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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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9 hours ago, boes said:

Daniel is back with Heather,

and they are planning to stay in GC?  That sucks, because this is going to be a whole summer of them sad sacking it about not being able to get jobs.  And then teaming up with someone  (Mamie?  Phylth?) to take down CW.  blerg.

15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Why does Phlis look so washed out. The color of her dress even looks more so. Isn’t Phillis still

on probation but of course whatever nefarious act she is planning for CW will be overlooked. 

My first thought when she said she couldn't get a job was try working as a traffic cone.  Of course, she may have just come from doing her 'community service' as a traffic cone.


4 hours ago, Kemper said:

Part of me wishes they really would put Nick and Phyllis back together. 

But the writer seems to be waving a Shick reunion, too.  I don't think I can do another two cougars fighting over an over-the-hill lothario story.  Spare me the sex scenes, please. 


53 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

a messy romantic triangle between Nick, Phyllis, and Billy aren't true.

And this leaves me retching as well.

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I love how simple it is to merge and unmerge companies in this universe. Like there are no contracts, rebranding or basic plans needed. Just decide one day and poof! Merger. Then a few months later nah...never mind. Oh okay. We're split up again. No harm, no foul. Good grief.

Edited by pvandal
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Just some thoughts on Billy having wanted to rename the merged company Abbott-Chancellor-Winters to honor his mother's legacy; Billy is an Abbott by birth, his mother is an Abbott by marriage and a Fenmore by birth - so to truly honor his mother's legacy, shouldn't the new name for the company be Fenmore-Chancellor-Winters, because renaming it Abbott-Chancellor-Winters sounds like Billy is actually only thinking of himself and his family legacy.

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So, I guess the scene between Lily and Chance today was supposed to be a chem test. Was anyone here seeing any heat? I did not.

With all the SORASing they're about the same age but Chance seems so much less mature than Lily to me. Ehhh, I'm giving it a thumbs down. (Except for the part where it might blow Billy's mind to see his ex dating his nephew.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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As if the handling of Connor's OCD was bad enough, now we also have JG treating heart disease like it's what? Cancer? What 'treatment' is Jill getting that for a heart condition that she needs to stay in place? That's not how most heart disease treatment works. You have a procedure to get stents or valve replacement, or you have surgery for bypass or heart transplant. Unless it's the last one, and she is taking some sort of regimen to prep for that surgery, I cannot understand the discussion of Jill's 'condition' being all about some long term treatment. What the actual fuck is wrong with Josh G and TIIC who allow him to present such awful nonsense?!?


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Oh look, another generic hotel room. Yay.

Chance came at Billy sideways about his awareness of Jill's heart condition. Uncle had thought it was a secret and was majorly not prepared. Whee!

Connor was worried about the expensive cost of the pizza. Why? His daddy is a wealthy Newman and Chelsea doesn't seem to be hurting for money either. Maybe his parents should show Connor their bank and investment statements. 🙄

Man, Devon is hella paranoid. He was making me antsy just listening to him go back and forth with Lily.

Nate basically told his cousins, "My name's not Bennett, and I'm not in it." Nah, I think he's watching and waiting for an opening he can exploit to his advantage.

Chelsea and Adam's hotel room number was 711. Wonder if that hotel has a Circle K suite too, tee hee.

Billy, Devon, and Chance in a three-way d!ck-swinging contest! Society should've charged them extra to clean up the puddles of testosterone they left on the floor.

Connor's doctor brought the doom and gloom about Connor's recovery progress. Aw geez, just as his parents were about to pop champagne in celebration.

Chance was trying work Lily regarding the demerger. He lowkey reminded her he's a Chancellor and has more than a minor vested interest in the company's success. I can't with him. Even Lily was like, "Holey hail?"

Then Jill also came at Billy sideways, saying she was having second thoughts about breaking up C-W. Poor guy was getting virtually tased from all sides today. Sucks to be you, William.

Wait, what? Is Jill going to undermine Billy on the board vote to decouple C-W? Lily's face was like, "Are you fcuking kidding me right now?" They're gonna need special crew to clean up the CEO office after all the bombs dropped in there today.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 6/21/2024 at 2:40 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

Dear Billy Abbott;

Ugh. Today I learned things about my parents, especially my dad. College encourages curiosity, but maybe it really shouldn’t. My dad is the kind of guy I’ve learned to avoid - a player, a dudebro, basically… a pig. He had sex with a pterodactyl who laid a rotten egg that’s still stinking up the nest. He cheated on my mom after my big sister died before I was born. That’s straight up gross, man. It’s one thing to be embarrassed by your dad streaking naked through the neighbors’ backyards to start up a Sasquatch sightings craze; it’s a whole other thing to learn he’s the town Vespa. Can’t I just go back to when my dad’s worst crime was obliterating military grade toilet bowls three times a year? Suddenly, adjusting to a new model Tactical Deucinator 2500X with Category 6 Hurricane Force Waste Disposal Whirlwind doesn’t seem so bad.

