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Season 1 - 4 Discussion

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I recently re-watched season one and the season finale of season two.  Xfinity has all three seasons available for free for Bravo subscribers right now, so I’m going to start my re-watch of season two (one of my favorite seasons of reality history ever) tomorrow.  

I thought season one was boring, though it was still better than some of the best seasons on other franchises.  I don’t like Lea and her singsong voice where it appears everything she is saying is the butt of a joke and iT sOuNdS LiKe ShE’s TaLkInG LiKe ThIS all of the time.  I find it passive-aggressive.  

I’m also not big on Marysol.  I also find her boring and tortured and a little phony.  

I like Alexia a lot.  I like her Barbie look and her confidence and some of the ways she looks at life.  Her lack of self awareness is funny.  

I loved Kristi and Larsa, I couldn’t help it.  They were just everything I wanted in Housewives—super talkative and fun and light and if not smart, not dumb.  They brought the perfect amount of drama IMO.  

Adriana came off as a mixed bag to me in season one.  I didn’t love the way she seemed to be playing games with Frederick, but I guess if he wanted to participate, that’s his business.  It can never be said that Adriana let an opportunity go to waste.  I kind of rooted for her against Joanna in season two, but it was so good because it was such an even match, which I appreciated.

I remember liking all of the additions—Karent, Ana, Lisa and Joanna—to the cast.  I lived for season two.  I used to live in Coral Gables.  I’m pretty familiar with the places they go.  Their fights were epic.  

I’m obviously going to watch season three as soon as I’m done with season two.  All I remember from season three is that it was really good.  Usually I’m not a fan of a small cast—season three only had five full-time cast members, as opposed to seven for season two—but I like who they chose to keep, and I just wish we could see more of them.  

I’m so excited I can watch this again.  I’m going to get to it, before the free deal is over!

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So, on my re-watch, I just finished the episodes where Lisa has a party for breast cancer (no, that’s not a typo) at her house and I have some thoughts:

  • I am so sick of Joanna, Marta and Romain’s dynamic of just constantly bickering all the time.  I’m not so sure how much of this I believe.  Romain cheated on Joanna, and they just keep going without missing a beat?  I hate Joanna this time around.  She is a foul-mouthed, stupid, inarticulate, angry drunk.  Now I understand the divorce.
  • The only newbie I like is Ana.  She fits right in, the way Dorinda fit right in when she joined RHNYC.  I think she’s funny and light, and I enjoy her young adult daughters.  They’re all funny together.  Even Robert, Ana’s estranged husband, is very funny and the family is fun to watch.  I saw Ana in the background in season one, so she knew at least some of the old cast coming in, and it shows.  
  • I love the dynamic of Ana, Marysol, and Alexia.  They feel like the old guard to me for some reason.  Marysol doesn’t bring enough to the show to have her own mojito in the opening.  She is just there for her mom, who is not at all that funny or interesting this time around.  I like the fact that they upgrade Alexia to full-time and make Marysol a friend-of in season three, but I wish Ana hadn’t been cut.  She belonged. 
  • Lea is not bothering me so much this time.  She’s staying out of the fray.  The way I see the alliances building are like Adriana, Marysol and Ana on one side and Lisa, Karent and Joanna on the other, with Lea straddling the middle.
  •  I just don’t love the Blacks period.  I find them strange.  I do not believe Lea’s story that she met Roy by being on one of his juries and later on they just started talking.  How does that happen exactly?  They are strangely old parents to a ten year old.  I’m also not thrilled with Roy Black and his defense of clearly guilty criminals, and Lea passing on their propaganda to their son.  Roy came back from a trial that he lost up in Palm Beach County, and their son said the judge was corrupt.  Nah, I think the defendant was just guilty as sin.  
  • Karent is such an inarticulate shit-stirrer.  I didn’t understand why they didn’t like her last time, and now it’s crystal clear to me.  She undermined Adriana’s picture with the artist by tweeting her picture with the artist first, and then she was quoted in print as to saying these women have Botox for brains, and she just smiles right through it all.  I think she gets off on the idea that other women want her pudgy, pasty fiancé Rodolfo, and if other women ceased to be interested, so would she.  She is awful telling people that her quotes were misquoted in the interview she gave, and wondering if she has rights.  Yes, if that were the case, she could demand a retraction, but I don’t believe her at all that she didn’t say those things about “Botox for brains,” etc.  Very few reporters will just make up quotes.  They’d be ruined in no time flat.  
  • Lisa is just a vapid bitch.  I never wanted to think that about her in the past, because I thought it was too much of a cliche.  I thought there had to be more to her than being her plastic surgeon husband’s “greatest creation.”  But she’s not.  I wish she had more of a backstory.  Where is she from?  Yes, she brings the real estate, but so what?  All she ever does is shop and drink.  She thinks she looks so great, but that face is straight out of that Twilight Zone episode with the pig people.  She freaked out that people got in a fight at her “breast cancer party” that she was going around screaming at everyone, all the while with her aureola hanging out.  I just really didn’t like how she said that she was having a lingerie party for breast cancer, because lingerie and breast cancer went hand in hand, and then she looked at the camera like she said something really cute.  Lingerie has nothing to do with breast cancer, you dolt.  She is also size-ist.  When Alexia kicked Karent out of her magazine party, Lisa said, “Why don’t they pick on someone their own size?  Oh wait, I forgot, not too many people are their size.”  First of all, you’re only talking about Alexia, as she is the one who threw Karent out of the Venue party.  If you want to call her fat, have the balls enough to say “Alexia” and not “they.”  And Alexia is thin, she’s not fat.  Alexia is not as thin as Lisa—no one is—but then again, Alexia was able to have children.  I know Lisa went on after this show ended to have two children via IVF, but at the time, she had been trying to have a child for three years and it wasn’t happening, and she speculated it could be because of her weight.  Ya think?  
  • Adriana is picking up for me this season.  It’s mostly due to the fact that she has a brain in her head.  I love that she can speak five languages.  I don’t think Adriana is beautiful.  She has a great figure and nice long dark hair, but there’s something strange going on with her face.  Last season she was late to her own event because it takes her two hours to put on her makeup.  I don’t think Adriana should have hit on Romain at all.  I like Adriana and Frederic on my screen so much more than Joanna and Romain.  Adriana and Frederic actually have meaningful conversations.  With Joanna and Romain, Romain is always making a facial expression like he has indigestion and Joanna just yells in her incredibly shrill voice.  
  • In the fight between Joanna and Adriana, I am 100% on Adriana’s side.  Joanna was drunk (what else is new) and looking for a fight.  Adriana was trying to talk to Karent about the interview Karent gave and Joanna just butted in, as she seems to think is her right as a supermodel (she’s not a supermodel), Adriana walked away, Joanna chased her, so Adriana decked her.  Awesome.  It shut Joanna’s ugly mouth up for 10 goddamn seconds.  Her own fiancé can’t stand her.  He left as soon as Joanna started being a crazy drunken bitch again.  
  • Joanna had one of those interstitials where she told Marta that she hated Kim Kardashian and if she met her, she’d tell her she had a big ass or something.  I couldn’t help but wish that Larsa, who is Kim K’s best friend, was still on the show.  Larsa (and her extremely fast-talking sidekick Kristi, who actually made good points) would have eaten Joanna alive verbally. 

I keep watching this show and trying to pinpoint why it was cancelled.  The only franchises that have locations where I have spent a significant amount of time is this one and NYC.  On RHNYC, the women live a lot closer to each other, so maybe it was easier for them to get together.  I know that Kristi and Larsa didn’t just get kicked off the show—I think Larsa moved to Chicago or something—but I don’t think it was a good idea to replace them with Lisa and Joanna.  The former were flawed and messy, but authentic.  Lisa just has a great body and great real estate, and Joanna is a gorgeous model (although at this point she’s getting a bit long in the tooth to be a model and she has horrible skin), but they don’t bring anything of value to the show through their personalities.  They’re just an unfortunate combination of violent and caustic.  Sometimes it feels like Joanna is filming her own show.  I think she’s the only one who lives on Miami Beach.  

I never mind a big cast.  I think this show could have stayed around if Marysol had been demoted to friend-of, if Lea stuck around but had a diminished role, and the rest of the cast was comprised of Alexia, Ana, Adriana, Kristi, Larsa, Joanna in a diminished role (so that she could fight with Larsa) and perhaps Karent in a diminished role as the shit-stirrer (although I doubt they’d need that, with all the other craziness that would have gone on).  Lisa should never have been cast.  

This season has been unbearably slow.  It’s a lot more boring than I remember.  Hopefully it’ll pick up.  I know that the reunion is crazy good, when Ana just loses her shit on Lea out of nowhere and calls her old.  Hopefully there’ll be something of note to write about between now and then!

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I finally finished season two.  Here are my thoughts:

I get the feeling Joanna doesn’t live in Miami.  She said she splits her time between Miami and LA.  I have a feeling that means she lives in LA, but will come to Miami to film the show.  Also, for someone who is so ride or die for PETA, she really doesn’t walk the walk.  She rides in Romain’s Ferrari that has leather interior.  To paraphrase Michael Bluth from Arrested Development, she knows they don’t remove that from the cow surgically, right?  I do think Joanna is a different person when she’s drinking, and she didn’t show that drunken ugliness after the time she chased Adriana, and it made me like her a lot more for the rest of the season.  

I thought this season was a little bit of a mess as far as throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks—we could have done without the super-drama of Thomas Kramer, Elaine/James, Lisa Pliner, etc.  Lisa Pliner just lied on film about what she said to Marysol about Elaine/James and it was never reconciled at the reunion or anything.  She just got away with it.  Another victory to the Dark Queen, Lea. 

What I did really enjoy about the second part of the season were the families of all ethnicities meeting for a Passover Seder, whenever the women had lunch and dinner together, and Frederic’s parents’ 50th anniversary.  Those were the more genuine moments.  

I also loved their trip to Bimini.  It’s actually one of the best Housewife vacations ever, because there was no drunkenness or stream of constant activities like they have now.  It was just bonding and arguing in a different setting.  That’s what I think it should be about. 

I realized I hate Lisa.  She was such a baby and a fusspot about not getting the best room in Bimini; meanwhile, it was Joanna’s vacation.

Lisa definitely has a weight issue, like body dysmorphic disorder or something.  When Adriana got to the airport on the way to Bimini, she joked that her suitcase weighed the same amount as she did, 80 lbs, and Lisa jerked like she had been prodded with 1,000 volts of electricity and said “me too; we’re like the same,” as if it was a huge point of contention that had to be set straight.  Neither one of them weighs anything like 80 lbs.  Adriana looks like she’s at least 115 and Lisa looks like she’s between 95 and 100.  It’s a little sick for Lisa to make it seem like a competition to weigh 80 lbs.  

Pretty much the only time I liked Karent this entire season was when she was making fun of Lea in Bimini, and even that seemed like juvenile behavior for a doctor.  She strikes me as such an emotionally underdeveloped person.  

