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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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On 12/12/2024 at 6:14 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

I think Lauren is beautiful; I hope she DOES NOT go the route Sharon did and freeze her face.  However, girl, altho the color of her dress was gorgeous, it was missing a sleeve.

Well, pretty sure I read Tracey has admitted to nips & tucks, while not divulging exactly what she's had done.  And she also admits to regularly wearing wigs and pieces.  Guess she's kinda like Dolly Parton in that way.  She is 61, so she does look pretty great for her age.  Smiling looks difficult for her tho.  She can barely turn up the corners of her mouth.

Don't understand Lauren's urgent need to bare her left shoulder in winter (or nearly winter).  Anyhoo, was expecting Lauren & Michael to shout "YAY!!!", when The Red Beast screeched that it was end of their friendship.  As if that's a bad thing?

So we're supposed to believe Audra is suddenly turning into a combo of sweetie-pie/goody-goody St. Claire & weepy Chelsea?  Nah, not buying it.  She's hangin' on tight to Nate cuz she ain't got any options left.  And  I'm sure Devon, angry/hostile little creep that he always is, ain't buying it either.

Wow, in the previews, Dead Martin looked flummoxed at the prospect of having to hypnotize Sharon.  Maybe he's wondering if he can fake this & get away with it?  Romancing Traci was cinch, but this may not be so easy to con thru . . . 

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Michael, I’m already in love with you - you don’t have to keep up the charm offensive. I’m lying. Please continue to gleefully and publicly mock Phyllis’ psychotic behavior and not give two blue dilly fucks that she won’t be your friend anymore.

But, um, was Phyllis hitting on Billy at the coffee house, trying to tempt him with her prunes in tube socks when he’s got Sally waiting for him? I simultaneously feel bad for Billy while wondering if this means Phyllis has hit rock bottom. What a world.

Didn’t really care for the nasty little “inside joke” exchange at Lily’s celebratory dinner. Audra knows they don’t like her; no need for that high school behavior.

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1 minute ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Michael, I’m already in love with you - you don’t have to keep up the charm offensive. I’m lying. Please continue to gleefully and publicly mock Phyllis’ psychotic behavior and not give two blue dilly fucks that she won’t be your friend anymore.

But, um, was Phyllis hitting on Billy at the coffee house, trying to tempt him with her prunes in tube socks when he’s got Sally waiting for him? I simultaneously feel bad for Billy while wondering if this means Phyllis has hit rock bottom. What a world.

Didn’t really care for the nasty little “inside joke” exchange at Lily’s celebratory dinner. Audra knows they don’t like her; no need for that high school behavior.

Agree on all. Missed your humor too.

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1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Didn’t really care for the nasty little “inside joke” exchange at Lily’s celebratory dinner. Audra knows they don’t like her; no need for that high school behavior.

Agreed.  Being part of the Winters gang seems more like punishment detail these days.  All that marshmallow talk from Lily about her realizing that working with family was all she really wanted after all, and fulfilling her father's "legacy", whatever the F that means, just shoved her back into the pack of emotionally stunted 40ish year olds in GC who have to live in their families back pockets.

I try to like Devon, I really do, and sometimes I succeed.  But I think he's always going to be that guy at the party, the one married to a friend of yours, who you can never really figure out what the HELL she sees in him, the one you all take turns talking to because nobody really wants to get stuck with the guy for long.

Abby's hair looks great.

Oh yeah, one more thing.  Billy said to Sally that he'd had a tough day.  Doing what, exactly?  Was he polishing his nasal walls?  Raising his forehead?  Opening his own Jaboutique Whinery?  Or does he now consider an all day pity party to be a job?

If he goes for Phyllis over Sally, Show better insert a laugh track.

Edited by boes
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12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So we're supposed to believe Audra is suddenly turning into a combo of sweetie-pie/goody-goody St. Claire & weepy Chelsea?

For a brief moment I thought she might be preggers.  That can bring on unexpected emotional reactions.  Of course, I'm holding out that the long lost brother is going to show up and impregnate her.  (Somewhat like the Dru and Lily's biodad and the cough syrup story.)  No good will come of Damien's arrival.


2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

was Phyllis hitting on Billy at the coffee house,

Yeah, I got the 'I'm a mature woman who can treat ya real good, better than that bobby soxer with the hot cocoa' vibe.  Amazing that Red can switch from the emotional hurt mode (caused by her very best friends) to seductress mode in a matter of seconds.