(Keeping the) Faith

Dear Faith;

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It’s tough being a dad, young lady. My daughter wants to come live with me because some psycho moved in to her mother’s place and turns out to be her sister. WTF? Normally that might be cool, but I got a chance to balance two babes and can’t have a kid cramping my style. I’m thinking about sending her to the Abbott mansion to give Traci someone to fuss over. So, you see, fathers have their own side of thr story too. Like, real talk, sometimes a man just has to stick his dick in crazy at least once. You may be in college, but here you’re getting serious street knowledge that your stuffed shirt professors won’t tell you. You’re welcome. BTW, you got any contact information for the supplier of those tactical toilets? A mystery pooper at the office keeps accidentally downloading dookieware while writing his advice column on his phone. Thanks in advance!

Too funny!!!!

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6 hours ago, MollyB said:

and they are planning to stay in GC?  That sucks, because this is going to be a whole summer of them sad sacking it about not being able to get jobs.  And then teaming up with someone  (Mamie?  Phylth?) to take down CW.  blerg.

My first thought when she said she couldn't get a job was try working as a traffic cone.  Of course, she may have just come from doing her 'community service' as a traffic cone.


But the writer seems to be waving a Shick reunion, too.  I don't think I can do another two cougars fighting over an over-the-hill lothario story.  Spare me the sex scenes, please. 


And this leaves me retching as well.

Perish the thought out of any of these with Phyllis.

3 hours ago, surfgirl said:

So many great comments about yesterday's shit fest that the multiple quote function here crapped out on me! Hence this missive. Mamie has been so uglified with this current incarnation that I do not recognize her anymore. She has become a gaslighting , meddling relative from hell. 

Like many of you, I loathe Darvon but at least he booted her out of that meeting, which is none of her beeswax! Daniel and Heather deserve each other, let them move off screen somewhere far away, like Portugal perhaps? Maybe Heather can get her old job back there! And to think I used to really like Heather, what the hell happened to her?

I do NOT want to see another lust triangle between Dickolas and the praying mantis man eater known as Phyllis. If Syph must exist, then better she is without a sex partner because she's even worse when she is getting laid on the regular.

I cannot wait to see Billy Nostrildamus get his nasal passages irrigated by Lily when the time comes! Please Lily, don't back out on this one.

A Heidi-free episode is a good one these days. But I do love me some bitchy Katie! She's like her mom but Mop will never see it that way will she? No, she will not.

The scenes with Alive Alan and titillating Traci were, interesting. And by interesting I mean, just fuck already and let's move on! Unless Alive Alan IS indeed really Dead Martin, in which case, carry on until this plays out to it's horrible, awful, no good conclusion, culminating with invisible Tucker saving Traci, thus reintroducing the new and improved Mother Tucker, and ending with a full episodic sugarfest of Traci over the years, which could be good depending on your tolerance level of cavity-inducing, sacchrinated sappystory lines.



Agree on so much of this!!

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I see where they are going with this storyline with Phyllis and Nick and I don’t like it . Sharon is probably sick and now how Phyllis is saying she desperately needs a job (but she’s really saying she desperately needs to sleep with someone ,Nick look away!!). He’ll probably convince Sharon to let Phyllis run the company when she gets her medicine adjusted and poof love triangle. 

Phyllis needs to find her own man instead of being a third wheel of a couple. Though I admit I still want her with Jack. Diane is ok now but I still don’t buy her with Jack. 

Also it’s too exhausting seeing Connor and his backsliding with his OCD . Granted I know what someone like him goes through and I can feel for him but understandably it’s not something I want to watch. 

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44 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

How is Billy a Fenmore?

Jill discovered she was adopted by the Fosters. Her biological father turned out to be Lauren's father, Neil Fenmore. He was only on the show years ago before Jill found out. I never understood why they did this. Lauren and Jill as sisters doesn't work for me.

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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

How is Billy a Fenmore?

Below is a quote from my post - Billy is an Abbott by birth - you could also say that Billy is an Abbott on his father's side and a Fenmore on his mother's side.

3 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Billy is an Abbott by birth, his mother is an Abbott by marriage and a Fenmore by birth


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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Connor was worried about the expensive cost of the pizza. Why?

Because he has OCD.

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Billy, Devon, and Chance in a three-way d!ck-swinging contest! Society should've charged them extra to clean up the puddles of testosterone they left on the floor.

A tad bit harsh, Joimiaroxeu, a tad bit harsh.

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What’s wrong with this picture?  The hotel room only had on bed but Chelsea said she wanted to book a room, for US, overlooking the harbor but there weren’t any left.  Even if the US doesn’t include Connor, are Adam and Chelsea going to sleep in the same bed 🤯?  