In Bimini, Lea told Lisa not to worry about getting pregnant as she, Lea, got pregnant for the first time without even trying.  At 46?  Methinks not.  

In the argument between Lia vs Marysol at their last dinner in Bimini, my verdict is for Marysol. Marysol had specific responses to all of Lea’s allegations, and I wish Ana didn’t defend her, because Ana vowed not to defend Marysol again after Marysol didn’t go to bat for Ana when Thomas Kramer was being rude to her.  I never really knew what the Lea-Marysol fight was about.  It was just a lot of he-said, she-said about a red carpet.  Boring.  

One thing I liked about this season was that even though there were teams, there were relationships that superseded those teams, like Joanna-Ana and Joanna-Alexa, Adriana-Lisa, which felt more like real life.  

I can’t believe Rodolfo was cheating with a different Ana.  Karent owed Ana Quincoces an apology for basically accusing her of stalking her “boyfriend” all season.  

Onto the reunion...

I love a two part reunion!  It’s always so much juicier than a three-part reunion.  

Lea and Ana get into it big time!  This was good reunion shit.  Ana saying Lea isn’t relevant in her own family and Lea said Ana’s husband has been screwing other women for years.  Ana said Lia was a nobody and peddling cold creams out of the back of her car in Waco, TX.  Lea didn’t object to any of this, so I’m assuming it’s true.  

I hate when Lea tries to talk like a lawyer when she is merely lawyer-adjacent.  I was so tired of phrases like “that’s it my recollection of the facts” and that no one should say anything about another Housewife unless they were willing “to swear to it under oath” and “that’s like throwing a skunk in the jury box.”  Contrast that with Ana, who is actually a lawyer, who just used facts and logic to break down bullshit, instead of sounding like a 2L who is doing moot court.  Ugh Lea.  

Lea repeatedly standing up at the reunion because she got the worst seat was so annoying and stupid.  What happened to her first season’s tagline—that other people’s opinions didn’t interest her?  Could have fooled me.  By contrast, the venom coming from Ana seemed genuine—like she got fed up with Lia being the emperor with no clothes and she was just speaking to that.  Given that Lea never objected to the substance of what Ana said, again, I think it was all true.  I think Ana had a lot of inside info, like Joe Francis was brought to Lisa’s party just to make trouble.  I wish she would have gotten to stay to bring the tea in the future. 

Ana should have gotten to stay and Lea should have had to leave.  Lea became unhinged at the end.  

I think Joanna slept with Joe Francis. 

Karent’s relationship was fake to get on the show, I think that much is obvious.  I find Karent pathetic.  I have no idea how she became a dentist.  Alexia wasn’t at fault that the info fell into her lap that Rodolfo had another girlfriend.  Every single woman said Karent had to know, so they told her.  No one had that type of information on anyone else’s man—all they had was idle gossip, so I thought It was kind of gross for Joanna to say she heard that Herman was gay when there was no evidence of same, just to take heat off Karent and her fake relationship getting legitimately exposed.  

Joanna has very animalistic instincts, like a herd mentality.  She will stick up for her friends, like Karent, right or wrong.  Karent is so phony.  She has no idea how to discern the truth.  Lisa is phony and only concerned about herself.  I’m so glad that “team” will be disbanded for season three.  

The left couch on the reunion was so much better—I wish Ana got to come back for season three, to basically run the series with Alexia, who comes back full time.  I find them so much more dynamic and interesting than the right couch twits.  Lia just seems like a liar.  Not looking forward to her coming back next season—it looked like she was on her way out the door at the end of season two, and something saved her.  She came back to season two looking ten years younger than she’d looked in season one, yet she claimed she got no work done, not even Botox or fillers.  Riiiiiight.  

There’s something I like about Marysol’s quiet sort of feminine energy, so I’m glad she comes back as a friend-of.  She’s too boring on her own.  A little bit of Mama Elsa is more than enough.  The entire Lost Footage episode was about Mama Elsa and Adriana starring in some horror movie (that still hasn’t been released), so that was something I wish I’d skipped.  

I leave the season really liking Adriana, though not as much as Ana and Alexia.  Adriana is just no bullshit, confident, sexy, what you see is what you get, employed, professional, type A.  She is just very watchable.  Also, IIRC, she and Lea fall out in season three, and I can’t wait for that.  Lea stabs everyone in the back with a casual cynicism (yet we’re all supposed to think she’s an angel because she has an annual gala) and I just want to see her taken down.  

In rating the full-time cast members of season two at the end, I will put them in the following order of best to worst as I perceived them:

  1. Ana
  2. Adriana
  3. Marysol
  4. Joanna
  5. Karent
  6. Lisa 
  7. Lia (though I think it can be argued that Lisa and Lea could be reversed)

I noticed season three has only 16 episodes altogether, so that should be a quick watch, and then I’ll have to say adios to my Miami girls forever 😥

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I’m most of the way through season three, and it’s so different from what I remember.  My alliances have totally shifted, even though I’m not very invested in anyone, and I am really starting to see why this was cancelled.  The show just couldn’t gain traction.  It seems like Lea and Joanna are pretty much filming their own shows.  Adriana and Alexia are a little more integrated, but Lisa is the only one who seems like she’s on an ensemble show.  I have about three more episodes to go, and then the reunion, but these are my impressions so far:

Joanna:  Joanna doesn’t live in Miami, that’s crystal clear.  Her wedding is in CA.  Her house and her dogs are in Hollywood Hills, and she says that she came to Miami for Romain.  I am so glad there is less of a Marta presence this season.  Marta moved out.  I don’t even like her when she calls Joanna.  They have an unhealthy relationship.  It seems like the unspoken story is that Joanna and Romain had something of a long distance, somewhat open relationship prior to filming this season, so I think that is why he *cheats* and she stays.  

It’s so strange that he won’t fuck her.  I don’t know if that’s for a storyline or he’s fucking someone else, but it’s bizarre.  I can’t believe Joanna wants Marta to “drop everything” and help her with her wedding when she finally has her own life.  Does Joanna want Marta to get fired from her job and move back in with her and Romain?  Probably.  It’s so boring that Marta’s still texting Joanna (from PA) that Romain is cheating. Joanna knows he’s cheating and she doesn’t care, but she doesn’t get to make a storyline out of is he/isn’t he two years in a row. I guess with what we know, Romain tearing up the prenup was a little cringeworthy.

The dueling weddings are clearly the driving theme of this season and all I can say for Joanna is at least she is truly getting married, unlike the other one.  Joanna seems a lot less drunk this season and a lot nicer.  I finally see her appeal.  I don’t like the house Romain got for them.  The view?  Spectacular.  The house and pool need to be torn out and rebuilt completely though.  Joanna’s Hollywood Hills home is so much nicer than this, even though Southern California tends to be a lot more expensive than South Florida.  Just another sign pointing to the fact that Joanna’s life isn’t in Miami, so what the hell does she care what kind of house she has there?

Adriana was married since 2007, but Frederic allegedly called off the wedding, even though she’s legally married, and it’s a storyline that Frederic (or Adriana’s son) is going to call it off again)????  Girl, get the fuck out of here with that shit!!  She.  Is.  Married.  To Frederic.  That is not open to interpretation.  Adriana is so full of shit to pretend she only has a license or something.  No, she’s fully married and she hid that from us since season one, when she made a storyline out of not being above to pull the trigger on another marriage and trust men after her ex screwed her over and she and her son were sleeping on the floor of their gallery, and Lea had to help keep Adriana’s son in private school.  She was lying the whole time.  No words.  When they flashed the paperwork of the marriage ceremony really quickly, it looked like it said “Marysol Patton” was the witness.  Hmm. 

Adriana pretending that there is a rush to have a wedding right away when she is sitting with her wedding planner and he is telling her that they’re running out of time is even crazier in light of this news.  They’ve been married for six or seven years; time isn’t of the essence.  Fake, bullshit storyline.    

The thing that bothers me the most about this is that Adriana keeps saying she’s not married, but she has a license.  Then when Lea presses her, she says she’s technically married, but she’s not married in her heart.  I’m sorry Adriana, you can’t be a little bit married the way you can’t be a little big pregnant.  It’s binary.  As far as Adriana’s wedding being leaked to The Miami Herald?  I wouldn’t care if Lea had planted the story.  Lea helped Adriana when she thought she was a single woman and Adriana keeps throwing it back in her face when she lied to her.  Lea paid Adriana’s son’s tuition and back tuition.  Then Adriana goes back to Frederic, crying that Lea called her a charity case, when she was happy to play the charity case in season one.  Adriana was being set up on dates by Lea when she was married?  How fucked up is that?

Adriana is being a bridezilla in a fake wedding.  Taking so long to get ready for her own  “wedding” and being so late was so passive-aggressive. She made everyone wait for an hour and a half for the ceremony in the heat while she was ripping her veil.  And she was three hours late to the reception, which people had to change for in the parking lot.  That is disgusting to be so disrespectful of other people’s time.  There was no crisis on her end either.  The wedding was 50 minutes away and Adriana was just laying in a bed with her hair wet, in a robe, with no makeup on.  Anyone who stuck around is a better person than I am.  

Lisa is still very annoying and immature and bored.  Lenny has to go to sleep so he can do surgery in the morning, and Lisa wakes him up to say she wants to have a kid.  Lennie wants Lisa to try a surrogate and she says she doesn’t want to try to try a surrogate, because she deserves to carry a baby to term (even though she told Lea in Bimini that she’d already tried a surrogate.  Does she mean a surrogate with a donor egg?). The fighting with the in-laws seems manufactured.  Lisa also age-shames.  She said just because Marysol could have been her mother doesn’t mean she should act like her mother.  Gross.  Lisa thinks she’s the hottest thing that’s ever hit Miami, but all I see is skinny.  She bought her boobs, her face is terrible, and her hair looks like extensions.  I hate that Farrah Fawcett curl that so many women like Lisa do when straight looks so much more chic.  

Not only is Lisa not attractive to me, she’s so fucking jealous.  Lea borrowed $29 million dollars worth of jewelry for her gala, and Lisa felt shown up because she was “only” wearing a $400,000 necklace that Lenny had just bought her (I believe it was $40k, not $400k, but if it’s so important to her, she can have it).  Then she does a talking head that the difference between her and Lea is that Lisa owns her jewelry, whereas Lea had to borrow hers.  Ok, Lisa, who is going to lend you $29 million worth of jewelry?  Nobody, because you are nobody. 

The only time I like Lisa is when she’s facing adversity.  At the beginning of the season, she and Lenny had purchased a home to tear it down, and some conversation board was fighting them, and they paid $130,000 in lawyers’ fees alone to get to tear down the house, and they had to evict the squatters, who left their garbage in the house, and they were legit mad, and I don’t blame them, and I liked to see Lisa show emotion and not be so plastic.  The other thing I learned from watching Lisa is that anyone who says a plastic surgeon doesn’t make much is apparently wrong.  They seem extremely rich to me, not like fakers in the wealth department.  Lisa is just fake in every other area.