I was also pissed at Billy going to find her (even if it was at Sally's urging) and then find her chatting it up with Lily as if nothing at all was bothering her. He should have turned around and gone back to Sally, who by that time was probably in the shower. Wake up, Billy.  Red is not a poor little lamb, she's a full-on hyena. 

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1 hour ago, boes said:


Abby's hair looks great.

Oh no, Boes! Not sure I have ever disagreed with you. lol. But I was just about to post how her hair looks as bad as any hair I have ever seen on TV.  Is it a wig? The short style on her is thumbs up. The actual cut/styling - it literally looks like doll hair to me. 

More useless dialogue about animals to fill time. This time it was Abby’s boring story about Devon and the damn shark in Fiji. 

I think I am just getting older and grumpier because both MO and CK have this phony laugh that drives me nuts. And Devon needs a shorter wife. 

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3 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

This time it was Abby’s boring story about Devon and the damn shark in Fiji. 

On another note, why couldn't they have shared that story with Audra and Nate?  You know they are going to be telling it to everyone else, ad infinatum.  Hell, they will probably tell it to Esther.  It could have been an ice-breaker for that 'celebration' dinner.  What a bunch of snobs-if they didn't want Audra there, then one of them should have said so.

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2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Oh no, Boes! Not sure I have ever disagreed with you. lol. But I was just about to post how her hair looks as bad as any hair I have ever seen on TV.  Is it a wig? The short style on her is thumbs up. The actual cut/styling - it literally looks like doll hair to me. 

More useless dialogue about animals to fill time. This time it was Abby’s boring story about Devon and the damn shark in Fiji. 

I think I am just getting older and grumpier because both MO and CK have this phony laugh that drives me nuts. And Devon needs a shorter wife. 

Hey, don't worry about it.  What I do know about hair?  Except I miss having any.

Maybe that shark in Fiji was her stylist?

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4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Is it a wig?

MO posted on her social media that she got her hair cut in response to being put on recurring status by TPTB. She said since she's looking for work she needed to update her look.

4 hours ago, MollyB said:

Red is not a poor little lamb, she's a full-on hyena. 


I was listening to an alternative rock station recently and heard the old Korn song, "Narcissistic Cannibal." I immediately thought of Phyllis. If Billy gets with her again he better have that song on repeat.

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Yeah, Abby's hair bothered me.  Such a severely blunt cut.  Looked like some crazy stylist took an axe & quickly chopped at her length.  And yet, the length really suits her.  It's been noticed before, but worth repeating -- is there some rule for women in GC, that if they don't have long hair, they're banished?  So dumb cuz so many of 'em would look way better with a shorter cut.

I like Nikki's shorter hair, but the other day parts were frozen & pointing straight up, making her look oddly like a troll doll.  Uh, appropriate much?  Also reminded me of Cameron Diaz in Something About Mary.  Does anyone remember what made her hair stand up?  Well, hopefully the same crazy stylist that chopped off Abby's hair with an axe didn't use the same stuff on Nikki that Cameron used to make her hair stand up.

And btw, if Ash is still rocking her Mrs. Brady shag, will we get more '70's retro styles?  Maybe Audra will try new ways to tempt Nate -- and turn up with a Dorothy Hamill wedge cut?  Or would that be more suited to Claire, who desperately needs a hair intervention, as much as a clothing one?

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I can’t picture Audra with short hair. Some women just look better with long. I love the length of MO’s hair but they really need to do something with the style. She seems to have naturally wavy hair judging by the obvious bump in the middle, so maybe play that up a bit instead of keeping it stick straight. Or taper the ends. I’m not a hairdresser (nor do I play one on TV) but it needs…something.

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On 12/10/2024 at 3:52 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

I had to mute Phyllis cuz I just can't take her crazy rants anymore.  She really sounds like a lunatic around Sharon.  Can't Sharon get a restraining order on her & have her arrested if she comes near her again?  I can't take watching these repetitive, annoying rants.  Get something to do with your life, Phyllis!

For the life of me, I can't imagine who these rants are for. It's just ridiculously over the top at this point. Is JG actually writing this shit or is MS reverting back to her old ways? Are we all suffering because of the one-take rule?

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At last we got the scoop on how Jordan and Ian met. It's about time. But OMG, the prison wall CGI was laughably awful.

I noticed several of the female characters using vocal fry today. Wonder what that was all about?

