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R&B Divas: Los Angeles - General Discussion

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Editor's Note:

Discuss R&B Divas: Los Angeles here!


Claudette gets hired for a performance at Carnaval de Poncé to promote Puerto Rico, then tries to recruit Chrisette and Leela to join her along with the other Divas. Meanwhile, Michel'le deals with the ramifications of her suicide attempt.


Edited by kariyaki

Was I the only one to watch this show tonight?  <crickets>  Okay!  Anyway, I'm glad they're back and mostly glad that Dawn and Kelly are absent.  Yay!  But now I have to get used to 2 new people.  I love the music of Chrisette Michele and hope I still like her after this season ends.  I'm hopeful.  I'm not so familiar with Leela James, but I'm willing to get to know her too.  About the episode, Lil Mo is already working my nerves with her weird speech pattern.  Half the time I don't know what she's talking about.  I was shocked to learn that she broke up with her husband.  With that and her attempt to go up against Prince, I'm wondering if she's let her Diva-dom go to her head.  I mean, he's Prince!  What was she thinking? 


All in all, the episode was a little boring.  I had a hard time focusing and nothing really grabbed my attention, but it's the first episode so I'll wait and see how it goes.

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I think that this is merely the calm before the storm.  I don't really like the premise of these Divas shows; there's one big project that someone wants all the Divas to participate in but it blows up because some of these Divas don't play well with others.   


I start watching the show being excited to see the singers I like only to be disappointed in how the singer behaved during the show.


Mo is working my nerves already with the blonde wigs.

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
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What Funky Dineva had to say:



LOL!  I agree with the majority of what Dineva had to say.  Especially about the group project to Puerto Rico.  Claudette reminded me of Dorothy gathering followers to go see the Wizard of Oz.  "Oh, she's this and that...she'd be great to take to the Puerto Rico project.  And that one is this and that!  I know, I'll ask her to go to the Puerto Rico project.  Oh, there's so and so!  Wait! I'm going to ask her to the Puerto Rico project!  Weeerrrr're off to Puerto Rico...da da da da da da da da!!!"  LOL!   Kind of lame and contrived and I'm not knocking Puerto Rico, but I'm with Dineva.  Is anyone going there these days?  If so, please forgive me.  I'm not one to knock anyone's home.   


Chanté invites Leela and Chrisette along with Lil’ Mo to be a part of her “Ladies Anthem” track but things get uncomfortable when it’s revealed that Chanté only wants them to sing background and not contribute to the album.  Meanwhile, Michel’le struggles to film her suicide PSA, Lil’ Mo shares some not-so-good news with her kids and Chrisette has her first performance in front of the ladies.



Edited by swankie

I forgot to mention how glorious Claudette's hair is.  And the difference in her attitude between last season and this season is night and day.  She's more playful and open.  However, that jumpsuit she's wearing in the intro is absolutely terrible.  And there is no reason for a woman that gorgeous to look that frumpy.  Speaking of the intro, can Mo walk in whatever heels she has on?  She looked like she was on the struggle bus.

I love Chrisette's eye makeup and her performance dress was super cute.


I just played "I Know, Right" on Spotify and I heard no traces of Mo, Chrisette or Leela.  And there was a lot of space to create to new material in.  Like...even some of those verses she already recorded should have been rethought...


Now Chante knows that they could have recut that track and put some of those other women in there, singing what she already written.  I mean, the album version of Justin Timberlake's "Until The End of Time" has hide nor hair of Beyonce, but the radio version clearly had her dueting with whatever he already recorded and replacing verses he'd originally sung with her vocals.

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I like the LA version better as well. While KeKe is the bomb and I really like Monifah and Syleena. (Syleena was the diva who I had mutiple CDs by pre-show). I think the LA Divas are stronger vocally.

I hope that sans Dawn and Kelly the drama can be kept to a minimum and it can truly be about the music this season.

