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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Yup, dumb choice for Daniel to let Chance search -- and remember, that was at mommy's urging.  Swell advice, Phyllis.

Ugh, Phyllis pleading for her job was cringey.  And what was worse?  That Billy is such an incompetent wimp, he couldn't just say to her that she's fired & to get her things & GTFO!  Yeah, her suggestion of going to Jill would go real well for her, right?  But it might make for a fun scene . . .

Mmmm, OK, Audra is back with her deluded & over-inflated confidence.  Jackie was right to swat her away, but his piece of advice to her was dead on.  If she goes against Vic it ain't gonna end well for her.

Is this a GC trend -- to forget who owns the company you work for?  Phyllis, Lils, Audra . . . & now Adam too?  What the heck with this?

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

A warrant is not required if Daniel gave Chance permission to search his apartment. 

is basically the same with the TSA when you go through security at the airport.  You are giving them permission to screen your checked or carry in bags. 

But this is Genoa City.  Normal rules done apply.  GC goes by the Marquess of Cheesebury rules.

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A minor point, but I hate what appears to the recon of Lucy's short life. Now, she apparently has NEVER had friends?! When she moved to GC permanently, I swear there was talk of her hanging out with other girls and even some talk about her being friends with a boy who she thought would ask her to prom? And we didn't hear anything about her being a loner while in Savannah or Portugal. 

But all of that fell to wayside when Faith came home for the summer.* Now she's a creeper who was chasing Faith. and Heather was always her only and best friend. 

Look, she could consider Heather her best friend. But I guess it's supposed to be a sadder tale now because she was her only friend. Stop making stuff up, YR. 

*I'm not able to watch everyday. Has it been explained why Faith hasn't gone back to school? 

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@Surfgirl .... Both Mikey and Cole were complicit in covering up "The Great Brussel Sprout Caper" to keep TGVN's azz out of prison [WHY???]. Their involvement keeps them walking a fine line around He Who Sleeps In A Crypt.

On a lighter note ... Wasn't the poaching of "Odessy 7" supposed to be the downfall of Billy's reign at A-C ?? Where's the fallout ??  When is the Launch Party ?? Sorry, but just thinking "Odessy 7" has me muttering "liftoff" !!

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Wow!  My head almost snapped with the escalation of the fight Diane and Jack had IN THE GCA {OR WHEREVER}. Everyone {accept the great Victor Newman stood open mouthed.  He had a big smirk.  But since their budget is so tight I guess there wasn't room in the budget for Jack and Diane so they had to settle things where everyone could see it.  Geesh, they live together, couldn't they wait to get home before the insults starting to fly. 

Welcome back, bitch.  And if they bring TSJ I wouldn't mind. 

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Maybe Jabot didn't pay its utility bills since the co-CEOs have to keep working from a small table in the middle of Crimson Lights. Sure.

Kyle's arrogance was practically oozing out of the screen. Ick.

Claire gossiping about her employer and troubles in his family. Ehhh. She may have wanted advice but Victoria and Cole perhaps weren't the best sources since they both have history with said family.

Real talk from Diane to Jack about Kyle. IMO she's right, it seems like Jack wants to sit around with his thumb up his bum instead of dealing with Kyle as a threat.

Ruh roh. Now Phyllis knows Sharon is out here spreading tales about Heather and Daniel's relationship. Mt. Red is gonna erupt, baby!

Hey Kyle, if you're such a bad@$$, why don't you do your parents a favor and move out of their house? FOH you spoiled brat.

When they were outside in the park, Summer was shivering and tightening her coat around her. Meanwhile, Phyllis was strutting around bare-armed in a thin dress with half her boobs hanging out. Was Phyllis having hot flashes, lol?

Ditto comments upthread: why do Jack and Diane keep airing out their dirty laundry in public? Victor was nearly orgasmic, standing there watching them verbally stab each other.

Man, Summer looked hella pissed when Chance told her how much evidence has stacked up against Daniel. I bet Chance is going to regret running his mouth to her about it.

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Every police report I've ever read mentions two officers (at least) on the scene

Lenny Briscoe and Ed Greene not only solved the mystery but Ed was not bad on the eyes, either.


30 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Real talk from Diane to Jack about Kyle. IMO she's right, it seems like Jack wants to sit around with his thumb up his bum instead of dealing with Kyle as a threat.