Devon is correct about having to sell Billy on the plan and Lily is showing a bit of paranoia. I’m now questioning Lily’s motives. I didn’t see Devon being anything but his authentic self.  Check that. Devon seems to be the one exhibiting more paranoia but for a better reason. The truth came out by Lily saying she may reconsider working with Billy instead of Devon. 

Is there a realigning of the couple situation in the future?  Adam and Chelsea are becoming more “chummy” which leaves Lily to become more “chummy with Billy👃.  Sally becomes the odd person out or maybe that leads the way for a Sally and Nick🦍 reunion. 

Now another unqualified person is moved into the C-Suite in order to back Billy’s👃play. What, Chance has been in the business world about a month and he’s qualified to be COO?  I guess Chance is a fast learner and Billly👃, is an amazing tutor. Billy👃has become even more smug than Nate.  I didn’t think that was possible. 

The monkeys with a keyboard just couldn’t leave well enough alone with Connor. They could have just left it alone the Connor was getting better and move on. Not am I getting sick and tired of this story line, I’m getting sick and tired of Chelsea. 


Edited by Waldo13
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2 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

I never understood why they did this. Lauren and Jill as sisters doesn't work for me.

Same. Nothing much seems to have been accomplished by making Jill and Lauren sisters. They barely interact with each other. Lauren probably doesn't even know Jill is being treated for a serious heart ailment.

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12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nick sure has a lot of scenes in the coffeehouse sitting across the table from someone. Sharon, Sally, Adam, Phyllis. I wonder if the show tapes all of them on the same day? He just has to change outfits.

I've noticed lots of scenes on the show have people just sitting and talking to other characters - at the ranch, CL, Society, H-W, etc, even without Victor in the scene.  Is that so it seems "normal" for Victor to always be speaking from a chair of virility?

And if Adam is going to look out the window at "Baltimore", why can't we see the Shot Tower, la tour eiffel de baltimore?  Are Adam & Chelsea sharing a room/bed? Neither ever mentions going to their own room.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Same. Nothing much seems to have been accomplished by making Jill and Lauren sisters. They barely interact with each other. Lauren probably doesn't even know Jill is being treated for a serious heart ailment.

Wait a damn minute! Lauren and Jill are sisters? When is the last time we saw them interact? Like not in decades???

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14 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

Jill discovered she was adopted by the Fosters. Her biological father turned out to be Lauren's father, Neil Fenmore. He was only on the show years ago before Jill found out. I never understood why they did this. Lauren and Jill as sisters doesn't work for me.


11 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Same. Nothing much seems to have been accomplished by making Jill and Lauren sisters. They barely interact with each other. Lauren probably doesn't even know Jill is being treated for a serious heart ailment.


7 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Wait a damn minute! Lauren and Jill are sisters? When is the last time we saw them interact? Like not in decades???

Making Neil Fenmore Jill's biological father was a storyline retcon that probably looked good on paper, but was very much "meh" when played out on screen. Other than a few months of drama as Jill was suddenly half-owner of Lauren's beloved Fenmore's (and Jill came in with all sorts of ideas and plans), the storyline has been pretty much dropped. There's no more talk of Jill and Lauren being sisters, and I can't remember Billy and Lauren even being in a scene together, let alone acknowledging that they're aunt and nephew.

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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

Making Neil Fenmore Jill's biological father was a storyline retcon that probably looked good on paper, but was very much "meh" when played out on screen.

You're being kind saying it was "meh".  The drama between her and Lauren seemed manufactured, especially as those two had nothing much more than a surface relationship beforehand.  After revealing that Neil Fenmore was Jill's father, they didn't even give Jill's mother a name, just a throwaway description that she was a young woman who worked at Fenmore's.  That was sort of jarring, considering that this storyline came shortly on the heels of Jill finding out that she wasn't Katherine's daughter, as they both had supposed.

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9 minutes ago, MollyB said:

The only time we see him in the office is when he is promoting his plan in Lily's office.

I kinda loved it yesterday when, after their heated exchange, Lily kicked Devon and Nate out of her office.  I couldn't help but wonder where in hell they would go.

With everybody using her office and sitting in her chair, Lily needs a box of Clorox wipes nearby because she never knows who's ass, or which ass has sat in her chair before her.

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On 6/26/2024 at 8:18 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Sharon Case must have some strong heels with which she can dig because she refuses to stop jacking with her face even though she would look and act so much better if she tried to age more gracefully. (See Susan Walters for some hacks, please.) She was trying to emote in yesterday's scene when talking to Faith about Cassie and she cannot scrunch up her face. There is a reason we have frown and worry lines and people talk about their ugly faces when they cry, ya know? Your muscles are supposed to move. 

She really has went roo far. She can't even open her mouth far enough to get her lines out. Lol

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16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

What’s wrong with this picture?  The hotel room only had on bed but Chelsea said she wanted to book a room, for US, overlooking the harbor but there weren’t any left.  Even if the US doesn’t include Connor, are Adam and Chelsea going to sleep in the same bed 🤯?  

