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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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58 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It's amazing how the special Abbott family Christmas ornament has lasted so long. Jack must keep in it a vault to protect it.

I was afraid that he'd trip and break it after Traci ordered him to put it on the tree, just like I used to worry about the Big Blue Plate before it disappeared.

Edited by Denize
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Give me a f’n brake. Claire/Eve is an adult, not a 5 year old on their first day of kindergarten.  Wouldn’t you think that Nikki would be more nervous about running Chancellor, for the first day, since she is really not qualified. In retrospect, Nikki is more qualified than Billy👃

Think about the way Claire/Eve and Kyle were raised.  Then think about how Claire/Eve can be more intuitive than Kyle.  She’s more down to earth where Kyle is arrogant.  


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Today's episode made me misplace my snark.  The Abbott house, which, as Joimiaroxeu said so well, 

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

the Abbott manse looked like Santa's elves took some PCP and had an all-night rave in it.

made me fall into my feelz, along with that Christmas music in the background.

Then, Jack's talk with Traci about Dina, and those flashbacks, made me miss the character and her portrayer, Marla Adams, all over again.  I didn't always love the storylines they gave to Dina but always loved seeing her onscreen.

But, and there's always a but, Claire and Kyle's schmoopy shortcake of a date made me think of mostly of Frau Blucher


in Young Frankenstein, again.  Maybe not exactly the romantic image you want to project, eh, Show?

Sticking with that theme, taking advice from Esther is like asking for directions


from Igor.

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^^^Aw, man. Now I gotta go watch Young Frankenstein again. It's one of the greatest comedies of all time.

5 hours ago, Denize said:

I was afraid that he'd trip and break it after Traci ordered him to put it on the tree

Hee! Traci was definitely on one today but I guess Jack needed a good talkin' to. She's the bestest baby sister in GC.

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Oh, I agree about the shmoopy vibe goin' on & it is def nauseating.  Those looks on Kyle's mug as he's gazing at Claire?  Ew.  Now, if they get a booth somewhere & both sit on the same side?  Sorry, that would be too much for me . . .

Funny I never thought about the prospect of Audra being preggers.  It would explain Ms. Coldness suddenly being emotional.  I thought the usual soap signal for a character being preggers is to faint, but OK.  Sorry, but it can't be Tuck as baby daddy cuz he's been gone for 6 months -- unless Show is gonna give some dopey explanation how she secretly got with him?

Well, being preggers would give Audra a storyline cuz I still say nobody in GC would give her a job cuz her rep for back-stabbing anyone/everyone is too well-known.

Uh, what would give me some giggles is if Esther doles out life advice to Phyllis . . . and she listens to it & takes it.  Yeah, right.

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Color me underwhelmed. I always love Jack, but the rest of the show was a total waste of my time.

Watching Nikki and Victoria gush and fret about Claire’s first day of nepo baby daycare was exhausting. You’d think Claire was an alien tossed overboard as a flying saucer buzzed by planet Earth. Golly, will our plucky heroine ever learn what it means to be truly human? When you’re absorbed into the Newman collective, chances are high you’ll learn how to be an asshole and little else.

As if two idiots mooning over Claire wasn’t thrilling enough, Kyle was a contestant on the “Compliment Claire” game. Everyone lost, including the audience. I’m surprised show didn’t have Claire pop into Crimson Lights to offer her sage advice to Diane instead of Esther. What a missed opportunity.

I can’t believe I’m typing this, but I think I’m rooting for Summer to steal her brother husband back. 

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On 12/17/2024 at 8:48 AM, Sake614 said:

I dunno. I think they’re walking back the dead Martin angle. At least I hope they are. I never liked the idea in the first place, especially since Traci would be the one to get hurt most.

I hope so and agreed

On 12/17/2024 at 1:09 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, so we finally got some answers to fill in the missing (& massive) swiss-cheese holes in the backstory of Jordie & Ian.  Alrighty then, so they discovered they had something in common -- their hatred for the Newmans for "stealing" their loved ones.  But ya know what I also got from that fuzzy B&W backstory?  And I mean, other than B&W is NO friend to either Colleen or Ray!  The weird & immediate flirtatiousness & obvious sexual attraction btw those 2.