33 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hey Kyle, if you're such a bad@$$, why don't you do your parents a favor and move out of their house? FOH you spoiled brat.

Jack has ALWAYS seemed like a wuss to me.

34 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:



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55 minutes ago, MollyB said:

As to the unwarranted search-Daniel did give permission

Yes he did but I think the problem is that he shouldn't have. Assuming you have nothing to hide is a dangerous trap to walk yourself into. Daniel should've refused any searches absent a warrant because Chance was on a blind fishing expedition, using Daniel's fraught emotions as bait.

3 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Wasn't the poaching of "Odessy 7" supposed to be the downfall of Billy's reign at A-C ?? Where's the fallout ??  When is the Launch Party ?? Sorry, but just thinking "Odessy 7" has me muttering "liftoff" !!

Hee! There's probably plenty of people who'd love to see Billy blast off into outer space and never come back.

23 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Now, when Daniel gets  arrested his lawyer can cite unwarranted search rule.

For sure Daniel's lawyer will try to get the phone tossed out as evidence; probably the bloody towels too. Chance had no reason to assume the phone he heard ringing in the cabinet belonged to Heather. And the only reason he found the towels is because he was rooting around for the phone. At Law & Order night school, they'd likely call this a "fruit from a poisonous tree" situation.

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2 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Chancsome, you dumb bunny shut your pie hole.  Not  smart too tell Dummer, DANIELS SISTER {and daughter of meddling Bluethooth } anything about the case.

Amen.  I worked in the jurisdiction I was serving and if a file/case came to my desk and I knew the accused, well, I had to declare a conflict of interest.  I couldn't even touch the file. Another example, they don't let jurors talk about a case until after the verdict.  No one involved in the case should be sharing anything with non-law enforcement.  I'm also gonna call 'conflict of interest' on this whole investigation.  Chance is too close to the players and boy, howdy, what fun when Sharon becomes a suspect.

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58 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:


Chancsome, you dumb bunny shut your pie hole.  Not  smart too tell Dummer, DANIELS SISTER {and daughter of meddling Bluethooth } anything about the case. And he was involved with Special Forces a couple of years ago? sheesh, no wonder we are so fucked up.

He is like a hot Barney Fife. 

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Yeah, sure, Phyllis is right on the nose to suspect Sharon's involvement, but will anyone listen to her?  No matter how much & how loud Phyllis squawks?  Me doubts it.  Nah, given Chance's dumb-dumb acts so far, I bet Sharon will NOT be a suspect at all, but a star witness against Daniel at his trial.  

And what if the towels & Heather's phone are thrown out at trial & the case against Daniel will TOTALLY hinge on Sharon's phony testimony?  Will Ghost Cam be there with loopy Sharon while she's tearfully testifying (and lying thru her teeth)?  Hmmm.

Oh Jackie, your confrontations with Vic don't accomplish much (or anything), do they?  So are the fights btw Jack & Diane a set-up?  But wait, haven't they been fighting in public when there isn't any audience -- or at least one they'd wanna play to?  Color me confused, but this fighting in public is so out of character for both of them, I'm leaning toward set-up . . .

Vic smiling & smirking over others' pain?  Just another day in the life of Vic.  Was Vicky making excuses for his awfulness?  Or she acknowledges it & overlooks it or just doesn't think about it cuz he "loves his family"?  How very Carmela Soprano of you, Vicky!  Finally dawning on Ms. Goody-Goody her auntie wasn't completely wrong?  Ya think?

Ugh, I was shivering looking at Phyllis in that ridiculous backless/frontless boobie dress.  Oh Y&R stylists, HELLOOO, it's October in the Midwest & NOBODY (not even Phyllis) can wear a dress like that outside at night now!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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4 hours ago, MollyB said:

what fun when Sharon becomes a suspect.

How in the world is she not already???!

 Didn’t the same question of “how did that phone and the bloody towels get in here?” occur between the same two people who discussed “well Sharon said when she came over that night…” 

Chance is lucky he’s so pretty. 

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Too bad Chance has the memory of a gnat, or he'd remember that he broke every cop confidence possible when Summer's mother faked her death, so it's no surprise that he's doing the same thing again with her, now that it's her brother in trouble.

Again, that is why it's imperative he do all his policing in a speedo.  Otherwise, how will the children of Genoa City learn to respect law enforcement?  They certainly won't learn that respect from observing him do his job.

