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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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22 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Also, this whole thing with Adam suddenly professing his love and desire to get back with Crybaby Chels feels so forced, like JG woke up one day and decided to completely change tack on this. 

Out in other soap forums world it's been speculated that the actress who plays Sally is on her way out. All the reasoning I've seen is pretty iffy though. Whatever, Adam suddenly in love with Chelsea again would seem to leave Sally out in the cold.

But on a related note, this show now has Sally, Sharon, Phyllis, and Lily all unattached romantically. The only unattached man is Nick since Billy is in Chelsea's orbit, Nate is in Audra's, and Kyle is zooming in on Claire. Y&R needs to fix their cast imbalance.

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18 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

And WHY do the actresses' all have long stringy hair?

I see it everywhere, on most any show; I call it the Kim Kardashian effect. On HGTV there is a design couple where the wife could almost be Kim K's twin; identical hair and makeup. Without the enhancements. Phyllis is getting hard to look at.

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8 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Billy/ Philly

Have to wonder how Phyllis taking up with Billy again would affect Summer - would she think that her mother was being unbelievably selfish by hopping back in the sack with Billy after he had treated her so shabbily?

On 9/21/2024 at 2:43 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

any sane person would have long ago gotten sick of looking at how disgusting Cameron looks & told him to fuck off by now.

Sharon can't tell Cameron to fuck off, he's a manifestation of her own psyche, so he goes where she goes.

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Was it just last week that TGVN reacted quite strongly to finding out that Audra revealed his participation in Glissade against his wishes ?? Of course she made Nate jump thru fiery hoops to gain this information. It was the most secrety secret that ever secreted.

Audra to Sally...."He [Nate] is doing everything he can to make me look bad to Victor." In reference to Glissade. Since when did TGVN's control of Glissade become public knowledge ?? 

Must be attributed to the usual mid-week change of writers. Wish they would leave plot notes for each other....

What kiddo with Playskool scissors attacked Sally's Monday dress ?? Here a peek, there a boo, everywhere a boo-boo.

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Look at Audra in her Barbie hot pink. And apparently Sally's borrowing clothes from Phyllis now. Yikes.

Adam gets in the first swing against Billy! Kapow!  

Audra, ragging on Adam to Sally might not be a great idea. What if Sally gets back together with him? She'll remember the crappy stuff you said about the man she loves.

A kinder, gentler Summer. Yawn. Whatever, perhaps Chelsea should seek out a sounding board closer to her own age and level of life experience, like Chloe.

Dear Show, manspreading is manspreading. AFAIC, putting a potted plant in the camera angle in front of Billy's crotch didn't make the ick better. 👿

So Audra believes that since she took down Tucker she can destroy Kyle too. Clearly she underestimates what it means to be a member of one of GC's most elite families. Kyle will always have a soft landing.

I think Victoria must be hopped up on goofballs. She can't buy out Abbott-Chancellor from Billy because he doesn't own it. Besides, since when does Victoria have as much money as Victor and Jill?

Well, I'm with Billy: Victoria expecting him to bow down is bovine excrement. She knows Victor is 100% in the wrong. And Johnny and Katie likely couldn't care less about business battles between Grandpa and Daddy.

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2 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Audra to Sally...."He [Nate] is doing everything he can to make me look bad to Victor." In reference to Glissade. Since when did TGVN's control of Glissade become public knowledge ?

I think Audra was referring to Kyle. He doesn't want her as his co-CEO.

Audra told Sally about Victor's Glissade ownership a few months ago. (I went back through the episode recaps; it was July 17th). Several other people suspect Victor is the owner (including Jack and Diane), but it's not officially public knowledge--yet.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
yeah, i'm still ocd like that
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Here is an idea, Chelsea:  hire a plane, write "I BANGED ADAM', fly it all over GC, hell, fly it all over Wisconsin AND THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP because no one really cares.

Is Sally really tall or is Audra really short?  I was afraid Audra was going to trip over her pants, they dragged on the ground.  Also, wasn't a fan of the color.