It’s funny how much RJ, Lea’s son, can’t seem to stand Lisa.

Alexia saying that Lea said that her son belongs in jail for hitting a homeless man was ironic, considering how many criminals Lea’s husband keeps out of jail (but Lea said she didn’t say it and I don’t know if I believe her).  Alexia’s story is so tragic this season as compared to how light she was in season one.  Alexia’s older son Peter has really fallen far.  I forgot Alexia’s first husband was a drug trafficker.  I can’t believe that Peter hit a cab with his fist during a photoshoot and Alexia excused it. I don’t think it’s about Frankie’s accident, it’s about not having his mom, whose teat he was sucking on in season one, and then she pretty much dropped him when Frankie had his accident (this is coming from Alexia’s words, not my interpretation of them).  Alexia is kind of a fucked up parent in other aspects too.  She didn’t tell her son his father was in jail for four years?  So where did he think his father was for those years, just avoiding him?  Nice.  

Alexia acted like such a punk when she waited all afternoon to tell the other women at the polo field that she was going to Lea’s gala. And then she didn’t wind up going because she was afraid of alienating “The Cuban Mafia,” as they called themselves.  I thought Alexia’s claim to fame was that she was her own person.

Lea was so much nicer to Adriana than I would’ve been. Despite their falling out, Adriana said she wanted RJ and Alex to stay friends, but Adriana complained that Lea was texting Alex directly about  RJ’s birthday party, and then she complains that Lea calls her directly to ask about the party.  This is the Lea/Adriana relationship this season as a microcosm.  It seems to me that Adriana was exposed for her huge lie in the press, Lea was very supportive, but Adriana wouldn’t swallow her pride and just avoided Lea for the rest of the season because she was embarrassed that she lied.  How is any of that Lea’s fault?

Alexia piled on and said that Lea is fake because she was being nice to everyone at Alexia’s party?  That’s weird.  Last season, Alexia freaked out on Karent when she thought Karent was causing a stir at her Venue party.  So no one can seem to win with Alexia either.  

Lea and the housekeeper that does no work, Freda, is a nonstarter.  I don’t know if that’s supposed to be like the next step of wokeness—I am rich enough to have a housekeeper, but I’m so woke that I don’t make her work, because that would make me look too bougie or something?  First of all, Lea, Lisa already had that storyline in season two, and second of all, a housekeeper who doesn’t perform basic responsibilities, like answering the phone, because she is reading The Bible, isn’t interesting or funny.  It’s just stupid.  Why even have a housekeeper?  Just pay her a salary and let her do whatever she wants if that’s what you want to do.   

Why does Lance Bass show up everywhere?  I am so sick of him.  Of course he and Lea are friends.  She collects friends like accessories, and he is happy to show up to the opening of an envelope.  

I believe Lea that she expressed interest in Elsa’s hospital stay, and Marysol denied it to make Lea look bad.  Lea read the text she sent to Marysol verbatim.  Marysol just seems all over the place this season.  I’m just glad she’s not a full-time Housewife anymore.

Going back to Texas, Lea made her family seem so quaint, but they seemed wealthy to me!  Their home in Waco was significantly nicer than Joanna’s in Miami.  It was a little strange how dismissive Lea seemed of her family.  She seemed really embarrassed by them when they seemed perfectly nice.  Lea did light up for her old friends and her story about how they worked 70 hours a week to promote cosmetics and take classes was really interesting, and I wish we’d gotten to see this side of Lea earlier.  Lea is either really unflappable or her response got edited out after Ana accused Lea of selling cold cream out of her trunk in the season two reunion.  I mean, I guess technically Lea was doing that, but she seemed to have glamorous moments in the old days too—winning a body building contest to bring attention to her products and getting on airplane loudspeakers to try to sell to other patrons is kind of funny. So the visit back to Texas was a net positive for Lea for me.  

I just wish Lea and Joanna didn’t cry so much.  Hardly an episode goes by without at least one of them shedding tears.  I like them both so much better this season, but I just don’t find them sympathetic characters, so their tears are a little annoying to me.  

Now I guess it’s onto Joanna’s wedding!  This should be interesting.  I’m sure it’s at least going to be much better than Ariana’s fake wedding.  


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The season picked up at the very end.  I finally saw where the show could go.  Lisa became the center and I think she would have remained there if there had been a season four.  

At Lea’s handbag event, Joanna looked crazy for starting a fight with Lisa for trying to make peace between Lea and Adriana.  It wasn’t her business.  I liked how much Lisa stood up to Joanna.  Lisa standing up for herself and being scrappy and not needing someone to be her friend is the most I’ve ever liked her.

Lea has every right to cut Adriana off as a friend for pretending to be single.  But to the extent Lea turned on Adriana for not sticking up for her with regard to Ana at the season two reunion, that’s not really fair.  Everyone on this show should be prepared to fight their own battles. 

Why was Joanna’s wedding on a Thursday?

When they went to Joanna’s bachelorette party in Vegas, the show got really good.  Just like in Bimini, Lisa grabbed the best room in Vegas and made a fuss about it.  I can’t imagine how entitled she is off camera. 

Otherwise, Vegas looked really fun.  Lisa officially took the trophy as “biggest drunk” from Joanna.  Adriana had so much more fun at Joanna’s bachelorette than at her “wedding.”  I was able to find something to like about her again.  The fight in the party bus about who is the biggest whore was dark, but it was funny to me.  These types of fights are what make the shows worth watching, as long as they seem real, and this was very real.  

I think the missing of the flight from Vegas to San Diego for Joanna’s wedding was on purpose, to heighten drama.  No way they wouldn’t have had a wake up call.  When Joanna ran upstairs in Vegas to tell everyone to wake up, Lea was already up.  Surprise, surprise, Joanna wound up being completely on time.  Take notes, Adriana.  

Lea changed her whole tune from her ballroom unveiling, during which time she and Adriana made up, to Joanna’s wedding, saying her life would be better without Adriana in it.  Where did that come from? Jealousy that Adriana was getting along with everyone else, including Lea’s pet, Joanna?  

This season was so much better with less Mama Elsa in it.  

As for the reunion...

I’ve lived in Miami when I was in my twenties.  There is absolutely truth in the idea that people in Miami don’t work the way the work in other places.  There are “professional nobodies” running around everywhere in a way that you wouldn’t see in New York or London.  That was what Lisa was trying to say and they all jumped on her.  Of course there are people in Miami who work!  There are also a lot of people who do not work and no one bats an eyelash about it.  

And, I have to correct Andy when he keeps referring to Miami as a “city” with respect to this franchise.  Yes, there is a city called “Miami,” but none of these women live there.  They all—with the exception of season one’s Larsa—live in Miami-Dade County, but they don’t live in the city of Miami, and they rarely film events there.  They seem to live in Miami Beach and Coral Gables, and that’s where most of the action happened across the seasons.  

The other stuff I got out of the reunion?  They could barely string together two parts.  Maybe it was really time for this show to go.  

At least Adriana admitted she has a serious problem with being late.

I have no idea why it would be implied that Lisa is greedy because she has a Birkin.  Housewives on most of the franchises have Birkins.  What about Lea and all her Birkins?  Is it because Lisa doesn’t have a job?  So what, she has a rich husband.  I thought that was the premise of these shows.  

I think Joanna had been having an affair with Mohammad Hadid when he was with Yolanda Foster.  Girl has no poker face.  

Lea established that Adriana was lying about her other marriage in season one and that Lea made a $350,000+ donation to keep Adriana’s son in his private school while Adriana was pretending to be single.  Adriana, she is a handful.  I was glad they finally brought up season one and all of the lies Adriana is filmed saying.  

And Adriana was flying on private jets with guys Lea set her up with while she was married to Frederic?!  Because Frederic possibly couldn't support Adriana in the way she wanted?? These are the craziest things I’ve ever heard.  And Adriana can’t understand why Lea would feel deceived by this marriage lie?

I want to know what Lisa allegedly did at Joanna’s wedding.  Joanna kept saying she wasn’t going to hit below the belt, but you can’t bring something up and then say you’re not going to talk about it.  Lisa said she wanted to hear what it was that was so bad that she allegedly did at the wedding, so why didn’t Joanna just say it?  

Lisa at least served some tea when she revealed that the necklace Romain gave Joanna season two was a loaner.  And I believe her.  Again, Joanna isn’t a good liar.  

Marysol called Lea “an attorney by osmosis.”  Hahaha.  It needed to be said.  At least Lea didn’t talk about the “jury box” at this season’s reunion.  

Alexia was not on a team against Lea this season.  I think Alexia bent over backward to be fair toward Lea.  It seemed unfair to paint her with that brush.  Lea seems to think that if you’re not kissing her ass, you’re not her friend.  She tries to spin things otherwise, but the way she really feels keeps rising to the top.  

It was so interesting that Joanna said that Ana wanted to send the message at the reunion that all of her vitriol from the season two reunion was delivered on behalf of Marysol, and while she didn’t regret saying it, she was no longer friends with Marysol.  I said last season that Ana should have let Marysol fight her own fights back in Bimini.  Maybe Ana could have stayed on the show if she’d just stayed in her lane.  

Ok, so I’m done.  I can see why it was cancelled now.  My verdict after seeing it all was that season two was the absolute worst.  I think if they had kept Cristy and Larsa after season one and turned it more into a Housewives show instead of a show about women who took turns hosting luncheons, it maybe could have been successful.  

Alternatively, if they wanted to keep going in the vein at the end of season three—Lisa being the center of the show, not afraid to fight, not afraid to mix bring the cast together—it could have possibly gone on.  The problem was that the cast was too divided.  There was clearly not going to be a friendship between Joanna, Adriana and Lea.  Only two of those three were capable of being friends at once.  Lea was aging out of the show.  Alexia is cool, but she’s not interesting enough to be the lead on an ensemble cast.  Adriana is too nuts.  Joanna is too nuts, and she doesn’t live in Miami.

 If Lisa had continued on the show with Alexia and they just casted around them, I don’t think it would have been good.  I think Lisa and Alexia have very little in common.  As much growth as Lisa showed by being able to get controversial in carrying the show is as easily as I think she could have gone back to being the boring peacemaker.  She seemed to really only get going when there was trouble in her marriage. As soon as she and Lenny had their first baby via surrogate, I think she would have gone back to being the dim happy one.  So, while I enjoyed it on re-watch, I’m glad they didn’t drag this thing farther, and I think three seasons was more than enough time to get on track, and they just couldn’t.  So, it was good while it lasted.  Ok, it was mediocre while it lasted.  😄

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I'm so glad you made a thread for RHOM @LibertarianSlut.

I miss this show! It's a beautiful city with a beautiful cast and lots of drama. I don't know why the ratings weren't better. 