A speedo uniform.

  It's for the children, dammit!

Edited by boes
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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Color me confused, but this fighting in public is so out of character for both of them, I'm leaning toward set-up . .

Yeah, me, too.  Especially at the end when we see Kyle looking all hurt and sad, as if he didn't realize til then how much his parent's loved him and how bad he hurt them.  Claires new love interest has to have some redeeming qualities, I quess.


8 hours ago, lgprimes said:

Chance is lucky he’s so pretty. 

And that there are apparently no other cops in GC.  Does he even write police reports?  Where does he keep that bag of evidence?  In his car?

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9 hours ago, boes said:

Too bad Chance has the memory of a gnat, or he'd remember that he broke every cop confidence possible when Summer's mother faked her death, so it's no surprise that he's doing the same thing again with her, now that it's her brother in trouble.

Again, that is why it's imperative he do all his policing in a speedo.  Otherwise, how will the children of Genoa City learn how to respect law enforcement?  They certainly won't learn that respect from observing him do his job.

A speedo uniform.

  It's for the children, dammit!

9 hours ago, boes said:

Too bad Chance has the memory of a gnat, or he'd remember that he broke every cop confidence possible when Summer's mother faked her death, so it's no surprise that he's doing the same thing again with her, now that it's her brother in trouble.

Again, that is why it's imperative he do all his policing in a speedo.  Otherwise, how will the children of Genoa City learn how to respect law enforcement?  They certainly won't learn that respect from observing him do his job.

A speedo uniform.

  It's for the children, dammit!

I just got up...thank for you  me starting me off  and making me snort my tea.

We can close internet now beats this. Thanks for the visual.

1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Claires new love interest has to have some redeeming qualities, I quess.


Nope, I think she has an agenda. Can't figure it out, but that's the vine I have been getting.

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3 hours ago, MollyB said:

there are apparently no other cops in GC.  

It was very odd to have Chance as the sole cop searching for evidence in his girlfriend's brother's apartment. Usually there are at least 2 or 3, with one to stay out of the way with the occupant(s) and another to observe that collection of evidence is done properly.

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15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sharon's phony testimony?

I don't the jurors would know what she was saying because she can barely talk.

It was interesting to see MS and SC back when they had real, non=surgical faces.  MS's tics were not as horrendous as they are now, but she had NO IDEA about personal space even back then. The hair colors and makeup were interesting

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Phyllis was still determined not to cover her arms when everyone else in the scene was wearing a jacket.

Phyllis and Sharon's chocolate fountain fight. It was cute at the time I guess. But maybe they should've shoved Nick into the fountain since his cheating was the actual problem.

So did Summer eventually take her coat off to keep Phyllis from looking like an overheated nutbag? 😼

Lucy said today that she's 16. Huh. At the rate she's going, she'll be 21 this time next year.

The dead octopus in the honeymoon bed wasn't funny to me, it was gross. And what did it truly accomplish except make extra work for the resort's housekeeping staff?

(And note how Grandma Pee Pee didn't mention how she'd already tried to run Christine and Paul over with a car.)

Lucy didn't find out until today that Danny isn't biologically related to her. Wow.

Sigh, I thought Phyllis & Jack were the best couple back in the day. IMO the only better match was Dru & Neil. Sorry not sorry, Shick or Niktor fans. 😉

Ehh, why was Summer acting brand new? She was well old enough to remember the year or so Jack thought he was her father instead of Nick, due to more DNA test shenanigans. Jack even gave Summer a condo.

Finally a mention of Michael Baldwin, but nothing about Phyllis' sister Avery. Oh well.

The main thing I got from today's stroll through Phyllis' selected memories is how her family hasn't told Lucy much of anything about her. And apparently Lucy is incapable of pulling up the Phyllis Summers Wikipedia page.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Seeing Phyllis🕷️ pushed into the chocolate fountain made my week. 

Wash rinse repeat. Wasn’t it a few weeks ago Sharon was telling Faith all about past history?  Now Phillis🕷️ is doing the same for Lucy. The difference is that Lucy is a very impressionable young girl and she thinks that her grandmother is very cool for the things she has done.  I bet Lucy thinks having two lovers at the same time is also cool. 

Phillis🕷️ has changed?  That’s news to me!  