Victoria is positively FERAL when she tries to flirt.  I was sorta hoping missed Billy and landed one on Bluetooth.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Hey, it's Tessa. She was conveniently absent yesterday when Adam and Billy were turning Society into a boxing ring.

As if Sharon's delusions inside of delusions weren't bad enough, now Ghoul Cameron and wannabe Ghoul Daniel are double-teaming her.

Speaking of women living in fantasy worlds, Heather told Daniel, "'til death do us part." What the what? Heather and Daniel aren't married; not unless he's managed to dissolve his marriage to psycho Daisy.

Omega Sphere. Odyssey Seven. Cute how the show is using the same initials for their references to fake software. And by "cute" I mean, nah, too stupid.

Oy Nick, are you sure the police are the ones to call if Sharon is doing something to harm herself? Seems to me the EMTs would be a better idea unless Sharon has a weapon that could immediately hurt someone else.

Oh come on, since when does Sharon have the skills of a cat burglar and can break into someone's apartment? Apparently JG is straight up pulling plot points out of his @$$ now.

Nick had to ask Daniel for help because now everything is bipolar Sharon's fault. I am unable to can. 🙄

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I still can’t believe (well okay it’s JG so I can) that this is the best they can come up with for a Sharon story. 

I did like Faith talking to Adam and asking for his help, as well as him being so understanding. 

So let me guess how this will go down…Sharon poisons the whiskey and Lucy goes on a drinking binge with said whiskey. 

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4 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

This show better liven up with some realistic storylines or it's headed right down the crapper.

This show is at least 15 years past the time for an overhaul - the "Lives of the Battling Billionaires of Genoa City, WI" premise is no longer sustainable, so Y&R should transition into a show that presents the life situations of characters that resonates with a 21st century audience.

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heather and Daniel aren't married; not unless he's managed to dissolve his marriage to psycho Daisy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when last heard of, hadn't Daisy disappeared from a hospital she'd gotten herself admitted to from Fairview for an overdose of pills when someone claiming to be her mother came to get her, meaning that Daisy has effectively deserted her husband and child - so why can't Daniel divorce her on those grounds and marry Heather?

On 9/23/2024 at 5:51 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Adam gets in the first swing against Billy! Kapow!

I loved that - Billy finally gets the nose readjustment he deserves.

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Guess mental health issues & corporate conflicts is all Josh is gonna give us now?

Yawn.  So boring & been there, seen that a zillion times.  Not much else to comment on except the ugly clothes. 

Anyone count the holes in Tessa's dress?  My eyes are still hurting from Phyllis' purple peek-a-boo/hello-boobies dress that she's been wearing for the last week.  And Sally going for a walk in the park (on grass?) in 12 inch needle heels & squished into yet another one-shoulder teeny number show stylists seem to adore.  I was shivering looking at her, wearing that in the Midwest in late September.  Eek!

And Nick today in purple.  Whatevs, he's still a dunce & a bore.  Adam, mirroring Vic in all black?  I'd say, all red, with horns & a pitchfork is more appropriate for those 2.

Oh Audra, you really are so fucking stupid.  The only reason Vic keeps you at Pissade is to drive Kyle nuts & you're hanging by a thread.  If you try to get rid of Kyle, it'll be the 10 billionth job you'll be fired from.  Idiot.  And yeah, Audra, revenge sex may be the usual routine for you, but maybe not everyone is as amoral as you are.  Great advice, hun.  Ah, Sally, what wonderful friends you have -- Chloe the asshole & Audra, who everyone in town gives just-smelled-shit looks to when they see her.

Sheesh, when will the Cameron crap ever end?

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6 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sheesh, when will the Cameron crap ever end?

Right? This show runs nearly every storyline into the ground until everyone is sick of it. They must've gotten the actor for cheap since he's only worn one outfit for months. 🤮

6 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sally going for a walk in the park (on grass?) in 12 inch needle heels & squished into yet another one-shoulder teeny number show stylists seem to adore.  I was shivering looking at her, wearing that in the Midwest in late September.  Eek!

Yeah, I couldn't understand Sally's outfit. I think that dress would've been fine if she was going to a club or on a date with a guy she knew wasn't prudish. But AFAIC, walking around during the day looking like that reads "going to my second job as an escort" or "look at me doing the walk of shame."

