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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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4 hours ago, Calli Bear said:

Then I would build and decorate all new sets.

. . . and all new characters, the kind that people can relate to, two income families with children in the GC public schools - not off at some boarding school where they're being abused and molested by a demonic staff but their parents don't care, because it keeps them out of their hair so they can continue in their global cavorting - and mortgages to worry about, and teenagers who are trying to manage the terrors of modern adolescence, and older folks with adult children who are making every mistake in the book and turning to their parents for some advice on how to navigate through life - - you know, like the soaps used to be before they got caught up in all that 80s glitz.

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The only entertaining thing that has happened on this Soap for...how long?...is the reveal of Alan's twin. I don't mean the whole Ashley with different personalities. Yesterday I was actually engaged.  The entire hour was drawn out but I didn't mind.  As mentioned in above posts, the only wowser of true idiocy (compared to the usual idiocy) was Tracy going to make coffee in a house and kitchen she had never been in before. While her sister was being hypnotized. 

But going forward there is no way I want to watch continually recycled, stale or insulting plots.  Mostly...I want to see more of the cast involved in stories. And end Jordan. For good; no more coming back ala Sheila.  Same for Alan's twin. End the Chancellor/Winters never-ending saga.  Send Mamie back home.  And please start dialing Victor and his virility back. It is way overdue.

But the most egregious, ridiculous, insulting, unrealistic, depressing storyline right now is the Connor OCD.  I feel badly for anyone who has family (especially) or friends dealing with this. Who wants to see a plot of a child self-harming themselves.  I beg the powers-that-be to bring in a fresh writing staff. 

Sorry this has been way too long (I deleted two paragraphs) - but the rant has been coming for awhile.  I cannot not really do it as well as many on here.  But it has been bursting to come out. Like Chelsea's need to overshare. 

Edited by Kemper
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When this Alan/Martin stuff is settled, I'm gonna need Traci to issue a gigantic mea culpa to Ashley, Abby, and Jack for failing them so hard. It was "I'm always right," mother hen Traci who enabled Ashley's psychological scavenger hunt in Paris instead of getting her treatment back in the US for her mental break. AFAIC Ashley should have been committed for medical help weeks ago and Traci knew it better than anyone.

Furthermore, I expect Jack to do some self-evaluation over the way he let his hatred of Tucker override his good sense. Tucker had more than an inkling something was seriously wrong with Ash but haughty Jack would automatically dismiss his concerns.

Also, when Abby finds out (yeah, sure) about this whole DID disaster she better chew out her aunt and uncle for not telling her what was going on with her mommy. Imagine if Alan/Martin kills or critically injures Ashley over in Paris and Abby barely has an idea who he even is. It is ridiculous.

I don't see Billy as a part of this storyline except for his having said Ashley should be left to make her own decisions about her life. I'm not giving him a pass; I'm declaring him a non-entity on this matter.

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12 hours ago, boes said:

Pepe Le Pew.

Traci should come out of Alan's kitchen and say Ratatouille helped her make a charcuterie board.

12 hours ago, Calli Bear said:

The other day my sister said "Nate does not love Audra." I said "Yes, Nate loves Nate the most." 

I think Nate and Audra are platonic friends so I wouldn't expect him to be in love with her. At best it seems to me there might be sexual attraction between them but that could be due to the Tucker factor. They're both jealous IMO.

13 hours ago, surfgirl said:

We've seen this coming from weeks away

At least from earlier this week when Alan revealed he had a bad twin. Up until then I think it mostly just a weird vibe about Alan, which for me started with why Traci had to pay for his 1st-class flight to GC.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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17 hours ago, Calli Bear said:

We see roots that need touching up

Yeah, I was mystified by the roots thing until I started noticing several celebrity women with them. These were people who could well-afford not to be seen with their hair looking bad so I wondered if it was a momentary trend. Yep, per the googles it's a style called shadow roots or melted roots, and some hair salons are charging thousands of dollars to create the effect. Okay.

2 hours ago, Kemper said:

Who wants to see a plot of a child self-harming themselves

Or who wants to see a plot of said child's parents making his dire illness all about themselves? Speaking of which, why was Chelsea wheeling her luggage all over town yesterday? She took it up to Adam's condo when she followed him in, and then she rolled it into Crimson Lights while she sat talking to Billy. Couldn't she have left it in her car until she actually went home?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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14 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I nominate MollyB for the Y&R "VIEWER WHO FIGURED IT OUT FIRST" award.