Wait a minute.  Phillis🕷️couldn’t have a baby with Jack but she could have a baby with Nick. What changed?  


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On 10/17/2024 at 2:04 PM, pvandal said:

I'm hoping that this public Jack & Diane fight is for Victor & Kyle's benefit. Get them all comfortable with their "winning" and then pull the rug out from under them and finally beat that jackass. I know it's not going to happen but I can dream.

Not to shit on your parade but do we really think JG is capable of writing a surprise story line like this? I don't think so, though I also wish we learned they were pretending.

Edited by surfgirl
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Well wasn't that a trippy trip down memory lane?  Phyllis did her best to make it as kid-friendly as possible, I guess, by omitting her hit and run where she almost killed Grampa Tightpockets Paul, the fire that killed Sasha and Phyllis and Kevin rolling dead Dr. Tim up in a rug, along with endless loudmouthed harangues.  

She also skipped over her childhood as the rich and privileged Aryan from Darien daughter of George Summers, the Bernie Madoff wannabe, and mother Lydia-oh-Lydia-the-tattooed-Lady, 

Lydia, oh! Lydia, say have you met Lydia
Oh! Lydia, the tattooed lady
She has eyes that folks adore so
And a torso even more so
Lydia, oh! Lydia, that "Encyclopedia"
Oh! Lydia, the Queen of tattoo
On her back is the Battle of Waterloo
Beside it the Wreck of the Hesperus too
And proudly above the waves
The Red, White and Blue
You can learn a lot from Lydia

who we can only assume is still sitting in her Darien home waiting for Phyllis to show back up. George did spend his last months in Genoa City, when Phyllis's sister, Easy Bake Avery was in town, until he finally died while Phyllis was yelling at him.

I agree with Joimiaroxeu that Jack and Phyllis were good together, one of the show's best pairings.  Hard to believe she and Sharon fought over who got to have Nick, though I'd more easily believe a fight over which one had to be get stuck with him.

I did love the flashbacks, especially because it showed us how rich, varied and beautiful the set decorations used to be.

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Idk, can't say I was thrilled by the vibe in the Phyllis lovefest -- which was highlighted by Summer & Daniel giving aw-she-ain't-so-awful looks.  Or were those approving looks, that her always despicable behavior is adorable?  Blech.  Kinda reminded me of just yesterday, when Vicky was justifying Vic's evil warlord shtick as being tolerable -- or maybe adorable to her too?  Ew, what is with this bunch?

Wait, thought I caught a very guilt-ridden look on Lucy-fer's mug when Phyllis suggested Sharon could be the cause of Heather's death.  Hmmm, interesting that Phyllis actually got the story right.

Must admit, it was kinda fun to see the various hairstyles on Phyllis back then.  Did extensions not exist back then -- or she didn't need them -- or there were better hairstylists then?

Sorta forgot that Mikey & Phyllis had a Will & Grace vibe.  Do they even speak now -- or did he replace her with Diane, as his new Grace?  Oh yeah, he mentioned Lauren in the flashback, but when's the last time we saw her?  Feels like it's been 6 months since we've seen her in one of her one-shoulder cave-lady get-ups.  Time off for a full-on plastic surgery tune-up?


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11 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


Wait a minute.  Phillis🕷️couldn’t have a baby with Jack but she could have a baby with Nick. What changed?  


Summer was thought to be like a miracle baby because she had been through fertility treatments with Jack. 

I don’t think it is just the passage of time but MS looked so much better back then. I think the long hair drags her face down. I think it looks better with some volume, too. I remember her years ago having like a curly/wavy bob and she looked amazing in a green dress with her red hair. I think if she did that it would not only make her look better but perk her nasty character traits up some, too. They have made her into sort of a caricature and her acting tics don’t help that. 

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Color me disgusted with the Let's-talk-about-gramma Fest.  I haven't seen this much whitewash since Mark Twain died.  I was disgusted by Dummer and Danyell's obvious delight in Mom's escapades- such an amusing outlier, that one.  They sat there beaming at her stories instead of going "whoa, Mom, not that story!"  I'm disgusted with Lucy-fer for not being disgusted with Grammy's criminal exploits and buying in to all her excuses for her behaviour.  Grammy just loved (insert person she is stalking) so much, her actions are justified.  I'm disgusted that no one mentioned that Grammy also killed a person and dumped them in the river.  Wonder if that will come up when Phylth is trying to prove Sharon is guilty.  And Lucy is old enough to know about how Phylth let her kids think she was dead, which must have come up in some conversation after she and Hairther moved to GC.  Lucy needs to take all this new info and have it fact-checked.