Devon is correct about having to sell Billy on the plan and Lily is showing a bit of paranoia. I’m now questioning Lily’s motives. I didn’t see Devon being anything but his authentic self.  Check that. Devon seems to be the one exhibiting more paranoia but for a better reason. The truth came out by Lily saying she may reconsider working with Billy instead of Devon. 

Is there a realigning of the couple situation in the future?  Adam and Chelsea are becoming more “chummy” which leaves Lily to become more “chummy with Billy👃.  Sally becomes the odd person out or maybe that leads the way for a Sally and Nick🦍 reunion. 

Now another unqualified person is moved into the C-Suite in order to back Billy’s👃play. What, Chance has been in the business world about a month and he’s qualified to be COO?  I guess Chance is a fast learner and Billly👃, is an amazing tutor. Billy👃has become even more smug than Nate.  I didn’t think that was possible. 

The monkeys with a keyboard just couldn’t leave well enough alone with Connor. That could have just left it alone the Connor was getting better and move on. Not am I getting sick and tired of this story line, I’m getting sick and tired of Chelsea. 


I was wondering too why Lily was having a tough time with the way Devon was acting when she and Billy revealed their “plan”. At first I was on Billy’s side because Devon is so insufferable but Billy is now more so. He was tolerable before but he’s taking things too far when he wanted to call Abby about the vote when she went to Paris because she was worried about her mom. Sounds like he just wants to use her. And I agree Mamie set this whole feud thing in motion but I realize now it was more of an excuse for Billy to do all this not as much to protect the company but because he has a chip on his shoulder and is using his position at CW because he feels he has something to prove because of how things went at Jabot. 

Nate, Summer and Chance probably all took that course how to be a CEO in 90 days or less without even trying. 

It seems like the writing is on the wall for Adam and Chelsea getting back together and probably Sharon and Nick or Phyllis and Nick. I been taking notice of the clues writers throw out . Some are pretty obvious like the Nick 30th anniversary show and focusing on their relationship. Less so is Sharon’s recent medicine troubles and Phyllis and Nick becoming friends again and talking to Nick about her job troubles. It all seems connected. 

And back to Adam and Chelsea. We see today Audra brings up to Sally about being worried about her boyfriend spending too much time with his ex. So that’s another clue. 

I know it’s not the primary purpose but I do feel in part the OCD storyline was a way to bring Adam and Chelsea together. Because they couldn’t have Connor happy for one week at least. They had to bring Adam and Chelsea to ruminate over their situation and give them a reason to stay in Baltimore  together. Cheap way to do that . Didn’t like it .

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Hmmm, color me surprised!  I thought Vic would be throwing Audra out on her tush, but no, it's actually the exact opposite.  He's forcing Kyle (the idiot) to work with her -- otherwise no deal.  Er, huh?  Any guesses as to what's the plan, Stan?

And by quickly agreeing to Vic's terms, of working with Audra (the back-stabbing snake), Kyle (the idiot) has completely lost any leverage he may have had (if he ever had any at all) with Vic. 

Oh Kyle, you really are a moron.  I've worked with women (and men) like Audra & it's draining, exhausting & distracting cuz you can never let your guard down for a second.  But even more than that, it is NEVER sustainable for long. 

Ah, but is that Vic's plan?  For Kyle to fail miserably?  Cuz Vic must know full well that nobody can work with Audra -- that's why her resume is such a mess and why everyone in GC (except for dopey Sally & sleazy Nate) make just-smelled-shit faces when they see her.

Oh yeah, and then there's Diane, that mother of the year (or century?), who seemed to take glee in firing Kyle.  If she was a better manager (and mother), she could have avoided it, but she sucks at both.  But she sure does like to say how she loves him -- while she's stabbing at him.  You suck hard, Diane.

Jack also handled this mess horribly.  Is this the opposite of micro-managing?  Er, not managing at all?  Yeah, he prefers to be at Nikki's beck and call.  Or being of no help to Ashley.  Wow, Jackie, you really are useless, eh?  To your family & your business . . . 

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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If show puts Adam and Chelsea back together (I hate that idea) .... will the Connor storyline go on forever?  Do we care? Will Adam continue being dulled down, joining Tucker and Ashland in CEO purgatory?  Or....

Will Adam get his groove back, join Jack in fighting off Victor, Kyle and Audra? It is so exciting...let's fasten our seatbelts.  

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I feel like this Connor OCD storyline is like quicksand.  Just when they're starting to get out of it -- Connor is looking happy, Adam isn't whiny, annoying & dull, and Chelsea isn't bawling her ass off -- Connor has a set-back & they get pulled back into it.  This vicious cycle goes back to the all too familiar (and boring) scenes -- Chelsea and her endless crying, Adam's pathetic whining & Connor's sad-sack routine.  I've had enough of this depressing shit.

Vic, bring on whatever plan ya got for Adam to smear Jackie.  Yup, make Adam an asshole again, cuz I can't stand watching him as the self-pitying wimp the writers have turned him into lately.