Thanks, hon, but I think it should go to everyone here and  Stevie Wonder.


So, is there a twin or not?  Was the 'noise' in the other room just a ruse of psycho Alan or was Martin really there and clocked Alan and took over the session?  How freaking big is Alan's apartment that Tracy didn't come bustling in at the sound of raised voices?  How freaking long does it take to make coffee? (And wouldn't she have noticed Alan knocked out/tied up while she was back there?)  I expected her back, waving her pom-poms, to oversee the hypnosis.  Will Tucker manage to find the fair maiden in time to save her or don't they have Google maps in France?

Inquiring minds really don't give a rat's potato chip.

13 hours ago, boes said:

Does he take his decorating advice from the Kardashians?

The Kardashians can read?!


1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

why was Chelsea wheeling her luggage all over town yesterday?

Is it too much to hope she's leaving the show?

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A Brief Recap - I’m in Love Again

Martin has trussed up his brother like a Thanksgiving turkey in a matter of minutes. He seems like a pretty high functioning sociopath, right? Hold on to that thought.

Tucker shows up at Alan’s and finds Traci stubbornly, stupidly combative and secretive. Tucker is looking swank in his casual wear and meets Traci’s deflections with a delightful smirk. Traci inexplicably does not swoon, but I do.

As it turns out, Martin is kind of a dumbass. He’s dragged Ashley upstairs and struggles with the dead weight of his unconscious victim. She wakes up, Martin flips his lid, she screams, Alan finally frees himself and emerges from his closet prison as Tucker and Traci arrive. Martin shares his one wish, that he was an only child, and tries to make that happen. He goes splat! off the balcony. Alan lands on him.

No one will tell Tucker a fucking thing, so he goes back to his hotel to drink and scream.

Ashley can identify her alters and that one of them was hella determined to murder Tucker. Alan reveals that while Martin’s asshole behavior unleashed the alters, a childhood trauma created them. Excuse you? That kind of information could have been shared earlier.

OMFG is show going to let Traci have an honest to god boyfriend?

Ashley agrees to go to le clinique after an emotional conversation with Jack and his bathrobe.

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Traci made ZERO sense in the episode. She should have been in an absolute panic when she didn’t know where Ashley was, and instantly asked for Tucker to help find her.

 Instead she sits down and drinks coffee for twenty minutes, refusing to let him know there’s a problem? WTF?

I admit I had to rewind the show at the end to check out clothing because at first I was convinced Martin survived, but in fact they were wearing different shirts and it’s hard to imagine there would have been time to switch after the fall.

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35 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

I admit I had to rewind the show at the end to check out clothing because at first I was convinced Martin survived, but in fact they were wearing different shirts and it’s hard to imagine there would have been time to switch after the fall.

Poor Martin, I guess.

But on the plus side, Alan just doubled his wardrobe.

  • LOL 15
12 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I have no desire to watch a soap about the struggles of middle class families.

As an old-timer who can remember watching soaps when they were 15 minutes long and were accompanied by organ music, I guess I'm just the opposite - enough with the 80s glitz, faux lifestyles of the 1% and the storylines that strain credulity, middle class, working class, give me back characters I can relate to.

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I don’t go back to 15 min but I do remember 30. And then OLTL went to 45 min. I’m perfectly okay with middle class characters on a soap, I just don’t need to see them struggling to pay bills. Ryan’s Hope was amazing until it went off the rails. But what I really loved was it centering on a blue-collar immigrant working family.  No beautiful people in fancy clothes. Maeve and Johnny were great characters and played by such wonderful actors! And of course Kate Mulgrew’s career was launched on RH.

I will admit to having a HUGE crush on Malcom Groome (Pat). I met him at an industry event one time and honestly could barely get a word out of my mouth lol!

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I've still got an uneasy feeling about the Alan/Martin thing - could this storyline be an adaptation of Dead Ringers, the 1988 film directed by David Cronenberg that starred Jeremy Irons as identical twin gynecologists, Elliot and Beverly Mantle, who run a fertility clinic together - the hyper-confident Elliot makes a practice of seducing women who come to the clinic for fertility issues, and when he tires of them, he passes them off to the shy and passive Beverly while the women remain completely unaware of the switch - will it turn out that Alan and Martin shared a schizoaffective disorder that caused them to develop the delusion that they are one person with two personalities, one being Martin, who has an aggressive personality, and the other being Alan, who has a passive personality - A kind of Folie à Deux?

