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S02.E03: Sway

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Having watched Morse during it's original viewing, reading all the books, watching Lewis, and now Endeavour, I admit to loving all the back stories we're getting.  I'm wrestling a little with the nurse but Morse was always attracted to highly intelligent women so why not.  I loved Allam's back story tonight.  So much said yet unsaid ---- I LOVE that subtlety of UK TV -- please leave me something to think out for myself!

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Well, that was sad.  The dread they were conveying in this episode had me convinced that either the nurse or the Italian woman was not going to make it to the end of the episode.  I'm glad the nurse is still there -- I know nothing about where that all goes, and am happy to be spoiler-free.


How many times did Morse look at other couples shopping or eating, with some sense of -- not even longing -- trepidation?  That future was not for him, as we all know. 

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I thought the first season had a lot of promise but I am loving this second season. The cases are interesting but the big draw for me besides of course the main characters are the sense of place and the time period, which are so well done. I am glad the last victim was saved in time because I very much liked the character.


I am happy Morse is dating his neighbor. She seems to bring out Morse's more light-hearted side.


I am very intrigued about Thursday having had a doomed love in his past.

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This feels so authentic that I actually was thinking I was seeing some actors from 1960s British films a few times, and I had to shake my head and remember this was not actually *filmed* in 1966!  The hairstyles and clothing are so well done. 


Wow, did they add a lot of depth to Thursday this week!  But I am concerned about the bit in the first ten minutes, when it sounded like Morse was about to be put "on report" for looking in the other DI's file.  Seems like they are setting him up for a specific or general subordination slapdown. 

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Thought this was another good ep, although I liked last week's a little more.

  On 7/14/2014 at 5:48 AM, magdalene said:

I thought the first season had a lot of promise but I am loving this second season.

I feel the same way. Everything seems to have fallen into place nicely.


  On 7/14/2014 at 7:09 AM, jjj said:

But I am concerned about the bit in the first ten minutes, when it sounded like Morse was about to be put "on report" for looking in the other DI's file.  Seems like they are setting him up for a specific or general subordination slapdown.

That didn't concern me too much. I got the impression last season and this one that he is frequently written up because his approach to solving the cases and his manner in general doesn't fit within the strict policies and procedures they are supposed to be following. Doesn't mean something more serious won't happen in that regard though. It would make sense.

Morse commented to Strange that evidence has gone missing. I wonder if that will be the focus of next season. Doesn't seem like that will get wrapped up in one ep.

I like the storyline with Morse and his neighbor but unfortunately think that relationship will be doomed.

Four episodes is too short.

  On 7/14/2014 at 7:09 AM, jjj said:

This feels so authentic that I actually was thinking I was seeing some actors from 1960s British films a few times, and I had to shake my head and remember this was not actually *filmed* in 1966!  The hairstyles and clothing are so well done. 


I agree! Some movie channel showed a 1960s era movie. I thought Richard Lester was in the credits but I can't find the movie listed in his imdb page. Anyhow, the hair style and clothing were similar to Endeavour.


Kind of interesting is a comment Morse makes to Lewis in one episode about the 60s happening "around" him. We're seeing that Morse was correct.

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I like the storyline with Morse and his neighbor but unfortunately think that relationship will be doomed.


Oh, she is so dead.  I don't know any spoilers but I am just getting the feeling that she will be murdered.


It was driving me crazy why the manager of the store looked so familiar but I finally figured it out.  He was in Shakespeare in Love! 


Colin Dexter is back!  He was on the sitting on the bus in the scene where the Thursdays helped the blind man.  Speaking of which, I still think he's the killer.  Just because someone got murdered right when he was walking by doesn't change my mind.

  On 7/14/2014 at 2:08 PM, M. Darcy said:

Oh, she is so dead.  I don't know any spoilers but I am just getting the feeling that she will be murdered.



Based on Morse's  future history with women (The Dead of Jericho, The Remorseful Day), she has a very good chance of shuffling off this mortal coil.