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Billy having a conversation about a child's private medical issues in the middle of the coffeehouse. Good grief, surely he has wifi at his home he could use. Wherever that is.

Whoa, Diane coming out guns a-blazin'. Showdown at the Jabot Corral. Giddyup.

Audra still bragging about the way she vanquished Tucker. Girl, bye. You don't even know how much of a hand puppet you are for Victor Newman now.

I liked Sally's blowout today. Her hair looked luxurious to me.

Despite Audra's attempt to stir up crappiness, Sally was quite calm and logical about Adam having to spend so much time with Chelsea due to Connor's troubles. Fail, Audra. Solid fail.

WTF, Diane? How are you being such a viper to your own son? I cannot understand why she's gone to these drastic extremes.

Then Billy showed up and tried to undermine Sally's friendship with Audra. Gah, Billy, where do you get the freaking nerve? People should be warning Sally to stay away from YOU.

And of course Jack the simp sided with his shrieking wife against Kyle. The guy has the foresight of a goldfish.

But Jack, you did give your wife a job she didn't deserve and isn't qualified for. Seems to me the business world has a clear view on your poor decisions of late.

Diane turning on the crocodile tears for Jack's benefit. Pssht. Maybe she's trying to get Kyle kicked out of the Abbott manse too.

It made no sense to me why Billy was having a long, contemplative talk with Sally regarding their mutual romantic relationships. Please tell me that wasn't a chem test.

Jack mentioned seeing Allie in Paris! Too bad the audience didn't get to see her as well. Bet she and Abby are hanging out together.

With all due respect, Victor (🙄), Audra is a waste of time. She's bringing little more to the Glissade table than her cooch. Ya boy Kyle's been there, done that.

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So Diane makes a unilateral decision to fire Kyle. Now Kyle is free to take up Victor’s job offer without having to quit first. 

Audra, you could have had the company for nothing but you chose to open the front door for Victor.  Audra is gloating to Sally about beating Tucker but Audra is out of the frying pan and into a blast furnace with being in business with Victor.  Tucker can be outplayed but never ever outplay Victor (because it’s in his contract 😜). 

Audra STFU and stop projecting your biases on Sally. Sally is alright with Adam spending time with Chelsea for Connor’s benefit. On the other hand you were very jealous of anything Tucker had to do with Ashley. 


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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Hmmm, color me surprised!  I thought Vic would be throwing Audra out on her tush, but no, it's actually the exact opposite.  He's forcing Kyle (the idiot) to work with her -- otherwise no deal.  Er, huh?  Any guesses as to what's the plan, Stan?

And by quickly agreeing to Vic's terms, of working with Audra (the back-stabbing snake), Kyle (the idiot) has completely lost any leverage he may have had (if he ever had any at all) with Vic. 

Oh Kyle, you really are a moron.  I've worked with women (and men) like Audra & it's draining, exhausting & distracting cuz you can never let your guard down for a second.  But even more than that, it is NEVER sustainable for long. 

Ah, but is that Vic's plan?  For Kyle to fail miserably?  Cuz Vic must know full well that nobody can work with Audra -- that's why her resume is such a mess and why everyone in GC (except for dopey Sally & sleazy Nate) make just-smelled-shit faces when they see her.

Oh yeah, and then there's Diane, that mother of the year (or century?), who seemed to take glee in firing Kyle.  If she was a better manager (and mother), she could have avoided it, but she sucks at both.  But she sure does like to say how she loves him -- while she's stabbing at him.  You suck hard, Diane.

Jack also handled this mess horribly.  Is this the opposite of micro-managing?  Er, not managing at all?  Yeah, he prefers to be at Nikki's beck and call.  Or being of no help to Ashley.  Wow, Jackie, you really are useless, eh?  To your family & your business . . . 

I thought Victor kept Audra in for Glissade to maybe make Jack and others think that maybe this was Tucker’s plan for revenge, so maybe just maybe they won’t suspect Victor. It’s a long shot but he also probably figures as you said that no one can work with Audra , so added bonus to drive Kyle crazy. It’s interesting how both Kyle and Audra are acting based on emotion, which is funny coming from Audra who claims  she doesn’t. So it’s clouding their judgment . And Kyle’s big fat pomp ego is getting in the way too. 

Good for Diane for not letting Kyle get way with his behavior, but by leaving Kyle to think she was dead for years caused his behavior, so that one is a draw. True though she could have handled it better, but that’s mainly Jack’s fault.  If Jack spent less time on Nikki, he’d have been seen what was happening to Ashley and with his wife and son. Interesting Victor’s wife’s problems impacted the current issue with Kyle and Diane, which helps Victor ironically. 

Yes wish Adam, Nick and Jack would work together to bring Victor down. They made their point with the OCD storyline, so I think they should put it more in the background. Let him come home and get help and mention it every so often but not to this degree. 