Nick might be right to be wary of Alan. Are psychologists bound by confidentiality rules if they're no longer practicing?

Looks like Ian was working Jordan from the very beginning, starting with how he already knew who she was and exactly where to find her. Hmm, a supermax prison where male and female prisoners are allowed to intermingle.

Is it really that easy to be put under hypnosis? Sharon could've been faking.

A truck crashed head-on into Phyllis' car just so Sharon would be blamed. Seems unduly complicated IMO. And how does it hurt the Newmans if Jordan and Ian caused the accidents?

Billy and Phyllis discussing in a public place a possible joint plan to take down Victor continues to make zero sense to me. Unless Billy is going to bring up the old Marco Annicelli thing, Phyllis has no reason to seek revenge on Victor.

Jordan and Ian still arguing about who's calling the shots and who owes whom the bigger favor. Yawn.

Wait, what? Ian wants Jordan to kill Sharon??!!??!! 😱😱😱😱

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Yes I know it’s a soap opera and there is no resemblance to reality but Ian’s and Auntie Jordan’s revenge tour is becoming more and more an example of pure lunacy.  It’s even beyond Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock Presents.  

So Sharon and Manic Phyllis🕷️were traveling in opposite directions but why was Sharon heading back to GC?  Please tell me why Alan hypnotized Sharon about the accident before what happened with Heather?  

Manic Phyllis🕷️you are a natural born lier and got caught in your lies so many times so why should anyone believe you now?  

I don’t know who’s more painful to watch Billy👃and Manic Phyllis🕷️ or Ian and Auntie Jordan?  Both are pretty despicable.  



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OK, so we finally got some answers to fill in the missing (& massive) swiss-cheese holes in the backstory of Jordie & Ian.  Alrighty then, so they discovered they had something in common -- their hatred for the Newmans for "stealing" their loved ones.  But ya know what I also got from that fuzzy B&W backstory?  And I mean, other than B&W is NO friend to either Colleen or Ray!  The weird & immediate flirtatiousness & obvious sexual attraction btw those 2.

I know, I know, it's pretty icky to think those 2 are in a sexual relationship, as well as partners in some loony revenge scheme against the Newmans.  But Idk, the backstory made it look pretty apparent they are.  And yeah, they are sharing a room & a bed, but THANKFULLY Show hasn't really approached the subject directly -- other than a comment from one of 'em, how they bicker like an old married couple.

Wait, was I hallucinating or was Phyllis actually making sense?  Uh, what the what?  Well, she was right, telling Billy going after Vic is a bad idea -- specifically cuz it could (maybe indirectly) harm their kids.  Also, why should either of those 2 poke the bear, when he's not after either of 'em?  Vic seems to have lost interest in Billy, and Phyllis is totally off his radar.  Ah, but I'm sure we can count on lunatic Phyllis to not follow her own sensible advice -- and loser Billy to continue acting like a loser.  So they'll predictably go after Vic, and with disastrous results -- for them.

Sorry, but Dead Martin putting Sharon under hypnosis in 2 seconds was ridiculous, stupid & silly.  And what's with Dead Martin's floppy hairstyle?  Ringo from 1964 wants it back ASAP, Dead Martin!

So today it's official!  Claire's hair color is now brown, brown, brown.  But will it be Morticia Addams black by next week -- to match the Goth dress?  And just what setting is that get-up appropriate in?  Funeral home?  Mausoleum (er, reboot Newman joint)?  The Addams Family or The Munsters homes?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I know, I know, it's pretty icky to think those 2 are in a sexual relationship, as well as partners in some loony revenge scheme against the Newmans.  But Idk, the backstory made it look pretty apparent they are.  And yeah, they are sharing a room & a bed, but THANKFULLY Show hasn't really approached the subject directly -- other than a comment from one of 'em, how they bicker like an old married couple.

There's a debate going on out in other soap forum world whether Jordan and Ian are sharing a room, or Jordan just always meets Ian in his room. This cheap show probably wouldn't want to have to use two NoTell Motel sets at the same time. But ugh, stop focusing on the ONE bed, Show. #brainbleachstat

10 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Actually, it was an all-female super max prison, Ian was there as an ordained minister working the inmates.

I love getting an "Actually" on an iffy comment. It feels like FML. 😏

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Sometimes I feel like I’m watching Phyllis fanfic. Poor Phyllis! No one ever believes her because she’s a pathological liar who faked her own death. Why does this keep happening to her? It’s just one of life’s little mysteries that acting like a hateful trash bag somehow makes people loathe to trust you. So close to enlightenment, yet so far.