Joanna Krupa is TV gold imo. She's gotta be the most gorgeous Real Housewife of them all and one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen period. I totally get how she made so much money as a model despite not being that tall. (Romain was also the best looking husband imo. What a gorgeous guy.) As for her personality, it's not always so pretty. lol She's very fiery and outspoken, so she's a good fit for a show like this because of her dramatic personality. I generally thought she was a person with good intentions just a hot temper. However I didn't like how she treated Lisa Hochstein who was supposed to be a friend of hers. She seemed very jealous of the fact Lisa didn't work and wouldn't shut up about it, and then she implied stuff about Lisa's lifestyle at the reunion.

I get that there are some inconsistencies with how Joanna is a huge animal rights advocate but not even a vegetarian. Few people have issues with Lisa Vanderpump though, who literally makes a living supporting the meat industry. I think Joanna mentioned she now eats just fish and no other kind of meat. She also promotes Stella McCarthy handbags but admits it's hard to find non leather shoes. I try to live a vegan lifestyle, and it really is hard in some aspects. The easiest part for me was going without meat. I've never worn fur in my life so that was no issue. 

Anyhow, Joanna would a better fit for Real Housewives now that she's happily married and has a baby. Her baby is quite possibly the cutest baby I've ever seen. That little girl is gorgeous and looks just like Joanna. With Joanna being in LA full time now, she could be a RHBH cast member. 

Lisa Hochstein was a favorite of mine. I thought she was one of the more mature people in the franchise despite being one of the youngest. There was a sweetness to her, and she could be funny too. I'm glad that she finally got to be the mother she dreamed of becoming. She'd be great to have back as a Real Housewife imo. The show was initially supposed to be about "real housewives," right? Not older rich ladies who work outside the home? lol Not that I'm not entertained by them too, but someone like Lisa fits the premise of the show better. 

Adriana struck me as a jealous person. I thought she envied women who made her feel less than. I think she was jealous of Joanna's beauty and then Karent being a dentist. (I thought some of the others were jealous of Karent for her success as well.) It's a shame because I think jealousy makes you look so much more unattractive. If Adriana had a nicer personality, I think you'd see her more as someone who's a pretty woman and has a lot going for her. Didn't she speak quite a few languages? She seemed pretty cultured. Her little boy was adorable too. I just hated her hater side. 

Alexia really does look like a Barbie. My heart broke for what happened to her younger son. He seemed like a sweet boy, and I hope he's doing better. I was really disgusted by her older son's actions. I have no idea if he really was a good kid who behaved horrifically that one day, but yikes. People pick apart RHBH Lisa Rinna's kids a lot, but they're typical kids for the most part, just a bit bratty at times. Alexia's sons actions are probably the worst of any kids of RH's. I hope he's remorseful and has changed. 

Ana was pretty and smart but kind of a bitch if memory serves correct. She made a dig at Lea's boy at the reunion that really rubbed me the wrong way and also talked down to Lisa Hochstein. I don't remember a ton about her otherwise. She wasn't the most riveting but not revolting. Just kind of there? I didn't find the storyline with her and her ex interesting. 

Lea was actually a favorite of mine. I know she could be quite snarky, but she truck me as essentially a nice woman. I think Ana made some comment about her doing her best work on her back, but Lea had in fact been a business woman for many years before she ever met her husband. I also loved how natural and pretty Lea was. You could tell she truly protected her face and didn't bake her skin then think injecting it with a ton of crap would make it all better. Perfect person to have a skin care line.

Marysol. I think she's adorable, and I liked that there was a softness about her even if I wasn't necessarily on her side of stuff. I saw her on Millionaire Matchmaker, and she's incredibly shy with men. And then she had her eccentric mother, the late Mama Elsa, RIP. If anyone hasn't seen pics of Mama Elsa in her youth, she was quite the beauty. I'm curious how Marysol is doing now. I know how close she was to her mother. 

Karent was a favorite of mine. I didn't like that she was friends with that weird guy whose house she hosted a party at (blanking on his name), but I liked her otherwise. She was a sweet person and she'd just smile and it would get under the other women's skin. She was a class above some of those pitifully jealous women. I loved that Joanna took up for her when Adrianna said that Karent had the same smile as Jack Nicholson. 

Cristy was okay IRC. I don't remember that first season as well. 

I do remember Larsa a little more and would enjoy watching her again. She seemed to have an interesting group of family and friends.

Edited by RealHousewife
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14 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I'm so glad you made a thread for RHOM @LibertarianSlut.

I miss this show!

Yay!  I’m so glad we get to discuss this, and I’m hoping there will be more traffic to this page next time Bravo decides to air a season again.  I can’t believe how much you remembered from it!  I forgot so much.  

14 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Joanna Krupa is TV gold imo. She's gotta be the most gorgeous Real Housewife of them all

Yes, I’ve always thought she was the most beautiful Housewife across any franchise ever.  This time around watching—and sometimes I think HDTV hasn’t been kind—her forehead is a little too big, and it has this Tweetie bird effect, but I still can’t think of a better looking Housewife, and I think we’ve got about 150 at this point just including the domestic franchises.  Marta was also very, very pretty.  

Joanna did say a lot that she wasn’t perfect, so at least she was copping to it, but it’s hard for me to accept her cutthroat attitude about fur and PETA when she doesn’t walk the whole walk.  I get that it’s hard, and we all fall short of the standards that we set, and that shouldn’t prevent us from setting standards, but I just feel like if she was going to go that hard with her PETA stance, her behavior should have been impeccable.  If she was more mellow and said “I do the best I can,” I’d be so happy she was advocating for animals.  It just got really strange for me how laser-focused she was on Marysol possibly wearing fur, when no one—including Marysol—knew if it was synthetic.  

What is that they say though?  Blame it on the al-al-al-al-al-alcohol.  Been there!

Also, she could totally be a RHBH!  That’s a great idea.  I think she’d fit in on the show right now especially.  

14 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Lisa Hochstein was a favorite of mine. I thought she was one of the more mature people in the franchise despite being one of the youngest.

Yeah, Lisa really grew on me.  I was thinking about it and Lisa was not only the youngest on this franchise, there were only two or three other Housewives in their twenties ever (Jo from OC, Ashley from Potomac, and Kim Z was either 29 or 30 when she joined Atlanta).  So Lisa came from behind to kind of run the franchise and I respect that.  

I too was happy to find out that Lisa got the kids she wanted (as did Joanna, as you pointed out).  I think Lenny would have left her if they hadn’t been able to make that happen.  

I see why this franchise was cancelled, but Bravo really seems to be floundering right now. I would absolutely love if they would do a Where Are They Now type of thing for the RHOM.  Would it really cost that much money to send a camera crew around to interview them?  I would like to see that more from this cast than any other.  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

If Adriana had a nicer personality, I think you'd see her more as someone who's a pretty woman and has a lot going for her.

Yeah, definitely.  She had everything going for her—she probably had the best man out of them all—and she seemed almost comfortable in her unhappiness, which made her really hard to watch.  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Alexia's sons actions are probably the worst of any kids of RH's.

Yeah, Alexia’s story just got more and more tragic.  I read on the Internet that her husband Herman dropped dead and now she’s in lawsuits with his sons over, I guess, property and stuff.  She went through some shit, that’s for sure.  I think she messed up her kid Peter, because season one she was kind of obsessed with him and did all of his bidding and dirty work for him.  She let him get away with murder.  He bought his girlfriend expensive jewelry with his allowance and Alexia just of just laughed it off.  Then when Frankie had his accident, she said that she turned all of her attention on Frankie and Peter fell apart.  She didn’t instill discipline in him and that was destined to happen, so I think Alexia bore a lot of responsibility there, and I would be pleasantly surprised if it turned out Peter ever actually did something positive with his life.  He was so much worse than Rinna’s kids, no contest!  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Karent was a favorite of mine.

Karent started out good for me.  Her dental office was a five minute walk from my old crib—I used to pass it many times a week—so I liked her just for giving me that jolt of nostalgia.  I also really respect dentists.  I feel like they get a bad rap for some reason.  I just thought that Karent could be a little insensitive sometimes, but she didn’t have a malicious heart.  She seemed like she wanted to keep things moving, which I always value in a Housewife.  Getting bogged down in anything is the kiss of death on any franchise.  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Marysol. I think she's adorable...I liked that there was a softness about her

Same!  That is a perfect way of putting it—a softness about her.  I know exactly what you’re talking about.  She had like a fragile feminine thing going on that you don’t see much these days on Housewives shows.  Everyone is so aggressive these days.  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Cristy was okay

Yeah, I mean I loved me some Cristy, but I say that with a very limited scope of information.  I loved her attitude.  She was very composed and she had a fast mouth and I loved how she could switch in and out of English and Spanish and she held people to account, but again, she wasn’t hard, like she didn’t have a hard exterior.  She seemed like a really warm person who didn’t suffer fools, but she didn’t allow her home or her family filmed, so I guess she kinda had to go.  

It’s so hard to judge off of six episodes.  I can’t find the season one reunion anywhere (it was just a special edition of WWHL, if memory serves) so all I can remember is that Adriana flipped out on Cristy and really went for the jugular.  She even made fun of her outfit and said it looked like a house dress.  I kind of liked the fact that Cristy was able to get under Adriana’s skin and just tell it like it was, but, again, she could have been the biggest bitch or the biggest bore and it probably wouldn’t have come out in six episodes that comprised season one, so I can’t get too overwrought about her being gone.  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I do remember Larsa a little more and would enjoy watching her again

Yes, Larsa also seemed lighthearted yet able to handle herself.  I don’t think she would have survived on the franchise today, because she said a lot of things that people might find insensitive.  A big part of her storyline was that she was struggling to find a nanny, and she would get annoyed when they would get on the phone and start “talking Jamaican” when she wanted them to work.  It didn’t bother me at all, because I don’t think she was completely serious and I like something that puts the “Real” in “Real Housewives,” even if they can be real bitches about nannies and stuff, but I think other people would go crazy about that stuff ten years later.  

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Ana was pretty and smart but kind of a bitch if memory serves correct. She made a dig at Lea's boy at the reunion

I have to kind of admit bias toward Ana because I saw a kindred spirit in her.  She was a Coral Gables gal and a lawyer like me, and I used to work in an area close to where she worked in season two, so I always felt happy watching her, but yeah, she said on the season two reunion that she is raising two daughters “who aren’t socially awkward” which was a dig against Lea’s son RJ, and I’m not about to defend that comment.  That was bullshit. 

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Lea was actually a favorite of mine.

Oh, that’s awesome, because from what I understand, she’s still around, giving interviews with the Watch What Crappens guys and stuff.  While I have shared some of my struggles with her up thread, I do think she was kind of the heart and soul of this franchise (until Lisa came up like a dark horse at the end of season three) and I don’t think she was a malicious person either.  Amazing skin too, yes!  I could never stop looking at how creamy it was.  