Edited by realitytvfan1017
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On 6/26/2024 at 3:53 PM, Js Nana said:

Just some thoughts on Billy having wanted to rename the merged company Abbott-Chancellor-Winters to honor his mother's legacy; Billy is an Abbott by birth, his mother is an Abbott by marriage and a Fenmore by birth - so to truly honor his mother's legacy, shouldn't the new name for the company be Fenmore-Chancellor-Winters, because renaming it Abbott-Chancellor-Winters sounds like Billy is actually only thinking of himself and his family legacy.

The more names the better. How about Foster-Fenmore-Abbott- Hastings-Barber-Winters? Then when they split, they still get 3 names each.

I know there aren’t a lot of jobs in Genoa City but how is Kyle so gullible? He would be better off relieving Claire of her nanny duties for awhile. Or maybe Jack could send him to bartending school.

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Dear Billy Abbott;

I have OCD, but my problems are hella more serious than that. I can’t even tell my parents because they’re all up in their feelings. When I was 6, I saw my granddad creep out a window and skitter down a sheer cliff face. He tore ass to the bottom and latched on to a deer like a tick. My uncle took me to Chuck E. Cheese to smooth things over, but wound up throwing hands with some guy over whose cargo shorts had the most pockets. On the ride home, my uncle hit me with a cheesy bread fart that put me in a coma for 3 months. Fast forward. My cousin is actually my brother, my mom is trying to jump off buildings, I have a baby sister until I don’t, and then I lose all my friends at school because my mom made the world’s most ass video game. Seriously man. One kid stuck a dog turd in my Xbox before ghosting me. I’ve started noticing that my uncle’s in house auto mechanic looks a lot like me. It’s sus, but I can’t quite say why. My mom is dating a dude who looks like a bunch of bendy straws smooshed together. I hate being a Newman.

Obsessive Connor Disorder

Dear Connor;

That is a lot to process, buddy. There are no shortcuts here; you got to buckle down and learn some coping skills fast. Being a Newman means bullshit geysers erupt at your feet when you least expect it, relatives pop out of the woodwork and sometimes you find a feral Brussels sprouts golem leashed in a sub basement. You could share your emotional trials with your mother, but I suspect she’s disappeared up her own ass in order to get a stronger whiff of her own redolent flatulence. Or maybe she’s holed up in some grim hotel room with her ex, dodging my attempts to visit while they navel gaze together about their parental feels. It’s all about them, after all. That’s okay though. I’ve been rizzing up my business partner and a smoking hot redhead. I got options. You, otoh, must learn some coping mechanisms. There’s still a lot of revelations to come, say, for example, about your optical health. You didn’t hear that from me.

Dear Billy Abbott;

I am big mad. I went to work yesterday and my mother handed me a pink slip! She’s so bad at business that my slip was white! Probably not even legal, but oh fucking well. She claimed I was insubordinate, condescending and devious, like she even knows what those big words mean. Did I draw dicks all over a power point presentation for a significant supplier? You’re damn right I did. That shit is funny, bro. My mom is a humorless battle axe whose idea of a prank is pretending to be deceased throughout her son’s formative years. I don’t have an attitude problem when people don’t thwart my rightful ascendancy to the Jabot throne. Even my dad is throwing shade at me! I’m going to crush it at Glissade, especially once I find a way to shank my new co-CEO, another lady who thinks she can play with the big dogs. Don’t give me your crap advice, just bow down and pay homage.

Kyle, He Who Smirks Last Smirks Best

Dear Kyle,

Oh, to have the unearned confidence of a nepo-nipple, trust fund bouffant baby! Hold on, I’m being told that I just described myself. Whatever, Johnny. Hey, Jabot may be a family company, but that’s not the same thing as a hereditary monarchy, Little Lord Pompleroy. Real talk - your issue seems to be suppressed fury at your mother for abandoning you and perhaps even at your father for forgiving her so readily. Instead of dealing with that, though, please continue to blaze your way through one corporate job after another, treating every woman with authority you meet like a duplicitous snake. Strut around with smug swagger (your dumb ass couldn’t market orgasms!) until someone doesn’t hand you what you think the world owes you, then shoot your pompadour quills all over the place during your usual temper tantrum. I’ve been in your floppy red shoes, well, except for the part where you get fired by your mom. LOL! Actually, never change. You amuse me.

Dear Billy Abbott;

Did you slip your phone number into my clutch while we were having coffee the other day? I went to pull a business card out and found a piece of stationary from a niche cheese shop that specializes in erotic, edible sculptures with some digits scribbled on it. I’m not really into white cheddar. Sorry.

Sally (Don’t ever gamble on red)

Dear Sally;

Oh, excuse the hell out of me. I heard that you had a tawdry sexcapade with the Newman gorilla, so I figured  your standards were flexible. Keep those digits handy though; you’ll find it surprisingly hurtful to discover that your partner copes with his kid’s crisis by stumbling dick first into his ex. Call me.