I know, I know, it's pretty icky to think those 2 are in a sexual relationship, as well as partners in some loony revenge scheme against the Newmans.  But Idk, the backstory made it look pretty apparent they are.  And yeah, they are sharing a room & a bed, but THANKFULLY Show hasn't really approached the subject directly -- other than a comment from one of 'em, how they bicker like an old married couple.

Wait, was I hallucinating or was Phyllis actually making sense?  Uh, what the what?  Well, she was right, telling Billy going after Vic is a bad idea -- specifically cuz it could (maybe indirectly) harm their kids.  Also, why should either of those 2 poke the bear, when he's not after either of 'em?  Vic seems to have lost interest in Billy, and Phyllis is totally off his radar.  Ah, but I'm sure we can count on lunatic Phyllis to not follow her own sensible advice -- and loser Billy to continue acting like a loser.  So they'll predictably go after Vic, and with disastrous results -- for them.

Sorry, but Dead Martin putting Sharon under hypnosis in 2 seconds was ridiculous, stupid & silly.  And what's with Dead Martin's floppy hairstyle?  Ringo from 1964 wants it back ASAP, Dead Martin!

So today it's official!  Claire's hair color is now brown, brown, brown.  But will it be Morticia Addams black by next week -- to match the Goth dress?  And just what setting is that get-up appropriate in?  Funeral home?  Mausoleum (er, reboot Newman joint)?  The Addams Family or The Munsters homes?

Even though its not great and I don't want them there, I'm glad at least we got some more backstory on Jordan and Ian.

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On 12/18/2024 at 1:48 AM, boes said:

I don't buy her not crying at other times, either.  She must have burst into uncontrollable sobbing after having whateverthehell she was doing with Kyle.  He should put more clothes ON when he gets in bed, not take anything off.

Speaking of Kyle, Diane must be seeing the wisdom of either having at least two children, or none at all, by now.

Let me see if I've got this right....... so Billy Le Rump Muffin goes into some sustained rant, using Jack as a human handkerchief to catch all his exploding bile, telling Jack that he's cut off, barred from the biscuit, denied sinus entry, that he's no longer allowed to sled on the slippery slope of Billy's rocky ski run of a soul and that's supposed to somehow make Jack unhappy??

Jack just got his Get out of Jail Free card!  

Bill is just as wise as he is sexay.  

If you're in need of imagining something both mentally grueling and also soul-killingly dull, imagine spending an entire work day with just Nikki, Claire and Esther.

I believe that's forbidden by the Geneva Convention.

I actually think Audra is crying is real. I do think Nate got to her but I'm sure that writers will mess that up. More funny stuff Boes, keep it coming.

17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victoria is such a helicopter parent. Even if Claire had been terrible at her first day back at work, it wasn't as if she'd get fired. Calm down, Vikki.

Esther's hair. Yikes. Her having 47 jobs seems to be taking its toll. 😼

Here we go. Traci's gonna do her Mother Hen thing on Jack. Again.

It's amazing how the special Abbott family Christmas ornament has lasted so long. Jack must keep in it a vault to protect it.

Claire being schmoopy with Kyle made me want to throw stuff at the TV.

Diane having a gigantic dessert latte at night will be helpful if she's planning to keep fighting with Kyle when she gets home. She likely won't be sleepy.

Diane taking life advice from Esther of all people.  #whoa

But Jack, you always knew Dina was alive and residing elsewhere after she abandoned you and your sisters. Kyle thought Diane was dead. Not quite the same.

The staff at Society must've been biting their tongues not to tell Claire and Kyle to pay up and get out. Closing time, you two lovebirds. Look into it.

Holey moley, the Abbott manse looked like Santa's elves took some PCP and had an all-night rave in it.

Sentimental Dina flashbacks. Okay. Yet no mention of John Abbott. 😐

Jack may have accidentally c-blocked Kyle, lol. I think Claire was planning to have a sleepover with her newly official boyfriend until she saw what a mood Jack was in.

I'm sure Diane now is going to take Esther's advice to make some life sacrifice for Kyle, although I'm not sure he deserves it. I'm sure Jordan is involved or maybe even Ian somehow. 


11 hours ago, boes said:

Today's episode made me misplace my snark.  The Abbott house, which, as Joimiaroxeu said so well, 

made me fall into my feelz, along with that Christmas music in the background.