Edited by Happytobehere

Chante was being all shadyboots about her "Ladies Anthem".  Is she trying to pull a Faith Evans on the ladies?


Leela girl.  You could have put that tat in a less painful area.  And the girls call this a bonding session?  I would have preferred a spa day!


I am still done with Mo and her wigs.


I love Crisette! 


Lil’ Mo struggles to record a song that she had originally written with her estranged husband, while Michel’le continues to try and work on helping others with suicide issues and speaks at a suicide group.  After all the tension from the recording of Chanté’s “Ladies Anthem,” Chrisette invites some of the Divas for a hike and suggests an unpopular group activity.  When the ladies confront Chanté, things go from bad to worse and Leela drops a bombshell!


Mo is striking me as...how should I put it...she seems very fake in that follower type of way.  Last season it was all about Chante because she was the most established, longevity wise, amongst all of them.  Now that Chrisette is there and is actually a contemporary, charting artist, she's all up her butt.  Like, she only seems ready to pop off at the mouth if she's sure that someone else will back her up.


I feel what Chante is saying about background singing being an honor (especially since I recently watched 20 Feet From Stardom), but she can miss me with all of the people she sang background for.  I'm sure those other ladies wouldn't have a problem singing background for those people she mentioned, either.  If she would have named some contemporaries like Karyn White, Angela Winbush, Tevin Campbell or Christopher Williams that would have been a better comparison.  "They should be happy to sing background for me because I was happy to sing background for Michael Jackson!"  GTFOH.


I don't know Chrisette's background -- how was she discovered?  She seems a little entitled.  First it was "I've never played in a small venue" and now it's "I've never sang background."  Nothing wrong with either, but she acts like both are beneath her.

Leela is my new friend in my head!  I love how she's all "Can these women get over themselves so we can make some music?"


I think Chante was being shady.  She could have told the divas up front that she only wanted to use her connection to them to get her single off the ground.  And her management sends out letters with misspelled words and no letterhead?  Really now.  Especially since the other divas has attorneys to look over every contract!


Is it sad that I only like the ladies when they are not all together?  when they break up into smaller groupings the personalities are easier to watch.

What was up with Chrisette's manager throwing shade at having Chante on her album? If she was all that she wouldn't be on the same show as Chante on TVOne. Lol. That being said, Chante and her manager were foul for everything revolving around that song.

I'm with Brooklynista, I'm not digging Chrisette either. She's just so damn extra. Therapy and wings on a hike and "I don't do small venues." Ugh. I was with Leela, I didn't want my life fixed either. Lol. I'm surprisingly digging Leela who I wasn't really familiar with.

I love Chrisette's music but I'm not really loving her on the show, either.  There's something very affected about the way she presents.  The overly zen attitude, the wings, the breathy voice, the having therapy tete-a-tetes with the other women like she's a psychologist instead of her parents.  It's very very extra and she would irritate the shit out of me.

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The Diva’s manage to put their differences aside and get to work on the new song for the Puerto Rico project.  Chrisette brings her musician boyfriend, Justin to the jam session to help out but when things get tense she questions if it is a good idea to mix her personal life with the Divas.  Things are thrown up in the air even more with the Puerto Rico project when the Divas are asked to do more work. Romance and the other sex seem to be on Lil’ Mo’s mind as she pushes Michel’le to try online dating.  Lil’ Mo also invites the ladies to a sex toy party. Later, Chanté and Lil’ Mo address the shade since the “Ladies Anthem.”


I was feeling some kind of way (TM Lil Mo) about that stuff between Chante and Mo at the end.  So sounds like Mo was mad that Chante didn't retweet something (which...my God.  I know real relationships that have been ruined over social media or an incorrect interpretation of a text, so this rings true to me.  Dumb, but true), so she retalitated by taking that picture with Kenny, Chante found out about it and has behaving coolly toward Mo ever since.