Dear Billy Abbott;

So… after spending an afternoon with my ex, the previous step on the human evolutionary ladder, I realized how much time I wasted on a sorry sack of small dick energy. I also felt a chill of fear that I might get back together with him. I was going to get a different medication from my doctor, but I ran into Cole, who offered me a gummy bear. That bear changed everything. I felt like liquid flowing through the many planes of existence. I could taste color! (Blue, oddly enough, tastes like a cantina chip). Soon, I discovered a whole new world of medication with lovely names like rainbow kush, afterglow, northern lights, ice cream cake… where was I? Oh yes. I’m in a much better mood, but I’m also high as balls. My daughter is suspicious and Genoa City isn’t a bastion of open-mindedness. Should I go back to more mundane methods of stress relief?

Sharon, Hooked on Chronic

Dear Sharon;

Hey, I’m a live and let live kind of guy. I’ve hit a wide array of substances while chasing an adrenaline rush. If you’re zoning out of conversations with family or not getting work done, maybe play in the grass strictly on weekends. I sometimes blaze one up after I finish a column just to get everyone’s major malfunctions off me. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, I’m out of the weed business but have other methods of relaxation in my bag of tricks. I believe you’re familiar with my techniques. Good luck!


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I had to laugh at the interchange between Lucy and Faith. As a young lady, in HS, Lucy has a typical grandiose view of college life but Faith gives Lucy a dose of reality being it’s not all fun and games.  Faith, you left out the part that Adam brought you to the hospital after crashing the truck so in essence he saved your life twice within a few days. 

Kyle wasn’t a team player?  The way I see it is that Kyle was trying to do what was the best for Jabot and mommy dearest took it as a sign of insubordination.  Even the best CEO needs some help now and then.  As CFO, I’ve corrected the errors of the CEO many times and have been thanked for it. 


Next week - Adam and Chelsea seemed to be hooking up. Please say it isn’t so and it only goes as far as a kiss. 


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9 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

As CFO, I’ve corrected the errors of the CEO many times and have been thanked for it. 

Have you negotiated contracts behind the CEOs back and told clients/customers to bypass the CEO and only deal with you, because that's what you'd do if either the CEO is completely incompetent and you want to save the company, or if you just want to sandbag the CEO.

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It's so seldom that a person's face actually reflects their inner selves, but Kyle really is a buttface.


There's no doubt that he's an Abbott, however, since he looks almost exactly like his Uncle Beely.  

Kyle also proves the point that you should always have more than one kid, just in case one turns out to be an actual, working anus.  Kyle is eminently qualified to work at Newman, though.  He'll fit right in so well they'll need to expand the executive washroom.

If only Lola would return for one episode and punch him in the nuts.  Anything to wipe that smirk off his face and make his bouffant collapse.  

It's the right thing to do, Jack.

An Allie mention?!  Could she be returning, possibly?  So much that could have been done with this character, though pretty much none of it was even tried.  Hopefully she's dumped Emo Noah by now and found herself a real boy.

Sharon's problem is staring Mariah and Tessa right in their faces.  Literally staring.  Cuz she can't blink.  Or speak.  Or move her head.  If they need more help, it rhymes with "Dotox overdose".  

ETA - Every time I hear Sharon mention her company, "Cassidy First", what comes immediately to mind is Hopalong Cassidy and his sidekick, Gabby Hayes.

Now that man could have used some botox.

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Sharon sitting on the couch totally spaced out. Right there with ya, Sharon. 😉

Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back, Diane. There were plenty of options other than firing Kyle. That solution only benefited you.

Sounded like Lucy wants to be a party girl. Meanwhile, Faith said she doesn't drink anymore. Faith better not get in a car with Daniel's daughter. Just sayin.' <RIP Cassie>

Kyle basically told Audra he sees the two of them as birds of a feather. He's trying way hard to convince himself he's not making a huge mistake by agreeing to be her co-CEO. Good luck with that, Bouffant Boy.

Oh hey, it's Chloe. 🙄

Audra, feel free to stop crowing about what you did to Tucker. Nobody is as impressed as you are.

Diane still doing a hard sell on Jack regarding her status at Jabot. Gotta make sure she keeps him firmly under her thumb, especially with Kyle out of the way.

At least Kyle had the sense to question Victor's motives. Meanwhile, Audra claimed her business acumen was widely known so of course Victor wanted her to help run Glissade. Yoda says, "The delusion is strong in this one."

I was amazed at how patient Faith was with Lucy. Especially after the way Lucy keeps bringing up dark moments in Faith's life. A less gracious person might've reminded Lucy about the sordid histories of her biological mommy and grandmommy.

Whoa, Summer did not like seeing Kyle with Audra. She reacted like she'd just stepped in a fresh mound of cow poop.

Summer all but laughed in Chloe's yammering face. Loved how she pointed out Chloe's try-hard, suck-up Marchetti outfit.