Then, Jack's talk with Traci about Dina, and those flashbacks, made me miss the character and her portrayer, Marla Adams, all over again.  I didn't always love the storylines they gave to Dina but always loved seeing her onscreen.

But, and there's always a but, Claire and Kyle's schmoopy shortcake of a date made me think of mostly of Frau Blucher


in Young Frankenstein, again.  Maybe not exactly the romantic image you want to project, eh, Show?

Sticking with that theme, taking advice from Esther is like asking for directions


from Igor.

Okay it wasn't just me who got the feels from this episode.

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8 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I can’t believe I’m typing this, but I think I’m rooting for Summer to steal her brother husband back

I’m with you. At least those two have some chemistry.

 Are the writers really unaware of how unlikable Pollyanna Claire is?



Bright spot on todays show:

 TELMA HOPKINS in da house!

My whole body smiles from the inside out whenever I hear her voice. Her comedy on the Tony Orlando and Dawn show is such a happy childhood memory.

Edited by lgprimes
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Cute. The actress playing Denise the PI and the actress playing Amy Lewis were both on a sitcom called Half & Half back in the early aughts. It's rerunning on one of the retro channels owned by CBS. Nice to see TPTB giving a couple of their vets work again.

Does Lucy have an after-school job loading trucks at a warehouse? Her khaki jumpsuit was weird to me.

Meanwhile, I thought Alan was looking rather dapper in his mobile psychologist outfit.

If Amy's scared flying to L.A. would worsen her health issues, at least she'd have Nate with her. As a doctor he could probably prescribe something to help her feel better, no?

Phyllis in a simple outfit with no bare shoulders, thigh-high slits, or thumb holes in her sleeves. What sorcery is this? 😼

Hah, Phyllis wanted Daniel to talk her into helping Billy get payback on Victor. Unfortunately for her, Daniel wasn't born yesterday.

Phyllis, what you need is a JOB!  Not to go on some b.s. revenge quest with Billy. Gah.

Sorry but Amy's story about Damien seems hella fishy to me. I'm wondering if Nate's being set up by her and Damien. Maybe taking Audra with him to L.A. is a good idea.

So someone else was there when Sharon had her big fight with Heather. It looked liked a woman's hand touched Sharon's shoulder. Too bad Sharon didn't see who the hand belonged to before she blacked out.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Please Nick🦍 just shut the fuck up. Your opinion sucks.  I’m with Sharon. It’s better to know one way or another than obsess about not knowing.  Just when Sharon was getting to the best part in how Heather was killed, she was brought out.  It was like coitus interruptus. 

Once again Daniel and Manic Phyllis🕷️ are having a private conversation, in public, when they could have had the same conversation in Daniel’s apartment?  

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39 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

I’m with you. At least those two have some chemistry.

 Are the writers really unaware of how unlikable Pollyanna Claire is?



Bright spot on todays show:

 TELMA HOPKINS in da house!

My whole body smiles from the inside out whenever I hear her voice. Her comedy on the Tony Orlando and Dawn show is such a happy childhood memory.

And TH played Bryton James (Devon) mom on Family Mattters. BJ's name on FM was little Richie.

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On 12/19/2024 at 5:01 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Phyllis in a simple outfit with no bare shoulders, thigh-high slits, or thumb holes in her sleeves. What sorcery is this? 😼

I’ve noticed that the past few weeks the fashion choices have been a bit more realistic, and I really am grateful for that!

They did announce a new wardrobe exec recently: well-done!

Edited by lgprimes
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Friday Rant:

  • Is it pick-a-lane time with Phyllus?  Is she going to follow the path of righteousness and convincingly apologize to Sharon for all her accusations?  Is she going to make up with Michael/Lauren and admit she was/is a hypocritical whistleblower shit disturber? Nah, she's going to team up with Billy and use these fully honed skills to take down Viktor.
  • Which will be a disaster because Billy is clueless as to how tie his own shoes let alone joust with King Viktor.  The only way Bileezibub can succeed is if saying he's going to do it (over and over [three times?]) will make it happen.
  • I'm very tired of Boris and Natasha's "plan" of revenge.  No, wait, I'm tired of trying to figure out what it is and the why of it.  So now it's that their respective "children" (Mariah and Cleve) were stolen by Sharon and the Newman Clan? WTF?  They are grownass people who are living a better life than you can ever give them and they are not your children! Be happy for them.
  • Small law rant here regarding the prison depiction.  So they let a former cult leader who saw the light during his incarceration just wander freely to mingle with inmates in a high security prison without a CO (I want visibly, not off camera, JG) or perhaps checking his background? Nope, ain't buying it.
  • So much has been said about Claire's second debut into the corporate world that all I can add is what can she possibly gain from having Nikki mentor her?  I would think that Claire got all Nikki had to offer of corporate leadership in the first time she worked for her.  It's not a deep well.  Claire went to business school-maybe she has something to offer Nikki.
  • And then there's Nate.  He's going to fly to LA to confront a possible half brother that may or may not still be living where the PI said he was who most probably will tell him (and mama) to fuck off.  Since the PI told them where he is, why not just send him a (certified) letter about the state of his mom's health and let him decide what he wants to do.  Again, he's also a grownass person.  (Has Nate checked out Amy's condition?  Do we know she really is dying?  Her manipulation of Nate ["you go and find him, I'm too sick"] smells like a scam to me.)
  • Oh, Kyle.  Grow up already.  Or get some counseling.  You have some pretty deep-seated anger with both your parents.  How long do you want them to suffer with your insecurities?

Suggestion box:

Phyllus and Victoria-get a real job and stay out of your children's life for a while.

Tip the new hairstylist more so she gets rid of the stiff hairdos.


Edited by MollyB
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Shivering in GC?  Summer in sparkles & no sleeves -- brrrr.  Sharon bares one shoulder?  Put a shawl or a sweater on, Sharon -- it's winter now, hun!

Ugh, Sharon, stop fighting those who want you to defend yourself.  Sheesh, what a PITA she continues to be.

Michael said exactly what I was thinkin'.  All well & nice that Alan's (or Dead Martin?) hypnosis lead to some clues of what happened to Heather & that Sharon likely didn't kill her.  But how is that relevant in court, to proving she didn't do it?

Scene with Daniel, Summer Phyllis & Lucy?  Blah, blah, blah & white noise.  Who cares about any of it?  Fully expect Phyllis to go all in with Billy cuz it's stupid, ridiculous & silly.  But surprise me, Show, with me being wrong . . .

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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For a second I wondered if Daniel had dragged in Heather's bundled-up corpse. JG didn't think the staging of that scene through, lol.

No wimpy vodka for Jordan. No siree. She drinks the brown liquor straight, no chaser.

Jordan! You tried to kill the Newmans and you kidnapped Harrison and Claire. In no way are you an innocent victim, you psycho.

Come on, aren't there other people in GC besides Mariah who would recognize Ian? His feeling safe to sit undisguised in Society in the middle of the day seemed delusional to me.

Nick: the cops better find the other person who was in Daniel's building the night Sharon didn't kill Heather!
Joi: or what, Nick? What? You'll hold your breath until you turn blue? FOH.

Whoo, I guess CZ was itching to chew some scenery today. Since when does Jordan need to get drunk to act overwrought?

Sigh, Tessa, you're going to feel so awful when you find out who "Warren" actually is. He played you like a piano. And now wee Aria may be at risk too since you showed Ian her photo.

Only Phyllis can turn a sappy Christmas wish moment into a lowkey threat against Sharon. Geez, Red, get on with it then.

Wait, Jordan was trying to seduce Ian? Ewwwwww!!!!! No wonder she was chugging the booze. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

For a second I wondered if Daniel had dragged in Heather's bundled-up corpse

Thank goodness someone else thought this. A Summers family Christmas kicking off with a fresh kill would not surprise me at all. As it was, the tree trimming was heartwarming like a fire hose blast of ice water to the crotch. The comedic highlight was Summer calling herself a style expert while wearing that shirt. Naturally, Phyllis ends the episode with ominous threats serving as her holiday wish. Nothing else happened after that. Nothing.

Cave baboon Nick returns, grunting and throwing scat to establish his dominance over Sharon’s case. Michael fortunately has experience settling down dumb assholes. If Nick is so hot to investigate, he should open his own detective agency and see if he can’t find his own ass with two hands, a flashlight and a map.