I just hope they don't do a bait and switch on us and kill off Mrs. Thursday or Joan Thursday instead.

Edited by Milz


I just hope they don't do a bait and switch on us and kill off Mrs. Thursday or Joan Thursday instead.


Or at very least wait to the last episode.  I don't like seeing Roger Allan sad.  Killing of Mrs. Thursday would be too much like when they killed off Mrs. Lewis so hopefully they won't do that.  Heh not that I'm hoping Joan dies. 


I never thought I'd say this about Morse but he was adorable when he was "talking" to Joan when he went to pick up Thursday at the party. 

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Another enjoyable ep. Once again there were several people I suspected, the first being the store manager simply because the actor was so familiar. Even when it was revealed that he had an artificial leg, I still thought he might be the killer.


I liked that there were a couple of possible sources for the chalk substance found on the victims. There was the chalk that the professor used, and there was the artist doing the chalk drawings. I love what it turned out to be and how Morse discovered it. Oh, and I love that the infinity symbol was actually an eight, just like that one detective suggested. I also like that this detective (name?) is not so quick to dismiss what Endeavour says anymore.


I loved one of the opening shots, the one where the professor is drawing the infinity symbol on the board, and the camera does a closeup on the chalk line.

Wow, that was superb, although I think they should call this 'Thursday'.  No slight on Morse but Roger Allam is amazing.  I actually got choked up on his behalf when we found out at the end what was in the letter.  


And I agree with Mags and Milz above - this show is amazingly evocative.  Feels so much like England in the 60s that I'm always damp and chilly watching it.  

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One of the things that both the writers and Roger Allam have brought to Thursday is the fact that he's still carrying around scars from his service in WWII.  It's hard for me to imagine another show making that integral to the character, but they pull it off so well.  


One thing I was confused about:  Okay, so the climax of the story happens around Bonfire Night, which, as any anglophile can tell you, is November 5th.  But everyone was wearing a Remembrance Day red poppy, even though that's a week later.  Probably overthinking it.


Speaking of which, was the man who owned the department store hitting on Morse, or was I just writing my own subtext?

  On 7/14/2014 at 6:54 PM, starri said:

One thing I was confused about:  Okay, so the climax of the story happens around Bonfire Night, which, as any anglophile can tell you, is November 5th.  But everyone was wearing a Remembrance Day red poppy, even though that's a week later.  Probably overthinking it.

According to Wikipedia, the remembrance poppy is worn for a few weeks until Nov 11, Armistice Day.



According to Wikipedia, the remembrance poppy is worn for a few weeks until Nov 11, Armistice Day.



That's right.  I don't know what England was like back in the olden times when this takes place, but normally I'm in London around the time between Nov 5 and 11th and everyone - everyone - is wearing the poppy.  It does go on for a few weeks. 

Yes, I think you make a contribution around November 1, so wear the poppy until Remembrance Day on the 11th.  So, when that employee was being chastised for not wearing one, it was because it looked like he had not contributed to the fund/cause (not sure where the contributions would have gone back then).  Any place of business would want to appear to be supportive of the days of remembrance.  Since presumably the actual murderer lost his poppy while with the victim in the bathtub, did we ever see him with and without a poppy?  I thought they were just in work overalls. Will check this evening. 

  On 7/14/2014 at 3:55 PM, M. Darcy said:

Or at very least wait to the last episode.  I don't like seeing Roger Allan sad.  Killing of Mrs. Thursday would be too much like when they killed off Mrs. Lewis so hopefully they won't do that.  Heh not that I'm hoping Joan dies. 


I never thought I'd say this about Morse but he was adorable when he was "talking" to Joan when he went to pick up Thursday at the party. 

I am more afraid they are going to kill Thursday himself off. I have been afraid of this right from the beginning of the series. I haven't watched more than a few episodes of the older Morse show but I am aware that the older man is kind of a pessimistic and cynical loner type. Losing a beloved and respected mentor in  a violent way could go a long way towards that character development.


I haven't seen any third season renewal - should I be worried about the longevity of the Endeavor series?