Also, in going over my recording of today's show, I noticed that while Alan was wearing a grey sweatshirt and Martin was wearing a blue button-down shirt, they were both wearing what looked like identical slacks, so my suspicious mind makes me wonder if it had been at all possible for Martin to have been the one who survived the fall and that he time to switch shirts with Alan before Ashley, Tucker and Staci could reach them.

In any case, I would strongly advise Ashley to not stay in France and allow herself to be bundled off to some clinic she's never heard of that Alan's associated with; there's plenty of institutions in the good ole USA (rah, rah, rah) that would be easier for her family to get to that she could check herself into - I'm just convinced that allowing herself to be under the control of Alan/Martin, whoever the hell he is - maybe he's the psycho triplet of Alan and Martin who bumped them both off and assumes the identity of whichever one is called for - is a recipe for disaster.

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@Js Nana  I'll see your "old-timer" and raise ya' an " antique ". Soaps were on radio for 15 minute segments. Then we got to see Berta and "Poppa " Bauer, mourn Bill Bauer's loss in a plane crash, and witness the very first came-back-from-the-dead story when he reappeared years later. Naughty, naughty Lisa with her multiple husbands, Dr. Bob and Dr John's forever rivalry...and still all the married couples slept in twin beds. Roger Thorpe was equally malign and sexy til the day he died.

Today's Soaps cover the same subjects, love/hate/jealousy/greed/WTD/ etc, and most of the actors are talented. The fault, my dear, is in the scripts. Writers who give a damn would really help.


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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

As an old-timer who can remember watching soaps when they were 15 minutes long and were accompanied by organ music, I guess I'm just the opposite - enough with the 80s glitz, faux lifestyles of the 1% and the storylines that strain credulity, middle class, working class, give me back characters I can relate to.

Particularly because the way they do the glitzy people is so lame and cringe, anyway. 


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Funny to see MO (Abby) in the opening credits today since Abby probably still has no clue what's going on with Ashley. She likely doesn't even know where Ashley is right now.

I loved the way Tucker blew Traci off when she asked how he knew where Alan lived. It was as if he were telling the audience, "Hush, you guys. Don't sweat the minor details."

Lol, why did Tucker take a whiff of the bottle of brandy sitting behind Alan's couch? That moment seemed ad-libbed to me.

Tucker was quite insightful about Alan's modus operandi wrt Ashley but unbeknownst to him he was describing Martin's behavior. Yet bossypants Traci continued to refuse to enlighten him.

Wonder if the actor playing Alan/Martin used to be in action movies? Or aspires to be? I thought he seemed pretty agile twisting himself out of those zip ties when Alan was left hogtied in the closet.

If Martin was dead why would they send for an ambulance?

Since Ashley was able to identify all the alters does that mean they're gone? I'm going to miss Belle.

I can't imagine what kind of childhood trauma Ashley suffered to cause DID but it better not have anything to do with John Abbott. Don't even go there, JG.

Re the previews: guess the next big storyline will be Victor vs Jack redux. Ehhh. No more doppelgängers, please.

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

I don’t go back to 15 min but I do remember 30. And then OLTL went to 45 min. I’m perfectly okay with middle class characters on a soap, I just don’t need to see them struggling to pay bills. Ryan’s Hope was amazing until it went off the rails. But what I really loved was it centering on a blue-collar immigrant working family.  No beautiful people in fancy clothes. Maeve and Johnny were great characters and played by such wonderful actors! And of course Kate Mulgrew’s career was launched on RH.

I will admit to having a HUGE crush on Malcom Groome (Pat). I met him at an industry event one time and honestly could barely get a word out of my mouth lol!

Perfect post, Sake614.  RH was one of the best written shows ever and what a cast!  Helen Gallagher as Maeve was a miracle to watch, as were so many of them.  

Till Delia got kidnapped by the gorilla.  RH managed to right itself eventually but I guess it was too late.  It sure was great while it lasted.

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9 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Re the previews: guess the next big storyline will be Victor vs Jack redux. Ehhh. No more doppelgängers, please

I was thinking Victor might send Jordan after Jack. Hopefully she stays in jail.

