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Ratings and Scheduling: Who's the fairest of them all?

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And then at 10pm on Sundays is Of Kings and Prophets, which seems to be some sort of retelling of the Bible so that already has a built-in loyal audience I guess. Can't imagine why that is so late on Sundays though unless they're going for accuracy with rivers of blood and murders and stuff.

I guess they want to have it on after their core potential audience gets home from Sunday-night church services. Except that crowd may not be comfortable with a "retelling" of the Bible, depending on how they do it.


Neither sounds like a natural fit for Once.

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Here's the trailer. And yes, it seems ABC still hasn't fired the moron that comes up with these horrible show names every. single. year. Ugh.


I think the original/working title was "Boomtown", which was much better.

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Apparently, they had a sizzle reel with some Once stuff at the upfronts -- and a little thing with Regina and Hook in the How to Get Away With Murder classroom. I need this NOW!

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Apparently, they had a sizzle reel with some Once stuff at the upfronts -- and a little thing with Regina and Hook in the How to Get Away With Murder classroom. I need this NOW!


See? Now that's the kind of fun cross-promotion I've been begging ABC to do! Thanks ABC Marketing Department!

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Here's Hook. That account has a pic of Regina too. They both look weird.

Apparently, Regina asked why there are no castles in Castle.

Matt Mitovich from TVLine says Emma's ILY and Snowing "we have to do what's right because we're heroes blablabla" made it to the sizzle reel.

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I guess they want to have it on after their core potential audience gets home from Sunday-night church services. Except that crowd may not be comfortable with a "retelling" of the Bible, depending on how they do it.


Neither sounds like a natural fit for Once.


Seeing the trailer doubt Churchgoing people are target audience of Kings and Prophets. I am surprised ABC picked it even up. Didn't expect that, otherwise it would have been on my list for Sunday evening on ABC besides OUaT and Boom, or Oil! as they call it now. More or less all epic drama with plenty of romance, intrigue, power plays or potential for prime time soap opera.  Things might have been not described as graphically as they are in Game of Thrones, at least not for us modern readers, but the Old Testament is rich of stories. The least epic of the shows is OUaT, it's too goofy and over the top, but still those shows are a good fit. OUaT is kinda the family friendly intro for the evening.

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I bet filming that is why Colin had the guyliner on when he was having lunch with Eduardo Castro last week.

Maybe that or they filmed it weeks ago against a green screen and then sent it to them to piece together. Not that I analyzed it, but he's wearing the Red Vest of Sex from the Ursula episode, although that seems like they thought of it way ahead of time then. Again, not that I'm analyzing or anything, especially not that vest. ;)

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"Why are there no castles on Castle?" It says alot about Annalise Keating that she got away with smacking down the Evil Queen and not getting a fireball for it. And Flirty Hook! :)

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That's amazing! They should do more of that kind of stuff for regular promotions too, not just upfront videos.


(Also, I'm hoping this might mean Hook will have a more prominent role in Season 5 if he was chosen alongside Regina to be in a "How to Get a Win with ABC" video.)

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That's amazing! They should do more of that kind of stuff for regular promotions too, not just upfront videos.


(Also, I'm hoping this might mean Hook will have a more prominent role in Season 5 if he was chosen alongside Regina to be in a "How to Get a Win with ABC" video.)


Mostly, I think ABC seems to really like Colin.  They had him on the hot men ad in July.  I wonder if the actors are picked by their shows or if it's ABC that chooses them.  For what it's worth, I think he will have a greater role now that things on the show seems to maybe be refocused on the actual core characters because of what's going down with Emma.


In any case, that was really funny and Jessica Huang rules, I'm just sayin'.  They should really do these things more often.

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Oh, yeah, Jessica Huang is all kinds of awesome. So glad they had a lot of her in there.


As for Colin, I do think ABC likes him. A&E mentioned in one interview awhile back how they'd never seen such a reaction to an actor from female execs, and how they'd get notes back from execs on scripts wondering if Hook could be in scenes he wasn't supposed to be in. I'm not sure how tongue-in-cheek that was, but I'm sure there was some truth to it. I bet those execs were displeased about the appalling dearth of Hook in 4B.


