery as the bad guy, even taking time to laugh evilly a few times and twirl his metaphorical mustache. 

Hoping for a season two! My only real complaint is that there were only nine episodes, hopefully we get a few more next season. 

  • Love 3

So I am way over the age where I should be obsessing about this show but I can't help it. It's my one happy place right now in a world of poop and yuck, heh. 

There are a couple of scenes that I love and go back to re-watch with glee. 

1. Already mentioned but when Alex gets on stage with Dirty Candy and flips bitchy girl's hair. It makes me laugh and apparently was something the actor added into a take and they were pleasantly surprised to find it made the cut. 

2. Luke insisting he has chemistry with everyone he sings with so he sings "Great" to Reggie and then kisses his two fingers and places them on Reggie's lips, heh. And then Reggie is like 'uh, girls! Am I right?' and Luke says 'yes' and Alex says 'no.' Again, something the actor added in. 

3. Reggie and his relationship with Julie's dad. It's really cute how he hangs out with him and they're buds. 

4. Luke in the hallway being all jealous of Nick. Gah. 

Also, I found this and thought it was cute. 



  • Love 5

I really enjoyed Julie and the Phantoms. Def got some High School Musical vibes but I think that's just Kenny Ortega's touch shining through.

I was surprised to see Booboo Stewart here as Willie, I hope that maybe he too can be freed from his contract, maybe if he falls in love with Alex? I'm assuming that's what broke the curse on the boys, Julie's love for them? I also wondered if she could somehow put a stamp on them as well since they were linked to her from the start. 

I did wonder why the showed Rosa in the first episode, I loved how that came back around full circle.

Not really looking forward to more Caleb. I really feel like the show is interesting enough without a villain but I digress.

  • Useful 1
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Hi. Is this where grown adults admit they thoroughly enjoyed Julie and the Phantoms?

As has been mentioned, it's just so shiny and happy and the world kinda isn't right now, that I got sucked into this show. It helps that the actors don't have that Disney Show SCREAMING AND MUGGING FOR THE AUDIENCE! vibe, and they're allowed to just "be" and act. I particularly enjoyed the reaction scenes and interplay among the boys in the band -- they really give off that vibe that they're ride or (literally) die, and supportive without being judgmental. 

If you start to think too much about this show, it all falls apart -- like how they can pop in onstage with not just their instruments, but also speakers, lighting, etc.; how they make a HUGE deal out of the show at the end, play one song as an opening act, and then just up and bounce? What happened between taking the stage at Caleb's and popping into the performance with Julie? But this isn't the year to blow holes through one of the few things to give me hope for a few hours, so I just ignore all that and wait for season two!

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

Not really looking forward to more Caleb. I really feel like the show is interesting enough without a villain but I digress.

I actually enjoy Caleb. You can tell Cheyenne Jackson is just having a ball and he's kind of a fun villain. Plus, now with him possessing Nick, I want to know more going forward. Is this a permanent thing? Will he be jumping bodies? Can he possess/control the boys? I want to know, damn it. Heh. 

11 hours ago, jmonique said:

Hi. Is this where grown adults admit they thoroughly enjoyed Julie and the Phantoms?

As has been mentioned, it's just so shiny and happy and the world kinda isn't right now, that I got sucked into this show.

This. Life is so blah and stressful lately that the fact I was able to be transported to this world and it made me smile and giddy and laugh (and sometimes cry) was a miracle and a relief. Even if it was just for a few hours. I want more of this. 

Plus, the music is so catchy that I bought the soundtrack and listen to it while working out and I find my workouts pass faster which is always a plus. 

  • Love 3

The funny thing is rewatching episodes and listening to the soundtrack has made me come around on Caleb. I'm kind of disinterested in villains as a rule but at least he's a fun one. 

I do wonder why he's so invested in the boys and now subsequently Julie? He's been around for a long time so I would imagine he does lose every once in awhile. I also wonder at how special the boys appearing to lifers is. Seems top tier. I wonder if they can harness it like Caleb does? For good of course.

The youtube love has definitely validated being in my 30s and loving this show. It's just nice, you know? I feel like shows about good characters is that aren't super cheesy are hard to come by these days.

Edited by blugirlami21
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, blugirlami21 said:

The youtube love has definitely validated being in my 30s and loving this show. It's just nice, you know? I feel like shows about good characters is that aren't super cheesy are hard to come by these days.

I'm 40 and way too old for this show but I don't care, I love it. I'm glad I am not the only adult who enjoyed watching it.