Soaps used to have a mix of rich and middle class. The Fosters on Y and R. The Reardons and Coopers on Guiding Light. The Snyders on As the World Turns. 

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28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

If Martin was dead why would they send for an ambulance?

Because although Alan landed on Martin, his shoulder was injured in the fall - although I'm still not sure which one of the two actually survived the fall, maybe it was Martin who landed on Alan and had time to change shirts with him before Ashley, Tucker and Traci arrived - and, even in France, ambulances are called to the scene of accidents that have resulted in death to carry the dead to the morgue, or the funeral parlor - when my mother passed away in the hospital, an ambulance took her body to the funeral home.

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10 hours ago, Kemper said:

Send Mamie back home.

My guess is that the folks back home send Mamie off to GC when they've had more than enough of her - it's a case of either she gets on a plane and flies off to they don't care where, or they're going to have to come up with some way to make her "unfortunate" demise look like natural causes.

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56 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

I was thinking Victor might send Jordan after Jack.

I would've thought that too before she was sent to a supermax prison. People generally don't leave those until they're dead. Some bigwig like Victor can't just pull someone out of a supermax so they can use them to commit more crimes. I think we've seen the last of Jordan unless Claire needs a kidney transplant or something and her aunt is the only match.

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5 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think we've seen the last of Jordan unless Claire needs a kidney transplant or something and her aunt is the only match.

Oy Joi! Jeez, don't give the MWTs any ideas!

Haven't watched today's episode but the descriptions of Alan landing on Martin's splat are making me laugh aloud! It's like this scene was brought to you by Abbott & Costello, or Wile E. Coyote & Road Runner, *mmmbeeepbeeep*

Edited by surfgirl
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2 hours ago, boes said:

Delia got kidnapped by the gorilla.

Say what now? That clearly was after I stopped watching lol! I never quite understood Seneca fooling around with (and I think marrying?) that underaged hooker. And didn’t Frank become evil at some point? I liked Gillian a lot but like everything and everyone else, she went off the rails too. 😝

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9 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Say what now? That clearly was after I stopped watching lol! I never quite understood Seneca fooling around with (and I think marrying?) that underaged hooker. And didn’t Frank become evil at some point? I liked Gillian a lot but like everything and everyone else, she went off the rails too. 😝

That happened after Ilene Kristen left the first time and Randall Edwards took the part.  She was very good but had a tough time of it replacing Ilene.  But yep, she got kidnapped by a gorilla who had a crush on her.  The Seneca stuff with the young girl who turned out to be Rae Woodard's daughter was unsavory, even back then.  It did get better in the last three years but by then it was too late.  The Ryan family for the most part were always watchable, no matter what, as was Gillian until she took off for Australia.

Now, back to regularly scheduled mocking.  Show would have been so much better if they'd used some sound effects when Alan landed on Martin.

Everytime Coyote got squashed, we heard it.  

Beep Beep!

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20 hours ago, Js Nana said:

older folks with adult children who are making every mistake in the book and turning to their parents for some advice on how to navigate through life - -

Actually, I think they have this one down pat. Unfortunately, the parents don't have any sense, either.

But I love that the characters are imperfect, immoral, mean, and idiotic. I'm not having these people over for dinner.  I want them to entertain me on my TV for an hour. 

I love when they do bad things, that we don't do in real life. I LOVED when Victor locked Jordan in the basement and spit and threw brussels sprouts at her. And I wish they would have Nate and Devon do something like that to a vicious enemy, too.  I loved the big fight today, especially when the two guys flew off the balcony and everybody ran out of the house. They should do things like that more often. Yes, I know, I'm probably some kind of ghoul.

I love Phyllis because she's a ding-a-ling and she wears that loud and proud.

I do like Nikki being proper and good now. I first saw the original Nikki when Paul was yelling at her "You got VD, Nikki!! You got VD and you gave it to me!!!" Then we got MTS (iconic Nikki) and she was stripping at the Bayou to "On Broadway" and Victor saw her, and they started the My Fair Lady thing. But I like when she behaves now because she has been through enough. Unpopular opinion, I love when Victor calls her baby.

I love when they sleep with people that they shouldn't be sleeping with.  I wish the characters would be more into it when they get their groove on. But not Danny and Cricket (or Skeeter, as my Dad used to call her). They are just gross now.

And I want all the loonies and knuckleheads to be looking good while they do all those bad things. Everybody looked pretty good today, and the set was nice. Hope they can keep that going on.