It really did have a beautiful setting, and I think that there were some women on the show who are harder to find on a RH franchise right now.  I started this thread after someone started one for RHDC, and I was thinking about both of these franchises—the only two that got cancelled, and I realized they have something in common.  I haven’t spent much time in DC, but I have heard people say that no one in DC is from DC.  It has been my experience from living in Miami that very few people are from there, and few of these Housewives were from there either, so maybe that’s why neither of the franchises took?

Then again, almost all of the RHNYC are from upstate New York and southern New England, and the only RHBH who was “born in raised in Beverly Hills” is Kyle.  None of the rest of them are even from California.  So, maybe it’s just a crapshoot why this thing got cancelled, or maybe no one will ever know.  

At least we can discuss it!  And at least the Bravo website keeps up with them.  I was sad that Joanna and Romain got divorced, but I was so glad for Joanna and Lisa that they had babies.  

Aw well, I’m glad I rewatched, but it did seem a little quaint compared to how fast-paced the franchises are now.  Maybe one day I’ll stumble across that season one reunion and my life will be complete.  🙏

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On 6/10/2020 at 11:04 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

Yay!  I’m so glad we get to discuss this, and I’m hoping there will be more traffic to this page next time Bravo decides to air a season again.  I can’t believe how much you remembered from it!  I forgot so much.  

Yes, I’ve always thought she was the most beautiful Housewife across any franchise ever.  This time around watching—and sometimes I think HDTV hasn’t been kind—her forehead is a little too big, and it has this Tweetie bird effect, but I still can’t think of a better looking Housewife, and I think we’ve got about 150 at this point just including the domestic franchises.  Marta was also very, very pretty.  

Joanna did say a lot that she wasn’t perfect, so at least she was copping to it, but it’s hard for me to accept her cutthroat attitude about fur and PETA when she doesn’t walk the whole walk.  I get that it’s hard, and we all fall short of the standards that we set, and that shouldn’t prevent us from setting standards, but I just feel like if she was going to go that hard with her PETA stance, her behavior should have been impeccable.  If she was more mellow and said “I do the best I can,” I’d be so happy she was advocating for animals.  It just got really strange for me how laser-focused she was on Marysol possibly wearing fur, when no one—including Marysol—knew if it was synthetic.  

What is that they say though?  Blame it on the al-al-al-al-al-alcohol.  Been there!

Also, she could totally be a RHBH!  That’s a great idea.  I think she’d fit in on the show right now especially.  

Yeah, Lisa really grew on me.  I was thinking about it and Lisa was not only the youngest on this franchise, there were only two or three other Housewives in their twenties ever (Jo from OC, Ashley from Potomac, and Kim Z was either 29 or 30 when she joined Atlanta).  So Lisa came from behind to kind of run the franchise and I respect that.  

I too was happy to find out that Lisa got the kids she wanted (as did Joanna, as you pointed out).  I think Lenny would have left her if they hadn’t been able to make that happen.  

I see why this franchise was cancelled, but Bravo really seems to be floundering right now. I would absolutely love if they would do a Where Are They Now type of thing for the RHOM.  Would it really cost that much money to send a camera crew around to interview them?  I would like to see that more from this cast than any other.  

Yeah, definitely.  She had everything going for her—she probably had the best man out of them all—and she seemed almost comfortable in her unhappiness, which made her really hard to watch.  

Yeah, Alexia’s story just got more and more tragic.  I read on the Internet that her husband Herman dropped dead and now she’s in lawsuits with his sons over, I guess, property and stuff.  She went through some shit, that’s for sure.  I think she messed up her kid Peter, because season one she was kind of obsessed with him and did all of his bidding and dirty work for him.  She let him get away with murder.  He bought his girlfriend expensive jewelry with his allowance and Alexia just of just laughed it off.  Then when Frankie had his accident, she said that she turned all of her attention on Frankie and Peter fell apart.  She didn’t instill discipline in him and that was destined to happen, so I think Alexia bore a lot of responsibility there, and I would be pleasantly surprised if it turned out Peter ever actually did something positive with his life.  He was so much worse than Rinna’s kids, no contest!  

Karent started out good for me.  Her dental office was a five minute walk from my old crib—I used to pass it many times a week—so I liked her just for giving me that jolt of nostalgia.  I also really respect dentists.  I feel like they get a bad rap for some reason.  I just thought that Karent could be a little insensitive sometimes, but she didn’t have a malicious heart.  She seemed like she wanted to keep things moving, which I always value in a Housewife.  Getting bogged down in anything is the kiss of death on any franchise.  

Same!  That is a perfect way of putting it—a softness about her.  I know exactly what you’re talking about.  She had like a fragile feminine thing going on that you don’t see much these days on Housewives shows.  Everyone is so aggressive these days.  

Yeah, I mean I loved me some Cristy, but I say that with a very limited scope of information.  I loved her attitude.  She was very composed and she had a fast mouth and I loved how she could switch in and out of English and Spanish and she held people to account, but again, she wasn’t hard, like she didn’t have a hard exterior.  She seemed like a really warm person who didn’t suffer fools, but she didn’t allow her home or her family filmed, so I guess she kinda had to go.  

It’s so hard to judge off of six episodes.  I can’t find the season one reunion anywhere (it was just a special edition of WWHL, if memory serves) so all I can remember is that Adriana flipped out on Cristy and really went for the jugular.  She even made fun of her outfit and said it looked like a house dress.  I kind of liked the fact that Cristy was able to get under Adriana’s skin and just tell it like it was, but, again, she could have been the biggest bitch or the biggest bore and it probably wouldn’t have come out in six episodes that comprised season one, so I can’t get too overwrought about her being gone.  

Yes, Larsa also seemed lighthearted yet able to handle herself.  I don’t think she would have survived on the franchise today, because she said a lot of things that people might find insensitive.  A big part of her storyline was that she was struggling to find a nanny, and she would get annoyed when they would get on the phone and start “talking Jamaican” when she wanted them to work.  It didn’t bother me at all, because I don’t think she was completely serious and I like something that puts the “Real” in “Real Housewives,” even if they can be real bitches about nannies and stuff, but I think other people would go crazy about that stuff ten years later.  

I have to kind of admit bias toward Ana because I saw a kindred spirit in her.  She was a Coral Gables gal and a lawyer like me, and I used to work in an area close to where she worked in season two, so I always felt happy watching her, but yeah, she said on the season two reunion that she is raising two daughters “who aren’t socially awkward” which was a dig against Lea’s son RJ, and I’m not about to defend that comment.  That was bullshit. 

Oh, that’s awesome, because from what I understand, she’s still around, giving interviews with the Watch What Crappens guys and stuff.  While I have shared some of my struggles with her up thread, I do think she was kind of the heart and soul of this franchise (until Lisa came up like a dark horse at the end of season three) and I don’t think she was a malicious person either.  Amazing skin too, yes!  I could never stop looking at how creamy it was.  

It really did have a beautiful setting, and I think that there were some women on the show who are harder to find on a RH franchise right now.  I started this thread after someone started one for RHDC, and I was thinking about both of these franchises—the only two that got cancelled, and I realized they have something in common.  I haven’t spent much time in DC, but I have heard people say that no one in DC is from DC.  It has been my experience from living in Miami that very few people are from there, and few of these Housewives were from there either, so maybe that’s why neither of the franchises took?

Then again, almost all of the RHNYC are from upstate New York and southern New England, and the only RHBH who was “born in raised in Beverly Hills” is Kyle.  None of the rest of them are even from California.  So, maybe it’s just a crapshoot why this thing got cancelled, or maybe no one will ever know.  

At least we can discuss it!  And at least the Bravo website keeps up with them.  I was sad that Joanna and Romain got divorced, but I was so glad for Joanna and Lisa that they had babies.  

Aw well, I’m glad I rewatched, but it did seem a little quaint compared to how fast-paced the franchises are now.  Maybe one day I’ll stumble across that season one reunion and my life will be complete.  🙏

Me too! It was a fun show. I'm sure I'm still forgetting a ton, especially season 1. 

Yes, Marta was also such a beautiful girl. Those sisters hit the genetic jackpot. I remember Joanna's mother seemed very sweet. One thing I really liked about Joanna is she seemed to care a lot about her family. She appreciated what her mother did for her growing up, being an immigrant without much and working so hard. I think Joanna was now helping support her mom. The sisters did fight a lot, but Joanna loved Marta so much and wanted her around even though Marta was grown and she had Romain. 

I see that! I was so surprised myself when I found out Joanna wasn't even a vegetarian. My biggest criticism of her was how aggressive she was.

I remember Romain and Joanna's mom both hated it when she drank. Her mom said she was an evil drunk. lol

Yes, Joanna would fit in now more than ever. I think she initially wanted to be part of the show. She mentioned it in interviews because her life was more in LA than Miami, but then it didn't happen and Brandi humiliated her. She stopped talking about joining BH at that point. 

I'm not sure if you've seen them, but there are a couple interviews Bravo recently did with Joanna and Lisa. I stumbled upon them on youtube. They might also be on the Bravo site. 

Oh no, I'm so sad to hear that. Alexia has been through so much trauma. I agree with your take on the kids. I don't have kids and know if I'd have them I'd make my share of mistakes. But I'd be horrified if my child ever hurt someone so vulnerable. 

That's pretty cool! Yeah I remember Joanna wanted Karent to back her up when that guy whose house Karent hosted a party at was being quite nasty about Romain, stuff about him not being faithful. And Karent didn't seem sensitive to how it affected Joanna, more about the ladies behavior at his house. Still can't remember his name, but he was a weird one. 

Marysol helped balance out women like Joanna and Adriana. I know fiery types are great for drama, but I'd rather be around someone more like Marysol IRL. 

I need to rematch season 1 sometime! I wonder what Cristy is up to.

You have a point about Larsa. She seemed like she didn't have any bigotry but wasn't concerned with being PC, which is a no-no in 2020. I don't like anyone truly bigoted on my shows, but if the women have to watch every little thing that comes out of their mouths, the shows would be really boring.

I don't blame you for having a soft spot for Ana. Your posts are some of the most well-written on this forum. I am always curious what your thoughts are. I'm not surprised you're a lawyer!

LOL at Watch What Crappens! 

That's an interesting theory. I'm surprised they didn't have an easier time finding more women from Miami to do the show. I'd figure it wouldn't be difficult.

Romain also got married recently. His new wife is quite beautiful. 

Haha it's gotta be somewhere! :)

Edited by RealHousewife
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On 6/12/2020 at 3:00 PM, RealHousewife said:

Still can't remember his name, but he was a weird one. 

Thomas Kramer.  He took a really weird turn, because he was on season three of Atlanta, and he was really hospitable and nice, and he just became a horror show on RHOM.  I couldn’t believe the way he screamed at Elsa in his own home.  Shame on you, TK.  