I can't wait until Sally's new pal Billy gets himself an eyeful. Chelsea who?

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Huh, I actually liked Nick's version of a twin set, ha ha. Deep purple is not the kind of neutral color he usually wears.

You rag on Sharon's life as "constant drama," Phyllis? Explain how you define "constant" because your life is hardly drama-free.

Well, at least Sharon realized the huge flaw in her plan to poison the whiskey at Daniel's apartment. So she shouldn't be surprised if things go sideways.

Since when does Abbott-Chancellor produce clothing? Phyllis may be the new COO of A-C but she can't magically create a fashion division in less than 24 hours. Not even for little kids like Harrison.

Sharon is bad at cat burglaring, lol. Poor time management, and inability to leave the scene of a crime without having to clean it up first.

Love how boozehead Lucy is grounded but she still gets rewarded with her favorite dessert at the GCAC restaurant. Daniel, IMO you are still useless as a parent.

Did she stutter, Ghoul Cameron? Sharon told you to GO AWAY! FOH!

TMW you get caught leaving someone's home after you broke into it. Punch Heather's lights out, Sharon! Do it! 😈🤡

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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How did Sharon get into Daniel’s apartment? Did she have a key?  If so, how did she get it? A building like that would probably have surveillance cameras in public places, so wearing gloves won’t totally protect her. Her kids should have slipped an AirTag in her car when she started acting “off”.  I have one on my 🐈‍⬛ collar and track her around the hood when she’s out for her evening prowl. Works like charm.

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14 hours ago, Denize said:

You'd think what used to be the Newman Penthouse would have better security and maybe a doorman on the ground floor that would contact the residents before allowing a visitor up the elevator.

Cameron seems to get redder each day. Does he go back to H3LL in between visiting Sharon?

Maybe it's Linden's embarrassment over getting paid for this crap.

But, money is money.

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Disturbing ep.  Felt like I was watching a crime scene reenactment on CSI -- and I'm not a fan of CSI, so I didn't dig this much. 

Idk, I'm wondering if the last half was Sharon dreaming -- after she fell unconscious?  Don't mean to be a party-pooper, cuz I'd luv it if this character (that I can't stand) is bumped off, but I'm skeptical . . .

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Idk, I'm wondering if the last half was Sharon dreaming -- after she fell unconscious?  Don't mean to be a party-pooper, cuz I'd luv it if this character (that I can't stand) is bumped off, but I'm skeptical . . .

I was wondering the same thing. Sharon did wake up from her dreaming nap on Daniel's couch, but she could have dreamed that she woke up.  But I don't want it to be a dream because then we'd have to see more of Sharon & her family having the same d*&! conversation for another several weeks and I am sick of that!

Edited by Denize
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Heather's behavior was really idiotic.  She wasn't just arguing with a crazy person, but instigating her.  Now, from what we saw, Heather fell back on her own.  Sharon didn't push her, but she didn't help her either.  Then Heather woke up & Sharon went unconscious.  That's when I suspect she was dreaming, but we'll see . . .

Hey, I'd love it if they give Heather (& Vail) the boot.  Heather is an obnoxious character & always has been.  And Vail is a shitty, shitty, shitty actress.  But I hated watching Sharon's deterioration.  Very ugly stuff.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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13 hours ago, MollyB said:

Phylth-in all her iterations.  Suddenly she's a COO!!

Not only is Phyllis a COO!, she's a super COO!  She's a COO COO!  AbsoLUTELY no argument there.

Now, if she gets a cold, or a sinus infection, then she'll be COO COO KATCHOO!

I will now go lock myself in the garage to think about what I've done.

Edited by boes
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Why is Sharon so triggered by Daniel living in GC? He lived there for years after Cassie died without incident.  Nick and Sharon weren’t his biggest fans, but they didn’t try to kill him. Initially they blamed him, until it was proven Cassie took it upon herself to drive him home from a party. He was passed out in the back seat of his car, Cassie took his keys from his pocket and decided to drive even though she didn’t know how to drive….