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16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Wait a minute.  Phillis🕷️couldn’t have a baby with Jack but she could have a baby with Nick. What changed?  

Jack's only living child (Kyle) grew from sperm harvested and stored in a medical facility and stolen by Diane, but those presumably delivered in the natural way to Phyllis & Nikki resulted in miscarriages. Perhaps Aunt Jack's anxiety provided a less-than-ideal environment for thriving.

Does Lucy have no memory of bioMom Daisy and Grandma Shelia? Will Phylly fill her in on what happened to them?

Edited by Denize
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Re Jack's possible fertility issues, presumably he didn't have any trouble conceiving his first son Keemo back when he was stationed in Viet Nam. Maybe Jack got exposed to something in VN which eventually affected his reproduction system but wasn't detectable by medical procedures.

Since Diane was the only one of Jack's potential baby mamas who conceived via artificial insemination, maybe the issue is that Jack's boys struggle to make the swim. The one which manages to reach the target is so weakened and beat up that the woman's uterus decides to hit the eject button.  (I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. 😏)

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7 hours ago, MollyB said:

Color me disgusted with the Let's-talk-about-gramma Fest.  I haven't seen this much whitewash since Mark Twain died.  I was disgusted by Dummer and Danyell's obvious delight in Mom's escapades- such an amusing outlier, that one.  They sat there beaming at her stories instead of going "whoa, Mom, not that story!"  I'm disgusted with Lucy-fer for not being disgusted with Grammy's criminal exploits and buying in to all her excuses for her behaviour.  Grammy just loved (insert person she is stalking) so much, her actions are justified.  I'm disgusted that no one mentioned that Grammy also killed a person and dumped them in the river.  Wonder if that will come up when Phylth is trying to prove Sharon is guilty.  And Lucy is old enough to know about how Phylth let her kids think she was dead, which must have come up in some conversation after she and Hairther moved to GC.  Lucy needs to take all this new info and have it fact-checked.

yes - framed as wacky hijinks instead of sociopathic behavior. 

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8 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Paging Dr. KILJOI! Paging Dr. KILJOI!

@surfgirl I wish this site would let us give multiple tags to a post. This cracked me up so hard because I watched that show back when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth. Lawd help me, tee hee.

13 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

framed as wacky hijinks instead of sociopathic behavior. 

Right? I know they only had about 40 minutes of air time but it's telling how much of Phyllis' truly sick behavior was left out. Who are TPTB trying to convince that she's just a sexy granny who has a history of doing zany, harmless stuff? Feh.

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:
14 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Paging Dr. KILJOI! Paging Dr. KILJOI!

@surfgirl I wish this site would let us give multiple tags to a post. This cracked me up so hard because I watched that show back when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth. Lawd help me, tee hee.

Good, because that is exactly what I was channeling when I posted that!

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Natey Nate Nate just had to be his smug self and piss on Victor.  It’s non of his fucking business. 


Sally and Billy 👃 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮+ the Hersey Squirts.  Sally’s and Billy👃 drunken hook up and Adam’s and Chelsea’s  drunken hook up comes from a place of commiserating with a feeling of despaired.  The problem is Adam lying to Sally and Billy👃’s hatred of Adam.  One other thing is Sally’s past with Wyatt and that he betrayed her with Flo in LA. 


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If Victor is planning the entire wedding, why did Abby and Devon say they'd been sampling wedding cakes?

FFS, Billy needs to tell Jill the whole Abbott-Chancellor story, including how Lily was in cahoots with Victor to snatch Chancellor in order to boot out Billy. Jill only knows the version where Lily casts herself as Billy and Victor's victim.

Whatever, Victor. I think the main reason you prefer Chelsea over Sally is because Chelsea is the mother of a Newman heir and Sally isn't. I'm glad Adam saw through your usual "family first" crap.

Oh Nikki, stop. You're busted. Lily is not trying to hear more of your self-serving apologies. Not if she has an IQ above room temperature anyway.

Sally's shiny blowout today. Beautiful.

Come on, Abby is a grown-@$$ woman who's already been married several times. Her being willing to put up with Victor's secret wedding plan nonsense is absurd.