12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, I was mystified by the roots thing until I started noticing several celebrity women with them. These were people who could well-afford not to be seen with their hair looking bad so I wondered if it was a momentary trend. Yep, per the googles it's a style called shadow roots or melted roots, and some hair salons are charging thousands of dollars to create the effect. Okay.

Oh. Eww.

Speaking of good and bad characters, Tracy is nice and good, and she should stay that way. The show does need a voice of reason who is relatively normal and sane. I, too, hope she gets a love interest. A nice normal person like her.

Edited by Calli Bear
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So lemme get this shit straight. Martin and Alan fall over the balcony and fortuitously, Martin breaks Alan's fall. Talk about Dick va Dyle comedic timing! This is something put of a Tim Conway/Carol Burnett sketch! With Ashley playing the ditsy bombshell and Traci playing Mrs. HuWiggins.

Then all come back in the flat and while we hear sirens in the distance,there are no flashing lights (Josh you cheap bastard, yu couldn't put in some blue and red flashing lights to at least make it look like tbe gendarme were there?! It looks like they four of them waltz back into the flat keacing Martin splat on the co bluestone of gay Paris! 🤣

Traci is an idiot, that's all I got on her right now. 

I laughed when Traci is going on about poor Alan and Ash pipes up, "Uhh, my memories, uhh Im.kind of putting the pieces together..." it was like her thought bubble said, 'HEY FUCKWITS , WE'RE HERE FOR ME NOT YOU, HELLO?!?" I just cracked up!

Ashley says one of her alters wanted to kill Tucker and all Traci and Alan dismissed stare at her like they're in an SNL The Californians skit, wtaf?!?

Loved Tucker pouring out a classy Crown Royal swig, Mister Suave, guy of luxe living right there.

6 minutes ago, Calli Bear said:

I love Phyllis

Okay Missy, now you've gone too far! We're gonna have to call in the deprogramming squad, STAT! 

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Soooo, that's it?  As my little league coach used to say to us, that was a long slide for an out.  

Are we supposed to assume that Martin raped Ashley?  Why were they being so circumspect and vague about whatever the trauma was?  

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Ashley's continued therapy at the clinic will take place off-screen and we'll hear about it later, like Conor's therapy and, well, everything else that happens on this show.

And I'm also going to guess that this disorder was sparked not in childhood, but probably the day she fell under Victor's thrall.

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So is Martin dead, eh?  Nope, don't believe it for a sec.  I've seen those Bette Davis twins movies too many times.  And Alan (or Martin?) gave us a hint by saying he and Martin often impersonated each other & got away with it.  OK, he may have had Alan's gentle persona, but he was way too insistent Ashley get therapy in France.

Sheesh, they bring back Sheila endlessly; they'll surely bring back Jordie . . . and now Martin too?  You betcha.

Really hate how show didn't even make an attempt to have some actual French cultural reference or even some interaction with people who speak French or at least have some kind of accent (no matter how phony).  To me, it all looks so fake, they could be at the Paris Hotel in Vegas.

Sorry, can't get onboard with the Phyllis love.  Yech.  In fact, blech to both Phyllis & Michelle Stafford.  Will the Emmy win mean more screen time for her?  Ugh, hope not.

Well, this is the most action show has given us in a long time, right?  Feel like all the show does is have peeps sittin' around blabbing to each other in restaurants, coffee shops, bars, living rooms, hotel rooms, offices or parks.  Oh yeah, and then there's Chelsea crying her ass off whenever she's on.  Feh.

Kinda surprised & vastly unimpressed with Tuck.  Thought he would save the day, but he really didn't do much.  Alan did way more (physically) & he's the one with a gut, while Tuck is slim & fit.  Yeah, Tuck is still a loser to me.  Hit a bit of a snag with Audra, did ya, Tuck?  Uh-huh . . .

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So is Martin dead, eh?  Nope, don't believe it for a sec.  I've seen those Bette Davis twins movies too many times.  And Alan (or Martin?) gave us a hint by saying he and Martin often impersonated each other & got away with it.  OK, he may have had Alan's gentle persona, but he was way too insistent Ashley get therapy in France.

Sheesh, they bring back Sheila endlessly; they'll surely bring back Jordie . . . and now Martin too?  You betcha.