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Manic Phyllis🕷️spreading cheer is like the a mosquito spreading yellow fever. 

So lan paid off a random dying woman to replace Auntie Jordan in prison. Now we have to believe that the warden and prison guards didn’t notice Auntie Jordan looks different.  

After seeing Auntie Jordan and Ian kissing, I need eye and brain bleach 🤢🤢🤢🤮

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So I was right about Jordie & Ian being in a sexual relationship, eh?  Ugh, sorry but I truly regret being right about that.  I thought Show was being tasteful & discreet about this.  But now that's gone out the window & Show wants to throw the icky nature of their relationship in our faces?  Blech, ick, yuck & feh!

Sheesh, Colleen, clearly you're a game kinda gal, but please tell JG to lay off the B&W shit cuz that lighting is unkind to anyone & everyone.

Wowza, Ash actually gets to say a few words next week & do something other than shake her shag.  Maybe the writers really are re-considering the Dead Martin slant?

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On 12/19/2024 at 5:01 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Cute. The actress playing Denise the PI and the actress playing Amy Lewis were both on a sitcom called Half & Half back in the early aughts. It's rerunning on one of the retro channels owned by CBS. Nice to see TPTB giving a couple of their vets work again.

Does Lucy have an after-school job loading trucks at a warehouse? Her khaki jumpsuit was weird to me.

Meanwhile, I thought Alan was looking rather dapper in his mobile psychologist outfit.

If Amy's scared flying to L.A. would worsen her health issues, at least she'd have Nate with her. As a doctor he could probably prescribe something to help her feel better, no?

Phyllis in a simple outfit with no bare shoulders, thigh-high slits, or thumb holes in her sleeves. What sorcery is this? 😼

Hah, Phyllis wanted Daniel to talk her into helping Billy get payback on Victor. Unfortunately for her, Daniel wasn't born yesterday.

Phyllis, what you need is a JOB!  Not to go on some b.s. revenge quest with Billy. Gah.

Sorry but Amy's story about Damien seems hella fishy to me. I'm wondering if Nate's being set up by her and Damien. Maybe taking Audra with him to L.A. is a good idea.

So someone else was there when Sharon had her big fight with Heather. It looked liked a woman's hand touched Sharon's shoulder. Too bad Sharon didn't see who the hand belonged to before she blacked out.

I hadn't realized they were on that show together. I couldn't recall who played the mothers on there. I saw it in re runs. Kind of liked it.

On 12/19/2024 at 5:29 PM, babyhouseman said:

And TH played Bryton James (Devon) mom on Family Mattters. BJ's name on FM was little Richie.

That's right. It would have been kind of funny if Devon came into Crimson Lights and got coffee and the PI said he reminded her of someone.

8 hours ago, MollyB said:

Friday Rant:

  • Is it pick-a-lane time with Phyllus?  Is she going to follow the path of righteousness and convincingly apologize to Sharon for all her accusations?  Is she going to make up with Michael/Lauren and admit she was/is a hypocritical whistleblower shit disturber? Nah, she's going to team up with Billy and use these fully honed skills to take down Viktor.
  • Which will be a disaster because Billy is clueless as to how tie his own shoes let alone joust with King Viktor.  The only way Bileezibub can succeed is if saying he's going to do it (over and over [three times?]) will make it happen.
  • I'm very tired of Boris and Natasha's "plan" of revenge.  No, wait, I'm tired of trying to figure out what it is and the why of it.  So now it's that their respective "children" (Mariah and Cleve) were stolen by Sharon and the Newman Clan? WTF?  They are grownass people who are living a better life than you can ever give them and they are not your children! Be happy for them.
  • Small law rant here regarding the prison depiction.  So they let a former cult leader who saw the light during his incarceration just wander freely to mingle with inmates in a high security prison without a CO (I want visibly, not off camera, JG) or perhaps checking his background? Nope, ain't buying it.
  • So much has been said about Claire's second debut into the corporate world that all I can add is what can she possibly gain from having Nikki mentor her?  I would think that Claire got all Nikki had to offer of corporate leadership in the first time she worked for her.  It's not a deep well.  Claire went to business school-maybe she has something to offer Nikki.
  • And then there's Nate.  He's going to fly to LA to confront a possible half brother that may or may not still be living where the PI said he was who most probably will tell him (and mama) to fuck off.  Since the PI told them where he is, why not just send him a (certified) letter about the state of his mom's health and let him decide what he wants to do.  Again, he's also a grownass person.  (Has Nate checked out Amy's condition?  Do we know she really is dying?  Her manipulation of Nate ["you go and find him, I'm too sick"] smells like a scam to me.)
  • Oh, Kyle.  Grow up already.  Or get some counseling.  You have some pretty deep-seated anger with both your parents.  How long do you want them to suffer with your insecurities?