On 6/12/2020 at 3:00 PM, RealHousewife said:

I'm not sure if you've seen them, but there are a couple interviews Bravo recently did with Joanna and Lisa. I stumbled upon them on youtube. They might also be on the Bravo site. 

I would never think to look them up on YouTube, but I did, so thank you for the suggestion! This is really helpful and interesting.  

I watched the Joanna video first.  I had to disagree with the interviewer, because I think Joanna aged a lot, and not well.  I said up thread that I thought she was the most beautiful woman ever cast across the franchises, and now she just looks like a generic pretty blonde to me, and one who is not young, which is fine, because she isn’t young.  I just don’t know how anyone could ask her with a straight face how she hasn’t aged since the show.  There’s something very off about her mouth.  She’s aging very much the way that Cameron Diaz did, but clearly Joanna looks younger and prettier than CD to me.  (I just re-read that paragraph, and it sounded like I was hating.  I still think Joanna is a handsome woman, a head-turner, etc.  I just don’t think she’s a 10 anymore, and I have to give her props for very humbly saying that maybe it was the outdoor lighting, but she has definitely aged). 

Now that I see how happy and peaceful and calm Joanna seems, I changed my mind—I do not think she should be on reality TV, not Beverly Hills, not anywhere.  She said she is friendly with Denise, and I could see her really losing her shit on the other women, and I don’t think that would be good for her marriage or her family.  Joanna said she was smarter and more grown up now, but she also said the reality TV atmosphere worked her up, and I would hope for her sake and the sake of her family, that she stays out of that environment and just keeps living her best life.  Her husband seems like a great, maturing influence on her.  

Lisa was much more interesting to me.  First of all, she hasn’t aged a day in...seven years?  I think that happens a lot when you get all those facial injections young.  You look older when you’re younger, and younger when you’re older.  Whatever works for her.  I am so glad that she and Lenny finally got to move into and renovate that home, and I am so glad she has the children.  I am not a big kids person and even I thought her little boy seemed very cute.

Lisa’s take on things in 2020 makes me feel like I was wrong when I predicted that she would have become boring for reality TV once she had her kids.  She seems more interesting than ever.  I thought it was so refreshing for her to say that if she saw Joanna on the street today, she’d probably ignore her.  I feel like that kind of truth-telling is what keeps reality shows alive, rather than the PR spin so many of them put on it.  She said she is still very friendly with Marysol, Alexia and Adriana and she said if she was going to do it all again, she’d be very different, but when she said it, she had almost like an evil gleam in her eyes, and I couldn’t help but hope that, unlike Joanna, Lisa might show up on reality TV again someday.  

She also said she’d never leave Miami.  A girl after my own heart!  

I saw on the daily mail website that Romain proposed to someone, and she seems like that woman from Seinfeld who looks good in some lights and not so good in others.  I’m sure she’s highly attractive.   He looks like he really slimmed down too.  I just thought the proposal itself was very tacky.  Romain had the Miami Beach police pull him over in a very busy commercial area, tell him his license was suspended, “arrested” him, and when his then-girlfriend freaked out, it turned out the whole thing was a joke and he was actually proposing.  Like...ha ha?  Not really cool to me.  Seems a little bit like overkill, and I think it was unprofessional for the cops to go along with that, but hey, if they like it, I am happy for them!

On 6/12/2020 at 3:00 PM, RealHousewife said:

Your posts are some of the most well-written on this forum. I am always curious what your thoughts are. 

Thank you, and same.  I love to read a long, thoughtful post, and I find that you provide those across the franchises, so hopefully we’ll keep watching the same shows!

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On 6/14/2020 at 5:47 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Thomas Kramer.  He took a really weird turn, because he was on season three of Atlanta, and he was really hospitable and nice, and he just became a horror show on RHOM.  I couldn’t believe the way he screamed at Elsa in his own home.  Shame on you, TK.  

I would never think to look them up on YouTube, but I did, so thank you for the suggestion! This is really helpful and interesting.  

I watched the Joanna video first.  I had to disagree with the interviewer, because I think Joanna aged a lot, and not well.  I said up thread that I thought she was the most beautiful woman ever cast across the franchises, and now she just looks like a generic pretty blonde to me, and one who is not young, which is fine, because she isn’t young.  I just don’t know how anyone could ask her with a straight face how she hasn’t aged since the show.  There’s something very off about her mouth.  She’s aging very much the way that Cameron Diaz did, but clearly Joanna looks younger and prettier than CD to me.  (I just re-read that paragraph, and it sounded like I was hating.  I still think Joanna is a handsome woman, a head-turner, etc.  I just don’t think she’s a 10 anymore, and I have to give her props for very humbly saying that maybe it was the outdoor lighting, but she has definitely aged). 

Now that I see how happy and peaceful and calm Joanna seems, I changed my mind—I do not think she should be on reality TV, not Beverly Hills, not anywhere.  She said she is friendly with Denise, and I could see her really losing her shit on the other women, and I don’t think that would be good for her marriage or her family.  Joanna said she was smarter and more grown up now, but she also said the reality TV atmosphere worked her up, and I would hope for her sake and the sake of her family, that she stays out of that environment and just keeps living her best life.  Her husband seems like a great, maturing influence on her.  

Lisa was much more interesting to me.  First of all, she hasn’t aged a day in...seven years?  I think that happens a lot when you get all those facial injections young.  You look older when you’re younger, and younger when you’re older.  Whatever works for her.  I am so glad that she and Lenny finally got to move into and renovate that home, and I am so glad she has the children.  I am not a big kids person and even I thought her little boy seemed very cute.

Lisa’s take on things in 2020 makes me feel like I was wrong when I predicted that she would have become boring for reality TV once she had her kids.  She seems more interesting than ever.  I thought it was so refreshing for her to say that if she saw Joanna on the street today, she’d probably ignore her.  I feel like that kind of truth-telling is what keeps reality shows alive, rather than the PR spin so many of them put on it.  She said she is still very friendly with Marysol, Alexia and Adriana and she said if she was going to do it all again, she’d be very different, but when she said it, she had almost like an evil gleam in her eyes, and I couldn’t help but hope that, unlike Joanna, Lisa might show up on reality TV again someday.  

She also said she’d never leave Miami.  A girl after my own heart!  

I saw on the daily mail website that Romain proposed to someone, and she seems like that woman from Seinfeld who looks good in some lights and not so good in others.  I’m sure she’s highly attractive.   He looks like he really slimmed down too.  I just thought the proposal itself was very tacky.  Romain had the Miami Beach police pull him over in a very busy commercial area, tell him his license was suspended, “arrested” him, and when his then-girlfriend freaked out, it turned out the whole thing was a joke and he was actually proposing.  Like...ha ha?  Not really cool to me.  Seems a little bit like overkill, and I think it was unprofessional for the cops to go along with that, but hey, if they like it, I am happy for them!

Thank you, and same.  I love to read a long, thoughtful post, and I find that you provide those across the franchises, so hopefully we’ll keep watching the same shows!

Ugh I remember the way he screamed at Elsa too, terrible. 

No problem! Glad you enjoyed.

Yeah I don't think reality TV is healthy for many of the women who decide to partake in it. I don't have the kind of money many of them do, and there's no way I'd sign up for the fighting that's entailed, the fact producers can use the footage with little regard for your feelings and public image, and the fact so many think you're not entitled to keep some of your life private once you sign up. 

That is a good point about aging. I tend to prefer natural beauty, and my heart breaks for those naturally pretty young women who get work done but look older/less pretty. Even if they look younger long term, I don't know if it's worth it. I look at Joanna during RHOM, and although she was older than Lisa, she looked like a natural, gorgeous young woman. I personally prefer to look my natural best during my 20's and hopefully all of my 30's, and then look into work when I'm older, but who knows. Maybe someday I'll regret not going the injections young route! Most people think I look younger than my age so far, so I'm hoping to continue to age well naturally. 

Also, I think people with sweet personalities and positive attitudes age better, and Lisa had both those attributes. You ever notice how kind people tend to glow up if they were awkward looking kids, and then the reverse is often true for the popular mean girls? lol 

Hahaha that's too funny. I love Seinfeld. I supposed I haven't seen tons of photos of Romain's new wife. I was surprised she was more exotic due to the fact he talked about loving blondes, and I think the women he dated prior to Joanna all kind of had that Eastern European look. He's probably like me where his type is hot and not too specific otherwise. And I didn't know that was how Romain proposed. What in the world?! I remember he was suppose to be the romantic one in his relationship with Joanna. That's not my idea of a romantic proposal, but okay. 

Aw thanks, me too. :) Even though I'd like a cast shake-up, I really hope Shahs isn't canceled like RHOM. 

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Well I'm jumping into the forum. I never watched this show when it was originally on but when I heard that they're bringing it back, I decided to binge the three seasons. I couldn't understand why it was essentially cancelled because I feel like season 3 brought the drama. But after that reunion, they would definitely have to recast. Joanna and Lisa were done with each other and so were Leah and Adriana. My jumbled thoughts:

Season 1: It seemed like a very generic first season for a HW show. Season one of RHONY was similar. The ladies didn't interact that much and not a ton of drama. I didn't like Kristy. Larsa seemed sweet. I laughed at that last lunch they had at the farm when they had to go around and pick their own flowers to eat. The ladies weren't into it. I thought Marysol's wedding was sweet. I was actually shocked when they came ack for season 2 and they had split. I do wonder if it was green card marriage like Leah said.

Season 2: The was a pretty epic season as far as HW's go. I had heard Joanna's name because of the lawsuit with Brandi and this was my first time seeing her in action. I think it was her introduction when she did the photoshoot when she got mad that it wouldn't be a cover and she was like "if it's not a cover, I'm not doing it". I went back and forth on her. There was times that I liked her and times where I wished she would shut up and let it go. I totally think both her and Marta hooked up with Joe Francis. I liked Ana throughout the season but I hated her at the reunion and when she showed up in season 3. She completely lost me when she made the "socially awkward" dig about Leah's son. Who was what, 10 or 11 at the time? Not cool. I'm still not sure if I like Leah. I think she wants to be seen as a very important person, so she collects famous friends but I'm not sure if she actually likes anyone besides Roy and RJ. I don't like the way she talks, very sing songy and then she laughs after everything she says. I liked Karent but I can see how the ladies would get frustrated with her constant smiling. It seemed like you could never have a normal conversation with her because she would just smile the whole time. She did seem like she very much wanted to be a celebrity dentist. I felt bad for Lisa when her lingerie party went tits up. She should have kicked both Adriana and Joanna out after their fight. Was not a fan of Mama Elsa. Their Bimini trip seemed like such a waste because it rained the whole time. The whole Rodolfo was kissing someone else had shades of "it's about Tom" from RHONY. Though Karent handled it better than Lu. There was a cute scene of Adriana and Alex playing piano that really endeared me. Adriana does seem like a good mom.