Then, suddenly, Phyllis has wisdom. Yes, Phyllis pontificates on the follies of revenge to Billy and somehow is not blitzed with ball lightning. You know she’ll be back cawing and flapping her wings in Sharon’s face in no time flat, so spare us her anti-vengeance soliloquy.

Goodness, what a romantical and charming trip down memory lane with Jordan and Ian. Lovely to see how those two crazy kids got together. 

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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

supermax prison where male and female prisoners are allowed to intermingle.

And there would have been a CO present for her visits with him.  Some maximum security prison this is.

I also like how the other inmates shun Jordan.  If they don't interact, then they won't notice when she's been replaced.  Nice try, JG, but it doesn't fly.

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2 hours ago, Bunnyto4 said:

Why does show insist on dressing Claire like a teenage schoolgirl when she's headed to begin what promises to be a dazzling career working for grandma Nikki. 🙄Running a brush through her hair (which looked as though it needed a wash) might have helped too. 

And why are they making Claire act like a rube to the business world not knowing how to dress or work in an office FFS??!  I remember her being interviewed at Society to be Nikki’s right hand or personal assistant or something.  


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7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

There's a debate going on out in other soap forum world whether Jordan and Ian are sharing a room, or Jordan just always meets Ian in his room.

I've noticed that when one was out of the room and returned, the pillow on the left was up against the headboard like the stay-in-roomer had been sitting on the bed watching TV or reading.  When the other was out of the room, the pillow on the right was up against the headboard. Most people pick a side and stick with it.

Claire's mini-jumper for work looked like my niece's gym clothes over a 1970's Wild-'n-Crazy-Guys' polyester sateen shirt.

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On 12/15/2024 at 2:25 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

like Nikki's shorter hair, but the other day parts were frozen & pointing straight up, making her look oddly like a troll doll.


I'm done watching, have removed this show from my series auto record.

Kyle, wah, wah, wah. bring back Audra as the business executive she excels at, don't like this iteration.

If bitchy Dianne emerges, please let me know, she's all I can stand,

I'm leaving the show; but I'm staying on the boards for the ultimate hilarious recaps.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Natey Nate Nate I’ve got a great idea. GO TO WORK!  Everyday can’t be Saturday in GC.  Hey Natey Nate Nate, your nipples are showing. 

What is Billy👃 smoking?  Getting the best of Victor is absolutely delusional.  Billy👃and Manic Phyllis🕷️are kindred spirits because they both have a persecution complex.  Isn’t Billy👃a little old to have temper tantrums. What an ass hole. 

They finally got Claire/Eve’s hair and makeup correct but they still have to work on the clothes she’s wearing.  Maybe Claire/Eve should raid Faith’s or Summer❄️X7’s closet. 


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Okay, Ian, "Newmans took your daughter"....CASSIE, who is NOT your daughter and do I not remember that you attempted to MARRY her at one point ??

Been watching this shite too long and my feeble brain has rotted....

In the order of which I do not give a fuck....

Cleve's job/clothes/love life

Kyle's angst

Jack & Diane [song or relationship]

Billy's revenge

Pterodactyl Phyllis

Sharon's murder issues

Dead Martin & his brother [I forgot his name....]

Dead Heather and her whole fam damly

Nate's search for waste-of-space-brother.

Audra's job search

Dumb Chance ♥️♥️and Dumber Summer

Nikki and the Vampire

The whole puppy puddle of the Newman spawn and grandspawn

The Nu Raunch

Ian and Jordan

The Newlyweds

Guess that leaves just Dominic and Mrs Martinez....we will be having cookies in the invisible kitchen...




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Ehh, Claire should not be dressing according to Nikki's standards. Can't she get Summer to help her? Or Tessa and Mariah? Whatever, I think she looks  like she's a clerk in a boutique in the mall, not the executive assistant of the CEO of an international conglomerate.

It must've been chilly in Nate's condo. His nipples were on high alert today, lol.

Victor loyalty tests Claire, Kyle loyalty tests Diane, and today Billy said he did a loyalty test on Jack. You get a loyalty test! You get a loyalty test! #thanksoprah!

Kyle. Now you're complaining about Diane not moving out of her Jabot co-CEO office fast enough? This. Effing. Spoiled. Brat!