High school drama.  I don't think Chante was playing the victim, any more than Mo was.  They both aired out their greivances and they both looked hurt by each other and relieved that they seemed to come to some kind of understanding.  I may have teared up when Lil' Mo's face crumpled, though.


Michel'le...that dude that the matchmaker set her up with?  No bueno.  When she was describing the kind of man she wanted, my mind immediately went to someone like Jeff Goldblum or Ray Liotta (who are my personal "old man" crushes; they could get it, no question, and I'm way younger than Michel'le).  That dude at minature golf just looked like the antithesis of a man with swag.  And she can keep that whole "we're nothing to Chante" in regards to her singing.  'Cause...those intro vocal scats that they shot?  Hers were boo boo.

Am I losing it, or did Leela James have a speaking voice similar to Michel'le's when she first came out? I remember seeing her live and a couple times on TV and remember distinctly that she had a very high-pitched, squeaky voice.

I'm just not a Chrisette fan. I've never liked her music and there's something about her personality that turns me off. I think it's the way she goes on about not listening to r&b music growing up and blah blah blah. It just comes off as very haughty and pretentious (to ME). Like she should be singing opera but she's doing me a favor by lowering herself to sing the music I grew up on.

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I'm trying really hard to get into this season but for some reason I keep getting distracted.  I only heard part of the show in the background as I'm playing Candy Crush. lol  I'm going to try really hard to concentrate next episode and hopefully they will show reruns of the past two so I can get caught up.  I think I'm subconsciously trying to avoid Lil Mo's hair. lol  I did catch part of Michel'le's date.  How any guy can stand to be around her through a whole date with that voice of hers amazes me.  It would annoy the crap out of me.  But, I guess she can't help it.  smh 

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I was feeling some kind of way (TM Lil Mo) about that stuff between Chante and Mo at the end.  So sounds like Mo was mad that Chante didn't retweet something (which...my God.  I know real relationships that have been ruined over social media or an incorrect interpretation of a text, so this rings true to me.  Dumb, but true), so she retalitated by taking that picture with Kenny, Chante found out about it and has behaving coolly toward Mo ever since.


High school drama.  I don't think Chante was playing the victim, any more than Mo was.  They both aired out their greivances and they both looked hurt by each other and relieved that they seemed to come to some kind of understanding.  I may have teared up when Lil' Mo's face crumpled, though.


Michel'le...that dude that the matchmaker set her up with?  No bueno.  When she was describing the kind of man she wanted, my mind immediately went to someone like Jeff Goldblum or Ray Liotta (who are my personal "old man" crushes; they could get it, no question, and I'm way younger than Michel'le).  That dude at minature golf just looked like the antithesis of a man with swag.


Girl.   Sean Connery could murder it today.   I'm not even embarrassed to admit I don't mean James Bond Sean Connery, I mean 2014 cussin, drankin, abusive Sean Connery.    That dude she met for mini golf?   Nebbish.   This means her man doesn't have to have n'air one ounce of I wanna rip his shirt off.  Because if he'd taken off his glasses, I was finna be o-u-t.    I understand the departure from Dre and Shug, because hell everybody turns 40 one day, but him there?   I'm with Mo, grandfather clock scrotum.


And she can keep that whole "we're nothing to Chante" in regards to her singing.  'Cause...those intro vocal scats that they shot?  Hers were boo boo.




In the beef though I thought Mo was petty and even though Chante was reluctant to express herself like a damn grown woman, hers was more legit.  I don't think it was just that she took a picture with Kenny, more than it was in the middle of their divorce, knowing everything your friend is going through and knowing some of it is at the hands of her wasband, you're gonna publicly state that he's a good dude.   That's foul as fuck and not nearly as egregious (to me) as my not being supportive by retweeting.   I don't know this could be because I'm in the generation before tweet but I was like 'the fuck she just say?  TV please tell me she is not mad behind some you didn't *like button* what I said on twitter.   Heffa, bye.