Suggestion box:

Phyllus and Victoria-get a real job and stay out of your children's life for a while.

Tip the new hairstylist more so she gets rid of the stiff hairdos.


You got some really good points here.

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22 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Now we have to believe that the warden and prison guards didn’t notice Auntie Jordan looks different.  

And someone's gonna have some 'splainin to do when she dies.  As in how did Jordan contract this disease so quickly when her intake exam showed nothing? And just for the record, I refuse to believe anyone in that prison is dumb enough to be fooled by a prisoner switch.


On 12/20/2024 at 1:25 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sigh, Tessa, you're going to feel so awful when you find out who "Warren" actually is. He played you like a piano.

I don't remember Tessa ever saying her wife's name and yet, "Warren" said something like "you and Mariah should be very proud/happy" (paraphrasing here.) Dun dun duuuun...

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3 minutes ago, Denize said:

I couldn't get on yesterday (my computer security blocked it) and now I see posts with double icons for each poster, with the message confined to a smaller box.

It wasn’t your computer. It was everyone’s! Or more precisely it was this site…again. I even tried different browsers and clearing my cache. When none of that worked I figured the site was down. 😝

45 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Am I the only one having this problem: The right side of the screen is taken up with "Top Posters In This Topic" while all the comments are squished over to the left side - if it's just me, does anybody have any idea how I broke the screen, and how to fix it?

Not just you. The site was down all day yesterday and is still screwed up. 

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Thanks for all the helpful messages - things seem OK now so I'm guessing that whatever gremlins got into the system have been vanquished 🤞🤞🤞

On 12/21/2024 at 5:23 PM, MollyB said:

I refuse to believe anyone in that prison is dumb enough to be fooled by a prisoner switch.

You may not believe viewers of the show are dumb enough to believe that, but the writer(s) do - they think we'll swallow anything and ask for more.

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On 12/18/2024 at 10:26 PM, boes said:

I didn't always love the storylines they gave to Dina but always loved seeing her onscreen.

That's because Marla Adams was one of the better actors they have ever had on that show, and sadly, she may well have been the last of the better actors they've ever had on that show!

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Oh my, I thought I had been banned.  My news feed predicted what was going on next week. Needless to say, I won't be watching.

Should the site go to shit again may i wish all my fellow preverts A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY Hannukah

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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If Phyllis is so upset about Heathers death why is she running around Society like a crazed stalker? Why is Michael foolishly discussing the case with the nutjob?
Aww Victor gifted Cole Victoria! Wonder if he’ll take it back when Jordan reappears? They did Claire one better and got her a real horsey! 
Golly gee, Sharon’s probably not a murderer. Let’s decorate the house for Christmas! Tessa and Mariah, no need to bring your little girl over. Christmas is about sitters working on Christmas Eve. Sappy medicated Sharon is back. I preferred the one that would yell at Daniel and Lucy at Crimson Lights.

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More of Phyllis-acting-like-a-crazy-person?  Bored with it, so mostly went on mute.

The intensity of her lunacy is scary.  Why would anyone want to be anywhere near her?  Why Sharon hasn’t gotten a restraining order on this menacing dangerous lunatic makes zero sense.

So we’re supposed to go along with that Vic is cuddly-wuddly & really just a big ole softie?  Uh no.  That’s a bunch of crap, Show.  Vic is awful & horrible — and celebrating Xmas doesn’t change that.  What stupidity!

Nikki had on some hair pin that looked like spikes coming outta her ear.  Wtf?  And Claire shoulda been shivering in yet another drab outfit with short sleeves.  Guess the makeover didn’t take?