  • Love 2

I finished watching this last night and I genuinely loved it. I'm definitely way above the target demographic age-wise for it but it's the kind of kid/tween show that is genuinely I think appealing to everyone of all ages because it's just got the right amount of warmth and sweetness that makes for such good comfort television. The last 2 episodes in particular were very emotionally affecting. I think for a music-centric show like this to work the songs have to be good and as someone who has literally listened to the soundtrack non-stop I can safely say they nailed it on that one.  I think the High School Musical series for example is quite a decent watch with a talented teen cast but the soundtrack didn't really stick for me.This show is also really excellent at nailing it's main musical moments to hit just the right way emotionally. I know Netflix is on a cancelling spree but I really hope they give this show a second season. I need more songs and more adorable friendships with this cast. 

Edited by haje
  • Love 5
On 9/25/2020 at 8:12 PM, jewel21 said:

I'm 40 and way too old for this show but I don't care, I love it. I'm glad I am not the only adult who enjoyed watching it.

Yes!  I'm not the only one!  I'm 40 also and I just love this show.  Luckily my kids are 4 and 6 and love it to so I feel like I have an excuse to watch haha.

Its just really well done though.   Its obviously a kids show but goes a lot deeper than that and tackles a lot of difficult topics.  The whole cast is phenomenal but the kid who plays Alex just has the best comedic timing and the way they handle his character is probably my favorite part.  The fact that he's already out and that its just mentioned in passing once is refreshing.  Then they introduce a relationship for him and don't treat it as a big deal that its a gay relationship,  its treated the same as any other relationship.  Plus the other guys are so supportive of his relationship and his anxiety.   I just love that my kids are seeing a same relationship treated as the norm.

We watched some of the behind the scenes videos and I'm also so impressed with how they put the show together.  The fact that they cast them as a band first is amazing and I love that they all really play.  They're an extremely talented group.   

I'm not going to lie I'll be crushed if its not picked up for a second season.  I'm also going to be crushed if that season 2 doesn't include the boys coming back to life somehow.  I don't want to see them all say goodbye.


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Chiming in as a 34-year old far too old for this. I dug it.This was a fun, breezy bingewatch. Solid eye candy as well. The lead reminded me of a young Kyle Gallner and the blond looked like he should have been an 90's Abercrombie and Fitch model. Lol Definitely hope they give this a second season. 

Edited by methodwriter85
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I watched the show recently. I really liked it. I'd love for there to be a second season, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up considering Netflix hasn't renewed it at this point. They should considering that I saw something today about them needing to have more shows with Latinx casts. The young actors are so talented, with the acting and the music. Makes my 35 y.o. old lady self feel untalented and old, lol. 

Edited by EyewatchTV211
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Count me as another person who is very upset. I was late to discover the show, and the friend who recommended it thought it had already been renewed. It was a huge letdown to discover that it hadn't been and then to see Netflix dragging out the decision. Like so many others, it's frustrating that they took so long to announce it. Guess Netflix's own study recognizing their lack of latinx representation didn't motivate them to improve. 

I enjoyed the show for the great songs/performances, the chemistry with the actors, and the interesting storyline. At minimum, I would have loved another album's worth of songs. I liked them better than a lot of other music out today. Plus, this was one of my happy shows. Stupid Netflix.

  • Love 7

I recently went back and listened to the songs again after a break. If no one else is going to pick up the show (which I guess is the case since it would have happened by now), can they at least work out releasing an album? While I'd still be disappointed to not get the continued storylines, I'd feel a little better if we could have some more music from our favorite fictional band. 

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Rolling Stone: Fake Bands, Real Songs: The 50 Best Tunes by Made-Up Musicians (#39)

I hadn't watched the series since it came out but years later, the songs popped into my head and I had to listen to the soundtrack again. I blasted it on my way to work more than once, lol. Just finished my first rewatch and still loved the whole thing, songs and show. Unsaid Emily broke me yet again, seeing Julie finally be able to touch and hug Luke and the boys... ugh, I hate that it wasn't renewed.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the final twist but so wanted to find out what would happen. And what would happen with their fourth bandmate (and would he tell their families? How long before they found out, anyway?) What was the endgame for the boys (would they cross over or would they be angels on earth?) What would happen with Julie and Luke (not much more at the time, considering the actor's ages, but considering he's dead, what did they want to do?) What about Julie's mom (when would the band realize they'd apparently met her before they died, and it was suggested that she was involved in them appearing to Julie). I'm glad we got what we did but can we get a movie and another album, pretty please?

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