Apropos of nothing:  I love Chrisette's hair.   I love Mo's hair too but in Cirque du Soleil kinda way.  And for the life of me, I cannot ever remember Claudette unless she's in a scene.     Why do they need a whole bunch more carry on to write one more song?   Like I get that the demand is greater and stuff but if I were Ceasar I'd be like hold up, ya'll didn't need a contract rider for song #1, what's up?

I know right? You're mad that she didn't tweet your songs? My job used to require me to have a twitter account (thank god that's over) and I used to follow Chante. She's not lying when she said she's not into social media like that. She didn't even tweet her own stuff. I would find out about her performances and what not through ticketmaster. Lil Mo needs to go somewhere and sit down with all that "the hood in me," bullshit. You're a grown woman and a mother many times over. Grow up. Despite her claims, she's not as "far from 40" as she says and you would think she would want to take a break from twitter considering His Royal Badness tore her ass up something terrible on Twitter during Essence Fest.

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Am I losing it, or did Leela James have a speaking voice similar to Michel'le's when she first came out? I remember seeing her live and a couple times on TV and remember distinctly that she had a very high-pitched, squeaky voice.


Thanks for refreshing my memory. I recall her different speaking voice as well.


I heard Chante's song that she tried to include the other girls in on the show. It's actually good. At the end of this video interview she said she's planning to do a music video for songs off the "Moore is More" album. I can't remember if she's on an Indie label but I thought that was interesting that there were plans to put money into shooting a video for an "older" album. I liked the song that Lil Mo sang on the show too. I think she is good at the shade throwing and don't think she'd be happy at all if the roles were reversed and Chante posted a photo of her and Phillip with the caption that he's "the good guy."

Edited by quetzal

Looks like the show execs are calling it in on the show descriptions.  It's all of 5 words. smdh 


Anyway, I finally watched a complete episode and I'm totally underwhelmed with this season.  For one thing, I like Michel'le and I certainly don't want to bash her in any way in case they do read these boards, but I wish so much time wasn't spent on her this episode, especially in the wake of Robin William's death.  It made me feel some kind of way about her exposing her illness so much on the show instead of seeking professional help in private.  I just can't take these show therapists serious.  I keep thinking they're just famewhores who want to be on TV and aren't really focused on helping their patient.  That's just my feelings anyway. 


I'm still not feeling Chrisette Michele.  I can't seem to get a vibe on her for some reason.  I had feelings for all of the veterans right away in their first season, but maybe it's because I already knew who they were from their respective heydays.  I only know her from that one song "Epiphany", which I loved, but I never saw her perform it, so maybe that's why I don't feel anything for her.  The same goes for Leela James, although I like her demeanor way better than Chrisette's.

Chrisette is a very special snowflake.  I like her when she is with her people, but not when she is with the other Divas.  The "Opus" sounds pretty good so far.


I like that Leela and Mo are trying to help Michel'le with her issues.  I figured her troubles began quite recently and it is still very raw.  She is seeing a therapist, so there's that.  


Can't wait to see how Warryn Campbell will gum up the works on the Puerto Rico songs.

Mo definitely came off looking the worse of the two at this stage. We have to see how things progress because I do think Mo takes things to heart, so I am taking a wait and see stance.

The one thing that is keeping me in Mo's corner at the moment is Miche'le. I think her assessment of how Chante views her and Claudette is on point. However, I do not know if it is a "better than" so much as being a realistic business woman response. It sucks, but the truth is Chante featuring Chrissette, Mo and Leela would get more attention. Having said that, Chante could have invited all the ladies and have it be featured as a R & B Diva single or even the remix of a single with just her. Also, Miche'le referenced speaking with Chante more than once and getting nowhere, so there is a story there. Lastly, Chante's handling of the song, a shady contract and her insistence that the ladies should just sign the "contract" and trust her is hella-shady, and could speak to the truth of who she really is.