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4 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

dk, I'm wondering if the last half was Sharon dreaming -- after she fell unconscious?

That was my thought as well.


54 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

I'd say 'you gotta sink or swim' but that seems in poor taste!

54 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

I'd say 'you gotta sink or swim' but that seems in poor taste

But isn't that what we are here  for?

Hope you are getting better each day @MollyB

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The more I think about the ridiculousness of Sharon being able to clean up pools of leaking blood, broken glass spread all over, AND drag a dead body by herself -- and {presumably) within a few short minutes . . . the more I think this had to be Sharon dreaming. 

Will she wake up to a really annoying Heather, screaming in her face?  And maybe then she'll clunk her on the head?  Oh please, producers, please? 

Wait, did Lucy make a comment to Daniel that she was still up for stalking Faith?  Oh sheesh, Faith, hide from this loon.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Look at JG being all artsy fartsy with today's opening shots. Who does he think he is, Hitchcock? Scorsese? Peele? Fincher? Gerwig? 😉

Once she got caught in the apartment I think Sharon should've just left, period. There was no way she was going to reason with Heather. Pretty much everything she said was incriminating to Heather's attorney ears.

FFS, Ghoul Cameron, how can we miss you if you won't effing leave!!??!!!??

Ghoul Cameron told Sharon to "cowboy the hell up." I did not have that turn of phrase on my YR Thursday bingo card. Well, at least he didn't say Sharon needed to put her big girl panties on.

Hey, I recognized Heather's ringtone. She has an Android.

Yeah, it was hard to imagine Sharon being strong enough to lug Heather's body around, especially with it swaddled in a comforter or whatever that was. Sharon must've been running on pure adrenaline.

She did pretty good cleaning up the crime scene mess but Sharon also should've removed and destroyed the SIM card from Heather's cell. The phone's movements will be trackable.

IMO this episode was definitely SC's Daytime Emmy nomination submission. Not taking any bets on the possibility of her winning though--yet.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I am sick to death of Sharon. Every single day with the googly eyes. My fear is that Adam will try to come to the rescue and then get entangled in the whole mess. I would rather Heather give an ultimatum to Daniel that their family needs to move to Portugal or Timbuktu....rather than see her killed off so the writer could keep up this awful storyline. If the whole thing is just a dream, I hope Adam arrives with Nick and they haul Sharon to a hospital. 

If Sharon really did kill Heather, her family should be charged as accessories and tossed into a dungeon. Too much to hope for?

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Chill, Preverts. Come Monday, Sharon will be guiltily skulking around Crimson Lights jumping every time Esther says, "Is everything alright Sharon ??". Then Heather will sashay in, order a double-expresso-mocha-goatmilk-hi-whip-low-foam-extra-cinnamon-chocolate-sprinkles-latte-de-dah.

Sharon will then scream in horror "YOU'RE DEAD !!" , run to cower under a table on the patio and become comatose. 

Fairview Time.

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Or Sharon will wake up in bed, looking at the wedding ring on her finger & see next to her, a smiling, naked Chance.  When she asks him about Summer, he'll say he doesn't know who Summer or Phyllis or Daniel or Heather are.  OK, OK, not gonna happen on show in a zillion years, but WE can dream, can't we? 😀

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I’m totally convinced that this whole storyline was written just for Sharon and her 30th.  She has a ton of scenes to submit for her Emmy nomination.  I think Sharon is in some kind of fugue state and is hallucinating all this crapola in the Sleep Cheap Motel. Can’t see these rectal-hole writers actually having Sharon murdering anyone.

But what I don’t get is how Sharon is still grieving Cassie so violently.  Hasn’t she been dead for 20 years?  I know losing a child is traumatic, but while the pain never goes totally away, it does lessen over the decades.

Now for the fashion, or lack thereof.  Are these women allowing the stylists to use weedwackers to cut their hair?  They all look so choppy with a hundred different lengths.  Reminds me when I tried to cut my own hair when I was 9.  Scary. And these outfits?  Did the wardrobe people go dumpster diving at an exploded fabric factory?  Even Summer’s turd brown outfit looks nasty. 

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