Season 3: I liked Lisa in season 2 but she really grew on me in season 3. She seemed sweet, was funny and tried to be the peacemaker and stood up for herself in the face of Joanna. I hated the way Joanna and Leah made digs at her because she didn't work. So what? A lot of women (myself included) would love to marry rich and never work again. People seemed to look down on her, I remember Ana also being very condescending towards her at the party where Marysol confronted Leah. Also, Joanna going nuts and kicking her out of the wedding and then the next day "of course I want you in my wedding" would make me nuts. I wouldn't want a friend like that. While I like Adriana, I was kind of on Leah's side during their fight. It seemed like Adriana had a huge issue whenever someone pointed out that she was actually married already and she took that all out on Leah. I also could not believe that Adriana was so late to her own wedding, making her guests wait that long and forcing them to change. I wonder if they could even enjoy the wedding. I was on Lenny's side when he wanted to leave.  I liked Alexia but I do think she was not hard enough on Peter. He's a spoiled brat and I can only hope that he's grown up. The Vegas trip seemed fun, except for Lisa going a little nuts. I had to laugh at their morning after, it was very The Hangover, especially the scene on the side of the road with Lisa throwing up.  I hated Joanna's wedding dress. The reunion was a good one. Joanna seemed to have a lot of vitriol towards Lisa for what seemed like no reason. I also hated her threats towards Lisa, "don't make me go there." Also, her make-up artist yelling at Lisa and calling her a whore. And Joanna sitting there and laughing? You can see that Joanna loves suing people. She sued Brandy and she mentioned that she was also suing a Polish reporter that reached out to Adriana. I can totally believe she was a high class escort. Marysol seemed out of it. I was really confused why she brought up the video of her dad in his hospital bed. I kept waiting during the argument about "maybe Romain is gay, maybe Fredric is gay" someone would bring up the rumors about Herman being gay. That was brought up in season 2 but they never mentioned it again.

I'm excited about this franchise coming back. It'll be interesting to see some of these ladies again and what they've been up to the last 8 years. Crazy to think that Adriana's son Alex is in his early 20s now and Alexia's son Peter in his late 20's, early 30s. I haven't read up on them, so interesting to read a few things in this forum. I'm happy for Lisa she's become a mom, that will be fun to see. I feel bad for Alexia that she lost Herman. Not shocked that Romain and Joanna got divorced.


According to this article we have Lisa, Alexia, Larsa, Marysol and Adriana back with some newbies, including the first RH to identify as LGBTQ from the time she was cast. It will be interesting to see Larsa back after her divorce, new face and her time with the Kardashians. 

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I finally remember why I stopped watching this. For the love of God Adriana just comes across so abrasive and obnoxious in the first episode that it feels overwhelming. It doesn’t feel natural like she’s trying.  

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 11/2/2021 at 9:12 AM, MaggieG said:

Season 2: I had heard Joanna's name because of the lawsuit with Brandi and this was my first time seeing her in action. I think it was her introduction when she did the photoshoot when she got mad that it wouldn't be a cover and she was like "if it's not a cover, I'm not doing it". I went back and forth on her. There was times that I liked her and times where I wished she would shut up and let it go. I totally think both her and Marta hooked up with Joe Francis. I liked Ana throughout the season but I hated her at the reunion and when she showed up in season 3. She completely lost me when she made the "socially awkward" dig about Leah's son. Who was what, 10 or 11 at the time? Not cool. I'm still not sure if I like Leah. I think she wants to be seen as a very important person, so she collects famous friends but I'm not sure if she actually likes anyone besides Roy and RJ. I don't like the way she talks, very sing songy and then she laughs after everything she says. I liked Karent but I can see how the ladies would get frustrated with her constant smiling. It seemed like you could never have a normal conversation with her because she would just smile the whole time.

Season 3: I liked Lisa in season 2 but she really grew on me in season 3. She seemed sweet, was funny and tried to be the peacemaker and stood up for herself in the face of Joanna. I hated the way Joanna and Leah made digs at her because she didn't work. So what? A lot of women (myself included) would love to marry rich and never work again. People seemed to look down on her, I remember Ana also being very condescending towards her at the party where Marysol confronted Leah. Also, Joanna going nuts and kicking her out of the wedding and then the next day "of course I want you in my wedding" would make me nuts. I wouldn't want a friend like that. While I like Adriana, I was kind of on Leah's side during their fight. It seemed like Adriana had a huge issue whenever someone pointed out that she was actually married already and she took that all out on Leah. I also could not believe that Adriana was so late to her own wedding, making her guests wait that long and forcing them to change. I wonder if they could even enjoy the wedding. I was on Lenny's side when he wanted to leave.  I liked Alexia but I do think she was not hard enough on Peter. He's a spoiled brat and I can only hope that he's grown up. The Vegas trip seemed fun, except for Lisa going a little nuts. I had to laugh at their morning after, it was very The Hangover, especially the scene on the side of the road with Lisa throwing up.  I hated Joanna's wedding dress. The reunion was a good one. Joanna seemed to have a lot of vitriol towards Lisa for what seemed like no reason. I also hated her threats towards Lisa, "don't make me go there." Also, her make-up artist yelling at Lisa and calling her a whore. And Joanna sitting there and laughing? You can see that Joanna loves suing people. She sued Brandy and she mentioned that she was also suing a Polish reporter that reached out to Adriana. I can totally believe she was a high class escort. 

I'm excited about this franchise coming back. It'll be interesting to see some of these ladies again and what they've been up to the last 8 years. Crazy to think that Adriana's son Alex is in his early 20s now and Alexia's son Peter in his late 20's, early 30s. I haven't read up on them, so interesting to read a few things in this forum. I'm happy for Lisa she's become a mom, that will be fun to see. I feel bad for Alexia that she lost Herman. Not shocked that Romain and Joanna got divorced.

Completely agree about Joanna! I thought she might be my favorite at first. She was oh so pretty, loved her family, did all this work for animals, seemed sweet but fiery, really liked her. But oh my gosh she was the ultimate mean girl when it came to Lisa. Why the heck would it bother you that a friend of yours married well and wasn't working? I'd be happy for my friend. Maybe Lisa ran the household, was doing the show, trying to have a baby, trying to come up with things to do. Was she supposed to just sign up for whatever job she could get or start a brand-new career even though she married well and perhaps wanted to be a stay-at-home mom? You would have though Lisa had never worked in her life and was mooching off a poor, stressed-out husband or something. Joanna was a mad hater. 

I got a kick out of Leah. The WWCL guys do a great job imitating her voice. I personally liked it and just enjoyed her overall. She would make jokes, but I didn't see a cruelty from her. I don't think the show will be the same without her. When I think of the type of fabulous women I want to see on these shows, it's someone like Leah. 

I remember Ana being rude to Lisa too. It's like Lisa being this sweet girl who tried to be positive got under their skin. Alexia is a lot like Joanna where sometimes she seemed sweet, but I remember her being pretty ugly to Karent. I thought there was a lot of jealousy toward Karent because she was more than just a pretty face. The other women may have had stuff going too, but she was Dr. Karent Sierra. 

What Peter did horrified me, and I'm not someone who's hateful toward all the Housewife kids. I think sometimes people forget they're teenagers with brains that are still forming. But big difference between saying some people are chub chubs and attacking a homeless man. 

I am not a litigious person myself, but it is hard for me to feel sorry for Brandi to be honest. Joanna has a mean streak too, but she was minding her own business and dragged into RHBH gossip regarding Yolanda and Mohamed. What Brandi said was so gross to me, and she has a pattern of outing secrets and humiliating people. Perhaps she needed to learn a pricy lesson. 

I'm really happy for Lisa too. She was probably my favorite. She was kind and also funny. Despite her youth, she was more mature than many of the rest too. 

I really want to watch but have never used Peacock and get annoyed that every show is on something different these days. We'll see. 

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2 hours ago, NotChristine said:

Trailer for the new season

Premieres Thursday, Dec. 16, on Peacock, with three episodes streaming right away. New episodes will debut every Thursday thereafter, totaling 14 (per ET)

Larsa and Adriana are unrecognizable 😬

Thank you! Damn it, I'm going to have to get Peacock. 

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15 hours ago, NotChristine said:

Trailer for the new season

Premieres Thursday, Dec. 16, on Peacock, with three episodes streaming right away. New episodes will debut every Thursday thereafter, totaling 14 (per ET)

Larsa and Adriana are unrecognizable 😬

Larsa especially. I have to laugh at Adriana calling her out for trying to be Kim Kardashian. 

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Wow, it was hard for me to recognize them! It all looked like over the top waxy puppets! I hope they put this on Amazon prime like other HW shows because I can't afford to keep adding channels!  damn Peacock.  

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Martina Navratilova's wife is on this show!?!?!?!? Wow! I hope we get a tennis party at their house, I remember watching Martina N. play back in the day, I bet she still has a killer serve. 

Most of the HW's look the same to me, they all got Kardashianed, it is such a generic look now.

Do we believe Larsa gets $10,000 a day for lingerie shots? I will never understand this concept...there is free porn on line, free bikini pics, why are people paying for it? 

I wish Leah was on this season, I loved her delivery of lines, she gave no fucks.


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Just watched the first episode so far, it it had a lot of where are they now with the older housewives and setting up the new ones. I had read about Herman's death but did not know Adriana and Fredric got divorced. I wonder how Herman's sons feel about Alexia bringing his possible secret gay lover on the show. Lisa's kids are super cute. Lisa and Larsa look unrecognizable. The cheek fillers were a little much. Gotta love Adriana saying she thought Larsa'a butt would be hard because it's fake

On the new girls, so far not bad although Guerdy will annoy me if she keeps saying "Guerdyfied" about her parties. Julia is stunning. Nicole isn't bothering me too much yet

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Watching the first episode and I am enjoying it.  A few thoughts:

1) Larsa is still an ass, now she shows her fake ass for money

2) Lisa, Lenny's affair wasn't just emotional.  She seems unhappy, or maybe it is being unsure in her relationship

3) Marysol and Alexia are the same, but with different love interests

4) Adriana is unrecognizable

5) Julia may be too normal for this group, Guerdy and Nicole are not so interesting

6) I don't miss Leah and that surprises me the most!


And I am all in and looking forward to this series.


Edited by Ms.Lulu
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2 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

2) Lisa, Lenny's affair wasn't just emotional.  She seems unhappy, or maybe it is being unsure in her relationship

Lisa seemed unhappy years ago and Lenny, once he built Lisa seemed like he was ready to build another woman.  When Lisa was having a hard time conceiving and maybe she had a miscarriage Lenny basically told her that if she could not give him a baby then he was done with her...crazy talk from a doctor, crazier talk from a husband to his wife in modern times, seriously. 

I think Lisa really took it to heart about the "produce a baby or we are done," the sad thing is she did not think it was a shitty thing for any husband to say to their wife, I would have a hard time wanting to let that man anywhere near me ever again but she managed to give him an heir and lived to shop another day.