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Swankie: I think Miche'le is a troubled soul who never truly felt loved in her life. After all, anyone who equates a beat-down with love is lost. Please don't feel turned off because of Robin Williams, remember, this was taped months before his death and is airing in chronological order, so it is not an attempt to exploit that situation. If anything, watching her deconstruct with the tragic death of Robin Williams looming might a) get some who are feeling as they do to seek help or b) get someone around these people to realize that intervention might prevent what Mo said, "the should have, would have, could have, why did I wait" syndrome.

This episode definitely reaffirms my Lil' Mo love because what she did was real and you can tell that it came from a real and loving place.

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Just finished listening to Chante on the R & B Divas Afterbuzz Podcast and she said the producers told her she could only have three of the girls, she choose Mo because they had been close and she wanted to make an effort to include the new girls, hence the selection of Chrissette and Leela.

As for the letter, Chante said the letter was typed up as they were recording and was not the binding legal document the ladies had to sign, they received an actual professional contract.

Chante joins the show about 25 minutes or so in. It is worth a listen, puts her in a new light as she did not appear to be defensive and making things up like Kelly did when she appeared on Afterbuzz last year.

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So, I'm wondering if the "Ratchet" in the episode title is referring to Lil Mo's lace front ponytail wig she wore for her performance.  I seriously thought she had lather in her hair when they first showed her in it.  Who is she getting her wigs from?  Kim Zolciak?!  She really needs to rethink this whole blonde thing. smdh

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I don't know how I feel about Tye Tribbett (though his Stand Out album and specifically the song "Bless The Lord" is my jam), but his association with Lil' Mo makes me side eye him even more.


Chante is definitely a girly-girl and a flirt.  I found her little squeals during the salsa lesson cute, but I could also see myself rolling my eyes at her if I had to deal with that in person.

The only time I think Lil' Mo and the blonde look works is in the TH when she is wearing the turquoise outfit. Don't know if it is the darker blonde, the cut, the outfit, or the combination of the three.

Not surprised to see less Michell'e this episode as I'm sure she was under the care of a specialist during a good portion of what was filmed for this week.

Loved the support Chante showed for Mo despite their feud. Perhaps the feud is partially hyped. Perhaps the worst of it has yet to be aired.

Leelah seemed a little extra special to me with her media mess. While I understand you just want to talk about your music, you cannot fire shots in support of Patti LaBelle's statement and not expect to be asked to specify. Also, the comment about soul music neither came from the interviewer, nor was it directed towards you. Perhaps instead of the stinkbutt response, they were looking for an honest comment on the state of the genre and why it is not only alive but possibly thriving.

I didn't like the comments questioning the legitimacy of the Grammy's. Yeah we all know it is hella-shady and fixed, but to question the legitimacy of the process and the nominees in the midst of the conversation celebrating Chrisette's nomination was just in poor taste. She seemed hurt by it, as she should be, because her nomination was not acknowledged as legitimate by anyone but her.

I know I'm in the minority, but it like Chrissette. Perhaps it is because I'm a fan, perhaps it is her status as a New Yorker, perhaps because I have heard her interviewed before and knows she is a displaced hippy, who truly does love soul music and it's roots.

Edited by Happytobehere

I didn't like the comments questioning the legitimacy of the Grammy's. Yeah we all know it is hella-shady and fixed, but to question the legitimacy of the process and the nominees in the midst of the conversation celebrating Chrisette's nomination was just in poor taste.


Heh.  I agree that Mo's timing was poor by questioning the Grammy process at that exact moment but I knew exactly what she meant.  A few years ago, Esperanza Spalding won one (some?) Grammy's but I think it was in the R&B category and I was like, "Who?!" when her name was announced.  Maybe that's who Mo was thinking of too.


And the mean part of me cackled when Chrisette lost.  Cannot. Stand. Her.

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