I'm pretty sure each show's executive producers cast their own shows for all intents and purposes, but ABC probably has to sign off on all hires and could veto somebody if they want to or perhaps force somebody to be cast if they really wanted to. It probably varies a bit by network and producer, depending on how much heft a producer has. I know that Chris Carter had to really fight Fox to cast Gillian Anderson for "The X-Files."


ETA: Oh, I just realized you probably meant if the actors were picked for this promo by ABC or the shows. Oops. In this case, probably ABC, since it's a promo thing.

Edited by Souris
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It really shows the bad boy is much more marketable.  Josh Dallas doesn't look too shabby and he doesn't get the same swoon-worthy reactions from ABC.

Edited by Camera One
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It will probably get a bit worse. Emma as a Dark One isn't nearly as big of a draw as Frozen. 

My mom is a casual fan of the show. She watches it every week, but it's not obsessed about it and she doesn't mind spoilers. So today when she asked me about the finale and I told her that Emma was the new Dark One her answer has been: "Oh, no. That's horrible. I'm not going to watch next season". She trully hates the idea of Emma as the Dark One. So, I think that, if A&E aren't really careful with the way they treat this storyline, they can loose more casual/non obsessed fans than they think they would.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Emma as the Dark One is a bit counter-productive to what the show is about. The main protagonist going "evil" when the hope and family message is the foundation just doesn't work for casual audiences. It's not particularly exciting or appealing and it's a continuation of a 4B plot that did horribly like the others. You stick with Emma, who's been working to be a hero this whole time, then find out that's all being undone due to magic contrivance. It's disappointing because we all know this show can't handle angles like that.


(I'm taking this from the casual watcher perspective. I don't believe this really undoes Emma's arc or makes her evil, but it definitely appears that way at first glance.)



Scott Michael Foster's show "Oil" is indeed airing after "Once" on Sundays.

Not impressed. They might as well air reruns of Dallas.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Emma as the Dark One is a bit counter-productive to what the show is about. The main protagonist going "evil" when the hope and family message is the foundation just doesn't work for casual audiences. It's not particularly exciting or appealing and it's a continuation of a 4B plot that did horribly like the others. You stick with Emma, who's been working to be a hero this whole time, then find out that's all being undone due to magic contrivance. It's disappointing because we all know this show can't handle angles like that.


(I'm taking this from the casual watcher perspective. I don't believe this really undoes Emma's arc or makes her evil, but it definitely appears that way at first glance.)


Replying in the All Seasons thread.

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I was really exiting for the Dark Emma storyline mostly because I thought Emma and the charming clan will be upfront . Now I realisez that really a case of attention what you wish for. There so many ways the writer can destroy Emma character without even realize it. So if handle carefully and it is more Emma inner struggle with how attend a goal ex find Merlin with discerard colletaral dommage because the goal destroy the darkess exceed the mean. The ga will be ok but she just become evil for the sake of evil GA wont like itand the fandom will faut her more than Rumple and Regina it is already starting in part of the fandom. So, rating wise it can be good the first half had greater rating until episode 5 and the focus was lesser and lesser about the Charming clan and the Hook episode CS in 4b had I believe the fourth greater rating but the execution can litteraly destroy what it still good about all them. I cross my finger. That they not darker the Charming clan enough that Rumple and Regina look more heroique than them. I mean after the eggate showing could kidnapped Merlin child so he will deliver himself to them


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Once finished the season tied for 21st in Live + Same Day Adults 18-49 ratings, tied for 16th in Live + 7 Day 18-49 ratings. I'm guessing they wouldn't be ranked if you dropped off the first four eps with the Frozen effect. (I could do the math, but I'm too lazy.)