I appreciated the delineation Lily made between pride and self-respect when she was smacking back Nikki. Nikki is one person who likely doesn't understand the difference, thanks to her husband's longtime treatment of her.

Hey Nikki and Victor, you two are deluding yourselves. Billy doesn't seem to be falling apart to me, at least not as far as running A-C is concerned. He mainly has too many folks openly wishing for his downfall.

Cash money on the table, I bet this Amy Lewis who keeps contacting Nate needs a kidney, a piece of his liver, or some bone marrow. Also, today Nate mentioned she was in Chicago but last week he said he went to L.A. to see her. Consistency error?

Sigh, I really don't want Sally and Billy to have a whiskey-infused hookup. Let there be no hungover excuses or regrets, just 100% pure desire. Maybe they'll pull back before things get too far.

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Ummm, pssst! You'se guys, whatever happened to Aunt Mamie? They keep talkin bout the family biz but didn't she own a majority share last time.ahe rode.into.town on her broomstick? Did she sell her shares to Darvon or Natey? And wasn't Dr. Whatshername coming back?

Edited by surfgirl
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Don't ya just love, love, love the deluded over-confidence of so many of the GC ladies?  Well, nah, not so much.

There's Lils, who seems so sure Jill is gonna come back & install her as CEO of Chancellor & toss Billy out on his caboose.  Not so fast, Lils -- Jill ain't so predictable!

There's Nikki, who's oh-so-confident Vic is gonna give her Chancellor that she's giving out corner offices, high salaries, expense accounts & jets.  Uh, WTF with this, Nikki?  A-C doesn't seem to be flailing & ain't up for sale, so you're in dreamland, hun.

Ah, and then there's Phyllis, who thinks Billy hasn't fired her & she'll be able to convince Jill to stay hired at A-C.  Oh yeah, good luck with those delusions, Phyllis!  But bring the Phyllis/Jill showdown on . . .

Oh yeah, and what about deluded, way over-confident Audra?  She thinks she can take on Vic.  I'd like to see how that turns out.  Prediction?  Not so good for her!

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6 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Last I heard Dr. Whatshername was moving to "Beyond The Gates" after a brief visit to GC. To, in my fevered dream, live in the same neighborhood with Sheemar Moore....swoooon....

Has it been confirmed Brytni Sarpy (Elena) is moving to the new soap? I've seen some fans hoping she does since she's been oddly underused on Y&R, but I thought her status was still speculation. Frankly I figured Sean Dominic (Nate) would be moving too, but since Y&R is giving him a front burner storyline with the Amy Lewis character (who'd be considered a minor Y&R legacy), maybe not.

Re Shemar Moore, I might could see him doing a brief guest appearance on BTG but he's too big to return to daytime soaps. He's a primetime star now. (And that show has its own bts drama. I think TPTB announced it was cancelled and then dropped most of the ensemble cast so they could give Shemar more $$$.)

7 hours ago, surfgirl said:

whatever happened to Aunt Mamie? They keep talkin bout the family biz but didn't she own a majority share last time.ahe rode.into.town on her broomstick? Did she sell her shares to Darvon or Natey?

Mamie never had a majority share. Devon, Lily, and Nate mentioned several times that she was a minor investor so they couldn't understand why she thought she should help run the company. Devon finally said it to her face, and in so many words he suggested she get to steppin' back to Detroit. I think Devon offered to buy Mamie out but I don't recall whether she took him up on it.

I never had much of a problem with the version of Mamie who lived with the Abbotts but AFAIC this recast was a straight up C U Next Tuesday. I still don't understand why the show ruined what had been a beloved character.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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What is happening? There were several enjoyable scenes today!

 Audra and Lily are two of my favorite characters currently. It was a treat to see them share a scene encouraging each other to stand up for themselves. Strong women support strong women!

 Nate calling himself an asshat! Yessir!

 Chelsea refusing to get back together with Adam! Please stick to this stance sister. Nobody wants to go through that again.

Devon growing a little set to confront Victor. Hopefully he won’t be snowed into conspiring with him to try to get Lily to do something she has NO interest in doing. Lily is an adult human being and can make her own choices.

 Even Phyllis was making some sense today.

 I’m going to go lie down now, and recover from the shock of not hate watching this show.

Edited by lgprimes
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