I am pretty sure that there will be a Season Three -- and I read that there is filming happening for the next season of "Inspector Lewis".  But I don't want to read too much about the future of "Endeavour" until this current series finishes.  Warning:  because these episodes have already aired in Britain, there are articles findable via searches that do reveal plot points.  I made my eyes do the equivalent of "La-la-la" to block the spoilers.  But I got a clear sense that there at least will be a series three.  Apparently the main kibosh Colin Dexter has put on this spinoff is that it not go into the 1970s, when the Morse we all know was active in the original series.  (I know, those were filmed in the 1980s -- I am just reporting on what I read!  And I did not want to read too deeply at this point!)  No spoilers! 

Oh, and I got the titles of "Trove" and "Nocturne" -- but what is the significance of "Sway"?

I'm so glad others are enjoying this as much as I am!  Interesting mysteries, great characters and a compelling lead and co-lead in Evans and Allan.   I only watched Morse on and off, but always enjoyed Lewis, so I really appreciate you all explaining some of the finer points of future (past?) Morse.  I very much like Strange and the Thursday family.  While frustrating at times, I quite enjoy Morse.  I like his romance with the nurse and some of the playfulness it brings out of him, but like many of you, I'm concerned for her safety.  


I understand the short series (I'm a Sherlock fan, after all), but it feels just as you're getting into the groove, the series is done.  Can't believe we only have one episode left!  I can't speak of the 60s or of England during that time (born in '82), but it feels really authentic and pulls me in the right frame of mind to watch it.

  On 7/15/2014 at 12:38 AM, DHDancer said:

I know there was also mention of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, but that wasn't the tune played.

Oh, that reminds me that I didn't get the significance of that. I think Smoke Gets in Your Eyes was mentioned by someone, then when Morse had that Alfie-wannabe in interrogation, he showed him the lighter with the inscription and added, "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." 

  On 7/14/2014 at 2:08 PM, M. Darcy said:

Colin Dexter is back!  He was on the sitting on the bus in the scene where the Thursdays helped the blind man.


I thought that was him, but wasn't sure.

  On 7/14/2014 at 4:17 PM, peeayebee said:

I liked that there were a couple of possible sources for the chalk substance found on the victims. There was the chalk that the professor used, and there was the artist doing the chalk drawings. I love what it turned out to be and how Morse discovered it. Oh, and I love that the infinity symbol was actually an eight, just like that one detective suggested. I also like that this detective (name?) is not so quick to dismiss what Endeavour says anymore.

Didn't the other detective say something like it was an eight that had too much to drink?



  On 7/14/2014 at 2:08 PM, M. Darcy said:

Oh, she is so dead. I don't know any spoilers but I am just getting the feeling that she will be murdered.

and this...

  On 7/14/2014 at 7:55 PM, magdalene said:

I am more afraid they are going to kill Thursday himself off. I have been afraid of this right from the beginning of the series. I haven't watched more than a few episodes of the older Morse show but I am aware that the older man is kind of a pessimistic and cynical loner type. Losing a beloved and respected mentor in  a violent way could go a long way towards that character development

Yep. I've been afraid for Thursday since the first season and now the nurse. Really anyone Morse gets close to which is why I didn't like the threat made in the first ep of this season. While I like seeing the background filled in, part of me doesn't want to see this explained.

Gosh, I'm loving this show!  I actually said it out loud early into this episode.  I actually liked this episode better than last weeks, but I agree with Endeavour (the poster, not the policeman).  The show does such a wonderful job of giving us compelling characters and making us truly care about.  I'd never seen any of the Morse or Lewis episodes before catching Endeavour, but the very few I've seen, I actually prefer Endeavour.  There's a melancholy tone to it I haven't yet seen in the other shows.


I'm so sad next week will be the last for a year.  By the way, IMDB does indicate there'll be a third season.  As far as I'm concerned at this point, it could go on forever.