Wow, Audra was still giddy when she sat down with Sally at Crimson Lights. Guess Nate definitely put in that work last night. 😈

IMO Kyle needs help, as in therapy. Now he sees every little thing Diane says or does as meant to hurt him or Jack. He's relentless.

Billy had the nerve to declare he doesn't trust Jack because Jack won't fund his revenge scheme against Victor. Maybe Billy and Kyle should form a support group for Abbott man-babies.

Right there with ya, Diane. Sometimes you just want punch Kyle in the throat and I completely understand.

Audra crying is not such a big deal to me. Didn't she cry when she told Noah she'd miscarried their baby?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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13 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I dunno. I think they’re walking back the dead Martin angle. At least I hope they are. I never liked the idea in the first place, especially since Traci would be the one to get hurt most.

They seem to have put the Dead Martin storyline on hold.  Why?  Cuz Traci seems to have disappeared entirely, and Eileen better start complaining to JG cuz they're giving her absolutely nothin' to do.  I suspect when they feel like revving up Ash & Traci, the Dead Martin angle will come roaring back . . . unfortunately.

Um, since when are sky-high shiny boots appropriate in a corporate office setting?  Claire's outfit had way too much goin' on, but then again, she's being guided by Nikki, whose taste can be tacky as heck so . . .

OK, trying to make sense of Billy's "proposal" to Jackie, but it's not possible cuz it's just so dopey.  Uh, Jackie, give me the zillions I need to buy Chancellor, even tho it's not for sale & not likely to be for sale, and if you don't do that, then I'll never speak to you again & I'll extricate myself from the Abbott family forever.  Oh yeah, swell plan there, Billy.

So let's see now, while Audra is supposedly looking for a job (which may prove challenging for her, to find someone/anyone who doesn't make a stank-face when they see her), Billy OTOH turns down Jackie's offer to find him some position at Jabot.  And to do what?  Seek revenge on Vic?  Hmmm, is that a full-time job, part-time or temp?  Benefits included?

Ugh, Billy is certainly solidifying his status as LOSER.  Maybe that's why Sally's interest has piqued?  Sheesh, she has the worst taste in men.

Oh Kyle, I think I'd rather watch you style your hair than go thru another whining rant on Diane.  The prospect of both are pretty nauseating, but your Diane rants are so tiresome, predictable & repetitive, they now go on mute for me.  And btw, STFU & go get therapy.

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Kyle could even use therapy from Sharon when she’s totally blitzed on PCP. Poor Little Lord Fuckleroy, his executive suite has not been vacated quickly enough by the usurper. Did the King of Jabot not bestow the title of co-CEO upon his failson with a royal decree? Go stick your stupid head in a chamber pot, Kyle.

The court jester, meanwhile, jauntily japes at Jack while manspreading his Jiminy Cricket legs and demanding the treasure secured in the royal vault so he can buy himself a Flonase the size of a Chinook helicopter to ease his winter sniffles. That scamp.

Hey, did you guys know Claire is super neat and totally modest and just wants to impress her new family with her pure intentions and moxie? I feel we don’t hear about that enough.

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Btw, why is Show so darn cheap in the portrayal of Chancellor?  There's that one teeny-weeny office which went from Lils to Billy & now Nikki.  Are both Nikki & Claire gonna be squished in there?  And why is Esther the only other employee ever seen?  Can't they ever throw in some extras to make it look less like a ghost company with no employees?

Anyone notice Billy was still calling it Abbott-Chancellor?  Deluded much?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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22 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, so we finally got some answers to fill in the missing (& massive) swiss-cheese holes in the backstory of Jordie & Ian.  Alrighty then, so they discovered they had something in common -- their hatred for the Newmans for "stealing" their loved ones.

If they hate the Newmans so much why can't they direct their revenge to the worst on of the lot. You know poor orphan boy that ended up with German accent who has no problem throwing his children in prison if they don't do exactly what he wants or wants revenge on a man who tried stopping his wife from drinking herself to death.

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Wow today’s show was a new level of sleep-inducing. Poor little Claire needing Grandma to hold her hand in the way to work. Get a grip.

 And freaking Kyle (Little Lord Fuckleroy! Love it!), make up my mind already whether or not you are going to trust your mother. Just pick a lane please.

 Speaking of Diane, she’s been a quick study of the lip quaver and hitch in the voice emotion signaling of her husband.

 Billy is going to get the best of Victor… yup, that’s a storyline who’s ending is really hard to predict.