Really hate how show didn't even make an attempt to have some actual French cultural reference or even some interaction with people who speak French or at least have some kind of accent (no matter how phony).  To me, it all looks so fake, they could be at the Paris Hotel in Vegas.

Sorry, can't get onboard with the Phyllis love.  Yech.  In fact, blech to both Phyllis & Michelle Stafford.  Will the Emmy win mean more screen time for her?  Ugh, hope not.


Holy shitballs Scoobs, I didn't even allow myself to think that alive Allan is really Dead Martin. Ugh, I hate those kind of story lines, they're so thin, like a cheap paper suit. I hope you're wrong.

Agree how they sanitized Paris, there was no Paris in Paris. I laughed at the doorknob  and lock were très Americane. And the French doors that Alartin/Marlan fell through were not very French. If you're going to sell the show as being in Paris, at least try a bit more ya know?!? Nothing in Alan's home was French,.ore like a nice pad in GC.

Edited by surfgirl
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2 hours ago, Calli Bear said:

I loved the big fight today

I thought they did a really good editing job with the bringing the twin brothers together scene, there was really only one time that I thought I spied an acting double filling in for one of the brothers - I think it was Martin in the fight scene when he had his back to the camera.

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Some very noticeable plot holes:

Traci asked how Tuck knew Alan's address.  Good question that he never answered.  Clearly, it's Alan's home & not an office, so the address may not be easily avail.  Strange that an explanation was never provided by Tuck or sought from Traci.

So Traci comes out with the coffee and sees Ashley & Alan are gone.  Then Tuck is at the door & pushes his way in.  And she starts the inane convo with him, but then seems to completely forget that Ashley & Alan have vanished.  And she seems to have no interest or curiosity as to where they are or what they're doing -- after she's been mother-hen over them all night.  Uh, what the what?

Trying to think of what could be next.  Alan is really Alan, & Ashley goes to a "clinic" & is cured in a week -- just like Nikki & her instant rehab?  And Tuck fends off Audra's silly nonsense with Glissade & gets back with Ashley?  Um, none of this feels right -- at all.  I have no idea what's next, but I'm as suspicious of Alan as I am of sweetie-pie Claire.



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1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Y’all can love Phyllis all you want, but no one will ever love Phyllis the way Phyllis loves Phyllis. 


I can never see an octopus in a bed, watch someone come back from the dead, roll a body in a rug or hear "Muskrat Love" without thinking of Phyllis.


Or see carrion birds flap their wings, either.

That darn Phyllis!

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11 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

And she seems to have no interest or curiosity as to where they are or what they're doing

To be fair, she didn't know it was the Evil Twin.  She had complete confidence that Alan knew what to do so I can see her sitting there waiting on them to return.  This is the part of the character* that I dislike, that she sees everyone as a good person (or at least their good side, as in Tuck) and defends/agrees with them without actually finding out whether it's true.  Also, her encouragement can be detrimental, as in telling Ash to work it out at home instead of a clinic.  Repeatedly telling Ash that she is strong does not make it so.

*(I do love the actress.)

11 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Traci asked how Tuck knew Alan's address.  Good question that he never answered. 

I would think Tucker had a complete dossier made up on Alan from the first time Assley mentioned him.  Guess it didn't include the Evil Twin.


23 minutes ago, boes said:

That darn Phyllis!

Can't stand her acting or the character, either.  What did she do to win the award?  Because skirting her Community Service, staying out of jail for murder, fucking her kids over, and sliming all over a grandpa rock star is not my idea of Emmy winning akting.  

Edited by MollyB
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25 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

Word Ninj! I too hope Alive Alan is really NOT Dead Martin but rather, is actually Alive Alan. And I hope Alan and Traci get together because AFAIK, Traci hasnt had any D in since Brad. She has that weird tete a tete with Cane, but it never turned into anything.

Remember, she married Steve Connolly?  He was her publisher, I think.  They lived in NYC until Traci returned sorta/kinda full time about 10 years ago. She and Steve were divorced and I don't think we saw him again after Colleen's death.   (I'm STILL mad about Show killing Colleen).

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40 minutes ago, boes said:

Remember, she married Steve Connolly?  He was her publisher, I think.  They lived in NYC until Traci returned sorta/kinda full time about 10 years ago. She and Steve were divorced and I don't think we saw him again after Colleen's death.   (I'm STILL mad about Show killing Colleen).

And I'm still mad about Show giving her heart to that piece of shit Grampire.

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