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The Newman living room looked to me like Santa's elves loaded up on PCP-laced vodka and then went berserk in there. What ever happened to understated elegance?

Such a lame Christmas Eve party at the ranch. None of the grandkids except Claire, and no Victoria, Nick, Adam, or Abby.

Lol, Victor acting magnanimous toward Cole. Cole has major dirt on Victor wrt Jordan, in addition to his being Claire's daddy and Victoria's FWB. Cole's not going to be turned away from Newman family events just because Victor wants to be a whiney baby.

Cole, I was trying to defend you but you gotta ease up on the manspreading. Your crotch is not a gift from Santa, except maybe to Vikki.

As far as I'm concerned, Victor's name should be mentioned in the same breath as Muhammad Ali's. And just because Cane's a writer do all his presents have to be books?

Well, Claire is officially a Newman now that she's got her own horse. But in what world is getting a horse for Christmas every young girl's dream? Stop tongue-bathing Victor, Cole. There's not enough saliva in the entire galaxy.

It would've been nice if Michael had warned his client that Typhoon Phyllis was likely heading her way. And if he'd also apologized for his and Lauren's inability to keep their lips zipped about Sharon's case.

No, Sharon! Don't take Phyllis' bait! Tell her to GTFO of your house.

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The Newmans are all about family, eh? Did Victor even mention his other kids - Abby and Adam? Maybe the second-rate kids get invited on Christmas Day only. Does Nicki EVER mention her son Dylan? Did Nick even mention Christian? These writers must not have kids because who leaves their young child at home with a babysitter on Christmas Eve? 🤣 All they had to say is she was upstairs asleep. Too bad the Newmans don’t have Miguel anymore so they can pawn the kids off on him like the Abbotts do to Mrs. Martinez. 

Why is Michael discussing Sharon’s case with even Lauren? 

I really cannot stand Clare. 

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Manic Phyllis🕷️ is worse than Beetlejuice. You don’t have to say her name 3 times for her to show up.  Manic Phyllis🕷️how many times did you fly to Portugal or Savannah to spend Christmas with Heather and Lucy. For that matter, how many times Daniel was celebrating Christmas over the years?  

How does Manic Phyllis🕷️ get past the ranches crack security guards to show up at Sharon’s front door? I thought that Sharon’s house is on Victor’s compound. 

That family portrait looks like it was done by the process of paint by numbers than a commissioned artist.  

I’ve been celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah for quite a few years so don’t get me wrong when I say this but I’m a little bummed there is not even a small reference of Hanukkah especially when both holidays are celebrated concurrently this year. 


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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

None of the grandkids except Claire, and no Victoria, Nick, Adam, or Abby

Excuse me, but did you not get the memo? There are no grandkids except for Claire. Claire is light. Claire is love. Claire is the reason for the season. Jordan stole Claire out of the manger, but now all is right with the world.

I feel like a bunch of rich, entitled douchebags smugly giving out horseys and patting themselves on the back for deserving good fortune isn’t the heartwarming holiday content JG thinks it is. The Newmans fucking off and falling flat on their faces would be the greatest Christmas gift of all.

Somebody let a velociraptor loose in Society. I don’t know how Lauren looks at Phyllis’ deranged, narcissistic dumpster fire behavior and thinks she’s a friend worthy of love and concern. Michael still seems quite over it, which is nice.

Nick: “Hey, Phyllis, not the time or place.” What a hero. 

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13 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Manic Phyllis🕷️ is worse than Beetlejuice. You don’t have to say her name 3 times for her to show up.  Manic Phyllis🕷️how many times did you fly to Portugal or Savannah to spend Christmas with Heather and Lucy. For that matter, how many times Daniel was celebrating Christmas over the years?  


Oh my god, Beetlejuice would be such an improvement over Phyllis. In fact it would be wonderful if she found a wrapped gift in her room addressed to her only to open it and find it to be The Handbook for the Recently Deceased. 

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Are we supposed to be totally charmed by Nikki and Victor giving Claire a pony for Christmas as if she is 6? Seriously,what is wring with these writers. Maybe Mommy will give her a training bra.

And why didn't Neanderthal Nick bar Phyllis from even crossing the threshold?