Another mention of Allie! It makes sense that Jabot would have Allie step into Ashley's position as lead chemist temporarily. Maybe the actress is being brought back.

Summer's outfit. Guess denim pantsuits are in style again. I didn't hate it though.

The way Sharon kept moving in and out of the present moment was weird. Smart of her to contact her doctor about her new bipolar medication.

AFAIC, Diane is vile. Kyle doesn't belong at his own family's company? I can't with Jack consigning Diane's relentless backstabbing of their son.

Re the previews: Chelsea & Adam comfort sex at the NoTell Hotel? Whee, messiness! Sorry, Sally and Billy.

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So, I'm watching the scene in the park with Sharon, Mariah, Tess and Aria, and it suddenly occurred to me that Aria wasn't there - not in the stroller, not in anyone's arms, not on the blanket spread out on the ground - did Sharon absent-mindedly leave her down by the duck pond and Mariah and Tess failed to notice that she was missing?

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58 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Re the previews: Chelsea & Adam comfort sex at the NoTell Hotel? Whee, messiness! Sorry, Sally and Billy

Yeah, but who is going to apologize to the viewer? That kiss in the previews was gross and awkward.

Jack should have fired both Diane and Kyle. It was hard to decide which one was more awful between Kyle’s smirking entitlement and Diane’s smug victory lap. I suppose the person who let their young son think she was dead wins the awfulness contest by default, but daaaaamn, Kyle needs his ego punctured. He thinks he’s the smartest, smoothest thing in shoe leather.

I did lol at Summer’s face after Audra blew her off. I hate myself.

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So sad that Diane who loves her son SO much was forced to fire him for correcting, pointing out her shortcomings, according to him. 

Her beloved son, conceived with stolen sperm from a business tycoon, [Ooops, wrong f'n' tycoon ] and abandoned as a child for many years until she needed a place to hide from her misdeeds. Her darling son, who earned  her a place in the Abbot family mansion until she could weasel her way back into his father's good graces. Her adored son, who gave up his " rightful " place in the Abbot business so his mother could have her dreams fulfilled. Diane's sweet child that she proceeded to screw over ASAP. 

Regular, or Philips head, ma'am ??

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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh please, Diane, your offer to "step down" was total horse-shit & you know it.  Actually, everyone knows it, even Jackie.  But congrats, Diane, cuz ya got him so whipped, ya might as well chain him up, put a ball-gag in his mouth & throw him in Vic's basement prison.

I'd love to see what Diane could do with a steaming plate of brussel sprouts.

"Kyle!  My darling sweetums, Mumsie has something special just for you and Daddy!"

I know it's a bit early for predictions, but I think it's going to be a very special Abbott Family Christmas this year.  Especially since the chestnut roasting seems to be starting early.  Allthough in Kyle's case I'd assume the chestnuts are replaced with garbanzo beans.

Edited by boes
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I was not watching when this Diane was on the first time.  Who did Maura West play when Victor tossed her out of an ambulance?  But....

I don't mind Diane. Her hair, clothes and makeup don't make my eyes bleed.  She presents as professional, classy.  (a lot due to the Wardrobe Dept.). So I am onboard with her letting the air out of her son and his hair.  I am tired of Jack and his wimpy-ness and - maybe just me - his practiced acting tics and sad-sack manner.  Right now, he is almost as bad as EB.😝  But I foolishly expect him to bounce back. I actually hope Diane does not have a hidden agenda and stays on as Jack's wife. Contrast to Nicki.    

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16 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Who did Maura West play when Victor tossed her out of an ambulance?  But....

She played Diane. It was after her soap got cancelled (ATWT). The backstage gossip at the time said at Y&R she was throwing her weight around like she was CBS royalty or something. Allegedly it ticked off several of the cast members, including some key vets, and EB used his influence with TPTB to get her fired. The ambulance scene was rumored to be deliberately symbolic of MW being tossed out of the show.

Whatever, I'm one of the viewers who has never and likely will never give Victor/EB a pass for that ambulance scene. I don't see such abusive behavior ever being justified, in real life or on TV.

Re Susan Walters, several actresses have played Diane and I don't see her portrayal as the best one.  However, right now I think her style and demeanor fit well with PB's. She does "married into old money" in a way that isn't annoying, I think.

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5 hours ago, Kemper said:

I am tired of Jack and his wimpy-ness and - maybe just me - his practiced acting tics and sad-sack manner.  Right now, he is almost as bad as EB.😝

Oh Kemp, you and me both. What's become of Jackie is just a crime against soaps. Come to think of it, perhaps the real Jack/PB is also being held in the same abandoned warehouse in Twentynine Palms, CA, suspended in a gelatinous gefilte fish-like substance, inside a rusty shipping container, next to Sharon Case.

ETA: I nearly vomited when I saw Chelsea trying to hoover Adam's face right off his head in next week's previews. Good lord, I don't know how much more of this schlock I can handle!

Edited by surfgirl
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