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On 12/16/2021 at 11:35 AM, MaggieG said:

 I wonder how Herman's sons feel about Alexia bringing his possible secret gay lover on the show.


Given that her husband may have been cheating on her and his sons (Herman and Nelson) shut down the magazine I am going to guess that Alexia doesn't really care what they think.   Also, considering that in 2017 Alexia filed an injunction against his sons for trying to take her home after Herman's death (despite the fact that the prenup gave the house to her) she might even be enjoying bringing this up.

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On 12/16/2021 at 1:35 PM, MaggieG said:

Julia is stunning. 

She really is. She was blessed with natural beauty, and I like that she still looks naturally gorgeous. If she's had work done, it's damn good work. 

I watched the first episode and enjoyed it. I wasn't sure I would because two of the more entertaining housewives (Lea and Joanna) aren't there. I think Joanna must live in LA full-time now that she's not with Romain, but not sure why Lea isn't a part of the show. I read somewhere she is also bicoastal, but I don't think that hurt Joanna during her time on the show. 

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On 12/18/2021 at 12:47 PM, Ms.Lulu said:


Given that her husband may have been cheating on her and his sons (Herman and Nelson) shut down the magazine I am going to guess that Alexia doesn't really care what they think.   Also, considering that in 2017 Alexia filed an injunction against his sons for trying to take her home after Herman's death (despite the fact that the prenup gave the house to her) she might even be enjoying bringing this up.

Interesting, did not know that. She did mention them shutting down the magazine. 

Watched episode 2, Peter is still an ass. 

I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying Marysol. 

What is the deal between Adriana and Julia? 

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Not too bad so far. Larsa is kind of annoying tho. She seems to be trying to be Kim K lol.

The one gal who is a dr I think her name is Nicole keeps saying how she doesn’t care that she isn’t married but she brought it up a few times so I think she does care lol.

The woman as a table at the sushi party was weird.

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Ok, need someone to break down the Kardashian stuff regarding Larsa please! 

Everything I know about the Kardashians has been against my will and I refuse to google anything about them 😂

I was sad when this one was cancelled so I’m glad to see they’re back. Adrianna looks the most different to me. Always liked Marysol. Lisa never bothered me but Lenny skeeves me.

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Larsa was besties with the Kardashians but then all of a sudden she was cast out. I’m not sure if it’s ever been revealed why. The Kardashians were all about the butt implants which Larsa obviously has had. Her whole new face and vibe is totally like the Kardashians.

I sense a divorce announcement eventually coming from Lenny and Lisa. Lenny does not seem to like her at all. Beautiful view from her house with the pool tho. I seriously doubt also that Lenny’s affair was only emotional.

The Todd Peter situation is weird. I never watched the original but just from seeing Peter here he seems like a douche but who knows what Todd said to him in the moment. Maybe Peter should’ve checked with them tho before getting Frankie high as hell. I have no issues with weed or whatever but some ppl shouldn’t smoke it.

Must be nice for Peter to potentially just jet off to Tokyo for his bday since it doesn’t seem like he has his job. Alexia described his job as looking at business opportunities or something which seems like code for living off money from mom lol. 

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Just watched the 3 episodes.  Wow. Lisa, Adriana and Larsa are so plastic.  I just don't understand why women think they look good after doing these procedures.  Peter is still an asshole.  Lenny is still an asshole.  I do enjoy the house porn and scenery.  Martina N should keep an eye on her wife.  Weird interactions between Julia and Adriana.  

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Julia...I'm getting Anne heche vibes from her.  Remember when Anne Heche was with Ellen before ditching her for a man?  I'm wondering if Julia will wake up and decide to do the same to Martina?  

Larsa seems a bit less smug now than during season 1.

I swear this season so far Alexia and the real housewives of Miami.  She's the only one with the angst and life...with Larsa and Julia occasionally showing scenes from their day to day so far.

I'm wondering if that will change in future episodes.

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On 12/22/2021 at 12:13 PM, Jack Terrier said:

Thanks @marley ! 
If I remember correctly Peter was involved in beating up a homeless man. Doesn’t look like his attitude has been adjusted at all. He’s 29 and acting 12 at that lunch with Alexia.

I don't know if it's because the show was on hiatus for so long or what, but I was shocked to find out Peter is 29. He's not THAT much younger than me but comes across college-age.

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On 12/24/2021 at 6:26 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

That’s a guy that’s a guy … cringe Alexia to say you are an ambassador for LQBTQ+ people then kinda say that on camera or really at all… not a cute look 

Just the opinion of someone who's not part of the community myself . . .

I was actually more shocked by Alexia outing her late father and husband. Even if someone I was with cheated on me, I wouldn't consider it my business to tell the world he was gay. I also don't think the rumors justify addressing them and making them storyline. There are so many rumors about all these Housewives and their husbands; we never know what's true. I don't see anything wrong with being gay, and I know Alexia doesn't either. But it is still hard for a lot of people to be their authentic selves, even in 2021. 

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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Just the opinion of someone who's not part of the community myself . . .

I was actually more shocked by Alexia outing her late father and husband. Even if someone I was with cheated on me, I wouldn't consider it my business to tell the world he was gay. I also don't think the rumors justify addressing them and making them storyline. There are so many rumors about all these Housewives and their husbands; we never know what's true. I don't see anything wrong with being gay, and I know Alexia doesn't either. But it is still hard for a lot of people to be their authentic selves, even in 2021. 

It just Adds to the whole I’m a ally hypocritical bullshit. She is using it has a storyline not has a real want or need to help a group of people. It’s gross … you don’t drag out someone else even when they are dead. And you don’t laugh and call someone a man that clearly doesn’t identify as a man and who is clearly transitioning as a joke to your bf cause he might find her “attractive” and oh that’s a man.. ugh I just wanna shake her and say stop it. 

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I have to laugh at Adriana inviting 2 guys to the art show and making them wait 4 months for sex. I'm curious about what happened between her and Fredric.

So far Alexia is bringing the storylines and I'm here for it.

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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

It just Adds to the whole I’m a ally hypocritical bullshit. She is using it has a storyline not has a real want or need to help a group of people. It’s gross … you don’t drag out someone else even when they are dead. And you don’t laugh and call someone a man that clearly doesn’t identify as a man and who is clearly transitioning as a joke to your bf cause he might find her “attractive” and oh that’s a man.. ugh I just wanna shake her and say stop it. 

Perhaps she is discussing her husband's possible orientation in part to punish her stepchildren who tried to seize her home and car after Herman died (even though the prenup gave both to her). And it is a storyline. 

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1 hour ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Perhaps she is discussing her husband's possible orientation in part to punish her stepchildren who tried to seize her home and car after Herman died (even though the prenup gave both to her). And it is a storyline. 

So he is a weapon in hurting someone and not to help him get in passing what he didn’t have in life acceptance … that’s super twisted 

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13 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Just the opinion of someone who's not part of the community myself . . .

I was actually more shocked by Alexia outing her late father and husband. Even if someone I was with cheated on me, I wouldn't consider it my business to tell the world he was gay. I also don't think the rumors justify addressing them and making them storyline. There are so many rumors about all these Housewives and their husbands; we never know what's true. I don't see anything wrong with being gay, and I know Alexia doesn't either. But it is still hard for a lot of people to be their authentic selves, even in 2021. 

They've dragged plenty of dead husbands for the sale of a storyline (Russel and Matt come to mind). This franchise has no boundaries. Yet we all sit here and continue to watch. 

That said if he cheated on her when he was alive....ehhh...not sure how sorry I feel for him now even though he passed. She was obviously a good wife as she kept his secrets all those years (I'll never believe she didnt know way back when). Maybe the stepkids opened some wounds that should have been left alone.

On 12/24/2021 at 2:09 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Julia...I'm getting Anne heche vibes from her.  Remember when Anne Heche was with Ellen before ditching her for a man?  I'm wondering if Julia will wake up and decide to do the same to Martina?  

I think we should place bets. That time is coming. I'm not like Julia at all so far. No particular reason, she's just not doing it for me. Martina seems pretty cool though. 

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I think it’s weird how Julia us so possessive with her one friend. I don’t like their relationship because it doesn’t come off as cute and flirty more like Julia wants to be able to do whatever she wants and wants everyone to know how desirable she is. She also gives off vibes like she thinks she’s too good for Martina. I also doubt Martina is cool with how she acts considering the previews.

When Alexia was saying that’s a guy that’s a guy it was pretty cringey but I also think she was talking about a drag queen so maybe not as bad. I never watched the original but did Herman ever come out? If not rude of her to out him herself. His ex lover doesn’t seem to care either tho.

Larsas house is  super dated.

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That was a chaotic birthday dinner. It seemed like it went left pretty quickly which is par the course for a HW dinner. It didn't look to me like Guerdy was making it all about herself during the initial conversation with Julia. They were talking about kids, then Julia said she lost a child and then Guerdy said she lost a child. Very sad for both of them. Julia's story that happened with the nanny was heartbreaking. It seems like something they can bond over but Adriana got in the middle and discounted Guerdy losing her child. During the dinner, it did feel like Guerdy was making it about herself. She seemed pretty pissed at Adriana and I don't think it would have mattered what Adriana said or did in that moment. But I am wondering why she started crying and speaking about loss at someone else's birthday dinner. They weren't really talking about that, they were discussing the foot massage thing. It was kinda the wrong time. Also odd was Julia thinking the best way to stop the argument was to go over and kiss Adriana.

It doesn't seem like Martina is liking the Adriana/Julia relationship, whatever it is. Julia has explicitly said they don't have an open relationship, so what is she doing? And what is Adriana doing? Is she curious or does she just like the attention? I also kind of loved Martina's reaction to Adriana saying to Guerdy "nobody here likes you". Martina said "I like her."

I love Alexia for just bringing it all. Dead husband's gay lover? Check!

I'm also kind of enjoying Marysol as a friend of. 

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My G-d, the boobage is crazy, the lips and Larsa's butt, there is just so much to look at and not want to see all at once.

Who dresses like these women, seriously, why is the high dollar prostitute look a thing?  Especially during the daytime to sit in someone's backyard, the outfits are always so extra, I would not have enough energy to pull that off everyday.  If one of my friends showed up at dinner in a dress where her ass was showing or her boobs were a breath away from a nip slip I would be embarrassed for her and probably would get a case of the 20 minute tourette's.

Julia and Martina's farm house looks tiny, the camera never really gives us a view of the inside and it us driving me crazy, why can't production let us see the house?  The table looked so cramped, surrounded by trees and I am sure the humidity was up there I would have been claustrophobic.

Gurdy is a bit much, the crying seems like a manipulative device for her, yes it is sad to lose a child but I feel like she is using it to garner attention and sympathy. Julia's child was basically murdered and it is horrific but for Gurdy to try and one up that...nuts.

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