Two seconds of interest: wondering if Audra’s emotions are wonky because she’s pregnant.

 Otherwise, damn that was a boring boring episode.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Audra crying is not such a big deal to me. Didn't she cry when she told Noah she'd miscarried their baby?

I don't buy her not crying at other times, either.  She must have burst into uncontrollable sobbing after having whateverthehell she was doing with Kyle.  He should put more clothes ON when he gets in bed, not take anything off.

Speaking of Kyle, Diane must be seeing the wisdom of either having at least two children, or none at all, by now.

Let me see if I've got this right....... so Billy Le Rump Muffin goes into some sustained rant, using Jack as a human handkerchief to catch all his exploding bile, telling Jack that he's cut off, barred from the biscuit, denied sinus entry, that he's no longer allowed to sled on the slippery slope of Billy's rocky ski run of a soul and that's supposed to somehow make Jack unhappy??

Jack just got his Get out of Jail Free card!  

Bill is just as wise as he is sexay.  

If you're in need of imagining something both mentally grueling and also soul-killingly dull, imagine spending an entire work day with just Nikki, Claire and Esther.

I believe that's forbidden by the Geneva Convention.

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9 hours ago, lgprimes said:

wondering if Audra’s emotions are wonky because she’s pregnant.

Yeah, that was my thought for a minute too. But it's such an old school soap trope I convinced myself there was no way. For both Audra and Nate's sake, I hope she's not knocked up because IMO those two don't need to be tied to each for the rest of their lives.

11 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Audra is supposedly looking for a job (which may prove challenging for her, to find someone/anyone who doesn't make a stank-face when they see her),

I dunno, I don't think many people really pay much attention to Audra, including going so far as to make faces when they see her. Lily and Devon tend to have resting b!tch faces anyway. And the Abbotts, Newmans, Phyllis, etc. all need somebody to look down on. Audra's lack of a GC familial connection = easy target IMO.

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14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Guess Nate definitely put in that work last night

Would that explain the nipples?


13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

 and if you don't do that, then I'll never speak to you again & I'll extricate myself from the Abbott family forever. 

Jack: Oh, please don't throw me in the briar patch!


11 hours ago, lgprimes said:

Two seconds of interest: wondering if Audra’s emotions are wonky because she’s pregnant.

That's what I have been thinking.  When Sally got that look on her face of 'oh, I know what's going on' I thought for sure she was going to say "yeah, that's what happened to me when I got pregnant."  Instead she called her out on being able to fake tears.  Guess I'll have to wait for the 'long lost brother gets Nate's girlfriend preggers' edition.

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1 minute ago, MollyB said:

wo seconds of interest: wondering if Audra’s emotions are wonky because she’s pregnant

Now that is interesting.

Bring back Tucker for Christmas.  I might be enticed back to the show.

Help me out, please:  who was Audra banging, or we going to play WTD?

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23 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

She had deserted Noah before showing up in GC, and ones that come to my mind since she arrived in town are Kyle, Tucker McCall and now, Nate - did I miss anyone?

No, I think you got everyone.  That list reminds me, though, how did she miss getting with Nick?  He's never more than a scene or two between women.

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Victoria is such a helicopter parent. Even if Claire had been terrible at her first day back at work, it wasn't as if she'd get fired. Calm down, Vikki.

Esther's hair. Yikes. Her having 47 jobs seems to be taking its toll. 😼

Here we go. Traci's gonna do her Mother Hen thing on Jack. Again.

It's amazing how the special Abbott family Christmas ornament has lasted so long. Jack must keep in it a vault to protect it.

Claire being schmoopy with Kyle made me want to throw stuff at the TV.

Diane having a gigantic dessert latte at night will be helpful if she's planning to keep fighting with Kyle when she gets home. She likely won't be sleepy.

Diane taking life advice from Esther of all people.  #whoa

But Jack, you always knew Dina was alive and residing elsewhere after she abandoned you and your sisters. Kyle thought Diane was dead. Not quite the same.

The staff at Society must've been biting their tongues not to tell Claire and Kyle to pay up and get out. Closing time, you two lovebirds. Look into it.

Holey moley, the Abbott manse looked like Santa's elves took some PCP and had an all-night rave in it.

Sentimental Dina flashbacks. Okay. Yet no mention of John Abbott. 😐

Jack may have accidentally c-blocked Kyle, lol. I think Claire was planning to have a sleepover with her newly official boyfriend until she saw what a mood Jack was in.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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