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So it seems ABC has changed its Sunday line-up a bit. Of Kings and Prophets is currently unscheduled and Quantico will follow Once and Blood and Oil (formerly "Oil"/"Boom"). Quantico was first scheduled for Tuesday 10 PM (a historically problematic slot for ABC) so it seems they've decided that Sunday 10 will give it a better chance (I guess the relative success of Secrets and Lies gave them that idea).

It doesn't really look like a good fit for soapy Sunday show, seems younger and more action-y (although probably not without its share of melodrama), but we'll see, I guess.

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I can see it being a good fit if they toss the idea of soapy Sundays. If you're going for action Sundays, Once and Quantico fit in there and then maybe Blood and Oil depending on how much they make of the oil workers part of it.


Still can't believe that ABC sucks at naming shows. They went from Oil to Blood and Oil because why? Secrets and Lies was successful so let's add a word to the title!

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It has a little something to do with it, because Scott Michael Foster (Kristoff) is on it. And I think it's pertinent what shows are paired w/ Once on Sundays.

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We generally give some leeway about topic in here.  We read the posts here, never fear, and we're on it.


Sniping at each other, however, is not cool.  If you have an issue, report it or PM us and we will take care of it. 


I'm going to delete the off-topic posts. 

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I'm just coming in here to thank all of you! I got in a bit of a pissing match with a commenter on EW who tried to convince people that the ratings plummeted more in season 4 because of Hook than because of things like Frozen. I was all "Yo, hold up! Here are the real numbers that prove you are wrong!" Bless you all for coming into this thread every week during the season to debate a little rating number. :)

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Sounds about right. Will be interesting to see what happens after the season gets started -- ABC ordered an extra episode after season 4 started, which is why the episode they "super sized" seemed super longer than it should've been.

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I can't remember if this question was ever answered; Did they have a choice of which episode to supersize? They really should have tacked on the extra bit to That mid-season finale.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I can't remember if this question was ever answered; Did they have a choice of which episode to supersize? They really should have tacked on the extra bit to That mid-season finale.

I want to say no because I think other shows were super sizing on the same week.

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Even if they had no choice about the week, A&E made the choice to use the extra screentime for Regina/Snow and Regina/Robin scenes instead of Emma/Snow scenes.  They blatantly dropped the Emma/Snow stuff which had been set up the previous episode.  They chose the Elsa/Snow scene to delete, while adding that horrid new stuff, which in the long-run had no purpose (the page with Robin and Regina kissing outside the tavern amounted to nothing).

Edited by Camera One
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Hmm, obviously not gospel but my favorite ratings site Spotted Ratings is expecting the season overall to fall as much as last spring did vs. the previous spring, to about a 1.7 average. Seems reasonable. We'll get some idea just a week from now.

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I think the Season 5 premiere will spike up a lot just out of sheer curiousity, but I agree, the ratings will quickly plummet just like last year. 4B was such a cluster that the only remaining fans at this point are probably sticking around for the long haul, so I'd imagine similar 4B ratings for Season 5, maybe less.

Edited by Curio
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Yea, the opening spike is definitely going to be a thing. I think the way they design these half seasons lends itself to have that spike -- maybe you didn't like Cruella but you're willing to give Dark Swan a shot. Perhaps people feel they can jump in and not miss much?


And yeah for this thread being resurrected! I can't wait to start getting into the ratings numbers again next week.


Also, just a reminder that there's a Once "pre-show" at 7pm on Sunday before the new episode. I don't know if DVRs register that as an episode of Once so you may have to make sure it's going to record if you rely on a DVR like I do.

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I wants to play!

My prediction est 2.3 for the premiere and after 5 slowly declining to 1.9 at the end of the arc. Actually, if they manage to do that it will be good for them.

I'm interesting to watch the number from the the online viewers too, this year. It will surely factor when the renewal time will comes.

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2.2 for the premiere but will decline rapidly after ep 5-5 to settle around 1.7 -1.8 for the rest of the half season, second to last ep might go to 1.6 depending on what weekend it falls on popping back up for the midseason finale due to massive promotion.

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