Hey Mikey,did you ever hear of client confidentiality? There are better ways to shut up Phyllis,like stuffing an octopus into her mouth.


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And just think . . . we have not even seen Claire’s and Kyle’s first Christmas together 🤮 and we are all already sick of her. Maybe it was EH’s Christmas bonus that she got to skip out of this drivel. Perhaps she thinks Victoria wringing her hands about late 20-something Claire’s first day working for her mother is as stupid as we do. 

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5 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Are we supposed to be totally charmed by Nikki and Victor giving Claire a pony for Christmas as if she is 6?

Also, how da fluck did Claire pull off being thrilled about it?  What human being, inching towards 30 wants a horsie for Christmas?  Talk about presumption.  That gift comes with a lot of built-in expectations and responsibilities that Victor and Vampirella apparently assume is just fine with the Chosen One.

Too bad Claire didn't respond with a Do-It-Yourself Colonoscopy KIt that Victor and Nikki can do together.

I call foul on Cole's gifts, too.  Show can keep trying to sell Nikki as some Back Bay Matron who got lost in Wisconsin Cheese country but a 1st edition of Elizabeth Barrett Browning?  That book is going to end up in Nikki's bathroom, right next to her all-time favorite, Jokes for the John.

Truthfully, I ff'd almost the whole show yesterday.  It's too close to Christmas for me to listen to Phyllis stutterbarking the same garbage, or watch wide-eyed, mushmouthed Sharon form giant O's with her lips while Nick stands by looking like he's fighting a losing battle with the aftermath of a giant bean burrito.

Today's show better be Newman and Phyllis free.


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23 hours ago, lgprimes said:

Do the writers not know that every sappy scene makes us dislike her more??? I can’t be the only one, right?

You're not the only one, for sure. I dislike how they have de-sorased the character into a virgin teen who is getting her very first job in the family bidness and having her very first 'real' romance.  Will her next birthday be her Sweet Sixteen?  I'm surprised they didn't get her a pony-guess she's too tall for it.  And it's every girl's dream?  Yeah, if you're in the 9 to 16 age group.


19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol, Victor acting magnanimous toward Cole.

Yeah, he's a grownass man and doesn't need your blessing, you old reprobate.  It would have been really funny if Cole had just sat there when Vik summoned him to the throne room for a talk and said, "Nope, I'm good here.".


17 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

How does Manic Phyllis🕷️ get past the ranches crack security guards to show up at Sharon’s front door? 

 the operative word there, Waldo, is 'crack'. 🎵Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Nick: “Hey, Phyllis, not the time or place.” What a hero. 

 As if there is a time and place for any of her behaviour?  Chance should have suggested a restraining order a long time ago.  Oh, wait, he's been MIA for a while.*  Guess he's working hard tracking down the leads on the Real Killer.  What will offend me even more is if the reason for her manic behaviour is going to be attributed to a concussion or brain bleed that she got in the accident, (you know, the one where Sharon ran her off the road) and all is forgiven when Elena or Nate performs emergency surgery and brings back good, loving-her-family Phyllus.  =ha!=

*additions to Christmas Wish List:

  • Bring Chancesome on preferably dressed in a Santa Speedo complete with jingle bells
  • Let the New Old Raunch Christmas tree short out and burn the damn place down
  • Time reverses itself and the Newmans take the money they would have paid for all those many ornaments and put it to good use at a homeless shelter, food bank or soup kitchen
  • Phyllus gets trapped in a very deep snowdrift and isn't found until the spring thaw
  • Boris and Natasha find they are truly in love and run off to Brazil, never to be seen again

To all you Preverts:  Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, a great Kwaanza and may your New Year be happy and healthy!

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

To all you Preverts:  Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, a great Kwaanza and may your New Year be happy and healthy!

Thanks Molls, back atcha babe!

I cannot even muster up one 1/100th of an iota of a fuck to give about anything going on with Show right now. I feel like I'm watching an hour long version of SNL's The Californian's right now because it's all so.over.the.top with every single story line. Oy.

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20 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The Newman living room looked to me like Santa's elves loaded up on PCP-laced vodka and then went berserk in there. What ever happened to understated elegance?

A day or two earlier the Abbott living room looked like Jack loaded up on PCP-laced vodka and then went berserk in there.  What ever happened to understated elegance???

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