I think that ITV is finding the Lewis and the Endeavour series to be very reliable financially; even though the Lewis series seemed to be ending with the most recent season, there will be another six-episode series in late 2014 in the UK.  It makes me hope that "Endeavour" might get a longer set of episodes next time.  I think the writing and acting on all these is so much better than "Morse," and I loved "Inspector Morse". 


Meant to say earlier that they were using the Mozart Requiem in "Sway," and Mozart was a Freemason, so as far as I could tell, that was the only Mason reference in this episode, after two references in the previous two episodes.  I hope some of these references get pulled together in the fourth/final episode of this current season. 


Yep. I've been afraid for Thursday since the first season and now the nurse. Really anyone Morse gets close to which is why I didn't like the threat made in the first ep of this season. While I like seeing the background filled in, part of me doesn't want to see this explained.



Morse gets a girlfriend, Adele, in the later episodes of Morse.  And he had a girlfriend when he was at Lonsdale College. This series might explain why he never got married. And if it lasts long enough, it might show his relationship with his half-sister's family: in Morse, he's close to his niece and takes it pretty hard when she dies.


Department store owner hitting on Morse....I didn't pick that up, probably because Joan Thursday practically drools all over the set when she sees Morse.


lol, funny thought.....Strange is married in Morse. But I don't think they ever mention his wife's name. It would be something if Mrs. Chief Superintendent Strange is Joan Thursday.

Edited by Milz
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I think this one is my favorite of all the Endeavour eps. The mystery was much better constructed, the reveal much more organic.


Plus the little grace notes that make it so pleasurable: Francesca blurts "Giovedi" when Thursday first appears to her. ("Giovedi" is Italian for Thursday.) Watching Allam's face as he watches his wife take the best care of him. Anton Lesser's dry-as-dust performance. The abovementioned "Alfie" shoutouts. Strange's pride in himself. Plus, I never get tired of hearing the precinct being called 'the nick.'

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What I don't like about Strange is that they made him portly in Endeavour because he's portly in Morse. I would have liked PC Strange to be a thin guy, whose girth increases as he rises in rank to Chief Superintendent.

How come? Couldn't he have just always been a portly guy?


I'm really enjoying the way Monica bring Morse out of his shell. He laughed and smiled and seemed happy. Or I guess as happy as he seems to get. I hope nothing horrible happens to her. I fully expect it to but I like what I've seen of her so I want them to end organically not because she's killed in some horrible way.

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  On 7/15/2014 at 12:21 PM, Milz said:

Morse gets a girlfriend, Adele, in the later episodes of Morse.  And he had a girlfriend when he was at Lonsdale College. This series might explain why he never got married. And if it lasts long enough, it might show his relationship with his half-sister's family: in Morse, he's close to his niece and takes it pretty hard when she dies.


I've watched all of the Inspector Morse eps, but that was some time ago. I don't recall all of the details. Glad there are people here who do. Did you read any of the books? I tried reading the first but didn't care for the way it was written for some reason.


  On 7/15/2014 at 3:05 PM, mishy said:

I'm really enjoying the way Monica bring Morse out of his shell. He laughed and smiled and seemed happy. Or I guess as happy as he seems to get. I hope nothing horrible happens to her. I fully expect it to but I like what I've seen of her so I want them to end organically not because she's killed in some horrible way.


It's pretty funny how we're all expecting the worst outcome for all of these characters.


I was smiling at the sweetness between Endeavour and the nurse and then I remembered. This is MORSE. Nothing ever works out for him. 


I like watching young Constable Morse as he is not quite yet beaten down by the job, booze and the constant disappointments in love. I think the only reason Inspector Morse was able to hang on as long as he did was because of the care and feeding he received from Robbie Lewis all those years.

Edited by debi49
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Everyone needs to have a more positive attitude here.  Based on future Morse episodes, Nurse Monica is not doomed to meet a foul end.  She might be a murderer herself, or be secretly married to a murderer, or be in love with someone else while passing time with young Endeavour.  Doesn't this all sound better?

Not for me. The ship has sailed for me, so I want them written as truly being smitten with one another. 

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